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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 45, issue 4, 1951

Variations on a Familiar Theme* pp. 961-973 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
The British Labour Left and U. S. Foreign Policy pp. 974-995 Downloads
Leon D. Epstein
Goals for Political Science: A Discussion pp. 996-1024 Downloads
James W. Fesler, Louis Hartz, John H. Hallowell, Victor G. Rosenblum, Walter H. C. Laves, W.A. Robson and Lindsay Rogers
The Socio-Political Role of the Buraku (Hamlet) in Japan* pp. 1025-1040 Downloads
Robert E. Ward
The Traditional Chinese Censorate and the New Peking Regime pp. 1041-1057 Downloads
Charles O. Hucker
Strategic Intelligence and the Publication of Statistics* pp. 1058-1068 Downloads
Stuart A. Rice and Joseph W. Kappel
An Analysis of Administrative Purpose pp. 1069-1080 Downloads
James K. Feely
Political Science and Political Philosophy pp. 1081-1085 Downloads
J. Roland Pennock
The Combined Boards of the Second World War; An Experiment in International Administration. By S. McKee Rosen. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. 288. $4.00.) pp. 1173-1181 Downloads
Harold Stein
Law and Society in the Relations of States. By P. E. Corbett. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1951. Pp. x, 337. $4.75.) pp. 1181-1184 Downloads
John N. Hazard
The Idea and Practice of World Government. By Gerard J. Mangone. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 278. $3.75.) pp. 1184-1186 Downloads
Felix Oppenheim
The Search for Peace Settlements. By Redvers Opie and Associates. (Washington: Brookings Institution. 1951. Pp. xviii, 366. $4.00.) pp. 1186-1187 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
The Navy and the Industrial Mobilization in World War II. By Robert H. Connery. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 527. $6.00.) pp. 1187-1189 Downloads
Emmette S. Redford
Policy for the West. By Barbara Ward. (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.1951. Pp. 317. $3.75.) pp. 1189-1190 Downloads
Francis O. Wilcox
Impact of War on Federal Personnel Administration, 1939–1945. By Gladys M. Kammerer. (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. 1951. Pp. viii, 372. $6.00.) pp. 1190-1192 Downloads
Edgar B. Young
The Governmental Process; Political Interests and Public Opinion. By David B. Truman. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1951. Pp. xvi, 544, xv. $5.00.) pp. 1192-1193 Downloads
Avery Leiserson
Public Relations and American Democracy. By J. A. R. Pimlott. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 265. $4.00.) pp. 1193-1194 Downloads
James L. McCamy
Uncle Sam's Acres. By Marion Clawson. (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. 1951. Pp. xvi, 414. $5.00.) - The Closing of the Public Domain; Disposal and Reservation Policies, 1900–50. By E. Louise Peffer. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 372. $4.50.) pp. 1194-1197 Downloads
Charles McKinley
Marx Against the Peasant; A Study in Social Dogmatism. By David Mitrany. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1951. Pp. xvi, 301. $4.50.) pp. 1197-1200 Downloads
Lazar Volin
The Operational Code of the Politburo. By Nathan Leites. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xv, 100. $3.00.) pp. 1200-1202 Downloads
Charles A. H. Thomson
Communism, Democracy, and Catholic Power. By Paul Blanshard. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1951. Pp. x, 340. $3.50.) pp. 1202-1204 Downloads
Philip Selznick
The Chinese in Southeast Asia. By Victor Purcell. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. xxxvii, 801. $11.50.) pp. 1204-1206 Downloads
Rupert Emerson
Demokratie oder Anarchie? Untersuchung über die Verhältniswahl. By F. A. Hermens. (Frankfurt A.M.: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag. 1951. Pp. xx, 412. DM.8–.) - Europe Between Democracy and Anarchy. By F. A. Hermens. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame. 1951. Pp. xix, 291. $4.00.) pp. 1206-1208 Downloads
Arnold J. Zurcher
La République et Son Pouvoir. By Michel Debré. (Paris: Éditions Nagel. 1950. Pp. 207.) pp. 1208-1210 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich
Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America, Vol. 90, pts. I–III, Eighty-first Congress, first session. Journal from January 3, 1949, to October 19, 1949. Printed by order of the Senate op the United States. (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1950, i.e. 1951. 3 vols. Pp. 5440.) pp. 1211-1211 Downloads
James B. Childs
Joe Tumulty and the Wilson Era. By John M. Blum. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1951. Pp. ix, 337. $4.00.) pp. 1211-1212 Downloads
Dayton D. McKean
The Negro and the Communist Party. By Wilson Record. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1951. Pp. x, 340. $3.50.) pp. 1212-1212 Downloads
Emmett E. Dorsey
The Communist Problem in America; A Book of Readıngs. Edited by Edward E. Palmer. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1951. Pp. xvi, 496. $2.50.) pp. 1212-1212 Downloads
Index of Congressional Committee Hearings (Non-confidential in Character) for Seventy-seventh, Seventy-eighth, Seventy-ninth, Eightieth and Eighty-first Congresses (January 3, 1941, to January 3, 1951) in the United States Senate Library, Capitol Building. Second Supplement to 1935 Index. Compiled by George T. Walker. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1951. Pp. v, 419.) pp. 1213-1213 Downloads
Letters of Benjamin Rush: Volume 1, 1761–1792; Volume 2, 1793–1813. Edited by L. H. Butterfield. (Princeton: Published by Princeton University Press for the American Philosophical Society. 1951. Pp. lxxxvii, 1295. $15.00 a set.) pp. 1213-1213 Downloads
Financing Defense; Federal Tax and Expenditure Policies. By Albert G. Hart and E. Cary Brown. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1951. Pp. xiv, 161. S2.00.) pp. 1213-1213 Downloads
The New Military and Naval Dictionary. Edited by Frank Gaynor. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1951. Pp. viii, 295. $6.00.) pp. 1213-1213 Downloads
A Councilman Speaks. By Arthur W. Bromage. (Ann Arbor, Michigan: George Wahr Publishing Co.1951. Pp. v, 80.) pp. 1213-1213 Downloads
Rumania, Political Problems of an Agrarian State. By Henry L. Roberts (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1951. Pp. xiv, 414. $6.00.) pp. 1216-1217 Downloads
George Lenczowski
Nomenclature des Établissements Publics et Semi-publics de l'État, des Sociétés d'Économie Mixte et des Fondations et Associations Subventionnées d'Intérêt National. By Ministère des Finances. (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. 1951. Pp. 265.) pp. 1217-1217 Downloads
James B. Childs
European and Comparative Government. By Robert G. Neumann. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xii, 730. $5.00.) pp. 1217-1217 Downloads
Governments in Modern Society. By G. Lowell Field. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1951. Pp. x, 554. $4.50.) pp. 1217-1217 Downloads
Modern Political Constitutions; An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Their History and Existing Form. By C. F. Strong. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. x, 383. $3.75.) pp. 1217-1217 Downloads
Federal Government. By K. C. Wheare. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. v 278. $3.75.) pp. 1218-1218 Downloads
Britain Today; A Review of Current Political and Social Trends. By C. F. O. Clarke. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1951. Pp. 248. $3.00.) pp. 1218-1218 Downloads
Towards an Understanding of the U.S.S.R.; A Study in Government, Politics, and Economic Planning. By Michael T. Florinsky. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. x, 223. $3.00.) pp. 1218-1218 Downloads
Handbook of Latin American Studies: 1947; No. 13. Prepared by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1951. Pp. x, 239. $8.50.) pp. 1218-1218 Downloads
Cinderella of Europe; Spain Explained. By Sheila M. O'Callaghan. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1951. Pp. 199. $3.75.) pp. 1218-1218 Downloads
Area Studies in American Universities. By Wendell C. Bennett. (New York: Social Science Research Council. 1951. Pp. x, 82. $1.00.) pp. 1218-1218 Downloads
The United States and France. By Donald C. McKay. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1951. Pp. xvii, 334. $4.00.) pp. 1221-1221 Downloads
R. K. Gooch
The British Overseas; Exploits of a Nation of Shopkeepers. By C. E. Carrington. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1950. Pp. xxi, 1092. $9.00.) pp. 1221-1222 Downloads
W. Hardy Wickwar
Hart and the Chinese Customs. By Stanley F. Wright. (Belfast: Wm. Mullan & Son Ltd.1950. Pp. xvi, 959. $6.30.) pp. 1222-1222 Downloads
Esson M. Gale
Enabling Instruments of Members of the United Nations; Part I: The United States of America. Edited by Walter H. Zeyden and Waldo Chamberlin. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1951. Pp. xvii, 126. $2.50.) pp. 1222-1223 Downloads
Eli E. Nobleman
Program-Making in UNESCO, 1946–1951; A Study in the Processes of International Administration. By Charles S. Ascher. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1951. Pp. ix, 84. $2.50.) pp. 1223-1224 Downloads
Eli E. Nobleman
Annual Review of United Nations Affairs, 1950. By Clyde Eagleton and Richard N. Swift. (New York: New York University Press. 1951. Pp. vii, 265. $4.50.) pp. 1224-1224 Downloads
The Survival of Political Man; A Study in the Principles of International Order. By Errol E. Harris. (New York: Hafner Publishing Co., Inc.1951. Pp. xi, 225. $4.00.) pp. 1224-1224 Downloads
Recent Trends in the Law of the United Nations. By Hans Kelsen. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1951. Pp. 909–994. $2.50.) pp. 1224-1224 Downloads
The Caribbean at Mid-Century. Edited By A. Curtis Wilgus. (Gainesville: University of Florida Press. 1951. Pp. xxv, 284. $4.00.) pp. 1224-1224 Downloads
Foreign Relations of the United States; Diplomatic Papers, 1934. Volume II, Europe, Near East and Africa. Compiled by the U. S. Department of State. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1951. Pp. xcv, 1002. $3.75.) pp. 1225-1225 Downloads
Pacific Outpost; American Strategy in Guam and Micronesia. By Earl S. Pomeroy. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1951. Pp. xx, 198. $5.00.) pp. 1225-1225 Downloads
British and Soviet Colonial Systems. By Kathleen M. Stahl. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1951. Pp. 114. $2.50.) pp. 1225-1225 Downloads
Belgian Foreign Policy Between Two Wars, 1919–1940. By Jane Kathryn Miller. (New York: Bookman Associates. 1951. Pp. 337. $5.00.) pp. 1225-1225 Downloads
Lénine et la IIIe Internationale. By Branko Lazitch. (Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière. 1951. Pp. 286.) pp. 1225-1225 Downloads
Coffee, Tea and Cocoa; An Economic and Political Analysis. By V. D. Wickizer. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1951. Pp. xiii, 497. $5.00.) pp. 1225-1225 Downloads
Leviathan and Natural Law. By F. Lyman Windolph. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. ix, 147. $2.50.) pp. 1231-1232 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
Ideas and Men; The Story of Western Thought. By Crane Brinton. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1950. Pp. ix, 487. $6.00.) pp. 1232-1232 Downloads
Maure L. Goldschmidt
A Socialist's Faith. By Norman Thomas. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.1951. Pp. x, 326. $4.00.) - The Socialist Tragedy. By Ivor Thomas. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. 254. $2.75.) pp. 1233-1233 Downloads
René de Visme Williamson
Aristotle's Constitution of Athens and Related Texts. Translated by Kurt Von Fritz and Ernst Kapp. (New York: Hafner Publishing Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 233. Cloth $2.50, Paper $1.25.) pp. 1233-1233 Downloads
The Sociology of Knowledge, Its Structure and Its Relation to the Philosophy of Knowledge; A Critical Analysis of the Systems of Karl Mannheim and Pitirim A. Sorokin. By Jacques J. Maquet. Translated by John F. Locke. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1951. Pp. xix, 318. $5.00.) pp. 1233-1233 Downloads
Essays on Government. By Ernest Barker. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. vii, 304. $5.00.) pp. 1234-1234 Downloads
Introduction to Civics and Politics. By Sudhir Kumar Lahiri and Benoyendra Nath Banerjea. (Calcutta: A. Mukherjee & Co., Ltd.1950. Pp. iv, 151. Rs. 2-8-0.) pp. 1234-1234 Downloads
The Supervision of Personnel; Human Relations in the Management of Men. By John M. Pfiffner. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1951. Pp. viii, 454. $6.00.) pp. 1234-1234 Downloads

Volume 45, issue 3, 1951

Science and Politics pp. 641-661 Downloads
Hans Kelsen
Free Speech, Sedition and the Constitution pp. 662-673 Downloads
Robert McCloskey
The Senatorial Rejection of Leland Olds: A Case Study pp. 674-692 Downloads
Joseph P. Harris
Power: Its Ubiquity and Legitimacy pp. 693-702 Downloads
T. V. Smith
Reason and Political Power pp. 703-715 Downloads
Walter E. Sandelius
Hypotheses for a Theory of Political Power pp. 716-723 Downloads
G. Lowell Field
The Council of Europe1 pp. 724-740 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
The Struggle for Electoral Reform in France* pp. 741-755 Downloads
Robert G. Neumann
British Town and Country Planning: Local Participation pp. 756-769 Downloads
R. Vance Presthus
The Nineteen Fifties Come First. By Edwin G. Nourse. (New York: Henry Holt & Company. 1951. Pp. 184. $2.00.) pp. 867-874 Downloads
Bertram M. Gross
Monopoly and Free Enterprise. By George W. Stocking and Myron W. Watkins. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1951. Pp. xv, 596. $4.00.) pp. 874-877 Downloads
Marver Bernstein
The Report of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission, 1950: Volume 1, A Water Policy for the American People; Volume 2, Ten Rivers in America's Future; and Volume 3, Water Resources Law. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1950. Pp. ix, 445; xx, 801; xviii, 777. $3.25; $6.00; $2.25.) pp. 877-880 Downloads
Arthur Maass
Problems and Policies of Dispute Settlement and Wage Stabilization during World War II. Prepared by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1950. Pp. v, 380. $.75.) pp. 880-882 Downloads
Allan R. Richards
Public and Republic; Political Representation in America. By Alfred de Grazia. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1951. Pp. xiii, 262, ix. $3.50.) pp. 882-883 Downloads
Marguerite J. Fisher
Modern France; Problems of the Third and Fourth Republics. Edited by Edward Mead Earle. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. xiv, 522. $6.00.) pp. 883-885 Downloads
Earle H. Ketcham
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917–1923. By Edward Hallett Carr. (New York: Macmillan Co.1951. Pp. X, 430. $5.00.) pp. 885-887 Downloads
Barrington Moore
Agrarian Socialism: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan; A Study in Political Sociology. By S. M. Lipset. (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 315. $4.50.) pp. 887-888 Downloads
Sigmund Neumann
The Soviet Image of the United States; A Study in Distortion. By Frederick C. Barghoorn. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1950. Pp. xviii, 297. $4.00.) pp. 889-890 Downloads
Alex N. Dragnich
Nationalism and Language Reform in China. By John De Francis. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 306. $4.00.) pp. 890-892 Downloads
Franz Michael
The Debate on the Foreign Policy of Sweden, 1918–1939. By Herbert Tingsten. Translated by Joan Bulman. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1949. Pp. 325. $4.50.) - Norges Forhold Til Sverige Under Krigen 1940–45. By Det Kgl. Utenriksdepartement. (Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. Vol. I, 1948. Pp. 303. Vol. II, 1949. Pp. 176. Vol. III, 1950. Pp. 616. No price.) - Handlingar Rörande Sveriges Politik Under Andra Världskriget. By Kungl. Utrikesdepartementet. (Stockholm: Kungl. Boktryckeriet, P. A. Norstedt & Soner. 3 Vols. 1947. Pp. 396; 322; 204. Kr. 7.50; 6.50; 5.00.) pp. 892-895 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
Crimes Against International Law. By Joseph Berry Keenan and Brendan Francis Brown. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1950. Pp. x, 226. $3.25.) pp. 895-896 Downloads
Benjamin Munn Ziegler
UNRRA; The History of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Prepared by a special staff under the direction of George Woodbridge. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. 3 vols. Pp. xxxv, 518; xii, 601; xiii, 520. $15.00.) pp. 896-899 Downloads
Harvey C. Mansfield
Man and the State. By Jacques Maritain. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1951. Pp. X, 219. $3.50.) pp. 899-901 Downloads
Ralph G. Ross
Studies in Leadership; Leadership and Democratic Action. Edited by Alvin W. Gouldner. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1950. Pp. xvi, 736. $5.00.) pp. 901-902 Downloads
Lester G. Seligman
The Congressional Conference Committee, Seventieth to Eightieth Congresses. By Gilbert Y. Steiner. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1951. Pp. x, 185. Paper $3.00; Cloth $4.00.) pp. 903-903 Downloads
Gladys M. Kammerer
Congress; Corruption and Compromise. By H. H. Wilson. (New York: Rinehart & Company, Inc.1951. Pp. x, 337. College $2.00; Trade $3.50.) pp. 903-904 Downloads
George H. E. Smith
Federal Activities in Higher Education After the Second World War. By James Earl Russell. (New York: King's Crown Press. 1951. Pp. X, 257. $3.75.) pp. 904-905 Downloads
Louise M. Young
Let's Look at the Record. By Thomas R. Amlie. (Madison, Wisconsin: Capital City Press. 1950. Pp. 612. $10.00.) pp. 904-904 Downloads
Julius Turner
The Supreme Court and the Commander in Chief. By Clinton Rossiter. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1951. Pp. ix, 145. $2.50.) pp. 905-906 Downloads
Charles O. Lerche
Civil Rights in the United States. By Alison Reppy. (New York: Central Book Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xxix, 298. $4.50.) pp. 905-905 Downloads
Robert J. Harris
American Democracy in Theory and Practice; the National Government. By Robert K. Carr, Donald H. Morrison, Marver H. Bernstein, and Richard C. Snyder. (New York: Rinehart and Co.1951. Pp. xiii, 1094. $5.00.) pp. 906-906 Downloads
American Government in Action. By Marshall Edward Dimock and Gladys Ogden Dimock. (New York: Rinehart & Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xvi, 1004. $5.00.) pp. 906-906 Downloads
Government in the United States. By Claudius O. Johnson. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1951. Pp. xviii, 1064. $5.00.) pp. 906-906 Downloads
Introduction to American Government. By Frederic A. Ogg and P. Orman Ray. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1951. Pp. viii, 1063. $5.50.) pp. 906-906 Downloads
Government and Politics in the United States. By Harold Zink. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. X, 1008. $5.50.) pp. 906-906 Downloads
Your American Government; The Citizen's Approach. By Helen Miller Bailey, Eugene L. Lazare, and Conrad H. Hawkins. (New York: Longmans, Green and Co.1951. Pp. ix, 566. $4.25.) pp. 906-906 Downloads
State and Local Government in the United States. By William Anderson and Edward W. Weidner. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1951. Pp. XX, 744. $5.25.) pp. 907-907 Downloads
State and Local Government in the United States. By Cullen B. Gosnell and Lynwood M. Holland. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1951. Pp. xvi, 619. $5.00.) pp. 907-907 Downloads
State and Local Government in the United States. By William Vernon Holloway. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1951. Pp. viii, 460. $3.75.) pp. 907-907 Downloads
Federal Records of World War II; Volume I, Civilian Agencies, and Volume II, Military Agencies. National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration. (Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1951. Pp. xii, 1073; iii, 1061. $2.50 each.) pp. 907-907 Downloads
Indiana at War; Civilian Directory. Compiled by Lynn W. Turner and Heber P. Walker. (Bloomington: Indiana War History Commission. 1951. Pp. xxi, 1330.) pp. 907-907 Downloads
Congressional Quarterly Almanac; Volume VI, 81st Congress, 2nd Session—1960. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly News Features. 1951. Pp. 847.) pp. 907-907 Downloads
The Interstate Compact since 1925. By Frederick L. Zimmermann and Mitchell Wendell. (Chicago: Council of State Governments. 1951. Pp. xi, 132. $2.00.) pp. 907-908 Downloads
Sabotage and Its Prevention During Wartime. Compiled by Dorothy C. Tompkins. (Berkeley: Bureau of Public Administration, University of California. 1951. Pp. 53. $1.00.) pp. 908-909 Downloads
The Roosevelt Treasury. Edited by James N. Rosenau. (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xvi, 461. $5.00.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
Midwestern Progressive Politics; A Historical Study of Its Origins and Development, 1870–1950. By Russel B. Nye (East Lansing: Michigan State College Press. 1951. Pp. 422. $5.00.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
The Political Career of Floyd B. Olson. By George H. Mayer. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1951. Pp. 329. $5.00.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
The Attack Upon the American Secular School. By V. T. Thayer. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1950. Pp. X, 257. $3.00.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
U. S. A.; The Permanent Revolution. By the Editors of Fortune in collaboration with Russell W. Davenport. (New York: Prentice-Hall. 1951. Pp. xvii, 267. Text, $1.50.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
A Manual of City Government in Michigan and A Manual of Village Government in Michigan. By Claude R. Tharp. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1951. Pp. 175; 118. $2.75; $2.25.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
The Organization of State Administration in Delaware. By Paul Dolan-group>. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1951. Pp. 154. $2.50; $5.00 for series complete in 3 numbers.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
Principles of Business and the Federal Law. By Franklin H. Cook. (New York: Macmil-lan Company. 1951. Pp. xxi, 563. $5.50.) pp. 908-908 Downloads
The Communist Trail in America. By Jacob Spolansky. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. vii, 227. $3.50.) pp. 909-909 Downloads
Current Research Projects in Public Administration, 1951. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1951. Pp. 48. $1.00.) pp. 909-909 Downloads
Economic Resources and Policies of the South. By Calvin B. Hoover and B. U. Hatch-Ford. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. xxvii, 464. S5.50.) pp. 909-909 Downloads
Defense without Inflation. Br Albert G. Hart. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1951. Pp. xiv. 186. $2.00.) pp. 909-909 Downloads
Municipally Owned Electric Plants in Pennsylvania. By John H. Ferguson and Charles F. Leedecker. (State College, Penna.: Institute of Local Government. 1951. Pp. viii, 137. $4.00.) pp. 909-909 Downloads
Toll Roads and the Problem of Highway Modernization. By Wilfred Owen and Charles L. Deaking. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. 1951. Pp. ix, 204. $2.50.) pp. 909-909 Downloads
Cabinet Government. By SirIvor Jennings. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1951. Pp. vii, 578. $6.00.) pp. 913-914 Downloads
Political Handbook of the World; Parliaments, Parties and Press as of January 1, 1951. Edited by Walter H. Mallory. (New York: Published by Harper & Brothers for Council on Foreign Relations. 1951. Pp. vii, 230. $3.50.) pp. 913-913 Downloads
The British Constitution. By SirIvor Jennings. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1950. Pp. xvi, 220. $2.25.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
Justice and Administrative Law; A Study of the British Constitution. By William A. Robson. (London: Stevens and Sons Limited. 1951. Pp. xxxiii, 674. 30s.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
The Government of Prince Edward Island. By Frank MacKinnon. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1951. Pp. xii, 385. $5.50.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
Labour-Management Co-operation in France. (Geneva: International Labour Office. 1950. Pp. ix, 237. $1.25.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
The Estates General of 1560. By J. Russell Major. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. viii, 146. $2.50.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
Germany and the Future of Europe. Edited by Hans J. Morgenthau. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1951. Pp. viii, 180. $3.50.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
Potsdam bis Bonn; fuenf Jahre deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte. By Emil Schaefer. (Lahr: Moritz Schauenburg. 1950. Pp. 239.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
Die deutsche Innenpolitik im letzten Jahrhundert und der konservative Gedanke. By Otto Ernst Schueddekopf. (Braunschweig: Verlag Albert Limbach. 1951. Pp. 132. DM 1.60.) pp. 914-914 Downloads
German Agrarian Politics After Bismarck's Fall; The Formation of the Farmers' League. By Sarah Rebecca Tirrell. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. 354. $4.50.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
The Multinational Empire; Nationalism and National Reform in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1848–1918. By Robert A. Kann. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. 2 vols. Pp. xxi, 444; xiv, 423. Set, $12.50.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
Revolution in Eastern Europe. By Doreen Warriner. (London: Turnstile Press. 1950. Pp. 188.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
The Soviet Slave Empire. By Albert Konrad Herling. (New York: Wilfred Funk, Inc.1951. Pp. xviii, 230. $3.75.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
Russian Purge and the Extraction of Confession. By F. Beck and W. Godin. Translated by Eric Mosbacher and David Porter. (New York: Viking Press. 1951. Pp. X, 277. $3.50.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
Russia's Soviet Economy. By Harry Schwartz. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1950. Pp. xxvi, 592. $5.00.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
The Soviet State and Its Inception. By Harry Best. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. vii, 448. $6.00.) pp. 915-915 Downloads
Izbrannye Proizvedeniia [Selected Works]. By M. V. Frunze. (Moskva: Voennoe Izdatel'tsvo Voennogo Ministerstva SSSR. 1950. Pp. 581.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
Soviets in Central Asia. By W. P. Coates and Zelda K. Coates. (London: Lawrence & Wishart, Ltd.1951. Pp. 288.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
The Commonwealth in Asia. By SirIvor Jennings. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 124. $2.50.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
Chief Ministers Speak; Being Résumés of the Activities of the Governments, Central and States'? During the Three Years, 1947-1930. By The All-India Congress Committee, Publications Department. (New Delhi: Ashoka Press. 1950. Pp. viii, 241.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
Hindustan Yearbook and Who's Who, 1951. (Calcutta: M. C. Sarker & Sons, Ltd. Pp. 532.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
Before and After Independence; A Collection of the Most Important and Soul-Stirring Speeches Delivered by Jawaharlal Nehru, 1922-1950. Edited by J. S. Bright. (New Delhi: Indian Printing Works. 1950. 2 vols. Pp. 612.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
Orient-Literatur in Deutschland und Oesterreich, 1949-1950; Sammlungen der ehemaligen Preussischen Staatsbibliothek. (Marburg/Lahn: Westdeutsche Bibliothek. 1950. Pp. 46.) pp. 916-916 Downloads
With Milner in South Africa. By Lionel Curtis. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1951. Pp. xiv, 354. 15a.) pp. 917-917 Downloads
First Malayan Republic; The Story of the Philippines. By George A. Malcolm. (Boston: Christopher Publishing House. 1951. Pp. 460. $5.00.) pp. 917-917 Downloads
The British Year Book of International Law, 1949. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. viii, 569. $8.50.) pp. 920-921 Downloads
Lawrence Preuss
Canada in World Affairs; September 1941 to May 1944. By C. C. Lingard and R. G. Trotter. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 320. $3.50.) - Canada in World Affairs; From Normandy to Paris, 1944–1946. By F. H. Soward. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 359. $3.50.) pp. 921-922 Downloads
Thomas LeDuc
Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy; Vol. 1, 1917–1924. Edited by Jane Degras. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. xxi, 501. $7.00.) pp. 921-921 Downloads
William B. Ballis
War and the Minds of Men. By Frederick S. Dunn. (New York: Published by Harper & Brothers for the Council on Foreign Relations. 1950. Pp. xvi, 115. $2.00.) pp. 922-922 Downloads
Royden Dangerfield
The United States in World Affairs, 1950. By Richard P. Stebbins and the Research Staff of the Council on Foreign Relations. (New York: Published by Harper & Brothers for the Council on Foreign Relations. 1951. Pp. xii, 500. $5.00.) pp. 923-924 Downloads
Constitution of the United Nations; Analysis of Structure and Function. By Alf Ross. (New York: Rinehart and Co.1950. Pp. 236. $3.00.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
A Plan for Peace. By Grenville Clark. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1950. Pp. x, 83, $1.00.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
Strengthening the Framework of Peace; A Study of Current Proposals for Amending, Developing, or Replacing Present International Institutions for the Maintenance of Peace. By Alan de Rusett. (London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1950. Pp. xiii, 225. $4.00.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
The Return From Babel. By Gerald M. Spring. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1951. Pp. xxvi, 188. $3.50.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
The Beginnings of Diplomacy; A Sociological Study of Intertribal and International Relations. By Ragnar Numelin. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. 372. $12.00.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
Unesco; Peace in the Minds of Men. By Theodore Besterman. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1951. Pp. xi, 133. $2.50.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
Foundations of National Power; Readings on World Politics and American Security. Edited by Harold and Margaret Sprout. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xxiv, 810. $6.90.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
A Manual of International Law. By Georg Schwarzenberger. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1951. Pp. lii, 428. $5.50.) pp. 923-923 Downloads
A Short History of American Diplomacy. By L. Ethan Ellis. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1951. Pp. x, 604. $5.00.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
Current Issues in Foreign Economic Assistance. Prepared by the Staff of the International Studies Group of the Brookings Institution. (Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution. 1951. Pp. vi, 103. $1.00.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
Career Ambassador. By Willard L. Beaulac. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. 262. $3.50.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
American Imperialism. By Victor Perlo. (New York: International Publishers. 1951. Pp. 256. $2.75.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
Le Problème de l'Union Ewopéenne. By Olivier Philip. (Paris: Éditions de la Baconnière. 1950. Pp. 382.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
Documents on Regional Organizations outside Western Europe, 1940–1949. (London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1950. Pp. vii, 85. $2.00.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
Peacemaking in Perspective; From Potsdam to Paris. By F. W. Pick. (Oxford: Pen-in-Hand. 1950. Pp. 251.) pp. 924-924 Downloads
Zwischen Hitler und Stalin, 1939–1945. By Peter Kleist. (Bonn: Athenaeum-Verlag. 1950. Pp. 344.) pp. 924-925 Downloads
Mémorial Antonesco; Le IIIe Homme de l'Axe. Collection “Documents Politiques.” (Paris: Éditions de la Couronne. 1950. Pp. 215.) pp. 925-925 Downloads
Chronique de la Guerre Froide, 1947–1949. By Cte. Carton de Wiart. (Bruxelles: Ad. Gomaere. 1950. Pp. 448.) pp. 925-925 Downloads
Guerra diplomatica in Estremo Oriente, 1914-1931. By Mario Toscano. (Milan: Giulio Einaudi Editore. 1950. 2 vols. Pp. 428, 508.) pp. 925-925 Downloads
The British Territories in East and Central Africa, 1945-1950. Published by the Colonial Office. (London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1950. Pp. 166.) pp. 925-925 Downloads
Freedom and Authority in French West Africa. By Robert Delavignette. (New York: Published by the Oxford University Press for the International African Institute. 1950. Pp. vii, 152. $2.50.) pp. 925-925 Downloads
De parlementaire geschiedenis van het indonesische vraagstuk. By A. Stempels. (Amsterdam: N. V. de Arbeiderspers. 1950. Pp. xi, 317.) pp. 925-925 Downloads
Men of Good Hope; A Story of American Progressives. By Daniel Aaron. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. xiv, 329. $4.50.) pp. 932-933 Downloads
Louis Filler
From Wealth to Welfare; The Evolution of Liberalism. By Harry K. Girvetz. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 321. $5.00.) pp. 932-932 Downloads
David McCord Wright
Philosophical Foundations of English Socialism. By Adam B. Ulam. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1951. Pp. 173. $3.75.) pp. 933-934 Downloads
Thomas P. Jenkin
Measurement and Prediction; Studies in Social Psychology in World War II, Volume IV. By Samuel A. Stouffer, Louis Guttman, Edward A. Suchman, Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Shirley A. Star and John A. Clausen. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. x, 756. $10.00.) pp. 934-935 Downloads
Harold P. Gosnell
An Introduction to Politics. By R. H. Soltau. (New York: Longmans, Green & Company. 1951. Pp. ix, 328. $3.25.) pp. 934-934 Downloads
Walter Sandelius
Puritanism and Liberty; Being the Army Debates (1647–9) from the Clarke Manuscripts with Supplementary Documents. Edited By A. S. P. Woodhouse. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1951. Pp. 506. $4.50.) pp. 935-935 Downloads
Clarendon; Politics, History & Religion, 1640–1660. By H. G. Wormald. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1951. Pp. xiii, 331. $5.00.) pp. 935-935 Downloads
The Age of Terror. By Leslie Paul. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1951. Pp. 256. $3.00.) pp. 935-935 Downloads
The Art of Asking Questions. By Stanley L. Payne. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. xiv, 249. $3.75.) pp. 936-936 Downloads
The Political Writings of Harold D. Lasswell: Psychopathology and Politics; Politics—Who Gets What, When, How; Democratic Character. By Harold D. Lasswell. (Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press. 1951. Pp. 525. $5.00.) pp. 936-936 Downloads
Personality and Political Crisis; New Perspectives from Social Science and Psychiatry for the Study of War and Politics. Edited by Alfred H. Stanton and Stewart E. Perry. (Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press. 1951. Pp. 260. $3.75.) pp. 936-936 Downloads
Edmund J. James Lectures on Government. By Wayne Morse, Irving Dilliard and Leo Pasvolsky. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1951. Pp. 90.) pp. 936-936 Downloads
Support for Independent Scholarship and Research. By Elbridge Sibley. (New York: Social Science Research Council. 1951. Pp. xv, 116. $1.25.) pp. 936-936 Downloads

Volume 45, issue 2, 1951

The Mutual Defense Assistance Program* pp. 321-347 Downloads
Robert H. Connery and Paul T. David
Central Issues of American Administrative Law pp. 348-385 Downloads
Nathaniel L. Nathanson
John Locke: Philosophy and Political Theory pp. 386-399 Downloads
Walter M. Simon
Direct Legislation: An Appraisal and a Suggestion pp. 400-421 Downloads
Joseph G. Lapalombara and Charles B. Hagan
Current “Mass Line” Tactics in Communist China* pp. 422-436 Downloads
H. Arthur Steiner
The Amending Power of the Canadian Parliament pp. 437-449 Downloads
William S. Livingston
The Role of Contemporary Political Parties in Chile* pp. 450-463 Downloads
Roger S. Abbott
The Parliamentary Role of Joint Standing Committees in Sweden pp. 464-473 Downloads
Neil C. M. Elder
British By-elections, 1950 pp. 474-478 Downloads
Richard M. Scammon
The Federal Bureau of Investigation. By Max Lowenthal. (New York: William Sloane Associates, Inc.1950. Pp. ix, 559. $4.50.) - Security, Loyalty and Science. By Walter Gellhorn. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1950. Pp. viii, 300. $3.00.) - The Loyalty of Free Men. By Alan Barth. (New York: Viking Press. 1951. Pp. xxxi, 253. $3.00.) - National Security and Individual Freedom. By Harold D. Lasswell. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1950. Pp. xiii, 259. $3.50.) pp. 534-537 Downloads
McGeorge Bundy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la Science Politique de Son Temps. By Robert Derathé, with preface by B. Mirkine-Guetzévitch and Marcel Prélot. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1950. Pp. xiv, 463.) pp. 537-541 Downloads
Thomas I. Cook
Man in His Pride; A Study in the Political Philosophy of Thucydides and Plato. By David Grene. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 231. $4.00.) pp. 541-543 Downloads
Roy C. Macridis
The Social Crisis of Our Time. By Wilhelm Röpke. Translated by Annette and Peter Schiffer Jacobsohn. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1950. Pp. 260. $3.50.) pp. 543-545 Downloads
David Spitz
Liberal Democracy; Its Merits and Prospects. By J. Roland Pennock. (New York: Rinehart and Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 403. $4.00.) pp. 545-548 Downloads
Charles S. Hyneman
The Psychology of Dictatorship; Based on an Examination of the Leaders of Nazi Germany. By G. M. Gilbert. (New York: Ronald Press Co.1950. Pp. viii, 327. $4.00.) pp. 548-549 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
The Law of the United Nations; A Critical Analysis of Its Fundamental Problems. By Hans Kelsen. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1950. Pp. xvii, 903. $18.75.) pp. 549-552 Downloads
Leland M. Goodrich
Fundamentals of World Organization. By Werner Levi. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 233. $3.00.) pp. 552-553 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton
The Road to Pearl Harbor; The Coming of the War between the United States and Japan. By Herbert Feis. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 356. $5.00.) pp. 554-555 Downloads
Claude A. Buss
Soviet Politics—The Dilemma of Power; The Role of Ideas in Social Change. By Barrington MooreJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xviii, 503. $6.00.) - Public Opinion in Soviet Russia; A Study in Mass Persuasion. By Alex Inkeles. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xix, 379. $5.00.) pp. 555-558 Downloads
Alex N. Dragnich
Justice in Russia; An Interpretation of Soviet Law. By Harold J. Berman. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 322. $4.75.) pp. 558-561 Downloads
George C. Guins
Tito and Goliath. By Hamilton Fish Armstrong. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. xi, 312. $3.50.) pp. 561-562 Downloads
Andrew Gyorgy
Honduras; An Area Study in Government. By William S. Stokes. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 351. $6.00.) pp. 562-563 Downloads
George I. Blanksten
The Purse and the Sword; Control of the Army by Congress through Military Appropriations, 1933–1950. By Elias Huzar. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1950. Pp. xiv, 417. $4.50.) pp. 564-565 Downloads
James L. McCamy
The Right to Organize and Its Limits; A Comparison of Policies in the United States and Selected European Countries. By Kurt Braun. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. 1950. Pp. xiii, 331. $3.00.) pp. 565-566 Downloads
Emily Clark Brown
A Half Century of Municipal Reform; The History of the National Municipal League. By Frank Mann Stewart. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 289. $5.00.) pp. 566-567 Downloads
Frederick P. Gruenberg
The Human Community; Its Philosophy and Practice for a Time of Crisis. By Baker Brownell. (New York: Harper and Bros. 1950. Pp. vi, 305. $4.00.) pp. 568-569 Downloads
Paul P. Van Riper
Charles Evans Hughes and the Supreme Court. By Samuel Hendel. (New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University. 1951. Pp. xii, 337. $4.50.) pp. 570-570 Downloads
Wallace Mendelson
American State and Local Government. By Clyde F. Snider. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1950. Pp. xiv, 639. $5.00.) pp. 571-572 Downloads
Emmett Asseff
A Guide to the Microfilm Collection of Early State Records. Prepared by the Library of Congress in association with the University of North Carolina. Collected and compiled under the direction of William Sumner Jenkins; edited by Lillian A. Hamrick. (Washington D. C.: Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. 1950. Pp. xxxviii, 762. $5.00.) pp. 571-571 Downloads
James B. Childs
Church Lobbying in the Nation's Capital. By Luke Eugene Ebersole. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1951. Pp. xi, 195. $2.75.) pp. 572-572 Downloads
Revolt of the Rednecks; Mississippi Politics 1876–1925. By Albert D. Kirwan. (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. 1951. Pp. xii, 328. $4.50.) pp. 572-572 Downloads
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Volume 2, January 1777 to June 1779; Volume 3, June 1779 to September 1780. Edited by Julian P. Boyd. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950; 1951. Pp. xxiv, 667; xxxiii, 672. $10.00 each.) pp. 572-572 Downloads
Principles and Problems of American National Government. By John M. Swarthout and Ernest R. Bartley. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp xi, 700. $4.25.) pp. 572-573 Downloads
The Theory and Practice of American National Government. By Carl Brent Swisher. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1951. Pp. viii, 949, xix. $5.00.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
American Government; National, State and Local. By Claudius O. Johnson. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1951. Pp. xx, 1068. $5.00.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
American National Government. By Claudius O. Johnson. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1951. Pp. xix, 810. $4.25.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
American City Government and Administration. By Austin F. MacDonald. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1951. Pp. xvi, 699. $4.50.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
Great Issues; The Making of Current American Policy. By Nelson M. Blake, W. Freeman Galpin, Harry Schwartz, Sidney C. Sufrin, Philip H. Taylor and Warren B. Walsh. Edited by Stuart Gerry Brown. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1951. Pp. viii, 578. $3.00.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
A Preliminary Study of Government Management in North Carolina. By Roma Sawyer Cheek. (Durham: Christian Printing Company. 1950. Pp. 127.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
Legislative Reapportionment. By Margaret Greenfield. (Berkeley: Bureau of Public Administration, University of California. 1951. Pp. 57. $1.25.) pp. 573-573 Downloads
The Politics of California; A Book of Readings. By David Farrelly and Ivan Hinderaker. (New York: Ronald Press Co.1951. Pp. viii, 320. $3.25.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
Workmen's-Compensation in New Mexico. By Robert W. Thomas. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, Department of Economics. 1950. Pp. v, 179. $2.00.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
The Question of Autonomy for the United States Air Arm, 1907–1945. By R. Earl McClendon. (Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Library, Documentary Research Division. 1950. 2 parts. Pp. v, 317.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
The Italian Vote in Philadelphia between 1928 and 1946. By Hugo V. Mailey. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. 1950. Pp. x, 165.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
The Territorial Delegate to Congress and Other Essays. By Everett S. Brown. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: George Wahr Publishing Co.1950. Pp. 192.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
The Schools of Corporate Reform. By Harold Gill Reuschlein. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 117. $2.50.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
Executive Action. By Edmund P. Learned, David N. Ulrich and Donald R. Booz. (Boston: Harvard Business School. 1951. Pp. xiii, 218. $3.25.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
Economics of National Security. Edited by George A. Lincoln, William S. Stone, and Thomas H. Harvey. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1950. Pp. xvi, 601. $5.00.) pp. 574-574 Downloads
Friend of the People; The Life of Dr. Peter Fayssoux of Charleston, South Carolina. By Chalmers G. Davidson. (Columbia: The Medical Association of South Carolina. 1950. Pp. vii, 151. $2.75.) pp. 575-575 Downloads
La Crise de L'État aux États-Unis. By Roger Pinto. (Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit & de Jurisprudence. 1951. Pp. 248.) pp. 575-575 Downloads
Das Parlamentarische Regierungs-system in Deutschland, Grossbritannien und Frankreich. By Friedrich Glum. (Munich: C. H. Beck. 1950. Pp. xi, 414.) pp. 580-581 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich
The Reorganization of Provincial-Municipal Relations in Nova Scotia. 2 volumes with supplement, Provincial-Municipal Relations in Other Provinces, and bibliography. Prepared by the Nova Scotia Municipal Bureau, Donald C. Rowat, Director of Research. (Halifax: Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University. 1949. Pp. vii, 336, 105.) pp. 581-582 Downloads
Edward W. Weidner
Constitutional Law; An Outline of the Law and Practice of the Constitution, Including Central and Local Government and the Constitutional Relations of the British Commonwealth and Empire. By E. C. S. Wade and G. Godfrey Phillips. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1950. Pp. xxix, 535. $7.00.) pp. 582-583 Downloads
Soviet Trade Unions; Their Place in Soviet Labour Policy. By Isaac Deutscher. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1950. Pp. ix, 156. $1.75.) pp. 582-582 Downloads
Walter Galenson
A Hundred Years of English Government. By K. B. Smellie. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. 362. $3.75.) pp. 583-583 Downloads
The General Election in Glasgow February, 1950; Essays by Members of the Staff of the University of Glasgow. Edited by S. B. Chrimes. (Glasgow: Jackson, Son & Company. 1950. Pp. xi, 189. 15/-.) pp. 583-583 Downloads
Generals and Politicians; Conflict between France's High Command, Parliament and Government, 1914–1918. By Jere Clemens King. (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1951. Pp. 294. $3.50.) pp. 583-583 Downloads
Studi Sui Partiti Politici. By Giuseppe D. Ferri. (Roma: Edizioni Dell'Ateneo. 1950. Pp. 180. L. 750.) pp. 583-583 Downloads
Neuerwerbungen Mai 1945–Dezember 1948. By Institut fuer Weltwirtschaft an der Universitaet Kiel. (Kiel: Institut fuer Weltwirtschaft. August 1949. Pp. 258.) pp. 583-583 Downloads
Politisches Jahrbuch der CDU/CSU, 1960. Edited by Bruno Dörpinghaus and Kurt Witt. (Frankfurt a.M.: K. G. Lohse. Pp. 336.) pp. 583-583 Downloads
Sur la voie de Guéorgui Dimitrov, en avant vers de nouveaux succès et de nouvelles victoires. By Valko Tchervenkov (Vulko Chervenkov). (Sofia: Direction de la Presse. 1949. Pp. 72.) pp. 584-585 Downloads
The Soviet Union; Background, Ideology, Reality. Edited by Waldemar Gurian. (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 1951. Pp. vii, 216. $3.50.) pp. 584-584 Downloads
Pravo gosudarstvennoi sobstvennosti na zemliu v. SSSR [The Legal Status of Government-owned Land in the U.S.S.R.]. By G. A. Aksenenok. (Moscow: Gosud. izdatel'stvo juridicheskoi literatury. 1950. Pp. 307.) pp. 584-584 Downloads
Geography of the USSR; A Regional Survey. By Theodore Shabad. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. xxxii, 584. $8.50.) pp. 584-584 Downloads
Iz istorii otechestvennogo fronta Bolgarii (Iul' 1942–Sentjabr' 1944) [From the History of the Bulgarian Fatherland Front]. By L. B. Valev. (Moscow: Akademiia Nauk SSSR.1950. Pp. 103.) pp. 584-584 Downloads
Le procès de Traïtcho Kostov et de son groupe. (Sofia: Direction de la Presse. 1950. Pp. 622.) pp. 584-584 Downloads
Report of the Eighth National Conference of the Socialist Party. Published by Nadhu Limaye, Joint Secretary. (Bombay. 1950. Pp. 253.) pp. 585-586 Downloads
Georgi Dimitrov, 1882–1949. By B'lgarski Bibliografski Institut. (Sofija: Botev. 1949. Pp. 122.) pp. 585-585 Downloads
Facts on Greek Local Government; A Preliminary Outline. By Civil Government Division, Economic Cooperation Administration. (Athens, Greece: Economic Cooperation Administration. 1950. Pp. ii, 102.) pp. 585-585 Downloads
Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications in Western Languages; Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications in the Russian Language; Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications in Far Eastern Languages. By Reference Department, Library of Congress. (Washington, D.C.: 1950. Pp. ix, 155; xi, 84; viii, 167. [Multilith.] $1.10; $0.65; $1.15. For sale by Card Division, Library of Congress.) pp. 585-585 Downloads
The Population of India and Pakistan. By Kingsley Davis. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. Pp. xvi. 263. $7.50.) pp. 585-585 Downloads
All Through the Gandhian Era. By A. S. Iyengar. (Bombay: Hind Kitabs, Ltd.1950. Pp. 327.) pp. 586-586 Downloads
Tratados y convenios de Colombia, 1938–1948. Compiled and Edited by Nicolás García Samudio. (Bogota: Imprenta Nacional. 1950. Pp. xvii, 772.) pp. 586-586 Downloads
L'influence des systèmes électoraux sur la vie politique. By Maurice Duverger. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. Published under the auspices of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques. 1950. Pp. 177.) pp. 586-586 Downloads
Political Parties in Western Germany. By Ernest Wilhelem Meyer. (Washington, D.C.: Europian Affaris Division, Library of Congress. 1951. Pp. 52.) pp. 586-586 Downloads
Le Gouvernement parlementaire en Angleterre. By Harold J. Laski. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1950. Pp. 300.) pp. 587-587 Downloads
America's Colonial Experiment; How the United States Gained, Governed, and in Part Gave Away a Colonial Empire. By Julius W. Pratt. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1950. Pp. xi, 460. $6.00.) pp. 590-591 Downloads
Linden A. Mander
Tensions Affecting International Understanding; A Survey of Research. By Otto Klineberg. (New York: Social Science Research Council. 1950. Pp. xi, 227. $1.75.) pp. 591-592 Downloads
Robert R. Wilson
The United Nations in Action. By Eugene P. Chase. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1950. Pp. xii, 464. $4.50.) pp. 592-593 Downloads
Walter R. Sharp
Cases and Materials on International Law. By Edwin D. Dickinson. (Brooklyn: The Foundation Press, Inc.1950. Pp. xxix, 740. $8.00.) pp. 593-594 Downloads
Carl Q. Christol
A Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations. By Norman Bentwich and Andrew Martin. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xxviii, 239 $2.75.) - United Nations Textbook. Compiled by the “Professor Teders” Study Group at Leyden University. (Leyden: Universitaire Pers.1950. Pp. xiv, 355. 5.90 guilders.) pp. 594-595 Downloads
Leland M. Goodrich
The Year Book of World Affairs, 1951. Edited by George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenberger. (London: Stevens and Sons, 1951. Pp. 428. 30s.) pp. 595-595 Downloads
Albert C. F. Westphal
Documents on American Foreign Relations, Volume XI, 1949. Edited by Raymond Dennett and Robert K. Turner. (Princeton, N. J.: Published for World Peace Foundation by Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. xxiv, 728. $6.00.) pp. 595-595 Downloads
Foreign Relations of the United States; Diplomatic Papers, 1934. Volume IV, The American Republics. Compiled by the U. S. Department of State. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1951. Pp. lxv, 640. $2.75.) pp. 595-595 Downloads
Herbert Hoover's Latin-American Policy. By Alexander Deconde. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 1951. Pp. xiii, 154. $3.00.) pp. 595-596 Downloads
Special Business Interests and the Open Door Policy. By Charles S. CampbellJr., (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1951. Pp. 88. $3.00.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
British Policy and the Independence of Latin America, 1804–1828. By William W. Kaufmann. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1951. Pp. viii, 238. $3.75.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
The Diplomatic Yearbook. Edited by Myron Leslie Hurwitz. (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company in association with United Nations World. 1951. Pp. xii, 836. $20.00.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
Addresses Upon the American Road, 1948–1950. By Herbert Hoover. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 221. $3.50.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
The United States and Europe; A Bibliographical Examination of Thought Expressed in American Publications During 1950. By European Affairs Division, Library of Congress. (Washington, D. C.: 1951. Pp. iii, 209. [Multilith.] $1.00. For sale by Card Division, Library of Congress.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
Korean-American Relations; Documents Pertaining to the Far Eastern Diplomacy of the United States. Vol. 1, 1883–1886. Edited by George M. McCune and John A. Harrison. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1951. Pp. viii, 163. Paper, $2.50.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
The British Press and Wilsonian Neutrality. By Armin Rappaport. University Series, History, Economics, and Political Science, Vol. VII, No. 1. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1951. Pp. 162. Paper, $2.50.) pp. 596-596 Downloads
The Soviets in World Affairs, 1917–1929. By Louis Fischer. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1951. 2 vols. Pp. xviii, vii, 892. $10.00.) pp. 597-598 Downloads
Yearbook of the United Nations, 1948–1949. (New York: Columbia University Press in co-operation with the United Nations. 1950. Pp. xi, 1171. $12.50.) pp. 597-597 Downloads
Everyman's United Nations. Prepared by Department of Public Information, United Nations. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. vi, 313. $1.25.) pp. 597-597 Downloads
A World Airlift; The United Nations Air Police Patrol. By Elvira K. Fradkin. (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company. 1950. Pp. viii, 216. $2.85.) pp. 597-597 Downloads
Basic Documents of International Relations. Edited by Frederick H. Hartmann. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1951. Pp. xv, 312. $3.25.) pp. 597-597 Downloads
Sociological Aspects of Law and International Adjustment. By Ch. Boasson. (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. 1950. Pp. 120. 7.50 florins.) pp. 597-597 Downloads
Psychological Factors of Peace and War. Edited by T. H. Pear. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. 262. $4.75.) pp. 597-597 Downloads
The World of the Slavs. by Albert Mousset. Translated by A. M. Lavenu. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger Inc.1950. Pp. ix, 204. $3.00.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
The Balance of Payments and the Standard of Living. By R. G. Hawtrey. (London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1950. Pp. 158. $1.75.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
The Dollar Shortage. By Charles P. Kindleberger. (Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press and New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1950. Pp. ix, 276. $4.00.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
Wealth of Colonies; The Marshall Lectures. By W. K. Hancock. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1950. Pp. 81. $1.75.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
The Australian Frontier in New Guinea, 1870–1885. By Donald Craigie Gordon. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. 301. $4.25.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
Manuel de Droit d'Outre-Mer; Union Française: Afrique du Nord, Territoires d'Outre-Mer, Indochine. By François Luchaire. (Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey. 1949. Pp. 574.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
La Carte Impériale; Histoire de la France Outre-Mer, 1940-1945. By Maurice Martin du Gard. (Paris: Éditions André Bonne. 1949. Pp. 465.) pp. 598-598 Downloads
Menaces sur le Viet-Nam. By Pierre Célerier. (Saigon: Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient. 1950. Pp. 292.) pp. 598-599 Downloads
L'Idée Européenne et sa Réalisation. By Edouard Bonnefous. Preface by André Siegfried. (Paris: Éditions du Grand Siècle. 1950. Pp. 357.) pp. 599-599 Downloads
Tito, Maréchal des Traîtres. By Renaud de Jouvenel. (Paris: La Bibliothèque Française. 1950. Pp. 174.) pp. 599-599 Downloads
Die geheime Front; Organisation, Personen und Aktionen des deutschen Geheimdienstes. By Walter Hagen (Pseud.). (Zuerich: Europa-Verlag. 1950. Pp. 509.) pp. 599-599 Downloads
Za oktombrijskata revoliutsija, s'vetskija s'iuz i b'lgaro-s'vetskata druzhba [The October Revolution, the Soviet Union and the Bulgaro-Soviet Friendship]. By Vasil Kolarov. (Sofija: Izdatelstvo na B'lgarskata Kommunisticheska Partija. 1949. Pp. 355.) pp. 599-599 Downloads
Ekonomicheskaia politika tsarskogo pravitel'stva na Srednem Vostoke vo vtoroi chetverti XIX-go veka i russkaia burzhuaziia [The Economic Policy of the Tsarist Government in the Near East in the Second Half of the 19th Century and the Russian Bourgeoisie]. By M. K. Rozhkova. (Moscow-Leningrad: Akademiia Nauk SSSR. 1949. Pp. 391.) pp. 599-599 Downloads
Organisation and Equipment for War. By Sir Ronald M. Weeks. The Lees Knowles Lectures on Military History, 1948. (Cambridge University Press. 1950. Pp. 132.) pp. 600-600 Downloads
Korea Handbook. Edited by R. Palme Dutt. (London: A publication of the Labour Monthly. 1950. Pp. 96.) pp. 600-600 Downloads
Pervyi vsemirnyi kongress storonnikov mira, Parizh-Praga 20-25 aprela 1949 goda; Materialy. [The First World Congress of the Adherents of Peace.] (Moscow: Gosud. izd. politich. literatury. 1950. Pp. 536.) pp. 600-600 Downloads
Bombe ou Paix Atomique? By Dominique Desanti and Charles Haroche. (Paris: Éditions Sociales. 1950. Pp. 141.) pp. 600-600 Downloads
Main Currents in Modern Political Thought. By John H. Hallowell. (New York: Henry Holt & Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 759. $4.10.) pp. 607-608 Downloads
Frederick M. Watkins
Law and Social Action; Selected Essays of Alexander H. Pekelis. Edited by Milton R. Konvitz. (Ithaca & New York: Cornell University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 272. $3.50.) pp. 608-609 Downloads
Robert A. Horn
The Declaration of Independence and What It Means Today. By Edward Dumbauld. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 194. $3.00.) pp. 609-610 Downloads
Jack W. Peltason
A Philosophy of Labor. By Frank Tannenbaum. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1951. Pp. 199. $2.75.) pp. 610-610 Downloads
Avery Leiserson
A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. (6 vols.) By R. W. Carlyle and A. J. Carlyle. (New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc. $35.00 a set. Vols. 1, 2 & 3, $5.25 ea.; vols. 4, 5 & 6, $7.50 ea.) pp. 610-610 Downloads
An Arab Philosophy of History; Selections from the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun of Tunis (1332–1406). Translated and arranged by Charles Issawi. (London: John Murray. 1950. Pp. xiv, 190. 6s.) pp. 610-611 Downloads
Bakounine et le panslavisme révolutionnaire; Cinq essais sur l'histoire des idées en Russie et en Europe. By Benoit-P. Hepner. (Paris: Marcel Rivière et Cie. 1950. Pp. 320.) pp. 611-611 Downloads
Marxism, Freedom and the State. By Michael Bakunin. Translated by K. J. Kenafick. (London: Freedom Press. 1950. Pp. 63. 5s.) pp. 611-611 Downloads
Imperialism and Social Classes. By Joseph A. Schumpeter. Translated by Heinz Norden. Edited by Paul M. Sweezy. (New York: Augustus M. Kelley, Inc.1951. Pp. XXV, 221. $3.00.) pp. 611-611 Downloads
The Case for Conservatism. By Francis Graham Wilson. (Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1951. Pp. v, 74. $1.75.) pp. 611-611 Downloads
The Principles of Economic Planning. By W. Arthur Lewis. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1951. Pp. 128. Paper $2.00, Cloth $2.50.) pp. 611-611 Downloads

Volume 45, issue 1, 1951

The Primacy of Politics* pp. 1-17 Downloads
James K. Pollock
The Komsomols—A Study of Youth under Dictatorship* pp. 18-40 Downloads
Merle Fainsod
The Operation of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 pp. 41-68 Downloads
George B. Galloway
Research in the Political Process* pp. 69-85 Downloads
Oliver Garceau
Constitutional Law in 1949–1950 pp. 86-109 Downloads
Robert J. Harris
How Far Does the Constitution Separate Church and State? pp. 110-132 Downloads
Lynford A. Lardner
Our More Perfect Union; From Eighteenth-Century Principles to Twentieth-Century Practice. By Arthur N. Holcombe. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 460. $6.00.) pp. 209-210 Downloads
Don K. Price
Crisis in Britain; Plans and Achievements of the Labour Government. By Robert Brady. (Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 730. $5.00.) - Five Years of British Labour, 1945–1950; A Symposium (Reprinted from the Journal of Politics, Vol. 12, No. 2, May 1950). Edited by René de Visme Williamson and Lee S. Greene. (Gainesville, Florida: Kallman Publishing Company. 1950. Pp. ix, 187–404. $2.00.) pp. 210-213 Downloads
Rexford G. Tugwell
Morgenthau, the New Deal and Silver; A Story of Pressure Politics. By Allan Seymour Everest. (New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University. 1950. Pp. viii, 209. $3.50.) pp. 214-215 Downloads
Joseph E. Reeve
Melville Weston Fuller; Chief Justice of the United States, 1888–1910. By Willard L. King. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. x, 394. $5.00.) pp. 215-216 Downloads
Arnaud B. Leavelle
From the Wagner Act to Taft-Hartley; A Study of National Labor Policy and Labor Relations. By Harry A. Millis and Emily Clark Brown. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1950. Pp. x, 724. $8.50.) pp. 216-218 Downloads
Lloyd H. Fisher
The New Society; The Anatomy of Industrial Order. By Peter F. Drucker. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. ix, 356. $5.00.) pp. 219-221 Downloads
Merle Fainsod
The English Utilitarians. By John Plamenatz. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. New York: Macmillan Co. 1949. Pp. 228. $2.25.) - The English Utilitarians. By Leslie Stephen. (New York: Peter Smith. 1950. 3 volumes. Pp. viii, 525. $15.00.) pp. 221-222 Downloads
Louis Hartz
An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States. By John Taylor. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. 562. $7.50.) pp. 222-223 Downloads
Charles M. Wiltse
John Quincy Adams; His Theory and Ideas. By George A. Lipsky. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. 1950. Pp. xii, 347. $4.50.) pp. 223-224 Downloads
Clinton Rossiter
Freedom, Power and Democratic Planning. By Karl Mannheim. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. xxiv, 384. $5.00.) pp. 224-227 Downloads
David Spitz
People or Masses; A Comparative Study in Political Theory. By Sister Thomas Albert Corbett. (Washington, D. C.: Catholic University of America Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 241. $2.75.) pp. 227-228 Downloads
Howard B. White
International Law and Human Rights. By H. Lauterpacht. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1950. Pp. xvi, 475. $8.50.) pp. 229-230 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
The Occupation of Japan; Second Phase, 1948–50. By Robert A. Fearey. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 239. $3.00.) pp. 230-232 Downloads
Ralph J. D. Braibanti
Public Administration. By Herbert A. Simon, Donald W. Smithburg and Victor A. Thompson. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1950. Pp. xv, 582, xviii. $6.00.) pp. 233-234 Downloads
Wallace S. Sayre
Pressures on Congress; A Study of the Repeal of Chinese Exclusion. By Fred W. Riggs. (New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University. 1950. Pp. xv, 260. $3.75.) pp. 234-235 Downloads
Charles W. Shull
Intergovernmental Relations in the U. S. As Observed in the State of Minnesota. Edited by William Anderson and Edward W. Weidner. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.) I—Intergovernmental Relations and the Courts. By Forrest Talbott. (1950. Pp. xi, 148. 83.00); II—Intergovernmental Relations in Highways. By R. A. Gomez. (1950. Pp. vii, 123. $2.50.); and III—Intergovernmental Relations in Education. By Robert L. Morlan. (1950. Pp. xi, 220. $3.50.) pp. 235-236 Downloads
Joseph E. McLean
The New Nation; A History of the United States during the Confederation, 1781–1789. By Merrill Jensen. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1950. Pp. xviii, 433, xi. $5.00.) pp. 236-237 Downloads
Carl Brent Swisher
Hugo L. Black; A Study in the Judicial Process. By Charlotte Williams. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1950. Pp. vii, 208. $3.50.) pp. 236-236 Downloads
Robert J. Harris
County Government Across the Nation. Edited by Paul W. Wager. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 817. $7.50.) pp. 237-238 Downloads
W. Brooke Graves
The Know-Nothing Party in the South. By W. Darrell Overdyke. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 322. $4.00.) pp. 237-237 Downloads
Franklin L. Burdette
Police Administration. By O. W. Wilson. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1950. Pp. x, 540. $6.00.) pp. 238-239 Downloads
Bruce Smith
America's New Frontier; The Mountain West. By Morris E. Garnsey. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1950. Pp. xviii, 314, ix. $3.50.) pp. 239-240 Downloads
Ernest A. Engelbert
The American As Reformer. By Arthur M. Schlesinger. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 127. $2.25.) pp. 240-240 Downloads
A Journal of the McKinley Years. By Charles G. Dawes, Edited With A Foreword by Bascom N. Timmons. (Chicago: Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. 1950. Pp. xxiv, 458. $3.00.) pp. 240-240 Downloads
Aspects of American Government. Edited by Sidney D. Bailey With A Foreword by Stephen King-Hall. (London: The Hansard Society. 1950. Pp. vi, 201. $.85.) pp. 240-240 Downloads
Cases on Constitutional Law. By Noel T. Dowling. (Brooklyn: Foundation Press, Inc.1950. Pp. xxxv, 1273. $8.50.) pp. 240-241 Downloads
John M. Kernochan
Your Rugged Constitution; How America's House of Freedom is Planned and Built. By Bruce Allyn Findlay and Esther Blair Findlay. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1950. Pp. 281. $3.00.) pp. 241-241 Downloads
The Public Library in the United States; The General Report of the Public Library Inquiry. By Robert D. Leigh. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 272. $3.75.) pp. 241-241 Downloads
Election Laws of the Forty-Eight States; How to Register and Vote. By Bertram M. Bernard. (New York: Oceana Publications. 1950. Pp. 96. Cloth, $2.00; paper $1.00.) pp. 241-241 Downloads
The Patronage System in Oklahoma. By H. O. Waldby. (Norman, Oklahoma: Transcript Company. 1950. Pp. 100. $1.00.) pp. 241-241 Downloads
Property Assessment in Kansas; A Study in Kansas Administrative History. By Jack F. Mckay. (Lawrence: University of Kansas, Bureau of Government Research. 1950. Pp. 124.) pp. 241-241 Downloads
Missouri; Its Resources, People and Institutions. Edited by Noel P. Gist, Thomas C. Morelock, Clarence M. Tucker and W. Francis English. (Columbia: Curators of the University of Missouri. 1950. Pp. 605.) pp. 241-242 Downloads
The Railroad Monopoly; An Instrument of Banker Control of the American Economy. By John G. Shott. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Institute. 1950. Pp. xi, 250. $3.00.) pp. 242-243 Downloads
State Personnel Administration in South Carolina. By Raymond Uhl. (Columbia: University of South Carolina. 1950. Pp. 85.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
Municipal Government in South Carolina. By George R. Sherrill and Robert H. Stoudemire. (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. 1950. Pp. 223.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
The Planning Function in Urban Government. By Robert Averill Walker. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1950. Pp. xxi, 410. $4.75.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
On the City Council. By Arthur W. Bromage. (Ann. Arbor: George Wahr Publishing Company. 1950. Pp. v, 81. Lithoprinted. $1.00.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
The Pittsburgh Manual; A Guide to the Government of the City of Pittsburgh. By William G. Willis. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 1950. Pp. xxx, 188. Paper, $1.50; bound, $2.50.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
The American Cigarette Industry; A Study in Economic Analysis and Public Policy. By Richard B. Tennant. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. xxvi, 411. $5.00.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
The Rural Economy of New England; A Regional Study. By John Donald Black. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xxiv, 796. $7.50.) pp. 242-242 Downloads
Radio and Television; An Introduction. By Giraud Chester and Garnet R. Garrison. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1950. Pp. xv, 550 pp. 243-243 Downloads
Freedom and Planning in Australia. By A. Campbell Garnett. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 331. $4.00.) pp. 247-248 Downloads
David G. Farrelly
Foreign Governments and Their Backgrounds. By John Clarke Adams, Wilfred B. Kerr, Julian Park, and Julius W. Pratt. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1950. Pp. x, 968. $5.00.) pp. 248-249 Downloads
Herbert McClosky
British Politics Since 1900. By D. C. Somervell. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. 270. $3.75.) pp. 248-248 Downloads
Arthur B. Dugan
The Front is Everywhere; Militant Communism in Action. By William R. Kintner. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 274. $3.75.) pp. 249-249 Downloads
Philip Selznick
Histoire Politique de la Presse, 1944–1949. By Jean Mottin. (Paris: Éditions “Bilans Hebdomadaires.” 1949. Pp. 188.) pp. 250-250 Downloads
Fritz T. Epstein
The Japan Science Review; Law and Politics, No. 1—Retrospect and Prospect of the Legal and Political Sciences in Japan. (Tokyo: Union of Japanese Societies of Law and Politics. 1940. Pp. iv, 111. $1.50.) pp. 250-251 Downloads
Claude E. Hawley
Digesto constitucional de la Nación Argentina. Issued by the Division Archivo Publicaciones y Museo of the Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina. (Buenos Aires: Imprenta del Congreso de la Nación. 1950. Pp. 559.) pp. 251-251 Downloads
James B. Childs
Den Danske Rigsdag, 1849–1949, udgivet af Statsministeriet og Rigsdagens praesidium. (Copenhagen: J. H. Schultz Forlag.) pp. 251-252 Downloads
James B. Childs
Constitutional Government and Democracy; Theory and Practice in Europe and America. By Carl J. Friedrich. (Boston: Ginn and Company. 1950. Pp. xvi, 688. $5.75.) pp. 252-252 Downloads
Scottish Democracy, 1815–1840; The Social and Intellectual Background. By Laurance James Saunders. (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, Ltd.1950. Pp. 444. 21s.) pp. 252-252 Downloads
The English Government at Work, 1327–1336; Vol. III—Local Administration and Justice. Edited by James F. Willard, William A. Morris and William H. DunhamJr., (Cambridge: Mediaeval Academy of America. 1950. Pp. xviii, 285. $5.00.) pp. 252-252 Downloads
Functional Representation; An Appeal to Supplement Political Representation. By Fritz Nova. (Dubuque: William C. Brown Company. 1950. Pp. vi, 99. $2.50.) pp. 252-252 Downloads
Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. By Fritz Hartung. (Stuttgart: K. F. Koehler Verlag. 1950. Pp. 378.) pp. 253-254 Downloads
Young Communists in the USSR; A Soviet Monograph Describing the Demands Made upon Members of the Komsomol Organization. Translated by Virginia Rhine. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1950. Pp. 92. Paper, $2.50.) pp. 253-253 Downloads
Democracy and the Quaker Method. By Francis E. Pollard, Beatrice E. Pollard and Robert S. W. Pollard. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. 160. $3.00.) pp. 253-253 Downloads
The Present Position of Foreign Area Studies in the United States; A Post-Conference Report. By Richard H. Heindel. (New York: Committee on World Area Research, Social Science Research Council. 1950. Pp. 64.) pp. 253-253 Downloads
Introduction to Europe; A Selective Guide to Background Reading. Prepared by the European Affairs Division, Library of Congress. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 1950. Pp. 201. $1.00.) pp. 253-253 Downloads
Research in Germany on Pressing Social Problems. By Dolf Sternberger. (Washington, D.C.: European Affairs Division, Library of Congress. 1951. Pp. 33.) pp. 253-253 Downloads
Stortinget og Statsrådet, 1915–1945. (Oslo, Norway. 1949. 2 vols.) pp. 253-253 Downloads
Gosudarstvennoe pravo stran narodnoi demokratii [The Constitutional Law of the Countries with People's Democracy]. BY N. P. Farberov. (Moscow: Gos. izdatel'stvo juridicheskoi literatury. 1949. Pp. 327.) pp. 254-255 Downloads
Neue deutsche Agrarpolitik. By Willy Neuling. (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1949. Pp. 250.) pp. 254-254 Downloads
Julius Rodenberg und die “Deutsche Rundschau”; eine Studie zur Publizistik des deutschen Liberalismus, 1870–1918. By Wilmont Haacke. Vol. II of Beiträge zur Publizistik, edited by W. Hagemann. (Heidelberg: Kurt Vowinckel Verlag. 1950. Pp. 206.) pp. 254-254 Downloads
L'administration locale à l'épreuve de la guerre, 1939–1949. By Pierre Doueil. (Paris: Recueil Sirey. Published under the auspices of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences politiques. 1950. Pp. 402.) pp. 254-254 Downloads
La France Équatoriale; Afrique Équatoriale française—Cameroun. By Edouard Trézenem and Bertrand Lembezat. Collections “Terres Lointaines,” Vol. I. 2nd ed. (Paris: Société d'Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales. 1950. Pp. 285.) pp. 254-254 Downloads
Io, communista in Russia. By Ettore Vanni. Testimoni per la storia del “nostro tempo.” Collana di memorie, diari e documenti, Vol. VI. (Bologna: Cappelli. 2nd ed. 1950. Pp. 266.) pp. 255-255 Downloads
Feliks Edmundovich Dzherzhinskii. By G. M. Liubarov. (Moscow: Pravda. 1950. Pp. 39.) - Feliks Dzierzyński. By Tadeusz Daniszewski. (Warsaw: Książka. 1948. Pp. 121.) pp. 255-255 Downloads
Stuttgart im Endstadium des Krieges. By Karl Strölin. (Stuttgart: Friedrich Vorwerk Verlag. 1950. Pp. 68.) pp. 255-255 Downloads
Gosudarstvennye dokhody SSSR [The State Revenues in the USSR]. By A. K. Suchkov. (Moscow: Gosfinizdat. 1949. Pp. 192.) pp. 255-255 Downloads
Boletin de la Biblioteca del Congreso, Nos. 60–72, 1947–8. (Buenos Aires: Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nacion. 1950) pp. 255-255 Downloads
Revista del Institute Etnologico National. Vol. IV. (Bogota, Colombia: Instituto Etnologico Y de Arqueologia. 1949–1950. Pp. 315.) pp. 256-256 Downloads
America's Second Crusade. By William Henry Chamberlin. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1950. Pp. viii, 372. $3.75.) pp. 265-266 Downloads
Norman D. Palmer
Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy 1950–1951. By the International Studies Group of Brookings Institution. (Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution. 1950. Pp. xiii, 416. Cloth $3.00. Paper $1.50.) pp. 266-267 Downloads
Albert C. F. Westphal
The American Impact on Russia; Diplomatic and Ideological, 1784–1917. By Max M. Laserson. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 441. $5.00.) pp. 267-268 Downloads
David Hecht
India and the United States; Political and Economic Relations. By Lawrence K. Rosinger. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. vii, 149. $2.75.) pp. 268-268 Downloads
Lennox A. Mills
A History of the Far East in Modern Times. By Harold M. Vinacke. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1950. Pp. xix, 785. $5.00.) pp. 268-268 Downloads
Principles and Problems of International Politics; Selected Readings. Edited by Hans J. Morgenthau and Kenneth W. Thompson. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1950. Pp. xiv, 68, xii. $4.00.) pp. 268-268 Downloads
Albert Gallatin and the Oregon Problem; A Study in Anglo-American Diplomacy. By Frederick Merk. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 97. $2.50.) pp. 269-269 Downloads
International Law Documents; 1948–1949. Prepared by U. S. Naval War College. (Washington D. C.: Government Printing Office. 1950. Pp. vii, 264. $1.25.) pp. 269-269 Downloads
Documentary Textbook on the United Nations; Humanity's March Towards Peace. By J. Eugene Harley. (Los Angeles: Center for International Understanding. 1950. Pp. xxvii, 1470. $12.50.) pp. 269-269 Downloads
Towards A World Community; Selected Speeches. Prepared by the Mount Holyoke Institute on the United Nations. (South Hadley, Massachusetts. 1950. Pp. 184. $2.00.) pp. 269-269 Downloads
The Diplomacy of the Dollar; First Era 1919–1932. By Herbert Feis. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1950. Pp. vii, 81. $2.25.) pp. 269-269 Downloads
The Security of the Middle East; A Problem Paper. Prepared by the International Studies Group of the Brookings Institution. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. 1950. Pp. v, 66. Paper, $.60.) - Anglo-American Economic Relations; A Problem Paper. Prepared by the International Studies Group of the Brookings Institution. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1950. Pp. vi, 74. Paper, $.60.) pp. 269-269 Downloads
The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain; A Study of the Interaction of Policy and Opinion. By John Howes Gleason. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 314. $5.00.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
International Crime and the U. S. Constitution. By Oliver SchroederJr., (Cleveland: Western Reserve University Press. 1950. Pp. iii, 75. Paper, $1.00.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
Germany and the Fight for Freedom. By Lucius D. Clay. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. 83. $2.00.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
Hitler Directs His War; The Secret Records of His Daily Military Conference Translated and Annotated by Felix Gilbert. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. xxxiii, 187. $3.25.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
Invasion 1944; Rommel and the Normandy Campaign. By Hans Speidel. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1950. Pp. xiii, 176. $2.75.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
Finland; The Adventures of A Small Power. By Hugh Shearman. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1950. Pp. xi, 114. $2.25.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
Pakistan; The Heart of Asia. By Liaquat Ali Khan. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 151. $3.00.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
War and Civilization; From a Study of History. By Arnold J. Toynbee, Selected by Albert V. Fowler. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 165, $2.50.) pp. 270-270 Downloads
Um Recht und Gerechtigkeit. (Festgabe fuer Erich Kaufmann zu seinem 70. Geburtstage 21. September, 1950.) Ueberreicht von Freunden, Verehrern und Schuelern. (Stuttgart und Koeln: W. Kohlhammer Verlag. 1950. Pp. vii, 402.) pp. 271-271 Downloads
Befehl im Widerstreit; Schicksalsstunden der deutschen Armee 1923–1945. By Adolf Heusinger. (Tuebingen und Stuttgart: Rainer Wunderlich Verlag. 1950. Pp. 396.) pp. 271-271 Downloads
D'une Guerre à l'autre, 1919–1939; Souvenirs. By General G. Réquin. (Paris: Charles-Lavauzelle & Cie. 1949. Pp. 258.) pp. 271-271 Downloads
Le drame de Vichy; Vol. I: Face à l'ennemi, face à l'allié. By Yves Bouthillier. (Paris: Plon. 1950. Pp. 320.) pp. 271-271 Downloads
Histoire de la Résistance, 1940–1944. By Henri Michel. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1950. Pp. 127. Que sais-je No. 429.) pp. 271-272 Downloads
Trente ans de sureté nationale. By Jean Belin. (Paris: Bibliothèque France-Soir. 1950. Pp. 328.) pp. 272-272 Downloads
Les Fabricants de Guerres; Espions allemands 1918–1950. By Jacques Bloch-Morhange. (Paris: Editions “Je sers.”1950. Pp. 289.) pp. 272-272 Downloads
Frédéric Joliot-Curie. By Michel Rouzé. (Paris: Les éditeurs français réunis. 1950. Pp. 77.) pp. 272-272 Downloads
Die Entstehung eines neuen Volkes aus Binnendeutschen und Ostvertriebenen. By Eugen Lemberg and Lothar Krecker. (Marburg: N. G. Elwert Verlag. Schriften des Instituts fuer Kultur- und Sozialforschung, Muenchen, Vol. I. 1950. Pp. 168.) pp. 272-272 Downloads
Ostwärts der Oder und Neisse; Tatsachen aus Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Recht. By Peter-Heinz Seraphim, Reinhart Maurach and Gerhart Wolfrum. (Hannover: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsanstalt K. G. Hannover v. Schroedel-Siemau & Co.1949. Pp. 136, 10 maps.) - Ostdeutschland; ein Hand-und Nachschlagebuch fuer die Gebiete ostwaerts von Oder und Neisse. Edited by the Goettinger Arbeitskreis. (Kitzingen/Main: Holzner-Verlag. 1950. Pp. 168.) pp. 272-272 Downloads
Ziemie Lubuska. Edited by M. Sczaniecki and St. Zajchowska. (Poznań: Drukarnia Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego. 1950. Pp. 579.) pp. 273-273 Downloads
Ideologiia i politika Vatikana na sluzhbe imperializma [The Ideology and Politics of the Vatican in the Service of Imperialism]. By M. M. Sheinman. (Moscow: Gos. izdatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury. 1950. Pp. 224.) pp. 273-273 Downloads
Materialy sudebnogo protsessa po delu byvshich voenno-sluzhashchich japonskoi armii, obviniaemych v podgotovke i primenenii bakteriologicheskogo oruzheniia. (Moscow: Gos. Izdatel'stvo politicheskoi literatury. 1950. Pp. 538.) pp. 273-273 Downloads
Procesy wielkich zbrodniarzy wojennych w Polsce [The Trials of the Great War Criminals in Poland]. By Tadeusz Cyprian and Jerży Sawicki. (Łódz: Czytelnik. 1949. Pp. 32.) pp. 273-273 Downloads
Diplomaticheskii immunitet [Diplomatic Immunity]. By D. B. Levin. (Moscow-Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Institut Prava. 1949. Pp. 415.) pp. 274-275 Downloads
Velká řínová socialistická revoluce a naše národní svoboda [The Great Socialist October Revolution and our National Freedom.] (Brno: Rovnost1950. Pp. 122.) pp. 274-274 Downloads
Materialy do dziejów nowożytnych ziem zachodnich [Materials on the history of the Western territories in modern times]. 2 vols pp. 274-274 Downloads
Droit international et histoire diplomatique. (“Textes et Statistiques” publ. by the Faculty of Law and other institutions of the University of Grenoble. Vol. II.) By Claude-Albert Colliard. (Paris: Editions Domat Montchrestien. 1948. Pp. 527.) pp. 274-274 Downloads
Colonial Peoples' Struggle for Liberation. Reports to the Institute of Economics and Pacific Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Bombay: People's Publishing House. 1949. Pp. 99.) pp. 274-274 Downloads
The American Mind; An Interpretation of American Thought and Character since the 1880's. By Henry Steele Commager. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 476. $5.00.) pp. 284-284 Downloads
Marian D. Irish
Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays. By T. H. Marshall. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1950. Pp. 154. $2.50.) pp. 284-285 Downloads
Thomas P. Jenkin
Introduction to Political Science. By Joseph S. Roucek, George B. De Huszar and Associates. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. 1950. Pp. xiv, 696. $4.75.) pp. 285-286 Downloads
J. Ben Stalvey
The Open Society and Its Enemies. By Karl R. Popper. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. xii, 732. $7.50.) pp. 286-287 Downloads
Public Opinion and Political Dynamics. By Marbury Bladen OgleJr., (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1950. Pp. v, 362, $3.50.) pp. 286-286 Downloads
Lincoln Harter
The Discourses of Niccolo Machiavelli. Translated with an introduction by Leslie J. Walker. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. 2 Vols. Pp. xiii, 585; v, 390. $15.00 per set.) pp. 286-286 Downloads
A Study of Power; World Politics and Personal Insecurity. By Harold D. Lasswell. Political Power. By Charles E. Merriam. Power and Conscience. by T. V. Smith. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press. 1950. Pp. v, 307; vii, 331; xv, 373. $6.00.) pp. 286-286 Downloads
Vom Historismus zur Soziologie. By Carlo Antoni. Translated by Walter Goetz. (Stuttgart: K. F. Koehler Verlag. 1950. Pp. 307.) pp. 287-288 Downloads
Perspectives on a Troubled Decade; Science, Philosophy, and Religion, 1939–1949. Edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein and R. M. MacIver. (New York: Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion. Distributed by Harper & Brothers. 1950. Pp. xvii, 901. $5.50.) pp. 287-287 Downloads
Mid-Century; The Social Implications of Scientific Progress. Edited and annotated by John Ely Burchard. (Cambridge & New York: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., joint publishers. 1950. Pp. xx, 549. $7.50.) pp. 287-287 Downloads
Social Philosophies of an Age of Crisis. By Pitirim A. Sorokin. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 345. $4.00.) pp. 287-287 Downloads
The Economics of Collective Action. By John R. Commons. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 414. $5.00.) pp. 287-287 Downloads
Geschichtsschreibung und Weltanschauung; Betrachtungen zum Werk Friedrich Meineckes. By Walther Hofer. (Muenchen: R. Oldenbourg. 1950. Pp. 553.) pp. 287-287 Downloads
Dogma and Wirklichkeitssinn in der Sowjetwirtschaft. By Adolf Weber. (Sitzungsberichte der Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philos.-hist-orische Klasse. Jg. 1950. Heft 1. Pp. 52.) pp. 288-288 Downloads
Anthologie politique. By Adrien Favre. (Paris: J. Peyronnet & Cie. 1950. Pp. 236.) pp. 288-288 Downloads
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