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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 35, issue 6, 1941

The Promulgation of Law pp. 1059-1084 Downloads
Gilbert Bailey
Moeller van den Bruck: Inventor of the “Third Reich” pp. 1085-1105 Downloads
Gerhard Krebs
County and Township Government in 1940* pp. 1106-1119 Downloads
Clyde F. Snider
The Political Basis of Federation pp. 1120-1127 Downloads
William P. Maddox
Hegemony and International Law pp. 1127-1144 Downloads
Charles Kruszewski
The Status of Croatia under International Law pp. 1144-1151 Downloads
Angelo Piero Sereni
What is Democracy? By Charles E. Merriam. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1941. Pp. 115. $1.00.) - Democracy in American Life. By Avery Craven. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1941. Pp. 143. $1.00.) - Aspects of Democracy. Edited by R. B. Huliman. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1941. Pp. 113. $0.50.) pp. 1161-1162 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
Public Policy and the General Welfare. By Charles A. Beard. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc.1941. Pp. x, 176. $1.50.) pp. 1162-1164 Downloads
Charles McKinley
Constitutional Revolution, Ltd. By Edward S. Corwin. (Claremont, California: Claremont Colleges. 1941. Pp. ix, 121. $2.00.) pp. 1164-1165 Downloads
Benjamin F. Wright
John Locke and the Doctrine of Majority Rule. By Willmoore Kendall. (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. 1941. Pp. 141. $1.50, paper, $2.00 cloth.) pp. 1165-1168 Downloads
Thomas I. Cook
The British Constitution. By W. Ivor Jennings. (Cambridge: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Company. 1941. Pp. xvi, 232. $2.50.) pp. 1169-1169 Downloads
Eugene P. Chase
British Labour's Rise to Power. By Carl F. Brand. (Stanford University: Stanford University Press. 1941. Pp. xi, 305. $3.50.) pp. 1170-1171 Downloads
Dean E. McHenry
The Cambridge History of the British Empire. General Editors: J. Holland Rose, A. P. Newton, and E. A. Benians. Volume II. The Growth of the New Empire (1783–1870). (Cambridge: At the University Press; New York: The Macmillan Company. 1941. Pp. xii, 1068. $10.50.) pp. 1171-1172 Downloads
A. Gordon Dewey
The Assembly of the League of Nations. By Margaret E. Burton. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1941. Pp. xi, 441. $4.50.) pp. 1172-1174 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
The United States in World Affairs; An Account of American Foreign Relations, 1940. By Whitney H. Shepardson and William O. Scroggs. (New York: Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper and Brothers. 1941. Pp. xiv, 400. $3.50.) pp. 1174-1175 Downloads
Francis O. Wilcox
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace: Preliminary Report and Monographs. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1941. “International Conciliation,” No. 369, pp. 193–531.) pp. 1175-1177 Downloads
G. Bernard Noble
The Spoil of Europe; The Nazi Technique in Political and Economic Conquest. By Thomas Reveille. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1941. Pp. 344. $2.75.) pp. 1177-1178 Downloads
E. C. Helmreich
National Unity and Disunity; The Nation as a Bio-Social Organism. By George Kingsley Zipf. (Bloomington, Indiana: The Principia Press, Inc.1941. Pp. xv, 408. $3.50.) pp. 1178-1179 Downloads
G. Bernard Noble
Boundaries, Possessions, and Conflicts in Central and North America and the Caribbean. By Gordon Ireland. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1941. Pp. xv, 432. $4.50.) pp. 1179-1180 Downloads
Richard Hartshorne
The Mysterious Science of the Law. By Daniel J. Boorstein. (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. 1941. Pp. xviii, 257. $3.00.) pp. 1180-1181 Downloads
Arnold Brecht
Crime and Its Treatment; Social and Legal Aspects of Criminology. By Arthur Evans Wood and John Barker Waite. (New York: American Book Company. 1941. Pp. ix, 742. $3.50.) pp. 1181-1182 Downloads
F. R. Aumann
American State Debts. By B. U. Ratchford (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. 1941. Pp. xviii, 629. $5.00.) pp. 1183-1184 Downloads
Frederic H. Guild
Local Planning Administration. Edited by Ladislas Segoe. (Chicago: Institute for Training in Municipal Administration. 1941. Pp. xii, 684. $7.00.) pp. 1184-1185 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell
The City-County Consolidated. By John A. Rush. (Los Angeles. Published by the Author. 1941. Pp. xviii, 413. $3.00.) pp. 1185-1186 Downloads
Charles W. Shull
The Number 1 Municipal Law Problem: Home Rule. Report of the City of Chicago Law Department for 1940. (Chicago: Chicago Law Department. 1941. Pp. 150.) - The Government of the City of St. Louis. Summary Report of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on City Survey and Audit. (St. Louis: Governmental Research Institute. 1941. Pp. 318.) pp. 1186-1187 Downloads
Charles M. Kneier
Government Control of Business. By Harold D. Koontz. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1941. Pp. xiv, 937. $4.50.) pp. 1187-1189 Downloads
Hugh L. Elsbree
Concept of Public Business. By Ford P. Hall. (Bloomington, Indiana: Principia Press. 1940. Pp. 223. $4.00.) pp. 1189-1190 Downloads
Edward W. Carter
We Hold These Truths. Edited by Stuart Gerry Brown. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1941. Pp. x, 351. $1.25.) - Democracy's Battle. By Francis Williams. (New York: The Viking Press. 1941. Pp. 324. $2.75.) pp. 1190-1191 Downloads
Willmoore Kendall

Volume 35, issue 5, 1941

Benthamism in England and America pp. 855-871 Downloads
Paul A. Palmer
Individual Claims to Social Benefits, II* pp. 872-885 Downloads
Jane Perry Clark
The Concurrent Resolution in Congress pp. 886-889 Downloads
Howard White
Divisions of Opinion Among Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court, 1939–1941 pp. 890-898 Downloads
C. Herman Pritchett
Unconstitutional Legislation in Minnesota1 pp. 898-915 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
Fourth Edition of the Model State Constitution pp. 916-919 Downloads
W. Brooke Graves
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between April 1 and July 15, 19411 pp. 919-924 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
The Judicial Council as an Aid to the Administration of Justice1 pp. 925-933 Downloads
Edson R. Sunderland
The Judicial Council of the State of New York; Its Objectives, Methods, and Accomnlishments. I pp. 933-940 Downloads
Leonard S. Saxe
The Committee of the Whole in the Reign of James I pp. 941-952 Downloads
Sydney H. Zebel
Some New Light on the Growth of Parliamentary Sovereignty: Wimbish versus Taillebois pp. 952-960 Downloads
Edward T. Lampson
From Luther to Hitler; The History of Fascist-Nazi Political Philosophy. By William M. McGovern. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1941. Pp. ix, 683. $4.00.) pp. 968-969 Downloads
John D. Lewis
Rousseau and Burke. By Annie Marion Osborne. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1940. Pp. 272. $3.75.) pp. 969-971 Downloads
Benjamin E. Lippincott
Marxism; Is It a Science? By Max Eastman. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1940. Pp. 394. $3.00.) pp. 971-972 Downloads
Selig Perlman
Government in War-time Europe. Edited by Harold Zink and Taylor Cole (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1941. Pp. x, 249. $1.50.) pp. 973-974 Downloads
Arnold T. Zurcher
Concerning English Administrative Law. By SirCecil Thomas Carr. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1941. Pp. ix, 189, $2.00.) pp. 974-975 Downloads
Charles Grove Haines
Modern Democracy. By Carl L. Becker. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1941. Pp. 100. $2.00.) - Democracy in Government. By John J. Parker. (Charlottesville: The Michie Company. 1940. Pp. viii, 116.) pp. 976-977 Downloads
Benjamin F. Wright
John D. Rockefeller; The Heroic Age of American Enterprise. By Allen Nevins. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1940. Vol. I, pp. xiii, 683; Vol. II, pp. x, 747.) pp. 977-980 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
The Pardoning Power of the President. By W. H. Humbert. (Washington, D. C.: American Council on Public Affairs. 1941. Pp. 142. $2.50.) pp. 980-981 Downloads
Ethan P. Allen
The New Centralization. By George C. S. Benson. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart. 1941. Pp. xii, 181. $1.00.) pp. 981-982 Downloads
Austin F. Macdonald
Federal Departmentalization. By Schuyler C. Wallace. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1941. Pp. ix, 251. $2.75.) pp. 982-983 Downloads
Harvey Walker
Congressional Procedure. By Floyd M. Riddick. (Boston: Chapman and Grimes, Inc.1941. Pp. xix, 387. $4.00.) pp. 983-984 Downloads
Burton L. French
Government and the American Economy. By Merle Fainsod and Lincoln Gordon. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1941. Pp. 863. $3.90.) pp. 984-985 Downloads
John J. George
Administration and the Rule of Law. By J. Roland Pennock. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc.1941. Pp. xii, 260. $1.00 college edition, $1.50 trade edition.) pp. 985-986 Downloads
Charles Fairman
Democracy or Anarchy? A Study of Proportional Representation. By F. A. Hermens. (Notre Dame, Indiana: The Review of Politics: 1941. Pp. xxx, 447. $4.00.) pp. 986-988 Downloads
Don K. Price
Public Utilities and the National Power Policies. By James C. Bonbright. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. 82. $1.25.) pp. 988-990 Downloads
Orren C. Hormell
Employee Training in the Public Service; A Report Submitted to the Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada by the Committee on Employee Training in the Public Service, Milton Hall, Chairman. (Chicago: Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada. 1941. Pp. xvi, 172.) pp. 991-992 Downloads
Edwin A. Cottrell
International Executive Agreements. By Wallace McClure. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1941. Pp. 449. $4.75.) pp. 992-993 Downloads
William Hays Simpson
Versailles Twenty Years After. By Paul Birdsall. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1941. Pp. xiii, 350. $3.00.) pp. 993-995 Downloads
Oliver J. Lissitzyn
Prepare for Peace. By Henry M. Wriston. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1941. Pp. 275. $2.75.) pp. 995-996 Downloads
Walter H. C. Laves
Hands Off: A History of the Monroe Doctrine. By Dexter Perkins (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1941. Pp. xiii, 455. $3.50.) - The United States as a Factor in World History. By Theodore Clarke Smith (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1941. Pp. viii, 142. $1.00.) pp. 996-997 Downloads
John M. Mathews
Legal Problems in the Far Eastern Conflict. By Quincy Wright, H. Lauterpacht, Edwin M. Borchard, and Phoebe Morrison. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1941. Pp. xi, 211. $2.00.) pp. 998-999 Downloads
George H. Blakeslee
War and Diplomacy in Eastern Asia. By Claude A. Buss. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1941. Pp. xi, 570. $5.00.) - The South Seas in the Modern World. By Felix M. Keesing. (New York: The John Day Company. 1941. Pp. xv, 391. $3.50.) pp. 999-1001 Downloads
Harold S. Quigley
The Dutch East Indies; Its Government, Problems, and Politics. Revised edition. By Amry Vandenbosch. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1941. Pp. xii, 446. $4.00.) pp. 1001-1002 Downloads
Lennox A. Mills
Sea Power in the Machine Age. By Bernard Brodie. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1941. Pp. viii, 451. $3.75.) pp. 1002-1003 Downloads
George H. E. Smith
The Armed Forces of the Pacific. By CaptainW. D. Puleston. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1941. Pp. xiv, 273. $2.75.) pp. 1003-1004 Downloads
Harold H. Sprout

Volume 35, issue 4, 1941

Theories of Federalism under the Holy Roman Empire pp. 643-664 Downloads
Heinz H. F. Eulau
Individual Claims to Social Benefits, I pp. 665-682 Downloads
Jane Perry Clark
State Constitutional Law in 1940–19411 pp. 683-700 Downloads
Charles Aikin
Campaign Finance in the Presidential Election of 19401 pp. 701-727 Downloads
Louise Overacker
Public Ownership and Tax Replacement by the T.V.A pp. 727-737 Downloads
Alexander T. Edelmann
International Law and the Totalitarian States pp. 738-743 Downloads
Quincy Wright
Leviathan and the People. By R. M. MacIver. (Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press. 1939. Pp. ix, 182. $2.00.) pp. 770-771 Downloads
William Y. Elliott
Europe and the German Question. By F. W. Foerster. (New York: Sheed and Ward. 1940. Pp. xviii, 474.) - Le Pangermanisme à la Conquête de la Hongrie: Un État dans “l'Éspace Vital.” Preface de M. Henri Hauser. (Cahiers d'informations françaises. Paris: Jouve et Cie. 1940. Pp. xiii, 174.) - Masaryk's Democracy. By W. Preston Warren. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1941. Pp. x, 254. $2.50.) pp. 771-774 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
Argument from Roman Law in Political Thought, 1200–1600. By Myron Piper Gilmore. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Pp. 148. $2.00.) pp. 774-775 Downloads
Sigmund Neumann
The Educational Philosophy of National Socialism. By George Frederick Kneller. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1941. Pp. viii, 229. $3.50.) pp. 775-777 Downloads
Harwood L. Childs
Law Without Force; The Function of Politics in International Law. By Gerhart Niemeyer. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1941. Pp. xiv, 408. $3.75.) pp. 777-779 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
Oppenheim's International Law. Sixth Edition. Vol. II: Disputes, War, and Neutrality. Edited By H. Lauterpacht. (London: Longmans, Green and Company. 1940. Pp. xliv, 766. $17.50.) pp. 779-780 Downloads
Frederick S. Dunn
The Foundations of a More Stable World Order. By Ferdinand Schevill, Jacob Viner, and Others. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1941. Pp. xiii, 193. $2.00.) pp. 780-781 Downloads
Howard B. Calderwood
The United States and Japan's New Order. By William C. Johnstone. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1941. Pp. xii, 592. $3.00.) pp. 781-782 Downloads
Harold M. Vinacke
Holmes-Pollock Letters: The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Sir Frederick Pollock, 1874–1932. Edited by Mark DeWolfe Howe. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1941. 2 vols. Pp. xxii, 275; 359. $7.50.) pp. 782-784 Downloads
Carl Brent Swisher
Organization of Courts. By Roscoe Pound. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1940. Pp. xiii, 322. $5.00.) pp. 784-786 Downloads
Rodney L. Mott
Justice in Grey. By William W. RobinsonJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1941. Pp. xxi, 713. $7.50.) pp. 786-788 Downloads
C. Perry Patterson
Education for Public Administration. By George A. Graham. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1941. Pp. vii, 366. $3.50.) pp. 788-789 Downloads
John M. Pfiffner
The Administration of Federal Work Relief. By Arthur W. Macmahon, John D. Millett, and Gladys Ogden. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1941. Pp. ix, 407. $3.75.) pp. 789-791 Downloads
Paul T. Stafford
Problems of Administration in Social Work, 1940. By Pierce Atwater. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1940. Pp. v, 319. $3.50.) - The Public Welfare Administrator, 1940. By Elwood Street. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1940. Pp. vii, 422. $3.00.) - Civil Service in Public Welfare, 1940. By Alice Campbell Klein. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1940. Pp. v, 444. $2.25.) pp. 791-792 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
New Directions in Our Trade Policy. By William DieboldJr., (New York: Council on Foreign Relations. 1941. Pp. x, 174. $2.00.) pp. 792-793 Downloads
John Day Larkin
The Regulation of Pipe Lines as Common Carriers. By William Beard. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1941. Pp. vi, 184. $2.00.) pp. 794-796 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
One Thousand Strikes of Government Employees. By David Ziskind. (New York City: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. 259.) pp. 796-797 Downloads
Spencer D. Parratt
Insurgency; Personalities and Politics of the Taft Era. By Kenneth W. Hechler. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. 252. $3.00.) pp. 797-798 Downloads
Wallace S. Sayre

Volume 35, issue 3, 1941

The Legal and Political Philosophy of Leonard Nelson1 pp. 437-453 Downloads
Levi D. Gresh
Democratic Planning in Agriculture, II* pp. 454-469 Downloads
John D. Lewis
Federal Restrictions on the Political Activity of Government Employees pp. 470-489 Downloads
L. V. Howard
Executive Leadership and the Growth of Propaganda pp. 490-500 Downloads
Harold W. Stoke
Final Report of the Attorney General's Committee on Administrative Procedure1 pp. 501-506 Downloads
James Hart
Classification in the Federal Service, and the Emergency pp. 506-510 Downloads
Clifford H. Pruefer
The Representative Function of Bureaucracy pp. 510-516 Downloads
Charles M. Wiltse
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between November 16, 1940 and March 31, 19411 pp. 516-518 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier, Leonard D. White, G. Lyle Belsley and Frances R. Fussell
British By-Elections Between the Wars pp. 519-528 Downloads
James K. Pollock
The Military and the Government in Japan pp. 528-539 Downloads
Chitoshi Yanaga
Scholasticism and Politics. By Jacques Maritain. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp. 248. $2.50.) pp. 545-546 Downloads
Arnold Brecht
The Dual State; A Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship. By Ernst Fraenkel. Translated from the German by E. A. Shils, in collaboration with Edith Loewenstein and Klaus Knorr. (New York, London, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1941. Pp. xvi, 248. $3.00.) pp. 547-548 Downloads
George H. Sabine
The Redemption of Democracy. By Hermann Rauschning. (New York: Alliance Book Corporation. 1941. Pp. 243. $3.00.) pp. 548-550 Downloads
Golo Mann
Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction. By Karl Mannheim. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1940. Pp. xii, 469.) - The Contempt of Freedom; The Russian Experiment and After. By M. Polanyi. (London: Watts and Company. 1940. Pp. ix, 116.) pp. 550-553 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
The Majority of the People. By Edwin MimsJr., (New York: Modern Age Books, Inc.1941. Pp. 314. $2.75.) pp. 553-554 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
Introduction to Politics. By Roy V. Peel, Joseph S. Roucek, and Others. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1941. Pp. xvi, 587. $3.75.) pp. 554-556 Downloads
Catheryn Seckler-Hudson
Public Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture. By John M. Gaus and Leon O. Wolcott. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1940. Pp. x, 534. $4.50.) - Administrative Decentralization. By David B. Truman. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1940. Pp. xi, 211. $2.50.) pp. 556-558 Downloads
Lloyd M. Short
Public Management in the New Democracy. Edited by Fritz Morstein Marx. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1940. Pp. ix, 251. $3.00.) pp. 558-561 Downloads
William E. Mosher
Congressional Apportionment. By Laurence F. Schmeckebier. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1941. Pp. x, 233. $2.50.) pp. 561-562 Downloads
Franklin L. Burdette
The Planning Function in Urban Government. By Robert Averill Walker. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1941. Pp. xxi, 376. $3.00.) - Los Angeles: Preface to a Master Plan. Edited by George W. Robbins and L. Deming Tilton. (Los Angeles: The Pacific Southwest Academy. Publication XIX. Pp. xvi, 303. Map and illustrations. $3.00 cloth, $2.00 paper.) pp. 562-564 Downloads
William Anderson
Government and the Needy; A Study of Public Assistance in New Jersey. By Paul Tutt Stafford. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1941. Pp. xiv, 328. $3.00.) pp. 564-565 Downloads
Lewis Meriam
Police Systems in the United States. By Bruce Smith. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1940. Pp. xx, 384. $4.00.) pp. 565-567 Downloads
Frank M. Stewart
His Majesty's Opposition; Structure and Problems of the British Labour Party, 1931–1938. By Dean E. McHenry. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1940. Pp. xii, 320. $2.00.) pp. 567-568 Downloads
Morley Ayearst
War and Peace in Soviet Diplomacy. By T. A. Taracouzio. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp. 354. $4.00.) pp. 568-570 Downloads
Rupert Emerson
Workers Before and After Lenin. By Manya Gordon (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1941. Pp. 514. $4.00.) pp. 570-571 Downloads
Bertram W. Maxwell
The Political Economy of War. By A. C. Pigou. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1941. Pp. viii, 169. $1.50.) - The Economics of Force. By Frank Munk. (New York: George W. Stewart. 1940. Pp. 254. $2.00.) pp. 571-573 Downloads
Michael A. Heilperin
They Wanted War. By Otto D. Tolischus. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1940. Pp. viii, 340. $3.00.) pp. 573-574 Downloads
John Brown Mason
The Reconstruction of World Trade. By J. B. Condliffe. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1940. Pp. 427. $3.75.) pp. 574-575 Downloads
William P. Maddox
Barriers to World Trade; A Study of Recent Commercial Policy. By Margaret S. Gordon. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1941. Pp. vii, 530. $4.00.) pp. 575-577 Downloads
John Day Larkin
Union Now With Britain. By Clarence K. Streit. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1941. Pp. xv, 234. $1.75.) pp. 577-578 Downloads
H. Schuyler Foster
Night Over Europe; The Diplomacy of Nemesis, 1939–1940. By Frederick L. Schuman. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1941. Pp. xv, 600. $3.50.) pp. 578-579 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton

Volume 35, issue 2, 1941

Labor's Part in War and Reconstruction pp. 217-231 Downloads
Marshall E. Dimock
Democratic Planning in Agriculture, I1 pp. 232-249 Downloads
John D. Lewis
Constitutional Law in 1939–1940: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1939 pp. 250-283 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
Third Session of the Seventy-sixth Congress, January 3, 1940, to January 3, 1941 pp. 284-303 Downloads
Floyd M. Riddick
Political Science and Federal Employment* pp. 304-310 Downloads
Frederick M. Davenport, Lewis B. Sims, Leonard D. White, G. Lyle Belsley and Frances R. Fussell
The Legal Status of Albania pp. 311-317 Downloads
Angelo Piero Sereni
The Commission to Study the Organization of Peace pp. 317-324 Downloads
Smith Simpson
Teaching Political Science in a World at War* pp. 325-333 Downloads
Francis O. Wilcox
The Relations of Political Scientists with Public Officials: Report of a Committee to the American Political Science Association1 pp. 333-343 Downloads
Joseph P. Harris, Frank Bane, Rowland A. Egger, J. A. C. Grant, Pendleton Herring, W. A. Jump, Harold D. Smith, Elbert D. Thomas and Leonard D. White
The Dynamics of War and Revolution. By Lawrence Dennis. (New York: Weekly Foreign Letter. 1940. Pp. xxxi, 259. $3.00.) pp. 352-354 Downloads
Waldemar Gurian
The Clash of Political Ideals. By Albert R. Chandler (New York: Appleton-Century Company. 1940. Pp. xvii, 273. $2.00). - Where Stands Democracy? By Members of the Fabian Society (London: Macmillan and Company. 1940. Pp. viii, 152. 3s. 6d.) pp. 354-355 Downloads
Raymond G. Gettell
The Old Deal and the New. By Charles A. Beard and George H. E. Smith. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp. 294. $2.00.) pp. 355-357 Downloads
Earl L. Shoup
The Legislative Way of Life. By T. V. Smith. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 101. $1.50) pp. 357-358 Downloads
Belle Zeller
The Changing American Legal System; Some Selected Phases. By Francis R. Aumann. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press. 1940. Pp. x, 289) pp. 358-359 Downloads
P. S. Sikes
The Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Secretary of Labor's Committee on Administrative Procedure. (Washington, D. C.: Department of Labor. 1940. Pp. 159. Mimeographed.) pp. 359-360 Downloads
Luella Gettys
Public Relief, 1929–1939. By Josephine C. Brown. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1940. Pp. xx, 524. $3.50.) pp. 360-362 Downloads
A. N. Christensen
The Constitution of England from Queen Victoria to George VI. By Arthur Berriedale Keith. Two volumes. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1940. Pp. lv, 485; ix, 515. $7.50.) pp. 362-363 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Suicide of a Democracy. By Heinz Pol. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1940. Pp. xii, 296. $2.00.) pp. 363-364 Downloads
Karl Loewenstein
The United States in World Affairs, 1939. By Whitney H. Shepardson and William O. Scroggs. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1940. Pp. xiv, 420. $3.00.) pp. 364-365 Downloads
Grayson L. Kirk
The War: First Year. By Edgar McInnis. With a Foreword by Raymond Gram Swing. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1940. Pp. xvi, 312. Maps. $1.50.) - Chronology of Failure: The Last Days of the French Republic. By Hamilton Fish Armstrong. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp. viii, 202. $1.50.) pp. 365-367 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
The Economic Causes of War. By Lionel Robbins. (London: Jonathan Cape. 1940. Pp. 12, 124. $1.35.) pp. 367-368 Downloads
Quincy Wright
Majority Rule in International Organization; A Study of the Trend from Unanimity to Majority Decision. By Cromwell A. Riches. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1940. Pp. x, 322. $2.75.) pp. 368-369 Downloads
Herbert W. Briggs
Peaceful Change and the Colonial Problem. By Bryce Wood. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. 161. $2.00.) pp. 369-370 Downloads
S. D. Myres
Toward a New Order of Sea Power. By Harold and Margaret Sprout. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1940. Pp. xiii, 332. $3.75.) pp. 370-371 Downloads
William Beard
Studies in Legal Terminology. By Erwin Hexner. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1941. Pp. vi, 150. $1.50.) pp. 371-373 Downloads
Kenneth C. Cole

Volume 35, issue 1, 1941

Reflections on the “World Revolution” of 1940* pp. 1-26 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
A Theory of Conservatism pp. 29-43 Downloads
Francis D. Wilson
The Dilemma of Jurisprudence pp. 44-53 Downloads
Francis D. Wormuth
The Contest for a National System of Home-Mortgage Finance pp. 53-69 Downloads
David M. French
Judicial Elections and Partisan Endorsement of Judicial Candidates in Minnesota pp. 69-75 Downloads
Malcolm C. Moos
Another Chapter in Michigan Civil Service Reform pp. 76-82 Downloads
Edward H. Litchfield
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States pp. 82-86 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
Recent Governmental Reforms in France pp. 87-100 Downloads
H. J. Heneman
Canadian Federalism: Report of the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations pp. 100-107 Downloads
Luella Gettys
The Recent Parliamentary Elections in Sweden pp. 107-108 Downloads
Ben A. Arneson
The President: Office and Powers: History and Analysis of Practice and Opinion. By Edwabd S. Corwin (New York: New York University Press. 1940. Pp. xii, 476. $5.00.) - Presidential Leadership: The Political Relations of Congress and the Chief Executive. By Pendleton Herring. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. 1940. Pp. xiv, 173. $1.00.) pp. 142-143 Downloads
James Hart
The President-Makers. By Matthew Josephson. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1940. Pp. viii, 684. $3.75.) pp. 143-144 Downloads
Cortes A. M. Ewing
The Middle Wastes in American Politics. By Arthur N. Holocombe. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1940. Pp. vi, 304. $2.50.) pp. 145-146 Downloads
Edward McCheaney Sait
Urban Government. Supplementary Report of the Urbanism Committee to the National Resources Committee. (Washington; Government Printing Office. 1939. Vol. I, pp. v, 303. $0.50.) pp. 146-148 Downloads
Arthur W. Bromage
Industrial Disputes and Federal Legislation. By Thomas Russell Fisher. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. 370. $4.75.) pp. 148-149 Downloads
Rinehart J. Swenson
The Pattern of Potilics; The Folkways of a Democratic People. By John T. Salter. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp xiv, 246. $2.25.) pp. 149-150 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
Municipal Indebtedness; A Study of the Debt-to-Property Ratio. By Leroy A. ShattuckJr. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1940. Pp. 145. $1.25.) pp. 150-151 Downloads
Carl H. Chatters
Research Methods in Public Administration. By John M. Pfiffner. (New York: The Ronald Press Company. Pp. 447. $4.50.) pp. 151-152 Downloads
Charles S. Ascher
Governments of Continental Europe. By J. T. Shotwell, R. K. Gooch, Karl Loewenstein, Arnold J. Zurcher and Michael T. Florinsky. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp. xxix, 1092.) pp. 153-154 Downloads
Miriam E. Oatman
America's Last Chance. By Albert Care. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1940. Pp. 328. $2.75.) - Where Do We Go Fram Here? By Harold J. Laski. (New York: The Viking Press. 1940. Pp. 192. $1.75.) pp. 155-156 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs. Volume II: Problems of Economśe Policy, 1918–1959, Part I. By W. K. Hancock. (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs. New York: Oxford University Press. 1940. Pp. xi, 324. $4.50.) pp. 156-157 Downloads
A. B. Handles
Cadiz to Cathay; The Story of the Long Struggle for a Waterway Across the American Isthmus. By Miles P. DuValJr. (Palo Alto, Cal.: Stanford University Press. 1940. Pp. xix, 554. $5.00.) - The Fight for the Panama Route; The Story of the Spooner Act and the Hay-Herrán Treaty. By Dwight Carroll Miner (New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. xv, 469.) pp. 157-159 Downloads
Chester Lloyd Jones
Publicity and Diplomacy; With Special Reference to England and Germany, 1890–1914. B Oron James Hale. (New York: D. Appleton-Cantury Company. 1940. Pp. xi, 483. $4.00.) pp. 159-160 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
The Bolsheviks and the World War; The Origin of the Third International. By Olga Hess and H. H. Fisker. (Stanford University: Stanford University Press. 1940. Pp. xviii, 856. $6.00.) pp. 161-162 Downloads
Bruce Hopper
Fifty Year, of War and Diplomacy in the Balkans; Pashich and the Union of Yugoslavs. By Count Carlo Sforsa. Translated by J. G. Clemenceau Clercq. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. Pp. x, 195. $2.75.) pp. 162-164 Downloads
Theodore I. Geshkoff
This Second War of Independence. By William S. Schlamm. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1940. Pp. 200. $2.00.) pp. 164-165 Downloads
Arnold J. Zurcher
The Statecraft of Machiavelli. By H. Butterfield. (London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd. 1940. Pp. 167. 6s.) pp. 165-166 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
The Coal Industry. By Glen Lawhon Parker. (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Public Affairs. 1940. Pp. 198. $3.00.) pp. 166-167 Downloads
Charles C. Rohlfing
Briefer Notices - Professor Cortes A. M. Ewing'a Presidential Elections from Abraham Lincoln to Franklin D. Rooseveli (University of Oklahoma Press, pp. xiii, 226, $2.50) pp. 167-184 Downloads
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