American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
From Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Kirk Stebbing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 116, issue 4, 2022
- Creating Climate Coalitions: Mass Preferences for Compensating Vulnerability in the World’s Two Largest Democracies pp. 1165-1183

- Nikhar Gaikwad, Federica Genovese and Dustin Tingley
- Migration and the Demand for Transnational Justice pp. 1184-1207

- Leslie Johns, Máximo Langer and Margaret E. Peters
- Power Sharing and Authoritarian Stability: How Rebel Regimes Solve the Guardianship Dilemma pp. 1208-1225

- Anne Meng and Jack Paine
- The Logic of Kidnapping in Civil War: Evidence from Colombia pp. 1226-1241

- Danielle Gilbert
- Education or Indoctrination? The Violent Origins of Public School Systems in an Era of State-Building pp. 1242-1257

- Agustina S. Paglayan
- Preventing Rebel Resurgence after Civil War: A Field Experiment in Security and Justice Provision in Rural Colombia pp. 1258-1277

- Robert A. Blair, Manuel Moscoso-Rojas, Andrés Vargas Castillo and Michael Weintraub
- Feminist Demands and the Problem of Housework pp. 1278-1292

- Katrina Forrester
- The Ex-Factor: Examining the Gendered Effect of Divorce on Voter Turnout pp. 1293-1308

- Sirus Dehdari, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Sven Oskarsson and Kåre Vernby
- “Let Our Ballots Secure What Our Bullets Have Won”: Union Veterans and the Making of Radical Reconstruction pp. 1309-1324

- Michael Weaver
- Can Courts in Nondemocracies Deter Election Fraud? De Jure Judicial Independence, Political Competition, and Election Integrity pp. 1325-1339

- Cole J. Harvey
- Disappointed Expectations: Downward Mobility and Electoral Change pp. 1340-1356

- Thomas Kurer and Briitta van Staalduinen
- Voting for Votes: Opposition Parties’ Legislative Activity and Electoral Outcomes pp. 1357-1374

- Or Tuttnauer and Simone Wegmann
- The Competing Influence of Policy Content and Political Cues: Cross-Border Evidence from the United States and Canada pp. 1375-1388

- Isabel Williams, Timothy B. Gravelle and Samara Klar
- Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers pp. 1389-1406

- Sarah F. Anzia, Jake Alton Jares and Neil Malhotra
- Social Groups as the Source of Political Belief Systems: Fresh Evidence on an Old Theory pp. 1407-1424

- Elizabeth Mitchell Elder and O’brian, Neil A.
- Reframing the Guardianship Dilemma: How the Military’s Dual Disloyalty Options Imperil Dictators pp. 1425-1442

- Jack Paine
- Does Political Oversight of the Bureaucracy Increase Accountability? Field Experimental Evidence from a Dominant Party Regime pp. 1443-1459

- Pia J. Raffler
- Informing the Leader: Bureaucracies and International Crises pp. 1460-1476

- Robert Schub
- What Kind of Identity is Partisan Identity? “Social” versus “Political” Partisanship in Divided Democracies pp. 1477-1489

- Jay Ruckelshaus
- The Urban/Rural Divide in Athenian Political Thought pp. 1490-1502

- Charles Nathan
- Richard Rorty and the Demands of Liberalism pp. 1503-1515

- Robert Lamb
- Voter Outreach Campaigns Can Reduce Affective Polarization among Implementing Political Activists: Evidence from Inside Three Campaigns pp. 1516-1522

- Joshua L. Kalla and David E. Broockman
- Why So Little Strategic Voting in India? pp. 1523-1529

- Oliver Heath and Adam Ziegfeld
Volume 116, issue 3, 2022
- Coming out to Vote: The Construction of a Lesbian and Gay Electoral Constituency in the United States pp. 777-790

- Andrew Proctor
- Enfranchisement and Incarceration after the 1965 Voting Rights Act pp. 791-806

- Nicholas Eubank and Adriane Fresh
- Violence and Voting in the United States: How School Shootings Affect Elections pp. 807-826

- Laura García-Montoya, Ana Arjona and Matthew Lacombe
- Electoral Responsiveness in Closed Autocracies: Evidence from Petitions in the former German Democratic Republic pp. 827-842

- Hans Lueders
- Why Botter: How Pro-Government Bots Fight Opposition in Russia pp. 843-857

- Denis Stukal, Sergey Sanovich, Richard Bonneau and Joshua A. Tucker
- Policing Insecurity pp. 858-874

- Milli Lake
- Historical Border Changes, State Building, and Contemporary Trust in Europe pp. 875-895

- Scott F Abramson, David B. Carter and Luwei Ying
- Blood is Thicker Than Water: Elite Kinship Networks and State Building in Imperial China pp. 896-910

- Yuhua Wang
- The Colonial Origins of Modern Territoriality: Property Surveying in the Thirteen Colonies pp. 911-926

- Kerry Goettlich
- Representative Democracy and Colonial Inspirations: The Case of John Stuart Mill pp. 927-939

- Shmuel Lederman
- The Creative Advance Must Be Defended: Miscegenation, Metaphysics, and Race War in Jan Smuts’s Vision of the League of Nations pp. 940-953

- Jacob Kripp
- Saving Migrants’ Basic Human Rights from Sovereign Rule pp. 954-967

- Lukas Schmid
- Changing In-Group Boundaries: The Effect of Immigration on Race Relations in the United States pp. 968-984

- Vasiliki Fouka and Marco Tabellini
- Save the Appearances! Toward an Arendtian Environmental Politics pp. 985-997

- Laura Ephraim
- Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change pp. 998-1011

- Ross Mittiga
- Labor Migration and Climate Change Adaptation pp. 1012-1024

- Jamie Draper
- The Politics of Sight: Revisiting Timothy Pachirat’s Every Twelve Seconds pp. 1025-1037

- Jasmine English and Bernardo Zacka
- Unrepresentative Claims: Speaking for Oneself in a Social Movement pp. 1038-1050

- Samuel Hayat
- Group Size and Protest Mobilization across Movements and Countermovements pp. 1051-1066

- Anselm Hager, Lukas Hensel, Johannes Hermle and Christopher Roth
- Ethnic Bias in Judicial Decision Making: Evidence from Criminal Appeals in Kenya pp. 1067-1080

- Donghyun Danny Choi, J. Andrew Harris and Fiona Shen-Bayh
- The Curse of Good Intentions: Why Anticorruption Messaging Can Encourage Bribery pp. 1081-1095

- Nic Cheeseman and Caryn Peiffer
- “I’m Not Sure What to Believe”: Media Distrust and Opinion Formation during the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 1096-1109

- Stephanie Ternullo
- The Provenance Problem: Research Methods and Ethics in the Age of WikiLeaks pp. 1110-1125

- Christopher Darnton
- “Outside Lobbying” over the Airwaves: A Randomized Field Experiment on Televised Issue Ads pp. 1126-1132

- Joshua L. Kalla and David E. Broockman
- Trump and the Shifting Meaning of “Conservative”: Using Activists’ Pairwise Comparisons to Measure Politicians’ Perceived Ideologies pp. 1133-1140

- Daniel J. Hopkins and Hans Noel
- India’s Farmers’ Protest: An Inclusive Vision of Indian Democracy pp. 1141-1146

- Natasha Behl
- Does Competence Make Citizens Tolerate Undemocratic Behavior? pp. 1147-1153

- Kristian Vrede Skaaning Frederiksen
- Does the Meeting Style Matter? The Effects of Exposure to Participatory and Deliberative School Board Meetings – Corrigendum pp. 1154-1159

- Jonathan E. Collins
- Fake It ‘Til You Make It: A Natural Experiment to Identify European Politicians’ Benefit from Twitter Bots – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1160-1160

- Bruno Castanho Silva and Sven-Oliver Proksch
- The Opinion-Mobilizing Effect of Social Protest against Police Violence: Evidence from the 2020 George Floyd Protests – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1161-1164

- Tyler T. Reny and Benjamin J. Newman
Volume 116, issue 2, 2022
- Punishment and Politicization in the International Human Rights Regime pp. 385-402

- Rochelle Terman and Joshua Byun
- Land, Opportunism, and Displacement in Civil Wars: Evidence from Colombia pp. 403-418

- Juan Fernando Tellez
- Sovereignty, Substance, and Public Support for European Courts’ Human Rights Rulings pp. 419-438

- Mikael Rask Madsen, Juan A. Mayoral, Anton Strezhnev and Erik Voeten
- The Ethics of Global Capital Mobility pp. 439-452

- Chiara Cordelli and Jonathan Levy
- The Economic Consequences of Banking Crises: The Role of Central Banks and Optimal Independence pp. 453-469

- Daniel Hansen
- Violence in the American Imaginary: Gender, Race, and the Politics of Superheroes pp. 470-483

- Menaka Philips
- This One’s for the Boys: How Gendered Political Socialization Limits Girls’ Political Ambition and Interest pp. 484-501

- Angela L. Bos, Jill S. Greenlee, Mirya R. Holman, Zoe M. Oxley and J. Celeste Lay
- Payments and Penalties for Democracy: Gendered Electoral Financing in Action Worldwide pp. 502-515

- Ragnhild Muriaas, Amy G. Mazur and Season Hoard
- Under the Microscope: Gender and Accountability in the US Congress pp. 516-532

- Jaclyn Kaslovsky and Jon C. Rogowski
- Starting with People Where They Are: Ella Baker’s Theory of Political Organizing pp. 533-546

- Mie Inouye
- From Recognition to Integration: Indigenous Autonomy, State Authority, and National Identity in the Philippines pp. 547-563

- Nina McMurry
- Does State Repression Spark Protests? Evidence from Secret Police Surveillance in Communist Poland pp. 564-579

- Anselm Hager and Krzysztof Krakowski
- Authoritarian Rallying as Reputational Cascade? Evidence from Putin’s Popularity Surge after Crimea pp. 580-594

- Henry E. Hale
- The Long-Term Effects of Oppression: Prussia, Political Catholicism, and the Alternative für Deutschland pp. 595-614

- Lukas Haffert
- Benevolent Policies: Bureaucratic Politics and the International Dimensions of Social Policy Expansion pp. 615-630

- Carmen Jacqueline Ho
- Midcentury Modern: The Emergence of Stakeholders in Democratic Practice pp. 631-644

- Kavi Joseph Abraham
- Senators at Home: Local Attentiveness and Policy Representation in Congress pp. 645-661

- Jaclyn Kaslovsky
- How Do Electoral Incentives Affect Legislator Behavior? Evidence from U.S. State Legislatures pp. 662-676

- Alexander Fouirnaies and Andrew B. Hall
- Do Policy Makers Listen to Experts? Evidence from a National Survey of Local and State Policy Makers pp. 677-688

- Nathan Lee
- Representative Democracy and Social Equality pp. 689-701

- Sean Ingham
- The Effect of Television Advertising in United States Elections pp. 702-718

- John Sides, Lynn Vavreck and Christopher Warshaw
- The Influence of Unknown Media on Public Opinion: Evidence from Local and Foreign News Sources pp. 719-733

- Erik Peterson and Maxwell B. Allamong
- Ambiguous Platforms and Correlated Preferences: Experimental Evidence pp. 734-750

- Juha Tolvanen, James Tremewan and Alexander Wagner
- Motivated Reasoning and Democratic Accountability pp. 751-767

- Andrew T. Little, Keith E. Schnakenberg and Ian R. Turner
- Post Post-Broadcast Democracy? News Exposure in the Age of Online Intermediaries pp. 768-774

- Sebastian Stier, Frank Mangold, Michael Scharkow and Johannes Breuer
- Can Exposure to Celebrities Reduce Prejudice? The Effect of Mohamed Salah on Islamophobic Behaviors and Attitudes —CORRIGENDUM pp. 775-775

- Alrababa’h, Ala’, William Marble, Salma Mousa and Alexandra A. Siegel
Volume 116, issue 1, 2022
- The Psychology of Online Political Hostility: A Comprehensive, Cross-National Test of the Mismatch Hypothesis pp. 1-18

- Alexander Bor and Michael Bang Petersen
- Tabloid Media Campaigns and Public Opinion: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Euroscepticism in England pp. 19-37

- Florian Foos and Daniel Bischof
- Intellectualism, Anti-Intellectualism, and Epistemic Hubris in Red and Blue America pp. 38-53

- David C. Barker, Ryan Detamble and Morgan Marietta
- How the Workplace Affects Employee Political Contributions pp. 54-69

- Jan Stuckatz
- Flight to Safety: COVID-Induced Changes in the Intensity of Status Quo Preference and Voting Behavior pp. 70-86

- James Bisbee and Dan Honig
- The Case for Permanent Residency for Frontline Workers pp. 87-100

- Mollie Gerver
- Legal Civic Orders and Equitable Lived Citizenships pp. 101-115

- Rogers M. Smith
- At the Borders of the Body Politic: Fetal Citizens, Pregnant Migrants, and Reproductive Injustices in Immigration Detention pp. 116-130

- Brittany R. Leach
- Rethinking Rape Culture: Revelations of Intersectional Analysis pp. 131-143

- Alisa Kessel
- Deprovincializing Racial Capitalism: John Crawfurd and Settler Colonialism in India pp. 144-160

- Onur Ulas Ince
- Effective for Whom? Ethnic Identity and Nonviolent Resistance pp. 161-180

- Devorah Manekin and Tamar Mitts
- Cash Crops, Print Technologies, and the Politicization of Ethnicity in Africa pp. 181-199

- Yannick I. Pengl, Philip Roessler and Valeria Rueda
- Collaboration and Its Political Functions pp. 200-212

- P. E. Digeser
- The Paradox of Civilization: Preinstitutional Sources of Security and Prosperity pp. 213-230

- Ernesto Dal Bó, Pablo Hernández-Lagos and Sebastián Mazzuca
- Agenda Control and Timing of Bill Initiation: A Temporal Perspective on Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Democracies pp. 231-248

- Thomas König, Nick Lin, Xiao Lu, Thiago N. Silva, Nikoleta Yordanova and Galina Zudenkova
- The Curious Case of Theresa May and the Public That Did Not Rally: Gendered Reactions to Terrorist Attacks Can Cause Slumps Not Bumps pp. 249-264

- Mirya R. Holman, Jennifer L. Merolla and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister
- Public Reactions to Noncompliance with Judicial Orders pp. 265-282

- Ryan E. Carlin, Mariana Castrellón, Varun Gauri, Isabel C. Jaramillo Sierra and Jeffrey K. Staton
- The Elite–Citizen Gap in International Organization Legitimacy pp. 283-300

- Lisa Dellmuth, Jan Aart Scholte, Jonas Tallberg and Soetkin Verhaegen
- Coalitional Lobbying and Intersectional Representation in American Rulemaking pp. 301-321

- Maraam A. Dwidar
- The Shadow Effect of Courts: Judicial Review and the Politics of Preemptive Reform pp. 322-336

- Tommaso Pavone and Øyvind Stiansen
- A Note on Posttreatment Selection in Studying Racial Discrimination in Policing pp. 337-350

- Qingyuan Zhao, Luke J Keele, Dylan S Small and Marshall M Joffe
- Liberal Displacement Policies Attract Forced Migrants in the Global South pp. 351-358

- Christopher W. Blair, Guy Grossman and Jeremy M. Weinstein
- Crossing Over: Majority Party Control Affects Legislator Behavior and the Agenda pp. 359-366

- Nicholas G. Napolio and Christian R. Grose
- Public Sector Employment and Voter Turnout pp. 367-373

- Benny Geys and Rune J. Sørensen
- Who Votes: City Election Timing and Voter Composition pp. 374-383

- Zoltan L. Hajnal, Vladimir Kogan and G. Agustin Markarian
- A Logical Model for Predicting Minority Representation: Application to Redistricting and Voting Rights Cases—ERRATUM pp. 384-384

- Yuki Atsusaka
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