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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 7, issue 4, 1913

Annulment of Legislation by the Supreme Court pp. 541-587 Downloads
Horace A. Davis
The Women's Suffrage Movement in England pp. 588-609 Downloads
Edward Raymond Turner
Electoral Reform in France pp. 610-638 Downloads
James W. Garner
The Framing of the Constitution of the United States. By Max Farrand, Professor of History in Yale University. (New Haven: The Yale University Press. 1913. Pp. vii, 281.) - An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. By Charles A. Beard, Assocate Professor of Politics in Columbia University. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1913. Pp. vii, 330.) pp. 697-700 Downloads
John H. Latané
Die moderne Democratie. Eine politische Beschreibung. By Wilhelm Hasbach. (Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1912. Pp. ix, 620.) pp. 700-702 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
Le Gouvernement Répresentatif Fédéral dans la République Argentine. By José N. Matienzo. (Paris: Hachette and Company, 1912. Pp. 336.) pp. 702-705 Downloads
Robert T. Crane
Control of the Market: A Legal Solution of the Trust Problem. By Bruce Wyman. (New York: Moffat, Yard and Company, 1911. Pp. vii, 282) pp. 705-707 Downloads
J. Wallace Bryan
My Life. By August Bebel. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1913. Pp. 343.) pp. 707-708 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks

Volume 7, issue 3, 1913

Courts and Legislation1 pp. 361-383 Downloads
Roscoe Pound
The Drift in French Politics pp. 384-394 Downloads
J. Salwyn Schapiro
The Authority of Vattel pp. 395-410 Downloads
Charles G. Fenwick
Das Oeffentliche Recht der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. By Ernst Freund. (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1911. Pp. 386.) pp. 488-490 Downloads
Herman G. James
The Legal Position of Trade Unions. By Henry W. Schloesser and W. Smith Clark. (London: P. S. King and Son, 1912. Pp. xxii, 268.) pp. 490-493 Downloads
W. B. Hunting
A History of French Private Law. By Jean Brissaud. Translated from the second French edition by Ropelje Howell. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1912. Pp. 922.) pp. 493-494 Downloads
War or Peace. By Hiram M. Chittenden. (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1911. Pp. 273.) pp. 494-496 Downloads
Wm. I. Hull
The Republican Tradition in Europe. By Herbert A. L. Fisher. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. Pp. xii, 363.) pp. 496-498 Downloads
James W. Garner
War and the Private Citizen: Studies in International Law. By A. Pearce Higgins. (London: P. S. King and Son, 1912. Pp. 200.) pp. 498-499 Downloads
Chas. Noble Gregory
History of the Supreme Court of the United States. By Gustavus Myers. (Chicago: Chas. H. Kerr and Company, 1912. Pp. xviii, 823.) pp. 500-502 Downloads
Edward T. Corwin
The Corporate Nature of English Sovereignty. By W. W. Lucas. (London: Jordan and Sons, Limited, 1911. Pp. xvi. 91.) pp. 502-503 Downloads
C. H. McIlwain
The Irish Nationality. By Alice Stopford Green. (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1912. Pp. vi, 256.) - The End of the Irish Parliament. By Joseph R. Fisher. (London and New York: Edward Arnold and Longmans, Green and Company, 1911. Pp. xii, 316.) pp. 504-505 Downloads
T. F. Moran
The Governments of Europe. By Frederic Austin Ogg. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913. Pp. xiv, 668.) pp. 505-506 Downloads
Edgar Dawson
The Treaty Making Power of the United States, and the Methods of Its Enforcement as Affecting the Police Powers of the States. By Charles H. Burr. (Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society. Proceedings, vol. 51, no. 206.) pp. 506-509 Downloads
William C. Coleman
The Old Colonial System, 1660–1754. By George Louis Beer. Part I. The Establishment of the System, 1660–1688. In two volumes. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.) pp. 509-511 Downloads
Charles M. Andrews
The New City Government. A Discussion of Municipal Administration Based on a Survey of Ten Commission Governed Cities. By Henry Bruère. (New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1912. Pp. vii, 438.) pp. 511-512 Downloads
Orren C. Hormell
L'Alsace-Lorraine et l'Empire Allemand (1871–1911). By Robert Baldy. (Montpelier: Firmin and Montane, 1912. Pp. 270.) pp. 512-513 Downloads
W. B. Hunting
Penal Philosophy. By Gabriel Tarde. Translated by Rapelje Howell, editorial preface by Edward Lindsey, and an introduction by Robert H. Gault. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1912. Pp. xxxii, 581.) pp. 513-514 Downloads
John Edward Oster
Pan-Germanism. By Roland G. Usher. (New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1913. Pp. 314.) pp. 515-516 Downloads
Charles G. Fenwick
The Law of Irrigation and Water Rights. By Clesson S. Kinney. (San Francisco: Bender-Moss Company, 1912. Four volumes. Pp. 4558) pp. 517-518 Downloads
Ralph H. Hess

Volume 7, issue 2, 1913

The Relation Between the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Canadian Government pp. 181-196 Downloads
Adam Shortt
The Macedonian Question and the Balkan War pp. 197-216 Downloads
N. Dwight Harris
The tenure of English judges1 pp. 217-229 Downloads
C. H. McIlwain
The Status of Aliens in China. By Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo, Ph.D. (New York: Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Longmans, Green and Company, 1912. Pp. 356.) pp. 298-299 Downloads
P. J. Treat
A Comparative Study of the Law of Corporations, with Particular Reference to the Protection of Creditors and Shareholders. By Arthur K. Kuhn. (New York: Columbia University, 1912. Pp. 173.) pp. 299-300 Downloads
Simeon E. Baldwin
L'Organization du Suffrage et l'Expérience Belge. By Joseph Barthélemy. (Paris: M. Giard and É. Brière, 1912. Pp. 7768.) pp. 301-303 Downloads
J. Salwyn Schapiro
Handbuch des Wohnungswesen und der Wohnungsfrage. By Prof. Dr.Rud. Eberstadt. (Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1910. Pp. 516.) pp. 303-304 Downloads
Karl F. Geiser
South America, Observations and Impressions. By James Bryce. (New York: the MacMillan Company, 1912. Pp. xxiv, 589.) - South America of Today. By Georges Clemenceau. (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. Pp. xii, 434.) - La Republica Argentina. By Adolfo Posada. (Madrid: Suarez, 1912. Pp. xi, 488.) - The American Mediterranean. By Stephen Bonsal. (New York: Moffat Yard and Company, 1912. Pp. xiv, 488.) pp. 304-308 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
Tne American Occupation of the Philippines. By James H. Blount. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. Pp. 655.) pp. 308-310 Downloads
O. Garfield Jones
A Treatise on the Laws Governing the Exclusion and Expulsion of Aliens in the United States. By Clement L. Bouvé. (Washington, D. C.: John Byrne and Company. Pp. xxvi + 915.) pp. 310-312 Downloads
James Brown Scott
Das Problem eines internationalen Staatengerichtshof. By Dr.Hans Wehberg. (München and Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot, 1912. Pp. xx, 243.) pp. 313-314 Downloads
Amos S. Hershey
War and Its Alleged Benefits. By J. Novicow. Translated by Thomas Seltzer. (New York: Holt and Company, 1911. Pp. 130.) pp. 314-316 Downloads
W. I. Hull
Universal Peace—War is Mesmerism. By A. E. Stilwell. New York: Bankers' Publishing Company, 1911. Pp. 178.) pp. 316-317 Downloads
Wm. I. Hull
The Problem of Empire Governance. By Charles E. T. Stuart-Linton. (London: Longmans Green and Company, 1912. Pp. x, 240.) pp. 317-318 Downloads
C. D. Allin
Armaments and Arbitration. By Rear-Admiral A. T. Mahan, (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1912. Pp. 260.) pp. 318-319 Downloads
A. H. Snow
American City Government. By Charles A. Beard. (New York: The Century Company, 1912. Pp. 420.) pp. 319-320 Downloads
Raymond Garfield Gettell
The Government of American Cities. By William Bennett Munro. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912. Pp. lx, 401.) pp. 321-322 Downloads
Edgar Dawson
Commission Government in American Cities. By Ernest S. Bradford. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911. Pp. xiv, 359.) pp. 322-324 Downloads
Frank G. Bates
The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. Edited by Max Farrand. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1911. 3 vols. Pp. xxv, 606, 667, 685.) pp. 324-324 Downloads
Eugene Wambaugh
The Courts, the Constitution and Parties. By Prof.Andrew C. McLaughlin. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1912. Pp. 299.) pp. 325-326 Downloads
Wisconsin: An Experiment in Democracy. By Frederick C. Howe. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912. Pp. xii, 202.) - The Wisconsin Idea. By Charles McCarthy. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912. Pp. xvi, 316.) pp. 326-327 Downloads
W. F. Willoughby
Germany and the German Emperor. By Herbert Ferris. (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1912. Pp. viii, 512.) pp. 327-328 Downloads
Sociology in Its Psycological Aspects. By Charles A. Ellwood. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1912. Pp. xi, 417.) pp. 328-329 Downloads
The Power of the Federal Judiciary Over Legislation. By J. Hampden Dougherty. (New York: Putnams, 1912. Pp. 125.) - The Supreme Court and the Constitution. By Charles A. Beard. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912. Pp. vii, 127.) pp. 329-332 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin

Volume 7, issue 1, 1913

A Government of Men: Presidential Address, The Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, December 28, 1912 pp. 1-27 Downloads
Albert Bushnell Hart
The President's Cabinet pp. 28-44 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Expert Administrators in Popular Government pp. 45-62 Downloads
A. Lawrence Lowell
Diplomatic Affairs and International Law, 1912 pp. 63-86 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
Problems of the Roman Criminal Law. By James Leigh Strachan-Davidson. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912. 2 vols. Pp. xxi, 245: 287.) pp. 141-145 Downloads
William C. Morey
The World's Legal Philosophies. By Fritz Berolzheimer. Translated from the German by Rachel Szold Jastrow. Modern Legal Philosophy Series, vol. II. (Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1912. Pp. lxvii, 490.) - Comparative Legal Philosophy Applied to Legal Institutions. By Luigi Miralgia. Translated from the Italian by John Lisle. Modern Legal Philosophy Series, vol. III. (Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1912. Pp. xl, 793.) pp. 145-149 Downloads
Ernest Bruncken
A Short History of the English Law. By Edward Jenks. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1912. Pp. xxxviii, 390.) pp. 149-150 Downloads
Bernard C. Steiner
The Abbé Sieyès. An Essay in the Politics of the French Revolution. By J. H. Clapham. (London: P. S. King and Son, 1912. Pp. vii, 268.) pp. 151-152 Downloads
George Elliott Howard
The Democratic Mistake. Godkin Lectures of 1909 delivered at Harvard University. By Arthur George Sedgwick. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912. Pp. 217.) - The Relations of Education to Citizenship. By Simeon E. Baldwin. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1812. Pp. 178.) - Government by All the People. By Delos F. Wilcox. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912. Pp. viii, 324.) - Direct Elections and Law Making by Popular Vote. By Edwin M. Bacon and Morrill Wyman. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1912. Pp. iv, 167.) - The Oregon System. By Allen H. Eaton. (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1912. Pp. viii, 195.) pp. 152-156 Downloads
Henry Jones Ford
Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America. Edited with an Introduction by SirC. P. Lucas. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1912. 3 vols. Pp. 335, 339, 380.) pp. 156-158 Downloads
C. D. Allin
Der Staatenverband der Haager Konferenzen. By Walter Schücking. (München und Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot, 1912. Pp. xii, 328.) pp. 158-159 Downloads
Amos S. Hershey
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