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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 51, issue 4, 1957

Intensity, Visibility, Direction and Scope* pp. 933-942 Downloads
E. E. Schattschneider
The Place of Parties in the Study of Politics* pp. 943-954 Downloads
Avery Leiserson
Senate Rules and the Civil Rights Bill: A Case Study pp. 955-975 Downloads
Howard E. Shuman
Alcohol and Politics in France* pp. 976-994 Downloads
Bernard E. Brown
Mexico's One-Party System: A Re-evaluation pp. 995-1008 Downloads
L. Vincent Padgett
Liberal Democracy and Social Control* pp. 1009-1026 Downloads
Andrew Hacker
Hacker's Liberal Democracy and Social Control: A Critique pp. 1027-1039 Downloads
Samuel Dubois Cook
A Postscript to Professor Dahl's “Preface”1 pp. 1040-1052 Downloads
Douglas N. Morgan
A Rejoinder pp. 1053-1061 Downloads
Robert A. Dahl
[no title] pp. 1062-1062 Downloads
Louis M. Hacker
[no title] pp. 1063-1064 Downloads
Samuel P. Huntington
Soldiers and Scholars: Military Education and National Policy. By John W. Masland and Laurance I. Radway. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1957. Pp. xx, 530. $7.50.) - The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations. By Samuel P. Huntington. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1957. Pp. xiii, 534. $7.50.) pp. 1091-1094 Downloads
Roger Hilsman
Colonial Policy and Practice: A Comparative Study of Burma and Netherlands India. By J. S. Furnivall. (New York: New York University Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 568. $7.50.) - Guerrilla Communism in Malaya: Its Social and Political Meaning. By Lucian W. Pye. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1956. Pp. xvi, 369. $6.00.) - Indonesian Society in Transition: A Study of Social Change. By W. F. Wertheim. (The Hague, Bandung: W. Van Hoeve, Ltd.; New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. xiv, 360. $5.00.) - Nationalism and Progress in Free Asia. Edited by Philip W. Thayer with the assistance of William T. Phillips. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1956. Pp. xvi, 394. $5.75.) - Conflict in Indo-China and International Repercussions: A Documentary History, 1945–55. Edited by Allan B. Cole with the assistance of Peter W. Lande, Dennis H. Kux, W. Bryce Harland, and Larry H. Wendell. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1956. Pp. xxix, 265. $5.00.) pp. 1094-1099 Downloads
George McT. Kahin
Moscow and the Communist Party of India: A Study in the Postwar Evolution of International Communist Stategy. By John H. Kautsky. (Cambridge, Mass.: The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1956. Pp. xii, 220, $6.00.) pp. 1099-1101 Downloads
Millidge P. Walker
Order and History. Vol. I, Israel and Revelation. By Eric Voegelin. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1956. Pp. xxv, 533. $7.50.) pp. 1101-1103 Downloads
Moshe Greenberg
Philosophy, Politics and Society. Edited By Peter Laslett. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. xv, 184. $3.00.) pp. 1103-1104 Downloads
Herbert A. Deane
Rousseau—Totalitarian or Liberal? By John W. Chapman. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 154. $3.25.) pp. 1104-1107 Downloads
Frederick M. Watkins
Government under Law: A Conference Held at Harvard Law School on the Occasion of the Bi-centennial of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, 1801–1835. Edited by Arthur E. Sutherland. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. xi. 587. $7.50.) pp. 1107-1109 Downloads
J. A. C. Grant
Judicial Review in the English-Speaking World. By Edward McWhinney. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 201. $8.50.) pp. 1110-1111 Downloads
William Anderson
Four-Power Control in Germany and Austria, 1945–1946. I. Germany. By Michael Balfour. II. Austria. By John Mair. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. ix, 390. $7.70.) pp. 1111-1113 Downloads
James K. Pollock
La querelle de la C.E.D.: essais d'analyse sociologique. By Jacques Fauvet, Alfred Grosser, Stanley Hoffman, J. J. Marchand, Jean Stoetzel, Jacques Vernant. Edited by Raymond Aron and Daniel Lerner. (Paris: Libraire Armand Colin. 1956. Pp. xvi, 216.) pp. 1113-1114 Downloads
Karl W. Deutsch
Khrushchev and Stalin's Ghost: Text, Background, and Meaning of Khrushchev's Secret Report to the Twentieth Congress on the Night of February 24–25, 1956. By Bertram D. Wolfe. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. 322. $3.95.) pp. 1114-1116 Downloads
John S. Reshetar
Albania. Edited by Stavro Skendi with the assistance of Mehmet Beqiraj, George Bossy, Fred Pisky, and Qemal Vokopola. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. xiv, 389. $7.50.) pp. 1116-1117 Downloads
Joseph Strmecki
Transnational Law. By Philip C. Jessup. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1956. Pp. 113. $3.00.) - Morals, Law, and Power in International Relations. By Percy E. Corbett. (Los Angeles: The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation. 1956. Pp. 51. $1.50.) pp. 1117-1119 Downloads
Inis L. Claude
The Representation of the United States Abroad. (New York: The American Assembly, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. 1956. Pp. 217. $1.00.) pp. 1119-1120 Downloads
Elton Atwater
Der Stand der Menschenrechte im Völkerrecht. By Heinz Guradze. (Göttingen: Verlag Otto Schwartz. 1956. Pp. xiv, 236.) pp. 1120-1122 Downloads
Leo Gross
Wilson: The New Freedom. By Arthur S. Link. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1956. Pp. ix, 504. $7.50.) - Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House: A Personality Study. By Alexander L. George and Juliette L. George. (New York: The John Day Company. 1956. Pp. xvii, 362. $6.00.) pp. 1122-1124 Downloads
J. B. Shannon
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations. By William Anderson, assisted by Waite D. DurfeeJr. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 131. $3.00.) pp. 1125-1126 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
TVA: The First Twenty Years. Edited by Roscoe Martin. (University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press; Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. 1956. Pp. xiii, 282. $4.50.) pp. 1125-1125 Downloads
Emmette S. Redford
Opponents of War, 1917–1918. By H. C. Peterson and Gilbert C. Fite. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1957. Pp. xiii, 399. $6.00.) pp. 1126-1127 Downloads
Mulford Q. Sibley
Citadel: The Story of the U. S. Senate. By William S. White. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xi, 274. $3.75.) pp. 1127-1128 Downloads
Kenneth Kofmehl
The Politics of Distribution. By Joseph Cornwall PalamountainJr., (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1955. Pp. 270. $4.75.) pp. 1128-1129 Downloads
Hugh M. Hall
Service and Procedure in Bureaucracy: A Case Study. By Roy G. Francis and Robert C. Stone. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1956. Pp. vi, 201. $4.00.) pp. 1129-1130 Downloads
Herman M. Somers
A Citizen Looks at Congress. By Dean Acheson. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1957. Pp. 124. $2.50.) pp. 1129-1129 Downloads
George Goodwin
Essays in Constitutional Law. Edited by Robert G. McCloskey. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1957. Pp. 429. $4.75.) pp. 1130-1131 Downloads
Public Works and Employment: From the Local Government Point of View. By Eugene C. McKean and Harold C. Taylor. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1955. Pp. xiii, 274.) - Unemployment and Relief: From the Local Government Point of View. By Samuel V. Bennett. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1955. Pp. xiv, 273.) pp. 1130-1130 Downloads
Clara Penniman
The Creative Role of the Supreme Court of the United States. By R. Ramaswamy. (London: Oxford University Press; Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1956. Pp. xiii, 138. $3.00.) pp. 1131-1131 Downloads
Extraterritorial Powers of Municipalities in the United States. By Russel Webber Maddox. (Corvallis: Oregon State College Press. 1955. Pp. 114. $1.00.) pp. 1131-1131 Downloads
The Metropolitan Transportation Problem. By Wilfred Owen. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1956. Pp. x, 301. $4.50.) pp. 1131-1131 Downloads
Old Bullion Benton: Senator from the New West. By William Nisbet Chambers. (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company. 1956. Pp. xv, 517. $6.00.) pp. 1131-1131 Downloads
The National Civic Federation and the American Labor Movement, 1900–1925. By Marguerite Green. (Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 537. $5.50.) pp. 1131-1132 Downloads
Bibliography of New Guides and Aides to Public Documents Use, 1953–1956. Compiled by Jerome K. Wilcox. (New York: Special Libraries Association. 1957. Pp. 16. SLA Bibliography no. 2. $1.50.) pp. 1132-1132 Downloads
The Founding of the French Socialist Party (1893–1905). By Aaron Noland. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 233. $4.50.) pp. 1139-1140 Downloads
Henry W. Ehrmann
Italy and the Allies. By Norman Kogan. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 246. $4.25.) pp. 1140-1141 Downloads
Manfred C. Vernon
Wähler und Gewählte: Eine Untersuchung der Bundestagswahlen 1953. By Wolfgang Hirsch-Weber and Klaus Schütz. (Berlin: Verlag Franz Vahlen. 1957. Pp. xxii, 462.) pp. 1140-1140 Downloads
James K. Pollock
Tito: Moscow's Trojan Horse. By Slobodan M. Drashkovich. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1957. Pp. xiv, 357. $5.00.) pp. 1141-1142 Downloads
Alex N. Dragnich
Documents on Communism, Nationalism, and Soviet Advisers in China, 1918–1927: Papers Seized in the 1927 Peking Raid. Edited by C. Martin Wilbur and Julie Lien-ying How. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. xviii, 617. $8.75.) - Communist China Today: Domestic and Foreign Policies. By Peter S. H. Tang. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1957. Pp. xvi, 536. $10.00.) pp. 1142-1143 Downloads
Harold M. Vinacke
The Soviet System of Government. By John N. Hazard. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1957. Pp. xi, 256. $4.00.) pp. 1142-1142 Downloads
J. H. Meisel
Burma in the Family of Nations. By Maung Maung. (Amsterdam: Djambatan, Ltd.; New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. xi, 236. $4.50.) pp. 1143-1144 Downloads
Amry Vandenbosch
Reports on the Indian General Elections, 1951–52. Edited by S. V. Kogekar and Richard L. Park. (Bombay: Popular Book Depot; New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. xvii, 322. Rs. 12/8.) - The Indian Experience with Democratic Elections. By Margaret W. Fisher and Joan V. Bondurant. (Berkeley: University of California, Indian Press Digests. 1956. Pp. 200.) pp. 1144-1145 Downloads
Werner Levi
Essays on the Constitution of Pakistan: Including the Draft and Final Constitutions of Pakistan with Comments. By K. J. Newman. (Dacca: Pakistan Co-operative Book Society, Ltd.1956. Pp. lvi, 395. Rs. 12/8/0.) - Constitutional Problems in Pakistan. By SirIvor Jennings. (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1957. Pp. xvi, 378. $7.50.) pp. 1145-1146 Downloads
Norman D. Palmer
Constitutions of Nations. By Amos J. Peaslee. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff; New York: Justice House. 2nd ed., 1956. 3 vols. Pp. xxvii, 896; xii, 881; xii, 919. $22.50.) pp. 1146-1146 Downloads
The Approach to Self-Government. By SirIvor Jennings. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 204. $3.00.) pp. 1146-1147 Downloads
Australian Colonial Policy: A Survey of Native Administration and European Development in Papua. By J. D. Legge. (Sydney, London, Melbourne, Wellington: Angus and Robertson; New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. ix, 245. $3.50.) pp. 1147-1148 Downloads
British Constitutional History since 1832. By Robert Livingston Schuyler and Corinne Comstock Weston. (Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company. Pp. 191. $1.25.) pp. 1147-1147 Downloads
British Broadcasting: Radio and Television in the United Kingdom. By Burton Paulu. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 457, $6.00.) pp. 1147-1147 Downloads
Local Government in New Zealand. Edited by R. J. Polaschek. (Wellington: New Zealand Institute of Public Administration; London: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. 122. 16s.) pp. 1147-1147 Downloads
The Ministry of Works. By SirHarold Emmerson. (London: Allen and Unwin; New York: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. 171. 15s.) pp. 1147-1147 Downloads
Nationalism and Liberty: The Swiss Example. By Hans Kohn. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 133. $3.25.) pp. 1148-1148 Downloads
Los Prindpios de la Nueva Ley de Expropiacion Forzosa: Potestad Expropiatoria—Garantia Patrimonial Responsabiliadad Civil de la Administracion. By Eduardo Garcia De Enterria. (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Politicos. 1956. Pp. 321. 125 Pesetas.) pp. 1148-1148 Downloads
The East German Rising, 17th June 1953. By Stefan Brant. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1957. Pp. 202. $3.95.) pp. 1148-1148 Downloads
Current Soviet Policies. Volume II, The Documentary Record of the 20th Communist Party Congress and Its Aftermath. Edited By Leo Gruliow. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1957. Pp. 247. $6.00.) pp. 1148-1148 Downloads
National Communism and Popular Revolt in Eastern Europe: A Selection of Documents on Events in Poland and Hungary, February-November, 1956. Edited by Paul E. Zinner. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. xx, 563.) pp. 1148-1149 Downloads
Belorussia: The Making of a Nation. By Nicholas P. Vakar. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 297. $6.50.) pp. 1149-1149 Downloads
The Anatomy of Terror: Khrushchev's Revelations about Stalin's Regime. Introduction by Nathaniel Weyl. (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press. 1956. Pp. 73. $1.00.) pp. 1149-1149 Downloads
Heritage of the Desert: The Arabs and the Middle East. By Harry B. Ellis. (New York: The Ronald Press Company. 1956. Pp. vii, 311. $5.00.) pp. 1149-1149 Downloads
Selected Works. Volume IV, 1941℃1945. By Mao Tse-Tung. (New York: International Publishers. 1956. Pp. 348. $3.00.) pp. 1149-1149 Downloads
The National Status of the Chinese in Indonesia. By Donald E. Willmott. (Ithaca: Cornell University, Department of Far Eastern Studies. 1956. Pp. vi, 88.) pp. 1149-1149 Downloads
Living Conditions of Plantation Workers and Peasants on Java in 1939–1940. Final Report of the Coolie Budget Commission. Translated by Robert Van Niel. (Ithaca: Cornell University, Department of Far Eastern Studies. 1956. Pp. 131. $1.50.) pp. 1149-1150 Downloads
De Staatkundige Ontwikkeling der Nederlandse Antillen. By Annemarie Kasteel. ('sGravenhage: W. van Hoeve. 1956. Pp. xi, 361. Fl. 14.75.) pp. 1150-1150 Downloads
Constitutional Developments in India. By Charles Henry Alexandrowicz. (Bombay: Oxford University Press. 1957. Pp. 255. Rs. 12.) pp. 1150-1150 Downloads
Development for Free Asia. By Maurice Zinkin. (Fair Lawn, N. J.: Essential Books. 1956. Pp. viii, 263. $4.50.) pp. 1150-1150 Downloads
The Yearbook of World Affairs, 1956. Edited by George W. Keeton, Georg Schwarzenberger, and L. C. Green. (London: Stevens and Sons. 1956. Pp. xii, 420. 42 s.) pp. 1154-1155 Downloads
George A. Lanyi
The Second International, 1889–1914. By James Joll (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. 213. $3.50.) pp. 1155-1156 Downloads
John H. Kautsky
Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power. By Howard K. Beale. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1956. Pp. xxi, 600. $6.00.) pp. 1156-1157 Downloads
Robert E. Osgood
The United States in World Affairs, 1956. By Richard P. Stebbins. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1957. Pp. xii, 426. $6.00.) pp. 1157-1157 Downloads
Inter-American Juridical Yearbook, 1952–1954. (Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. 1955. Pp. vii, 357. $3.00.) pp. 1157-1157 Downloads
Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy: Anglo-American Collaboration in the Reconstruction of Multilateral Trade. By Richard N. Gardner. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1956. Pp. xxii, 423.) pp. 1157-1158 Downloads
Russia and America: Dangers and Prospects. By Henry L. Roberts. (New York: Mentor Books. 1956. Pp. xxix, 251. $.50.) pp. 1158-1158 Downloads
International Communication and Political Opinion. By Bruce Lannes Smith and Chitra M. Smith. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1956. Pp. 325. $6.00.) pp. 1158-1158 Downloads
Jugoslavia and the Soviet Union, 1948–1956: An Analysis with Documents. By R. Barry Farrell. (Hamden, Conn.: The Shoe String Press. 1956. Pp. 220. $5.00.) pp. 1158-1158 Downloads
The Suez Canal: A Selection of Documents Relating to the International Status of the Suez Canal and the Position of the Suez Canal Company, November 30, 1854,-July 26, 1956. (London: Stevens and Sons; New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. vi, 76, $2.50.) pp. 1158-1158 Downloads
Foreign Trade and Industrial Development of China: An Historical and Integrated Analysi through 1948. By Yu-Kwei Cheng. (Washington, D. C.: The University Press of Washington, D. C.1956. Pp. xi, 278. $7.00.) pp. 1159-1159 Downloads
The Indian Year Book of International Affairs, 1955. Vol. IV. (Madras: University of Madras. 1955. Pp. viii, 429, Rs. 10.) pp. 1159-1159 Downloads
The Meaning of Bandung. By Carlos P. Romulo. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 102. $2.50.) pp. 1159-1159 Downloads
Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1938. Volume V. By Department of State. (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office. 1956. Pp. v, 995. $4.25.) pp. 1159-1159 Downloads
Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1939. Volume II, General—The British Commonwealth and Europe. By Department of State. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 1956. Pp. vii, 911. $4.00.) pp. 1159-1160 Downloads
Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1941. Volume IV, The Far East. By Department of State. (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office. 1956. Pp. 1044. $4.50.) pp. 1160-1160 Downloads
Brest-Litovsk: The Forgotten Peace, March 1918. By John W. Wheeler-Bennett. (London: Macmillan and Company; New York: St. Martin's Press. 1956. Pp. xx, 478. $8.00.) pp. 1160-1160 Downloads
World Politics in Transition. By Lennox A. Mills and Charles H. McLaughlin. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1956. Pp. x, 757. $6.50.) pp. 1160-1160 Downloads
Against the Tyrant: the Tradition and Theory of Tyrannicide. By Oscar Jászi and John D. Lewis. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press and The Falcon's Wing Press. 1957. Pp. xii, 288. $5.00.) pp. 1167-1168 Downloads
Frederick M. Watkins
The Moral Basis of Burke's Political Thought. By Charles Parkin. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 145. $2.50.) pp. 1168-1169 Downloads
Raymond English
Loyalty in America. By John H. Schaar. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1957. Pp. vii, 217. $3.50.) pp. 1168-1168 Downloads
David Spitz
Some Potentialities of Experimental Jurisprudence as a New Branch of Social Science. By Frederick K. Beutel. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1957. Pp. xvi, 440. $6.00.) pp. 1169-1170 Downloads
Francis R. Aumann
The Values of Veblen: A Critical Appraisal. By Bernard Rosenberg. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 127. $2.50.) pp. 1170-1170 Downloads
William H. Brubeck
Politics and the Novel. By Irving Howe. (New York: Horizon Press. 1957. Pp. 251. $3.50.) pp. 1170-1171 Downloads
James F. Davidson
The Bisocial Nature of Man. By Ashley Montagu. (New York: Grove Press. 1956. Pp. 123. $1.00.) pp. 1171-1171 Downloads
Understanding Minority Groups. Edited by Joseph B. Gittler. (New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1956. Pp. xii, 139. $3.25.) pp. 1171-1172 Downloads
An Essay on the Impact of Marxism. By Joseph Macek. (Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press. 1955. Pp. x, 147. $5.00.) pp. 1172-1172 Downloads

Volume 51, issue 3, 1957

The Representation of Interests in British Government: Historical Background pp. 613-650 Downloads
Samuel H. Beer
Prolegomena to the Comparative Study of Middle East Governments pp. 651-668 Downloads
Leonard Binder
Parliamentary Control of Nationalized Industry in France pp. 669-683 Downloads
Edward G. Lewis
Balance of Power, Bipolarity and other Models of International Systems1 pp. 684-695 Downloads
Morton A. Kaplan
The Democratic Digest: A Content Analysis1 pp. 696-703 Downloads
Roger H. Marz
Negro Registration in Louisiana pp. 704-713 Downloads
John H. Fenton and Kenneth N. Vines
The Dilemmas of Freedom1 pp. 714-723 Downloads
Hans J. Morgenthau
Comment on Morgenthau's “Dilemmas of Freedom” pp. 724-733 Downloads
Howard B. White
Political Science and Political Theory* pp. 734-746 Downloads
David G. Smith
Theory and the Study of Politics pp. 747-762 Downloads
David E. Apter
Comment on Smith and Apter: or, Whatever Happened to the Great Issues? pp. 763-775 Downloads
Arnold A. Rogow
Municipal Government: No Lost World pp. 776-783 Downloads
William Anderson
A Reply to William Anderson pp. 783-784 Downloads
Lawrence J. R. Herson
Huntington on Conservatism: A Comment pp. 784-787 Downloads
Murray N. Rothbard
Latin America in the United Nations. By John A. Houston. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1956. Pp. 345. $2.75.) - Denmark and the United Nations. By Max Sorenson and Niels J. Haagerup. (Prepared for Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. New York: Manhattan Publishing Company. 1956. Pp. xi, 154. $3.00.) - Sweden and the United Nations. Report by a Special Study Group of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. (New York: Manhattan Publishing Company. 1956. Pp. x, 315. $3.00.) - La Suisse et les Nations Unies. By Jacqueline Belin. (Prepared for Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. New York: Manhattan Publishing Company. 1956. Pp. 139. $3.00.) pp. 827-830 Downloads
Walter R. Sharp
The Unadjusted Man: A New Hero for Americans. By Peter Viereck. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1956. Pp. ix, 339. $5.00.) - Beyond the Dreams of Avarice. By Russell Kirk. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1956. Pp. x, 339. $4.50.) pp. 830-832 Downloads
Norman Jacobson
Law and the Conditions of Freedom in the Nineteenth Century United States. By James Willard Hurst. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1956. Pp. ix, 139. $2.50.) pp. 832-833 Downloads
Arthur E. Sutherland
The Legacy of Holmes and Brandeis: A Study in the Influence of Ideas. By Samuel J. Konefsky. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. ix, 316. $6.00.) - Mr. Justice. Edited by Allison Dunham and Philip B. Kurland. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1956. Pp. xi, 241. $3.75.) pp. 833-835 Downloads
Lawrence J. R. Herson
Political Theory. By G. C. Field. (New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc.1957. Pp. xvii, 297. $3.50.) pp. 835-836 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
Les élections du 2 janvier 1956. Edited by Maurice Duverger, François Goguel, and Jean Touchard. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1957. Pp. xvi, 504.) pp. 836-837 Downloads
Charles A. Micaud
The Fate of East Central Europe: Hopes and Failures of American Foreign Policy. Edited by Stephen D. Kertesz. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 463, $6.25.) pp. 837-838 Downloads
Andrew Gyorgy
Japanese Politics: An Introductory Survey. By Nobutaka Ike. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.1957. Pp. xiv, 300. $4.00 text; $5.50 trade.) - Japanese Society and Politics: The Impact of Social Stratification and Mobility on Politics. By Allan B. Cole. (Boston: Boston University Bookstore. 1956. Pp. 158. $1.50.) pp. 838-840 Downloads
John E. Turner
Moscow-Peking Axis: Strengths and Strains. By Howard L. Boorman, Alexander Eckstein, Philip E. Mosely, and Benjamin Schwartz. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1957. Pp. xii, 227. $2.75.) - China and Soviet Russia. By Henry Wei. (Princeton, Toronto, New York, London: D. Van Nostrand and Company, Inc.1956. Pp. xvi, 379. $7.75.) pp. 840-842 Downloads
H. Arthur Steiner
Special District Governments in the United States. By John C. Bollens. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1957. Pp. xiv, 280. $4.50.) pp. 842-843 Downloads
Lee S. Greene
Civil Service or Bureaucracy? By E. N. Gladden. (New York: John de Graff, Inc.1957. Pp. xiii, 224. $4.00.) pp. 843-844 Downloads
Leslie Lipson
Studies of Overseas Supply. History of the Second World War (Civil Series). By H. Duncan Hall and C. C. Wrigley. (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Longmans, Green and Company; New York: British Information Services. 1956. Pp. xi, 537. $6.75.) - The Combined Food Board: A Study in Wartime International Planning. By Eric Roll. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1956. Pp. xiii, 385. $7.50.) pp. 844-847 Downloads
S. McKee Rosen
The Administration of War Production. History of the Second World War (Civil Series). By J. D. Scott and Richard Hughes. (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office and Longmans, Green and Company; New York: British Information Services. 1956. Pp. xii, 544. $6.75.) pp. 847-849 Downloads
Nathan D. Grundstein
American Defense and National Security. By Timothy W. Stanley, with a Foreword by Robert Cutler. (Public Affairs Press, Washington, 1956. Pp. 202. $3.25.) pp. 849-850 Downloads
Edward L. Katzenbach
The Council of Europe: Its Structure, Functions, and Achievements. By A. H. Robertson. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1957. Pp. xiii, 252. $7.75.) pp. 850-851 Downloads
Gerard J. Mangone
The Agricultural Commodity Programs: Two Decades of Experience. By Murray R. Benedict and Oscar C. Stine. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1956. Pp. xliii, 510. $5.00.) pp. 852-853 Downloads
Leon O. Wolcott
Second Consul: The Vice Presidency: Our Greatest Political Problem. By Edward Wiggins Waugh. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1956. Pp. 224. $3.75.) pp. 852-852 Downloads
Louis W. Koenig
The Liberties of an American: The Supreme Court Speaks. By Leo Pfeffer. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1956. Pp. xi, 309. $5.00.) pp. 853-854 Downloads
Who's Behind Our Farm Policy? By Wesley McCune. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1957. Pp. vi, 374. $3.50 cloth, $1.50 paper.) pp. 853-853 Downloads
Donald C. Blaisdell
Checklist of hearings before Congressional committees through the Sixty-Seventh Congress. Part IV: House Committee on the District of Columbia through House Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions. Compiled by Harold O. Thomen. (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. 1957. Pp. vii, 122. $1.) pp. 854-854 Downloads
Tulane Studies in Political Science, Volume II. The New Orleans Voter: A Handbook of Political Description. By Leonard Reissman, K. H. Silvert and Cliff W. WingJr., Republicanism in New Orleans. By Kenneth N. Vines. (New Orleans: Tulane University. 1955. Pp. 134. $2.00.) pp. 854-854 Downloads
The Negro and Southern Politics: A Chapter of Florida History. By Hugh D. Price. (New York: New York University Press. 1957. Pp. xviii, 133. $5.00.) pp. 854-854 Downloads
Union Democracy: The Internal Politics of the International Typographical Union. By Seymour Martin Lipset, Martin A. Trow, and James S. Coleman. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1956. Pp. xxviii, 455. $7.50.) pp. 854-854 Downloads
A List of Tennessee State Publications, No. 3. By The State Library Division (Nashville: Tennessee State Library and Archives. 1956. Fol. 52.) pp. 855-855 Downloads
Check-list of departmental publications of the State of Rhode Island, 1935–1955. (Providence: Rhode Island State Library. [1956.] Pp. 33.) pp. 855-855 Downloads
China: New Age and New Outlook. By Pingchia Kuo. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.1956. Pp. xi, 231, viii. $3.75.) pp. 864-864 Downloads
H. Arthur Steiner
The Political History of China, 1840–1928. By Li Chien-Nung. Translated and Edited by Ssu-Yu Teng and Jeremy Ingalls. (Princeton, Toronto, London, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1956. Pp. xii, 545. $7.50.) pp. 864-864 Downloads
Japanese People and Politics. By Chitoshi Yanaga. (New York: John Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd. 1956. Pp. ix, 408. $7.50.) pp. 864-865 Downloads
George O. Totten
The Labour Government and British Industry, 1945–51. By A. A. Rogow. With the Assistance of Peter Shore. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1955. Pp. xii, 196. 18s.) pp. 865-865 Downloads
Ben W. Lewis
Delegation in Local Government: County to District Councils. By Peter G. Richards. (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.; New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 184. $4.50.) pp. 865-866 Downloads
Lord Derby and Victorian Conservatism. By Wilbur D. Jones. (Athens: The University of Georgia Press. 1956. Pp. xi, 367. $5.00.) pp. 866-867 Downloads
New Sources of Local Revenue. Report of a Study Group of the Royal Institute of Public Administration. (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.1956. Pp. 260. 25s.) pp. 866-866 Downloads
The British Press under Government Economic Controls. By J. Edward Gerald. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 235. $4.50.) pp. 866-866 Downloads
The Official History of the British Legion. By Graham Wooton. (London: Macdonald and Evans, Ltd.1956. Pp. xviii, 348. 25s.) pp. 866-866 Downloads
The Ministry of Works. By SirHarold Emmerson. (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.; New York: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. 171. $2.40.) pp. 866-866 Downloads
De Valera and the March of a Nation. By Mary C. Bromage. (New York: The Noonday Press. 1956. Pp. 328. $4.95.) pp. 866-866 Downloads
Les publications périodiques éditées par les services centraux des ministères. By M. Gh. Keppenne. (Bruxelles: Commission Belge de Bibliographie. 1957. Pp. 64.) pp. 867-867 Downloads
Les élections en Moselle. By Eugene L. Baudon. (Metz. 1956. Pp. 96. Fr. 500.) pp. 867-867 Downloads
Assemblée Nationale. Recueil des textes authentiques des programmes et engagements électoraux des députés proclamés élus à la suite des élections générales du 2 janvier 1956. Dressé par les soins du Secrétaire Générale de L'Assemblée Nationale. (Paris: Imprimerie de l'Assemblée Nationale. 1956. 2v. Pp. 1875.) pp. 867-867 Downloads
The Growth and Culture of Latin America. By Donald E. Worcester and Wendell G. Schaeffer. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. xvii, 963. $6.00.) pp. 867-867 Downloads
25 anos de administração pública: Ministério das corporações e previdência social. By The Presidencia do Conselho. (Lisbon: Imprensa nacional. 1955. Pp. 174.) pp. 867-868 Downloads
SBZ von 1945 bis 1954. Die Sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands in den Jahren 1945-1954. By the Bundesministerium für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen. (Bonn: Deutscher Bundes-Verlag. 1956. Pp. 361. 10 charts.) pp. 868-868 Downloads
Aufgabe und Leistung der deutschen Sozialdemokratie in Ländern und Gemeinden. Hrsg. von Arno Scholz und Walter Oschilowski. (Berlin-Grünewald, Araniverlag, 1956. Pp. 240. Wille und Tat: Bücher der deutschen Sozialdemokratie, IV. DM 6.00.) pp. 868-868 Downloads
Wirkungskreis der Behörden in Baden-Württemberg. Frühjahr 1956. By The Innenministerium of Baden-Württemberg. (Stuttgart: Beilage zum Gemeinsamen Amtsblatt. 1956. Pp. 117. Map.) pp. 868-868 Downloads
SBZ von A bis Z. Ein Taschen- und Nachschlagebuch über die Sowjetische Besatzungszone Deutschlands. Dritte, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. By The Bundesministerium für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen. (Bonn: Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, 1956. Pp. 319.) pp. 868-868 Downloads
Gedanken zur staatsbürgerlichen Erziehung. By Eduard Spranger. Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für Heimatdienst. Heft 26. (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Heimatdienst. 1957. Pp. 51.) pp. 868-868 Downloads
Know your administration series. Nos. 1-20. By the Bombay Legislature Congress Party. (Bombay. 1955-1956. 20 nos., Rs. 8/-.) pp. 869-869 Downloads
Political Resolutions adopted at the Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of India. (Delhi: D. P. Sinha. 1956. Pp. 46.) pp. 869-869 Downloads
All India election guide. Chief Editor: R. V. Krishna Ayyar. (Mylapore, Madras: Oriental Publishers. 1956. Pp. 320, 97. Rs. 10.) pp. 869-869 Downloads
Technical Co-operation in Latin American Agriculture. By Arthur T. Mosher. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1957. Pp. xiv, 449. $6.00.) pp. 873-873 Downloads
Harry Kantor
The Social Thought of the World Council of Churches. By Edward Duff S.J. (New York: Association Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 339. $7.50.) pp. 874-875 Downloads
European Refugees, 1939–52: A Study in Forced Population Movement. By Malcolm J. Proudfoot. (Evanston: Northwestern University Press. 1957. Pp. 542. $6.50.) pp. 874-874 Downloads
Luise W. Holborn
Swords Into Ploughshares: The Problems and Progress of International Organization. By Inis L. ClaudeJr., (New York: Random House. 1956. Pp. xii, 497.) pp. 874-874 Downloads
British Reconstruction and American Policy, 1945–1955. By William C. Mallalieu. (New York: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.1956. Pp. vi, 232. $5.00.) pp. 875-875 Downloads
The New Isolationism: A Study in Politics and Foreign Policy since 1950. By Norman A. Graebner. (New York: The Roland Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 289. $4.00.) pp. 875-875 Downloads
The Economics of European Air Transport. By Stephen Wheatcroft. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. xxii, 358. $6.00.) pp. 875-875 Downloads
L'Assemblée Consultative du Conseil de L'Europe: essai de définition de sa nature juridique. By Georges Rencki. (Paris: Union Federaliste Inter-Universitaire. 1956. Pp. 124.) pp. 875-875 Downloads
Bismarck, Gladstone, and the Concert of Europe. By W. N. Medlicott. (London: The Athlone Press; New York: John de Graff, Inc. 1956. Pp. xiv, 353. $7.00.) pp. 875-875 Downloads
Captive Rumania: A Decade of Soviet Rule. Edited by Alexandre Cretzianu. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1956. Pp. xvi, 424. $6.00.) pp. 876-876 Downloads
Population Growth and Levels of Consumption: With Special Reference to Countries in Asia. By Horace Belshaw. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. xxix, 223. $4.50.) pp. 876-876 Downloads
Ausnahmezustand und Norm—Eine Studie zur Rechtslehre von Carl Schmitt. By Peter Schneider. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 1957. Pp. 296. DM 12.) pp. 884-885 Downloads
John H. Herz
Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition. By Louis M. Hacker. (New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1957. Pp. xi, 273. $4.75.) pp. 885-886 Downloads
Neal Riemer
The Organization Man. By William H. WhyteJr., (New York: Simon and Schuster. 1956. Pp. 429. $5.00.) pp. 886-887 Downloads
Andrew Hacker
Work and Authority in Industry: Ideologies of Management in the Course of Industrialization. By Reinhard Bendix. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd. 1956. Pp. xxv, 466. $7.50.) pp. 887-887 Downloads
Herman M. Somers
Theodore Dwight Woolsey. By George A. King, S.J. (Chicago: Loyola University Press. 1956. Pp. xiii, 305. $4.00.) pp. 887-888 Downloads
Bernard E. Brown
James Madison: The President, 1809–1812. By Irving Brant. (New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.1956. Pp. 540. $6.50.) pp. 888-888 Downloads

Volume 51, issue 2, 1957

The Motivational Basis of Straight and Split Ticket Voting pp. 293-312 Downloads
Angus Campbell and Warren E. Miller
The Morse Committee Assignment Controversy: A Study in Senate Norms1 pp. 313-329 Downloads
Ralph K. Huitt
The Lost World of Municipal Government pp. 330-345 Downloads
Lawrence J. R. Herson
“The Public Interest” in Administrative Decision-Making: Theorem, Theosophy, or Theory?* pp. 346-368 Downloads
Glendon A. Schubert
German Party Finance: The CDU pp. 369-385 Downloads
Arnold J. Heidenheimer
Judicial Review and Politics in Australia pp. 386-391 Downloads
M. J. C. Vile
The Eighth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: A Study of an Elite pp. 392-404 Downloads
Franklin W. Houn
The Limits of Politics: An Interpretation of King Lear, Act I, Scene 1 pp. 405-427 Downloads
Harry V. Jaffa
Calvin and the Reformation: The Political Education of Protestantism pp. 428-453 Downloads
Sheldon S. Wolin
Conservatism as an Ideology pp. 454-473 Downloads
Samuel P. Huntington
The Coming of Age of America pp. 474-483 Downloads
Louis Hartz
McCloskey v. Diamond: A Comment pp. 484-488 Downloads
John P. Roche
Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and Its Interrelationships with Western Society. By Richard A. Preston, Sydney F. Wise, and Herman O. Werner. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. Pp. vii, 376. $6.50.) - Defense and Diplomacy: The Soldier and the Conduct of Foreign Relations. By Alfred Vagts. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. xv, 547. $8.75.) - Arms and Men: A Study in American Military History. By Walter Millis. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1956. Pp. 382. $5.75.) pp. 510-513 Downloads
William W. Kaufmann
Soviet-American Relations, 1917–1920. Volume I. Russia Leaves the War. By George Kennan. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1956. Pp. 544. $7.50.) pp. 513-515 Downloads
Michael Karpovich
An International Economy: Problems and Prospects. By Gunnar Myrdal. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xi, 381. $6.50.) pp. 515-517 Downloads
Robert W. Tufts
Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox. By James MacGregor Burns. (New York: Harcourt Brace and Company. 1956. Pp. xvi, 553. $5.75.) pp. 517-519 Downloads
Richard E. Neustadt
The Warfare of Democratic Ideals. By Francis M. Myers. (Yellow Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press. 1956. Pp. 261. $3.50.) - The Ethics of Compromise and the Art of Containment. By T. V. Smith. (Boston: Starr King Press. 1956. Pp. 117. $2.50.) pp. 519-520 Downloads
J. Roland Pennock
Federalism and Constitutional Change. By William S. Livingston. (London: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. x, 380. $6.75.) pp. 521-522 Downloads
Taylor Cole
Treasury Control: The Co-ordination of Financial and Economic Policy in Great Britain. By Samuel H. Beer. (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 138. $2.40.) pp. 522-524 Downloads
Herman Finer
Southeast Asia in Perspective. By John Kerry King. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. xx, 309. $5.00.) pp. 524-525 Downloads
Rupert Emerson
The Story of the Integration of the Indian States. By V. P. Menon. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 511. $7.00.) pp. 525-527 Downloads
Joan V. Bondurant
Germany's Eastern Neighbors: Problems Relating to the Oder-Neisse Line and the Czech Frontier Regions. By Elizabeth Wiskemann. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. x, 310. $4.80.) pp. 527-528 Downloads
Samuel L. Sharp
Nationality and Statelessness in International Law. By Paul Weis. Foreword by Hersch Lauterpacht. Published under the Auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. xxviii, 338. $10.10.) - The Refugee and the World Community. By John George Stoessinger. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1956. Pp. v, 239. $4.50.) pp. 528-530 Downloads
Louise W. Holborn
Il volto sconosciuto dell'Italia: dieci anni di sondaggi DOXA. By Pierpaolo Luzzatto Fegiz. (Milan: Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore. 1956. Pp. xxvii, 1353. $9.60.) pp. 530-532 Downloads
Joseph LaPalombara
Public Administration and Policy Formation: Studies in Oil, Gas, Banking, River Development, and Corporate Investigation. Edited by Emmette S. Redford. (Austin: University of Texas Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 310. $5.75.) pp. 532-533 Downloads
Herman M. Somers
The Office of Governor in the United States. By Coleman B. RansoneJr., (University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 417. $6.00.) pp. 533-535 Downloads
Allan P. Sindler
The Inter-University Case Program Series: No. 29, The Michigan Athletic Awards Rule. By Glendon A. SchubertJr., Helenan Sonnenburg, and George Kentrowitz. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. 23) - No. 30, The Public Advisory Board and the Tariff Study. By David S. Brown. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. 47) - No. 31, The Transfer of the Kansas State Civil Service Department. By Peter Bart and Milton CummingsJr., (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. 24) - No. 32, The Reorganizatíon of the California State Personnel Board. By Frederick C. Mosher. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 55) - No. 33, The Coterminous Boundaries Dispute. By Edwin A. Read. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. 15) - NO. 34, From Forest to Front Page. By Roscoe C. Martin. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 66) - No. 35, The General Accounting Office: Two Glimpses. By Gerald G. Schulsinger. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. ii, 80.) pp. 536-537 Downloads
D. N. Chester
Individual Freedom and Governmental Restraints. By Walter Gellhorn. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 215. $3.75.) pp. 537-538 Downloads
Morton Grodzins
Intergovernmental Relations at the Grass Roots: A Study of Blue Earth County, Minnesota, to 1946. By Paul N. Ylvisaker. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 186, $3.00.) pp. 538-539 Downloads
Robert J. Morgan
Group Differences in Attitudes and Votes: A Study of the 1964 Congressional Election. By Angus Campbell and Homer C. Cooper. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. 1956. Pp. 149.) pp. 539-540 Downloads
Thomas A. Flinn
National Party Platforms, 1840–1956. Compiled by Kirk H. Porter and Donald Bruce Johnson. (Urbana: The University of Illinois Press. 1956. Pp. xi, 573. $10.00.) pp. 539-539 Downloads
Malcolm Moos
Big Money in Little Sums: A Study of Small Contributions in Political Party Fund-Raising. By John Van Doren. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Institute for Research in Social Science. 1956. Pp. xii, 82.) pp. 540-540 Downloads
Speaking of Politics. By Franklin C. Salisbury. (New York: Vantage Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 294. $3.75.) pp. 540-540 Downloads
American Local Government and Administration. By Harold F. Alderfer. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. xix, 662. $5.90.) pp. 540-540 Downloads
American National Government. By Harold R. Bruce. (New York: Henry Holt and Co. Rev. ed., 1957. Pp. xi, 850. $6.50.) pp. 540-540 Downloads
Target: The World. Communist Propaganda Activities in 1955. Edited by Evron M. Kirkpatrick. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. xxiv, 362. $5.00.) pp. 546-547 Downloads
Frederick C. Barghoorn
The Civil Service in Britain and France. Edited by William A. Robson. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. vii, 191. $3.50.) pp. 547-548 Downloads
Harry Eckstein
Diritto Costituzionale: Quarta Edizione. By Paolo Biscaretti Di Ruffia. (Napoli: Casa Editrice Dott. Eugenio Jovene. 1956. Pp. xvii, 630.) pp. 548-548 Downloads
Mario Einaudi
Staat und Gesellschaft in Deutschland. By Theodor Eschenburg. (Stuttgart: Curt E. Schwab Verlag. 1956. Pp. 808. DM 32.50.) pp. 548-549 Downloads
Ossip K. Flechtheim
The Future of Customary Law in Africa. Stmposium-Colloque, Amsterdam, 1955. (Leiden: Leiden University Press. 1956. Pp. xvii, 305. 19.75 guilders.) pp. 549-550 Downloads
A. L. Epstein
Commentary on the Constitution of India. Volume 2. By Durgas Das Basu. (Calcutta: S. C. Sarkar & Sons, Ltd.3rd ed., 1956. Pp. lvi, 847.) pp. 550-551 Downloads
Government of Greater European Powers: A Comparative Study of the Governments Political Culture of Great Britain, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union. By Herman Finer. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1956. Pp. xii, 931, xciv. $6.95.) pp. 550-550 Downloads
Planification et croissance économique des démocraties populaires. By Jan Marczewski. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1956. 2 vols. Pp. 572. 1.200 fr.) pp. 550-550 Downloads
Russia without Stalin: The Emerging Pattern. By Edward Crankshaw. (New York: The Viking Press. 1956. Pp. 264. $3.75.) pp. 550-550 Downloads
Récapitulation des périodiques officiels parus en Tunisie de 1881 à 1955. By Hélène Pilipenko and Jean Rousset de Pina. (Tunis: Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie. 1956. Pp. 108.) pp. 551-551 Downloads
A guide to the public records of Southern Rhodesia under the regime of the British South Africa Company, 1890–1923. By V. W. Hiller, Chief Archivist. (Salisbury: Central African Archives. 1956. Pp. xxxviii, 282.) pp. 551-551 Downloads
Jawaharlal Nehru. By Frank Moraes. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 511. $6.75.) pp. 551-551 Downloads
The Temper of Peace: Select Documents, 1954–55. Edited by S. L. Poplai. (New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs; New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. 96. $1.00.) pp. 551-551 Downloads
Indian Foreign Policy: In Defense of National Interest. By Karunakar Gupta. (Calcutta, India: The World Press, Ltd.1956. Pp. x, 109. 16s. 6d.) pp. 551-551 Downloads
Far Eastern Governments and Politics: China and Japan. By Paul M. A. Linebarger, Djang Chu, and Ardath W. Burks. (Princeton, London, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1956. Pp. xii, 643. $7.00.) pp. 551-551 Downloads
Constitución de la Nación Argentina. (Buenos Aires: Imprenta del Congreso de la Nación. 1956. Pp. 69.) pp. 552-552 Downloads
Composición de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación por partidos políticos y distritos electorales (Cuadros demostrativos) 1912–1943. By the División Archivo, Publicaciones y Museo of the Cámara de Diputados de la Nación. (Buenos Aires: Imprenta del Congreso de la Nación. 1956. Pp. 47.) pp. 552-552 Downloads
Portrait of a Statesman: The Personal Life Story of Sir Anthony Eden. By Dennis Bardens. (New York: Philosophical Library, Inc.1956. Pp. 326. $6.00.) pp. 552-552 Downloads
The Changing Environment of International Relations: Brookings Lectures, 1956. By Grayson Kirk, Harrison S. Brown, Denis W. Brogan, Edward S. Mason, Harold H. Fisher, and Willard L. Thorp. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. 1956. Pp. ix, 158. $2.50.) pp. 557-558 Downloads
Kenneth N. Waltz
Power and the Law: A Study in Peaceful Change, with Special Reference to the British Commonwealth and the United Nations. By Peter Price. (Geneva: Libraire E. Droz, 1954. Pp. 155.) pp. 558-558 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
Korea: A Study of U. S. Policy in the United Nations. By Leland M. Goodrich. (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.1956. Pp. xi, 235. $3.25.) pp. 558-559 Downloads
Russell H. Fifield
American-Asian Tensions. Edited By Robert Strausz-Hupé, Alvin J. Cottrell, and James E. Dougherty. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. xiii, 239. $3.75.) pp. 559-560 Downloads
Nathaniel Peffer
United States Foreign Policy, 1945–1955. By William Reitzel, Morton A. Kaplan, and Constance G. Coblenz. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. 1956. Pp. xi, 535. $4.50.) pp. 560-560 Downloads
Hollis W. Barber
International Regulation of Economic and Social Questions. By Philip C. Jessup, Adolf Lande, and Oliver Lissitzyn. International Organization. By Joseph P. Chamberlain. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1955. Pp. vi, 173. $1.75.) pp. 560-561 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
An Introduction to American Foreign Policy. By Marshall Knappen. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xiii, 593. $6.00.) pp. 561-561 Downloads
The Russian Struggle for Power, 1914–1917: A Study of Russian Foreign Policy During the First World War. By C. Jay SmithJr., (New York: Philosophical Library. 1956. Pp. xv, 553. $4.75.) pp. 561-561 Downloads
The University, the Citizen, and World Affairs. By Cyril O. Houle and Charles A. Nelson. (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education. 1956. Pp. xv, 179. $3.00.) pp. 561-561 Downloads
From Vienna to Versailles. By L. C. B. Seaman. (New York: Coward-McCann, Inc.1956. Pp. viii, 316. $3.50.) pp. 561-561 Downloads
Yearbook of the United Nations, 1955. (New York: Columbia University Press in Cooperation with the United Nations. 1956. Pp. x, 556. $10.50.) - Everyman's United Nations, 1945–1955. By United Nations Department of Public Information. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. 444. $1.50.) pp. 561-561 Downloads
Documents on American Foreign Relations, 1955. Edited by Paul E. Zinner. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xxiv, 487. $6.00.) pp. 561-562 Downloads
Handbook of European Organizations. By the Secretariat General of the Council of Europe. (Strasbourg. 1956. Pp. 172. 300 fr.) pp. 562-562 Downloads
Foundations of the Conciliar Theory: The Contribution of the Medieval Canonists from Gration to the Great Schism. By Brian Tierney. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1955. pp. xi, 280. $5.00.) pp. 569-570 Downloads
Joseph F. Costanzo and S. J.,
Laissez Faire and the General-Welfare State: A Study of Conflict in American Thought 1865–1901. By Sidney Fine. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. 1956. Pp. x, 468. $7.50.) pp. 569-569 Downloads
Robert G. McCloskey
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. By George Woodcock. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 291. $5.75.) pp. 570-571 Downloads
J. W. Chapman
Enciclopedia di scienze politiche, economiche e sociali, Volume 1: Aba-Ben. (Bologna: Dott. Cesare Zuffi. 1956. Pp. 789.) pp. 571-571 Downloads
The Conservative Tradition. Edited by R. J. White. (New York: New York University Press. 1957. Pp. xix, 256. $3.75.) - The Radical Tradition: 1763–1914. Edited by S. MacCoby. (New York: New York University Press. 1957. Pp. xiii, 236. $3.75.) - The Liberal Tradition: From Fox to Keynes. Edited by Alan Bullock and Maurice Shock. (New York: New University Press. 1957. Pp. lv, 288. 1957. $4.50.) pp. 571-571 Downloads
The Statecraft of Machiavelli. By Herbert Butterfield. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. 167. $2.00.) pp. 571-571 Downloads
Intellectuals in Labor Unions: Organizational Pressures on Professional Roles. By Harold L. Wilensky. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1956. Pp. x, 336. $6.00.) pp. 571-571 Downloads

Volume 51, issue 1, 1957

Predicting Supreme Court Decisions Mathematically: A Quantitative Analysis of the “Right to Counsel” Cases pp. 1-12 Downloads
Fred Kort
Machiavelli's Intention: The Prince* pp. 13-40 Downloads
Leo Strauss
The Natural Law Thesis: Affirmation or Denial? pp. 41-53 Downloads
Felix E. Oppenheim
Comment on Oppenheim: In Defence of “The Natural Law Thesis” pp. 54-64 Downloads
Harry V. Jaffa
Non-Cognitivist Rebuttal pp. 65-66 Downloads
Felix E. Oppenheim
Political Rights and Administrative Impartiality in the British Civil Service* pp. 67-87 Downloads
James B. Christoph
The Communist Party of Yugoslavia* pp. 88-111 Downloads
Fred Warner Neal
How Different is Tito's Communism? pp. 112-114 Downloads
Alex N. Dragnich
American Political Thought and the Study of Politics* pp. 115-129 Downloads
Robert G. McCloskey
Comment on McCloskey pp. 130-134 Downloads
Martin Diamond
Administrative Literature and the Second Hoover Commission Reports pp. 135-157 Downloads
James W. Fesler
Constitutional Law in 1955–1956 pp. 158-196 Downloads
David Fellman
The State of the Social Sciences: Papers Presented at the 25th Anniversary of the Social Science Research Building, The University of Chicago, November 10–12, 1955. Edited by Leonard D. White. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 504. $6.00.) - On the History and Method of Economics. By Frank H. Knight. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 309. $6.00.) pp. 220-224 Downloads
Thomas I. Cook
Communism and Nationalism in the Middle East. By Walter Z. Laqueur. (New York: Federick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. xi, 362. $6.50.) - Mid-East: World-Center: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Planned and Edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xiii, 386. $6.50.) - Israel: Its Role in Civilization. Edited by Moshe Davis. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xvii, 338. $4.00.) - Israel and the United Nations. Report of a Study Group Set Up by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (New York: Manhattan Publishing Company. 1956. Pp. 322. $3.00.) pp. 224-228 Downloads
J. C. Hurewitz
The Middle East in World Affairs. By George Lenczowski. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 2nd Ed.1956. Pp. xx, 576. $7.25 Trade Ed., $5.50 Text Ed.) - Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East: Volume I, A Documentary Record: 1535–1914; Volume II, A Documentary Record: 1914–1956. By J. C. Hurewitz. (Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1956. Pp. xviii, 289; xviii, 427. Vol. I, $5.00; Vol. II, $6.50.) pp. 228-229 Downloads
Halford L. Hoskins
How the Soviet System Works: Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes. By Raymond A. Bauer, Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 274. $4.75.) pp. 230-231 Downloads
William B. Ballis
The Loyal and the Disloyal: Social Boundaries of Patriotism and Treason. By Morton Grodzins. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1956. Pp. x, 319. $4.00.) pp. 232-233 Downloads
Robert K. Carr
Pioneer Public Service: An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 1841–1867. By J. E. Hodgetts. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1955. Pp. ix, 292. $5.50.) pp. 233-235 Downloads
John M. Gaus
Atomic Energy and Congress. By Morgan Thomas in Collaboration with Robert M. Northrop. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1956. Pp. vi, 301. $4.75.) pp. 235-237 Downloads
Stephen K. Bailey
New York Establishes a State University: A Case Study in the Processes of Policy Formation. By Oliver Cromwell CarmichaelJr., (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. 1955. Pp. xiii, 414. $5.75.) pp. 237-238 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
The International Refugee Organization: A Specialized Agency of the United Nations: Its History and Work, 1946–1952. By Louise W. Holborn. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 805. $7.20.) pp. 238-239 Downloads
Leland M. Goodrich
Inside Africa. By John Gunther. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1955. Pp. xxiii, 952. $6.00.) pp. 239-242 Downloads
David E. Apter
La philosophie politique espagnole au xviie siècle: dans ses rapports avec l'esprit de la contre-réforme. By José-Antonio Maravall. Translated by Louis Gazes and Pierre Mesnard. (Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. 1955. Pp. 333.) pp. 242-243 Downloads
Guenter Lewy
The Framing of the Fourteenth Amendment. By Joseph B. James. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 220.) pp. 244-244 Downloads
Jacobus tenBroek
The Truman Administration: Its Principles and Practice. Edited by Louis W. Koenig. (New York: New York University Press. 1956. Pp. 394. $5.50.) pp. 244-245 Downloads
Howard J. McMurray
The Political Behavior of American Jews. By Lawrence H. Fuchs. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1956. Pp. 220. $4.00) pp. 245-246 Downloads
Hugh A. Bone
The Negro Potential. By Eli Ginzberg Assisted by James K. Anderson, Douglas W. Bray, and Robert W. Smuts. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 144. $3.00.) pp. 246-247 Downloads
Strategic Intelligence and National Decisions. By Roger Hilsman. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1956. Pp. 187. $4.00.) pp. 246-246 Downloads
The Federal Credit Union: Policy and Practice. By John T. Croteau. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. vii, 210. $4.00.) pp. 246-246 Downloads
Government Contracting in Atomic Energy. By Richard A. Tybout. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. 1956. Pp. x, 226. $4.50.) pp. 247-247 Downloads
Government Budgeting. By Jesse Burkhead. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd. 1956. Pp. ix, 498. $7.50.) pp. 247-247 Downloads
American Social Legislation. By John D. Hogan and Francis A. J. Ianni. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xvi, 713. $6.50.) pp. 247-247 Downloads
Government and Art: Study of American Experience. By Ralph Purcell. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 129. $2.75.) pp. 247-247 Downloads
The Wild Jackasses: The American Farmer in Revolt. By Dale Kramer. (New York: Hastings House. 1956. Pp. x, 260. $4.50.) pp. 247-247 Downloads
Philadelphia Government, 1956. By Edwin Rothman, Edgar Rosenthal, Emma L. Bowman, and Leigh B. Hebb. (Philadelphia: Bureau of Municipal Research and Pennsylvania Economy League (Eastern Division). 1956. Pp. xii, 365. $2.50.) pp. 247-247 Downloads
A Bibliography of Virginia. Part V, Containing the Titles of the Printed Documents of the Commonwealth, 1916–1925. By Wilmer L. Hall. Bulletin of the Virginia State Library, Vol. 25, Nos. 1–4. (Richmond: Virginia State Library. 1955 [i.e., 1956]. Pp. 611.) pp. 247-248 Downloads
J.B. C.
Introduction to Government. By Robert Rienow. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2nd ed., rev. 1956. Pp. xx, 584, xvi. $5.50.) pp. 248-248 Downloads
The Office of Prime Minister. By Byrum E. Carter. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1956. Pp. 364. $5.00.) pp. 254-255 Downloads
Gwendolen M. Carter
Les partis communistes d'Europe, 1919–1955. By Branko Lazitch. (Paris: Les Iles d'Or.1956. Pp. 255.) pp. 255-255 Downloads
Roy Macridis
The Beginnings of Nyasaland and North-Eastern Rhodesia: 1859–95. By A. J. Hanna. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1956. Pp. viii, 281. $5.60.) pp. 255-256 Downloads
Eugene P. Dvorin
La Administratión Pública en la América Látina: A Report Submitted by the Public Administration Clearing House to the Economic and Social Council of the Organization of American States. Prepared by John B. Blandford. (Washington: Pan American Union. 1955. Pp. 87.) pp. 256-256 Downloads
Félix A. Nigro
German Exile Politics: The Social Democratic Executive Committee in the Nazi Era. By Lewis J. Edinger. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1956. Pp. xiii, 329. $4.25.) pp. 257-257 Downloads
Gerard Braunthal
Gestapo: Instrument of Tyranny. By Edward Crankshaw. (New York: The Viking Press. 1956. Pp. 275. $3.75.) pp. 257-257 Downloads
Tito's Yugoslavia. By Eric L. Pridonoff. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 243. $3.75.) - La Yougoslavie Socialiste. By C. Brobowski. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1956. Pp. 237.) pp. 257-258 Downloads
Il Nuovo Statuto e la carriera degli impiegati civili dello Stato. Legislazione, giurisprudenza, commento. By A. Bennati and E. Di Giambattista. (Naples: Casa Ed. Dott. Eugenio Jovene. 1956. Pp. xvi, 324.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
B. C.
Alcide de Gasperi: Discorsi politici. A Cura di Tommaso Bozza. 2 vols. (Rome: Edizione Cinque Lune. 1956.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
J.B. C.
Richard Jebb and the Problem of Empire. By J. D. B. Miller. (London: The Athlone Press; New York: John De Graff, Inc. 1956. Pp. 48. $1.00.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
Leyes Politicas De Espana. By Instituto De Estudio Politicos. (Madrid: Graficas Gonzalez. 1956. Pp. 619. 50 Pesetas.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
Finland: Between East and West. By Anatole G. Mazour. (Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1956. Pp. 298. $6.50.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
Sweden: The Welfare State. By Wilfrid Fleisher. (New York: The John Day Company. 1956. Pp. 253. $4.00.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
A Manual of Lebanese Administration. By George Grassmuck and Kamal Salibi. (Beirut, Lebanon: Public Administration Department, American University of Beirut. 1955. Pp. x, 101. $2.00.) pp. 258-258 Downloads
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Berlin, in Verbindung mit dem Verlag Die Wirtschaft. (Berlin: Verlag Die Wirtschaft. 1956. Pp. 600.) pp. 259-259 Downloads
J.B. C.
Tunisia faces the future. (Tunis, Tunisia: Le Monde Economique, 1956. Pp. 206. $6.00.) pp. 259-259 Downloads
J.B. C.
Agrarian Reform in Communist China to 1952. By Human Resources Research Institute: Research Memoranda, No. 41. (Lackland Air Force Base, Texas: Air Force Personnel and Training Research Center. 1955. Pp. xviii, 61.) - Chinese Farm Economy after Agrarian Reform. By Human Resources Research Institute: Technical Research Report, No. 34. (Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Air Force Personnel and Training Research Center. 1955. Pp. xii, 32.) pp. 259-259 Downloads
The Viet-Minh Regime: Government and Administration in the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam. By Bernard B. Fall. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1956. Pp. xi, 196. $2.50.) pp. 259-259 Downloads
Your Local Government: A Sketch of the Municipal System in Canada. By Donald C. Rowat. (Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited. 1955. Pp. x, 148. $3.25.) pp. 259-259 Downloads
Non-Intervention: The Law and Its Import in the Americas. By Ann Van Wynen Thomas and A. J. ThomasJr., (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press. 1956. Pp. XVI, 476. $8.00) pp. 263-264 Downloads
Claude S. Phillips
The Anti-Stalin Campaign and International Communism. Edited by the Russian Institute, Columbia University. (N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1956. Pp. vii, 338. $1.75.) pp. 264-265 Downloads
Charles D. Kenney
Technical Assistance by Religious Agencies in Latin America. By James G. Maddox. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1956. Pp. xi, 139. $3.50) pp. 264-264 Downloads
J. Lloyd Mecham
The Moffat Papers: Selections from the Diplomatic Journals of Jay Pierrepont Moffat, 1919–1943. Edited by Nancy Harvison Hooker. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. 408. $7.50.) pp. 265-266 Downloads
Yearbook of the International Socialist Labour Movement, 1956–1957. Edited by Julius Braunthal. (London: Lincolns-Praeger Yearbook Publishing Company, Ltd. Pp. 529. 63 s.) pp. 265-265 Downloads
Robert J. Alexander
The Crisis in World Population: A Sociological Examination with Special Reference to the Underdeveloped Areas. By J. O. Hertzler. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1956. Pp. ix, 279. $5.00.) pp. 266-266 Downloads
Soviet Air Power. By Richard E. Stockwell. (New York: Pageant Press, Inc.1956. Pp. xii, 238. $7.50.) pp. 266-266 Downloads
Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization. By O. Mannoni. Translated by Pamela Powesland. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1956. Pp. 218. $4.25.) pp. 266-266 Downloads
The Meaning of Yalta. By John L. Snell (Editor), Forrest C. Pogue, Charles F. Delzell, and George A. Lensen. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1956. Pp. 239. $3.75.) pp. 266-266 Downloads
Private Foreign Investment: Legal and Economic Realities. By Seymour J. Rubin. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1956. Pp. x, 108. $3.50) pp. 266-266 Downloads
Public Control of Business: An International Approach. By Phillip C. Newman. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1956. Pp. iv, ii, 500. $14.00.) pp. 266-266 Downloads
Human Relations in International Affairs: A Guide to Significant Interpretation and Research. By Seymour W. Beardsley and Alvin G. Edgell. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1956. Published in Cooperation With the American Friends Service Committee. Pp. vi, 40. $1.00.) pp. 266-267 Downloads
General International Organization: A Source Book. By James T. WatkinsIV, and J. William Robinson. (Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1956. Pp. xi, 248. $4.50.) pp. 267-267 Downloads
An Introduction to World Politics. By W. Friedmann. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press. 1956. Third ed. Pp. xvi, 454.) pp. 267-267 Downloads
Italian Foreign Policy Under Mussolini. By Luigi Villari. (New York: The Devin-Adair Company. 1956. Pp. xii, 396. $6.00.) pp. 267-267 Downloads
Inalienability of Sovereignty in Medieval Political Thought. By Peter N. Riesenberg. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1956. Pp. vii, 204. $3.75.) pp. 275-275 Downloads
Robert S. Hoyt
Fairhope, 1894–1954: The Story of a Single Tax Colony. By E. Paul and Blanche R. Alyea. (Birmingham: University of Alabama Press. 1956. Pp. xiv, 351. $4.50.) pp. 275-276 Downloads
Mulford Q. Sibley
The Functions of Social Conflict. By Lewis A. Coser. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1956. Pp. 188. $3.50.) pp. 276-277 Downloads
The Legend of the Founding Fathers. By Wesley Frank Craven. (New York: New York University Press. 1956. Pp. 191. $4.50.) pp. 276-276 Downloads
George A. Peek
The Politics of Woodrow Wilson: Selections from His Speeches and Writings. Edited, with an Introduction, by August Heckscher. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1956. Pp. xxiv, 389. $5.00.) pp. 276-276 Downloads
A Jefferson Profile: As Revealed in His Letters. Selected and Arranged with an Introduction by Saul K. Padover. (New York: The John Day Company. 1956. Pp. xix, 359. $5.00.) pp. 276-276 Downloads
Great Political Thinkers: Plato to the Present. By William Ebenstein. (New York: Rinehart and Company. 2nd ed. 1956. Pp. xx, 940. $7.50.) pp. 277-277 Downloads
American Men of Science: A Biographical Directory. Volume III. The Social & Behavioral Sciences. Edited by Jacques Cattell. (New York: R. R. Bowker Company. 1956. Pp. xiii, 762. $20.00.) pp. 277-277 Downloads
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