American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 47, issue 4, 1953
- On the Study of Government* pp. 961-974

- Pendleton Herring
- The United Nations and the Political Scientist* pp. 975-979

- Dag Hammarskjold
- The German Social Democratic Party and the International Situation* pp. 980-996

- Henry L. Bretton
- The British Commonwealth of Nations pp. 997-1015

- H. Duncan Hall
- The Nature and Structure of the Commonwealth pp. 1016-1028

- K. C. Wheare
- Nationalism and Democracy in the British Commonwealth: Some General Trends pp. 1029-1040

- Alexander Brady
- Neutralization and the Balance of Power pp. 1041-1057

- Fred Greene
- The Developing Field of International Legal Studies pp. 1058-1075

- David F. Cavers
- The Political Theory Implicit in Social Casework Theory pp. 1076-1091

- Alan Keith-Lucas
- Reason and Power in Benjamin Franklin's Political Thought pp. 1092-1115

- Gerald Stourzh
- Purposes, Procedures, and Outcomes of the Cooperative Research Project on Convention Delegations* pp. 1116-1129

- Paul T. David
- A Note on Treaty Ratification pp. 1130-1133

- Carl Marcy
- Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States. By William W. Crosskey. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. 2 vols. Pp. xi, 708; viii, 709–1410. $20.00 a set.) pp. 1152-1158

- Robert G. McCloskey
- The Taming of the Nations: A Study of the Cultural Bases of International Policy. By F. S. C. Northrop. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1952. Pp. xii, 362. $5.00.) - The World and the West. By Arnold Toynbee. (New York and London: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. vi, 99. $2.00.) pp. 1158-1162

- George B. Sansom
- Democracy and the Party Movement in Prewar Japan: The Failure of the First Attempt. By Robert A. Scalapino. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 471. $6.50.) pp. 1162-1164

- Chitoshi Yanaga
- The Third Force in China. By Carsun Chang. (New York: Bookman Associates. 1952. Pp. 345. $4.50.) pp. 1164-1166

- C. P. FitzGerald
- A Century of Conflict: Communist Techniques of World Revolution. By Stefan T. Possony. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1953. Pp. xx, 439. $7.50.) pp. 1166-1169

- Nathan Leites
- Conscription of Conscience: The American State and the Conscientious Objector, 1940–1947. By Mulford Q. Sibley and Philip E. Jacob. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1952. Pp. x, 580. $6.50.) pp. 1169-1171

- Robert K. Carr
- Why Democracy? By Alf Ross. Translated by David Gatley-Philip. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 249. $4.50.) pp. 1171-1174

- J. A. Corry
- Harold Laski (1893–1950): A Biographical Memoir. By Kingsley Martin. (New York: The Viking Press. 1953. Pp. x, 278. $4.00.) pp. 1174-1175

- Herbert A. Deane
- The People's Right to Know: Legal Access to Public Records and Proceedings. By Harold L. Cross. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 405. $5.50.) pp. 1176-1176

- W. M. Beaney
- Interstate Cooperation: A Study of the Interstate Compact. By Vincent V. Thursby. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1953. Pp. vi, 152. $3.25.) pp. 1176-1177

- Lynton K. Caldwell
- The Doctrine of Separation of Powers and Its Present-Day Significance. By Arthur T. Vanderbilt. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1953. Pp. 144. $2.50.) pp. 1177-1178

- Joseph E. Kallenbach
- Freedom through Law: Public Control of Private Governing Power. By Robert L. Hale. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xvi, 591. $7.50.) pp. 1177-1177

- David G. Farrelly
- The Genius of American Politics. By David J. Boorstin. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. 202. $3.25.) pp. 1178-1178

- Anonymous
- The Citizen Association: How to Organize and Run It and The Citizen Association: How to Win Civic Campaigns. (New York: National Municipal League. 1953. Pp. 64, 64. $0.75 each, $1.20 combined.) pp. 1178-1178

- Anonymous
- America; Ideal and Reality: The United States of 1776 in Contemporary European Philosophy. By W. Strak. (New York: Grove Press. 1953. Pp. viii, 127. $2.50.) pp. 1178-1178

- Anonymous
- Jacob Leisler's Rebellion: A Study of Democracy in New York, 1664–1720.By Jerome R. Reich. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. 194. $4.50.) pp. 1178-1178

- Anonymous
- A Front Row Seat. By Nicholas Roosevelt. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 304. $4.50.) pp. 1178-1178

- Anonymous
- French Politics: The First Years of the Fourth Republic. By Dorothy Pickles. (London & New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1953. Pp. xii, 302. $5.00.) pp. 1183-1184

- Alfred Diamant
- Perón's Argentina. By George I. Blanksten. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 478. $6.50.) pp. 1184-1185

- Louis G. Kahle
- Administration of Justice in Latin America. By Helen L. Clagett. (New York: Oceana Publications. 1952. Pp. ix, 149. $5.00.) pp. 1184-1184

- William S. Stokes
- English Historical Documents: Volume 2, 1042–1189. Edited by David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 1014. $17.50.) pp. 1185-1185

- A. R. Lewis
- Tudor Prelates and Politics, 1536–1558. By Lacey Baldwin Smith. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. viii, 333. $5.00.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- State of Israel. Government Year-book 5713 (1952). (Jerusalem: Government Printer, 1952. Pp. 485. $2.50.) pp. 1186-1186

- J.B.C.,
- Publications of the Governments of the North-West Territories, 1876–1905, and of the Province of Saskatchewan, 1905–1952. Compiled by Christine MacDonald. (Regina, Sask.: Legislative Library. 1953. Pp. 110. Price: $1.75.) pp. 1186-1186

- J.B.C.,
- Manitoba Provincial Municipal Committee. Report with Memorandum of Recommendations. (Winnipeg: C. E. Leech, Queen's Printer, 1953. Pp. 184.) pp. 1186-1186

- J.B.C.,
- The British Parliament. By Strathearn Gordon. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1952. Pp. 247. $4.25.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- Parliamentary Government in the Commonwealth. Edited by Sydney D. Bailey. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. V, 217. $4.50.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- Parliamentary Government in Southern Asia. By Sydney D. Bailey. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1953. Pp. 100. $2.00.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- The Life and Times of Sir Edwin Chadwick. By S. E. Finer. (London: Methuen & Co.1952. Distributed by British Book Center, New York. Pp. X, 555. $9.50.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- Ernest Bevin: Portrait of a Great Englishman. By Francis Williams. Introduction by Clement Attlee. (London: Hutchinson. 1953. Distributed by British Book Center, New York. Pp. 288. $4.50.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- The General Election in the City of Bombay, 1952. By M. Venkatarangaiya. (Bombay: Vora & Co. Publishers Ltd.1953. Pp. viii, 169. $2.00.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- Ministero dell'interno. Direzione generale dell'amministrazione civile. Divisione servizi elettorali. Elezione politiche, 1953. Pubblicazioni n. 1–11. (Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato. 1953. 11 vol.) pp. 1187-1187

- J.B.C.,
- Office of the U. S. High Commissioners for Germany. Elections and Political Parties in Germany, 1945–1952. Prepared by Policy Reports Secretary, Office of Executive Secretary. ([Berlin?]. 1952. Pp. 93.) pp. 1187-1187

- J.B.C.,
- Geschaftsordnung des Deutschen Bundestages. (Bonn. 1952. Pp. 72.) pp. 1187-1187

- J.B.C.,
- Landeskalender für Baden-Württemberg 1953. Amtliche Ausgabe mit dem Marktverzeichnis und dem Behördenführer. (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer. 1953. Pp. 112.) pp. 1187-1187

- J.B.C.,
- Inventaire des affiches conservées aux Archives de la Marne, Tome I. Politique (1716–1951). By René Gandilhon. (Chalons-sur-Marne: Archives de la Marne. 1953. Pp. xiv, 495. 1,500 francs.) pp. 1187-1187

- J.B.C.,
- War and Postwar Greece: An Analysis Based on Greek Writings. Prepared by Floyd A. Spencer. (Washington: The Library of Congress. 1952. Pp. XV, 175. $1.15.) pp. 1187-1187

- Anonymous
- The Arab World: Past, Present and Future. By Nejla Izzeddin with an Introduction by William E. Hocking (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.. 1953. Pp. xii, 412. $6.50.) pp. 1187-1187

- Anonymous
- State and Economics in the Middle East: A Society in Transition. By Alfred Bonné. (New York: The Grove Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 439. $6.00.) pp. 1187-1187

- Anonymous
- Checklist of Philippine Government Documents, 1950. Compiled by the Bibliographical Society of the Philippines. (Washington: The Library of Congress. 1953. Pp. 62. $40.) pp. 1187-1188

- J.B.C.,
- Salt for the Dragon: A Personal History of China, 1908–1945. By Esson M. Gale. (East Lansing: Michigan State College Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 225. $4.00.) pp. 1188-1188

- Anonymous
- Soviet Law in Action: The Recollected Cases of a Soviet Lawyer. By Boris A. Konstantinovsky edited by Harold J. Berman. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 77. $1.50.) pp. 1188-1188

- Anonymous
- Modern Foreign Governments. By Frederic A. Ogg and Harold Zink. (New York: Macmillan Co.. 1953. Pp. xi, 1005. $6.25.) pp. 1188-1188

- Anonymous
- Pan-Slavism: Its History and Ideology. By Hans Kohn. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 356. $6.25.) pp. 1193-1194

- John S. Reshetar
- Containment or Liberation? An Inquiry into the Aims of United States Foreign Policy. By James Burnham. (New York: The John Day Co.1953. Pp. 256. $3.50.) pp. 1194-1195

- Kenneth W. Thompson
- Soviet Imperialism: Its Origin and Tactics. Edited by Waldemar Gurian. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. 1953. Pp. 166. $3.75.) pp. 1194-1194

- D. Lincoln Harter
- The Government of the Catholic Church. By Elizabeth M. Lynskey. (New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons. 1952. Pp. X, 99. $2.00.) pp. 1195-1195

- Philip Selznick
- The Church under Communism. By the Commission Appointed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1953. Pp. 79. $6.00.) pp. 1195-1195

- Anonymous
- International Relations: The World Community in Transition. By Norman D. Palmer and Howard C. Perkins. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1953. Pp. ix, 1270. $7.00.) pp. 1195-1195

- Anonymous
- Americans and Chinese: Two Ways of Life. By Francis L. K. Hsu. (New York: Henry Schuman. 1953. Pp. xix, 457. $6.00.) pp. 1196-1197

- Anonymous
- Modern World Politics. By Thorsten V. Kalijarvi and Associates. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.1953. Pp. xi, 660. $6.50.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- International Economic Organisations. By C. H. Alexandrowicz. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Published under the Auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs. Pp. xii, 263. $6.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- Survey of International Affairs, 1949–1950. By Peter Calvocoressi. Assisted by Sheila Harden with an Introduction by Arnold Toynbee. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 590. $12.00.) - Documents on International Affairs, 1949–1950. Edited by Margaret Carlyle. (London, New York, and Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 796. $12.50.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- The American Road to World Peace. By Alfred Zimmern. (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.1953. Pp. 287. $4.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- The United States and Mexico. By Howard F. Cline. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 452. $6.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1985. Vol. IV. The American Republics. Compiled by the Department of State. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. lxxxix, 988. $4.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1935. Volume III. The Far East. Compiled by the U. S. Department of State. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. cvii, 1128. $4.50.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- Japan and America Today. By Edwin O. Reischauer et al. (Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 166. $3.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy. By Robert Paul Browder. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 256. $5.00.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- The Road to Safety: A Study in Anglo-American Relations. By Arthur Willert. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Pp. viii, 184. $3.50.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918–1945. Series D. Vol. V. Poland; the Balkans; Latin America; the Smaller Powers; June 1937–March 1939. Compiled by the Department of State. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. lxxxvi, 977. $3.25.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Saints in Politics: The “Clapham Sect“ and the Growth of Freedom. By Ernest Marshall Howse. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1952. Pp. xv, 215. $5.00.) pp. 1202-1203

- Harry W. Laidler
- Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals: Babbitt Jr. vs. the Rediscovery of Values. By Peter Viereck. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 320. $4.00.) pp. 1203-1204

- Gerhard Loewenberg
- Political Thought in France: From the Revolution to the Fourth Republic. By J. P. Mayer. (New York: Grove Press. 1953. Pp. X, 154. $3.00.) pp. 1204-1205

- Anonymous
- Die polilische Philosophie des Altertums. By Rudolf Stanka. (Wien-Koln: A. Sexl. 1951. Pp. 462.) pp. 1204-1204

- Anonymous
- The Political Philosophy of Bakunin: Scientific Anarchism. Compiled and edited by G. P. Maximoff. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press. 1953. Pp. 434. $6.00.) pp. 1204-1204

- Anonymous
- Hume: Theory of Politics. Edited by Frederick Watkins. (Austin: The University of Texas Press. 1953. Pp. XXX, 246. $2.00.) pp. 1204-1204

- Anonymous
- Thomas Paine: Common Sense and Other Political Writings. Edited bt Nelson F. Adkins. (New York: The Liberal Arts Press. 1953. Pp. liii, 184. $.75.) pp. 1205-1205

- Anonymous
Volume 47, issue 3, 1953
- Seminar Report* pp. 641-657

- Anonymous
- Comments on the Seminar Report pp. 658-675

- Carl J. Friedrich, Harold D. Lasswell, Herbert A. Simon, Ralph J. D. Braibanti, G. Lowell Field and Dwight Waldo
- The Italian Elections and the Problem of Representation* pp. 676-703

- Joseph G. La Palombara
- The Democratization of Administration: The Farmer Committee System* pp. 704-727

- Reed L. Frischknecht
- Reflections of a Law Professor on Instruction and Research in Public Administration* pp. 728-752

- Kenneth Culp Davis
- Collective Security Reexamined pp. 753-772

- Kenneth W. Thompson
- The Law of Oligarchy pp. 773-784

- C. W. Cassinelli
- The Legislative Council Movement, 1933–1953* pp. 785-797

- Harold W. Davey
- Increasing the Number of Americans Potentially Available for Foreign Assignments* pp. 798-804

- Walter H. C. Laves
- The Independent Voter in 1952: A Study of Pittsfield, Massachusetts* pp. 805-810

- Philip K. Hastings
- Holmes-Laski Letters: The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Harold J. Laski, 1916–1935. Vols. I and II. Edited by Mark DeWolfe Howe. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 1650. $12.50.) pp. 858-862

- George Catlin
- The Political System: An Inquiry into the State of Political Science. By David Easton. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1953. Pp. xxiii, 320. $5.00.) pp. 862-865

- William Anderson
- Essays on Church and State. By Lord Acton. Edited by Douglas Woodruff. (New York: Viking Press. Pp. vi, 518. $6.00.) - Lord Acton: A Study in Conscience and Politics. By Gertrude Himmelfarb. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1952. Pp. x, 260. $3.75.) - Acton's Political Philosophy: An Analysis. By G. E. Fasnacht. (New York: Viking Press. Pp. xiv, 265. $4.00.) pp. 865-868

- C. H. Driver
- The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Santayana. By Russell Kirk. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.1953. Pp. 458. $6.50.) pp. 868-870

- Clinton Rossiter
- United States Foreign Policy: Its Organization and Control. By William Yandell Elliott, Chairman of Study Group. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xviii, 288. $3.75.) pp. 870-871

- James L. McCamy
- The Great Frontier. By Walter Prescott Webb. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1953. Pp. xiii, 434. $5.00.) pp. 871-874

- David M. Potter
- The Zone of Indifference. By Robert Strausz-Hupé. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1952. Pp. 312. $3.75.) pp. 874-877

- Frederick M. Watkins
- Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia. By George McTurnan Kahin. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1952. Pp. xii, 490. $6.00.) pp. 877-878

- Amry Vandenbosch
- The Community of the Future. By Fr.Vinding Kruse. (New York: The Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. vii, 828. $12.00.) pp. 879-880

- Edgar Bodenheimer
- Federal Administrative Law. By Rinehart John Swenson. (New York: The Ronald Press Company. 1952. Pp. v, 376. $6.00.) pp. 880-882

- K. C. Cole
- The House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1945–1950. By Robert K. Carr. (New York: Cornell University Press. 1952. Pp. xiii, 489. $6.50.) pp. 882-883

- Robert A. Horn
- Nature and Needs of Higher Education: The Report of the Commission on Financing Higher Education. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xi. 191. $2.50.) - Who Should Go to College, By Byron S. Hollinshead with a chapter by Robert Havighurst and Robert R. Rodgers. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xi, 190. $3.00.) - The Federal Government and Financing Higher Education. By Richard G. Axt. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xiv, 295. $4.00.) - Government Assistance to Universities in Great Britain: Memoranda Submitted to the Commission on Financing Higher Education. By Harold W. Dodds, Louis M. Hacker and Lindsay Rogers. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. x, 133. $2.50.) - State Public Finance and State Institutions of Higher Education in the United States. By H. K. Allen in collaboration with Richard G. Axt. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xviii, 196. $3.00.) - Student Charges and Financing of Higher Education. By Richard H. Ostheimer. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1953). - The Development and Scope of Higher Education in the United States. By Richard Hofstadter and D. DeWitt Hardy. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 254. $3.00.) - A Statistical Analysis of the Organization of Higher Education in the United States, 1948–1949. By Richard H. Ostheimer. (New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. xviii, 233.) - Financing Higher Education in the United States: The Staff Report of the Commission on Financing Higher Education. By John D. Millett. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xix, 503. $5.00.) pp. 883-890

- George C. S. Benson
- Veterans in Politics: The Story of the G. A. R. By Mary R. Dearing. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1952. Pp. x, 523. $6.00.) pp. 891-891

- Victoria Schuck
- Champion Campaigner: Franklin D. Roosevelt. By Harold F. Gosnell. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1952. Pp. viii, 235. $3.50.) pp. 891-892

- Roy V. Peel
- The Faith of Our Fathers: An Anthology of Americana, 1790–1860. Edited by Irving Mark and Eugene L. Schwaab. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1952. Pp. xviii, 396. $4.75.) pp. 893-894

- Anonymous
- The Struggle for Survival: A Chronicle of Economic Mobilization in World War II. By Eliot Janeway. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1951. Pp. ix, 382. Chronicles of America, Vol. 53, $2.50; trade ed. $5.00.) pp. 893-893

- Harvey C. Mansfield
- TVA: Democracy on the March; Twentieth Anniversary Edition. By David E. Lilienthal. (New York: Harper & Bros. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 294. $3.50.) pp. 893-893

- Anonymous
- Valley of Tomorrow: The TVA and Agriculture. By Norman I. Wengert. (Knoxville: Bureau of Public Administration, University of Tennessee. 1952. Pp. xv, 151. $1.50.) pp. 893-893

- Anonymous
- Political and Civil Rights in the United States. By Thomas I. Emerson and David Haber. (Buffalo, New York: Dennis & Co.1952. Pp. xx, 1209.) pp. 893-893

- Anonymous
- Basic American Documents. Edited by George B. de Huszar, Henry W. Littlefield, and Arthur W. Littlefield. (Ames, Iowa: Littlefield, Adams & Co.1953. Pp. x, 365. $1.50.) pp. 893-893

- Anonymous
- Government and the American Economy, 1870—Present: Select Problems in Historical Interpretation. By Thomas G. Manning and David M. Potter with the collaboration of Wallace E. Davies. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1950. Pp. xvi, 464.) pp. 894-895

- Anonymous
- The New Dictionary of American History. By Michael Martin and Leonard Gelber. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. v, 695. $10.00.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- The Complete Madison: His Basic Writings. Edited by Saul K. Padover. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1953. Pp. ix, 361. $4.00.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- The American Electoral College. By Roger Lea Macbride. (Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd.1953. Pp. 89. $0.75.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- William L. Wilson and Tariff Reform. By Festus P. Summers. (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 288. $5.00.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- His Lordship's Patronage: Offices of Profit in Colonial Maryland. By Donnell MacClure Owings. (Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society. 1953. Pp. xii, 214.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- Bourbon Democracy of the Middle West: 1865–1896. By Horace Samuel Mereill. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1953. Pp. viii, 300. $4.50.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- The Great American Parade. By H. J. Duteil. Translated by Fletcher Pratt. (New York: Twayne Publishers. 1953. Pp. 321. $3.75.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- Ideas and Issues in Public Administration: A Book of Readings. Edited by Dwiqht Waldo. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1953. Pp. x, 462. $5.50.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- Reader in Public Opinion and Communication: Enlarged Edition. Edited By Bernard Berelson and Morris Janowitz. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 611. $5.50.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- Business and Government. By Marshall Edward Dimock. (New York: Henry Holt and Co.1953. Pp. xvi, 799. $6.50.) pp. 894-894

- Anonymous
- Free Enterprise and Economic Organization: Legal and Belated Materials. By Louis B. Schwartz. (Brooklyn: The Foundation Press. 1952. Pp. xx, 1215.) pp. 895-895

- Anonymous
- Government's Role in Economic Life. By George A. Steiner. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1953. Pp. xi, 440. $6.00.) pp. 895-895

- Anonymous
- Nationalization in Practice: The British Coal Industry. By William Warren Haynes. (Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University. 1953. Pp. xviii, 413. $4.00.) pp. 900-901

- Erwin W. Bard
- Monarchism in the Weimar Republic. By Walter H. Kaufmann. (New York: Bookman Associates. 1953. Pp. 305. $4.00.) pp. 901-902

- Anonymous
- Türkiyede Siyasî Partiler, 1859–1952 [Political Parties in Turkey, 1859–1952]. By Dr.Tarik Z. Tunaya. (Istanbul: Dogan Kardeş Yaymlam A. Ş. Basmevi. 1952. Pp. viii, 799.) pp. 901-901

- Eastin Nelson
- Comparative Political Institutions: A Study of Modern Democratic and Dictatorial Systems. By Daniel Wit. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1953. Pp. ix, 534. $4.75.) pp. 901-901

- Anonymous
- Documents on Fundamental Human Rights. Pamphlets I, II, and III. Compiled and Edited by Zechariah ChafeeJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1951, 1951, 1952. Pp. 277, 278–633 (with unpaged appendix), 634–998.) pp. 901-901

- Anonymous
- Das amtliche Schrifttum der Bundesrepublik, unter Mitwirkung des Presse- und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung und der Bundesministerien. (Bonn: Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, G. m. b. H.1952. Pp. 47.) pp. 902-902

- J.B.C.,
- Landtags Handbuch. (2. Wahlperiode.) (Saarbrücken: Landtagsverwaltung. 1953. Looseleaf, 20 sections, mainly mimeographed in foolscap folio format.) pp. 902-902

- J.B.C.,
- Handbuch des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin. 1. Wahlperiode (ab. 11. Januar 1951). (Berlin: Hrsg. vom Büro des Abgeordnetenhauses. 1952. Pp. 219.) pp. 902-902

- J.B.C.,
- Systematisches und alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Gemeinden der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Stand Januar 1953. By Staatliche Zentralverwaltung für Statistik of the Regierung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Zentralverlag. 1953. Pp. 91.) pp. 902-902

- J.B.C.,
- Les journaux officiels de la République française: étude historique et analytique. By Direction de la Documentation. (Paris: La Documentation française. 1953. Pp. 22. Notes et études documentaires, no. 1,738. Série française, cccxxi.) pp. 902-903

- J.B.C.,
- The Official Gazette of the United Kingdom of Libya. (Tripoli, Libya: The Government Printer. 1951-. No. Extraordinary, 7th Oct., 1951, Vol. 1. No. 1, Oct. 24, 1951 to date.) pp. 903-903

- J.B.C.,
- Commission mixte d'enquête sur le fonctionnement des services de l'Etat et des institutions parétatiques. Premier rapport aux Chambres législatives. (Brussels: Moniteur belge. 03 12, 1952. 122e année, n. 72, pp. 1714–1792.) pp. 903-903

- J.B.C.,
- State of Travancore-Cochin. The Travancore-Cochin Legislative Assembly Manual. (Ernakulam: Government Press. 1952. Pp. xii, 132.) pp. 903-903

- J.B.C.,
- Travancore-Cochin Legislative Asgembly. A Selection from the Decisions from the Chair, 1922–1951. With index. Compiled by K. Mahadeva Aiyar, Editor of Debates of the Travancore-Cochin Legislative Assembly. (Ernakulam: Government Press. 1952. Pp. vi, 52.) pp. 903-903

- J.B.C.,
- Leg élections législatives du 17 juin 1951. By Ministère de l'intérieur. (Paris: La Documentation française. 1953. Pp. 452. Collection “Recueils et monographies,” 20.) pp. 903-903

- J.B.C.,
- Nigeria. House of Representatives. Debates. First Session. 29th, 30th and 31st January, 11th to 31st March and 1st to 9th April 1952. (Lagos: Government Printer. 1952. 3 vols.) pp. 903-904

- J.B.C.,
- Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of the Gold Coast (Amended up to October, 1952). (Accra, Gold Coast: Government Printing Dept.1952. Pp. 23.) pp. 904-904

- J.B.C.,
- Public Administration in Malaya. By S. W. Jones. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1953. Pp. vii, 229. $3.00.) - Public Administration in Burma: A Study of Development During the British Connexion. By F. S. V. Donnison. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1953. Pp. vii, 119. $2.50.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- Report on Mao's China. By Frank Moraes. (New York: The Macmillan Co.1953. Pp. vii, 212. $3.75.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- Utopia Ltd.: The Story of the English New Town of Stevenage. By Harold Orlans. (New Haven: The University Press1953. Pp. xv, 313. $4.50.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- The British Parliament. By Strathearn Gordon. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger1952. Pp. 247. $4.25.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- The Russians in Focus. By Harold J. Berman. (Boston: Little, Brown and Co.1953. Pp. xii, 209. $3.00.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- The Soviet Impact on society: A Recollection. By Dagobert D. Runes. (New York: Philosophical Library1953. Pp. xiii, 202. $3.75.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- South Africa. By Jan H. Hofmeyr Revised by J. C. Cope. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc.1953. Pp. x, 253. $3.75.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- Africa: A Study in Tropical development. By L. Dudley Stamp. (New York: John wiley & Sons, Inc.1953. Pp. vii, 568. $8.50.) pp. 904-904

- Anonymous
- Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs: Problems of External Policy, 1931–1939. By Nicholas Mansergh. (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1952. Pp. xx, 481. $8.00.) pp. 909-909

- Leslie Lipson
- International Shipping Cartels: A Study of Industrial Self-Regulation by Shipping Conferences. By Daniel MarxJr., (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 323. $6.00.) pp. 909-910

- Marshall Knappen
- The Indian Year Book of International Affairs, 1952. Edited by C. H. Alexandrowicz. (Madras: University of Madras. 1952. Pp. xii, 316. Rs. 10.) pp. 910-911

- Norman D. Palmer
- Yankee Diplomacy: U. S. Intervention in Argentina. By O. Edmund SmithJr., (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press. 1953. Pp. iii, 196. Cloth $3.00, paper $2.00.) pp. 911-912

- Horace V. Harrison
- India in World Affairs, August 1947–January 1950: A Review of India's Foreign Relations from Independence Day to Republic Day. By K. P. Karunakaran. (Calcutta: Oxford University Press. 1952. Pp. xi, 407. Rs. 15.) pp. 911-911

- Norman D. Palmer
- Economic Planning for the Peace. By E. F. Penrose. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 384. $7.50.) pp. 912-912

- Anonymous
- The Year Book of World Affairs, 1953. Published under the Auspicies of the London Institute of World Affairs. (London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd.1953. Pp. xv, 427. £2 2s.) pp. 912-912

- Anonymous
- International Politics: The Western State System in Mid-Century. By Frederick L. Schuman. (New York: McGraw-Hill Co.1953. Pp. xvii, 577. $6.00.) pp. 912-912

- Anonymous
- Traité de Droit international public: Avecmention de la pratique international et suisse. Tome I. By Paul Guggenheim. (Genève: Librairie de l'Université, Georg & Cie S.A. 1953. Pp. xxviii, 592.) pp. 912-912

- Anonymous
- Elements of American Foreign Policy. By Larry L. Leonard. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1953. Pp. xvi, 611. $6.00.) pp. 912-912

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1935. Volume I, General, The Near East and Africa. (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. xcvii, 1074. $4.25.) pp. 912-913

- Anonymous
- When Peoples Speak to Peoples: An Action Guide to International Cultural Relations for American Organizations, Institutions, and Individuals. By Harold E. Snyder. (Washington: American Council on Education. 1953. Pp. xiii, 206. $3.00.) pp. 913-914

- Anonymous
- Foreign Policies of the United States. By Hollis W. Barber. (New York: Dryden Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 614. $5.25.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- The United States and India and Pakistan. By Norman W. Brown. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 308. $4.50.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- America First: The Battle Against Intervention, 1940–1941. By Wayne S. Cole. (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. 1953 Pp. xi, 305. $3.50.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies: Instructions and Despatches, Volume I, 1816–1850; Volume II, 1850–1861. Edited by Howard R. Marraro. (New York: S. F. Vanni (Ragusa). 1952. Pp. xiv, 683; xxi, 781. $35.00.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- Europe and the United States in the World Economy. By Robert Marjolin. (Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 105. $2.00.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- Southeast Asia in the Coming World. Edited by Phili P W. Thayer. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 306. $4.75.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- Asia and the West. By Maurice Zinkin. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1953. Pp. xii, 304. $3.50.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- The Suez Canal in World Affairs. By Hugh J. Schonfield. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1953. Pp. x, 174. $4.50.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- Germany Plots with the Kremlin. By T. H. Tetens. (New York: Henry Schuman, Inc.1953. Pp. x, 294. $3.75.) pp. 913-913

- Anonymous
- Wings for Peace: A Primer for a New Defense. By Bonner Fellers. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.. 1953. Pp. 248. $3.50.) pp. 914-914

- Anonymous
- Strategy for Survival. By John E. Kieffer. (New York: David McKay Co.. 1953. Pp. 306. $4.00.) pp. 914-914

- Anonymous
- Bolshevism: An Introduction to Soviet Communism. By Waldemar Gurian. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 1952. Pp. 189. $3.25.) pp. 920-920

- Frederick C. Barghoorn
- The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism: Eduard Bernstein's Challenge to Marx. By Peter Gay. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xvii, 334. $4.50.) pp. 920-921

- Rene de Visme Williamson
- Government Information and the Research Worker. Lectures Delivered at a Vacation Course of the University of London School of Librarianship and Archives in April 1951. Edited with an Introduction by Ronald Stavely. (London: Library Association. 1952. Pp. 228.) pp. 921-921

- Anonymous
- Freedom and Authority in Our Time: Twelfth Symposium of the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion. Edited by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, R. M. Maciver, and Richard McKeon. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1953. Pp. xvi, 767. $6.00.) pp. 921-921

- Anonymous
- The Philosophy of J. S. Mill. By R. P. Anschutz. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. 184. $3.00.) pp. 921-921

- Anonymous
- The Substance of Politics. By A. Appadorai. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 524. $2.50.) pp. 921-921

- Anonymous
Volume 47, issue 2, 1953
- Libertarian Motivations on the Vinson Court pp. 321-336

- C. Herman Pritchett
- The Two-Party System in British Politics pp. 337-358

- Leslie Lipson
- Political Issues and the Vote: November, 1952 pp. 359-385

- Angus Campbell, Gerald Gurin and Warren E. Miller
- The Region of Isolationism pp. 386-401

- Ralph H. Smuckler
- Agrarian Syndicalism in Postwar France pp. 402-416

- Gordon Wright
- An American View of European Union* pp. 417-430

- Arthur N. Holcombe
- Political Factors in U. S. International Financial Cooperation, 1945–1950 pp. 431-460

- Jack N. Behrman
- Nature over Art: No More Local Finance* pp. 461-477

- Rowland Egger
- State Administration of Natural Resources in the West* pp. 478-493

- Vincent Ostrom
- Technical Assistance and Administrative Reform in Colombia pp. 494-510

- Lynton K. Caldwell
- The Role of the Military in Middle East Politics pp. 511-524

- Majid Khadduri
- Partisanship and County Office: The Case of Ohio pp. 525-532

- V. O. Key
- British By-Elections, 1952 pp. 533-536

- Richard M. Scammon
- Contemporary Political Science: A Survey of Methods, Research and Teaching. A Symposium Developed by UNESCO. (Paris: UNESCO. 1950. Pp. 714. $5.00.) - Social Science Research Methods. By Wilson Gee. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1950. Pp. vii, 391. $4.00.) - Field Theory in Social Science. Selected Papers by Kurt Lewin, edited by Dorwin Cartwright. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1951. Pp. xx, 346. $5.00.) pp. 538-541

- C. J. Friedrich
- The New Science of Politics: An Introductory Essay. By Eric Voegelin. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1952. Pp. xiii, 193. $3.00.) pp. 542-543

- Francis G. Wilson
- Georges Sorel, Prophet Without Honor: A Study in Anti-Intellectualism. By Richard Humphrey. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1951. Pp. 246. $4.00.) - The Genesis of Georges Sorel: An Account of His Formative Period Followed by a Study of His Influence. By James H. Meisel. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: George Wahr Publishing Company. 1951. Pp. 320. $5.00.) pp. 543-546

- Arnaud B. Leavelle
- Morals and Law: The Growth of Aristotle's Legal Theory. By Max Hamburger. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1951. Pp. xvi, 191. $3.75.) pp. 546-547

- Harry V. Jaffa
- Ethics in Government. By Paul H. Douglas. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 114. $2.25.) - Morality in American Politics. By George A. Graham. (New York: Random House. 1952. Pp. xiii, 337. $3.50.) - Ethical Standards in Government. (Report of a Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 82nd Cong., 1st session. 1951. Pp. iii, 89.) - Establishment of a Commission on Ethics in Government. (Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 82nd Cong., 1st sess. 1951. Pp. v, 577.) pp. 548-549

- Wallace S. Sayre
- Monetary Policy and the Management of the Public Debt. Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Subcommittee on General Credit Control and Debt Management. (82nd Congress, 2nd Session. 1952.) pp. 549-553

- Morgan Thomas
- Administration of National Economic Control. By Emmette S. Redford. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1952. Pp. xvii, 403. $5.50.) pp. 553-554

- Merle Fainsod
- Problems of Nationalized Industry. Edited by William A. Robson. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1952. Pp. 390. $5.00.) pp. 555-557

- Marshall E. Dimock
- Politics, Presidents, and Coattails. By Malcolm Moos. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1952. Pp. xxi, 237. $4.00.) pp. 557-559

- Louis Bean
- Metropolitan Los Angeles: A Study in Integration. By Edwin A. Cottrell and Associates. (Los Angeles: The Haynes Foundation.) - I. Characteristics of the Metropolis. By Edwin A. Cottrell and Helen L. Jones. (1952. Pp. xi, 120. Paper $1.75, cloth $2.25.) - II. How the Cities Grew. By Richard Bigger and James D. Kitchen. (1952. Pp. xii, 256. Paper $2.50, cloth $3.00.) - III. Regional Planning. By Judith Norvell Jamison. (1952. Pp. v, 103. Paper $1.25, cloth $1.75.) - X. Personnel Management. By Helen L. Jones. (1952. Pp. vi, 69. Paper $1.25, cloth $1.75.) - XI. Governmental Purchasing. By Paul Beckett, Morris Plotkin and George Pollak. (1952. Pp. vi, 134. Paper $1.50, cloth $2.00.) - XII. Schools. By Helen L. Jones. (1952. Pp. xi, 103. Paper $1.25, cloth $1.75.) pp. 559-561

- Charles M. Kneier
- Psychoanalysis and Politics: A Contribution to the Psychology of Politics and Morals. By R. E. Money-Kyrle. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1951. Pp. 183. $3.00.) pp. 561-563

- Carlton C. Rodee
- International Political Science Abstracts (with alternate title: Documentation Politique Internationale). By the International Political Science Association and the International Studies Conference. (Paris: UNESCO. Distributor in the U.S.A.: Columbia University Press, N. Y. $4.00 per year.) pp. 563-564

- Rowland Egger
- Primary Elections in the South: A Study in Uniparty Politics. By Cortez A. M. Ewing (Oklahoma: The University of Oklahoma Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 112. $2.75.) pp. 565-565

- Donald S. Strong
- Soil Conservation Districts in Action. By Robert W. Parks. (Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State College Press. 1952. Pp. xi, 242. $3.50.) pp. 565-566

- Lawrence L. Durisch
- Civic Victories. By Richard S. Childs. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1952. Pp. xvii, 350. $3.50.) pp. 566-566

- Edward W. Weidner
- Gentlemen Freeholders: Political Practices in Washington's Virginia. By Charles S. Sydnor. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 180. $3.50.) pp. 567-567

- O. Douglas Weeks
- Appointed Executive Local Government: The California Experience. By John C. Bollens. (Los Angeles: Haynes Foundation. 1952. Pp. xi, 233. Paper: $3.00; Cloth: $3.75 pp. 567-567

- Anonymous
- How Human Rights Got Into the Constitution. By Zechariah ChafeeJr., (Boston: Boston University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 81. $2.50.) pp. 567-567

- Anonymous
- Frontiers for Freedom. Edited by R. Gordon Hoxie. (Denver: The University of Denver Press. 1952. Pp. xi, 327. $3.75.) pp. 567-567

- Anonymous
- Conduct of Judges and Lawyers: A Study of Professional Ethics, Discipline and Disbarment. By Orie L. Phillips and Philbrick McCoy. (Los Angeles: Parker and Company. 1952. Pp. xxvii, 247.) pp. 567-567

- Anonymous
- The Civil Service Today. By T. A. Critchley. (New York: John de Graff, Inc. Pp. 150. $3.00.) - How the Civil Service Works. By Bosworth Monck. (New York: Macmillan Co.1952. Pp. vi, 258. $5.00.) - Modern Staff Training: A Survey of Training Needs and Methods of Today. By F. J. Tickner. (London: University of London Press Ltd.1952. Pp. 159. 12/6 net.) pp. 579-580

- H. M. Stout
- France under the Fourth Republic. By François Goguel. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. 1952. Pp. xiii, 198. $3.00.) pp. 579-579

- Charles Micaud
- Contemporary Foreign Governments. By Herman Beukema and Associates. (New York: Rinehart & Company. 1953. Pp. xx, 610. $5.50.) pp. 580-580

- Anonymous
- British Government. By Hiram Miller Stout. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 433. $5.00.) pp. 580-580

- Anonymous
- The British General Election of 1951. By D. E. Butler. (New York: St. Martin's Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 289. $4.25.) pp. 580-580

- Anonymous
- Jammu and Kashmir Government. Rules of business and procedure (Legislative Assembly). (Jammu: The Ranbir Government Press. 2009 [i.e. 1952]. Pp. 40.) pp. 581-582

- J.B.C.,
- Verslag van de toestand van het eilandgebied Aruba over 1951. (Oranjestad, Gezaghebber van het eilandgebied Aruba. 1952. 135 leaves, mimeographed.) pp. 581-581

- J.B.C.,
- Le Conseil d'Etat: livre jubilaire, publié pour commémorer son cent cinquantième anniversaire, 4 Nivose an VIII-24 décembre 1949. (Paris: Recueil Sirey. 1952. Pp. 693, plates.) pp. 581-581

- J.B.C.,
- Assemblée Nationale. Recueil des textes authentiques des programmes et engagements électoraux des députés proclamés élus à la suite des élections générales du 17 juin 1951, dressé par les soins du Secrétaire général de l'Assemblée Nationale. (Paris: Imprimerie de l'Assemblée Nationale. 1952. Pp. 1045.) pp. 581-581

- J.B.C.,
- Strikes: A Study in Industrial Conflict with Special Reference to British Experience between 1911 and 1947. By K. G. J. C. Knowles. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. xiv, 330. $8.75.) pp. 581-581

- Anonymous
- The Choice before South Africa. By E. S. Sachs. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. ix, 220. $5.75.) pp. 581-581

- Anonymous
- The Peoples and Policies of South Africa. By Leo Marquard. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1952. Pp. 257. $3.50.) pp. 581-581

- Anonymous
- Wahlkampf und Machtverschiebung: Geschichte und Analyse der Berliner Wahlen vom 3. Dezember 1950. By Dr.Stephanie Munke with A. R. L. Gurland, Editor and Collaborator. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 1952. Pp. xix, 282.) pp. 581-581

- Anonymous
- Federation of Malaya. Report of Select Committee appointed on the 11th day of July, 1951, to examine and report to the Legislative Council on the Bill, the short title of which is The Federation of Malaya Agreement (Amendment) Ordinance, 1951. (Kuala Lumpur: Government Press. 1952. Pp. 35.) pp. 582-582

- J.B.C.,
- Corte electoral. Elecciones uruguayas (Elecciones del 16 de Diciembre de 1951). Plebiscito de la Ley constilucional de 26 de Octubre de 1951. By Julio T. Fabregat. (Montevideo. 1952. Pp. 13.) pp. 582-582

- J.B.C.,
- República Portuguesa. Constituição politica da República Porluguesa actualizada de harmonia com a Lei n.° 2:048 de 11 de Junho de 1951. (Lisboa: Assembleia Nacional. 1952. Pp. 170.) pp. 582-582

- J.B.C.,
- The Constitution of the Republic of Korea. (Pusan: Office of Public Information. 1952. Pp. 33.) pp. 582-582

- J.B.C.,
- República de Cuba. Reglamento del Consejo Consultivo. (La Habana: Editorial Atalaya, S. A. 1952. Pp. 27.) pp. 582-582

- J.B.C.,
- Israel. By Norman Bentwich. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1953. Pp. 224. $3.75.) pp. 582-582

- Anonymous
- Russia and Her Colonies. By Walter Kolarz. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Pp. xiv, 334. $6.00.) pp. 582-583

- Anonymous
- My Uncle Joseph Stalin. By Budu Svanidze. Translated by Waverly Root(New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1953. Pp. xviii, 235. $3.00.) pp. 583-583

- Anonymous
- Collective Security: A Progress Report. By Andrew Martin. (Paris: UNESCO. 1952. Pp. 244. $1.25.) pp. 585-586

- H. Arthur Steiner
- Trade and Payments in Western Europe: A Study in Economic Cooperation, 1947–51. By William DieboldJr., (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1952. Pp. xi, 488. $4.50.) pp. 586-587

- Rendigs Fels
- The Commonwealth of Man: An Inquiry into Power Politics and World Government. By Frederick L. Schuman. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1952. Pp. xi, 494. $5.00.) pp. 587-588

- James T. Watkins
- Free India in Asia. By Werner Levi. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1952. Pp. 161. $2.75.) pp. 588-588

- Richard L. Park
- Woodrow Wilson and The Far East. By Russell H. Fifield. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1952. Pp. xv, 383. $5.00.) - Woodrow Wilson's China Policy, 1913–1917. By Tien-yi Li. (New York: University of Kansas City Press—Twayne Publishers. 1952. Pp. 268. $4.50.) pp. 588-589

- N. Wing Mah
- The Korea Story. By John C. Caldwell in collaboration with Lesley Frost. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1952. Pp. 180. $3.00.) pp. 589-589

- McGeorge Bundy
- Democracy and Foreign Policy: A Case History: The Sino-Japanese Dispute, 1931–33. By R. Bassett. (London, New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co.1952. Pp. xxiii, 654. 42/-net.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- Formosa: A Problem for United States Foreign Policy. By Joseph W. Ballantine. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1952. Pp. xi, 218. $2.75.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- Our Love Affair with Germany. By Hans Habe. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1953. Pp. 247. $3.00.) pp. 589-590

- Anonymous
- United States Treaties and Other International Agreements; Vol. 1, 1950. By the Department of State. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1952. Pp. ix, 932, ix. $5.75.) pp. 590-590

- J.B.C.,
- Open Door Diplomat: The Life of W. W. Rockhill. By Paul A. Varg. (Urbana: The University of Illinois Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 141. Cloth. $3.50; paper $2.50.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United Stales: Diplomatic Papers, 1934. Vol. V, The American Republic. Compiled by the U. S. Department of State. (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1952. Pp. lxii, 674. $2.75.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- Modern Nationalities: A Sociological Study. By Florian Znaniecki. (Urbana: The University of Illinois Press. 1952. Pp. xvi, 196. $3.95.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The Return of Germany: A Tale of Two Countries. By Norbert Muhlen. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1953. Pp. 310. $4.50.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- World Without End: The Middle East. By Emil Lengyel. (New York: The John Day Company. 1953. Pp. 374. $3.75.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The International Labour Code, 1951. (Geneva: International Labour Office. 1952. 2 vols. Pp. clv, 1181; xxxix, 1220. $10.00.) pp. 590-591

- Anonymous
- Economic Stability in a Changing World: Essays in Economic Theory and Policy. By John H. Williams. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. vi, 284. $5.00.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- Preliminary Report on the World Social Situation. (New York: United Nations Publications, Department of Social Affairs. 1952. Pp. v, 180. $1.75.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- India, Pakistan, and the West. By Percival Spear. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. 251. $2.00.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- Communist Doctrine and the Free World. By Marguerite J. Fisher. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 288. $4.50.) pp. 597-598

- Massimo Salvadori
- The Quest for Community: A Study in the Ethics of Order and Freedom. By Robert A. Nisbet. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 303. $5.00.) pp. 598-599

- Currin V. Shields
- A Christian Commentary on Communism. By Edward Rogers. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1952. Pp. x, 238. $3.50.) pp. 599-600

- Anonymous
- Human Problems in Technological Change: A Casebook. Edited by Edward H. Spicer. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1952. Pp. 301. $4.00.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- Faktoren der Machibildung: Wissenschaftliche Studien zur Politik. Edited by A. R. L. Gurland. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 1952. Pp. 200.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- Henri Comte De Saint-Simon (1760–1825): Selected Writings. Edited and translated by F. M. H. Markham. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1953. Pp. li, 116. $2.00.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- Bentham and the Ethics of Today. By David Baumgardt. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1952. Pp. xiv, 584. $9.00.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- Political Tracts of Wordsworth, Coleridge and Shelley. Edited by R. J. White. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1953. Pp. xliv, 303. $6.00.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- Selections from Bayle's Dictionary. Edited by E. A. Beller and M. duP. LeeJr., (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 1952. Pp. xxxiv, 312. $6.00.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- Planning for Freedom: And Other Essays and Addresses. By Ludwig von Mises. (South Holland, Illinois: Libertarian Press. 1952.) pp. 599-599

- Anonymous
- The Quaker Approach. Edited by John Kavanaugh. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1953. Pp. vi, 243. $4.00.) pp. 600-600

- Anonymous
- Errors of Psychotherapy. By Sebastian de Grazia. (New York: Doubleday & Co.1952. Pp. 288. $3.00.) pp. 600-600

- Anonymous
- Survey of the Social Sciences in Western Germany. By Max Horkheimer. (Washington: Library of Congress. 1952. Pp. ix, 225. $1.00.) pp. 600-600

- Anonymous
- Introduction to Government. By Robert Rienow. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.1952. Pp. xxxii, 583. $5.00.) pp. 600-600

- Anonymous
- Democracy Is You: A Guide to Citizen Action. By Richard Waverly Poston. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1953. Pp. xi, 312. $3.00.) pp. 600-600

- Anonymous
Volume 47, issue 1, 1953
- Some Present-Day Critics of Liberalism pp. 1-27

- Francis W. Coker
- The American Idea of International Interest pp. 28-44

- Thomas I. Cook and Malcolm Moos
- Party Preference and Attitudes on Political Issues: 1948–1951 pp. 45-60

- Warren E. Miller
- The Implementation of the Italian Constitution pp. 61-83

- John Clarke Adams and Paolo Barile
- The Politics of Management Improvement in the States* pp. 84-99

- Karl A. Bosworth
- The Hoover Commission's Personnel Recommendations—a Progress Report pp. 100-125

- Harold H. Leich
- Constitutional Law in 1951–1952 pp. 126-170

- David Fellman
- Notes on the Theory of Political Opinion Formation pp. 171-177

- Avery Leiserson
- The Government Sector of the American Economy* pp. 178-187

- Elmer B. Staats
- Some Aspects of the Security Problem in the Middle East* pp. 188-198

- Halford L. Hoskins
- The Japanese General Election of 1952* pp. 199-204

- Paul S. Dull
- Resources for Freedom, A Report to the President by the President's Materials Policy Commission, 1952: Vol. I, Foundations for Growth and Security; Vol. II, The Outlook for Key Commodities; Vol. III, The Outlook for Energy Sources; Vol. IV, The Promise of Technology; Vol. V, Selected Reports to the Commission. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1952. Pp. vi, 184; 210; 43; X, 228; 154. $1.25; $1.50; $.50; $1.75; $1.25.) pp. 206-210

- Arthur Maass
- The Tenney Committee; Legislative Investigation of Subversive Activities in California. By Edward L. BarrettJr., (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1951. Pp. xi, 400. $5.00.) - Un-American Activities in the State of Washington; The Work of the Canwell Committee. By Vern Countryman. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1951. Pp. ix, 405. $5.00.) - Loyalty and Legislative Action; A Survey of Activity by the New York State Legislature, 1919–1949. By Lawrence H. Chamberlain. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1951. Pp. vii, 254. $4.00.) - The States and Subversion. Edited by Walter Gellhorn. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1952. Pp. vii, 454. $5.00.) pp. 211-215

- Landon G. Rockwell
- Marsilius of Padua, the Defender of Peace: Volume I, Marsilius of Padua and Medieval Political Philosophy. By Alan Gewirth. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1951. Pp. 342. $4.75) pp. 215-217

- Thomas I. Cook
- New Fabian Essays. Edited By R. H. S. Crossman. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1952. Pp. xv, 215. $4.00.) pp. 217-220

- George Catlin
- Law; The Science of Inefficiency. By William Seagle. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1952. Pp. vii, 177. $3.50.) pp. 220-221

- Willard Hurst
- The Politics of Agriculture; Soil Conservation and the Struggle for Power in Rural America. By Charles M. Hardin. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press. 1952. Pp. 282. $4.00.) pp. 221-223

- Ernest A. Engelbert
- American Foreign Policy and the Separation of Powers. By Daniel S. Cheever and H. Field HavilandJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1952. Pp. xii, 244. $3.75.) pp. 223-225

- Don K. Price
- Titoism and the Cominform. By Adam B. Ulam. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 243. $4.00.) - Tito's Communism. By Josef Korbel, (Denver: The University of Denver Press. 1951. Pp. viii, 368. $4.00.) pp. 225-226

- Andrew Gyorgy
- Revolution in China. By Charles Patrick Fitzgerald. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1952. Pp. ix, 290. $4.50.) pp. 226-228

- Harold M. Vinacke
- The American Record in the Far East, 1945–1951. By Kenneth Scott Latourette. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1952. Pp. 208. $3.00.) pp. 228-230

- Ralph J. D. Braibanti
- The Australian Party System. By Louise Overacker. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1952. Pp. xiii, 373. $5.00.) pp. 230-232

- James R. Roach
- Christian Democracy in Italy and France. By Mario Einaudi and François Goguel. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. 1952. Pp. x, 229. $4.00.) pp. 232-233

- G. Lowell Field
- International Technical Assistance; Programs and Organization. By Walter R. Sharp. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1952. Pp. xi, 146. $2.50.) pp. 233-234

- Wallace Parks
- Intergovernmental Relations in Public Health. By Laurence Wyatt. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1951. Pp. ix, 212. $3.50.) - Intergovernmental Relations in Social Welfare. By Ruth Raup. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 234. $3.00.) - Intergovernmental Relations in Employment Security. By Francis E. Rourke. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 133. $2.50.) pp. 235-236

- Valerie A. Earke
- Conscription in the United States; Historical Background. By Jack Franklin Leach. (Tokyo, Japan, and Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Publishing Co.1952. Pp. x, 501. $5.75.) pp. 236-237

- Charles Fairman
- The Group Basis of Politics; A Study in Basing Point Legislation. By Earl Latham. (Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 244. $3.75.) pp. 236-236

- James MacGregor Burns
- Commentaries on the Constitution; 1790–1860. By Elizabeth Kelley Bauer. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. 400. 54.75.) pp. 237-238

- Jack W. Peltason
- Equality by Statute; Legal Controls over Group Discrimination. By Morroe Berger. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xii, 238. $3.25.) pp. 237-237

- David Fellman
- Administration and the Nursing Services. By Herman Finer. (New York: The Macmillan Co.1952. Pp. xiv, 333. $4.00.) pp. 238-238

- George C. S. Benson
- Training for Specialized Mission Personnel. By Wallace S. Sayre and Clarence E. Thurber. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1952. Pp. xiii, 85. $1.00.) pp. 238-238

- Anonymous
- The CIO and the Democratic Party. By Fay Calkins. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. xiii, 162. $4.00.) pp. 238-238

- Anonymous
- Monopoly and Social Control. By Henry A. Wells. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 158. $3.25.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- The American Socialist Movement, 1897–1912. By Ira Kipnis. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. 496. $6.00.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- Report on the American Communist. By Morris L. Ernst and David Loth. (New York: Henry Holt & Company. 1952. Pp. 240. $3.00.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- The American Diaries of Richard Cobden. Edited by Elizabeth Hoon Cawley. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1952. Pp. vii, 233. $4.00.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- American Beginnings; Highlights and Sidelights of the Birth of the New World. By Jarvis M. Morse. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 260. $3.75.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- Thomas Mifflin and the Politics of the American Revolution. By Kenneth R. Rossman. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 344. $5.00.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- Elias Boudinot; Patriot and Statesman, 1740–1821. By George Adams Boyd. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 321. $5.00.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- R. R. Bowker; Militant Liberal. E. McClung Fleming. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1952. Pp. xv, 395. $5.00.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- McCarthy; The Man, the Senator, the “Ism.” By Jack Anderson and Ronald W. May. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1952. Pp. vi, 431. $3.75.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- Politics, Parties, and Pressure Groups. By V. O. KeyJr., (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. Third Edition. 1952. Pp. xvi, 799. $5.50.) pp. 239-239

- Anonymous
- A Futuie for Nashville. By The Community Services Commission for Davidson County and the City of Nashville. (Nashville Tennessee: The community Services Commission. 1952. Pp. x, 201. $4.00.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- America's Greatest Challenge. By Walter. E. Myer, Clay Coss (Washington: Civic Education Service. 1952. Pp. 215. $2.75.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- The Nature of Gambling. By David D. Allen. (New York: Coward-McCann. 1952. Pp. 249. $3.50.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- A Documentary History of Chinese Communism. By Conrad Brandt, Benjamin Schwartz, and John K. Fairbank. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1952. Pp. 552. $7.50.) pp. 243-244

- H. Arthur Steiner
- Southeast Asia. By E. H. G. Dobby. (New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1951. Pp. 415. $5.00.) pp. 244-245

- John F. Cady
- The Left Wing in Japanese Politics. By Evelyn S. Colbert. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1952. Pp. xii, 353. $4.50.) pp. 244-244

- Donald M. Castle Berry
- Population Growth in Malaya; An Analysis of Recent Trends. By T. E. Smith. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1951. Pp. viii, 124.) pp. 245-245

- J.F.C.,
- Public Administration in Siam. By W. D. Reeve. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1951. Pp. vi, 93. $2.00.) pp. 245-245

- John F. Cady
- Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Elites. By Robert C. North with the collaboration of Ithiel de Sola Pool. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1952. Pp. vii, 130. $1.75.) pp. 246-246

- H.A.S.,
- Soviet Opposition to Stalin; A Case Study in World War II. By George Fischer. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 230. $4.00.) pp. 246-246

- E.T.,
- L'Europe en face de son Destin. By Edouard Bonnefous. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1952. Pp. 386.) pp. 246-246

- E.T.,
- Democracy At Bay; A Diagnosis and a Prognosis. By Felix Somary. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1952. Pp. xiii, 171. $2.50.) pp. 246-246

- Anonymous
- British Colonial Constitutions, 1947. By Martin Wight. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1952. Pp. xxvi, 571. $8.50.) pp. 246-246

- Anonymous
- Indicador da organização administrativa federal. (Atualizado até 15 de novembro de 1951.) By Departmento Administrativo do servico público. (Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa National. 1952. Pp. xx, 600.) pp. 247-247

- J.B.C.,
- Administrative Directory of the Government of Pakistan. By the Cabinet Secretariat. (Karachi: Manager of Publications. 1951. Pp. viii, 396. Oblong format. Rs. 4/12/-.) pp. 247-247

- J.B.C.,
- Prohibition Inquiry Report in Bombay State. By Shri M. D. Bhansali, I.C.S. (Bombay: Government Central Press. 1952. Pp. iv, 58.) pp. 247-247

- J.B.C.,
- Bihar, 1946–51; a Brief Review. Published by Director of Public Relations, Bihar. (Patna: Government Press. 1951. Pp. xii, 254. Rs. 1-8-0.) pp. 247-247

- J.B.C.,
- The Pilgrimage and After; The Story of How the Congress Fought and Won the General Elections. Edited by Dr.N. V. Rajhumar for the Central Publicity Board with Foreword by Gulzarilal Nanda and introduction by R. R. Diwakar. (New Delhi: All-India Congress Committee. 1952. Pp. vi, 176. Rs. 2/8/-.) pp. 247-247

- J.B.C.,
- Democracy in the Dominions. By Alexander Brady. (Toronto: The University of Toronto Press. 1952. Pp. viii, 604. $6.50.) pp. 247-247

- Anonymous
- Racial Separation in South Africa; An Analysis of Apartheid Theory. By Eugene P. Dvorin. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1952. Pp. xii, 256. $4.50.) pp. 247-247

- Anonymous
- El gobierno del Sr. Galo Plaza, presidente constitucional de la república del Ecuador, 1948–1952. Tomo IV and V. (Quito: Talleres gráficos nacionales. 1952. Pp. xii, 739; 526.) pp. 247-248

- J.B.C.,
- Impressa publica Regni Danici 1951. Bibliografisk fortegnelse over statenstryksager og statsunderstøttede publikationer, tilligemed Fortegnelse over publikationer udgivne eller subventionerede of Københavns og Århus kommuner, 1951. (Københavns: Det Kongelige Bibliotek. 1952. Pp. 92.) pp. 248-249

- J.B.C.,
- Guide des ministères: Reveue de l'administration belge, 1952-1953. (Bruxelle: Secretariat. 37, rue de Pascale. 1952. Pp. 534.) pp. 248-248

- J.B.C.,
- Staatsanzeiger für Baden-Württemberg. (Stuttgart: Staatsministerium. No. 1–27, 04 30–08 16, 1952. 15 DM a year.) pp. 248-248

- J.B.C.,
- Geseizblatt für Baden-Württemberg. (Stuttgart: Buchdruckerei. Chr. Scheufele. No. 1-10, 04 28–09 27, 1952. Pp. 1–36. 12 DM a year.) pp. 248-248

- J.B.C.,
- Der Kampf um den Südweststaat. Verhandlungen und Beschlüsse der gesetzgebenden Körperschaften des Bundes und des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes. By Institut für Staatslehre und Politik, e.v., Mainz. (München: Isar Verlag. 1952. Pp. 507.) pp. 248-248

- J.B.C.,
- The West German Federal Government. By Elmer Plischke With the Assistance of H. J. Hille (Historical Division, Office of the Executive Secretary, Office of the U. S. High Commissioner for Germany. 1952. Pp. viii, 182.) pp. 248-248

- Anonymous
- Berlin: Development of its Government and Administration. By Elmer Plischke with the Assistance of Elisabeth Erdmann. (Historical Division, Office of the Executive Secretary, Office of the of the U. S. High Commissioner for Germany. 1952. Pp. xii, 257. $4.50.) pp. 248-248

- Anonymous
- Nigeria. Standing orders of the House of Representatives. (Lagos: Government Printer. 1952. Pp. 40.) pp. 249-249

- J.B.C.,
- Israel, List of Government Publications. Compiled by the State Archives and Library. (Jerusalem: Government Printer. 1952. [5712]. Pp. 62. 200 pruta.) pp. 249-249

- J.B.C.,
- East Africa High Commission. Interterritorial cooperation: Work of the East Africa Central Legislative Assembly. (Nairobi: Kenya. 1952. Pp. 107) pp. 249-249

- J.B.C.,
- The Forgotten Republics. By Clarence A. Manning (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. xii, 264. $2.75.) pp. 249-249

- Anonymous
- Heroic Finland. By David Hinshaw (New York: C. P. Putnam's Sons. 1952. Pp. xxii, 306. $4.50.) pp. 249-249

- Anonymous
- Contemporary Ethiopia. By David Abner Talbot (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. x, 267. $4.50.) pp. 249-249

- Anonymous
- Make the UN Effective For Peace. By John Bauer. (New York: Richard R. Smith. 1952. Pp. 160. $2.50.) pp. 252-253

- Chesney Hill
- Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy; Volume II, 1925–1932. Selected and Edited by Jane Degras. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1952. Pp. xxi, 560. $9.00.) pp. 252-252

- Thomas I. Cook and William B. Ballis
- Unconditional Surrender; The Roots of a World War III. By F. O. Miksche. (London: Faber & Faber, Ltd.1952. Pp. 468. Cloth 25s.) pp. 253-253

- Kurt Glaser
- Principles of International Law. By Hans Kelsen. (New York: Rinehart & Co.1952. Pp. xvii, 461. $5.00.) pp. 253-253

- Anonymous
- Meeting of Minds; A Way to Peace through Mediation. By Elmore Jackson. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1952. Pp. xxii, 200. $3.50.) pp. 253-254

- Anonymous
- Verdict In Korea. By Robert T. Oliver. (State College, Pa.: Bald Eagle Press. 1952. Pp. 207. $4.00.) pp. 254-254

- J.B.C.,
- The United States in World Affairs, 1951. By Richard P. Stebbins. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1952. Pp. xiv, 473. $5.00.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy, 1952–1958. By the Staff of the International Studies Group of the Brookings Institution. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1952. Pp. xiv, 412. Cloth $4.00, paper $2.00.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- The League of Nations Movement in Great Britain, 1914–1919. By Henry R. Winkler. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 1952. Pp. xiii, 288. $3.00.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- Atlantic Alliance. NATO's Role in the Free World. A Report by a Study Group of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. (London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1952. Pp. ix, 172. $1.25.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- The Sudan Question. By Mekki Abbas. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1952. Pp. xix, 201. $4.25.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- The Iranian Case, 1946. By Richard W. Van Wagenen. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1952. Pp. 119. $0.50.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- The Arab Refugee Problem. By Joseph B. Schechtman. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. xi, 137. $3.00.) pp. 254-254

- Anonymous
- Tratados públicos y acuerdos internacionales de Venezuela. Vol. I–III. 2a edición. By Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. (Caracas. 1950–51.) pp. 255-255

- J.B.C.,
- I documenti diplomatici italiani. By Commissione per la pubblicazione dei documenti diplomatici of the Ministero degli affari esteri. (Roma: Libreria dello stato. 1952. Prima serie, vol. 1: pp. xlvi, 603; ottava serie, vol. 12: pp. lviii, 694.) pp. 255-255

- J.B.C.,
- Report on Austria, 1951. By Office of the U. S. High Commissioner for Austria. (Vienna. 1952. Pp. 135.) pp. 255-255

- J.B.C.,
- Readings in World Politics. Vol. I, II, and III. Revised By Robert A. Goldwin. (Chicago: American Foundation for Political Education. 1952. Pp. 670.) - Readings in World Politics. Vol. I, II, and III. Revised By Robert A. Goldwin. (Chicago: American Foundation for Political Education. 1952. Pp. 753.) pp. 255-255

- Anonymous
- The Devil's Chemists. By Josiah E. DuBoisJr., in Collaboration with Edward Johnson. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1952. Pp. x, 374. $3.75.) pp. 255-255

- Anonymous
- Crime Without Punishment; The Secret Soviet Terror Against America. By Guenther Reinhardt. (New York: Hermitage House. 1952. Pp. 322. $3.50.) pp. 255-255

- Anonymous
- Brazil; An Interim Assessment. By J. A. Camacho. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1952. Pp. xiii, 116. $2.50.) pp. 255-255

- Anonymous
- Tratados públicos y acuerdos internacionales de Venezuela. Vol. I–III. 2a edición. By Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. (Caracas. 1950–51.) pp. 255-255

- Anonymous
- Geschichtswissenschaft. By Fritz Wagner. (Freiburg and Munich: Verlag Karl Alber. 1951. Pp. viii, 468. DM 18.) pp. 261-262

- Eric Voegelin
- That Grand Whig, Milton. By George F. Senbabaugh(Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 222. $4.00.) pp. 262-263

- Guy Howard Dodge
- Introduction to Political Philosophy. By William Ebenstein. (New York: Rinehart & Co., Inc.1952. Pp. xi, 330. $4.00.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- Moral Principles of Action. Planned and edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1952. Pp. xii, 720. $7.50.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- The Two Sovereignties; A Study of the Relationship between Church and State. By Joseph Lecler. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1952. Pp. x, 186. $3.75.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- The Islamic State and Other Political Essays. By Ajit Kumar Sen. (Calcutta: Thacker Spink. 1950. Pp. ii, 141.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- John Locke; The Second Treatise of Government. Edited by Thomas P. Peardon. (New York: The Liberal Arts Press. 1952. Pp. xviii, 139. $0.75.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- Bentham's Handbook of Political Fallacies. Edited by Harold A. Larrabee. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1952. Pp. xxxii, 269. $4.75.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- Theory of Legislation; An Essay on the Dynamics of Public Mind. By E. Jordan. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1952. Pp. 486. $7.00.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- Die Geburtsstunde des souveränen Staates. By Friedrich August Freiherr Von Der Heydte. (Regensburg, Germany: Josef Habbel. 1952. Pp. viii, 475.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
- The Structure of Society. By Marion J. LevyJr., (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1952. Pp. xvii, 584. $5.00.) pp. 263-263

- Anonymous
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