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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 68, issue 4, 1974

Persistence and Change in Political Systems, 1800–1971* pp. 1482-1504 Downloads
Ted Robert Gurr
On the Origins of Interest-Group Theory: A Critique of a Process* pp. 1505-1519 Downloads
G. David Garson
Ethnic Voting and Political Change in South Africa* pp. 1520-1541 Downloads
Stanton Peele and Stanley J. Morse
Hobbes and His Audience: The Dynamics of Theorizing* pp. 1542-1556 Downloads
Mark Gavre
Separate and Unequal: Governmental Inequality in the Metropolis* pp. 1557-1568 Downloads
Richard Child Hill
Conflict, Power and Relative Deprivation* pp. 1569-1578 Downloads
Walter Korpi
The Influence of Parents on the Political Attitudes of Adolescents pp. 1579-1592 Downloads
Kent L. Tedin
Majority Party Leadership and the Committee System in the House of Representatives* pp. 1593-1604 Downloads
Louis P. Westefield
Ethnic Politics, Representative Bureaucracy and Development Administration: The Zambian Case* pp. 1605-1617 Downloads
Dennis L. Dresang
Levels of Sociocultural Development Among Soviet Nationalities: A Partial Test of the Equalization Hypothesis* pp. 1618-1637 Downloads
Brian Silver
Models of Statistical Relationship* pp. 1638-1655 Downloads
Herbert F. Weisberg
Individual and Contextual Variables in British Voting Behavior: An Exploratory Note* pp. 1656-1662 Downloads
C. Neal Tate
Community and Control: Critical Democratic Theory in the Progressive Period* pp. 1663-1678 Downloads
David E. Price
[no title] pp. 1679-1695 Downloads
Political Dictionaries: A Bibliographical Essay* pp. 1696-1705 Downloads
Clement E. Vose
Political Implications of Gender Roles: A Review of the Literature* pp. 1706-1723 Downloads
Wilma Rule Krauss
Spinoza's Philosophy of Law. By Gail Belaief. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1971. Pp. 151. $7.50.) pp. 1724-1724 Downloads
Douglas Sturm
Toward a Critical Sociology. By Norman Birnbaum. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 450. $3.50, paper.) pp. 1724-1726 Downloads
Guenther Roth
Politics in Science. By Marlen Blissett. (Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Company, 1972. Pp. 229. $4.25, paper.) pp. 1726-1727 Downloads
Gene M. Lyons
Science, Values and Politics in Max Weber's Methodology. By H. H. Bruun. (Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1972. Pp. ix, 300. 62.10 Danish Kr. [$9.00].) pp. 1727-1728 Downloads
Jerome Gittleman
Ferdinand Toennies on Sociology: Pure, Applied and Empirical. Selected Writings. Edited with an Introduction by Werner J. Cahnmann and Rudolf Heberle. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. Pp. 351. $13.50.) pp. 1728-1730 Downloads
Donald A. Nielsen
Hobbes and Rousseau: A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited by Maurice Cranston and Richard S. Peters. (New York: Anchor Books. 1972. Pp. ix, 505. $2.50.) pp. 1730-1731 Downloads
C. B. Macpherson
In Defence of Politics, second edition. By Bernard Crick. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. Pp. 204. $7.00, cloth; $2.25, paper.) pp. 1731-1733 Downloads
James H. Nichols
Société et Politique: La vie des Groupes. Tome premier: Fondements de la Société Libérale. Tome second: Dynamique de la Société Libérale. By Léon Dion. (Québec: Les Presses de l'Université de Laval, 1971, 1972. Pp. 444 and 616. No price indicated.) - Pluralismus: Konzeptionen und Kontroversen. Edited by Franz Nuscheler and Winfried Steffani, (München: R. Piper & Co., 1972, Pp. 345. No price indicated.) - Pluralismus zwischen Liberalismus und Sozialismus. By Rainer Eisfeld. (Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1972. Pp. 195. No price indicated.) pp. 1733-1735 Downloads
Henry W. Ehrmann
John Dewey's Philosophy of Value. By James Gouinlock. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 377. $10.00.) pp. 1735-1736 Downloads
Edward B. Portis
Contradiction and Dilemma: Orestes Brownson and the American Idea. By Leonard Gilhooley. (New York: Fordham University Press, 1972. Pp. 231. $10.00.) pp. 1735-1735 Downloads
A. J. Beitzinger
L'Explication Politique: Une Introduction à l'Analyse Comparative. By Alfred Grosser. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1972. Pp. 183. F 25.–) pp. 1736-1737 Downloads
Roy Macridis
Revolutionary Justice: The Social and Political Theory of P.-J. Proudhon. By Robert L. Hoffman. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972. Pp. xvii, 429. $15.00.) - General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century. By P.-J. Proudhon. Translated by John Beverly Robinson. (New York: Haskell House Publishers Ltd., 1969. Pp. 302. $10.95.) pp. 1737-1738 Downloads
Charles E. Butterworth
Willmoore Kendall Contra Mundum. Edited by Nellie D. Kendall. With introduction by Jeffrey Hart (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1971. Pp. 640. $11.95.) pp. 1738-1740 Downloads
Joseph C. Mouledoux
Modernization: Latecomers and Survivors. By Marion J. LevyJr., (New York: Basic Books, 1972. Pp. 160. $5.95.) pp. 1740-1741 Downloads
Lucian W. Pye
Marx's Paris Writings: An Analysis. By John Maguire. With an introduction by David McLellan. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1973. Pp. xxiv, 170. $9.00.) pp. 1741-1742 Downloads
Alfred G. Meyer
The Politics of Truth. By Holton P. Odegard. (University: The University of Alabama Press, 1971. Pp. xi, 439. $13.50.) pp. 1742-1743 Downloads
Victor A. Thompson
Karl Marx On Revolution. Arranged and edited, with an introduction and new translations by Saul K. Padover. (New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 1971. Pp. liv, 682. $17.50.) pp. 1743-1744 Downloads
Z. A. Jordan
Hegel. By Raymond Plant. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. Pp. 214. $7.95.) pp. 1744-1746 Downloads
Judith N. Shklar
Handbook of Organizational Measurement. By James L. Price. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1972. Pp. 210. $7.95.) pp. 1746-1747 Downloads
Lawrence B. Mohr
Political Apocalypse: A Study of Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor. By Ellis Sandoz. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971. Pp. 263. $8.95.) pp. 1747-1747 Downloads
Joseph Frank
Computer Simulations of Voting Behavior. By William R. Shaffer. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. 164. $7.50, cloth; $2.95, paper.) pp. 1747-1749 Downloads
Samuel L. Popkin
Multivariate Model Building: The Validation of a Search Strategy. By John A. Sohnquist. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1970. Pp. 244. $5.00.) pp. 1749-1749 Downloads
Bernard Grofman
Conflict and Harmony in Human Affairs: A Study of Cross-Pressures and Political Behavior. Peter W. Sperlich. (Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1971. Pp. 256. $8.95.) pp. 1749-1751 Downloads
Ada W. Finifter
New Theories of Revolution. By Jack Woddis. (New York: International Publishers, 1972. Pp. 415. $10.00, cloth; $3.65, paper.) pp. 1751-1752 Downloads
Bernard S. Morris
Establishing Ombudsman Offices: Recent Experience in the United States. Transcript of the Ombudsman WORKSHOP, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 5–7, 1971. Edited by Stanley V. Anderson and John E. Moore. (Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies, 1972. Pp. 293. $3.00, paper.) pp. 1752-1753 Downloads
William B. Gwyn
Government Publications and Their Use, 2nd revised edition. By Laurence F. Schmeckebier and Roy B. Eastin. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1969. Pp. viii, 502. $9.95. - Annotated Bibliography of Bibliographies on Selected Government Publications and Supplementary Guides to the Superintendent of Documents Classification System. By Alexander C. Body. (Kalamazoo, Mich., Western Michigan University, 1967. Pp. 181. $2.50, paper. First Supplement, 1968. Pp. 115. $2.50, paper. Second Supplement, 1970, 1970. Pp. 138. $2.50, paper. Third Supplement, 1972, Pp. 143. $2.50, paper. Fourth Supplement, 1974. Pp. 142. $2.50 paper. For sale by the author, Alexander C. Body, 925 Westfall, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49007.) - Guide to U.S. Publications. By John L. Andriot. (McLean, Va.: Documents Index, 1973. 3 volumes. Pp. 1,000. Price not listed) pp. 1753-1754 Downloads
John Brown Mason
Social Mobility and Voting Behavior. By James Alden BarberJr., (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1970. Pp. 280. $5.95.) pp. 1754-1755 Downloads
Jerrold G. Rusk
Righteous Conquest: Woodrow Wilson and the Evolution of the New Diplomacy. By Sidney Bell. (Port Washington, New York: Kennikat Press, Inc.1972. Pp. 209. $10.95.) pp. 1755-1756 Downloads
Milton Plesur
Reform and Continuity: The Electoral College, the Convention, and the Party System. By Alexander M. Bickel. (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1971. Pp. 122. $1.75, paper.) - The Convention Problem: Issues in Reform of Presidential Nominating Procedures. By Judith H. Parris. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1972. Pp. 194. $5.95.) - The People's President: The Electoral College in American History and the Direct-Vote Alternative. By Neal R. Peirce. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968. Pp. 400. $8.95.) pp. 1756-1758 Downloads
Charles Press
Social Research and the Desegregation of the U.S. Army. Edited by Leo Bogart. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1969. Pp. 393. $12.00.) - Desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces: Fighting on Two Fronts, 1939–1953. By Richard M. Dalfiume. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1969. Pp. 252. $6.00.) - Integration of the Negro in the U.S. Armed Forces. By Richard J. StillmanII., (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1968. Pp. 167. $10.00.) - The Armed Services and Society. Edited by J. N. Wolfe and John Erickson. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1970. Pp. 170. $8.95.) pp. 1758-1760 Downloads
William F. Levantrosser
The Conscience of the Corporations: Business and Urban Affairs, 1967–1970. By Jules Cohn. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. 122. $6.00, cloth; $1.95, paper.) pp. 1760-1761 Downloads
Joseph Smucker
The Politics of Belleville: A Profile of the Civil Community. By Daniel J. Elazar. (Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1971. Pp. 165. $8.50.) pp. 1761-1762 Downloads
Phillip Monypenny
The Water Lords. By James M. Fallows. (New York: Grossman Publishers, 1971. Pp. 294. $7.95.) pp. 1762-1763 Downloads
Dean E. Mann
The Revival of American Socialism: Selected Papers of the Socialist Scholars Conference. Edited by George Fischer. (New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. xiv, 330. $10.50.) - Socialism in America: From the Shakers to the Third International. Edited by Albert Fried. (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1970. Pp. xi, 580. $3.95.) pp. 1764-1765 Downloads
Gary D. Glenn
Metropolitan Political Structure: Intergovernmental Relations and Political Integration in the Quad-Cities. By H. Paul Friesema. (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1971. Pp. 158. $7.95.) pp. 1765-1766 Downloads
Francis M. Wilhoit
Participation, Planning, and Exchange in Old and New Communities: A Collaborative Paradigm. By David R. Godschalk. (Chapel Hill: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, 1971. Pp. 318. $6.00, paper.) pp. 1766-1767 Downloads
Judith V. May
Hugo Black: The Alabama Years. By Virginia Van Der Veer Hamilton. (Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1972. Pp. ix, 330. $10.95.) pp. 1767-1768 Downloads
R. H. Clark
Young Men Look at Military Service: A Preliminary Report. By Jerome Johnston and Jerald G. Bachman. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Scoial Research, The University of Michigan, 1970. Pp. 115. $5.00, paper.) - Public Opinion and the Military Establishment. Edited by Charles C. MoskosJr., (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1971. Pp. xvi, 294. $12.50, cloth; $7.50, paper.) pp. 1768-1770 Downloads
James M. Gerhardt
Race, Class, and Political Consciousness. By John C. Leggett. (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., Inc., 1972. Pp. 243. $7.50, Cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 1770-1771 Downloads
Michael Cohen
Phil Swing and Boulder Dam. By Beverly Bowen Moeller. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. Pp. 199. $8.50.) pp. 1771-1771 Downloads
Daniel M. Ogden
Political Entrepreneurs and Urban Poverty. By Russell D. Murphy. (Lexington, Mass.: Heath Lexington Books, 1971. Pp. xi, 208. $12.50.) pp. 1771-1772 Downloads
Louis F. Weschler
Government Management Internships and Executive Development. Edited by Thomas P. Murphy. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1973. Pp. 281. $12.50.) pp. 1772-1773 Downloads
Raymond Pomerleau
Tammany: Evolution of a Political Machine, 1789–1865. Jerome Mushkat. (Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1971. Pp. 476. $15.00.) pp. 1773-1774 Downloads
Joel A. Tarr
The Rights of the Accused. Edited by Stuart S. Nagel. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1972. Vol. I, Sage Criminal Justice System Annuals. Pp. 320. $15.00.) pp. 1774-1775 Downloads
David Fellman
Bureaucracy and Representative Government. By William A. NiskanenJr. (Chicago & New York: Aldine-Atherton, Inc., 1971. Pp. 241. $7.75.) pp. 1775-1777 Downloads
William C. Mitchell
Fiscal Federalism. By Wallace E. Oates. (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1972. Pp. 256. $7.95.) pp. 1777-1778 Downloads
Deil S. Wright
Reforming School Finance. By Robert D. Reischauer and Robert W. Hartman, with the assistance of Daniel J. Sullivan. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1973. Pp. xiv, 185. $6.95.) pp. 1778-1779 Downloads
David Stern
The New Deal and the Last Hurrah: Pittsburgh Machine Politics. By Bruce M. Stave. (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. Pp. 262. $8.95.) pp. 1779-1780 Downloads
William C. Seyler
The Supreme Court and Confessions of Guilt. By Otis H. StephensJr. (Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1973. Pp. 236. $9.50.) pp. 1780-1781 Downloads
David Chadwick-Brown
The Contexts of Social Mobility: Ideology and Theory. By Anselm L. Strauss. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. xiv, 263. $8.50.) pp. 1781-1783 Downloads
Edward O. Laumann
The Prevention of Racial Discrimination in Britain. Edited by Simon Abbott. (London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, 1971. Pp. xviii, 502. £ 5.00.) - The Politics of the Powerless: A Study of the Campaign Against Discrimination. By Benjamin W. HeinemanJr. (London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations, 1972. Pp. xvi, 244. £ 4.30.) - Race and Law in Great Britain. By Anthony Lester and Geoffrey Bindman. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. 491. $10.00.) pp. 1783-1785 Downloads
Richard P. Longaker
South Africa: Sociological Perspectives. Edited by Heribert Adam. (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. vii, 340. $11.25.) pp. 1785-1786 Downloads
Edwin S. Munger
The Country Party in New South Wales: A Study of Organisation and Survival. By Don Aitkin. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1972. Pp. xiv, 343. $11.70.) pp. 1786-1788 Downloads
D. W. Rawson
Aufstand der Jugend? Neue Aspekte der Jugendsoziologie. By Klaus R. Allerbeck and Leopold Rosenmayr. (Munich: Juventa Verlag, 1971. Pp. 268. DM 14.) - Lebensformen Deutscher Jugend, vom Wandervogel zur Popgeneration. By Werner Klose. (Munich: Olzog Verlag, 1970. Pp. 154. DM 14.80.) - Jugendliche und Parteien. By Peter Menacher. (Munich: Olzog Verlag, 1971. Pp. 168. DM 16.) pp. 1788-1789 Downloads
Peter H. Merkl
Brazil: The People and the Power. By Miguel Arraes. Translated by Lancelot Sheppard with an introduction by Yves Goussault. (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1972. Pp. 232. $1.25.) pp. 1789-1791 Downloads
Ronald H. Chilcote
Racial Minorities. By Michael Banton. (London: Fontana/Collins, 1972. Pp. 192. $1.95, paper.) - Racial Tensions and National Identity. Proceedings of the Second Annual Vanderbilt Sociology Conference, November 4–6, 1970. Edited by Ernest Q. Campbell. (Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 262. $10.00.) pp. 1791-1792 Downloads
Jonathan Pool
Australia in the Nuclear Age: National Defence and National Development. By Ian Bellany. (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1972. Pp. 144. $7.80.) pp. 1792-1793 Downloads
Harry G. Gelber
The Politics of Iran: Groups, Classes and Modernization. By James Alban Bill. (Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1972. Pp. ix, 174. $3.95, paper.) pp. 1793-1794 Downloads
Sepehr Zabih
Industry and Government in Britain: The Federation of British Industries in Politics, 1945–65. By Stephen Blank. (Farnborough, England and Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co., 1973. Pp. xiii, 256. $13.50.) pp. 1794-1795 Downloads
Graham Wootton
Popular Movements and Secret Societies in China, 1840–1950. Edited by Jean Chesneaux. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1972. Pp. 328. $11.95.) pp. 1795-1797 Downloads
Daniel L. Overmyer
Fifteenth Century England, 1399–1509: Studies in Politics and Society. Edited by S. B. Chrimes, C. D. Ross, and R. A. Griffiths. (Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 1972. Pp. ix, 192. $10.00.) pp. 1797-1798 Downloads
Arthur Joseph Slavin
Teachers' Unions and Interest Group Politics: A Study in the Behaviour of Organised Teachers in England and Wales. By R. D. Coates. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 138. $4.50, paper.) pp. 1798-1799 Downloads
James B. Christoph
The Destruction of Brazilian Slavery, 1850–1888. By Robert Conrad. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 368. $14.50.) pp. 1799-1799 Downloads
Douglas A. Chalmers
Industrial Management in the Soviet Union. By William J. Conyngham. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1973. Pp. xxxvi, 378. $9.50.) pp. 1799-1800 Downloads
Elizabeth Clayton
Development Policy II: The Pakistan Experience. Edited by Walter P. Falcon and Gustav F. Papanek. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 267. $9.00.) pp. 1800-1801 Downloads
Rowland Egger
Revolution and Tradition in People's Poland: Education and Socialization. By Joseph R. Fiszman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 382. $15.00 cloth, $7.50 paper.) pp. 1801-1802 Downloads
V. C. Chrypinski
The Southern Expansion of the Chinese People. By C. P. FitzGerald. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 230. $8.95.) pp. 1802-1803 Downloads
D. G. E. Hall
Preconditions of Revolution in Early Modern Europe. The Johns Hopkins Symposia in History. Edited by Robert Forster and Jack P. Greene. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970. Pp. 214. $8.95.) pp. 1803-1804 Downloads
Philip Dawson
Chinese Education and Society: A Bibliographic Guide. By Stewart E. Fraser and Kuang-liang Hsu. (New York: International Arts and Sciences Press, Inc., 1972. p. 204. $15.00.) pp. 1804-1805 Downloads
Merle Goldman
Jewish Nationality and Soviet Politics. By Z. Y. Gitelmann. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 573. $20.00.) pp. 1805-1807 Downloads
Lionel Kochan
Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village. By Paul Friedrich. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. Pp. 149. $7.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 1805-1805 Downloads
Lola Romanucci-Ross
Democracy in Crisis: New Challenges to Constitutional Democracy in the Atlantic Area. Edited by E. A. Goerner. (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1971. Pp. 199. $9.95.) pp. 1807-1808 Downloads
Minton F. Goldman
The Military Indoctrination of Soviet Youth. By Leon Goure. (New York: National Strategy Information Center, 1973. Pp. 75. $1.00, paper.) pp. 1808-1808 Downloads
Jaan Pennar
Germany in Our Time: A Political History of the Postwar Years. By Alfred Grosser. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 378. $12.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 1808-1809 Downloads
Catherine McArdle Kelleher
The Dominican Republic: Rebellion and Repression. By Carlos María Gutiérrez. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Pp. 172. $6.95.) pp. 1809-1810 Downloads
Howard J. Wiarda
The Long March to Power: A History of the Chinese Communist Party, 1921–72. By James Pinckney Harrison. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 647. $6.95.) pp. 1810-1811 Downloads
Ezra F. Vogel
Soviet and American Society: A Comparison. By Paul Hollander. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. 476. $12.50.) pp. 1811-1812 Downloads
Zygmunt Bauman
The Revolutionary Potential of Peasants in Latin America. By Gerrit Huizer. (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1972. Pp. 237. $12.50.) pp. 1812-1813 Downloads
Enrique Baloyra
Czechoslovakia and the Absolute Monopoly of Power: A Study of Political Power in a Communist System. By Barbara Wolfe Jancar. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 330. $17.50.) pp. 1813-1815 Downloads
Galia Golan
Inflation and Economic Development in Brazil, 1946–1963. By Raouf Kahil. (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. xvi, 357. $32.25.) pp. 1815-1816 Downloads
Margaret Daly Hayes
On the Road to Communism: Essays on Soviet Domestic and Foreign Politics. Edited by Roger E. Kanet and Ivan Volgyes. (Lawrence: The University of Kansas Press, 1972. Pp. 212. $8.50.) pp. 1816-1817 Downloads
Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone
The Politics of Economic Reform in the Soviet Union. By Abraham Katz. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. vii, 231. $15.00.) pp. 1817-1818 Downloads
Frederic L. Pryor
Arab Contemporaries: The Role of Personalities in Politics. By Majid Khadduri. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Pp. 255. $8.95.) - Political Trends in the Arab World: The Role of Ideas and Ideals in Politics. By Majid Khadduri. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970. Pp. 298. $3.00, paper.) pp. 1818-1819 Downloads
Iliya Harik
The Changing Brahmans: Associations and Elites among the Kanya-Kubjas of North India. By R. S. Khare. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970. Pp. xxii, 251. $11.00.) pp. 1819-1820 Downloads
Roderick Church
The Rift in Israel: Religious Authority and Secular Democracy. By S. Clement Leslie. (New York: Schocken Books, Inc., 1971. Pp. 185. $7.50.) pp. 1820-1821 Downloads
Leonard J. Fein
The Shadow: Latin America Faces the Seventies. By Sven Lindqvist. Translated by Keith Bradfield. (Baltimore: Pelican Books, 1972. Pp. 291. $2.45, paper.) pp. 1821-1821 Downloads
W. Raymond Duncan
Money and Capital in Economic Development. By Ronald I. McKinnon. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1973. Pp. 184. $7.50.) pp. 1822-1824 Downloads
W. W. Rostow
The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt, 1960–67. By Robin Luckham. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.Pp. xiv, 376. $18.50.) pp. 1822-1822 Downloads
Grady H. Nunn
Pattern for Profit in Southern Africa. By Ian Mackler. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1972. Pp. 120. $8.50.) pp. 1824-1825 Downloads
Julian R. Friedman
East Indians in Trinidad: A Study in Minority Politics. By Yogendra K. Malik. (London, New York: Oxford University Press for The Institute of Race Relations, London, 1971. Pp. xv, 199. $9.75.) pp. 1825-1825 Downloads
H. Hoetink
Bolivia: The Uncompleted Revolution. By James M. Malloy. (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. Pp. 396. $11.95.) pp. 1825-1827 Downloads
Robert J. Alexander
Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union, 1917–1967. Edited by Richard H. MarshallJr.; associate editors, Thomas E. Bird and Andrew Q. Blane. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. Pp. 489. $19.75.) pp. 1827-1828 Downloads
John A. Armstrong
Burma and Pakistan: A Comparative Study of Development. By Mya Maung (N.Y.: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 178. $13.50.) pp. 1828-1830 Downloads
Frank N. Trager
Southeast Asia's Economy: Development Policies in the 1970's. By Hla Myint, (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 189. $2.95, paper.) pp. 1830-1831 Downloads
H. W. Singer
Studies in Ibo Political Systems: Chieftaincy and Politics in Four Niger States. By Ikenna Nzimiro. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. xviii, 287. $12.75.) pp. 1831-1832 Downloads
Alvin Magid
Peasants in Revolt: A Chilean Case Study, 1965–1971. By James Petras and Hugo Zemelman Merino. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972. Pp. 154. $6.50.) pp. 1832-1833 Downloads
Alan Angell
Swaziland: The Dynamics of Political Modernization. By Christian P. Potholm. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 193. $8.00.) pp. 1833-1834 Downloads
Sheridan W. Johns
The French Revolution of 1830. By David H. Pinkney. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. viii, 397. $16.00, cloth; $8.50, paper.) pp. 1833-1833 Downloads
John Dunn
Government and Economic Development. Edited by Gustav Ranis. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971. Pp. 567. $17.50.) pp. 1834-1835 Downloads
Bela Balassa
The Making of A Model Citizen in Communist China. By Charles Price Ridley, Paul H. B. Godwin, and Dennis J. Doolin. (Stanford, Calif.: The Hoover Institution Press, 1971. Pp. 404. $9.95.) pp. 1835-1836 Downloads
Franklin W. Houn
Origins of Franco's Spain: The Right, the Republic and Revolution, 1931–1936. By Richard A. H. Robinson. (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. Pp. 475. $9.95.) pp. 1836-1837 Downloads
Glen A. Waggoner
The Political System of Brazil: Emergence of a “Modernizing” Authoritarian Regime, 1964–1970. By Ronald M. Schneider. (New York & London: Columbia University Press, 1971. Pp. 431. $13.50.) pp. 1837-1839 Downloads
Riordan Roett
Collective Violence. Edited by J. F. ShortJr., and M. E. Wolfgang. (Chicago: Aldine Atherton, 1972. Pp. viii, 387. $12.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 1839-1840 Downloads
N. Lucas
When a Great Tradition Modernizes: An Anthropological Approach to Indian Civilization. By Milton Singer. Foreword by M. N. Srinivas. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 430. $15.00.) pp. 1840-1841 Downloads
Richard L. Park
Resources Devoted to Military Research and Development: An International Comparison. By Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 112. $3.75, paper.) pp. 1841-1842 Downloads
Barry M. Blechman
The Rope of Moka: Big-Men and Ceremonial Exchange in Mount Hagen, New Guinea. By Andrew Strathern. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. 254. $17.50.) pp. 1842-1843 Downloads
Ralph R. Premdas
The French Pacific Islands: French Polynesia and New Caledonia. By Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff. (Berkeley: University of California Press1971. Pp. 547. $16.75.) pp. 1843-1844 Downloads
Francis West
German Resistance to Hitler: Count von Moltke and the Kreisau Circle. By Ger van Roon. Translated by Peter Ludlow. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971. Pp. 400. $12.00.) pp. 1844-1845 Downloads
Walter Struve
Rébellions au Congo. By Benoit Verhaegen. (Brussels: Centre de Recherches et d'Information Socio-Politiques [CRISP], 1966. Volume I: Pp. 568; Volume II: Pp. 830. No price indicated.) pp. 1845-1846 Downloads
Rene Lemarchand
Politics and the Power Structure: A Rural Community in the Dominican Republic. By Malcolm T. Walker. (New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1972. Pp. 177. $9.00.) pp. 1846-1847 Downloads
G. Pope Atkins
France, 1848–1945. Volume I: Ambition, Love and Politics. By Theodore Zeldin. (Oxford History of Modern Europe) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973. Pp. 823. £6.00.) pp. 1847-1848 Downloads
Eugen Weber
Bureaucracy, the Marshall Plan, and the National Interest. By Hadley Arkes. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 395. $12.50.) pp. 1848-1849 Downloads
Thomas R. Wolanin
The Role of a National Delegation in the General Assembly. By Peter Baehr. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Occasional Paper Number 9, December 1970. Pp. 90. $1.00, paper.) pp. 1849-1850 Downloads
John O. Lindell
Problems of War and Peace: A Critical Analysis of Bourgeois Theories. Translated from the Russian by Bryan Bean. (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972. Pp. 390. $3.00.) pp. 1850-1851 Downloads
Hedley Bull
The Migration of Workers in the United Kingdom and the European Community. By W. R. Böhning. (New York: Oxford University Press for Institute of Race Relations, London, 1972. Pp. xvi, 167. $10.25.) pp. 1851-1852 Downloads
Dennis Brooks
Power and Equilibrium in the 1970s. By Alastair Buchan. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 116. $6.00.) pp. 1852-1853 Downloads
Robert L. Rothstein
A Secret War: Americans in China, 1944–1945. By Oliver J. Caldwell. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. Pp. 218. $5.95.) - Dragon by the Tail. By John Paton DaviesJr. (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1972. Pp. 448. $10.00.) - General Stilwell in China, 1942–1944: The Full Story. ByChin-tung Liang. (Jamaica, New York: St. John's University Press, 1972. Pp. 321. $6.95.) - Sino-American Relations, 1949–1971. Edited by Roderick MacFarquhar. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 267. $2.95.) - Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927–1945: A Persuading Encounter. By Kenneth E. Shewmaker. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1971. Pp. 387. $10.00.) pp. 1853-1855 Downloads
Allen S. Whiting
Public Papers of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations. Edited by Andrew W. Cordier and Wilder Foote. (New York: Columbia University Press; Vol. 1: Trygve Lie, 1946–1953. [1969, Pp. xiv, 535. $15.00.], Vol. 2: Dag Hammarskjöld, 1953–1956. [1972, Pp. xiv, 716. $22.50.], Vol. 3: Dag Hammarskjöld, 1956–1957. [1973, Pp. xv, 729. $22.50.]) pp. 1855-1857 Downloads
Philip C. Jessup
International Disputes: The Legal Aspects. Report of a Study Group of the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies. (London: Europa Publications, 1972. Pp. 325. $11.95.) pp. 1857-1858 Downloads
A. J. R. Groom
Roosevelt and World War II. By Robert A. Divine. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969. Pp. 107. $5.95.) pp. 1858-1859 Downloads
Arnold A. Offner
Public Diplomacy and the Behavioral Sciences. By Glen H. Fisher. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. Pp. 180. $6.00.) pp. 1859-1860 Downloads
Richard A. Rettig
The United States and Malaysia. By James W. Gould. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. 267. $8.00.) pp. 1860-1861 Downloads
Robert O. Tilman
International Crises: Insights from Behavioral Research. By Charles F. Hermann. (New York: Free Press, 1972. Pp. 334. $12.95.) pp. 1861-1863 Downloads
P. Terrence Hopmann
American Religious Groups View Foreign Policy: Trends in Rank-and-File Opinion, 1937–1969. By Alfred O. HeroJr. (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1973. Pp. 552. $9.75.) pp. 1863-1864 Downloads
Kenneth W. Thompson
Soviet Russia and the Middle East. By Aaron S. Klieman. (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970. Pp. 106. $6.50.) pp. 1864-1865 Downloads
Amos Perlmutter
International Law: Collected Papers of Hersch Lauterpacht. Volume I: General Works. Edited by E. Lauterpacht. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. xxiii, 539. $37.50.) pp. 1865-1867 Downloads
Louis B. Sohn
Regional Integration: Theory and Research. Edited by Leon N. Lindberg and Stuart A. Scheingold. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 427. $12.50.) pp. 1867-1868 Downloads
David P. Calleo
History of the Sino-Japanese War, 1937–1945. Compiled by Hsu Long-hsuen and Chang Ming-kai. (Taipei, Taiwan: Chung Wu Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. 642. $15.00.) pp. 1869-1870 Downloads
John H. Boyle
Colonial Sequence, 1930 to 1949: A Chronological Commentary upon British Colonial Policy, Especially in Africa; and Colonial Sequence, 1949 to 1969: A Chronological Commentary upon British Colonial Policy in Africa, 2 vols. By Margery Perham. (London: Methuen and Co., Vol. I, 1967. Pp. 331. $8.80; Vol. II, 1971. Pp. 377. S12.00.) pp. 1870-1872 Downloads
L. H. Gann
The Strategy of Technology: Winning the Decisive War. By Stefan T. Possony and J. E. Pournelle. (New York: Dunellen, 1970. Pp. xxxii, 189. $7.50.) pp. 1872-1873 Downloads
George H. Quester
The Persian Gulf: Iran's Role. By Rouhollah K. Ramazani. (Charlottesville, Va.: University Press of Virginia, 1972. Pp. 157. $7.50.) pp. 1873-1874 Downloads
R. M. Burrell
The Diffusion of Power, 1957–1972: An Essay in Recent History. By W. W. Rostow. (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1972. 739 pages. $12.50.) pp. 1874-1875 Downloads
Lincoln P. Bloomfield
Small States in International Relations, Nobel Symposium 17. Edited by August Schou and Arne O. Brundtland. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1971. Pp. 250. $16.50.) pp. 1875-1877 Downloads
Nils Ørvik
Weak States in a World of Powers. By Marshall R. Singer. (New York: The Free Press, 1972. Pp. xii, 431. $10.95.) pp. 1877-1878 Downloads
Annette Baker Fox
Aden and British Strategy, 1839–1968. By Harvey Sicherman. (Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, Research Monograph Series, No. 12. August, 1972. Pp. 53. $3.50, paper.) pp. 1877-1877 Downloads
Aaron S. Klieman
New Left Diplomatic Histories and Historians: The American Revisionists. By Joseph M. Siracusa. (Port Washington, N.Y., and London: National University Publications, Kennikat Press, 1973. Pp. viii, 138. $6.95.) pp. 1878-1879 Downloads
Ole R. Holsti
War Coalitions: The Distributions of Payoffs and Losses. By Harvey Starr. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1972. Pp. 224. $12.50.) pp. 1880-1880 Downloads
James Lee Ray
The United Nations and the News Media. By Alexander Szalai with Margaret Croke and Associates. (New York: United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1972. Pp. vi, 323. $6.50.) pp. 1881-1882 Downloads
Leon Gordenker
The American Revolution and the French Alliance. By William C. Stinchcombe. (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1969. Pp. 246. $7.95.) pp. 1881-1881 Downloads
Alexander DeConde
Prospects in the Pacific. Edited with an Introduction by Richard L. Walker. (Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, 1972. Pp. 212. $8.50.) pp. 1883-1884 Downloads
Willard H. Elsbree
Greece and the Entente: August 1, 1914–September 25, 1916. By Christos Theodoulou. (Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1971. Pp. 379. No price indicated.) pp. 1883-1883 Downloads
D. George Kousoulas
World War II: Books in English, 1945–65. Compiled by Janet Ziegler. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1971. Pp. 223. $10.50.) pp. 1884-1884 Downloads
Barton Whaley

Volume 68, issue 3, 1974

Political Issues and Trust in Government: 1964–1970* pp. 951-972 Downloads
Arthur H. Miller
Comment: The Political Relevance of Trust in Government* pp. 973-988 Downloads
Jack Citrin
Rejoinder to “Comment” by Jack Citrin: Political Discontent or Ritualism? pp. 989-1001 Downloads
Arthur H. Miller
Theory and Voting Research: Some Reflections on Converse's “Change in the American Electorate” pp. 1002-1023 Downloads
Walter Dean Burnham
Comment on Burnham's “Theory and Voting Research” pp. 1024-1027 Downloads
Philip E. Converse
Comment: The American Electoral Universe: Speculation and Evidence* pp. 1028-1049 Downloads
Jerrold G. Rusk
Rejoinder to “Comments” by Philip Converse and Jerrold Rusk pp. 1050-1057 Downloads
Walter Dean Burnham
Social Change and Political Mobilization in the United States: 1870–1960* pp. 1058-1074 Downloads
Jesse F. Marquette
Institutionalization, the Ombudsman, and Bureaucracy* pp. 1075-1085 Downloads
Larry B. Hill
Hegel's Critique of Liberal Theories of Rights* pp. 1086-1092 Downloads
Peter G. Stillman
Party Coalitions in Multiparty Parliaments: A Game-Theoretic Analysis* pp. 1093-1117 Downloads
Lawrence C. Dodd
The Mediating Influence of State Legislatures on the Linkage Between Interparty Competition and Welfare Policies* pp. 1118-1124 Downloads
Edward G. Carmines
Urbanization and Political Demand Making: Political Participation Among the Migrant Poor in Latin American Cities* pp. 1125-1146 Downloads
Wayne A. Cornelius
Clientelist Politics in the Philippines: Integration or Instability?* pp. 1147-1170 Downloads
Thomas C. Nowak and Kay A. Snyder
An Organizational Approach to the Study of Political Culture in Marxist-Leninist Systems* pp. 1171-1191 Downloads
Kenneth Jowitt
Foreign Policy and Empirical Democratic Theory* pp. 1192-1197 Downloads
David W. Moore
The ABM Issue in the Senate, 1968–1970: The Importance of Ideology pp. 1198-1206 Downloads
Robert A. Bernstein and William W. Anthony
Need for Achievement and Competitiveness as Determinants of Political Party Success in Elections and Coalitions* pp. 1207-1220 Downloads
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Bases of Budgetary Incrementalism* pp. 1221-1228 Downloads
John Wanat
Environment and Party: The Impact of Political and Demographic County Characteristics on Party Behavior* pp. 1229-1244 Downloads
Paul Allen Beck
Conflict in the Community: A Theory of the Effects of Community Size pp. 1245-1261 Downloads
Gordon S. Black
[no title] pp. 1262-1280 Downloads
Chemical and Biological Warfare* pp. 1285-1291 Downloads
George H. Quester
Tradition and Nationality: A Classic Revisited* pp. 1292-1295 Downloads
Samuel Beer
Youth in Transition, Vol. I: Blueprint for a Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Boys. By Jerald G. Bachman, Robert L. Kahn, Martha T. Mednick, Terrence N. Davidson, and Lloyd D. Johnston. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research of The University of Michigan, Third Printing 1972. Pp. xii, 269. $8.00, cloth; S5.00, paper.) - Youth in Transition, Vol. II: The Impact of Family Background and Intelligence on Tenth-Grade Boys. By Jerald G. Bachman. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research of The University of Michigan, 1970. Pp. xvi, 289. $7.00, cloth; $5.00, paper.) - Youth Look at National Problems: A Special Report from the Youth in Transition Project. By Jerald G. Bachman and Elizabeth Van Duinen. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research of The University of Michigan, 1971. Pp. ix, 98. $2.00, paper.) - Youth in Transition, Vol. V: Young Men and Military Service. By Jerome Johnston and Jerald G. Bachman. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research of The University of Michigan, 1972. Pp. xiv, 254. $8.00, cloth; $5.00, paper.) pp. 1296-1297 Downloads
Jarol B. Manheim
The Politics of Authenticity: Radical Individualism and the Emergence of Modern Society. By Marshall Berman. (New York: Atheneum, 1970. Pp. 320. $8.95.) pp. 1297-1299 Downloads
Allan Bloom
Tocqueville. By Hugh Brogan. (London: Fontana Paperbacks, Collins, 1973. Pp. 95. $1.50, paper.) pp. 1299-1300 Downloads
J. P. Mayer
Christian Political Theory and Church Politics in the Mid-Twelfth Century: The Ecclesiology of Gratian's Decretum. By Stanley Chodorow. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 300. $15.00.) pp. 1300-1301 Downloads
Ernest L. Fortin
Size and Democracy. By Robert A. Dahl and Edward R. Tufte. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1973. Pp. x, 148. $6.95.) pp. 1301-1303 Downloads
Heinz Eulau
Administration: The Word and the Science. By Andrew Dunsire. (New York: Halsted Press, 1973. Pp. x, 262. $8.75. First published in 1973 by Martin Robertson and Co. Ltd., London.) pp. 1303-1305 Downloads
Robert T. Golembiewski
Two Concepts of the Rule of Law. By Gottfried Dietze. (Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund, 1973. Pp. 108. $5.00.) pp. 1303-1303 Downloads
Stephen L. Wasby
Political Obligation. By Richard E. Flathman. (New York: Atheneum, 1972. Pp. 334. $12.95.) pp. 1305-1306 Downloads
Leslie J. Macfarlane
Antonio Gramsci: Life of a Revolutionary. By Giuseppe Fiori. (New York: Schocken Books, 1970, 1973. Pp. 304. $3.45, paper.) pp. 1305-1305 Downloads
Dante Germino
Jean Bodin and the Rise of Absolutist Theory. By Julian H. Franklin. (London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1973. Pp. 113. $8.95.) pp. 1306-1307 Downloads
Randal H. Ihara
Dialectic of Enlightenment. By Max Horkheimer & Theodor W. Adorno. Translated by John Cumming. (New York: Herder & Herder, 1972. Pp. xvii, 256. $9.50.) pp. 1307-1308 Downloads
Hiram Caton
The Development of the Marxian Dialectic. By Dick Howard. (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 205. $7.95.) pp. 1308-1310 Downloads
Z. A. Jordan
Sayyid Jamal ad-Din “al-Afghani”: A Political Bibliography. By Nikki R. Keddie. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. xvii, 479. $20.00.) pp. 1310-1311 Downloads
Marvin Zonis
Technology Assessment: Understanding the Social Consequences of Technological Applications. Edited by Raphael G. Kasper. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 306. $16.50.) pp. 1310-1310 Downloads
Victor Ferkiss
Participatory Democracy: Developing Ideals of the Political Left. By Daniel C. Kramer. (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1972. Pp. 249. $8.95.) pp. 1311-1313 Downloads
Carole Pateman
Toothing Stones: Rethinking the Political. Edited by Robert E. Meagher. (Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1972. Pp. xvii, 289. $7.95.) pp. 1313-1314 Downloads
D. M. White
The Social Contexts of Research. Edited by Saad Z. Nagi and Ronald G. Corwin. (New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1972. Pp. 409, xiv. $13.50.) pp. 1314-1315 Downloads
Arnold Thackray
The Political Theory of a Compound Republic: A Reconstruction of the Logical Foundations of American Democracy as Presented in The Federalist. By Vincent Ostrom. (Blacksburg, Va.: Center for Study of Public Choice, 1971. Pp. 132. $6.95, cloth; $1.25, paper.) pp. 1315-1316 Downloads
Robert S. Ross
Obligation: A Social Theory. By Ralph Ross. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1970. Pp. 200. $7.50.) pp. 1316-1318 Downloads
Melvin M. Tumin
The Idea of Culture in the Social Sciences. Edited by Louis Schneider and Charles Bonjean. (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1973. Pp. 149. $9.95, cloth; $2.95, paper.) pp. 1318-1319 Downloads
Harry C. Triandis
The Structures of the Life-World. By Alfred Schutz and Thomas Luckmann. Translated from the German by Richard M. Zaner and H. Tristram EngelhardtJr., (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1973. Pp. xxxvi, 335. $10.50.) pp. 1319-1321 Downloads
Hwa Yol Jung
Mind and Politics. By Ellen Meiksins Wood. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 192. $7.50.) pp. 1321-1322 Downloads
Vincent E. Starzinger
Television and the Public. By Robert T. Bower. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1973. Pp. 205. $7.95.) pp. 1322-1323 Downloads
Paul Conway
Congressional Voting in a Partisan Era: A Study of the McKinley Houses and a Comparison to the Modern House of Representatives. By David W. Brady. (Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas, 1973. Pp. 273. $10.00.) pp. 1323-1324 Downloads
Charles M. Tidmarch
American Criminal Justice: The Defendant's Perspective. By Jonathan D. Casper. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. Pp. 175. $5.95.) - Crime and Justice in American Society. Edited by Jack D. Douglas. (Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1971. Pp. 297. $7.50.) - Crime, Dissent, and the Attorney General: The Justice Department in the 1960's. By John T. Elliff. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1971. Pp. 276. $10.00.) pp. 1324-1325 Downloads
Ruth G. Weintraub
The War Industries Board: Business-Government Relations During World War I. By Robert D. Cuff. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Pp. 304. $13.50.) pp. 1325-1326 Downloads
Robert A. Kagan
The Desirability of a Correctional Ombudsman. By Timothy L. Fitzharris. (Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, 1973. Pp. 114. $3.00.) pp. 1326-1327 Downloads
Karl A. Friedmann
The Fight for Competitive Advantage: A Study of the United States Domestic Air Trunk Carriers. By William E. Fruhan. (Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1972. Pp. 183. $9.00.) pp. 1327-1328 Downloads
Robert L. Thornton
U.S. Congressional Directories, 1798–1840. Edited by Perry M. Goldman and James S. Young. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1973. Pp. 417. $20.00.) pp. 1328-1328 Downloads
Nelson W. Polsby
Education, Training, and the Urban Ghetto. By Bennett Harrison. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. Pp. 267. $10.00.) pp. 1328-1329 Downloads
JeDon A. Emenhiser
Marihuana Users and Drug Subcultures. By Bruce D. Johnson. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1973. Pp. 290. $12.95.) - Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Second Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. Pp. 481. $2.25.) pp. 1329-1331 Downloads
Joseph L. Zentner
People of Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Origins of American Civilization. By Michael Kammen. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. Pp. xvii, 316. $8.95.) pp. 1331-1332 Downloads
Jack P. Greene
Essays on the American Revolution. Edited by Stephen G. Kurtz and James H. Hutson. (Chapel Hill, N.C.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1973. Pp. 320. $12.50.) pp. 1332-1333 Downloads
Richard Crosby
The Rise and Fall of the People's Century: Henry Agard Wallace and American Liberalism, 1941–1948. By Norman Markowitz. (New York: The Free Press, 1973. Pp. 416. $8.95.) pp. 1333-1334 Downloads
Edward L. Schapsmeier
Another Look at the Twentieth-Century South. By George E. Mowry. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1973. Pp. ix, 90. $4.95.) pp. 1334-1335 Downloads
Charles S. Bullock
The Role of Analysis in Regulatory Decision-making: The Case of Cable Television. Edited by Rolla Edward Park. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1973. Pp. 112. $9.50.) pp. 1335-1336 Downloads
Nathan Shoehalter
Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington are Dashed in Oakland; Or, Why It's Amazing that Federal Programs Work at All, This Being a Saga of the Economic Development Administration as Told by Two Sympathetic Observers Who Seek to Build Morals on a Foundation of Ruined Hopes. By Jeffrey L. Pressman and Aaron Wildavsky. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. Pp. xviii, 182. $7.50.) pp. 1336-1337 Downloads
Martha Derthick
The Politics of Environmental Concern. By Walter A. Rosenbaum. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. 298. $9.00.) pp. 1337-1338 Downloads
Harris S. Cohen
S.D.S. By Kirkpatrick Sale. (New York: Random House, 1973. Pp. 752. $15.00.) pp. 1338-1339 Downloads
Edward J. Bacciocco
Who's Who in American Politics: 1973–1974. Fourth edition. Edited by Paul A. Theis and Edmund L. HenshawJr., (New York: Jacques Cattell Press, 1973. Pp. 1216. $40.00.) pp. 1339-1340 Downloads
Charles O. Jones
Letters of Louis D. Brandeis: Volume I, 1870–1907, Urban Reformer; Volume II, 1907–1912, People's Attorney; Volume III, 1913–1915, Progressive and Zionist. Edited by Melvin I. Urofsky and David W. Levy. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1971, 1972, 1973. Pp. xlii, 610; xxiv, 750; xxii, 705. $20.00 per volume.) pp. 1340-1341 Downloads
Robert G. Seddig
Black Political Parties: An Historical and Political Analysis. By Hanes WaltonJr., (New York: The Free Press, 1972. Pp. xi, 276. $7.95.) pp. 1341-1342 Downloads
William R. Keech
In Pursuit of Price Stability: The Wage-Price Freeze of 1971. By Arnold R. Weber. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1973. Pp. 137. $5.95, cloth; $2.50, paper.) pp. 1342-1343 Downloads
William A. Niskanen
The Politics of the Ocean. By Edward WenkJr., (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1972. Pp. 590. $14.95.) pp. 1343-1344 Downloads
Donald E. Milsten
The Guarantee Clause of the U.S. Constitution. By William M. Wiecek. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 324. $12.50.) pp. 1344-1345 Downloads
Robert J. Morgan
Rural Politics and Social Change in the Middle East. Edited by Richard Antoun and Iliya Harik. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. Pp. 498. $13.50.) pp. 1345-1346 Downloads
Douglas E. Ashford
Anarchism Today. Edited by David E. Apter and James Joll. (New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1972. Pp. 274. $1.95, paper.) pp. 1346-1347 Downloads
Stanley Rothman
Asian Development: Problems and Prognosis. By John Badgley. (New York: Free Press, 1971. Pp. 210. $6.95, cloth; $2.95, paper.) pp. 1347-1348 Downloads
Khalid B. Sayeed
Revolution in Peru: Mariátegui and the Myth. By John M. Baines. (University: The University of Alabama Press, 1972. Pp. x, 206. $7.50.) pp. 1348-1349 Downloads
Harry Kantor
The Collapse of British Power. By Correlli Barnett. (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1972. Pp. 655. $15.00.) pp. 1349-1350 Downloads
F. S. Northedge
City Politics and the Press: Journalists and the Governing of Merseyside. By Harvey Cox and David Morgan. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1973. Pp. 159. $8.75.) pp. 1350-1351 Downloads
Morris Davis
Modern Revolutions: An Introduction to the Analysis of a Political Phenomenon. By John Dunn. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 346. $14.50.) pp. 1351-1352 Downloads
Rex Mortimer
Administration and Development in Malaysia: Institution Building and Reform in a Plural Society. By Milton Esman. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 341. $12.50.) pp. 1352-1354 Downloads
Lucian W. Pye
Urbanization, Planning and National Development. By John Friedmann. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, Inc., 1973. Pp. 351. $12.50.) pp. 1354-1355 Downloads
Jorge I. Domínguez
The Politics of Urban Development in Singapore. By Robert E. Gamer. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 263. $15.00.) pp. 1355-1357 Downloads
Lynn T. White
Competition and the Corporate Society: British Conservatives, the State and Industry, 1945–1964. By Nigel Harris. (London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1972. Pp. 384. $12.75.) pp. 1357-1358 Downloads
S. C. Ghosh
Popular Government in an African Town: Kita, Mali. By Nicholas S. Hopkins. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972. Pp. 246. $9.50.) pp. 1358-1359 Downloads
William J. Foltz
The Arabian Peninsula: Society and Politics. Edited by Derek Hopwood. (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1972. Pp. 320. $11.50.) - The Changing Balance of Power in the Persian Gulf: An International Seminar Report. By Elizabeth Monroe. (New York: American Universities Field Staff, 1972. Pp. 79. $4.95.) pp. 1359-1361 Downloads
John G. Merriam
Political Elite in Bihar. By Shashishekhar Jha. (Bombay: Vora & Co., Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1972. Pp. 332. Rs. 25.) pp. 1361-1361 Downloads
Douglas C. Smyth
The Caciques: Oligarchical Politics and the System of Caciquismo in the Luso-Hispanic World. Edited by Robert Kern. (Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1973. Pp. 202. $10.00.) pp. 1362-1363 Downloads
Douglas A. Chalmers
Politics in India. By Rajni Kothari. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970. Pp. 461. $4.50, paper.) pp. 1363-1364 Downloads
Myron Weiner
Social Groups in Polish Society. Edited by David Lane and George Kolankiewicz. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1973. Pp. xvi, 396. $11.00.) pp. 1364-1365 Downloads
Szymon Chodak
The Middle East: A Political and Economic Survey, 4th Edition. Edited by Peter Mansfield. (London: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. 566. $19.95.) pp. 1365-1366 Downloads
Robert Owen Freedman
The French Colonial Myth and Constitution-Making in the Fourth Republic. By D. Bruce Marshall. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973. Pp. 363. $12.50.) pp. 1366-1367 Downloads
Peter Alexis Gourevitch
The Emergence of the Indian National Congress. By S. R. Mehrotra. (New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1972. Pp. vi, 461. $22.50.) pp. 1367-1368 Downloads
Paul Wallace
Working Papers on Canadian Politics, Enlarged Edition. By John Meisel. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1973. Pp. 257. $6.00, paper.) pp. 1369-1370 Downloads
Peter Regenstreif
The Soviet Armed Forces, Books in English, 1950–1967. By Michael Parrish. Hoover Institution Bibliographical Series: XLVIII. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1970. Pp. viii, 128. $7.50.) pp. 1370-1370 Downloads
Leon Goure
Elections in South Vietnam. By Howard Penniman. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1972. Pp. 246. $3.50.) pp. 1370-1371 Downloads
Allan E. Goodman
Technology for Developing Nations: New Directions for U.S. Technical Assistance. By Rutherford M. Poats. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1972. Pp. ix, 255. $7.50.) pp. 1371-1372 Downloads
Brewster C. Denny
Tito, Mihailović and the Allies, 1941–1945. By Walter R. Roberts. (New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1973. Pp. xv, 406. $15.00.) pp. 1372-1373 Downloads
Alex N. Dragnich
Latin American Modernization Problems. Edited by Robert E. Scott. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1973. Pp. vi, 365. $12.50.) pp. 1373-1375 Downloads
Eldon Kenworthy
East and West Germany: A Comparative Economic Analysis. By Martin Schnitzer. (New York: Praeger Publishing, 1972. Pp. 446. $22.50.) pp. 1373-1373 Downloads
Gerald G. Watson
Revolutionary Education in China: Documents and Commentary. By Peter J. Seybolt. (White Plains, N.Y.: International Arts and Sciences Press, Inc., 1973. Pp. 408. $15.00.) pp. 1375-1375 Downloads
Anthony W. Ferguson
Vietnam and the West. By Ralph Smith. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1971. Pp. ix, 206. $6.50, cloth; $1.95, paper.) pp. 1375-1376 Downloads
Robert L. Youngblood
The Churches and Politics in Germany. By Frederic Spotts. (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1973. Pp. 419. $15.00.) pp. 1376-1377 Downloads
Guenter Lewy
Structure and Process in Latin America: Patronage, Clientage, and Power Systems. Edited by Arnold Strickon and Sidney M. Greenfield. (Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1972. Pp. 256. $10.00.) pp. 1377-1379 Downloads
Steffen Schmidt
Book Publishing in the USSR: Reports of the Delegations of U.S. Book Publishers Visiting the USSR, October 21–November 4, 1970, August 20–September 17, 1962, Second edition, enlarged. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 182. $4.95, paper.) pp. 1379-1379 Downloads
Patricia K. Grimsted
The Private Sector in Soviet Agriculture. By Karl-Eugen Wädekin. 2nd revised edition of Privatproduzenten in der sowjetischen Landwirtschaft. Edited by G. F. Karcz. Translated by K. Bush. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. Pp. 432. $17.50.) pp. 1379-1381 Downloads
James R. Millar
The Fourth World: Victims of Group Oppression. Edited by Ben Whitaker. (London: Sidgwick and Jackson Limited, 1972; and New York: Schocken Books, 1973. Pp. 342. $10.00.) pp. 1381-1382 Downloads
Richard Sandbrook
Weapons Technology and Arms Control. By W. F. Biddle. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 355. $20.00.) pp. 1382-1382 Downloads
Bernard Brodie
The Superpowers and the Middle East. By Tarun Chandra Bose. (New York: Asia Publishing House, 1972. Pp. 208. $6.50.) pp. 1382-1383 Downloads
O. M. Smolansky
The Retreat of American Power. By Henry Brandon. (New York: Doubleday & Co., 1973. Pp. 368. $6.95.) pp. 1383-1384 Downloads
Frank Burd
The Peace Conspiracy: Wang Ching-wei and the China War, 1937–1941. By Gerald E. Bunker. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. 327. $13.50.) pp. 1384-1385 Downloads
James E. Sheridan
America and the World Political Economy. By David P. Calleo and Benjamin M. Rowland. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. Pp. xii, 371. $12.50, cloth; $2.95, paper.) pp. 1385-1386 Downloads
Ole R. Holsti
Fundamental Guarantees of the Parties in Civil Litigation: Studies in National, International and Comparative Law. Edited by Mauro Cappelletti and Denis Tallon. (N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1973. Pp. 821. $25.00.) pp. 1386-1387 Downloads
Richard Pierre Claude
A World Elsewhere: The New American Foreign Policy. By James Chace. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973. Pp. 108. $5.95.) pp. 1387-1388 Downloads
Hilliard A. Gardiner
Soviet Policy toward Black Africa: The Focus on National Integration. By Helen D. Cohn. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 334. $17.50.) pp. 1388-1389 Downloads
Vernon McKay
The Anatomy of Influence: Decision-Making in International Organization. By Robert W. Cox, Harold K. Jacobson, Gerard and Victoria Curzon, Joseph S. Nye, Lawrence Scheinman, James P. Sewell, and Susan Strange. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973. Pp. 497. $15.00.) pp. 1389-1391 Downloads
H. Field Haviland
A Socioeconomic Profile of South Africa. By William R. Duggan. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973. Pp. xviii, 181. $15.00.) pp. 1391-1392 Downloads
Thomas Karis
Creating a New World Politics: From Conflict to Co-operation. By David V. Edwards. (New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1973. Pp. xvi, 191. $2.95.) pp. 1392-1393 Downloads
J. L. Richardson
The Fortunes of the West: The Future of the Atlantic Nations. By Theodore Geiger. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. Pp. 304. $10.00) pp. 1393-1394 Downloads
Annette Baker Fox
Social Science Literature: A Bibliography for International Law. By Wesley L. Gould and Michael Barkun. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 641. Index of authors. $15.00 hardbound, photo-offset.) pp. 1394-1395 Downloads
Anthony D'Amato
Japan and East Asia: The New International Order. By Donald C. Hellmann. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 243. $8.00.) pp. 1395-1396 Downloads
Willard H. Elsbree
Security in Europe. By Robert Hunter. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 281. $8.95.) pp. 1396-1397 Downloads
F. S. Northedge
International Relations and World Images: A Study of Norwegian Foreign Policy Elites. By Helge Hveem. (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1972. Pp. 336. $12.50.) pp. 1397-1399 Downloads
Nils Ørvik
China and the West: Mankind Evolving. By Robert Jungk, Ernan McMullin, Joseph Needham, Joan Robinson, Stuart Schram, William Sewell, and Bernard Towers. (New York: Humanities Press, Inc., 1971. Pp. xvii, 144. $5.50.) pp. 1399-1400 Downloads
John H. Boyle
Soviet Relations with India and Pakistan. By Davendra Kaushik. (New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1972. Pp. 119. $5.00.) pp. 1400-1401 Downloads
Paul Gerhardt
The United States, Communism, and the Emergent World. By Bernard P. Kiernan. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. Pp. 248. $7.95.) pp. 1401-1402 Downloads
Roger E. Kanet
Europe in the Twentieth Century. By George Lichtheim. (New York, Praeger Publishers, 1972, Pp. 372. $12.95.) pp. 1402-1403 Downloads
George L. Mosse
International Economic Reform: Collected Papers of Emile Despres. Edited by Gerald M. Meier. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Pp. xvi, 293. $7.50.) pp. 1403-1404 Downloads
Robert E. Asher
The Study of International Affairs: Essays in Honour of Kenneth Younger. Edited by Roger Morgan. (London: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 309. $17.00.) pp. 1404-1405 Downloads
John H. Herz
Strategic Forces: Issues for the Mid-Seventies. By Alton H. Quanbeck and Barry M. Blechman. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1973. Pp. 94. $1.95, paper.) pp. 1405-1406 Downloads
Herbert Scoville
Hitler's War Aims: Ideology, the Nazi State, and the Course of Expansion. By Norman Rich. (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1973. Pp. xliii, 352. $10.00.) pp. 1406-1407 Downloads
A. J. P. Taylor
Planning, Prediction, and Policymaking in Foreign Affairs. By Robert L. Rothstein. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1972. Pp. 215. $6.95.) pp. 1407-1408 Downloads
Bernard C. Cohen
The Dimensions of Nations. By R. J. Rummel. (Beverly Hills: Sage Press, 1972. Pp. 512. $20.00.) pp. 1408-1409 Downloads
Gordon Hilton
Republic Or Empire: American Resistance to the Philippine War. By Daniel B. Schirmer. (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., Inc., 1972. Pp. 298. $9.50 cloth; $4.50, paper.) pp. 1409-1410 Downloads
Milton Plesur
The Berlin Crisis of 1961: Soviet-American Relations and the Struggle for Power in the Kremlin, June–November 1961. By Robert M. Slusser. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Pp. 509. $17.50.) pp. 1410-1411 Downloads
Werner J. Feld
Barriers to Progress in South Vietnam: The United States Experience. By Edward Reynolds Wright. (Seoul, Korea: Pomso Publishers, Ltd., 1973. Pp. 174. No price indicated.) pp. 1411-1412 Downloads
William W. Boyer

Volume 68, issue 2, 1974

Deferential-Participant Politics: The Early Republic's Political Culture, 1789–1840* pp. 473-487 Downloads
Ronald P. Formisano
Middle-Class Voters and Progressive Reform: The Conflict of Class and Culture* pp. 488-504 Downloads
Roger E. Wyman
On the Size of Winning Coalitions* pp. 505-518 Downloads
Kenneth A. Shepsle
Comment on Shepsle's “On the Size of Winning Coalitions” pp. 519-521 Downloads
Robert Lyle Butterworth
Minimum Winning Coalitions Reconsidered: A Rejoinder to Butterworth's “Comment” pp. 522-524 Downloads
Kenneth A. Shepsle
The Paradox of Not Voting: A Decision Theoretic Analysis* pp. 525-536 Downloads
John A. Ferejohn and Morris P. Fiorina
Paradoxes of Voting* pp. 537-546 Downloads
Peter C. Fishburn
Transcending Tragedy: The Idea of Civility pp. 547-560 Downloads
Glenn Tinder
The Social Origins of Liberal Democracy: The Swedish Case* pp. 561-571 Downloads
Timothy A. Tilton
The Simple Act of Voting* pp. 572-591 Downloads
Stanley Kelley and Thad W. Mirer
Racial Differences in Protest Participation* pp. 592-606 Downloads
Peter K. Eisinger
The Friendship Group as a Protective Environment for Political Deviants* pp. 607-625 Downloads
Ada W. Finifter
Nonattitudes and American Public Opinion: The Examination of a Thesis pp. 626-649 Downloads
John C. Pierce and Douglas D. Rose
Comment: The Status of Nonattitudes pp. 650-660 Downloads
Philip E. Converse
Rejoinder to “Comment” by Philip E. Converse pp. 661-666 Downloads
Douglas D. Rose and John C. Pierce
Mobilization of Liberal Strength in the House, 1955–1970: The Democratic Study Group* pp. 667-681 Downloads
Arthur G. Stevens, Arthur H. Miller and Thomas E. Mann
The Measurement of Party Competition* pp. 682-700 Downloads
David J. Elkins
Toward a Model of Soviet Decision Making: A Research Note* pp. 701-706 Downloads
Donald R. Kelley
Provision of Collective Goods As a Function of Group Size* pp. 707-716 Downloads
John Chamberlin
[no title] pp. 717-720 Downloads
Robert Axelrod
[no title] pp. 720-722 Downloads
Fred I. Greenstein
[no title] pp. 722-725 Downloads
James W. Clarke and Henry C. Kenski
[no title] pp. 725-729 Downloads
Donald D. Searing and Joel J. Schwartz
[no title] pp. 729-730 Downloads
Nigel Howard
[no title] pp. 730-731 Downloads
John C. Harsanyi
[no title] pp. 731-731 Downloads
Steven B. Wolinetz
[no title] pp. 731-732 Downloads
Morton A. Kaplan
Diplomacy for the 70's: An Afterview and Appraisal* pp. 736-748 Downloads
William I. Bacchus
Towards a New Theory of Distributive Justice. By Norman E. Bowie. (Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1971. Pp. 148. $9.00.) pp. 749-750 Downloads
Edward J. Erler
A Treatise on Political Economy. By Antoine Louis Claude Destutt de Tracy. (New York: A. M. Kelley, 1970. Pp. xxviii, 344. $15.00.) - Psychology of Political Science With Special Consideration for the Political Acumen of Destutt de Tracy. By John M. Dorsey. (Detroit: Center for Health Education, 1973. Pp. xxxvi, 516. $15.00.) pp. 750-752 Downloads
G. David Garson
Content Analysis: A Technique for Systematic Inference from Communications. By Thomas F. Carney. (Winnipeg, Canada: University of Manitoba Press, 1972. Pp. 343. $11.00) pp. 750-750 Downloads
Dina A. Zinnes
Elite and Specialized Interviewing. By Lewis Anthony Dexter. (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970. Pp. 205. $6.50.) pp. 752-753 Downloads
Keith M. Henderson
Social Radicalism and the Arts: Western Europe. By Donald Drew Egbert. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970. Pp. xxxiii, 821. $15.00.) pp. 753-754 Downloads
Louis Wasserman
Psychoanalytic Jurisprudence: On Ethics, Aesthetics, and Law—On Crime, Tort, and Procedure. By Albert A. Ehrenzweig. (Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff; Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Press, 1971. Pp. 395. $19. 40.) pp. 754-755 Downloads
G. Edward White
Thomas Hobbes und der Puritanismus. By Winfried Forster. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1969. Pp. 243. DM 49,80.) - Hobbes-Forschungen. Edited by Reinhart Koselleck and Roman Schnur. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1969. Pp. 300. DM 18,60.) pp. 755-756 Downloads
Herbert W. Schneider
The Mature Society. By Dennis Gabor. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 208. $7.50.) pp. 756-758 Downloads
Kenneth W. Thompson
Behavioural Worlds: The Study of Single Cases. By P. G. Herbst. (London: Tavistock Publications, 1970. 248 pp. $8.00.) pp. 758-759 Downloads
Steven Doehrman
Man and Citizen. By Thomas Hobbes. Edited with an introduction by Bernard Gert. (Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, Doubleday & Co. Inc., 1972. Pp. 386. $2.95, paper.) pp. 759-760 Downloads
Brian Barry
Foundations of Political Sociology. By Irving Louis Horowitz. (Harper & Row, New York, 1972. Pp. 590. $12.00.) pp. 761-762 Downloads
Richard Ashcraft
The Unknown Dimension: European Marxism Since Lenin. Edited by Dick Howard and Karl Klare. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 418. $12.50.) pp. 762-764 Downloads
James R. Ozinga
Social Science and the Idea of Process: The Ambiguous Legacy of Arthur F. Bentley. By Paul F. Kress. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970. Pp. xiv, 260. $8.95.) pp. 764-765 Downloads
Charles B. Hagan
Medieval Political Philosophy. Edited by Ralph Lerner and Muhsin Mahdi. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 532. $4.95.) pp. 765-766 Downloads
Charles E. Butterworth
The Nihilistic Egoist: Max Stirner. By R. W. K. Paterson. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, for the University of Hull, 1971. Pp. xiii, 322. $14.75.) pp. 766-768 Downloads
Z. A. Jordan
Political and Legal Obligation, Nomos XII, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. (New York: Atherton, 1970. Pp. 455. $7.95.) pp. 768-769 Downloads
M. R. Kadish
Wittgenstein and Justice; On the Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought. By Hanna Fenichel Pitkin. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 375. $12.50.) pp. 769-771 Downloads
Stephen E. Toulmin
Radical Political Economy: Capitalism and Socialism from a Marxist-Humanist Perspective. By Howard Sherman. (New York: Basic Books, 1972. Pp. 431. $12.50.) pp. 771-773 Downloads
Richard Nordahl
Measures of Political Attitudes. Edited by John P. Robinson, Jerrold G. Rusk, and Kendra B. Head. (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, 1968. Pp. viii, 702. $12.00, cloth; $6.00, paper.) pp. 771-771 Downloads
David E. RePass
Institutions and Social Exchange: The Sociologies of Talcott Parsons and C. Homans. Edited by Herman Turk and Richard L. Simpson. (Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971. Pp. 417. $8.50.) pp. 773-774 Downloads
Gianfranco Poggi
The Constitutionalist: Notes on the First Amendment. By George Anastaplo. (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1971. Pp. 826. $20.00.) pp. 774-776 Downloads
Dean Alfange
The New Deal in the Suburbs: A History of the Greenbelt Towns. By Joseph L. Arnold. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1971. Pp. xiii, 272. $10.00.) pp. 776-777 Downloads
Hugh A. Bone
An American Philosophy of Social Security: Evaluation and Issues. By J. Douglas Brown. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 244. $8.50.) - Social Security: Universal or Selective? By Wilbur J. Cohen and Milton Friedman. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1972. Pp. 114. $5.75.) - Launching Social Security: A Capture-and-Record Account, 1935-1937. By Charles McKinley and Robert W. Frase. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970. Pp. 519. $12.95.) pp. 777-779 Downloads
Louis L. Friedland
The Presidency on Trial: Robert Kennedy's 1968 Campaign and Afterwards. By Stuart Gerry Brown. (Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii, 1972. Pp. 155. $6.95.) pp. 779-780 Downloads
Fred I. Greenstein
The United States and World War II: Military and Diplomatic Documents. Edited by A. Russell Buchanan. (Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1972. Pp. ix, 303. $9.95.) pp. 780-781 Downloads
Manfred Jonas
How the Bureaucracy Makes Foreign Policy: An Exchange Analysis. By David Howard Davis. (Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath and Company, 1972. Pp. 164. $12.50.) pp. 781-782 Downloads
Fred A. Kramer
The Birth of Mass Political Parties: Michigan, 1827-1861. By Ronald P. Formisano. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. 356. $12.50.) pp. 782-783 Downloads
Roger E. Wyman
The Great Campaigns: Reform and War in America, 1900-1928. By Otis L. GrahamJr. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1971. Pp. xiii, 386. $8.95.) pp. 783-784 Downloads
Richard Weiss
The Political Image Merchants. Edited by Ray Hiebert, Robert Jones, John Lorenz, and Ernest Lotito. (Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books, Ltd., 1971. Pp. 310. $4.95.) - Why Vote? By William C. Mitchell. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. 196. $2.50, paper.) - The Election Game and How To Win It. By Joseph Napolitan. (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1972. Pp. 300. $6.95.) - The Election Process, Voting Laws and Procedures. By Allen Reitman and Robert D. Davidson. (New York: Oceania Publications, 1972. Pp. 154. $3.25.) - The Election Men. By David Lee Rosenbloom. (New York: Quadrangle Books, 1973. Pp. 182. $6.95.) - Campaign Craftsmanship. By Edward Schwartzman. (New York: University Books, 1973. Pp. 276. $8.50.) - The New How To Win An Election. By Stephen C. Shadegg. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1972. Pp. 189. $6.50.) - The Necessary Majority. By Robert C. Wood. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1972. Pp. 95. $5.95.) pp. 784-786 Downloads
Max M. Kampelman
Spending To Save: The Complete Story of Relief. By Harry L. Hopkins. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1972. Pp. 197. $7.50.) pp. 786-787 Downloads
Frank T. Colon
The All-Volunteer Army: An Analysis of Demand and Supply. By K. H. Kim, Susan Farrell, and Ewan Clague. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 230. $12.50.) - The Case Against a Volunteer Army. By Harry A. Marmion. (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971. Pp. 107. $1.95, paper.) pp. 787-788 Downloads
Ryan C. Amacher and Robert Tollison
Innovation In New Communities. By Brown Miller, Neil J. Pinney, and William S. Saslow. (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1972. Pp. 301. $15.00.) pp. 788-789 Downloads
Thomas P. Murphy
Political Economy of Urban Areas. By William B. Neenan. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1972. Pp. 344. $9.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 789-790 Downloads
Lloyd A. Rowe
The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics: The New Political Force of the Seventies. By Michael Novak. (New York: Macmillan Co., 1972. Pp. 321. $7.95.) pp. 790-792 Downloads
Lawrence H. Fuchs
Parties: The Real Opportunity For Effective Citizen Politics. By John S. SalomaIII and Frederich H. Sontag. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. Pp. 390. $7.95.) pp. 792-792 Downloads
David Nexon
Making Federalism Work: A Study of Program Coordination at the Community Level. By James L. Sundquist with the collaboration of David W. Davis. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1969. Pp. ix, 293. $6.95.) pp. 792-793 Downloads
Vincent Ostrom
In Search of Roosevelt. By Rexford G. Tugwell. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1972. Pp. x, 313. $12.95.) pp. 793-794 Downloads
Thomas H. Greer
Education and State Politics. By Michael D. Usdan, David W. Minar, and Emanuel HurwitzJr. (New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1969, 1971. Pp. 190. $7.50.) pp. 794-795 Downloads
Carl Grafton
The Political Economy of Public Organizations: A Critique and Approach to the Study of Public Administration. By Gary L. Wamsley and Mayer N. Zald. (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Company, 1973. Pp. 111. $10.00.) pp. 795-796 Downloads
Charles H. Levine
American Roulette: The History and Dilemma of the Vice Presidency. Revised Edition. By Donald Young. (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972. Pp. xiv, 433. $7.95.) pp. 796-797 Downloads
Robert S. Ross
A Short History of the European Working Class. By Wolfgang Abendroth. Translated by Nicholas Jacobs, Brian Trench, and Joris de Bres. (New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1972. Pp. 204. $7.50.) pp. 797-798 Downloads
Graham Wootton
Men Versus Systems: Agriculture in the USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. By Arthur E. Adams and Jan S. Adams. (New York: The Free Press, 1971. Pp. 327. $12.50.) pp. 798-799 Downloads
Sidney Ploss
Mao Tse-Tung's Cultural Revolution. By Tai Sung An. (New York: Pegasus, 1972. Pp. 211. $6.95.) pp. 799-800 Downloads
C. P. Fitzgerald
Politics and the Labour Movement in Chile. By Alan Angell. (London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs by Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. 289. $17.00.) pp. 800-801 Downloads
Federico G. Gil
Hitler and The Middle Sea. By Walter Ansel. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1972. Pp. 514. $12.75.) - The Naval War Against Hitler. By Donald MacIntyre. (New York: Charles Scribner's Son's, 1971. Pp. 376. $10.00.) pp. 802-803 Downloads
Paul L. Savage
The Irish Judiciary. By Paul C. Bartholomew. (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1972. Pp. xi, 86. $3.95, paper.) - The Irish Political Elite. By Al Cohan. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1972. Studies in Irish Political Culture, No. 4. Pp. 76. £1.00, paper.) - Chairman or Chief? The Role of Taoiseach in Irish Government. By Brian Farrell. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1971. Studies in Irish Political Culture, No. 1. Pp. xiii, 110. £1.00, paper.) - The Founding of Dáil Éireann: Parliament and Nation-Building. By Brian Farrell. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1971. Studies in Irish Political Culture, No. 2. Pp. xx, 89. £1.00, paper.) - Irish Political Parties: An Introduction. By Maurice Manning. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1972. Studies in Irish Political Culture, No. 3. Pp. 120. £1.00, paper.) pp. 803-804 Downloads
John H. Whyte
The Other Israel: The Radical Case Against Zionism. Edited by Arie Bober. (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1972. Pp. 264. $2.50, paper.) pp. 804-805 Downloads
Allan E. Shapiro
The Protracted Game: A Wei-ch'i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy. By Scott A. Boorman. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 234. $7.50, cloth; $2.50, paper.) pp. 805-806 Downloads
Gordon A. Bennett
Russian Social Democracy; The Menshevik Movement: A Bibliography. By Anna Bourguina. (Stanford, Calif.: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1968. Pp. 391. $7.50.) pp. 806-807 Downloads
Stanley W. Page
Parliament and Congress. By Kenneth Bradshaw and David Pring. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972. Pp. 426. $10.00.) pp. 807-808 Downloads
Anthony King
One Country or Two? Edited by R. M. Burns. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1971. Pp. 287. $7.50.) - Quebec—Only the Beginning: The. Manifestoes of the Common Front. Edited by Daniel Drache. (Toronto: New Press, 1972. Pp. 279. $3.75, paper.) - Choose! By Pierre Vallières. (Toronto: New Press, 1972. Pp. 112. $5.95, paper.) pp. 808-809 Downloads
Peter Regenstreif
Land and Social Change in East Nepal: A Study of Hindu-Tribal Relations. By Lionel Caplan. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1970. Pp. xvi, 224. $6.00.) pp. 809-810 Downloads
Louis Dupree
Readings in the Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution. Compiled and edited by Wenshun Chi. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1971. Pp. x, 530. $12.00.) pp. 810-810 Downloads
Arthur Huck
The Impact of Labour, 1920–1924. By Maurice Cowling. Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Pp. ix, 570. $17.50.) pp. 810-811 Downloads
Martin Harrison
Provincial Magistrates and Revolutionary Politics in France, 1789–1795. By Philip Dawson. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1972. Pp. 424. $15.00.) pp. 811-812 Downloads
Robert Forster
The Chilean Revolution: Conversations with Allende. By Regis Debray. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1972. Pp. 201. $6.95, cloth; $1.95, paper.) pp. 812-813 Downloads
Weston H. Agor
Developing Democracy. By William A. Douglas. (Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, 1972. Pp. 232. $8.50.) pp. 813-814 Downloads
Gordon P. Means
China and Ourselves: Explorations and Revisions by a New Generation. Edited by Bruce Douglass and Ross Terrill. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1970. Pp. xxii, 259. $7.50.) pp. 814-815 Downloads
Oliver M. Lee
The Impact of Government Subsidies on Industrial Management: The Israeli Experiment. By Nachum Finger. (New York: Praeger Publishers, Special Studies in International Economics and Development, 1971. Pp. 100. $12.50.) - Technology of Necessity: Scientific and Engineering Development in Israel. By Roy Popkin. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 185. $7.95.) pp. 815-816 Downloads
Amos Perlmutter
Governing the London Region: Reorganization and Planning in the 1960's. By Donald Foley. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. xiv, 223. $8.50.) pp. 816-817 Downloads
Noel Boaden
Kin, Clan, Raja and Rule: State-Hinterland Relations in Pre-industrial India. By Richard G. Fox. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. Pp. 187. $8.00.) pp. 817-817 Downloads
Marguerite Ross Barnett
The Origins of Capitalism in Russia: Industry and Progress in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Joseph T. Fuhrmann. (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972. Pp. viii, 376. $12.50.) pp. 818-818 Downloads
Evsey D. Domar
The Era of Trujillo: Dominican Dictator. By Jesús de Galíndez. Edited by Russell H. Fitzgibbon. (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1973. Pp. 298. $4.50, paper; $8.95, cloth.) pp. 818-819 Downloads
Howard J. Wiarda
The Politics of Mexican Development. By Roger D. Hansen. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. 267 pp. $11.00.) pp. 820-821 Downloads
Lawrence S. Graham
Telling Tongues: Language Policy in Mexico, Colony to Nation. By Shirley Brice Heath. (New York: Teachers College Press, 1972. Pp. 300. $10.00.) pp. 821-822 Downloads
Martin C. Needler
Madagascar. By Nigel Heseltine. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. x, 334. $11.00.) pp. 822-823 Downloads
L. Gray Cowan
La Politique dans L'Espagne Franquiste. By Guy Hermet. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1971. Pp. 160. 8.80 Fr.) pp. 822-822 Downloads
Raphael Zariski
Trade and Industrialization in the Central American Common Market, the First Decade. By Karel Holbrik and Philip L. Swan. (Austin: University of Texas [Bureau of Business Research, Graduate School of Business], 1972. Pp. 67. $2.50.) pp. 824-824 Downloads
Melville E. Osborne
The Green Flag: The Turbulent History of the Irish National Movement. By Robert Kee. (New York: Delacorte Press, 1972. Pp. 877. $15.00.) pp. 824-825 Downloads
Brian Farrell
Government and Politics of Korea. Edited by Se-Jin Kim and Chang-Hyun Cho. (Silver Springs, Maryland: The Research Institute on Korean Affairs, 1972. Pp. 331. $9.25.) pp. 825-827 Downloads
Gregory Henderson
Korea: An Analytical Guide to Bibliographies. Edited by Hesung Chun Koh and Joan Steffens. (New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press, 1971. Pp. 334. $12.00.) pp. 827-827 Downloads
Sungjoo Han
The Organs of Soviet Administration of Justice: Their History and Operation. By Samuel Kucherov. Foreword by John N. Hazard. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1970. Pp. xxiv, 754. $30.00.) pp. 827-828 Downloads
W. E. Butler
Australia in New Guinea, second edition. By L. B. Mair. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1970; U.S. Agents—International Scholarly Book Services Inc., P.O. Box 4347, Portland, Oregon 97208. Pp. 254. $8.80.) pp. 828-829 Downloads
C. D. Rowley
Vietnamese Anticolonialism: 1885–1925. By David G. Marr. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. Pp. 322. $12.50 cloth, $3.65 paper.) pp. 829-831 Downloads
George Mc.T. Kahin
Cultural Engineering and Nation-Building in East Africa. By Ali A. Mazrui. (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1972. Pp. xviii, 301. $10.00.) pp. 831-832 Downloads
John Nellis
The Church as a Political Factor in Latin America: With Special Reference to Colombia and Chile. By David E. Mutchler. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. 460. $18.50.) pp. 832-834 Downloads
Ivan Vallier
The Politics of Afghanistan. By Richard S. Newell. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 236. $9.50.) pp. 834-835 Downloads
Ludwig Adamec
Survey Research in Africa: Its Applications and Limits. Edited by William M. O'Barr, David H. Spain, and Mark A. Tessler. (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1973. Pp. 349. $15.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 835-837 Downloads
Michael Armer
Nigeria: Dilemma of Nationhood, an African Analysis of the Biafran Conflict. Edited by Joseph Okpaku. (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Company, 1972. Pp. 426. $14.00.) pp. 837-838 Downloads
Robert Melson
The Politics of Cultural Subnationalism in Africa: Africa and the Problem of “One state—many nationalisms”. Edited by Victor A. Olorunsola. (New York: Anchor Books, 1972. Pp. 340. $1.95, paper.) pp. 838-840 Downloads
Donald G. Morrison
Society, Culture, and Change in the Middle East, third edition. By Raphael Patai. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969. Pp. 560. $5.95.) pp. 840-841 Downloads
Amal Vinogradov
Politics in Plural Societies: A Theory of Democratic Instability. By Alvin Rabushka and Kenneth A. Shepsle. (Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1972. Pp. 217. $8.95.) pp. 841-842 Downloads
Fred M. Hayward
Jewish Reactions to German Anti-Semitism, 1870–1914. By Ismar Schorsch. (New York: Columbia University Press; Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1972. Pp. 291. $10.00.) pp. 843-844 Downloads
Fritz Nova
The Expansion of England. By J. R. Seeley. Edited and with an introduction by John Gross. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1971. Pp. xxvii, 248. $9.50.) pp. 844-845 Downloads
A. L. Burns
Frankrikes författningar. By Ragnar Simonsson. (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971. Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga föreningen i Uppsala genom C. A. Hessler. Pp. 617. Kr. 55.–) pp. 845-847 Downloads
M. Donald Hancock
Greek and Roman Voting and Elections. By E. S. Staveley. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 271. $9.50.) pp. 847-848 Downloads
Charles D. Hamilton
Maurice Barrès et le nationalisme français. By Zeev Sternhell. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1972. Pp. 396. Fr. 75.) pp. 848-849 Downloads
Eugen Weber
Nationalism in Eastern Europe. Edited by Peter Sugar and Ivo Lederer. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1969. Pp. 465. $15.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 849-850 Downloads
Rudolf L. Tökés
North for the Trade: The Life and Times of a Berber Merchant. By John Waterbury. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 241. $10.75.) pp. 850-851 Downloads
I. William Zartman
Mittelstand, Demokratie und Nationalsozialismus: Die politische Entwicklung von Handwerk und Kleinhandel in der Weimarer Republik. By Heinrich August Winkler. (Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1972. Pp. 307. DM 34.) pp. 851-852 Downloads
Walter Struve
Meiji Japan's Centennial: Aspects of Political Thought and Action. Edited by David Wurfel. (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 1971. Pp. 105. $5.00.) pp. 852-853 Downloads
F. G. Notehelfer
The Introduction of Socialism into China. By Li Yu-ning. (New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1971. Occasional Papers of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University. Pp. vii, 138. $6.00.) pp. 854-855 Downloads
Harold Z. Schiffrin
U.S. International Business and Governments. By Jack N. Behrman. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971. Pp. 244. $3.95, paper.) - National Interests and the Multinational Enterprise: Tensions Among the North Atlantic Countries. By Jack N. Behrman. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. Pp. 194. $8.50.) pp. 855-857 Downloads
Vincent J. Fuccillo
World Society. By John Burton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. vi, 180. $10.95.) pp. 857-857 Downloads
Hedley Bull
Civil Aviation Development: A Policy and Operating Analysis. Prepared for Arthur D. Little, Inc. by Robert C. Fraser, Alan D. Donheiser, and Thomas G. MillerJr., (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 202. $12.50.) - The International Air Transport Association. By Richard Y. Chuang. (Leiden: Sigthoff, 1972. Pp. 156, plus appendices. $12.25.) pp. 857-858 Downloads
Robert L. Thornton
The Bracero Program: Interest Groups and Foreign Policy. By Richard B. Craig. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971. Pp. 233. $7.50.) pp. 858-860 Downloads
Charles Ornelas
The Politics of Assimilation: Hegemony and Its Aftermath. By Charles Doran. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. 223. $12.50.) pp. 860-861 Downloads
Richard Rosecrance
The Literature of Isolationism: A Guide to Non-Interventionist Scholarship, 1930–1972. By Justus D. Doenecke. (Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles, Publisher, 1972. Pp. 89. $1.85, paper.) pp. 860-860 Downloads
Frank Costigliola
Holocaust or Hemispheric Co-Op: Cross Currents in Latin America. By William O. Douglas. (New York: Random House, 1971. Pp. 215. $5.95.) pp. 861-862 Downloads
Edward S. Milenky
The Almanac of World Military Power. Edited by T. N. Dupuy and Wendell Blanchard. (New York and London: R. R. Bowker Company, in association with T. N. Dupuy Associates, 1972. Pp. xii, 373. Maps, Glossary, Index of Countries, Regions, and International Organizations. $22.50.) pp. 862-863 Downloads
James A. Huston
Arms, Yen and Power: The Japanese Dilemma. By John K. Emmerson. (New York: Dunellen Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. 420. $15.00.) pp. 863-864 Downloads
Paul F. Langer
NATO in the Seventies. Edited by Edwin Fedder. (St. Louis: Center for International Studies, Univ. of Missouri, 1970. Pp. 215. $2.75, paper.) pp. 864-865 Downloads
Robert S. Jordan
The International Coffee Agreement: A Study in Coffee Diplomacy. By Bart S. Fisher. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 310. $17.50.) pp. 865-866 Downloads
Arthur J. Cordell
China and the Overseas Chinese: A Study of Peking's Changing Policy, 1949–1970. By Stephen Fitzgerald. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. 268. $19.50.) pp. 866-867 Downloads
Robert O. Tilman
Aid to Russia, 1941-1946: Strategy, Diplomacy, the Origins of the Cold War. By George C. HerringJr. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1973. Pp. xxi, 365. $15.00.) pp. 867-868 Downloads
Richard H. Heindel
The Soviet Union and the Emerging Nations: A Case Study of Soviet Policy Towards India. By Harish Kapur. (Geneva: Michael Joseph, Ltd., for the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, 1972. Pp. 124. £3.50. Distributed in the U.S. by Humanities Press, New York.) pp. 868-869 Downloads
Bernard S. Morris
The Limits of Power: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945–1954. By Joyce Kolko and Gabriel Kolko. (New York: Harper and Row, 1972. Pp. xii, 820. $15.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 869-871 Downloads
Robert O. Keohane
Détente in Europe: Real or Imaginary? By Josef Korbel. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 251. $10.00.) pp. 871-872 Downloads
Kendall Myers
Europe Since World War II: The Big Change. By Norman Luxenburg. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1973. Pp. xi, 260. $6.95.) pp. 872-873 Downloads
Douglas W. Simon
The Community of Oil Exporting Countries: A Study in Governmental Cooperation. By Zuhayr Mikdashi. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 239. $8.00.) pp. 873-874 Downloads
J. S. Nye
Bismarck and the French Nation, 1848–1890. By Allan Mitchell. (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971. Pp. 152. $10.00.) pp. 874-874 Downloads
Otto Pflanze
The Weary and the Wary: U.S. and Japanese Security Policies in Transition. By Robert E. Osgood. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. Pp. 95. $2.00.) pp. 874-875 Downloads
Frank C. Langdon
America's Outward Thrust: Approaches To Foreign Affairs, 1865-1890. By Milton Plesur. (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 1971. Pp. 276. $12.50.) pp. 875-876 Downloads
Donald M. Borock
The Warsaw Pact: Case Studies in Communist Conflict Resolution. By Robin Alison Remington. (Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1971. Pp. xix, 268. $10.00.) pp. 876-878 Downloads
Adam Bromke
Nepal: Strategy for Survival. By Leo Rose. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. Pp. 310. $10.00.) pp. 878-878 Downloads
Merrill R. Goodall
Soviet and American Policies in the United Nations. By Alvin Z. Rubinstein and George Ginsburg. (New York: New York University Press, 1971. Pp. 211. $8.95.) pp. 878-880 Downloads
Cheryl Christensen
Comecon and the Politics of Integration. By Henry W. Schaefer. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. xiv, 201. $15.00.) pp. 880-881 Downloads
Andrzej Korbonski
Austrian Neutrality in Postwar Europe: The Domestic Roots of a Foreign Policy. By Thomas O. Schlesinger. (Wien-Stuttgart: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1972. Pp. 158. $10.00.) pp. 881-882 Downloads
Konrad Ginther
Le Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies: Travaux et recherches de Science politique, #16. By Marie-Claude Smouts. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1971. Pp. 299. 55.00 F.) pp. 882-883 Downloads
Oscar Svarlien
Toward a Politics of the Planet Earth. By Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1971. Pp. x, 499. $16.75.) pp. 883-884 Downloads
Henry L. Mason
The Evolving United Nations: A Prospect for Peace? Edited by Kenneth J. Twitchett (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1971. Pp. xvi, 239. $8.95.) pp. 884-885 Downloads
Harold K. Jacobson
Self-Determination in International Law. By U. O. Umozurike. (Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1972. Pp. 324. $16.50.) pp. 885-887 Downloads
Alfred P. Rubin
The British Year Book of International Law 1970, Vol. 44. Edited by Sir Humphrey Waldock and R. Y. Jennings. (London: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 314. $19.25.) pp. 887-889 Downloads
Oliver J. Lissitzyn
The Third World: Problems and Prospects. By Y. Zhukov, L. Delyusin, A. Iskenderov, and L. Stepanov (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1970. Pp. 280. $2.00.) pp. 889-889 Downloads
Edward Taborsky

Volume 68, issue 1, 1974

Thucydides' View of Athenian Imperialism* pp. 11-17 Downloads
Christopher Bruell
Politics and the Career Mobility of Bureaucrats* pp. 18-26 Downloads
Eugene B. McGregor
Changing the Rules Changes the Game: Party Reform and the 1972 California Delegation to the Democratic National Convention pp. 27-42 Downloads
William Cavala
Comment on “Changing the Rules Changes the Game” pp. 43-44 Downloads
Austin Ranney
Social Mobilization and the Russification of Soviet Nationalities* pp. 45-66 Downloads
Brian Silver
The Divisive Primary Revisited: Party Activists in Iowa* pp. 67-77 Downloads
Donald Bruce Johnson and James R. Gibson
Virtue, Obligation and Politics pp. 78-92 Downloads
Stephen G. Salkever
Generational Change in American Electoral Behavior* pp. 93-105 Downloads
Paul R. Abramson
Membership Stability in Three State Legislatures: 1893–1969* pp. 106-112 Downloads
David Ray
The 3/2's Rule in Presidential Campaigning* pp. 113-134 Downloads
Steven Brams and Morton D. Davis
Election Goals and Strategies: Equivalent and Nonequivalent Candidate Objectives* pp. 135-152 Downloads
Peter H. Aranson, Melvin J. Hinich and Peter C. Ordeshook
Helvétius and the Roots of the “Closed” Society* pp. 153-168 Downloads
Blair Campbell
Political Parties and the Porkbarrel: Party Conflict and Cooperation in House Public Works Committee Decision Making* pp. 169-185 Downloads
James T. Murphy
APSA Presidential Address, 1973 title page pp. 187-187 Downloads
Introduction pp. 188-189 Downloads
Lucian W. Pye
Culture and the Comparative Study of Politics, or the Constipated Dialectic* pp. 190-201 Downloads
Robert E. Ward
[no title] pp. 202-203 Downloads
Peter H. Lemieux
[no title] pp. 203-205 Downloads
Fred Kort
[no title] pp. 205-206 Downloads
David Pfotenhauer
[no title] pp. 206-207 Downloads
Philip R. Stewart
[no title] pp. 207-211 Downloads
Walter Dean Burnham
[no title] pp. 211-213 Downloads
Edward R. Tufte
The Study of International Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows: Theories of the Radical Right and the Radical Left* pp. 217-242 Downloads
Ole R. Holsti
The Neo-Alexandrians: A Review Essay on Data Handbooks in Political Science pp. 243-252 Downloads
Ted Robert Gurr
The Scientific Management of Society. By V. G. Afanasyev. (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1971. Pp. 285. $3.00.) pp. 253-254 Downloads
Arthur Trueger
Gifts and Poison: The Politics of Reputation. Edited by F. G. Bailey. (New York: Schocken Books, 1971. Pp. vii, 318. $9.50.) pp. 254-254 Downloads
Lewis A. Dexter
Journey to America. By Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by George Lawrence. Edited by J. P. Mayer. (New York: Anchor Books, 1971. Pp. 424. $2.50, paper.) pp. 254-255 Downloads
Aldo Tassi
Economic and Social Development: A Process of Social Learning. By Edgar S. DunnJr. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. 327. $10.00.) pp. 255-257 Downloads
Roy E. Feldman
Politics as Symbolic Action: Mass Arousal and Quiescence. By Murray Edelman. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. 188. $3.95, paper.) pp. 257-258 Downloads
Marc Howard Ross
Plato's Phaedo, Plato's Phaedrus, Plato's Philebus (three volumes). Translated, with commentary, by R. Hackforth. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. 200, 172, 143. $5.50 each.) pp. 258-260 Downloads
Thomas L. Pangle
The Human Basis of the Polity: A Psychological Study of Political Men. By Jeanne E. Knutson (Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, Inc., 1972. Pp. 360. $12.95.) pp. 260-261 Downloads
Ira Rohter
The Ruling Class: Elementi di scienza politica. By Gaetano Mosca. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939. Pp. 514. $3.95, paper.) pp. 261-262 Downloads
Dante Germino
Aging and Society. By Matilda White Riley et al. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation; Vol. I An Inventory of Research Findings. By M. W. Riley and Anne Foner, 1968. Pp. 636. $25.00; Vol. II Aging and the Professions. By M. W. Riley, John W. Riley, Jr., and Marilyn Johnson, 1969. Pp. 410, $9.50; Vol. III A Sociology of Age Stratification. By M. W. Riley, Marilyn Johnson, and Anne Foner, 1972. Pp. 652, $20.00.) pp. 262-263 Downloads
Frederick R. Eisele
The Political Writings of Leibniz. Translated and edited with an introduction and notes by Patrick Riley. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. 206. $13.00.) pp. 263-265 Downloads
Richard Kennington
The Mythology of the Secret Societies. By J. M. Roberts. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. Pp. 370. $17.50.) pp. 265-265 Downloads
Nannerl O. Keohane
Natural Law in Political Thought. By Paul E. Sigmund. (Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop Publishers, Inc., 1971. Pp. x, 214. $6.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 266-267 Downloads
Judith N. Shklar
The Professor and the Public: The Role of the Scholar in the Modern World. Compiled by Goldwin Smith. Essays by Goldwin Smith, A. L. Rowse, J. H. Hexter. (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1972. Pp. 124. $4.95.) pp. 267-268 Downloads
Jurgen Herbst
Institution Building: A Model for Applied Social Change: Edited by D. Woods Thomas, Harry R. Potter, William L. Miller, and Adrian F. Aveni. (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1972. Pp. 291. $8.95, cloth; $5.50, paper.) pp. 268-269 Downloads
Seymour B. Sarason
Political Violence and Civil Disobedience. By Ernest van den Haag. (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1972. Pp. 123. $1.95, paper.) pp. 269-271 Downloads
Jeffrie G. Murphy
Terror and Resistance: A Study of Political Violence, with Case Studies of Some Primitive African Communities. By Eugene Victor Walter. (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 385. $8.50, cloth; $2.95, paper.) pp. 271-272 Downloads
Ali A. Mazrui
Deadlock in School Desegregation: A Case Study of Inglewood, California By Edna Bonacich and Robert F. Goodman. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 118. $12.50.) pp. 272-273 Downloads
Leslie Lenkowsky
The Evolution of American Democracy. By William R. Brock. (New York: The Dial Press, 1970. Pp. 272. $7.95.) pp. 273-274 Downloads
Richard P. McCormick
Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789–1815. By Richard BuelJr. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. xii, 391. $14.50.) pp. 274-275 Downloads
Richard H. Kohn
Federal Judges: The Appointing Process. By Harold W. Chase. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1972. Pp. 240. $10.00.) pp. 275-277 Downloads
David Adamany
The Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865–1920. By Randolph C. Downes. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1970. Pp. 734. $17.50.) pp. 277-278 Downloads
Frank A. Burd
The American Mail: Enlarger of the Common Life. By Wayne E. Fuller. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972. Pp. xi, 378. $8.95.) pp. 278-278 Downloads
Paul T. David
The Changing Politics of the South. Edited by William C. Havard. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1972. Pp. xxv, 755. $17.50.) pp. 278-280 Downloads
Alexander Heard
Stability and Change in Congress. By Barbara Hinckley. (New York: Harper & Row, 1971. Pp. 216. $3.50.) pp. 280-281 Downloads
Randall B. Ripley
Youth in Politics: Expectations and Realities. By Sidney Hyman. (New York: Basic Books, 1972. Pp. 436. $8.50.) pp. 281-282 Downloads
Everett Carll Ladd
Emblem of Liberty: The Image of Lafayette in the American Mind. By Anne C. Loveland. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1971. Pp. ix, 196. $7.95.) pp. 282-282 Downloads
Michael McGiffert
Rites of Way: The Politics of Transportation in Boston and the U.S. City. By Alan Lupo, Frank Colcord, and Edmund P. Fowler. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1971. Pp. 294. $7.95.) pp. 282-284 Downloads
G. Ross Stephens
From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial Radicals and the Development of American Opposition to Britain, 1765–1776. By Pauline Maier. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. Pp. 318. $10.00.) pp. 284-285 Downloads
Lance Banning
The Supreme Court and Religion. By Richard E. Morgan. (New York: The Free Press, 1972. Pp. 216. $7.95.) pp. 285-286 Downloads
Jacob W. Landynski
Community Action and the Poor: Influence vs. Social Control in a New York City Community. By Kenneth J. Pollinger and Annette C. Pollinger. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. 282. $15.00.) pp. 286-287 Downloads
Kenneth R. Greene
Undeclared War and Civil Disobedience: The American System in Crisis. By Lawrence R. Velvel. (New York: The Dunellen Co., 1970. Pp. xvii, 405. $8.95.) pp. 287-288 Downloads
W. Taylor Reveley
Community Economic Development. Edited by John C. Weistart. (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1972. Pp. 308. $16.50.) pp. 288-290 Downloads
Emmett H. Buell
Who's Who in Government, 1st edition, 1972–1973. (Chicago: Marquis Who's Who Inc. 1973. Pp. 785. $49.50.) pp. 290-290 Downloads
Thomas E. Cronin
On The City's Rim: Politics and Policy in Suburbia. By Frederick M. Wirt, Benjamin Walter, Francine Rabinovitz, Deborah Hensler. (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Company, 1972. Pp. xiv, 252. $12.50.) pp. 291-292 Downloads
John H. Baker
Comparative Judicial Politics. By Theodore L. Becker. (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1970. Pp. 407. $6.95, paper.) - Law in Culture and Society. Edited by Laura Nader. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1969. Pp. 454. $10.75.) pp. 292-293 Downloads
Herbert Jacob
Egypt: Imperialism and Revolution. By Jacques Berque. (New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1972. Pp. 736. $38.50.) pp. 293-295 Downloads
John P. Entelis
The Foundation of the German Empire: Select Documents. Edited by Helmut Böhme. Translated by Agatha Ramm. (London: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 271. $11.25.) pp. 295-295 Downloads
Otto Pflanze
Englishmen and Irish Troubles: British Public Opinion and the Making of Irish Policy, 1918–1922. By D. G. Boyce. (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1972. Pp. 253. $10.00.) pp. 295-296 Downloads
Paul A. Pfretzschner
Emerging Nationalism in Portuguese Africa: Documents. By Ronald H. Chilcote. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1972. Pp. 646. $25.00.) pp. 296-297 Downloads
Gerald J. Bender
The Origin of Forced Labor in the Soviet State, 1917–1921: Documents and Materials. By James Bunyan. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1967. Pp. 276. $10.00.) pp. 296-296 Downloads
Leonard B. Schapiro
Korean Development: The Interplay of Politics and Economics. By David C. Cole and Princeton N. Lyman. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 320. $12.00.) pp. 297-298 Downloads
Gregory Henderson
The Battle Stalin Lost: Memoirs of Yugoslavia, 1948–1953. By Vladimir Dedijer. (New York: The Viking Press, 1970. Pp. x, 341. $8.50.) pp. 298-299 Downloads
Milan J. Reban
The American Bibliography of Russian and East European Studies for 1966. Edited by Fritz T. Epstein; Associate Editors Penelope H. Carson and Michael E. Shaw. (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press for International Affairs Center, 1972. Pp. 148. $3.50, paper.) pp. 299-299 Downloads
John A. Armstrong
The Night of Long Knives. By Max Gallo. Trans, by Lily Emmet. (New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Pp. 310. $8.95.) - Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch. By Harold J. GordonJr. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 666. $19.50.) pp. 300-301 Downloads
C. F. Latour
British and Soviet Politics: Legitimacy and Convergence. By Jerome M. Gilison. (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1972. Pp. 186. $8.50.) pp. 301-302 Downloads
A. H. Brown
The Culture of Childhood: Child's-Eye Views of Society and Culture. By Mary Ellen Goodman. (New York: Teachers' College Press, 1970. Pp. xiv, 167. $6.25.) pp. 302-303 Downloads
R. W. Connell
Uganda: A Case Study in African Political Development. By Peter M. Gukiina. (South Bend, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1972. Pp. vii-xii, 190. $7.95.) pp. 303-304 Downloads
James H. Mittelman
Politologen im Beruf. Zur Aufnahme und Durchsetzung neuer Qualifikationen im Beschäftigungssystem. By Dirk Hartung, Reinhard Nuthmann, and Dietrich Winterhager. (Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1970. Pp. 250. DM 16,40.) pp. 304-305 Downloads
John Dreijmanis
A Bibliography of German Studies, 1945–1971. By Gisela Hersch. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. Pp. xvi, 603. $12.50.) pp. 305-306 Downloads
Manfred Henningsen
Republic to Reich: The Making of the Nazi Revolution. By Hajo Holborn. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1972. Pp. 491. $12.95.) - Hitler's Weltanschauung: A Blueprint for Power. By Eberhard Jäckel. (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1972. Pp. 140. $8.00.) - Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader. By Percy Ernst Schramm. (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971. Pp. 214. $2.95.) pp. 306-307 Downloads
Gerhard L. Weinberg
Revolutionary Leaders of Modern China. Edited by Chün-tu Hsüeh. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 572. $4.95.) pp. 307-308 Downloads
Robert E. Bedeski
Australia and Papua New Guinea. Edited by W. J. Hudson. (Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press, 1971. Pp. viii, 198. $8.45.) pp. 308-309 Downloads
Francis West
Revolt in Athens: The Greek Communist “Second Round” 1944–1945. By John O. Iatrides. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xiv, 340. $11.50.) pp. 309-310 Downloads
Van Coufoudakis
Les Facteurs locaux de la vie politique nationale. By Institut d'Éitudes Politiques de Bordeaux, under the direction of Albert Mabileau. (Paris: Pedone, 1972. Pp. 411. 45.00 francs.) pp. 310-311 Downloads
William R. Schonfeld
Pakistan: Failure in National Integration. By Rounaq Jahan. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1972. Pp. 248. $12.50.) pp. 311-312 Downloads
Lawrence Ziring
Conspiracy at Matsukawa. By Chalmers E. Johnson. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. x, 460. $10.95.) pp. 312-313 Downloads
Kenneth E. Colton
The Politics of Land Reform in Chile. By Robert R. Kaufman. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. 321. $12.00.) pp. 313-315 Downloads
Robert L. Ayres
The Making of the Australian Constitution. By J. A. La Nauze. (Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne University Press, 1972. Pp. 369. $20.00.) pp. 315-316 Downloads
G. C. Bolton
The Mind of Adolf Hitler. By Walter C. Langer. (New York: Basic Books, 1972. Pp. 269. $10.00.) - The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. By Robert Payne. (New York: Praeger, 1973. Pp. 623. $12.95.) pp. 317-318 Downloads
A. James Gregor
The South African Voter. By H. Lever. (Cape Town, South Africa: Juta and Company, 1972. Pp. 221. R7.50.) pp. 318-319 Downloads
Pierre L. van den Berghe
The Writing of History in the Soviet Union. By Anatole G. Mazour. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, Publication 87, 1971. Pp. 383. $17.50.) pp. 319-320 Downloads
George Enteen
Nationalism. By K. R. Minogue. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1967. Pp. 168. $4.95) pp. 320-322 Downloads
Walker Connor
Politics and Society in Mexico. By Martin Needier. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1971. Pp. 143. $6.00.) - El Sistema Político Mexicano: Las Posibilidades de Cambio. By Daniel Cosío Villegas. (Mexico City: Editorial Joaquin Mortiz, 1972. Pp. 117. 15.00 pesos. Earlier version published at Austin: Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas, 1972. Pp. 71. $2.00.) pp. 322-323 Downloads
David Ronfeldt
Structural Change and Economic Policy in Israel. By Howard Pack. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1971. Pp. 273. $9.75.) pp. 324-325 Downloads
Ruth Klinov
Rajahs and Rebels: The Ibans of Sarawak under Brooke Rule, 1841–1941. By Robert Pringle. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1970. Pp. xxi, 410. $15.00.) pp. 325-326 Downloads
M. C. Ricklefs
The Mechanics of Independence: Patterns of Political and Economic Transformation in Trinidad and Tobago. By A. N. R. Robinson. (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1971. Pp. 200. $8.95.) pp. 326-327 Downloads
Wendell Bell
Rice Economy, Employment and Income in Malaysia. By J. T. Purcal. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971. Pp. 248. $9.00.) pp. 326-326 Downloads
Martin Rudner
Managers of Modernization: Organizations and Elites in Turkey (1950–1969). By Leslie L. RoosJr. and Noralou P. Roos. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 292. $14.50.) pp. 328-329 Downloads
James W. Land
Legislative Recruitment and Political Integration: Patterns of Political Linkage in an Indian State. By Richard Sisson and Lawrence Shrader. (Berkeley: Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, University of California, 1972. Pp. 54. $3.00, paper.) pp. 329-330 Downloads
William L. Richter
Victor Emanuel, Cavour, and the Risorgimento. By Denis Mack Smith. (London, New York, and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp. 381. $22.50.) pp. 330-331 Downloads
Giovanni Bognetti
The Geography of Modernization in Kenya: A Spatial Analysis of Social, Economic, and Political Change. By Edward W. Soja. (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1968. Pp. xi, 143. $11.00.) pp. 331-332 Downloads
Jay E. Hakes
Decentralization and Self-Government in Russia, 1830–1870. By S. Frederick Starr. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xiii, 386. $15.00.) pp. 332-333 Downloads
Marc Raeff
Labor and Society in Tsarist Russia: The Factory Workers of St. Petersburg, 1855–1870. By Reginald E. Zelnik. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1971. Pp. 450. $15.00.) pp. 333-334 Downloads
Richard Pipes
Directory of Selected Scientific Institutions in Mainland China. Prepared by Surveys and Research Corporation. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Publication Series #96, 1970. Pp. 469. $19.50.) pp. 333-333 Downloads
Susan Beth Rifkin
The Political Elite of Iran. By Marvin Zonis. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. 389. $12.50.) pp. 334-335 Downloads
Marvin G. Weinbaum
Cuba 1933, Prologue to Revolution. By Luis E. Aguilar (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. x, 256. $9.50.) pp. 335-336 Downloads
Manuela Semidei
Nuclear Proliferation: Prospects for Control. Edited by Bennett Boskey and Mason Willrich. (New York: The Dunellen Company, 1970. Pp. 191. $7.50.) pp. 336-337 Downloads
Robert L. Rothstein
The Future of Law in a Multicultural World. By Adda B. Bozeman. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. xvii, 229. $6.50, cloth; $2.45, paper.) pp. 338-339 Downloads
Wesley L. Gould
The Dissolution of Power: A Sociology of International Relations and Politics. By Silviu Brucan. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1971. Pp. 388. $10.00.) pp. 339-340 Downloads
Robert L. Farlow
Strategic Power and National Security. By Joseph I. Coffey. (Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1971. Pp. 214. $9.50.) pp. 340-341 Downloads
Jerome H. Kahan
Patterns of International Cooperation in the Caribbean, 1942–1969. By Herbert CorkranJr. (Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1970. Pp. 285. $8.50.) pp. 341-342 Downloads
Thomas Mathews
Crazy States: A Counterconventional Strategic Problem. By Yehezkel Dror. (Lexington, Mass.: Heath Lexington Books, 1971. Pp. xvi, 118. $7.50.) pp. 342-344 Downloads
Donald L. Hafner
The United States and China, 3rd ed. By John King Fairbank. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. 500. $9.95.) pp. 344-345 Downloads
C. P. Fitzgerald
The International Law of Civil War. Edited by Richard A. Falk. (Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971. Pp. xix, 452. $15.00.) pp. 345-347 Downloads
Oliver J. Lissitzyn
The Art and Practice of Diplomacy: A Selected and Annotated Guide. By Robert B. Harmon. (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1971. Pp. 355. $10.00.) pp. 347-348 Downloads
Elmer Plischke
Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945–1971. By George S. Harris. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1972. Pp. 263. $4.50, paper.) pp. 348-349 Downloads
Richard H. Pfaff
The New Politics of European Integration. Edited by Ghita Ionescu. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972. Pp. 278. $10.95.) pp. 349-350 Downloads
Ernst B. Haas
Pacific Estrangement: Japanese and American Expansion, 1897–1911. By Akira Iriye. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. Pp. ix, 290. $12.00.) pp. 350-351 Downloads
Warren I. Cohen
Confrontation With Pakistan. By B. M. Kaul. (New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1972. Pp. 338. $11.50.) pp. 351-352 Downloads
Steven A. Hoffmann
The Year Book of World Affairs, 1972. Edited by George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenberger. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Pp. vi, 380. $19.50.) pp. 352-353 Downloads
Patrick J. McGowan
China and Africa, 1949–1970: The Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China. By Bruce D. Larkin. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. 268 pp. $8.50.) pp. 353-354 Downloads
Harold C. Hinton
The Strange Neutrality: Soviet-Japanese Relations during the Second World War, 1941–1945. By George Alexander Lensen. (Tallahassee, Fla.: The Diplomatic Press, 1972. Pp. 332. $15.00.) pp. 354-355 Downloads
Max Beloff
Aerial Piracy and International Law. By Edward McWhinney. (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications Inc., 1971. Pp. 213. $9.25.) pp. 355-356 Downloads
D. H. N. Johnson
Organizing Mankind: An Analysis of Contemporary International Organization. By Lynn H. Miller. (Boston, Mass.: Holbrook Press, Inc., 1972. Pp. 365. $5.95.) pp. 356-357 Downloads
Garth Stevenson
Law and the Indo-China War. By John Norton Moore. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. xxxiii, 794. $22.50.) pp. 357-358 Downloads
P. E. Corbett
Peace in Parts: Integration and Conflict in Regional Organization. By J. S. Nye. (Boston, Mass.: Litle, Brown and Company, 1971. Pp. 210. $3.95.) pp. 358-359 Downloads
Andrzej Korbonski
Francophonie, Bibliographie 1960–1969. Prepared under the direction of Paul Painchaud. (Montreal: Les Presses de l'Université du Quebec, 1972. Pp. xvii, 137. $4.00.) pp. 359-360 Downloads
Edward M. Corbett
Hungary and the Superpowers: The 1956 Revolution and Realpolitik. By János Radványi. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1972. Pp. 197. $5.95.) pp. 360-360 Downloads
Kurt L. London
Armed and Alone: The American Security Dilemma. By Dean William Rudoy. (New York: George Braziller Inc., 1972. Pp. 96. $4.95.) pp. 360-361 Downloads
Thomas J. Volgy
Intervention and Negotiation: The United States and the Dominican Revolution. By Jerome Slater. (New York: Harper and Row, 1970. Pp. 254. $7.95.) pp. 362-363 Downloads
Michael J. Kryzanek
Theory and Policy in International Relations. Edited by Raymond Tanter and Richard H. Ullman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972. Pp. 250. $8.50, cloth; $2.95, paper.) pp. 363-365 Downloads
Lloyd Jensen
The Concept of Aggression in International Law. By Ann Van Wynen Thomas and A. J. ThomasJr. (Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1972). Pp. 92. $6.95.) pp. 365-366 Downloads
Norman V. Walbek
The United Nations in Perspective. Edited by E. Berkeley Tompkins. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1972. Pp. 155. $7.50.) pp. 366-367 Downloads
John G. Stoessinger
The Widening Gap: Development in the 1970's. Edited by Barbara Ward, J. D. Runnalls, and Lenore D'Anjou. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. Pp. 372. $10.00, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 367-369 Downloads
Walter Buhr
The European Community in the 1970's. Edited by Steven Joshua Warnecke. (New York: Praeger Publishers, for the European Studies Committee, Graduate Division, City University of New York, 1972. Pp. 228. $15.00.) pp. 369-370 Downloads
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
Law and Politics in Outer Space: A Bibliography. By Irvin L. White, Clifton E. Wilson, and John A. Vosburgh. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1972. Pp. 176. $6.95.) pp. 370-370 Downloads
Robert H. Puckett
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