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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 27, issue 6, 1933

Powers and Functions of the Japanese Diet 1 pp. 885-898 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
Special Interests and the Interstate Commerce Commission, II* pp. 899-917 Downloads
E. Pendleton Herring
The New York Municipal Election pp. 918-923 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
The Veterans' Bonus and the Constitution pp. 923-929 Downloads
Norman J. Padelford
Supervision of Field Services in the United States Revenue Administration pp. 930-942 Downloads
Carroll K. Shaw
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States. A Tabular View Showing Changes Made Between March 4 and November 1, 1933 pp. 942-956 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
The Ohio Judicial Council: Studies and Reports pp. 957-963 Downloads
F. R. Aumann
Forms of Organization of Italian Public Undertakings pp. 964-971 Downloads
G. Lowell Field
Question Time in the British House of Commons pp. 971-977 Downloads
Robert W. McCulloch
Mr. Justice Brandeis. Edited by Felix Frankfurter. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. Pp. 232.) pp. 985-986 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics. By William Ernest Smith. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 516. Vol. II, pp. 523.) pp. 986-987 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell
Law and Practice of Municipal Home Rule, 1916–1930. By Joseph D. McGoldrick. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. xiv, 431.) pp. 988-989 Downloads
Frank E. Horack
American County Government. By Arthur W. Bromage. (New York: Sears Publishing Company. 1933. Pp. viii, 306.) - The Office of Sheriff in the Rural Counties of Ohio. By R. E. Heiges. (Findlay, Ohio: Published by the Author. 1933. Pp. ix, 124.) pp. 989-990 Downloads
Charles M. Kneier
Government in a Depression. Edited By Thomas H. Reed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. x, 194.) pp. 990-991 Downloads
Jerome G. Kerwin
The Foreign Policy of the United States in Relation to Samoa. By George Herbert Ryden. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1933. Pp. xviii, 634.) pp. 991-992 Downloads
Jacob van der Zee
Life of Joseph Chamberlain. By J. L. Garvin. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Vol. I, pp. 624; Vol. II, pp. 644.) pp. 992-994 Downloads
George E. G. Catlin
The Parliamentary Powers of English Government Departments. By John Willis. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1933. Pp. 214.) - Parliamentary Opinion of Delegated Legislation. By Chih-Mai Chen. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. 149.) pp. 994-996 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Les Institutions de Démocratie directe en Droit suisse et comparé moderne. By Maurice Battelli. Preface By M. B. Mirkine-Guetzévitch. (Paris: Librarie du Recueil Sirey. 1932. Pp. xviii, 319.) pp. 996-997 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
Hitler's Reich; The First Phase. By Hamilton Fish Armstrong. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. x, 73.) - Germany Enters the Third Reich. By Calvin B. Hoover. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xii, 243.) pp. 997-999 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
The Economic Foundations of Fascism. By Paul Einzig. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1933. Pp. xii, 156.) pp. 999-1000 Downloads
John M. Gaus
World Prosperity as Sought Through the Economic Work of the League of Nations. By Wallace McClure. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xxxix, 613.) pp. 1000-1001 Downloads
W. W. Willoughby
Foreign Investments in China. By C. F. Remer. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xxi, 708.) pp. 1001-1003 Downloads
Walter H. Mallory
The Capitulatory Régime of Turkey. By Nasim Sousa. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1933. Pp. xxiii, 378.) pp. 1003-1004 Downloads
William C. Johnstone
State and Local Government - The Evolution of Municipal Organization and Administrative Practice in the City of Los Angeles (Parker, Stone, and Baird Co., Los Angeles, pp. xv, 283), by Burton L. Hunter pp. 1007-1008 Downloads
Lent D. Upson
Foreign and Comparative Government - India in Transition (published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, London, pp. vii, 395) pp. 1008-1011 Downloads
Sudhindra Bose
International Law and Relations - James W. Angell's monograph, The Financial Foreign Policy of the United States (Council on Foreign Relations, pp. vi, 146) pp. 1011-1018 Downloads
Frederick A. Middlebush
Political Theory and Miscellaneous - Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, edited by Edwin R. A. Seligman, Alvin Johnson, and others (The Macmillan Co., pp. xxi, 661; xxi, 652) pp. 1018-1023 Downloads
A. C. Hanford

Volume 27, issue 5, 1933

Nationalism and the League of Nations Today* pp. 721-737 Downloads
William E. Rappard
Special Interests and the Interstate Commerce Commission* pp. 738-751 Downloads
E. Pendleton Herring
State Constitutional Law in 1932–33, II* pp. 752-768 Downloads
Charles G. Haines
Campaign Funds in a Depression Year1 pp. 769-783 Downloads
Louise Overacker
Some Problems of Canadian Federalism pp. 804-811 Downloads
Harold W. Stoke
British Malaya1 pp. 811-815 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Juristische Person und Staatsperson. By Hans J. Wolff. (Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag. 1933. Pp. xv, 516.) pp. 822-823 Downloads
Max A. Shepard
Le Droit de Pétition. By Marcel Richard. (Paris: Librairie du Recuil Sirey. 1932. Pp. xii, 769.) pp. 823-824 Downloads
Walter Sandelius
Les nouvelles Constitutions européennes et le rôle du chef de l'État. By Ezekiel Gordon. (Paris: Librairie du Recuil Sirey. 1932. Pp. 436.) pp. 824-825 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
Modern Germany; A Study of Conflicting Loyalties. By Paul Kosok. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. xxi, 348.) pp. 826-827 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
German Cities; A Study of Contemporary Politics and Administration. By Roger Hewes Wells. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. 1932. Pp. xii, 283.) pp. 827-827 Downloads
Charles E. Merriam
Current Municipal Problems. By Ernest S. Griffith (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.1933. Pp. 293). - Local Government in Modern England. By John P. R. Maud. The Home University Library. (London: Thornton Butterworth, Ltd.1932. Pp. 254.) pp. 828-830 Downloads
A. C. Hanford
State Grants-in-Aid in Virginia. By Tipton R. Snavely, Duncan C. Hyde, and Alvin B. Biscoe. (New York: The Century Co.1933. Pp. xvi, 244.) pp. 830-831 Downloads
Frank G. Bates
The Brookhart Campaigns in Iowa, 1920–1926. By Jerry Alvin Neprash. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1932. Pp. 126.) pp. 831-832 Downloads
Wallace S. Sayre
Rural Crime Control. By Bruce Smith. (New York: Institute of Public Administration, Columbia University. 1933. Pp. x, 306.) pp. 832-833 Downloads
Frank M. Stewart
Industrial Discipline and the Governmental Arts. By Rexford G. Tugwell. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. 241.) - Modern Industrial Organization. By Herbert von Beckerath. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1933. Pp. xiii, 385.) pp. 833-835 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
Insecurity; A Challenge to America. By Abraham Epstein. (New York: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas.1933. Pp. 680.) - Job Insurance. By John B. Ewing. (Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press. 1933. Pp. 263.) pp. 835-836 Downloads
Paul H. Douglas
The Federal Reserve Act: Its Origins and Problems. By J. Laurence Laughlin. (New York: The Macmillan Co.1933. Pp. xii, 400.) pp. 836-838 Downloads
Frederick A. Bradford
The Function of Law in the International Community. By H. Lauterpacht. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1933. Pp. xxiv, 469.) pp. 838-839 Downloads
Frederick Sherwood Dunn
International Politics; An Introduction to the Western State System. By Frederick L. Schuman. (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1933. Pp. xxi, 922.) pp. 840-841 Downloads
George H. Blakeslee
Recent Changes in the Recognition Policy of the United States. By J. L. MacMahon. (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America. 1933. Pp. vi, 138.) - The League of Nations and the Recognition of States. By Malbone W. Graham. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press. 1933. Pp. 79.) pp. 841-842 Downloads
Norman L. Hill
Die Nationalitäten in den Staaten Europas. Ergänzungen. 1932. (Wien-Leipzig: Wilhelm Braumüller. 1932. Pp. 104.) pp. 842-843 Downloads
Joseph S. Rouček
French and German Public Opinion on Declared War Aims, 1914–1918. By Ebba Dahlin. (Stanford University Press. 1933. Pp. 168.) pp. 844-844 Downloads
Sidney B. Fay
Methods of Social Study. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. (London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co.1932. Pp. viii, 263.) pp. 845-846 Downloads
Harold D. Lasswell

Volume 27, issue 4, 1933

National Attitudes on the Far Eastern Controversy pp. 555-576 Downloads
James T. Russell and Quincy Wright
State Constitutional Law in 1932–33* pp. 577-596 Downloads
Charles G. Haines
The Editor Votes pp. 597-611 Downloads
Herman C. Beyle
The Political Machine of New York City pp. 611-618 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
Party Organization in Philadelphia: The Ward Committeeman pp. 618-627 Downloads
John T. Salter
The Potential Incentives of Public Employment pp. 628-636 Downloads
Marshall E. Dimock
The Constitutional Law of the British Dominions. By Arthur Barriedale Keith. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1933. Pp. xxvi, 522.) - The British Empire-Commonwealth. By Reginald G. Trotter. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1932. Pp. 131.) pp. 642-643 Downloads
Robert A. MacKay
The People and the Constitution. By Cecil S. Emden. (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1933. Pp. 336.) pp. 643-644 Downloads
Elmer D. Graper
The Influence of the Commons on Early Legislation: A Study of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. By Howard L. Gray. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1932. Pp. xviii, 423.) pp. 644-645 Downloads
E. P. Chase
A Hundred Years of Quarter Sessions: The Government of Middlesex from 1660 to 1760. By E. G. Dowdell. With an Introduction by SirWilliam Holdsworth. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1932. Pp. lxxv, 215.) pp. 645-646 Downloads
William A. Robson
Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs vom 11. August, 1919. Ein Kommentar für Wissenschaft und Praxis. By Gerhard Anschutz. 14th ed. (Berlin: Verlag von Georg Stilke. 1933. Pp. xxxxviii, 800.) pp. 646-647 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
The League on Trial; A Journey to Geneva. By Max Beer. Translated by W. H. Johnston. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1933. Pp. 415.) pp. 647-648 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
Force in Peace; Force Short of War in International Relations. By Albert E. Hindmarsh. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1933. Pp. 228.) pp. 648-650 Downloads
Edward C. Wynne
European Diplomatic History, 1871–1932. By Raymond J. Sontag. (New York: The Century Company. 1933. Pp. ix, 425.) pp. 650-651 Downloads
Frederick S. Schuman
The Mind of China. By Edwin D. Harvey. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1933. Pp. x, 321.) - Land and Labour in China. By R. H. Tawney. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1932. Pp. 207.) - The Case for China. By H. C. Thomson. (New York: Charles Scribners' Sons. 1933. Pp. 322.) pp. 651-653 Downloads
Harley Farnsworth MacNair
China's Foreign Relations, 1917–1931. By Robert T. Pollard. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xi, 416.) pp. 653-654 Downloads
Tyler Dennett
Ethical Systems and Legal Ideals. By Felix S. Cohen. (Falcon Press, Inc.1933. Pp. vii, 303.) pp. 654-656 Downloads
Hessel E. Yntema
The State and Economic Life: A Record of a First International Study Conference Held at Milan, May 23–27, 1932. (Paris: International Institute of Intellectual Coöperation. 1932. Pp. xxiii, 184.) pp. 656-657 Downloads
Walter R. Sharp
Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx. By Sidney Hook. (New York: John Day Company. 1933. Pp. xiv, 347.) pp. 657-658 Downloads
Selig Perlman
Political Science. By Raymond Garfield Gettell. (Boston and New York: Ginn and Company. 1933. Pp. viii, 488.) pp. 658-659 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
Standards of Unemployment Insurance. By Paul H. Douglas. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. 251.) pp. 659-660 Downloads
John B. Andrews
Jesse Macy: An Autobiography. Edited and Arranged by his Daughter, Katharine Macy Noyes. (Springfield, Ill., and Baltimore, Md.: Charles C. Thomas. 1933. Pp. xvii, 192.) pp. 661-662 Downloads
James W. Garner

Volume 27, issue 3, 1933

Concepts of Public Opinion pp. 371-391 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
Statisticians and Political Scientists pp. 392-403 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell
Second Session of the Seventy-second Congress, December 5, 1932, to March 4, 19331 pp. 404-422 Downloads
E. Pendleton Herring
Election Statistics in the United States pp. 422-432 Downloads
Idella Gwatkin Swisher
Public Administration, 1931–32 pp. 433-444 Downloads
Leonard D. White
Direct Legislation in the German Länder, 1919–32 pp. 445-454 Downloads
Lee S. Greene
The Effect of the Depression on Canadian Politics, 1929–32 pp. 455-465 Downloads
Escott Reid
Looking Forward. By Franklin D. Roosevelt. (New York: The John Day Company. 1933. Pp. 279.) pp. 472-473 Downloads
James Hart
Our Obsolete Constitution. By William Kay Wallace. (New York: The John Day Company. 1932. Pp. 226.) pp. 473-474 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin
In Defense of the Senate; A Study in Treaty-Making. By Royden J. Dangerfield. Introduction by Quincy Wright. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1933. Pp. xvii, 365.) pp. 474-475 Downloads
John M. Mathews
The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House. By George Sylvester Viereck. (New York: Liveright, Inc., 1932. Pp. xiv, 375.) pp. 475-476 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
What's the Matter with New York?; A National Problem. By Norman Thomas and Paul Blanshard. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xiv, 364.) pp. 476-477 Downloads
Russell Forbes
The Foundations of American Constitutionalism. By Andrew C. McLaughlin. (New York: New York University Press. 1932. Pp. vii, 176.) pp. 478-478 Downloads
Benjamin F. Wright
The Framework of International Society. By S. H. Bailey. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1932. Pp. v, 92.) - The Interdependent World and Its Problems. By Ramsay Muir. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1933. Pp. xii, 204.) - America: World Leader or World Led? By Ernest Minor Patterson. (New York: The Century Company. 1932. Pp. 174.) pp. 479-480 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
The Diplomatic Protection of Americans in Mexico. By Frederick Sherwood Dunn. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. ix, 439.) pp. 480-481 Downloads
Dana G. Munro
The League of Nations in Theory and Practice. By C. K. Webster. With some chapters on International Coöperation by Sydney Herbert (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.1933. Pp. 320.) pp. 481-483 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
Egypt Since Cromer. By Lord Lloyd. (London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd.1933. Vol. I. Pp. xi, 390.) pp. 483-485 Downloads
Ralston Hayden
Weltkrieg ohne Waffen. Die Propaganda der Westmächte gegen Deutschland, ihre Wirkung und ihre Abwehr. By Hans Thimme. (Stuttgart and Berlin: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger. 1932. Pp. viii, 294.) pp. 485-486 Downloads
Harold D. Lasswell
Trends in Public Administration. By Leonard D. White. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1933. Pp. x, 365.) pp. 486-487 Downloads
W. F. Willoughby
Whitley Councils in the British Civil Service; A Study in Conciliation and Arbitration. By Leonard D. White. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. xvii, 357.) pp. 488-489 Downloads
Walter R. Sharp
The Rationalization of Hungarian Public Administration. By Zoltan Magyary. (Budapest: Athenaeum. 1932. Pp. 1–21.) - Administrative Boundaries and the Rationalization of the Public Administration. By Gyula Hantos. With an introduction by Count P. Teleki and ProfessorZ. Magyary. (Budapest: Athenaeum. 1932. Pp. 1–25, 56 maps.) pp. 489-491 Downloads
Leonard D. White
Public Utility Regulation. By William E. Mosher and Finla G. Crawford. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1933. Pp. xvii, 612.) - Principles of Public Utilities. By Elliott Jones and Truman C. Bigham. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1931. Pp. xiv, 799.) - The Public Service Commission of Maryland. By Henry G. Burke. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1933. Pp. ix, 168.) - Some Phases of Fair Value and Interstate Rates. By James Barclay Smith. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1931. Pp. 101.) pp. 491-493 Downloads
Martin G. Glaeser
Otto von Gierke; His Political Teaching and Jurisprudence. By Sobei Mogi. (London: P. S. King and Son. 1932. Pp. 291.) pp. 493-495 Downloads
Max A. Shepard
A Treatise on the State. By Leonidas Pitamic. (Baltimore: J. H. Furst Company. 1933. Pp. x, 301.) pp. 495-496 Downloads
Ellen Deborah Ellis
Citizens' Organizations and the Civic Training of Youth. By Bessie Louise Pierce. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1933. Pp. xiii, 428.) pp. 496-496 Downloads
Elizabeth A. Weber

Volume 27, issue 2, 1933

The Development of the Executive Power in Germany pp. 185-203 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich
Higher Officials in the Philippine Civil Service pp. 204-221 Downloads
Ralston Hayden
Report on Recent Social Trends in the United States1 pp. 222-227 Downloads
Arthur N. Holcombe
State Constitutional Development Through Amendment in 1932 pp. 227-236 Downloads
Harold R. Enslow
Reichsreform and Prussian Verwaltungsreform in 1932 pp. 237-243 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
Report on House of Lords Reform in Great Britain1 pp. 243-249 Downloads
W. A. Rudlin
Should the Council of the League of Nations Establish a Permanent Minorities Commission? pp. 250-259 Downloads
Howard B. Calderwood
Grover Cleveland; A Study in Courage. By Allen Nevins. (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1932. Pp. xiii, 832.) pp. 274-275 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
The Road to Repeal: Submission to Conventions. By Joseph Percival Pollard. (New York: Brentano's. 1932. Pp. xii, 209.) pp. 275-276 Downloads
Walter F. Dodd
Tribunes of the People. By Raymond Moley. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. Pp. 272.) - The Judicial System of Metropolitan Chicago. By Albert Lepawsky. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1932. Pp. xv, 265.) pp. 277-278 Downloads
Hessel E. Yntema
Criminals and Politicians: A History of the Rackets' Red Rule. By Denis Tilden Lynch. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. 246.) - Crime for Profit. Edited by Ernest P. MacDougall. (Boston: The Stratford Company. 1932. Pp. 355.) pp. 278-279 Downloads
Jerome G. Kerwin
The Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. By Bernard C. Gavit. (Bloomington, Ind.: The Principia Press, Inc.1932. Pp. 568.) pp. 279-280 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy. By Charles Grove Haines. (Berkeley, California: Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles, Social Sciences, Vol. I. 1932. Pp. xiv, 705.) pp. 280-281 Downloads
Frank E. Horack
The French Political System. By W. L. Middleton. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1933. Pp. 296.) pp. 281-282 Downloads
Edward McChesney Sait
The Crisis of German Democracy. By Herbert Kraus. Edited with an Introduction by William Starr Myers. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1932. Pp. xviii, 223.) pp. 282-283 Downloads
Karl F. Geiser
Droit constitutionnel italien. By P. Chimienti. (Paris: Marcel Giard. 1932. Pp. 647.) - Government and Politics of Italy. By Henry Russell Spencer. (Yonkerson-Hudson: World Book Company. 1932. Pp. xii, 307.) pp. 284-285 Downloads
R. K. Gooch
The Protection of Nationals; A Study in the Application of International Law. By Frederick Sherwood Dunn. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1932. Pp. viii, 223.) pp. 285-288 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton
The Policy of the United States with Respect to the League of Nations. By Clarence A. Berdahl. (Publications of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, No. 4. Geneva: Librairie Kundig. 1932. Pp. 129.) pp. 288-289 Downloads
Frederick A. Middlebush
International Guarantees of Minority Rights; Procedure of the Council of the League of Nations in Theory and Practice. By Julius Stone. (London: Oxford University Press. 1932. Pp. xiii, 288.) - National Minorities in Europe. By Otto Junghann. (New York: Covici-Friede. 1932. Pp. 121.) pp. 289-291 Downloads
Howard B. Calderwood
Nationalism and Imperialism in the Hither East. By Hans Kohn. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1932. Pp. viii, 339.) pp. 291-292 Downloads
Walter H. Ritsher
Red Russia. By Theodore Seibert. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul from the Third Edition of Das Rote Russland, Staat, Geist und Alltag der Bolsheviki. (New York: The Century Company. 1932. Pp. 422.) pp. 292-294 Downloads
Bruce C. Hopper
Not To Be Repeated: Merry-Go-Round of Europe. Anonymous. (New York: Ray Long and Richard R. Smith. 1932. Pp. x, 521.) pp. 294-295 Downloads
Henry R. Spencer
Demokratie und Kapitalismus: Ein Versuch zur Soziologie der Staatsformen. By Dr.Aloys Ferdinand Hermens. (München: Duncker und Humblot. 1931. Pp. viii, 242.) pp. 295-296 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
Moral Man and Immoral Society. By Reinhold Niebuhr. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1932. Pp. xxv, 284.) pp. 296-297 Downloads
L. M. Pape
Politik. By Adolf Grabowsky. (Berlin: Industrieverlag Spaeth und Linde. 1933. Pp. 342.) pp. 298-298 Downloads
Fritz-Konrad Krüger

Volume 27, issue 1, 1933

A Program for Research in Political Science* pp. 1-23 Downloads
William F. Willoughby
William of Occam and the Higher Law, II* pp. 24-38 Downloads
Max A. Shepard
Constitutional Law in 1931–32: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1931 pp. 39-57 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
Minnesota's Congressional Election at Large pp. 58-63 Downloads
Roger V. Shumate
The Bureau of Publicity of the Democratic National Committee, 1930–32 pp. 63-65 Downloads
Thomas S. Barclay
Investigating County and Township Government in Michigan pp. 80-84 Downloads
Arthur W. Bromage
The Principle of Local Self-Government in Virginia pp. 84-90 Downloads
James E. Pate
Kentucky Justices of the Peace pp. 90-93 Downloads
J. W. Manning
Report of the Committee on Policy of the American Political Science Association for the Year 1932 pp. 103-115 Downloads
Thomas H. Reed
The Growth of Political Thought in the West: From the Greeks to the End of the Middle Ages. By Charles Howard McIlwain. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. vii, 417.) pp. 116-118 Downloads
Francis W. Coker
A Guide Through World Chaos. By G.D.H. Cole. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1932. Pp. xi, 554, xix.) pp. 118-119 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
The Revolt of the Masses. By José Ortega y Gasset. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1932. Pp. 204.) pp. 120-120 Downloads
Harold D. Lasswell
Beveridge and the Progressive Era. By Claude G. Bowers. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1932. Pp. xxiv, 610.) pp. 120-122 Downloads
William Starr Myers
Money in Elections. By Louise Overacker. Largely from Material Collected by Victor J. West. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xiv, 476.) pp. 122-124 Downloads
James K. Pollock
National Regulation of Aēronautics. By Charles C. Rohlfing. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1931. Pp. ix, 298.) pp. 124-125 Downloads
Lloyd M. Short
General Sales Taxation: Its History and Development. By Alfred D. Buehler. (New York: Business Bourse. 1932. Pp. ix, 378.) pp. 125-126 Downloads
Roy G. Blakey
International Law in National Courts; A Study of the Enforcement of International Law in German, Swiss, French, and Belgian Courts. By Ruth D. Masters. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1932. Pp. 245.) pp. 126-127 Downloads
Quincy Wright
De Bismarck à Poincaré; Soixante Ans de Diplomatic Républicaine. By Raymond Recouly. (Paris: Les Éditions de France. 1932. Pp. 548.) pp. 127-129 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
Boycotts and Peace. Edited by Evans Clark. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1932. Pp. xx, 381.) - The Causes of War: Economic, Industrial, Racial, Religious, Scientific, and Political. Edited by Arthur Porritt (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xxix, 235.) - Problems of Peace, Sixth Series; Lectures Delivered at the Geneva Institute of International Relations, 1931. By H. J. Laski, A. E. Zimmern, and Others. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1932. Pp. xv, 301.) pp. 129-130 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
The New Balance of Power in Europe. By Valentine de Balla. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1932. Pp. vii, 205.) pp. 131-132 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and Japan, 1853–1895. By Payson J. Treat. (Stanford University: Stanford University Press. 1932. Two volumes. Pp. xxi, 1193.) pp. 132-134 Downloads
Harold S. Quigley
Japanese Government and Politics: An Introductory Study. By Harold S. Quigley. (New York: The Century Company. 1932. Pp. xii, 442.) pp. 134-137 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
What's Wrong with China? By Rodney Gilbert. (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. 1932. Pp. 315.) - China Today: Economic. By J. B. Condliffe. (Boston: World Peace Foundation. 1932. Pp. 203.) - Nationalism and Education in Modern China. By Cyrus H. Peake. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1932. Pp. xiv, 240.) pp. 137-139 Downloads
Harley Farnsworth MacNair
L'Évolution de l'Empire Britannique. By Jean-Jacqes Chevallier. (Paris: Les Editions Internationales. 1931. Two volumes. Pp. 1068.) pp. 139-140 Downloads
Ralston Hayden
University Training for the National Service. Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Minnesota, July 14 to 17, 1931. Preface By Morris B. Lambie. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1932. Pp. viii, 325.) pp. 140-142 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Educating for Citizenship. By George A. Coe. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1932. Pp. xvi, 205.) pp. 142-143 Downloads
R. O. Hughes
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