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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 64, issue 4, 1970

Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics* pp. 1033-1053 Downloads
Giovanni Sartori
Personality and Conformity: The Learning of Political Attitudes* pp. 1054-1073 Downloads
Giuseppe Di Palma and Herbert McClosky
Political Money pp. 1074-1087 Downloads
James S. Coleman
Creating Political Reality* pp. 1088-1098 Downloads
Henry S. Kariel
A Causal Approach to Nonrandom Measurement Errors pp. 1099-1111 Downloads
H. M. Blalock
Modernization and the Politics of Communalism: A Theoretical Perspectve1 pp. 1112-1130 Downloads
Robert Melson and Howard Wolpe
Soldiers in Mufti: The Impact of Military Rule Upon Economic and Social Change in the Non-Western States1 pp. 1131-1148 Downloads
Eric A. Nordlinger
The Representation of Citizens by Political Authorities: Consequences for Regime Support* pp. 1149-1166 Downloads
Edward N. Muller
Dimensions of Candidate Evaluation* pp. 1167-1185 Downloads
Herbert F. Weisberg and Jerrold G. Rusk
Correlates of Public Sentiments About War: Local Referenda on the Vietnam Issue pp. 1186-1198 Downloads
Harlan Hahn
Political Trust and Racial Ideology* pp. 1199-1219 Downloads
Joel D. Aberbach and Jack L. Walker
The Effect of the Australian Ballot Reform on Split Ticket Voting: 1876–1908* pp. 1220-1238 Downloads
Jerrold G. Rusk
Political Parties, Interest Representation and Economic Development in Poland* pp. 1239-1245 Downloads
Jerzy J. Wiatr
[no title] pp. 1246-1246 Downloads
Bryan S. R. Green
[no title] pp. 1246-1246 Downloads
Alfred Diamant
[no title] pp. 1246-1247 Downloads
William A. Baker
[no title] pp. 1247-1249 Downloads
A. James Gregor
[no title] pp. 1247-1247 Downloads
Steven R. Brown and John D. Ellithorp
[no title] pp. 1249-1250 Downloads
James J. Noell
[no title] pp. 1250-1251 Downloads
Brian R. Fry Noell and Richard Winters
Political Change in Britain: Forces Shaping Electoral Choice. By David Butler and Donald Stokes. (New York: St. Martin's press, 1970. Pp. 516.) pp. 1253-1254 Downloads
Richard Rose
Obligations: Essays on Disobedience, War, and Citizenship. By Michael Walzer. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970, Pp. 244. $7.95.) pp. 1254-1255 Downloads
James P. Young
The Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry. By Adam Przeworski and Henry Teune. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1970. Pp. 153. $8.50.) pp. 1255-1256 Downloads
W. G. Fleming
Protest in City Politics: Rent Strikes, Housing, and the Power of the Poor. By Michael Lipsky. (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1970. Pp. 214. $5.95.) pp. 1256-1258 Downloads
Willis D. Hawley
The End of Liberalism: Ideology, Policy, and the Crisis of Public Authority. By Theodore J. Lowi. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1969. Pp. 322. $6.95.) pp. 1258-1259 Downloads
John H. Schaar
Conflict of Interest: A Theory of Divergent Goals with Applications to Politics. By Robert Axelrod. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1970. Pp. 216. $8.95.) pp. 1259-1261 Downloads
Kenneth A. Shepsle
Regionalism in American Politics. Ira Sharkansky. (New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1970. Pp. 194. $9.50.) pp. 1261-1263 Downloads
James W. Clarke
The Political Dilemma of Popular Education: An African Case. By David B. Abernethy. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969. Pp. 357. $10.00.) pp. 1263-1264 Downloads
Richard L. Sklar
Authoritarian Politics in Modern Society: The Dynamics of Established One-Party Systems. Edited by Samuel P. Huntington and Clement H. Moore. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1970. Pp. 533. $12.50.) pp. 1264-1265 Downloads
Lucian W. Pye
Political Socialization and Student Activism in Indonesia. By Stephen A. Douglas. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970. Pp. 228. $7.95.) pp. 1266-1267 Downloads
Stephen Sloan
Sociologists, Economists and Democracy. By Brian Barry. (London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd., 1970. Pp. 202.) pp. 1267-1268 Downloads
John Sprague
The Intelligence of Democracy: Decision Making Through Mutual Adjustment. By Charles E. Lindblom. (New York: The Free Press, 1965. Pp. 335. $7.95.) - The Policy-Making Process. By Charles E. Lindblom. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1908. Pp. 118. $2.25.) pp. 1268-1272 Downloads
Enid C. B. Schoettle
Law, Society, and Industrial Justice. By Philip Selznick with the collaboration of Philippe Nonet and Howard M. Vollmer. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1969. Pp. 282. $7.00.) pp. 1272-1273 Downloads
Winston M. Fisk
The Active Society: A Theory of Societal and Political Processes. By Amitai Etzioni. (New York: The Free Press, 1968. Pp. 671.) pp. 1273-1274 Downloads
G. David Garson
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Response to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States. By Albert O. Hirschman, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. 162. $6.95.) pp. 1274-1276 Downloads
Roger A. Hanson
Open Systems: Arenas For Political Action. By Henry S. Kariel. (Itasca, Illinois: F. E. Peacock Publishers, 1969. Pp. 142. $3.50.) pp. 1276-1277 Downloads
Sanford Levinson
Value Judgment and Social Science. By Eugene J. Meehan. (Homewood. The Dorsey Press, Inc., 1969. Pp. 159. $2.50, paper.) pp. 1277-1278 Downloads
Don R. Bowen
The Political Theory of Local Government. By W. Hardy Wichwar. (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1970. Pp. 118. $5.95.) pp. 1278-1279 Downloads
Alice L. Ebel
Totalitarianism in Perspective: Three Views. By Carl J. Friedrich, Michael Curtis, Benjamin R. Barber. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1969. Pp. 164. $6.00.) pp. 1279-1280 Downloads
William Zimmerman
Ideorogi-jidai no Ökon [The End of Ideology], Jerzy J. Wiatr, translated into Japanese by Hiroshi Bando. (Tokyo: Godoshuppansa 1968. Pp. 292. Y800.) pp. 1280-1281 Downloads
Yasumasa Kuroda
The Politics of History. By Howard Zinn. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1970. Pp. 390. $7.50.) pp. 1281-1283 Downloads
Philip Green
Interest-Groups. By Graham Wootton. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969. Pp. 116. $1.95 paper, $4.95 cloth.) pp. 1283-1284 Downloads
William Buchanan
The Anti-Communist Impulse. By Michael Parenti. (New York: Random House. 1970. Pp. 333. $7.95.) pp. 1284-1285 Downloads
William Lee Miller
Politics and the Community of Science. By Joseph Haberer. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1969, Pp. 337, $3.50.) pp. 1285-1286 Downloads
James E. Underwood
Revolutionists in London; A Study of Five Unorthodox Socialists. By James W. Hulse. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. Pp. 246. $6.00.) pp. 1286-1287 Downloads
Ronald Christenson
Montesquieu's System of Natural Government. By Henry J. Merry. (West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Studies, 1970. Pp. 414. $8.50.) pp. 1287-1288 Downloads
Glen Thurow
Robert's Rules of Order. (New Revised). By Henry M. Robert, Sarah Corbin Robert, with the assistance of Henry M. RobertIII, James W. Cleary, and William J. Evans. Glenview, Illinois. Scott Foresman and Co. Pp. 550. 1970 pp. 1288-1290 Downloads
Bernard N. Grofman
The Origins of Socialism. By George Lichtheim. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 302. $6.95.) pp. 1290-1291 Downloads
Gary D. Glenn
Public Officials and the Press. By Delmer D. Dunn. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1969. Pp. 208. $2.95.) pp. 1291-1292 Downloads
Earl A. Nehring
Metropolitan Decision Processes. By Morris Davis and Marvin G. Weinbaum. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1969. Pp. 150. $6.00.) pp. 1292-1293 Downloads
Robert H. Salisbury
Congress and the Public Trust, Report of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York Special Committee on Congressional Ethics. By James C. KirbyJr., (New York: Atheneum, 1970. Pp. 351. $8.95) pp. 1293-1293 Downloads
Dale Vinyard
The Politics of Corruption: Organized Crime in an American City. By John A. Gardiner, (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1970. Pp. 129. $5.95) pp. 1293-1294 Downloads
Peter A. Lupsha
Aging and Society. Volume 1: An Inventory of Research Findings. Edited by Matilda White Riley, Anne Foner and Associates. Volume 2: Aging and the Professions. Edited by Matilda White Riley, John W. RileyJr., Marilyn E. Johnson and Associates. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Vol. 1, 1968. Pp. 636, $35.00; Vol. 2, 1969, Pp. 410, $9.50.) pp. 1294-1296 Downloads
Frank A. Pinner
Two Hundred Million Americans In Search of A Government. By E. E. Schattschneider. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1969. Pp. 133. $2.95.) pp. 1296-1296 Downloads
Sidney Wise
Freedom and the Foundation: The Fund for the Republic in the Era of McCarthysim. By Thomas C. Reeves. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. Pp. 355. $7.95.) pp. 1296-1298 Downloads
Arnold J. Bornfriend
The Influence of Federal Grants: Public Assistance in Massachusetts. By Martha Derthick. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970. Pp. 285. $8.50.) pp. 1298-1299 Downloads
Deil S. Wright
Taxes and Politics: A Study of Illinois Public Finance. By Glenn W. Fisher. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1969. Pp. 332. $10.00.) pp. 1299-1300 Downloads
James E. Anderson
The Public Vocational University: Captive Knowledge and Public Power. By Edgar Litt. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1969. Pp. 159. $3.95, paperback.) pp. 1300-1302 Downloads
Roberta S. Sigel
The Air Force Plans For Peace 1943–1945. By Perry McCoy Smith. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1970. Pp. 132. $5.95.) pp. 1302-1303 Downloads
George H. Quester
On Understanding Poverty: Perspectives from the Social Sciences. Ed. by Daniel P. Moynihan (New York: Basic Books, 1969. Pp. 425. $10.00.) - On Fighting Poverty: Perspectives from Experience. Ed. by James L. Sundquist (New York: Basic Books, 1969. Pp. 256. $8.50.) pp. 1303-1304 Downloads
Terry Jones
City and Country: Rural Responses to Urbanization in the 1920s. By Don S. Kirschner. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1970. Pp. 279. $11.50.) pp. 1304-1305 Downloads
Don Hadwiger
Public Housing: The Politics of Poverty. By Leonard Freedman. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1969. Pp. 212. $3.95.) pp. 1305-1307 Downloads
R. E. Johnston
Campaigns: Cases in Political Conflict. By Walt Anderson. (Pacific Palisades: Goodyear Publishing Company, 1970. Pp. 242. $6.95.) pp. 1307-1307 Downloads
Charles G. Hamilton
L'Organizzazione Partitica del PCI e della DC. By F. Cervellati Cantelli, V. Cioni Polacchini, P. de Vito Plscicelli, S. Guarino Cappello, G. Poggi, G. Sani, G. Sivini, A. Sivini Cavazzani, a cura di Gianfranco Poggi. Istituto “Carlo Cattaneo,” Vol. II, Ricerche sulla Partecipazione Politica in Italia (Bologna: il Mulino, 1968. Pp. 591.) pp. 1307-1308 Downloads
Sidney Tarrow
Le vestali della classe media: Ricerca sociologica sugli insegnanti. By Marzio Barbagli and Marcello Dei. (Bologna: il Mulino, 1969. Pp. 373. L.4.000.) pp. 1308-1309 Downloads
Timothy M. Hennessey
Politics and Change in Developing Countries: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Development. Edited by Colin Leys. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 289. $7.50.) pp. 1309-1311 Downloads
W. I. Jones
Abgeordnete in der Parteiendemokratie. By Peter Gerlich and Helmut Kramer. (Vienna: Verlag fuer Geschichte und Politik, 1969. Pp. 246. öS210.-) pp. 1311-1312 Downloads
Peter H. Merkl
Le phénomène gaulliste. By Jean Charlot. (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1970. Pp. 206. 24 F.) - Recherche sur le vocabulaire du général de Gaulle: Analyse statistique des allocutions radiodiffusées 1958–1966. By Jean-Marie Cotteret and René Moreau. (Paris: Armand Colin, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques. Travaux et recherches de science politique, 1969. Pp. 247. 39 F.) pp. 1312-1314 Downloads
Lowell G. Noonan
The Jana Sangh: Biography of an Indian Political Party. By Craig Baxter (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969. Pp. 352. $12.50.) pp. 1314-1315 Downloads
Carolyn Elliott
The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership. By Joachim C. Fest. Translated by Michael Bullock. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1970. Pp. 402. $10.00.) pp. 1315-1316 Downloads
Glenn Schram
The Life and Death of Soviet Trade Unionism. By Jay B. Sorenson. (New York, Atherton Press, 1969. Pp. 283. $9.50.) pp. 1316-1317 Downloads
Lois Stone
The Working-Class Tories: Authority, Deference, and Stable Democracy. By Eric A. Nordlinger. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Pp. 276. $8.95.) pp. 1317-1319 Downloads
Jerrold G. Rusk
Latin American Peasant Movements. Edited By Henry Landsberger (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 476. $12.50.) pp. 1319-1320 Downloads
James Petras
The Unionization of Teachers: A Case Study of the UFT. By Stephen Cole. (New York: Frederick Praeger Publishers, 1969. Pp. 245. $8.00.) - Teacher Unions and Associations: A Comparative Study. Edited by Albert A. Blum. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1969. Pp. 353. $9.50.) pp. 1320-1322 Downloads
Paul M. Cohen and George R. La Noue
Contemporary Yugoslavia: Twenty Years of Socialist Experiment. Edited by Wayne S. Vucinich. (Berkeley: University of California, 1969. Pp. 441. $9.50) pp. 1323-1324 Downloads
George Wayne Bradley
Australian Federalism in the Courts. By Geoffrey Sawer. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1969. Pp. 262. $12.50.) - The Effect of Judicial Review on Federal-State Relations in Australia, Canada, and the United States. By Richard E. Johnston. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1970. Pp. 320. $12.00.) pp. 1324-1325 Downloads
Edward McWhinney
People vs Politics: A Study of Opinions, Attitudes and Perceptions in Vancouver-Burrard 1963–1965. By J. A. Laponce. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969. Pp. 219. $10.00.) pp. 1325-1327 Downloads
Wallace D. Gagne
The Politics of Tradition: Continuity and Change in Northern Nigeria, 1946–1966. By C. S. WhitakerJr., (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Pp. 563. $13.50.) pp. 1327-1328 Downloads
Alvin Magid
India's Static Power Structure. By J. D. Sethi. (Delhi: Vikas Publications, 1969. Pp. 212. Rs 25.) pp. 1328-1329 Downloads
Norman K. Nicholson
Science and Technology in British Politics. By Norman J. Vig. (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. Pp. 190. $6.00.) pp. 1329-1331 Downloads
Marlan Bissett
Modern Capitalist Planning: The French Model. By Stephen S. Cohen. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. 310. $8.50.) pp. 1331-1332 Downloads
George E. Berkley
The Christian Democratic Parly in Chile: A Study of Political Organization and Activity with Primary Emphasis on the Local Level. By Giles Wayland-Smith. (Cuernavaca, Mexico: Centre Intercultural de Documentación, 1969. Pp. 314.) pp. 1332-1333 Downloads
Ben G. Burnett
The Government and Politics of Tibet. By Ram Rahul. (Delhi: Vikas Publications, 1969. Pp. 160. Rs. 20.) pp. 1332-1332 Downloads
C. W. Cassinelli
The Growth of a Parly System in Ceylon. By Calvin A. Woodward. (Providence: Brown University Press, 1969. Pp. 338. $8.50.) pp. 1333-1335 Downloads
Kenneth H. Esch
Army Officers in Arab Politics and Society. By Eleizer Be'eri. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1970. Pp. 51. $9.50.) pp. 1335-1336 Downloads
Ibrahim Abu-Lughod
Toward ‘Uhuru’ in Tanzania: The Politics of Participation. By G. Andrew Maguire. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 393. $13.50.) pp. 1336-1337 Downloads
Clyde R. Ingle
Partier og erhverv: Studier i partiorganisation og byerhvervenes politiske aktivitet 1880–1913. By Vagn Dybdahl. (Aarhus, Denmark: Erhvervsarkivet, Universitetsforlaget i Aarhus, 1969. Vol. I, Pp. 406; Vol. II, Pp. 235. 90 D. Kr.) pp. 1337-1339 Downloads
Kenneth S. Pedersen
Die Deutsche Diktatur: Entstehung, Struktur, Folgen des National-Sozialismus. By Karl Dietrich Bracher. (Cologne: Kiepenheuer and Witsch, 1969. Pp. 580. $10.00.) pp. 1339-1340 Downloads
James H. Wolfe
Guerillas in Latin America. The Technique of the Counter-State. By Luis Mercier Vega. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 246. $6.50.) pp. 1340-1341 Downloads
Willard F. Barber
German Politics and the Spiegel Affair: A Case Study of the Bonn System. By Ronald F. Bunn. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968. Pp. 230. $7.50.) - The Spiegel Affair. By David Schoenbaum. (Garden City: Doubleday, 1968. Pp. 239. $4.95.) - Die Spiegel-Affäre. Ed. Jürgen Seifert. (Olten and Freiburg/Br.: Walter-Verlag, 1966.) Two volumes. Vol. I: Die Staatsmacht und ihre Kontrolle. By Alfred Gsosser and Jürgen Seifert. (Pp. 611. DM28.) Vol. II: Die Reaktion der Öffentlichkeit. By Thomas Ellwein, Manfred Liebel, and Inge Negt. (Pp. 522. DM28.) pp. 1341-1343 Downloads
Charles R. Naef
The American Threat: The Fear of War As an Instrument of Foreign Policy. By James L. Payne. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1970. Pp. 241. $7.95.) pp. 1344-1345 Downloads
Edward A Kolodziej
The Great Powers & Africa. By Waldemar A. Nielson. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 404. $11.95.) pp. 1345-1346 Downloads
James E. Loesel
Yugoslavia and the Nonaligned World. By Alvin Z. Rubinstein. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Pp. 353. $11.00.) pp. 1346-1347 Downloads
Paul Shoup
Arms For The Third World: Soviet Military Aid Diplomacy. By Wynfred Joshua and Stephen P. Gibert. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. Pp. 169. $6.95.) pp. 1347-1349 Downloads
Morton Schwartz
The Foreign Policies of France 1944–1968. By Guy de Carmoy, Translated by Elaine P. Halperin. (Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 1970. Pp. 510. $15.00.) pp. 1349-1350 Downloads
Robert S. Wood
Soviet Foreign Policy in Perspective. By Robert G. Wesson. (Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press, 1969. Pp. 492. $9.50.) pp. 1350-1352 Downloads
Henry Krisch
The Making of Canadian Foreign Policy. By R. Barry Farrell. (Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd., 1969. Pp. 181. $5.95 cloth, $3.50 paper.) pp. 1352-1353 Downloads
David H. Blake
The Majority of One: Towards a Theory of Regional Compatibility. By Minerva M. Etzioni. (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc., 1970. Pp. 238. $7.50.) pp. 1353-1354 Downloads
Keith S. Petersen
Dag Hammarskjold's United Nations. By Mark W. Zacher (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. 295. $7.00.) pp. 1354-1355 Downloads
Harry R. Targ
Partners in Development, An Analysis of AID-University Relations 1950–1966. By John M. RichardsonJr., (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1969. Pp. 272. $8.50.) pp. 1355-1356 Downloads
Harold Orlans
Vietnam and China, 1938–1954. By King C. Chen. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 436. $12.50.) pp. 1356-1357 Downloads
James D. Seymour
China's Turbulent Quest. By Harold C. Hinton. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970. Pp. 340. $7.95.) pp. 1357-1358 Downloads
Ying-mao Kau
Legal Effects of United Nations Resolutions. By Jorge Castañeda. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. Pp. 243. $10.00.) pp. 1358-1360 Downloads
Carl Q. Christol
Conflict and Communication: The Use of Controlled Communication in International Relations. By John W. Burton. (New York: The Free Press, 1969. Pp. 246. $7.95.) pp. 1360-1361 Downloads
David W. Moore
Development Assistance in the Seventies: Alternatives for the United States. By Robert E. Asher. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1970. Pp. 235. $6.95.) pp. 1361-1362 Downloads
Robert W. Hunt
United Nations in Economic Development—Need For A New Strategy. By Sudhir Sen. (Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1969. Pp. 351. $10.00.) pp. 1362-1363 Downloads
Louis F. Brakeman
Erratum pp. 1363-1363 Downloads

Volume 64, issue 3, 1970

Kenya's Africanization Program: Priorities of Development and Equity* pp. 737-753 Downloads
Donald Rothchild
The Role of the M.P. in Tanzania* pp. 754-771 Downloads
Raymond F. Hopkins
Plurality Maximization vs Vote Maximization: A Spatial Analysis with Variable Participation* pp. 772-791 Downloads
Melvin J. Hinich and Peter C. Ordeshook
Cross-National Dimensions of Political Competence pp. 792-809 Downloads
Edward N. Muller
Political Development and Lerner's Theory: Further Test of a Casual Model* pp. 810-818 Downloads
Gilbert R. Winham
Support for the Institution of Elections by the Mass Public* pp. 819-835 Downloads
Jack Dennis
Incumbency and The Presidential Vote in Senate Elections: Defining Parameters of Subpresidential Voting pp. 836-842 Downloads
Barbara Hinckley
Community Structure and Innovation: The Case of Public Housing* pp. 843-864 Downloads
Michael Aiken and Robert R. Alford
A Theory of Professionalization in Politics* pp. 865-878 Downloads
Gordon S. Black
Political Attitudes of Defeated Candidates in an American State Election* pp. 879-887 Downloads
Chong Lim Kim
Amateurs and Peofessionals: A Study of Delegates to the 1968 Democratic National Convention pp. 888-898 Downloads
John W. Soule and James W. Clarke
Ideology and Pragmatism: Philosophy or Passion? pp. 899-906 Downloads
John P. Diggins
[no title] pp. 907-907 Downloads
Harvey Waterman
[no title] pp. 907-907 Downloads
Roy C. MaCridis
The Ruler's Imperative: Strategies for Political Survival in Asia and Africa. By W. Howard Wriggins. (New York, Columbia University Press, 1969. Pp. 275. $10.00) pp. 909-910 Downloads
Gabriel A. Almond
Politics and the Social Sciences. Edited by Seymour Martin Lipset. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 328. $7.50; paper, $2.75.) pp. 910-911 Downloads
Joseph A. Schlesinger
The Role of the Congressman. By Roger H. Davidson. (New York: Pegasus, 1969. Pp. 220 $7.00 cloth; $2.25 paper.) pp. 911-913 Downloads
John S. Saloma
Crises in Foreign Policy: A Simulation Analysis. By Charles F. Hermann. (Indianapolis: Bobbs Merrill, 1969. Pp. 234, $8.50.) pp. 913-914 Downloads
M. J. Driver
Theory of Voting. By Robin Farquharson. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969, Pp. 83. $5.00.) pp. 914-916 Downloads
Gerald H. Kramer
Human Nature and History: A Study of the Development of Liberal Political Thought. By Robert Denoon Cumming. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. 2 Vols., Pp. 809. $20.00.) pp. 916-917 Downloads
Vincent E. Starzinger
The Rise of Massive Resistance: Race and Politics in the South During the 1950's. By Numan V. Bartley. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969, Pp. 390. $10.00.) pp. 917-919 Downloads
Mack H. Jones
Personality and Politics: Problems of Evidence, Inference, and Conceptualization. By Fred I. Greenstein. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1969. Pp. 200. $5.95.) pp. 919-920 Downloads
Richard M. Merelman
The Politics of Weapons Innovation: The Thor-Jupiter Controversy. By Michael H. Armacost. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1969, Pp. 304, $10.00.) pp. 920-922 Downloads
James M. Gerhardt
The Behavioral and Social Sciences: Outlook and Needs. A Report by the Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey Committee, under auspices of the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Science and Public Policy and the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Problems and Policy. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969. Pp., 320. $7.95.) pp. 922-924 Downloads
Avery Leiserson
Political Science: The Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey. Edited by Heinz Eulau and James G. March. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969. Pp. 148. $5.95.) - The Making of a Political Scientist: An Empirical Analysis of Ph.D. Programs. By Norman Luttbeg and Melvin Kahn. (Carbondale: Public Affairs Research Bureau, Southern Illinois University, 1969, Pp. 72.) pp. 924-925 Downloads
Albert Somit
Ideologies and Utopias: The Impact of the New Deal on American Thought. By Arthur A. EkirchJr., (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969. Pp. 307. $8.50.) pp. 926-927 Downloads
Herbert Reid
The State in Capitalist Society: An Analysis of the Western System of Power. By Ralph Miliband. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1969. Pp. 292. $6.95.) pp. 928-929 Downloads
Benjamin R. Barber
Revolution and Church: The Early History of Christian Democracy 1789–1901. By Hans Maier. Translated by Emily M. Schossberger. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1969. Pp. 326. $10.00.) pp. 929-930 Downloads
Guenter Lewy
The Critique of War: Contemporary Philosophical Explorations. Edited by Robert Ginsberg. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1969. Pp. 360. Clothbound, $12.50; paperbound, $3.95.) pp. 930-931 Downloads
Gordon L. Shull
The Politics of Affluence: Ideology in the U.S. Since World War II. By James P. Young. (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1968. Pp. 241. $2.25.) pp. 931-932 Downloads
Fred Krinsky
The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx. By David McLellan. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 170. $8.50) pp. 932-933 Downloads
Ralph P. Hummel
The Reach of Politics: A New Look at Government. By James K. Feibleman. (New York: Horizon Press, 1969. Pp. 302. $10.00.) pp. 933-934 Downloads
James S. Nyman
Twentieth Century Pilgrimage: Walter Lippmann and the Public Philosophy. By Charles Wellborn. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969. Pp. 200. $6.50.) pp. 934-936 Downloads
Edward A. Stettner
Politics and the Public Interest in the Seventeenth Century. By J. A. W. Gunn. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969. Pp. 337. $8.75.) pp. 936-937 Downloads
Terrence E. Cook
The Political Thought of John Locke: An Historical Account of the Argument of the ‘Two Treatises of Government’. By John Dunn. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 290. $10.00.) pp. 937-939 Downloads
M. Seliger
Casyndekan Machiavelli. By the Staff of Casyndekan, Inc. (Colorado Springs: Casyndekan, Inc., 1969. Pp. 154. $3.75.) pp. 939-940 Downloads
Elbert M. Byrd
Judging Delinquents. By Robert M. Emerson. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1969. Pp. 278. $8.95.) pp. 940-941 Downloads
Herbert Jacob
Making Federalism Work. By James L. Sundquist with collaboration of David W. Davis. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1969. Pp. 293. $6.95.) pp. 941-942 Downloads
Shelton B. Granger
Preparing for Ulysses: Politics and Veterans During World War II. By Davis R. B. Ross. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1969, Pp. 315. $10.00.) pp. 942-943 Downloads
William H. Harader
With All Deliberate Speed. Ed. by John H. McCord. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1969. Pp. 205. $7.50.) pp. 943-944 Downloads
Jonathan D. Casper
American City Planning Since 1890: A History Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the American Institute of Planners. By Mel Scott. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 745. $17.50.) pp. 944-945 Downloads
B. Douglas Harman
Sparks at the Grassroots: Municipal Distribution of TVA Electricity in Tennessee. By Victor C. Hobday. (Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1969. Pp. 266. $8.50.) pp. 945-946 Downloads
Robert B. Highsaw
A Strategic Approach to Urban Research and Development: Social and Behavioral Considerations. Committee on Social and Behavioral Urban Research, National Research Council. (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1969, Pp. 100. $3.50.) - Long-Range Planning for Urban Research and Development: Technological Considerations. Committee on Urban Technology, National Research Council. (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1969. Pp. 94. $3.50.) pp. 946-948 Downloads
Ronald C. Green
The Quality of Urban Life. Edited by Henry J. Schmandt and Warner BloombergJr., (Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, Inc. 1969. Pp. 590. $20.00.) pp. 948-949 Downloads
Peter J. Henriot
Communist Party-States: Comparative and International Studies. Ed. by Jan Triska. (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969. Pp. 392. $9.00.) pp. 949-951 Downloads
Robert Blackwell
Elections and Political Stability. By A. J. Milnor. (Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1969. Pp. 205.) pp. 951-952 Downloads
Theodore W. Meckstroth
Politics in Modern Greece. By Keith R. Legg, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969. Pp. 367. $10.00.) pp. 952-953 Downloads
D. George Kousoulas
Pressure Groups and Power Elites in Peruvian Politics. By Carlos A. Astiz. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 316. $12.00.) pp. 953-954 Downloads
Robert D. Tomasek
The Transformation of Political Culture in Cuba, By Richard R. Fagen. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969. Pp. 271. $8.50.) pp. 954-956 Downloads
Terry L. McCoy
Politics and Social Forces in Chilean Development. By James Petras. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 377. $8.50.) pp. 956-957 Downloads
Weston H. Agor
Legitimacy and Stability in Latin America: A Study of Chilean Political Culture. By Francisco José Moreno. (New York: New York University Press, 1969. Pp. 197. $6.95 pp. 957-958 Downloads
Paul E. Sigmund
Political Administration in Mexico. By Julio A. Fernández. (Boulder: University of Colorado Press. 1969. Pp. 80.) - The Peruvian Administrative System. By Rudolph Gómez. (Boulder: University of Colorado Press. 1969. Pp. 78.) pp. 958-959 Downloads
Giles Wayland-Smith
Republican ‘Iraq: A Study in ‘Iraqi Politics Since the Revolution of 1958. By Majid Khadduri. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 318, $8.50.) pp. 959-960 Downloads
James A. Bill
Bürger und Politik. By Jürg Steiner. (Meisenheim am Glan: Verlag Anton Hain, 1969. Pp. 292. DM 35.) pp. 960-962 Downloads
Paul J. Cassidy
Nation-Building and Community in Israel. By Dorothy Wilner. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 478. $10.00.) pp. 962-962 Downloads
Lester G. Seligman
Religion and the Soviet State: A Dilemma of Power. Edited by Max Hayward and William G. Fletcher. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 200. $6.50.) pp. 962-963 Downloads
Richard M. Mills
Migrants in Europe: Problems of Acceptance and Adjustment. By Arnold M. Rose. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969, Pp. 194. $7.50.) pp. 963-965 Downloads
Walker Connor
Emigrazione e comportamento politico. By Stefano Passigli. (Bologna: Società Editrice Il Mulino, 1969. Pp. 251. L. 4.000.) pp. 965-966 Downloads
Sondra Z. Koff
Imperialism and Nationalism in the Sudan: A Study in Constitutional and Political Development 1899–1956. By Muddathir ‘Abd Al-Rahim. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 275. $8.75.) pp. 966-967 Downloads
Richard H. Pfaff
The Soviet Model and Underdeveloped Countries. By Charles K. Wilber. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1969. Pp. 241. $7.50.) pp. 967-968 Downloads
Vernon L. Ferwerda
Populism: Its Meaning and National Characteristics. Edited by Ghita Ionescu and Ernest Gellner. (New York: Macmillan. 1969. Pp. 263. $6.95.) pp. 968-969 Downloads
Gil Carl AlRoy
Colour and Citizenship: A Report on British Race Relations. By E. J. B. Rose and Associates (London, Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 815. $12.50.) pp. 969-970 Downloads
Basil A. Ince
A Tibetan Principality: The Political System of Ca sKya. By C. W. Cassinelli and Robert Ekvall (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 425. $15.00.) pp. 970-971 Downloads
Peter S. H. Tang
Britain Faces Europe. By Robert L. PfaltzgraffJr., (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969. Pp. 228. $6.00.) pp. 972-974 Downloads
Frank E. Meyers
Die anachronistiche Souveränität. Ed by Ernst-Otto Czempiel. (Köln und Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1969. Pp. 304. DM 30.00.) pp. 972-972 Downloads
Guenther F. Schaefer
The Atlantic Community: A Complex Imbalance. By Robert L. PfaltzgraffJr., (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1969. Pp. 216. $2.45.) pp. 974-975 Downloads
Francis A. Beer
Comparative Foreign Relations: Framework and Methods. By David O. Wilkinson. (Belmont, Calif.: Dickenson Publishing Company, 1969. Pp. 191. $2.95.) pp. 975-976 Downloads
W. Hartley Clark
The Politics of Regional Integration: The Central American Case. By James D. Cochrane. (New Orleans: Tulane University, 1969. Pp. 223. $4.00.) pp. 976-976 Downloads
Wayne E. Johnson
The Organization of African Unity and its Charter. By Zdenek Červenka. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 253. $7.00.) pp. 976-978 Downloads
Rodger Yeager
Chinese Foreign Policy in an Age of Transition: The Diplomacy of Cultural Despair. By Ishwer C. Ojha. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. Pp. 234. $5.95.) pp. 978-979 Downloads
Victor C. Falkenheim
Ghana's Foreign Policy, 1957–1966: Diplomacy, Ideology, and The New State. By W. Scott Thompson (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 462. $13.75.) pp. 979-980 Downloads
Kofi Ankomah
Alliance for Progress: A Social Invention in the Making. By Harvey S. Perloff. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. Pp. 237. $8.50.) pp. 980-980 Downloads
Leonard Cardenas

Volume 64, issue 2, 1970

Emotional Experiences in Political Groups: The Case of the McCarthy Phenomenon* pp. 349-366 Downloads
Steven R. Brown and John D. Ellithorp
The Meanings of Black Power: A Comparison of White and Black Interpretations of a Political Slogan* pp. 367-388 Downloads
Joel D. Aberbach and Jack L. Walker
Dimensions of Political Alienation* pp. 389-410 Downloads
Ada W. Finifter
Peasant Society and Clientelist Politics* pp. 411-425 Downloads
John Duncan Powell
An Expository Development of a Mathematical Model of the Electoral Process* pp. 426-448 Downloads
Otto A. Davis, Melvin J. Hinich and Peter C. Ordeshook
An Axiomatic Model of Voting Bodies* pp. 449-470 Downloads
Steven Brams and Michael K. O'Leary
Additive and Multiplicative Models of the Voting Universe: The Case of Pennsylvania: 1960–1968 pp. 471-490 Downloads
Walter Dean Burnham and John Sprague
Forms of Representation: Participation of the Poor in the Community Action Program pp. 491-507 Downloads
Paul E. Peterson
The Politics of Redistribution* pp. 508-522 Downloads
Brian R. Fry and Richard F. Winters
The Salience of American State Politics* pp. 523-535 Downloads
M. Kent Jennings and Harmon Zeigler
The “Mood Theory”: A Study of Public Opinion and Foreign Policy* pp. 536-547 Downloads
William R. Caspary
The Rural African Party: Political Participation in Tanzania* pp. 548-571 Downloads
Norman N. Miller
The Emergence of Political Science in Communist Countries pp. 572-588 Downloads
David E. Powell and Paul Shoup
[no title] pp. 589-589 Downloads
[no title] pp. 589-590 Downloads
Gabriel Almond, Merle Fainsod, Robert A. Dahl, Robert E. Lane, Karl W. Deutsch, Dankwart A. Rustow, David Easton and David B. Truman
[no title] pp. 590-592 Downloads
Charles D. Tarlton
[no title] pp. 592-593 Downloads
Shelah G. Leader
[no title] pp. 592-592 Downloads
Sheldon S. Wolin
[no title] pp. 592-592 Downloads
Ithiel de Sola Pool
[no title] pp. 593-593 Downloads
Alex Inkeles
[no title] pp. 593-594 Downloads
Sheldon W. Simon
[no title] pp. 594-595 Downloads
Donald Hindley
[no title] pp. 595-596 Downloads
Robert A. Goldwin
[no title] pp. 596-596 Downloads
Richard Ashcraft
Political Thinking and Consciousness: The Private Life of the Political Mind. By Robert E. Lane. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Co., 1969. Pp. 348. $6.95.) pp. 598-599 Downloads
Peter W. Sperlich
African Armies and Civil Order. By J. M. Lee. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1969, Pp. 200. $6.00.) pp. 599-602 Downloads
George Von der Muhll
Power in Committees: An Experiment in the Governmental Process. By James David Barber. (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1966. Pp. 185. $6.25.) pp. 602-603 Downloads
Charles Walcott
The Political Economy of Change. By Warren F. Ilchman and Norman Thomas Uphoff. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 316. $8.50.) pp. 603-604 Downloads
Kenneth E. Boulding
Integration and Disintegration in NATO: Processes of Alliance Cohesion and Prospects for Atlantic Community. By Francis A. Beer. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1969. Pp. 330. $10.00.) pp. 604-606 Downloads
P. Terrence Hopmann
Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. By Erik H. Erikson. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1969. Pp. 474. $10.00.) pp. 606-608 Downloads
Arnold A. Rogow
Nationalism and Its Alternatives. By Karl W. Deutsch. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. Pp. 200. $5.95) pp. 608-609 Downloads
Dankwart A. Rustow
Community Conflict, Public Opinion and the Law: The Amish Dispute in Iowa. By Harrell R. RodgersJr. (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1969. Pp. 154. $1.95, paper.) pp. 609-611 Downloads
Kenneth M. Dolbeare
Men And Citizens: A Study of Rousseau's Social Theory. By Judith N. Shklar. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 245. $8.50.) pp. 611-612 Downloads
William H. Harbold
Soviet Perspectives on International Relations, 1956–1967. By William Zimmerman. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 336. $9.50.) pp. 612-613 Downloads
Robert F. Miller
Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns. By Abner Cohen. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 252. $5.50.) pp. 613-614 Downloads
Evert Makinen
The Ideology of Fascism: The Rationale of Totalitarianism. By A. James Gregor. (New York: The Free Press, 1969. Pp. 493. $11.95.) - The Nature of Fascism. Edited by S. J. Woolf. (New York: Random House, 1969. Pp. 261. $7.95.) pp. 614-617 Downloads
Dante Germino
Debtors in Court: The Consumption of Government Services. By Herbert Jacob. Rand McNally, 1969. Pp. 260. $6.00.) pp. 617-617 Downloads
George F. Cole
Social Change and History: Aspects of the Western Theory of Development. By Robert A. Nisbet. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 335. $6.75.) pp. 618-619 Downloads
James C. Davies
The Foundations of Human Society. By Donald McIntosh. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969. Pp. 341. $10.50.) pp. 619-620 Downloads
Michael A. Weinstein
The Political Thought of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, By Alan Ritter. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 222. $6.75.) pp. 620-622 Downloads
William O. Reichert
The Mind of Jeremy Bentham. By D. J. Manning. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1968. Pp. 118. $4.50.) pp. 622-625 Downloads
Gordon J Schochet
Simulation and Society: An Exploration of Scientific Gaming. By John R. Raser. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1969. Pp. 180. $2.95, paper.) pp. 622-622 Downloads
Michael J. Shapiro
Politik als Interessenkonflikt. By Wolfgang Hirsch-Weber. (Stuttgart: Friedrich Enke Verlag, 1969, Pp., 288.) pp. 625-626 Downloads
Henry W. Ehrmann
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. By Alexander Kojève. Edited by Alan Bloom, translated by James Nicholls. (New York: Basic Books, 1969. Pp. 287. $8.50.) - Studies on Marx and Hegel. By Jean Hyppolite. Edited and translated by John O'Neil. (New York: Basic Books, 1969. Pp. 202. $6.50.) - Idealism Politics and History: Sources of Hegelian Thought. By George Armstrong Kelly. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Pp. 387. $13.50.) pp. 626-627 Downloads
Charles Taylor
Congressional Committees. By William L. Morrow. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1969. Pp. 261. $6.95.) pp. 628-629 Downloads
Barbara Hinckley
The Corporation in American Politics. By Edwin M. Epstein. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1969. Pp. 365. $8.50; paper, $4.95.) pp. 629-630 Downloads
Michael J. White
Power in the Senate. By Randall B. Ripley. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1969. Pp. 246. $6.50.) pp. 630-631 Downloads
David E. Price
Congress and the New Politics. By John S. SalomaIII. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1969. Pp. 293) pp. 631-633 Downloads
Irwin N. Gertzog
Cooperative Lobbying—The Power of Pressure. By Donald R. Hall. (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1969. Pp. 347, $8.50.) pp. 633-634 Downloads
Alan H. Schechter
Congress and Urban Problems: A Casebook on the Legislative Process. Edited by Frederic N. Cleaveland. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1969. Pp. 450. Cloth, $7.50; paper, $2.95.) pp. 634-636 Downloads
Leo M. Snowiss
The Contemporary Presidency. By Dorothy Buckton James. (New York: Pegasus, 1969. Pp. 187. $6.95.) pp. 636-637 Downloads
Stephen J. Wayne
The Idea of a Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780–1840. By Richard Hofstadter. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 280. $6.95.) pp. 637-639 Downloads
Manning J. Dauer
The Negro in Maryland Politics 1870–1912. By Margaret Law Callcott. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. Pp. 199. $7.95.) pp. 639-640 Downloads
Robert Lewis Gill
A Constitutional Faith. By Hugo L. Black. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. Pp. 97. $3.95.) pp. 640-641 Downloads
Patrick McBride
City Politics and Planning. By Francine F. Rabinovitz. (New York: Atherton Press, 1969, Pp. 192. $6.95.) pp. 640-640 Downloads
Oliver P. Williams
New Jersey Reapportionment Politics, Strategies and Tactics in the Legislative Process. By Alan Shank. (Rutherford, N.J., Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1969. Pp. 308. $10.00.) pp. 641-642 Downloads
Duane Lockard
Governing the City: Challenges and Options for New York. Edited by Robert H. Connery and Demetrios Caraley. (New York: Frederick O. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 230. $7.00.) pp. 642-643 Downloads
Raymond D. Horton
The Quest for Regional Cooperation: A Study of the New York Metropolitan Regional Council. By Joan B. Aron. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 225. $7.00.) pp. 643-644 Downloads
Robert E. McArthur
Political and Administrative Development. Edited by Ralph Braibanti. (Durham: Duke University Commonwealth-Studies Center. 1969. Pp. 667. $15.00.) pp. 644-645 Downloads
Blanche Davis Blank
The Angolan Revolution. Vol. I: The Anatomy of an Explosion (1950–1962). By John Marcum. (Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1969. Pp. 380. $12.50.) pp. 645-646 Downloads
Ronald H. Chilcote
Comparative Urban Research: The Administration and Politics of Cities. Edited by Robert T. Daland. (Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1969. Pp. 368. $10.00.) pp. 646-648 Downloads
William O. Winter
Modernizing Peasant Societies: A Comparative Study in Asia and Africa. By Guy Hunter. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 324. $6.50.) pp. 648-649 Downloads
Arthur S. Banks
Les Groupes Communistes Aux Assemblées Parlementaires Italiennes (1958–1963) Et Francaises (1962–1967). By Pierre Ferrari and Herbert Maisl. (Paris: Presses Universitaires De France, 1969. Pp. 214. 20F.) pp. 649-650 Downloads
Raphael Zariski
The Power of Parliament. By Ronald Butt. (New York: Walker and Company, 1968. Pp. 446. $8.50.) pp. 650-651 Downloads
John E. Schwarz
An Ideology in Power: Reflections on the Russian Revolution. By Bertram D. Wolfe. (New York, Stein and Day, 1969. Pp. 394. $10.00.) pp. 651-652 Downloads
Benjamin M. May
Fiji Goes to the Polls. By Norman Meller and James Anthony. (Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 1969. Pp. 184, $5.50.) pp. 652-653 Downloads
James Jupp
Léopold Sédar Senghor and the Politics of Negritude. By Irving Leonard Markovitz. (New York: Atheneum, 1969. Pp. 300. $10.00.) pp. 653-654 Downloads
Moses Akpan
The Police and Political Development in India. By David H. Bayley. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. Pp. 482. $15.00.) pp. 654-655 Downloads
Richard N. Blue
The Politics of Defection: A Study of State Politics in India. By Subhash C. Kashyap. (New Delhi: National Publishing House, 1969. Pp. 442. $11.25.) pp. 655-657 Downloads
Benjamin N. Schoenfeld
The Arabs in Israel: A Political Study. By Joseph M. Landau. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Pp. 300. $9.95.) pp. 657-658 Downloads
James B. Mayfield
Chiefs, Council and Commissioner: Some Problems of Government in Rhodesia. By J. F. Holleman. (Assen, the Netherlands: Published on behalf of the Afrika-Studiecentrum by Royal VanGorcum Ltd., 1969. Pp. 391. Hfl. 29.) pp. 658-659 Downloads
Dov Ronen
Military and Politics in Israel: Nation-Building and Role Expansion. By Amos Perlmutter. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 161. $6.50.) pp. 659-661 Downloads
Samuel Decalo
Politics in the Altiplano: The Dynamics of Change in Rural Peru. By Edward Dew. (Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1969. Pp. 216. $6.00.) pp. 661-662 Downloads
Orville G. Cope
Institutionalizing the Grass Roots in Brazil: A Study in Comparative Local Government. By Frank P. Sherwood. (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1967. Pp. 173. $2.95.) pp. 662-663 Downloads
Ronald M. Schneider
How The Conservatives Rule Japan. By Nathaniel B. Thayer. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969, Pp. 349. $10.00) pp. 663-665 Downloads
Haruhiro Fukui
Haile-Selassie's Government. By Christopher Clapham. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969, Pp. 218. $7.50.) pp. 665-666 Downloads
Robert D. Grey
Politics and Government in Turkey. By C. H. Dodd. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1969. Pp. 320. $7.95.) pp. 666-666 Downloads
Abbas Amirie
Elements of Nordic Public Law. By Nils Herlitz. (Stockholm: Norstedt, 1969, Pp. 287. Sw.ker 52.) pp. 666-667 Downloads
Stanely V. Anderson
Linkage Politics: Essays on the Convergence of National and International Systems. Edited by James N. Rosenau. (New York: The Free Press, 1969. Pp. 352. $8.50.) pp. 667-668 Downloads
David Wilkinson
Vietnam: Issues and Alternatives. Edited by Walter Isard. (Cambridge: Schenkman Publishing Company, 1969. Pp. 213. $5.95.) pp. 668-670 Downloads
Manus Midlarsky
Controlling Small Wars: A Strategy for the 1970's. By Lincoln P. Bloomfield and Amelia C. Leiss. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. Pp. 421. $8.95.) pp. 670-672 Downloads
P. G. Bock
The Roots of American Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Power and Purpose. By Gabriel Kolko. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. Pp. 166. $5.95/$1.95.) pp. 672-673 Downloads
Miles D. Wolpin
Betrayal from Within: Joseph Avenol, Secretary-General of the League of Nations, 1933–1940. By James Barros. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969. Pp. 285. $10.00.) pp. 673-674 Downloads
Walter S. Jones
Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department. By Dean Acheson. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1969. Pp. 798. $12.50.) pp. 674-675 Downloads
David S McLellan
The United Nations Economic and Social Council. By Walter R. Sharp. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. Pp. 322. $8.75.) pp. 675-677 Downloads
Guenter Weissberg
Japanese Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy: The Peace Agreement with the Soviet Union. By Donald C. Hellmann. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 202. $5.00.) pp. 677-677 Downloads
C. Leonard Hoag

Volume 64, issue 1, 1970

Political Ambitions, Volunteerism, and Electoral Accountability* pp. 5-17 Downloads
Kenneth Prewitt
Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson1 pp. 18-34 Downloads
John E. Mueller
On Civil Disobedience in Recent American Democratic Thought* pp. 35-47 Downloads
Paul F. Power
Rational Behavior in Politics: Evidence from a Three Person Game* pp. 48-60 Downloads
William H. Riker and William James Zavoina
Barrington Moore and the Dialectics of Revolution: An Essay Review pp. 61-82 Downloads
Stanley Rothman
Reply To Rothman pp. 83-85 Downloads
Barrington Moore
A Possible Explanation of Rousseau's General Will1 pp. 86-97 Downloads
Patrick Riley
International Subsystems: Stability and Polarity pp. 98-123 Downloads
Michael Haas
Direct Legislation: Some Implications of Open Housing Referenda pp. 124-137 Downloads
Howard D. Hamilton
A Comparative Analysis of Senate-House Voting on Economic and Welfare Policy, 1953–1964* pp. 138-152 Downloads
Aage R. Clausen and Richard B. Cheney
Bases of Support for Mexico's Dominant Party* pp. 153-167 Downloads
Barry Ames
The Electoral System of Canada* pp. 168-176 Downloads
Duff Spafford
A Note on Overseas Chinese Political Participation in Urban Malaya* pp. 177-178 Downloads
Alvin Rabushka
Voting, or a Price System in a Competitive Market Structure pp. 179-181 Downloads
Martin Shubik
[no title] pp. 182-183 Downloads
Stanley Rothman
[no title] pp. 183-184 Downloads
Robert A. Dahl
[no title] pp. 184-184 Downloads
Sheldon S. Wolin
[no title] pp. 185-186 Downloads
Yehezkel Dror
Politicheskaia nauka v SShA: Kritika burzhuanykh kontsepsii vlasti. (Political Science in the USA: A Critique of Bourgeois Conceptions of Power). By Valerii Georgievich Kalenskii. (Moscow: Iuridicheskaia literatura, 1969. Pp. 103.) pp. 188-189 Downloads
Peter H. Solomon
Children in the Political System: Origins of Political Legitimacy. By David Easton and Jack Dennis. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969. Pp. 440. $9.75.) pp. 189-191 Downloads
Richard G. Niemi
Violence in America: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, A Staff Report to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. Edited by Hugh Davis Graham and Ted Robert Gurr. (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. 2 vols. Pp. 644. $1.25 each.) pp. 191-192 Downloads
William Flanigan and Edwin Fogelman
Puerto Rico: Freedom and Power in the Caribbean. By Gordon K. Lewis. (London: Merlin Press, 1964. Pp. 622. $10.00.) - Modernization of Puerto Rico: A Political Study of Changing Values and Institutions. By Henry Wells. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. 440. $9.95.) pp. 192-194 Downloads
A. W. Singham
The Study of Policy Formation. Edited By Raymond A. Bauer and Kenneth J. Gergen. (New York: The Free Press, 1968. Pp. 392. $9.95.) pp. 194-196 Downloads
Yehezkel Dror
The Politics of the Southern Negro: From Exclusion to Big City Organization. By Harry Holloway. (New York: Random House, 1969. Pp. 374. $8.95.) pp. 196-197 Downloads
Tobe Johnson
Political Leadership in India: An Analysis of Elite Attitudes. By Michael Brecher. (New York: Frederick Praeger, in cooperation with the Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University, 1969. Pp. 193. $12.50.) pp. 197-198 Downloads
Robert Sidwar Robins
Bureaucracy and Participation: Political Cultures in Four Wisconsin Cities. By Robert R. Alford. (Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1969. Pp. 224. $6.50.) pp. 198-200 Downloads
James Q. Wilson
Peace Among The Willows: The Political Philosophy of Francis Bacon. By Howard B. White. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1968. Pp. 266. Guilders 33.) pp. 200-201 Downloads
R. A. Melvin
Elections in America: Control and Influence in Democratic Politics. By Gerald M. Pomper. (New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1968. Pp. 297. $3.95.) pp. 201-204 Downloads
Frank Munger
The Soviet Prefects: The Local Party Organs in Industrial Decision Making. By Jerry F. Hough. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. 416. $12.50.) pp. 204-205 Downloads
Karl W. Ryavec
How Communist China Negotiates. By Arthur Lall. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 284. $7.95.) - Negotiating with the Chinese Communists: The United States Experience, 1953–1967. By Kenneth T. Young. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. Pp. 443. $10.95.) pp. 205-207 Downloads
Morton H. Halperin
Tocqueville and the Problem of Democracy. By Marvin Zetterbaum. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967. Pp. 185. $5.75.) pp. 207-209 Downloads
David Lowenthal
The Democratic Experience: Past and Prospects. By Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul E. Sigmund. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Pp. 191. $5.95.) pp. 209-210 Downloads
David Kettler
The Political Theory of John Dewey. By A. H. Somjee. (New York: Teachers College Press, 1968. Pp. 208, $7.50.) pp. 210-212 Downloads
Ronald J. Terchek
Progress and Disillusion; The Dialectics of Modern Society. By Raymond Aron. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. 230. $5.50.) pp. 212-212 Downloads
Roy Pierce
Soviet Perspectives on African Socialism. By Arthur Jay Klinghoffer. (Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1969. Pp. 276. $8.00.) pp. 212-214 Downloads
Charles F. Andrain
Political Theory: A Conceptual Anlaysis. By Joseph S. Murphy. (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1968. Pp. xii, 267. $7.35.) pp. 214-215 Downloads
Michael C. Stratford
The Politics of Community Conflict: The Fluoridation Decision. By Robert L. Crain, Elihu Katz and Donald B. Rosenthal. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1969. Pp. 269. $3.95.) pp. 215-216 Downloads
Robert Eyestone
Representatives and Roll Calls: A Computer Simulation of Voting in the Eighty-eighth Congress. By Cleo H. Cherryholmes and Michael J. Shapiro. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1969. Pp. 196. $7.50.) pp. 216-217 Downloads
Duncan MacRae
Selective Service and a Changing America. By Gary L. Wamsley. (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1969. Pp. 259. $2.95, paper) pp. 218-219 Downloads
Kenneth Prewitt
Riots and Rebellion: Civil Violence in the Urban Community. Edited By Louis H. Masotti and Don R. Bowen (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1968. Pp. 459. $8.50.) pp. 219-220 Downloads
Joel D. Aberbach
Government Without Passing Laws: Congress' Nonstatutory Techniques for Appropriations Control. By Michael W. Kirst (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1969, pp. 167 $5.00) pp. 220-222 Downloads
James E. Jernberg
Planning and Politics in the Metropolis. By David C. Ranney. (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill, 1969. Pp. 179. $2.25.) pp. 222-224 Downloads
Francine N. Rabinovitz
The Negro in Third Party Politics, By Hanes WaltonJr. (Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, 1969. Pp. 123. $4.50.) pp. 222-222 Downloads
Edward Jackson
Education and Politics: The Developing Relationship Between Elementary-Secondary and Higher Education. By Michael D. Usdan, David W. Minar, and Emanuel HurwitzJr., (New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1969. Pp. 190. $6.50.) pp. 224-225 Downloads
Lee F. Anderson
The President and the Management of National Security. Edited by Keith C. Clark and Laurence J. Legere (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. A Report by the Institute for Defense Analyses. Pp. 274. $6.95.) pp. 225-226 Downloads
Herbert F. Steeper
Traffic and the Police: Variations in Law-Enforcement Policy. By John A. Gardiner. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969. Pp. 176. $6.00.) pp. 226-227 Downloads
H. Paul Friesema
Employer-Employee Relations in Council-Manager Cities. By Winston W. Crouch. (Washington: The International City Managers' Association, 1968. Pp. 137.) pp. 227-228 Downloads
Schley R. Lyons
Modernization by Design: Social Change in the Twentieth Century. By Chandler Morse, Douglas E. Ashford, Frederick T. Bent, William H. Friedland, John W. Lewis, David B. Macklin. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1969. Pp. 426. $11.50.) pp. 228-230 Downloads
Roger W. Benjamin
Partiti politici e strutture sociali in Italia. Edited by Mattei Dogan and Orazio Maria Petracca. With a preface By Alberto Spreafico. (Milano: Edizioni di Communità, 1968. Pp. 660. L. 5,800.) pp. 230-231 Downloads
Lucian C. Marquis
Opposition in a Dominant-Party System: A Study of the Jan Sangh, The Praja Socialist Party and the Socialist Party in Uttar Pradesh, India. By Angela S. Burger. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 306 $8.50.) pp. 231-232 Downloads
Stanley A. Kochanek
L'Abstentionisrne électoral en France. By Alain Lancelot. (Paris: Armand Colin, Cahiers de la fondation nationale des sciences politiques 162, 1968. Pp. 229.) pp. 232-234 Downloads
William G. Andrews
Political Change in Contemporary France: the Politics of an Industrial Democracy. By Harvey Waterman. (Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co.1969. Pp. 256. $2.50.) pp. 234-235 Downloads
Roy C. Macridis and Theodore Schell
Responsible Government in Ontario. By F. F. Schindeler. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969. Pp. 295. $8.50.) pp. 235-235 Downloads
Allan Kornberg
The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour. By John Goldthorpe, David Lockward, Frank Bechhofer and Jennifer Platt. (Cambridge, Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Pp. 95, $5.50.) pp. 235-237 Downloads
John Brand
Guatemala, la Violencia. Compiled By Alejandro Del Corro. (Cuernavaca, Mexico: Centro Intercultural de Documentacion, CIDOC, 1968. Vol. 1, PP. 114; Vol. 11, Pp. 135; Vol. III, Po. 435. Obtainable By subscription to the CIDOC Dossiers.) pp. 237-238 Downloads
John F. McCamant
Technocracy. By Jean Meynaud. Translated By Paul Barnes. (New York: The Free Press, 1969. Pp. 315. $12.95.) pp. 238-239 Downloads
Victor C. Ferkiss
The Soviet Police System. Edited by Robert Conquest. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. 103. $5.00.) - Justice and the Legal System in the USSR. Edited by Robert Conquest. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. 152. $5.00.) pp. 239-240 Downloads
Kazimierz Grzbowski
The Politics of Peace-Keeping. By Alan James. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger for the Institute of Strategic Studies, 1969. Pp. 452 $11.00.) pp. 240-241 Downloads
Leon Gordenker
Neutralization and World Politics. By Cyril E. Black, Richard A. Falk, Klaus Knorr and Oran R. Young. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968. Pp. 165. $7.50.) pp. 241-242 Downloads
George Modelski
Supranationalism and International Adjudication. By Forest L. Grieves. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1969. Pp. 266. $10.00.) pp. 242-243 Downloads
Richard N. Swift
Conflict and Consensus in Labour's Foreign Policy 1914–1965. By Michael R. Gordon. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969. Pp. 333. $8.95.) pp. 243-245 Downloads
William R. Tucker
The UN and the Middle East Crisis, 1967. By Arthur Lall. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 322. $10.00.) pp. 245-246 Downloads
H. Paul Castleberry
German Foreign Policy in Transition: Bonn Between East and West. By Karl Kaiser. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Pp. 153 $1.95.) pp. 246-248 Downloads
Martin O. Heisler
Eleven Against War, By Sondra R. Herman. (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1969. Pp. 264. $2.95, paper.) pp. 248-249 Downloads
Edward N. Kearny
How Nations Behave. By Louis Henkin. (published for the Council on Foreign Relations) (New York: Frederick Praeger, 1968. Pp. 324. $7.50.) pp. 249-250 Downloads
William V. O'Brien
Eratta pp. 252-252 Downloads
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