American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 111, issue 4, 2017
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-x

- Anonymous
- Reevaluating the Middle-Class Protest Paradigm: A Case-Control Study of Democratic Protest Coalitions in Russia pp. 637-652

- Bryn Rosenfeld
- Does Democratic Consolidation Lead to a Decline in Voter Turnout? Global Evidence Since 1939 pp. 653-667

- Filip Kostelka
- Building a New Imperial State: The Strategic Foundations of Separation of Powers in America pp. 668-685

- Sean Gailmard
- Safeguarding Democracy: Powersharing and Democratic Survival pp. 686-704

- Benjamin A.T. Graham, Michael K. Miller and Kaare W. Strøm
- The Political Economy of Unfinished Development Projects: Corruption, Clientelism, or Collective Choice? pp. 705-723

- Martin J. Williams
- Taking Religion Seriously? Habermas on Religious Translation and Cooperative Learning in Post-secular Society pp. 724-737

- Giorgi Areshidze
- Democratic Partisanship: From Theoretical Ideal to Empirical Standard pp. 738-754

- Lise Esther Herman
- Policy Uptake as Political Behavior: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act pp. 755-770

- Amy E. Lerman, Meredith L. Sadin and Samuel Trachtman
- Digging into the Pocketbook: Evidence on Economic Voting from Income Registry Data Matched to a Voter Survey pp. 771-785

- Andrew J. Healy, Mikael Persson and Erik Snowberg
- The People as a Natural Disaster: Redemptive Violence in Jacobin Political Thought pp. 786-800

- Kevin Duong
- The Death Camp Eldorado: Political and Economic Effects of Mass Violence pp. 801-818

- Volha Charnysh and Evgeny Finkel
- It's Not about Race: Good Wars, Bad Wars, and the Origins of Kant's Anti-Colonialism pp. 819-834

- Inés Valdez
- A Pairwise Comparison Framework for Fast, Flexible, and Reliable Human Coding of Political Texts pp. 835-843

- David Carlson and Jacob M. Montgomery
Volume 111, issue 3, 2017
- Notes from the Editor pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Days of Action or Restraint? How the Islamic Calendar Impacts Violence pp. 439-459

- Michael J. Reese, Keven G. Ruby and Robert A. Pape
- Montesquieu's Teaching on the Dangers of Extreme Corrections: Japan, the Catholic Inquisition, and Moderation in The Spirit of the Laws pp. 460-470

- Nathaniel Gilmore and Vickie B. Sullivan
- Foreigners as Liberators: Education and Cultural Diversity in Plato's Menexenus pp. 471-483

- Rebecca LeMOINE
- How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, Not Engaged Argument pp. 484-501

- Gary King, Jennifer Pan and Margaret E. Roberts
- Testing Social Science Network Theories with Online Network Data: An Evaluation of External Validity pp. 502-521

- James Bisbee and Jennifer M. Larson
- Between Means and Ends: Reconstructing Coercion in Dewey's Democratic Theory pp. 522-534

- Alexander Livingston
- Process or Candidate: The International Community and the Demand for Electoral Integrity pp. 535-554

- Johannes Bubeck and Nikolay Marinov
- Electoral Accountability for State Legislative Roll Calls and Ideological Representation pp. 555-571

- Steven Rogers
- Childhood Skill Development and Adult Political Participation pp. 572-583

- John B. Holbein
- Voter Registration Costs and Disenfranchisement: Experimental Evidence from France pp. 584-604

- Céline Braconnier, Jean-Yves Dormagen and Vincent Pons
- Economic Development, Mobility, and Political Discontent: An Experimental Test of Tocqueville’s Thesis in Pakistan pp. 605-621

- Andrew Healy, Katrina Kosec and Cecilia Hyunjung Mo
- Geography, Transparency, and Institutions pp. 622-636

- Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav and Zvika Neeman
Volume 111, issue 2, 2017
- Notes from the Editor pp. iii-x

- Anonymous
- Taking Sides in Wars of Attrition pp. 219-236

- Robert Powell
- The Political Violence Cycle pp. 237-255

- S. P. Harish and Andrew T. Little
- Catalyst or Crown: Does Naturalization Promote the Long-Term Social Integration of Immigrants? pp. 256-276

- Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner and Giuseppe Pietrantuono
- The Behavioral Immune System Shapes Political Intuitions: Why and How Individual Differences in Disgust Sensitivity Underlie Opposition to Immigration pp. 277-294

- Lene Aarøe, Michael Bang Petersen and Kevin Arceneaux
- Vigilance and Confidence: Jeremy Bentham, Publicity, and the Dialectic of Political Trust and Distrust pp. 295-307

- Jonathan R. Bruno
- Xenophon on the Psychology of Supreme Political Ambition pp. 308-321

- Lorraine Smith Pangle
- Who Defects? Unpacking a Defection Cascade from Russia's Dominant Party 2008–12 pp. 322-337

- Henry E. Hale and Timothy J. Colton
- Demand for Law and the Security of Property Rights: The Case of Post-Soviet Russia pp. 338-359

- Jordan Gans-Morse
- It’s Not Just What You Have, but Who You Know: Networks, Social Proximity to Elites, and Voting in State and Local Elections pp. 360-378

- Matthew T. Pietryka and Donald A. Debats
- Spontaneous Collective Action: Peripheral Mobilization During the Arab Spring pp. 379-403

- Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld
- The Power to Nudge pp. 404-417

- Andreas T. Schmidt
- Is the U.S. Government a Corporation? The Corporate Origins of Modern Constitutionalism pp. 418-435

- David Ciepley
- Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? – ERRATUM pp. 436-437

- Charles M. Cameron and Jonathan P. Kastellec
Volume 111, issue 1, 2017
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-x

- Anonymous
- Political Cleavages within Industry: Firm-level Lobbying for Trade Liberalization pp. 1-20

- In Song Kim
- State Development, Parity, and International Conflict pp. 21-38

- Douglas M. Gibler
- A Problem-Based Approach to Democratic Theory pp. 39-53

- Mark E. Warren
- Will vs. Reason: The Populist and Technocratic Forms of Political Representation and Their Critique to Party Government pp. 54-67

- Daniele Caramani
- Democracy at Work: Moving Beyond Elections to Improve Well-Being pp. 68-82

- Michael Touchton, Natasha Borges Sugiyama and Brian Wampler
- Colonization and Democracy: Tocqueville Reconsidered pp. 83-96

- Ewa Atanassow
- The Crisis of Party Democracy, Cognitive Mobilization, and the Case for Making Parties More Deliberative pp. 97-109

- Carlo Invernizzi-Accetti and Fabio Wolkenstein
- Moral Power: How Public Opinion on Culture War Issues Shapes Partisan Predispositions and Religious Orientations pp. 110-128

- Paul Goren and Christopher Chapp
- The Incumbency Curse: Weak Parties, Term Limits, and Unfulfilled Accountability pp. 129-148

- Marko Klašnja and Rocio Titiunik
- The Architecture of Political Spaces: Trolls, Digital Media, and Deweyan Democracy pp. 149-161

- Jennifer Forestal
- Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Development: Evidence from India pp. 162-183

- Saad Gulzar and Benjamin J. Pasquale
- Precedent and Doctrine in a Complicated World pp. 184-203

- Steven Callander and Tom S. Clark
- Faulty Foundings and Failed Reformers in Machiavelli's Florentine Histories pp. 204-216

- John P. McCormick
- “Of Darkness from Vain Philosophy”: Hobbes's Critique of the Classical Tradition—ERRATA pp. 217-218

- Devin Stauffer
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