American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 17, issue 4, 1923
- The Political System of Imperial China pp. 551-566

- Harold Scott Quigley
- Growth of Presidential Government in Europe pp. 567-583

- Charles E. Martin
- Guild Socialism and Pluralism pp. 584-596

- Ellen Deborah Ellis
- International Status of the British Dominions pp. 612-622

- C. D. Allin
- Recent Articles in Foreign Periodicals pp. 622-634

- Leonard D. White, Raymond Leslie Buell and Harold C. Havighurst
- Federalism in North America: A Comparative Study of Institutions in the United States and Canada. By Herbert Arthur Smith. (Boston: The Chipman Law Publishing Company. 1923. Pp. v, 328.) pp. 650-652

- Quincy Wright
- Federal Subsidies to the States. By Austin F. Macdonald. (Philadelphia: World Printing Company. 1923. Pp. 122.) pp. 652-653

- Walter Thompson
- Philippine Government. By George A. Malcolm and Maximo M. Kalaw. (D. C. Heath and Company: New York. 1923. Pp. xxiv, 373.) pp. 654-655

- W. W. Willoughby
- Rational Basis of Legal Institutions. By Various Authors. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xxxii, 603.) pp. 655-656

- Floyd R. Mechem
- Interpretations of Legal History. By Roscoe Pound. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xvii, 171.) pp. 656-658

- Walter F. Dodd
- History of the Later Roman Empire from the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian (A.D. 395 to 565). By J. B. Bury. (London: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Two Volumes. Pp. xxv, 471; ix, 494.) pp. 658-659

- Robert P. Blake
- Representative Modern Constitutions. By Charles E. Martin and William H. George. (Los Angeles: Times-Mirror Press. 1923. Pp. 241.) pp. 659-660

- Herbert F. Wright
- The Recent Aims and Political Development of Japan. By Rikitaro Fujisawa. (The Institute of Politics Publications, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1923. Pp. xi, 222.) pp. 660-661

- Raymond Leslie Buell
- The Open Door Doctrine in Relation to China. By Mingchien Joshua Bau. (Knights of Columbus Historical Series. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xxiii, 245.) - The Open Door Policy. By En Tsung Yen. (Boston: The Stratford Company. 1923. Pp. 191.) pp. 662-663

- G. Nye Steiger
- Round Table Conferences of the Institute of Politics at Its First Session, 1921. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1923. Pp. xiii, 459.) pp. 663-664

- Quincy Wright
- The Cambridge History of British Foreign Policy, 1783–1919. Edited by SirA. W. Ward and G. P. Gooch. Vol. II, 1815–1866. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xviii, 688.) pp. 664-665

- W. L. Grant
- Politics and Progress: A Survey of the Problems of To-day. By Ramsay Muir. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1923. Pp. 182.) pp. 665-667

- Guy Vaughn Price
- Parties and Party Leaders. By Anson D. Morse. (Boston: Marshall Jones Company. 1923. Pp. xlii, 267.) pp. 667-668

- James P. Richardson
- The Party Battles of the Jackson Period. By Claude G. Bowers. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1922. Pp. ix, 506.) - The Presidential Campaign of 1832. By Samuel Rhea GammonJr., (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1922. Pp. ix, 180. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series XL, No. 1.) pp. 668-670

- P. Orman Ray
- Four Famous New Yorkers: The Political Careers of Cleveland, Platt, Hill and Roosevelt. By De Alva Stanwood Alexander. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1923. Pp. xvii, 488.) pp. 670-672

- Harold F. Gosnell
- Lords Lieutenants in the Sixteenth Century: A Study in Tudor Local Administration. By Gladys Scott Thomson. (London: Longmans, Green & Co.1923. Pp. x, 182.) pp. 672-673

- E. P. Chase
- A Manual of Archive Administration. By Hilary Jenkinson. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1922. Pp. xviii, 243.) pp. 673-674

- David Parker
- Catherine De Medicis. By Paul Van Dyke. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1922. Two volumes. Pp. x, 389; vi, 446.) pp. 674-675

- John Dickinson
- The Racial History of Mankind. Roland B. Dixon. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1923. Pp. xvi, 583.) pp. 675-677

- Frederick Starr
Volume 17, issue 3, 1923
- Political Science in the International Field pp. 381-391

- Pitman B. Potter
- International Politics and History pp. 392-403

- Henry E. Spencer
- The Problem of Sovereignty pp. 404-414

- Baron S. A. Korff
- Swiss Initiative Vote of December 3, 1922 pp. 445-446

- Robert C. Brooks
- The Constitution of Latvia pp. 446-448

- James K. Pollock
- American Influence on Political Thought in Czechoslovakia pp. 448-452

- Vaclav Partl
- The Reorganization of the Administrative Branch of the National Government. By W. F. Willoughby. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1923. Pp. xv, 298.) pp. 477-479

- Lloyd M. Short
- John Randolph of Roanoke. By William Cabell Bruce. (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1922. Two volumes. Pp. viii, 661; v, 804.) pp. 479-481

- Bruce Williams
- People and Politics. By Solomon Bulkley Griffin. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1923. Pp. xi, 510.) pp. 481-482

- Samuel W. McCall
- A Study of “Monarchical” Tendencies in the United States from 1776 to 1801. By Louise Burnham DunbarPh.D. (Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. X, No. 1. 1922. Pp. 164.) pp. 482-483

- Randolph G. Adams
- County and Township Government in the United States. By Kirk H. Porter. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xiii, 362.) pp. 484-486

- A. C. Hanford
- The Law of City Planning and Zoning. By Frank Backus Williams. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xvii, 738.) pp. 486-487

- Flavel Shurtleff
- English Local Government: Statutory Authorities for Special Purposes. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1922. Pp. vii, 521.) pp. 487-491

- William Anderson
- The Constitution of Canada: An Introduction to its Development and Law. By W. P. M. KennedyM.A., Litt.D. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1922. Pp. xx, 519.) pp. 491-492

- Carl Wittke
- The Fiscal and Diplomatic Freedom of the British Overseas Dominions. By Edward Porritt. Edited by David Kinley. (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press. 1922. Pp. xvi, 492.) pp. 492-494

- Basil Williams
- British and Continental Labour Policy. By B. G. De Montgomery. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1922. Pp. 575.) pp. 494-495

- Paul H. Douglas
- Russia Today and Tomorrow. By Paul N. Miliukov. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. x, 392.) - Autocracy and Revolution in Russia. By Baron Sergius A. KorffD.C.L., LL.D. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. viii, 161.) pp. 495-496

- Russell M. Story
- The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study in the Contact of Civilisations. By Arnold J. Toynbee. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1922. Pp. xv, 420.) - Wise Men from the East and from the West. By Abraham Mitrie Rihbany. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1922. Pp. 310.) - Western Races and the World. Essays arranged and edited by F. S. Marvin. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1922. Pp. 264.) pp. 496-498

- Raymond L. Buell
- International Society. By Philip Marshall Brown. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xiv, 173.) pp. 498-499

- C. G. Fenwick
- Economic Imperialism and International Relations During the Last Fifty Years. By Achille Viallate. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xv, 180.) pp. 500-500

- Phillips Bradley
- The United States and the League. By Thomas H. Dickinson. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1923. Pp. 151.) - Whither France? Whither Europe?. By Joseph Caillaux, Former Premier of France. Translated by Helen Byrne Armstrong. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1923. Pp. xi, 184.) pp. 500-502

- Frances E. Willis
- The Neighborhood in Nation Building. By Robert A. Woods. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1923. Pp. 348.) - The Neighborhood: A Study of Local Life in the City of Columbus, Ohio. By Roderick Duncan McKenzie. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1923. Pp. xi, 56.) pp. 502-503

- John M. Gaus
Volume 17, issue 2, 1923
- Political Science as Psychology pp. 181-203

- Horace M. Kallen
- The Nature of Political Thought pp. 204-215

- Raymond G. Gettell
- Democracy in Administration pp. 216-230

- Jennie McMullin Turner
- Introduction pp. 274-275

- Anonymous
- I. Recent Advances in Political Methods pp. 275-295

- Charles E. Merriam
- II. Research Agencies and Equipment pp. 295-311

- R. T. Crane, John A. Fairlie and Charles E. Merriam
- III. Recommendations pp. 311-312

- Charles E. Merriam, Robert T. Crane, John A. Fairlie and Clyde L. King
- Public Opinion in War and Peace. By A. Lawrence Lowell. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1923. Pp. xii, 304.) pp. 313-314

- W. W. Willoughby
- Essays on Constitutional Law and Equity and Other Subjects. By Henry Schofield. (Boston: Chipman Law Publishing Company. 1921. Two volumes. Pp. xxiv, 456; viii, 550.) pp. 314-317

- Robert Eugene Cushman
- The McKinley and Roosevelt Administrations: 1897–1909. By James Ford RhodesLL.D. Litt.D. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. x, 418.) - Under Four Administrations: from Cleveland to Taft. Recollections of Oscar S. StrausLitt.D., LL.D., Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, three times Minister and Ambassador to Turkey, former Secretary of Commerce and Labor. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1922. Pp. xiii, 456.) pp. 317-319

- Charles R. Lingley
- From Harrison to Harding, 1888–1920. By Arthur Wallace Dunn. (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1922. Two volumes. Pp. 420; 444.) pp. 319-321

- James A. Woodburn
- The Agricultural Bloc. By Arthur Capper, U. S. Senator from Kansas, with an Introduction by Kenyon L. Butterfield. (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company. 1922. Pp. vii, 171.) pp. 321-323

- James A. Woodburn
- The Life and Public Services of Charles Joseph Bonaparte. By Joseph Bucklin Bishop. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1922. Pp. 304.) pp. 323-324

- Richard H. Dana
- State Government. By Walter F. Dodd. (New York: The Century Company. 1922. Pp. xiii, 578.) pp. 324-325

- Everett Kimball
- American Railroads: Government Control and Reconstruction Policies. By William J. Cunningham. (Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company. 1922. Pp. 409.) - Railroads: Rates, Service, Management. By Homer B. Vanderblue and Kenneth F. Burgess. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1923. Pp. xv, 488.) pp. 325-327

- Frank Haigh Dixon
- The Laws of the Earliest English Kings. By F. L. Attenborough. (Cambridge, England: The University Press. 1922. Pp. xii, 256.) pp. 327-328

- W. E. Lunt
- Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. By George Earl Buckle. Vols. V and VI. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1920. Pp. xii, 558; 712.) - Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury. By Lady Gwendolen Cecil. Vols. I and II. (London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1921. Pp. viii, 353; 390.) pp. 328-330

- John A. Fairlie
- The Development of the British Empire. By Howard Robinson. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1922. Pp. xiii, 475.) pp. 330-331

- Adam Shortt
- Cross Currents in Europe Today. By Charles A. Beard. (Boston: Marshall Jones Company. 1922. Pp. 278.) pp. 332-333

- Joseph V. Fuller
- Americans in Eastern Asia: A Critical Study of the Policy of the United States with Reference to China, Japan and Korea in the 19th Century. By Tyler Dennett. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xvi, 725.) pp. 333-334

- George H. Blakeslee
- Forty Years of Diplomacy. By Baron R. R. Rosen. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1922. Two volumes. Pp. 315; 309.) pp. 334-335

- S. A. Korff
- Guild Socialism: An Historical and Critical Analysis. By Niles Carpenter. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1922. Pp. xv, 350.) pp. 336-337

- Rodney L. Mott
Volume 17, issue 1, 1923
- Liberty and Equality in International Relations1 pp. 1-16

- William A. Dunning
- State Morality in International Relations pp. 17-33

- Bruce Williams
- Pluralism: A Point of View pp. 34-50

- George H. Sabine
- The Influence of Political Platforms on Legislation in Indiana, 1901–19211 pp. 51-69

- Burton Y. Berry
- Philosophy in the Development of Law. By Pierre de Tourtoulon, Professor of Legal History in the University of Lausanne. Translated by Martha McC. Read. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xi, 653.) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law. By Roscoe Pound. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1922. Pp. 307.) pp. 114-117

- Floyd R. Mechem
- An Introduction to World Politics. By Herbert Adams Gibbons. (New York: The Century Company. 1922. Pp. xiii, 595.) - An Introduction to the Study of International Organization. By Pitman B. Potter. (New York: The Century Company. 1922. Pp. xiv, 647.) pp. 117-120

- Francis B. Sayre
- Woodrow Wilson and World Settlement. Written from his Unpublished and Personal Material. By Ray Stannard Baker. (New York: Doubleday, Page & Company. 1922. 2 vols. Pp. xxxv, 432; xii, 561; and a third volume of documents, xv, 508.) pp. 120-122

- R. L. Buell
- The Cambridge History of British Foreign Policy, 1783–1919. Edited by Sir A. W. WardLitt D., and G. P. GoochLitt. D. in three volumes. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Vol. I, pp. xii, 628.) pp. 122-123

- W. L. Grant
- The Control of American Foreign Relations. By Quincy Wright, Professor of International Law in the University of Minnesota. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1922. Pp. xxvi, 412.) pp. 123-124

- John Dickinson
- The New Constitutions of Europe. By Howard Lee McBain and Lindsay Rogers. (New York: Doubleday, Page & Company. 1922. Pp. 622.) pp. 125-126

- Arthur I. Andrews
- Legislative Procedure. By Robert Luce. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1922. Pp. vi, 628.) pp. 126-127

- Frederick H. Gillett
- The Law of the American Constitution: Its Origin and Development. By Charles K. Burdick. With two Introductory Chapters by Francis M. Burdick. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1922. Pp. xviii, 687.) pp. 127-129

- Arnold Bennett Hall
- Cases on Labor Law. By Francis B. Sayre. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1922. Pp. xvii, 1016.) pp. 129-131

- John R. Commons
- A Hoosier Autobiography. By William Dudley Foulke. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1922. Pp. 252.) pp. 131-132

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- James K. Polk, A Political Biography. By Eugene Irving McCormacPh.D. (Berkeley: The University of California Press. 1922.) pp. 132-133

- Edward E. Curtis
- History of the Latin American Nations. By William Spence Robertson. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1922.) pp. 133-134

- C. H. Haring
- The Federal System of the Argentine Republic. By L. S. Rowe. (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington. 1891. Pp. vii, 161.) pp. 134-134

- William Spence Robertson
- Japan and the United States. By Payson J. Treat. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1921. Pp. 283.) pp. 135-135

- Graham Taylor
- The Settlement Horizon. By Robert A. Woods and Albert J. Kennedy. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1922. Pp. vi, 499.) - The Soul of an Immigrant. By Constantine M. Panunzio. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1921. Pp. xiv, 329.) pp. 135-137

- John M. Gaus
- A Social History of the American Negro. By Benjamin Brawley. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1921. Pp. 420.) pp. 137-138

- Carter G. Woodson
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