American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 39, issue 6, 1945
- Wartime Rationing and Governmental Organization pp. 1089-1106

- Paul M. O'Leary
- County and Township Government in 1944* pp. 1107-1118

- Clyde F. Snider
- I. A Practical Approach pp. 1119-1126

- James E. Murray
- II. Technical Requirements pp. 1126-1137

- Gerhard Colm
- III. British Plans pp. 1137-1147

- W. Hardy Wickwar
- IV. Party Government and Employment Policy pp. 1147-1157

- E. E. Schattschneider
- V. Organizing Government Staff Services for Full Employment pp. 1157-1169

- John J. Corson
- VI. Private Enterprise and Full Employment pp. 1169-1179

- Ralph E. Flanders
- An International Bill of the Rights of Man. By H. Lauterpacht. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1945. Pp. x, 230. $3.00.) pp. 1192-1194

- Arnold Brecht
- The Conflict of Laws; A Comparative Study. (Volume One. Introduction: Family Law.) By Ernst Rabel. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: The University of Michigan Press; Chicago: Callaghan and Company. 1945. Pp. lvi, 745.) pp. 1194-1196

- Marcia Maylott
- The Outlook for International Law. By J. L. Brierly. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1944. Pp. 142.) pp. 1196-1198

- Lawrence Preuss
- The Free State; Some Considerations on Its Practical Value. By D. W. Brogan. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1945. Pp. 130. $2.00.) pp. 1198-1199

- John H. Hallowell
- Puritanism and Democracy. By Ralph Barton Perry. (New York: The Vanguard Press. 1944. Pp. xviii, 688. $5.00.) pp. 1199-1201

- Francis G. Wilson
- The Church and the Liberal Society. By Emmet John Hughes. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. Pp. xv, 310.) pp. 1201-1203

- Eugene Anschel
- Le Problème de Civilisation; La Nation. By J.-T. Delos. (Montréal: Éditions De L'Arbre. 1944. 2 vols. Pp. 197, 218.) pp. 1203-1204

- Hans Kohn
- Safeguarding Civil Liberty Today. By Carl L. Becker, Max Lerner, James Lawrence Fly, Robert E. Cushman, Francis Biddle, and Edmund Ezra Day. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1945. Pp. x, 158. $2.00.) pp. 1204-1205

- Walter F. Dodd
- Approaches to National Unity; A Symposium. Edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, and Robert M. MacIver. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1945. Pp. xxiv, 1037. $5.00.) pp. 1205-1207

- Walter Sandelius
- Big Democracy. By Paul H. Appleby. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1945. Pp. viii, 197. $2.75.) pp. 1207-1208

- Charles S. Ascher
- Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal. By Thomas A. Bailey. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1945. Pp. xii, 429. $3.50.) - The Killing of the Peace. By Alan Cranston. (New York: The Viking Press. 1945. Pp. xii, 304. $2.50.) pp. 1208-1210

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- Woodrow Wilson and the People. By H. C. F. Bell. (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Company. 1945. Pp. 392. $3.00.) pp. 1210-1211

- John D. Lewis
- The Peace Conference of 1919; Organization and Procedure. By F. S. Marston. (London: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. xi, 276.) pp. 1212-1213

- Hans J. Morgenthau
- America's Place in the World. By Nathaniel Peffer. (New York: The Viking Press. 1945. Pp. 236. $2.75.) pp. 1213-1214

- Benjamin H. Williams
- The Big Three; United States, Britain, and Russia. By David J. Dallin. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1945. Pp. viii, 292. $2.75.) pp. 1214-1215

- Richard C. Snyder
- North Atlantic Triangle. By John Bartlet Brebner. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1945. Pp. xx, 385. $4.00.) pp. 1215-1216

- Cromwell A. Riches
- The International Control of Radiocommunications. By John D. Tomlinson. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: J. W. Edwards. 1945. Pp. 314.) pp. 1217-1218

- Grant S. McClellan
- Europe Free and United. By Albert Guérard. (Stanford University, California: Stanford University Press. 1945. Pp. xi, 206. $2.50.) pp. 1218-1219

- Dorothy B. McCown
- Eastern Europe Between the Wars, 1918–1941. By Hugh Seton-Watson. (Cambridge: At the University Press. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1945. Pp. xv, 442. $6.50.) pp. 1219-1221

- Josef L. Kunz
- Germany Between Two Wars; A Study of Propaganda and War Guilt. By Lindley Fraser. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1945. Pp. 184. $2.50.) pp. 1221-1223

- William Ebenstein
- The German Record: A Political Portrait. By William Ebenstein. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc.1945. Pp. x, 334.) pp. 1223-1225

- Malbone W. Graham
- The Moral Conquest of Germany. By Emil Ludwig. (New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc.1945. Pp. 183. $2.00.) pp. 1225-1226

- William F. Sollmann
- China Fights On. By Pan Chao-ying (Stephen C. Y. Pan). (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. 1945. Pp. 188. $2.50.) - China's Crisis. By Lawrence K. Rosinger. (New York: A. A. Knopf. 1945. Pp. xii, 259. xiii. $3.00.) pp. 1227-1228

- G. Nye Steiger
- The Japanese Nation; A Social Survey. By John F. Embree. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc.1945. Pp. xi, 308. Text ed. $2.25; trade ed. $3.00.) pp. 1228-1229

- Harold S. Quigley
- Strangers in India. By Penderel Moon. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1945. Pp. vii, 184. $2.00.) pp. 1229-1230

- Lennox A. Mills
- Evolution of the Dutch Nation. By Bernard H. M. Vlekke. (New York: Roy Publishers. 1945. Pp. xi, 377. $3.50.) - The Netherlands and the United States. By Bernard H. M. Vlekke. (Boston: World Peace Foundation. 1945. Pp. 96. $0.25.) pp. 1230-1232

- C. Gordon Post
Volume 39, issue 5, 1945
- The Bureau of the Budget: Its Evolution and Present Rôle, II pp. 869-898

- Fritz Morstein Marx
- Presidential Campaign Funds, 19441 pp. 899-925

- Louise Overacker
- The Universities and the Public Service pp. 926-933

- Robert A. Walker
- I. The Charter Adopted at San Francisco pp. 934-942

- Clyde Eagleton
- II. The Yalta Voting Formula pp. 943-956

- Francis O. Wilcox
- III. Pacific Settlement of Disputes pp. 956-970

- Leland M. Goodrich
- IV. Collective Enforcement of Peace and Security pp. 970-981

- William T. R. Fox
- V. Colonial Questions at the San Francisco Conference pp. 982-992

- Huntington Gilchrist
- Freedom and Civilization. By Bronislaw Malinowski. (New York: Roy Publishers. 1944. Pp. xiv, 338. $3.50.) pp. 1006-1008

- Thomas I. Cook
- The Pure Theory of Law. By William Ebenstein. (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press. 1945. Pp. xii, 211. $2.50.) pp. 1008-1010

- Felix Kaufmann
- Conscience and Society; A Study of the Psychological Prerequisites of Law and Order. By Ranyard West. (New York: Emerson Books, Inc.1945. Pp. 261. $3.00.) pp. 1010-1012

- David Fellman
- The Limits of Jurisprudence Defined. By Jeremy Bentham. Edited by Charles Warren Everett. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1945. Pp. xxii, 358. $4.50.) pp. 1012-1013

- P. E. Corbett
- Full Employment in a Free Society. By William H. Beveridge. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1945. Pp. 429. $3.75.) pp. 1014-1016

- Michael A. Heilperin
- Backgrounds of Conflict. By Kurt London. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1945. Pp. xvi, 487. $3.75.) pp. 1016-1017

- Ellen Deborah Ellis
- The Hays Office. By Raymond Moley. (Indianapolis and New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1945. Pp. 266. $3.75.) pp. 1017-1019

- Belle Zeller
- Municipalities and the Law in Action: 1945 Edition. Edited by Charles S. Rhyne. (Washington, D. C.: National Institute of Municipal Law Officers. 1945. Pp. 500. $10.00.) pp. 1019-1020

- Edwin A. Cottrell
- The Virgin Islands; From Naval Base to New Deal. By Luther Harris Evans. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ann Arbor Press. 1945. Pp. xi, 365. $3.50.) pp. 1020-1022

- J. S. G. Carson
- Time for Planning. By Lewis L. Lorwin. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1945. Pp. xxii, 273. $3.00.) pp. 1022-1023

- John M. Gaus
- Federal Finance in Peace and War. By G. Findley Shirras. (London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd.1944. Pp. xvi, 377. $5.00.) pp. 1023-1024

- James W. Martin
- Postwar Fiscal Requirements—Federal, State, and Local. By Lewis H. Kimmel and Associates. (Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution. 1945. Pp. viii, 166. $2.00.) pp. 1025-1026

- Roy G. Blakey
- City Development. By Lewis Mumford. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1945. Pp. 248. $2.00.) pp. 1026-1027

- J. C. Phillips
- Boundary-Making. By Stephen B. Jones. (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Distributed by the Columbia University Press. 1945. Pp. xv, 268. $3.00.) pp. 1028-1029

- Norman L. Hill
- Look to the Frontiers. By Roderick Peattie. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. xii, 246. $3.00.) pp. 1029-1030

- Glenn T. Trewartha
- Japanese Militarism; Its Cause and Cure. By John M. Maki. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1945. Pp. x, 258, vi. $3.00.) pp. 1030-1032

- Harley Farnsworth MacNair
- Security in the Pacific; A Preliminary Report of the Ninth Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations. (New York: International Secretariat, I.P.R.1945. Pp. 169. $2.50.) pp. 1032-1033

- William C. Johnstone
- Asia for the Asiatics. By Robert S. Ward. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1945. Pp. xiv, 205. $3.00.) pp. 1033-1034

- William C. Johnstone
- What To Do with Japan. By Wilfrid Fleisher. (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Company. 1945. Pp. 178. $2.00.) - The Future of Japan. By William C. Johnstone. Issued under the auspices of the American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations. (London, New York, and Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1945. Pp. viii, 162. $2.00.) pp. 1034-1036

- Harold Whitman Bradley
- The Junker Menace. By Frederick Martin. (New York: Richard R. Smith. 1945. Pp. viii, 155. $2.00.) - From Democracy to Nazism. By Rudolf Heberle. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1945. Pp. v, 130. $2.50.) pp. 1036-1039

- Harwood L. Childs
- Germany; Economic and Labor Conditions under Fascism. By Jurgen Kuczynski. (New York: International Publishers. 1945. Pp. 234. $2.50.) pp. 1039-1040

- Eric Dale
- The Forces that Shape our Future. By Clyde Eagleton. (New York: New York University Press. 1945. Pp. x, 200. $3.25.) pp. 1040-1041

- Charles E. Martin
- The Second Chance: America and the Peace. Edited by John B. Whitton. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. Pp. 235. $2.50.) pp. 1041-1043

- Winifred N. Hadsel
- The United States and the World Court. By Denna Frank Fleming. (New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company. 1945. Pp. 206. $2.00.) pp. 1043-1044

- Graybon L. Kirk
- Public Journal; Marginal Notes on Wartime America. By Max Lerner. (New York: The Viking Press. 1945. Pp. xiv, 414. $3.00.) pp. 1044-1045

- Claudius O. Johnson
Volume 39, issue 4, 1945
- The Bureau of the Budget: Its Evolution and Present Rôle, I pp. 653-684

- Fritz Morstein Marx
- State Constitutional Law in 1944–45 pp. 685-719

- Jacobus Tenbroek and Howard Jay Graham
- The Service Vote in the Elections of 1944 pp. 720-732

- Boyd A. Martin
- The Deserted Primary in Iowa pp. 732-740

- Kirk H. Porter
- Areas for Postwar Research pp. 741-757

- Joseph E. Mclean
- Political Science in the Next Decade pp. 757-766

- Pendleton Herring
- Can Representative Government Do the Job? By Thomas K. Finletter. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1945. Pp. 184. $2.00.) pp. 792-793

- George B. Galloway
- Big Government—Can We Control It? By Merlo J. Pusey. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1945. Pp. xxvii, 240. $2.50.) pp. 793-795

- Joseph P. Chamberlain
- Taxes Without Tears. By Donald B. Marsh. (Lancaster, Pa.: Jacques Cattell Press. 1945. Pp. xvi, 207. $2.50.) pp. 795-796

- Harold M. Groves
- A Administraç̃ao Federal nos Estado Unidos. By Gustavo Lessa. (Rio de Janeiro: Companhia Editora Nacional. 1942. Pp. 318.) pp. 796-797

- William S. Stokes
- Canadian Government and Politics. By H. McD. Clokie. (New York and London: Longmans, Green and Company. 1944. Pp. 351. $3.50.) pp. 797-799

- William B. Munro
- Hitler and Beyond; A German Testament. By Erich Koch-Weser. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1944. Pp. xii, 217. $2.75.) pp. 799-801

- James K. Pollock
- Civil Life in Wartime Germany; The Story of the Home Front. By Max Seydewitz. (New York: Viking Press. 1945. Pp. viii, 448. $3.50.) pp. 801-802

- Roger H. Wells
- International Tribunals. By Manley O. Hudson. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1944. Pp. xii, 287. $2.50.) pp. 802-804

- Hans J. Morgenthau
- Problems of the Postwar World. Edited by Thomas Carson Tooke McCormick. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1945. Pp. viii, 526. $3.75.) pp. 804-805

- John Ely Briggs
- The Reconstruction of World Agriculture. By Karl Brandt. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1945. Pp. viii, 416. $4.00.) pp. 805-806

- Asher Hobson
- America's Far Eastern Policy. By T. A. Bisson. (New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. 1945. Pp. xiii, 235. $3.00.) pp. 806-808

- Amry Vandenbosch
- Through Japanese Eyes. By Otto D. Tolischus. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1945. Pp. 182. $2.00.) pp. 808-809

- Paul H. Clyde
- Inter-American Affairs, 1943; An Annual Survey, No. 3. Edited by Arthur P. Whitaker. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1944. Pp. x, 277. $3.00.) pp. 809-810

- Anonymous
Volume 39, issue 3, 1945
- Party Government and the Swedish Riksdag pp. 437-458

- Richard C. Spencer
- Georgia's Proposed New Constitution pp. 459-463

- Albert B. Saye
- The Rôle of the Public in a New Germany pp. 464-473

- James K. Pollock
- Unconditional Surrender and a Unilateral Declaration of Peace* pp. 474-480

- Francis C. Balling
- I. The New Office of American Republic Affairs in the Department of State pp. 481-490

- Graham H. Stuart
- II. The Inter-American Regional System1 pp. 490-500

- Charles G. Fenwick
- III. The Rôle of Latin America in Relation to Current Trends in International Organization pp. 500-511

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- IV. Constitutional Development in Latin America: A Synthesis pp. 511-522

- Russell H. Fitzgibbon
- V. Parliamentary Government in Latin America pp. 522-536

- William S. Stokes
- VI. The Brazilian Program of Administrative Reform pp. 536-547

- Henry Reining
- The Road to Serfdom. By Friedrich A. Hayek. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1944. Pp. xi, 250. $2.75.) pp. 575-579

- Carl J. Friedrich
- The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness; A Vindication of Democracy and a Critique of its Traditional Defence. By Reinhold Niebuhr. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1944. Pp. xiii, 190. $2.00.) pp. 579-581

- John H. Hallowell
- Twilight of Individual Liberty. By Hamilton VreelandJr., (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1944. Pp. iv, 171. $2.00.) pp. 581-582

- Carl Brent Swisher
- The Reorganization of Congress. By George B. Galloway et al. A Report of the Committee on Congress of the American Political Science Association (Washington D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1945. Pp. 89. $1.00.) - Strengthening the Congress. By Robert Heller. Planning Pamphlets, No. 39. January, 1945. (New York: National Planning Association. 1945. Pp. iii, 39. $0.25.) pp. 582-584

- John A. Perkins
- The Declaration of Independence; The Evolution of the Text as Shown in Facsimiles of Various Drafts by its Author, Thomas Jefferson. By Julian P. Boyd. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1945. Pp. 46, plus 46 pages of facsimiles. $3.50.) pp. 585-586

- Everett S. Brown
- Our Jungle Diplomacy. By William Franklin Sands. In collaboration with Joseph M. Lalley. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1944. Pp. 250. $2.50.) pp. 586-587

- Fred Harvey Harrington
- The Governments of the Major Foreign Powers. Edited by Herman Beukema. (West Point, New York: United States Military Academy. 1945. Pp. xxiii, 252.) pp. 588-589

- C. Gordon Post
- Representative Bureaucracy; An Interpretation of the British Civil Service. By J. Donald Kingsley. (Yellow Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press. 1944. Pp. 324. $3.50.) pp. 589-591

- John M. Gaus
- England in the Eighteen-Eighties: Towards a Social Basis for Freedom. By Helen Merrell Lynd. (London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1945. Pp. viii, 508. $4.50.) pp. 591-592

- Eugene P. Chase
- The Junker in the Prussian Administration. By Lysbeth Walker Muncy. (Providence: Brown University. 1944. Pp. ix, 256. $3.00) pp. 592-593

- Gerhard Krebs
- Racial State. By Gerhard Jacoby. (New York: Institute of Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress1944. Pp. xii, 355.) - Germany's Stepchildren. By Solomon Liptzin. (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America. 1944. Pp. viii, 298. $3.00.) pp. 593-595

- D. Beatrice McCown
- The Problem of Statelessness. By P. Weis and R. Graupner. (London: World Jewish Congress. 1944. Pp. 1, 40. 2/.) pp. 595-595

- Catheryn Seckler-Hudson
- The Czechoslovak Cause. By Eduard Táborský (London: H. F. and G. Witherly Ltd.1944. Pp. ix, 158. 12s. 6d.) pp. 596-597

- Norman L. Hill
- Approaches to World Peace; Fourth Symposium of the Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion. Edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, and Robert M. MacIver. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. xviii, 973. $5.00.) pp. 597-598

- Malbone W. Graham
- Claims to Territory in International Law and Relations. By Norman Hill. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1945. Pp. vi, 248. $3.00.) pp. 598-600

- George Manner
- Social Policy in Dependent Territories. Studies and Reports. Series B (Economic Conditions), No. 38. (Montreal: International Labor Office. 1944. Pp. 185. $1.50.) pp. 600-601

- Garland Downum
- China Among the Powers. By David Nelson Rowe. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1945. Pp. x, 205. $2.00.) pp. 601-603

- Harold S. Quigley
Volume 39, issue 2, 1945
- Towards a Democratic Theory pp. 249-268

- Herman Finer
- Don Luigi Sturzo—Christian Democrat pp. 269-292

- Malcolm Moos
- Constitutional Law in 1943–44 pp. 293-308

- Robert E. Cushman
- The State Department Continues its Reorganization pp. 309-317

- Walter H. C. Laves and Francis O. Wilcox
- The Second Session of the Seventy-eighth Congress pp. 317-336

- Floyd M. Riddick
- Trends in English Local Government, 19441 pp. 337-349

- Edward W. Weidner
- Sovereignty Under Law: A Possible Redefinition of Sovereignty in the Light of Locke's Theory of Liberty pp. 350-355

- Margaret Spahr
- The Neo-idealist Political Theory; Its Continuity with the British Tradition. By Frederick Philip Harris. (New York: King's Crown Press. 1944. Pp. viii, 133. $1.50.) pp. 361-363

- Thomas I. Cook
- Pioneers in World Order; An American Appraisal of the League of Nations. Edited by Harriet Eager Davis. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1944. Pp. x, 272. $2.75.) pp. 363-365

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- War and its Causes. L. L. Bernard (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1944. Pp. x, 479. $4.25.) pp. 365-366

- Hans J. Morgenthau
- Axis Rule in Occupied Europe; Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress. By Raphael Lemkin. (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1944. Pp. xxxvii, 674.) pp. 366-367

- John H. Herz
- War Criminals; Their Prosecution and Punishment. By Sheldon Glueck. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1944. Pp. viii, 250. $3.00.) pp. 367-369

- Hans Aufricht
- The Control of Germany and Japan. By Harold G. Moulton and Louis Marlio. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1944. Pp. xi, 116. $2.00.) pp. 369-371

- Grayson L. Kirk
- United States of Germany. By K. K. Doberer. (London: Lindsay Drummond Ltd.1944. Pp. 167. 7s. 6d.) - Re-educating Germany. By Werner Richter. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1945. Pp xxiii, 227. $3.50.) pp. 371-372

- James K. Pollock
- The Real Soviet Russia. By David J. Dallin. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1944. Pp. viii, 260. $3.50.) pp. 372-374

- Howard P. Whidden
- The Road to Foreign Policy. By Hugh Gibson. (New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company. 1944. Pp. x, 252. $2.50.) pp. 374-375

- D. F. Fleming
- Behemoth; The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933–1944. By Franz Neumann. (New York: Oxford University Press. Second Edition, with New Appendix. 1944. Pp. xix, 649. $4.00.) pp. 375-377

- Josef L. Kunz
- My Life in China, 1926–1941. By Hallett Abend (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.1943. Pp. 393. $3.00.) - Voices from Unoccupied China. by Liu Nai-Chen, Tsai Chiao, C. K. Chu, J. Heng Liu, Fei Hsiao-T'Ung, Wu Ching-chao, Chin Yuehlin. Edited by Harley Farnsworth MacNair. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1944. Pp. 109. $1.50.) pp. 377-379

- Esson M. Gale
- China Enters the Machine Age. By Kuo-heng Shih. Translated by Hsiaotung Fei and Francis L. K. Hsu. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, in coöperation with the Institute of Pacific Relations. 1944. Pp. xxiv, 206. $2.50.) pp. 379-381

- G. Nye Steiger
- Netherlands India; A Study of Plural Economy. By J. S. Furnivall. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. Pp. xxii, 502. $4.00.) - Mining in the Netherlands East Indies. By Alex L. Ter Braake. (New York: Bulletin 4 of the Netherlands and Netherlands Indies Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations. 1944. Pp. 110. $0.50.) pp. 381-382

- Paul H. Clyde
- A Century of Latin-American Thought. By W. Rex Crawford. (Cambridge, Mass.Harvard University Press. 1944. Pp. 320. $3.50.) pp. 382-383

- Dana G. Munro
- Democracy Under Pressure. By Stuart Chase. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1945. Pp. ix, 142. $1.00.) pp. 383-384

- Louise Overacker
- The First Round; The Story of the CIO Political Action Committee. By Joseph Gaer. (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. 1944. Pp. xv, 478. $2.50.) pp. 384-385

- Hugh A. Bone
- Report of the Urban Planning Conferences at Evergreen House. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1944. Pp. xix, 245. $2.75.) pp. 385-387

- Walter H. Blucher
- Methodology of the Social Sciences. By Felix Kaufmann. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. x, 272. $3.50.) pp. 387-388

- Herman C. Beyle
Volume 39, issue 1, 1945
- Congressional Control of the Public Service* pp. 1-11

- Leonard D. White
- The Dilemma of the Peace-Seekers pp. 12-30

- Frederick L. Schuman
- The Communist Party of the USA; An Analysis of a Social Movement pp. 31-41

- Barrington Moore
- Dissent on the Supreme Court, 1943–44 pp. 42-54

- C. Herman Pritchett
- Unconstitutional Legislation by Congress* pp. 54-61

- Oliver P. Field
- Missouri's Proposed New Constitution pp. 61-65

- William L. Bradshaw
- Unitary-Multiple Election Districts pp. 65-67

- James D. Barnett
- Fayolism as the Necessary Complement of Taylorism pp. 68-80

- Norman M. Pearson
- Streamlining the Arms Program pp. 80-85

- Marian Drake Hall
- Vichy's Sham Constitutionality pp. 86-97

- Maximilian Koessler
- Recent Changes in German Governmental Organization1 pp. 97-100

- Heinz Guradze
- How the United States “Led the League” in 1931 pp. 101-116

- Benjamin B. Wallace
- The Time for Decision. By Sumner Welles. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. vii, 431. $3.00.) pp. 167-169

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- Peace Through Law. By Hans Kelsen. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1944. Pp. xii, 155. $2.00.) - The Strategy of Peace. By Henry M. Wriston. (Boston: World Peace Foundation. 1944. Pp. vii, 159. $1.00.) pp. 169-170

- Frederick L. Schuman
- Nationality in History and Politics. By Frederick Hertz. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. x, 417. $6.50.) pp. 170-172

- Richard C. Snyder
- The Battle Against Isolaion. By Walter Johnson. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1944. Pp. xii, 270. $3.00.) pp. 172-173

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- Military Occupation and the Rule of Law. By Ernst Fraenkel. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. 267. $3.50.) pp. 174-175

- Miriam E. Oatman
- Civil Aviation and Peace. By J. Parker Van Zandt. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1944. Pp. 157. $1.00.) - Government Policy Toward Commercial Aviation. By Gilbert Goodman. (New York: King's Crown Press. 1944. Pp. 122. $1.60.) pp. 175-177

- David O. Walter
- The Public Power Industry and the Public Interest. Edited by Edward E. Hunt. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1944. Pp. xiv, 261. $1.00.) pp. 177-178

- Charles B. Hagan
- The T.V.A.: Lessons for International Application. By Herman Finer. (Montreal, Canada: International Labour Office. 1944. Pp. ii, 289. $2.00.) pp. 178-180

- Catheryn Seckler-Hudson
- The Elements of Administration. By L. Urwick. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. xi, 118. $2.00.) pp. 180-181

- Marshall E. Dimock
- Bureaucracy. By Ludwig von Mises. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1944. Pp. viii, 125. $2.00.) - The Bureaucrat. By John H. Crider. (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. 1944. Pp. 373. $2.75.) pp. 181-183

- Mary T. Reynolds
- Legal Control of the Press. By Frank Thayer. (Chicago: The Foundation Press. 1944. Pp. xiii, 608. $4.50.) pp. 183-185

- Percy T. Fenn
- Prejudice; Japanese-Americans: Symbol of Racial Intolerance. By Carey McWilliams. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1944. Pp. 337. $3.00.) pp. 185-186

- Paul H. Clyde
- Essentials of Parliamentary Procedure. By Zoe Steen Moore and John B. Moore. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. x, 221. $2.50.) pp. 186-187

- William B. Munro and Frederic A. Ogg
- Production, Jobs, and Taxes. By Harold M. Groves. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1944. Pp. xv, 116. $1.25.) - Curbing Inflation Through Taxation; Symposium. (New York: Tax Institute, Inc., 1944. Pp. ix, 186. $2.50.) pp. 187-189

- Ernest H. Hahne
- World Economic Development. By Eugene Staley. (Montreal: International Labour Office. 1944. Pp. vi, 218. $1.75.) pp. 189-191

- Michael A. Heilperin
- Price-Making in a Democracy. By Edwin G. Nourse. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1944. Pp. x, 541. $3.50.) pp. 191-192

- Michael A. Heilperin
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