American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 27, issue 6, 1933
- Powers and Functions of the Japanese Diet 1 pp. 885-898

- Kenneth Colegrove
- Special Interests and the Interstate Commerce Commission, II* pp. 899-917

- E. Pendleton Herring
- The New York Municipal Election pp. 918-923

- Roy V. Peel
- The Veterans' Bonus and the Constitution pp. 923-929

- Norman J. Padelford
- Supervision of Field Services in the United States Revenue Administration pp. 930-942

- Carroll K. Shaw
- Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States. A Tabular View Showing Changes Made Between March 4 and November 1, 1933 pp. 942-956

- L. F. Schmeckebier
- The Ohio Judicial Council: Studies and Reports pp. 957-963

- F. R. Aumann
- Forms of Organization of Italian Public Undertakings pp. 964-971

- G. Lowell Field
- Question Time in the British House of Commons pp. 971-977

- Robert W. McCulloch
- Mr. Justice Brandeis. Edited by Felix Frankfurter. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. Pp. 232.) pp. 985-986

- Robert E. Cushman
- The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics. By William Ernest Smith. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 516. Vol. II, pp. 523.) pp. 986-987

- Harold F. Gosnell
- Law and Practice of Municipal Home Rule, 1916–1930. By Joseph D. McGoldrick. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. xiv, 431.) pp. 988-989

- Frank E. Horack
- American County Government. By Arthur W. Bromage. (New York: Sears Publishing Company. 1933. Pp. viii, 306.) - The Office of Sheriff in the Rural Counties of Ohio. By R. E. Heiges. (Findlay, Ohio: Published by the Author. 1933. Pp. ix, 124.) pp. 989-990

- Charles M. Kneier
- Government in a Depression. Edited By Thomas H. Reed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. x, 194.) pp. 990-991

- Jerome G. Kerwin
- The Foreign Policy of the United States in Relation to Samoa. By George Herbert Ryden. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1933. Pp. xviii, 634.) pp. 991-992

- Jacob van der Zee
- Life of Joseph Chamberlain. By J. L. Garvin. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Vol. I, pp. 624; Vol. II, pp. 644.) pp. 992-994

- George E. G. Catlin
- The Parliamentary Powers of English Government Departments. By John Willis. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1933. Pp. 214.) - Parliamentary Opinion of Delegated Legislation. By Chih-Mai Chen. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. 149.) pp. 994-996

- John A. Fairlie
- Les Institutions de Démocratie directe en Droit suisse et comparé moderne. By Maurice Battelli. Preface By M. B. Mirkine-Guetzévitch. (Paris: Librarie du Recueil Sirey. 1932. Pp. xviii, 319.) pp. 996-997

- Robert C. Brooks
- Hitler's Reich; The First Phase. By Hamilton Fish Armstrong. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. x, 73.) - Germany Enters the Third Reich. By Calvin B. Hoover. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xii, 243.) pp. 997-999

- Roger H. Wells
- The Economic Foundations of Fascism. By Paul Einzig. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1933. Pp. xii, 156.) pp. 999-1000

- John M. Gaus
- World Prosperity as Sought Through the Economic Work of the League of Nations. By Wallace McClure. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xxxix, 613.) pp. 1000-1001

- W. W. Willoughby
- Foreign Investments in China. By C. F. Remer. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xxi, 708.) pp. 1001-1003

- Walter H. Mallory
- The Capitulatory Régime of Turkey. By Nasim Sousa. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1933. Pp. xxiii, 378.) pp. 1003-1004

- William C. Johnstone
- State and Local Government - The Evolution of Municipal Organization and Administrative Practice in the City of Los Angeles (Parker, Stone, and Baird Co., Los Angeles, pp. xv, 283), by Burton L. Hunter pp. 1007-1008

- Lent D. Upson
- Foreign and Comparative Government - India in Transition (published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, London, pp. vii, 395) pp. 1008-1011

- Sudhindra Bose
- International Law and Relations - James W. Angell's monograph, The Financial Foreign Policy of the United States (Council on Foreign Relations, pp. vi, 146) pp. 1011-1018

- Frederick A. Middlebush
- Political Theory and Miscellaneous - Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, edited by Edwin R. A. Seligman, Alvin Johnson, and others (The Macmillan Co., pp. xxi, 661; xxi, 652) pp. 1018-1023

- A. C. Hanford
Volume 27, issue 5, 1933
- Nationalism and the League of Nations Today* pp. 721-737

- William E. Rappard
- Special Interests and the Interstate Commerce Commission* pp. 738-751

- E. Pendleton Herring
- State Constitutional Law in 1932–33, II* pp. 752-768

- Charles G. Haines
- Campaign Funds in a Depression Year1 pp. 769-783

- Louise Overacker
- Some Problems of Canadian Federalism pp. 804-811

- Harold W. Stoke
- British Malaya1 pp. 811-815

- John A. Fairlie
- Juristische Person und Staatsperson. By Hans J. Wolff. (Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag. 1933. Pp. xv, 516.) pp. 822-823

- Max A. Shepard
- Le Droit de Pétition. By Marcel Richard. (Paris: Librairie du Recuil Sirey. 1932. Pp. xii, 769.) pp. 823-824

- Walter Sandelius
- Les nouvelles Constitutions européennes et le rôle du chef de l'État. By Ezekiel Gordon. (Paris: Librairie du Recuil Sirey. 1932. Pp. 436.) pp. 824-825

- Malbone W. Graham
- Modern Germany; A Study of Conflicting Loyalties. By Paul Kosok. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. xxi, 348.) pp. 826-827

- Roger H. Wells
- German Cities; A Study of Contemporary Politics and Administration. By Roger Hewes Wells. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. 1932. Pp. xii, 283.) pp. 827-827

- Charles E. Merriam
- Current Municipal Problems. By Ernest S. Griffith (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.1933. Pp. 293). - Local Government in Modern England. By John P. R. Maud. The Home University Library. (London: Thornton Butterworth, Ltd.1932. Pp. 254.) pp. 828-830

- A. C. Hanford
- State Grants-in-Aid in Virginia. By Tipton R. Snavely, Duncan C. Hyde, and Alvin B. Biscoe. (New York: The Century Co.1933. Pp. xvi, 244.) pp. 830-831

- Frank G. Bates
- The Brookhart Campaigns in Iowa, 1920–1926. By Jerry Alvin Neprash. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1932. Pp. 126.) pp. 831-832

- Wallace S. Sayre
- Rural Crime Control. By Bruce Smith. (New York: Institute of Public Administration, Columbia University. 1933. Pp. x, 306.) pp. 832-833

- Frank M. Stewart
- Industrial Discipline and the Governmental Arts. By Rexford G. Tugwell. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. 241.) - Modern Industrial Organization. By Herbert von Beckerath. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1933. Pp. xiii, 385.) pp. 833-835

- Charles A. Beard
- Insecurity; A Challenge to America. By Abraham Epstein. (New York: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas.1933. Pp. 680.) - Job Insurance. By John B. Ewing. (Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press. 1933. Pp. 263.) pp. 835-836

- Paul H. Douglas
- The Federal Reserve Act: Its Origins and Problems. By J. Laurence Laughlin. (New York: The Macmillan Co.1933. Pp. xii, 400.) pp. 836-838

- Frederick A. Bradford
- The Function of Law in the International Community. By H. Lauterpacht. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1933. Pp. xxiv, 469.) pp. 838-839

- Frederick Sherwood Dunn
- International Politics; An Introduction to the Western State System. By Frederick L. Schuman. (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1933. Pp. xxi, 922.) pp. 840-841

- George H. Blakeslee
- Recent Changes in the Recognition Policy of the United States. By J. L. MacMahon. (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America. 1933. Pp. vi, 138.) - The League of Nations and the Recognition of States. By Malbone W. Graham. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press. 1933. Pp. 79.) pp. 841-842

- Norman L. Hill
- Die Nationalitäten in den Staaten Europas. Ergänzungen. 1932. (Wien-Leipzig: Wilhelm Braumüller. 1932. Pp. 104.) pp. 842-843

- Joseph S. Rouček
- French and German Public Opinion on Declared War Aims, 1914–1918. By Ebba Dahlin. (Stanford University Press. 1933. Pp. 168.) pp. 844-844

- Sidney B. Fay
- Methods of Social Study. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. (London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co.1932. Pp. viii, 263.) pp. 845-846

- Harold D. Lasswell
Volume 27, issue 4, 1933
- National Attitudes on the Far Eastern Controversy pp. 555-576

- James T. Russell and Quincy Wright
- State Constitutional Law in 1932–33* pp. 577-596

- Charles G. Haines
- The Editor Votes pp. 597-611

- Herman C. Beyle
- The Political Machine of New York City pp. 611-618

- Roy V. Peel
- Party Organization in Philadelphia: The Ward Committeeman pp. 618-627

- John T. Salter
- The Potential Incentives of Public Employment pp. 628-636

- Marshall E. Dimock
- The Constitutional Law of the British Dominions. By Arthur Barriedale Keith. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1933. Pp. xxvi, 522.) - The British Empire-Commonwealth. By Reginald G. Trotter. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1932. Pp. 131.) pp. 642-643

- Robert A. MacKay
- The People and the Constitution. By Cecil S. Emden. (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1933. Pp. 336.) pp. 643-644

- Elmer D. Graper
- The Influence of the Commons on Early Legislation: A Study of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. By Howard L. Gray. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1932. Pp. xviii, 423.) pp. 644-645

- E. P. Chase
- A Hundred Years of Quarter Sessions: The Government of Middlesex from 1660 to 1760. By E. G. Dowdell. With an Introduction by SirWilliam Holdsworth. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1932. Pp. lxxv, 215.) pp. 645-646

- William A. Robson
- Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs vom 11. August, 1919. Ein Kommentar für Wissenschaft und Praxis. By Gerhard Anschutz. 14th ed. (Berlin: Verlag von Georg Stilke. 1933. Pp. xxxxviii, 800.) pp. 646-647

- Fritz Morstein Marx
- The League on Trial; A Journey to Geneva. By Max Beer. Translated by W. H. Johnston. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1933. Pp. 415.) pp. 647-648

- Denys P. Myers
- Force in Peace; Force Short of War in International Relations. By Albert E. Hindmarsh. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1933. Pp. 228.) pp. 648-650

- Edward C. Wynne
- European Diplomatic History, 1871–1932. By Raymond J. Sontag. (New York: The Century Company. 1933. Pp. ix, 425.) pp. 650-651

- Frederick S. Schuman
- The Mind of China. By Edwin D. Harvey. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1933. Pp. x, 321.) - Land and Labour in China. By R. H. Tawney. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1932. Pp. 207.) - The Case for China. By H. C. Thomson. (New York: Charles Scribners' Sons. 1933. Pp. 322.) pp. 651-653

- Harley Farnsworth MacNair
- China's Foreign Relations, 1917–1931. By Robert T. Pollard. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1933. Pp. xi, 416.) pp. 653-654

- Tyler Dennett
- Ethical Systems and Legal Ideals. By Felix S. Cohen. (Falcon Press, Inc.1933. Pp. vii, 303.) pp. 654-656

- Hessel E. Yntema
- The State and Economic Life: A Record of a First International Study Conference Held at Milan, May 23–27, 1932. (Paris: International Institute of Intellectual Coöperation. 1932. Pp. xxiii, 184.) pp. 656-657

- Walter R. Sharp
- Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx. By Sidney Hook. (New York: John Day Company. 1933. Pp. xiv, 347.) pp. 657-658

- Selig Perlman
- Political Science. By Raymond Garfield Gettell. (Boston and New York: Ginn and Company. 1933. Pp. viii, 488.) pp. 658-659

- Francis G. Wilson
- Standards of Unemployment Insurance. By Paul H. Douglas. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. 251.) pp. 659-660

- John B. Andrews
- Jesse Macy: An Autobiography. Edited and Arranged by his Daughter, Katharine Macy Noyes. (Springfield, Ill., and Baltimore, Md.: Charles C. Thomas. 1933. Pp. xvii, 192.) pp. 661-662

- James W. Garner
Volume 27, issue 3, 1933
- Concepts of Public Opinion pp. 371-391

- Francis G. Wilson
- Statisticians and Political Scientists pp. 392-403

- Harold F. Gosnell
- Second Session of the Seventy-second Congress, December 5, 1932, to March 4, 19331 pp. 404-422

- E. Pendleton Herring
- Election Statistics in the United States pp. 422-432

- Idella Gwatkin Swisher
- Public Administration, 1931–32 pp. 433-444

- Leonard D. White
- Direct Legislation in the German Länder, 1919–32 pp. 445-454

- Lee S. Greene
- The Effect of the Depression on Canadian Politics, 1929–32 pp. 455-465

- Escott Reid
- Looking Forward. By Franklin D. Roosevelt. (New York: The John Day Company. 1933. Pp. 279.) pp. 472-473

- James Hart
- Our Obsolete Constitution. By William Kay Wallace. (New York: The John Day Company. 1932. Pp. 226.) pp. 473-474

- Edward S. Corwin
- In Defense of the Senate; A Study in Treaty-Making. By Royden J. Dangerfield. Introduction by Quincy Wright. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1933. Pp. xvii, 365.) pp. 474-475

- John M. Mathews
- The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House. By George Sylvester Viereck. (New York: Liveright, Inc., 1932. Pp. xiv, 375.) pp. 475-476

- Everett S. Brown
- What's the Matter with New York?; A National Problem. By Norman Thomas and Paul Blanshard. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xiv, 364.) pp. 476-477

- Russell Forbes
- The Foundations of American Constitutionalism. By Andrew C. McLaughlin. (New York: New York University Press. 1932. Pp. vii, 176.) pp. 478-478

- Benjamin F. Wright
- The Framework of International Society. By S. H. Bailey. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1932. Pp. v, 92.) - The Interdependent World and Its Problems. By Ramsay Muir. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1933. Pp. xii, 204.) - America: World Leader or World Led? By Ernest Minor Patterson. (New York: The Century Company. 1932. Pp. 174.) pp. 479-480

- Phillips Bradley
- The Diplomatic Protection of Americans in Mexico. By Frederick Sherwood Dunn. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1933. Pp. ix, 439.) pp. 480-481

- Dana G. Munro
- The League of Nations in Theory and Practice. By C. K. Webster. With some chapters on International Coöperation by Sydney Herbert (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.1933. Pp. 320.) pp. 481-483

- Pitman B. Potter
- Egypt Since Cromer. By Lord Lloyd. (London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd.1933. Vol. I. Pp. xi, 390.) pp. 483-485

- Ralston Hayden
- Weltkrieg ohne Waffen. Die Propaganda der Westmächte gegen Deutschland, ihre Wirkung und ihre Abwehr. By Hans Thimme. (Stuttgart and Berlin: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger. 1932. Pp. viii, 294.) pp. 485-486

- Harold D. Lasswell
- Trends in Public Administration. By Leonard D. White. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1933. Pp. x, 365.) pp. 486-487

- W. F. Willoughby
- Whitley Councils in the British Civil Service; A Study in Conciliation and Arbitration. By Leonard D. White. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1933. Pp. xvii, 357.) pp. 488-489

- Walter R. Sharp
- The Rationalization of Hungarian Public Administration. By Zoltan Magyary. (Budapest: Athenaeum. 1932. Pp. 1–21.) - Administrative Boundaries and the Rationalization of the Public Administration. By Gyula Hantos. With an introduction by Count P. Teleki and ProfessorZ. Magyary. (Budapest: Athenaeum. 1932. Pp. 1–25, 56 maps.) pp. 489-491

- Leonard D. White
- Public Utility Regulation. By William E. Mosher and Finla G. Crawford. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1933. Pp. xvii, 612.) - Principles of Public Utilities. By Elliott Jones and Truman C. Bigham. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1931. Pp. xiv, 799.) - The Public Service Commission of Maryland. By Henry G. Burke. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1933. Pp. ix, 168.) - Some Phases of Fair Value and Interstate Rates. By James Barclay Smith. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1931. Pp. 101.) pp. 491-493

- Martin G. Glaeser
- Otto von Gierke; His Political Teaching and Jurisprudence. By Sobei Mogi. (London: P. S. King and Son. 1932. Pp. 291.) pp. 493-495

- Max A. Shepard
- A Treatise on the State. By Leonidas Pitamic. (Baltimore: J. H. Furst Company. 1933. Pp. x, 301.) pp. 495-496

- Ellen Deborah Ellis
- Citizens' Organizations and the Civic Training of Youth. By Bessie Louise Pierce. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1933. Pp. xiii, 428.) pp. 496-496

- Elizabeth A. Weber
Volume 27, issue 2, 1933
- The Development of the Executive Power in Germany pp. 185-203

- Carl J. Friedrich
- Higher Officials in the Philippine Civil Service pp. 204-221

- Ralston Hayden
- Report on Recent Social Trends in the United States1 pp. 222-227

- Arthur N. Holcombe
- State Constitutional Development Through Amendment in 1932 pp. 227-236

- Harold R. Enslow
- Reichsreform and Prussian Verwaltungsreform in 1932 pp. 237-243

- Roger H. Wells
- Report on House of Lords Reform in Great Britain1 pp. 243-249

- W. A. Rudlin
- Should the Council of the League of Nations Establish a Permanent Minorities Commission? pp. 250-259

- Howard B. Calderwood
- Grover Cleveland; A Study in Courage. By Allen Nevins. (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1932. Pp. xiii, 832.) pp. 274-275

- Everett S. Brown
- The Road to Repeal: Submission to Conventions. By Joseph Percival Pollard. (New York: Brentano's. 1932. Pp. xii, 209.) pp. 275-276

- Walter F. Dodd
- Tribunes of the People. By Raymond Moley. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. Pp. 272.) - The Judicial System of Metropolitan Chicago. By Albert Lepawsky. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1932. Pp. xv, 265.) pp. 277-278

- Hessel E. Yntema
- Criminals and Politicians: A History of the Rackets' Red Rule. By Denis Tilden Lynch. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. 246.) - Crime for Profit. Edited by Ernest P. MacDougall. (Boston: The Stratford Company. 1932. Pp. 355.) pp. 278-279

- Jerome G. Kerwin
- The Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. By Bernard C. Gavit. (Bloomington, Ind.: The Principia Press, Inc.1932. Pp. 568.) pp. 279-280

- Oliver P. Field
- The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy. By Charles Grove Haines. (Berkeley, California: Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles, Social Sciences, Vol. I. 1932. Pp. xiv, 705.) pp. 280-281

- Frank E. Horack
- The French Political System. By W. L. Middleton. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1933. Pp. 296.) pp. 281-282

- Edward McChesney Sait
- The Crisis of German Democracy. By Herbert Kraus. Edited with an Introduction by William Starr Myers. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1932. Pp. xviii, 223.) pp. 282-283

- Karl F. Geiser
- Droit constitutionnel italien. By P. Chimienti. (Paris: Marcel Giard. 1932. Pp. 647.) - Government and Politics of Italy. By Henry Russell Spencer. (Yonkerson-Hudson: World Book Company. 1932. Pp. xii, 307.) pp. 284-285

- R. K. Gooch
- The Protection of Nationals; A Study in the Application of International Law. By Frederick Sherwood Dunn. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1932. Pp. viii, 223.) pp. 285-288

- Clyde Eagleton
- The Policy of the United States with Respect to the League of Nations. By Clarence A. Berdahl. (Publications of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, No. 4. Geneva: Librairie Kundig. 1932. Pp. 129.) pp. 288-289

- Frederick A. Middlebush
- International Guarantees of Minority Rights; Procedure of the Council of the League of Nations in Theory and Practice. By Julius Stone. (London: Oxford University Press. 1932. Pp. xiii, 288.) - National Minorities in Europe. By Otto Junghann. (New York: Covici-Friede. 1932. Pp. 121.) pp. 289-291

- Howard B. Calderwood
- Nationalism and Imperialism in the Hither East. By Hans Kohn. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1932. Pp. viii, 339.) pp. 291-292

- Walter H. Ritsher
- Red Russia. By Theodore Seibert. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul from the Third Edition of Das Rote Russland, Staat, Geist und Alltag der Bolsheviki. (New York: The Century Company. 1932. Pp. 422.) pp. 292-294

- Bruce C. Hopper
- Not To Be Repeated: Merry-Go-Round of Europe. Anonymous. (New York: Ray Long and Richard R. Smith. 1932. Pp. x, 521.) pp. 294-295

- Henry R. Spencer
- Demokratie und Kapitalismus: Ein Versuch zur Soziologie der Staatsformen. By Dr.Aloys Ferdinand Hermens. (München: Duncker und Humblot. 1931. Pp. viii, 242.) pp. 295-296

- Oscar Jászi
- Moral Man and Immoral Society. By Reinhold Niebuhr. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1932. Pp. xxv, 284.) pp. 296-297

- L. M. Pape
- Politik. By Adolf Grabowsky. (Berlin: Industrieverlag Spaeth und Linde. 1933. Pp. 342.) pp. 298-298

- Fritz-Konrad Krüger
Volume 27, issue 1, 1933
- A Program for Research in Political Science* pp. 1-23

- William F. Willoughby
- William of Occam and the Higher Law, II* pp. 24-38

- Max A. Shepard
- Constitutional Law in 1931–32: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1931 pp. 39-57

- Robert E. Cushman
- Minnesota's Congressional Election at Large pp. 58-63

- Roger V. Shumate
- The Bureau of Publicity of the Democratic National Committee, 1930–32 pp. 63-65

- Thomas S. Barclay
- Investigating County and Township Government in Michigan pp. 80-84

- Arthur W. Bromage
- The Principle of Local Self-Government in Virginia pp. 84-90

- James E. Pate
- Kentucky Justices of the Peace pp. 90-93

- J. W. Manning
- Report of the Committee on Policy of the American Political Science Association for the Year 1932 pp. 103-115

- Thomas H. Reed
- The Growth of Political Thought in the West: From the Greeks to the End of the Middle Ages. By Charles Howard McIlwain. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. vii, 417.) pp. 116-118

- Francis W. Coker
- A Guide Through World Chaos. By G.D.H. Cole. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1932. Pp. xi, 554, xix.) pp. 118-119

- Charles A. Beard
- The Revolt of the Masses. By José Ortega y Gasset. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1932. Pp. 204.) pp. 120-120

- Harold D. Lasswell
- Beveridge and the Progressive Era. By Claude G. Bowers. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1932. Pp. xxiv, 610.) pp. 120-122

- William Starr Myers
- Money in Elections. By Louise Overacker. Largely from Material Collected by Victor J. West. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xiv, 476.) pp. 122-124

- James K. Pollock
- National Regulation of Aēronautics. By Charles C. Rohlfing. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1931. Pp. ix, 298.) pp. 124-125

- Lloyd M. Short
- General Sales Taxation: Its History and Development. By Alfred D. Buehler. (New York: Business Bourse. 1932. Pp. ix, 378.) pp. 125-126

- Roy G. Blakey
- International Law in National Courts; A Study of the Enforcement of International Law in German, Swiss, French, and Belgian Courts. By Ruth D. Masters. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1932. Pp. 245.) pp. 126-127

- Quincy Wright
- De Bismarck à Poincaré; Soixante Ans de Diplomatic Républicaine. By Raymond Recouly. (Paris: Les Éditions de France. 1932. Pp. 548.) pp. 127-129

- Frederick L. Schuman
- Boycotts and Peace. Edited by Evans Clark. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1932. Pp. xx, 381.) - The Causes of War: Economic, Industrial, Racial, Religious, Scientific, and Political. Edited by Arthur Porritt (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xxix, 235.) - Problems of Peace, Sixth Series; Lectures Delivered at the Geneva Institute of International Relations, 1931. By H. J. Laski, A. E. Zimmern, and Others. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1932. Pp. xv, 301.) pp. 129-130

- Denys P. Myers
- The New Balance of Power in Europe. By Valentine de Balla. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1932. Pp. vii, 205.) pp. 131-132

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and Japan, 1853–1895. By Payson J. Treat. (Stanford University: Stanford University Press. 1932. Two volumes. Pp. xxi, 1193.) pp. 132-134

- Harold S. Quigley
- Japanese Government and Politics: An Introductory Study. By Harold S. Quigley. (New York: The Century Company. 1932. Pp. xii, 442.) pp. 134-137

- Kenneth Colegrove
- What's Wrong with China? By Rodney Gilbert. (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. 1932. Pp. 315.) - China Today: Economic. By J. B. Condliffe. (Boston: World Peace Foundation. 1932. Pp. 203.) - Nationalism and Education in Modern China. By Cyrus H. Peake. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1932. Pp. xiv, 240.) pp. 137-139

- Harley Farnsworth MacNair
- L'Évolution de l'Empire Britannique. By Jean-Jacqes Chevallier. (Paris: Les Editions Internationales. 1931. Two volumes. Pp. 1068.) pp. 139-140

- Ralston Hayden
- University Training for the National Service. Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Minnesota, July 14 to 17, 1931. Preface By Morris B. Lambie. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1932. Pp. viii, 325.) pp. 140-142

- John A. Fairlie
- Educating for Citizenship. By George A. Coe. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1932. Pp. xvi, 205.) pp. 142-143

- R. O. Hughes
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