American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 38, issue 6, 1944
- The National Resources Planning Board; A Chapter in American Planning Experience pp. 1075-1088

- Charles E. Merriam
- County and Township Government in 1943* pp. 1089-1113

- Clyde P. Snider
- I. The Strategy of Reconversion pp. 1114-1124

- William Haber
- II. The Federal Government's Rôle in the Postwar Economy pp. 1124-1136

- James G. Patton
- III. The Reconversion Phase of Demobilization pp. 1137-1153

- V. O. Key
- IV. Executive-Legislative Responsibilities pp. 1153-1165

- Pendleton Herring
- V. War Organization of the Federal Government pp. 1166-1179

- Luther Gulick
- VI. The Future Organizational Pattern of the Executive Branch pp. 1179-1191

- Arthur W. Macmahon
- Weighting of Votes in an International Assembly pp. 1192-1203

- Louis B. Sohn
- The Legal Nature of War Crimes and the Problem of Superior Command pp. 1203-1208

- Jacob Berger
- Our Civil Liberties. By Osmond K. Fraenkel. (New York: The Viking Press. 1944. Pp. 277. $3.00.) pp. 1216-1218

- Edward S. Corwin
- Law Enforcement in Colonial New York. By Julius Goebel, Jr., and T. Raymond Naughton (New York: The Commonwealth Fund. 1944. Pp. ix, 867. $5.00.) pp. 1218-1219

- Samuel Hendel
- Case Reports in Public Administration. Sponsored by the Special Committee on Research Materials of the Social Science Research Council, George C. S. Benson, Chairman. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1944. Reports 1–100. $9.40.) pp. 1219-1222

- Harry L. Case
- Airports and the Courts. By Charles S. Rhyne. (Washington, D. C.: National Institute of Municipal Law Officers. 1944. Pp. viii, 222. $5.00.) pp. 1222-1223

- Percy Thomas Fenn
- Parliamentary Representation. By J. F. S. Ross. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1944. Pp. 245. $3.00.) pp. 1223-1224

- John A. Fairlie
- Faith, Reason, and Civilization; An Essay in Historical Analysis. By Harold J. Laski. (New York: The Viking Press. 1944. Pp. 187. $2.50.) pp. 1224-1225

- Francis G. Wilson
- Las Ideas Políticas de José Manuel Estrada. By Salvador M. Dana Montaño. (Santa Fé: Imprenta de la Universidad. 1944. Pp. xv, 246.) pp. 1226-1227

- William S. Stokes
- Revolutions in Russia; Their Lessons for the Western World. By G. R. Treviranus. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. viii, 303. $3.00.) pp. 1227-1229

- Arnold J. Zurcher
- British Colonial Theories, 1570–1850. By Klaus E. Knorr. (Toronto: The University of Toronto Press. 1944. Pp. xix, 429. $4.00.) pp. 1229-1230

- Paul Knaplund
- The Indian Problem. By R. Coupland. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. 711. $5.00.) pp. 1230-1231

- Sudhindra Bose
- The French Colonies, Past and Future. By Jacques Stern. (New York: Didier. 1944. Pp. xviii, 331. $3.00.) pp. 1231-1232

- C. Gordon Post
- The Tyrants' War and the Peoples' Peace. By Ferdinand A. Hermens. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1944. Pp. xiii, 250. $2.75.) pp. 1232-1233

- Grant S. McClellan
- Geopolitics; The New German Science. By Andrew Gyorgy. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1944. University of California Publications in International Relations, “Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 141–304. Paper. $1.50.) pp. 1233-1234

- Roger H. Wells
- The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere. By Antonín Basch. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1943. Pp. xiv, 275. $3.50.) - A Challenge to Peacemakers. Edited by Joseph S. Roucek. (Philadelphia: The American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1944. Pp. 176. $2.00.) pp. 1234-1236

- Hans J. Morgenthau
- Woodrow Wilson and the Lost Peace. By Thomas A. Bailey. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. Pp. xii, 381. $3.00.) pp. 1236-1237

- A. Whitney Griswold
- The Coming Struggle for Peace. By André Visson. (New York: The Viking Press. 1944. Pp. x, 301. $3.00.) pp. 1237-1239

- Joseph L. Kunz
- Primer of the Coming World. By Leopold Schwarzschild. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1944. Pp. x, 309.) pp. 1239-1240

- D. Beatrice McCown
- Cartels: Challenge to a Free World. By Wendell Berge. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1944. Pp. vi, 266. $3.25.) pp. 1240-1241

- Rita Davidson
- A Guide to Naval Strategy. By Bernard Brodie. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 3rd ed.1944. Pp. xii, 314. $2.75.) pp. 1241-1242

- W. Leon Godshall
Volume 38, issue 5, 1944
- Reason, Value Theory, and the Theory of Democracy pp. 855-875

- J. Roland Pennock
- Legal and Economic Factors Affecting Soviet Russia's Foreign Policy, II pp. 876-894

- Charles Prince
- Women and National Party Organization pp. 895-903

- Marguerite J. Fisher and Betty Whitehead
- Meeting the Needs for State and Local Revenues in the Postwar Era pp. 904-912

- W. Brooke Graves and Karl W. H. Scholz
- I. Organizing the Government for Participation in World Affairs pp. 913-930

- Walter H. C. Laves and Francis O. Wilcox
- II. American Foreign Relations within an Organized World Framework pp. 931-944

- Walter R. Sharp
- III. Postwar Security for the United States pp. 945-955

- Grayson L. Kirk
- IV. The Rôle of Congress and Public Opinion in Formulating Foreign Policy pp. 956-969

- Kenneth Colegrove
- A Territorial Pattern for the Military Occupation of Germany pp. 970-975

- James K. Pollock
- Military Occupation and German Revolution pp. 976-980

- William F. Sollmann
- Community of the Parliaments of the English-Speaking Peoples: First Steps pp. 981-989

- H. Duncan Hall
- An American Dilemma; The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. By Gunnar Myrdal, with the assistance of Richard Sterner and Arnold Rose. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. 2 vols. Pp. lv. iv, 1483. $7.50.) pp. 995-996

- Harold F. Gosnell
- The Use of Presidential Power, 1789–1943. By George Fort Milton. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1944. Pp. xiii, 349. $3.00.) pp. 996-998

- Wilfred E. Binkley
- The Atlas of Congressional Roll Calls. Volume I: The Continental Congresses and the Congresses of the Confederation, 1777–1789. Edited by Clifford L. Lord. (Cooperstown, New York: New York Historical Association. 1943.) pp. 998-999

- Everett S. Brown
- Public Spending and Postwar Economic Policy. By Sherwood M. Fine. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1944. Pp. vi, 177. $2.50.) pp. 999-1001

- Joseph E. Kallenbach
- Federal Grants for Vocational Rehabilitation. By Mary E. Macdonald (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1944. Pp. xiii, 404. $2.50.) pp. 1001-1002

- Walter H. Bennett
- The Settlement of Industrial Disputes. By Kurt Braun. (Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company. 1944. Pp. xii, 306. $3.50.) pp. 1002-1003

- C. Herman Pritchett
- Omnipotent Government; The Rise of the Total State and Total War. By Ludwig Von Mises. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1944. Pp. iv, 291. $3.75.) pp. 1003-1005

- Francis W. Coker
- Prelude to Silence; The End of the German Republic. By Arnold Brecht. (New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. xxi, 156. $2.00.) pp. 1005-1007

- William F. Sollmann
- The Nazi Economic System: Germany's Mobilization for War. By Otto Nathan, with the collaboration of Milton Fried. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1944. Pp. viii, 378. $4.00.) pp. 1007-1008

- William Ebenstein
- German Radio Propaganda; Report on Home Broadcasts during the War. By Ernst Kris, Hans Speier, and Associates. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. xiv, 529. $4.00.) pp. 1008-1010

- Heinz Guradze
- The British Empire, 1815–1939. By Paul Knaplund. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1943. Pp. xx, 850. $4.00.) pp. 1010-1011

- R. A. MacKay
- Civil Service Staff Relationships. By E. N. Gladden. With a Foreword by Sir Horace Wilson. (London: William Hodge and Company, Limited. 1943. Pp. xi, 184. 12s. 6d.) pp. 1011-1012

- John M. Gaus
- The Super-Powers; The United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union—Their Responsibility for Peace. By William T. R. Fox. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1944. Pp. 162. $2.00.) - The Great Decision. By James T. Shotwell. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. Pp. 234. $3.00.) pp. 1013-1015

- H. Duncan Hall
- The League to Enforce Peace. By Ruhl J. Bartlett. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1944. Pp. ix, 252. $2.50.) pp. 1015-1016

- Denna F. Fleming
- Woodrow Wilson Still Lives; His World Ideals Triumphant. By J. Eugene Harley. (Los Angeles: Center for International Understanding. 1944. Pp. xiii, 193. $2.00.) - Durable Peace; A Study in American National Policy. By Ross J. S. Hoffman. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1944. Pp. vii, 120. $1.75.) - Searchlight on Peace Plans. Compiled by Edith Wynner and Georgia Lloyd. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1944. Pp. lx, 532. $5.00.) pp. 1016-1017

- Robert S. McCordock
- Russia and the Peace. By SirBernard Pares. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. Pp. xiv, 293. $2.50.) pp. 1017-1018

- Frederick L. Schuman
- Ten Years in Japan; A Contemporary Record Drawn from the Diaries and Private and Official Papers of Joseph C. Grew, United States Ambassador to Japan, 1932–1942. (New York: Simon and Schuster. 1944. Pp. xii, 554. $3.75.) pp. 1018-1020

- Harley Farnsworth MacNair
- The Vatican and the War. By Camille M. Cianfarra. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1944. Pp. 344. $3.00.) - The Church and the Liberal Society. By Emmet John Hughes. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. Pp. xvi, 307. $3.00.) pp. 1020-1022

- Hans Kohn
- International Labor Conference. Twenty-Sixth Session. Reports I–VII. (Montreal: International Labor Office. 1944. Eight volumes, paper. $4.50.) pp. 1022-1023

- James J. Robbins
Volume 38, issue 4, 1944
- Politics and Ethics pp. 639-655

- John H. Hallowell
- Legal and Economic Factors Affecting Soviet Russia's Foreign Policy, I pp. 656-669

- Charles Prince
- State Constitutional Law in 1943–44 pp. 670-692

- Jacobus Tenbroek and Howard Jay Graham
- The Poll Tax: The Case of Texas pp. 693-709

- Donald S. Strong
- Food Front in Australia pp. 710-718

- Howard Daniel and Minnie Belle
- Constitutional Development of the I.L.O. as Affected by the Recent International Labor Conference pp. 719-725

- Smith Simpson
- I. The Work of the Political Theory Panel pp. 726-733

- Francis G. Wilson
- II. Research in American Political Theory pp. 733-740

- Benjamin P. Wright
- III. Concepts and Institutions as Fields for Research pp. 740-746

- Ernest S. Griffith
- IV. Political Theory and the Pattern of General History pp. 746-754

- Eric Voegelin
- Public and Private Government. By Charles E. Merriam. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1944. Pp. 78. $1.75.) pp. 780-781

- William B. Munro
- The Republic; Conversations on Fundamentals. By Charles A. Beard. (New York: The Viking Press. 1943. Pp. 365. $3.00.) pp. 781-784

- Max Lerner
- The Rôle of the Supreme Court in American Government and Politics, 1789–1835. By Charles Grove Haines. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1944. Pp. xiii, 679. $6.00.) pp. 784-785

- Isidor Loeb
- As We Go Marching. By John T. Flynn. (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Company. 1944. Pp. viii, 258. $2.00.) pp. 786-788

- Jerome G. Kerwin
- American Diplomacy in Action; A Series of Case Studies. By Richard W. Van Alstyne. (Stanford University Press. 1944. Pp. xvi, 760. $5.00.) pp. 786-786

- A. Whitney Griswold
- State and Local Finance in the National Economy. By Alvin H. Hansen and Harvey S. Perloff. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc.1944. Pp. vii, 310. $3.75.) pp. 788-789

- William Anderson
- Municipalities and the Law in Action. Edited by Charles S. Rhyne. (Washington: National Institute of Municipal Law Officers. 1944. Pp. 553. $10.00.) pp. 789-790

- Lent D. Upson
- Building Regulation in New York City. By Joseph D. McGoldrick, Seymour Graubard, and Raymond J. Horowitz. (New York: The Commonwealth Fund. 1944. Pp. xv, 743. $4.50.) pp. 790-792

- Jane Perry Clark Carey
- Debates and Proceedings of the First Constitutional Convention of West Virginia (1861–1863). Edited by Charles H. Ambler, Frances Haney Atwood, and William B. Mathews. (Huntington: Gentry Brothers. 1943. 3 Vols.: I, pp. viii, 104, 920; II, pp. 1183; III, pp. 888; and index, pp. 91.) pp. 792-793

- William B. Hesseltine
- Thomas Paine. By Harry Hayden Clark. (New York: The American Book Company. 1944. Pp. 436.) - The Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson. By Adrienne Koch. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1943. Pp. 208. $2.50.) pp. 793-795

- Charles E. Merriam
- Jefferson and the Press. By Frank Luther Mott. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1944. Pp. 65. $1.00.) pp. 795-796

- Ralph D. Casey
- The Development of Modern Italy. By Cecil Sprigge. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1944. Pp. 216. $2.75.) - Contemporary Italy: Its Intellectual and Moral Origins. By Count Carlo Sforza. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1944. Pp. xiii, 430. $3.50.) pp. 796-798

- Henry R. Spencer
- Triumph of Treason. By Pierre Cot. (Chicago and New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. 1944. Pp. 432. $3.50.) pp. 798-800

- Eleanor Kittredge
- Germany After Hitler. By Paul Hagen. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc.1944. Pp. viii, 240. $2.00.) pp. 800-801

- James K. Pollock
- The Idea of Nationalism. By Hans Kohn. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1944. Pp. xiii, 735. $7.50.) pp. 801-803

- Charles A. Beard
- Canadian-American Relations, 1875–1911. By Charles C. Tansill. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1943. Pp. xviii, 507. $3.50.) - Canada—Member of the British Commonwealth and Good Neighbor of the United States. By Frederick George Marcham. (Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press. 1943. Pp. 78. $0.40.) pp. 803-804

- H. McD. Clokie
- A Proposed World Government. By George A. Birdsall. (Washington: The Shaw Press. 1944. Pp. 110. $1.50.) - The Geography of the Peace. By Nicholas John Spykman. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1944. Pp. 61. $2.75.) pp. 805-806

- Robert S. McCordock
- The Languages and Press of Africa. By Duncan MacDougald, Jr. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1944. Pp. 86. $1.50.) - Colonial Policies in Africa. By H. A. Wieschhoff. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1944. Pp. 138. $1.50.) pp. 806-807

- K. E. Knorr
Volume 38, issue 3, 1944
- The Changing Pattern of Public Policy Formation pp. 445-459

- Ernest S. Griffith
- Some Problems of Military Government pp. 460-474

- A. C. Davidonis
- The Direction of Supply Activities in the War Department; An Administrative Survey, II pp. 475-498

- John D. Millett
- Congressional Self-Improvement pp. 499-511

- John A. Perkins
- Peace Problems of Today and Yesterday pp. 512-521

- Quincy Wright
- Post-War Problems in Our Latin-American Relations* pp. 521-530

- Dana G. Munro
- The Educational Function of Social Scientists* pp. 531-539

- Robert D. Leigh
- Report on the Research Panel on Comparative Government pp. 540-548

- Karl Loewenstein
- How New Will the Better World Be? By Carl L. Becker. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.1944. Pp. 246. $2.50.) pp. 556-557

- Charles E. Merriam
- International Bearings of American Policy. By Albert Shaw. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1943. Pp. x, 492. $3.50.) pp. 557-558

- William Starr Myers
- The American Senate and World Peace. By Kenneth Colegrove. (New York: The Vanguard Press. 1944. Pp. 209. $2.00.) pp. 559-560

- Clyde Eagleton
- Gauging Public Opinion. By Hadley Cantril and Research Associates. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. Pp. vii, 318. $3.75.) pp. 560-561

- Samuel Hendel
- TVA—Democracy on the March. By David E. Lilienthal. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1944. Pp. xiv, 248. $2.50.) pp. 561-563

- Charles S. Ascher
- The Crisis of the National State. By W. Friedmann. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1943. Pp. ix, 197. $3.75.) pp. 563-564

- Mulford Q. Sibley
- Estudios sobre la Constitución Nacional Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídico-Políticas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. (Santa Fé, Argentina: Imprenta de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. 1943. Pp. xxvii, 639.) pp. 564-566

- Austin F. Macdonald
- Der Fuehrer. By Konrad Heiden. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1944. Pp. viii, 788. $3.50.) pp. 566-568

- Hans Ernest Fried
- How Nazi Germany Has Controlled Business. By L. Hamburger. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. 1943. Pp. 101. $1.00.) pp. 569-570

- Hans Ernest Fried
- The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere. By Antonin Basch. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1943. Pp. xviii, 275. $3.50.) pp. 570-572

- Hans Kohn
- The French Right and Nazi Germany, 1933–1939; A Study of Public Opinion. By Charles A. Micaud. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1943. Pp. 255. $3.50.) pp. 572-573

- J. G. Heinberg
- The Growth of the Red Army. By D. Fedotoff White. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. Pp. xiv, 486. $3.75) pp. 573-574

- A. Grajdanzev
- The Italian Conception of International Law. By Angelo Piero Sereni. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1943. Pp. xii, 402. $5.50.) pp. 574-577

- Ellery C. Stowell
- The British Commonwealth at War. Edited by William Yandell Elliott and H. Duncan Hall. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1943. Pp. vii, 515. $5.00.) pp. 577-580

- Herman Finer
- British Far Eastern Policy. By G. E. Hubbard. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1943. Pp. xi, 97. $1.25.) - British Economic Interests in the Far East. By E. M. Gull. (London: Oxford University Press. 1943. Pp. vii, 272. $3.00.) pp. 580-581

- Lennox A. Mills
- The Road to Teheran. By Foster Rhea Dulles. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1944. Pp. vii, 279. $2.50.) - Russia and the United States. By Pitirim A. Sorokin. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. Pp. 253. $3.00.) pp. 582-583

- Grant S. McClellan
- A Symposium on Post-War Problems. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 87, No. 2, August 16, 1943. (Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society. 1943. Pp. 198.) - Problems Ahead. By Gustave Henry Gluck. (Privately printed. Sold by Columbia University Press. 1944. Pp. 74. $1.50.) pp. 583-584

- Norman L. Hill
- Road to Peace and Freedom. By Irving Brant. (Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1943. Pp. 278. $2.00.) - Victory Without Peace. By Roger Burlingame and Alden Stevens. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1944. Pp. 335. $2.75.) pp. 584-586

- Frank M. Russell
Volume 38, issue 2, 1944
- The Leadership of the United States in the Postwar World* pp. 235-248

- Clarence A. Berdahl
- The Direction of Supply Activities in the War Department; An Administrative Survey, I pp. 249-265

- John D. Millett
- Constitutional Law in 1942–1943: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1942 pp. 266-288

- Robert E. Cushman
- The Reorganization of the Department of State pp. 289-301

- Walter H. C. Laves and Francis O. Wilcox
- The First Session of the Seventy-eighth Congress pp. 301-317

- Floyd M. Riddick
- The Need for Better Executive-Legislative Teamwork in the National Government pp. 317-325

- Estes Kefauver
- Federal Revenue Legislation, 1943–1944 pp. 325-330

- Roy G. Blakey and Gladys C. Blakey
- The Recording of World War II pp. 331-342

- Anonymous
- The Army's Civil Affairs Training Program pp. 342-353

- Charles S. Hyneman
- The International Law of the Future pp. 354-369

- Josef L. Kunz
- Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. By Harold J. Laski. (New York: The Viking Press. 1943. Pp. 419. $3.50.) pp. 374-376

- Sigmund Neumann
- Fabian Socialism. By G. D. H. Cole. (London: George Alien and Unwin, Ltd.1943. Pp. vii, 172. 7s. 6d.) pp. 376-378

- George H. Sabine
- A Social Psychology of War and Peace. By Mark A. May. (New Haven: Yale University Press. Published for the Institute of Human Relations. 1943. Pp. ix, 284. $2.75.) pp. 378-379

- R. M. MacIver
- Postwar Plans of the United Nations. By Lewis L. Lorwin. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1943. Pp. xii, 307. $2.50.) pp. 379-380

- Roger H. Wells
- Russia and Postwar Europe. By David J. Dallin. Translated by F. K. Lawrence. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1934. Pp. 223. $2.75.) pp. 380-382

- Charles Prince
- America, Russia, and the Communist Party in the Postwar World. By John L. Childs and George S. Counts. (New York: The John Day Company. 1943. Pp. 92. $1.25.) - Outlines of the Future; World Organization Emerging from the War. By Henri Bonnet. (Chicago: World Citizens Association. 1943. Pp. 128. $0.25.) pp. 382-383

- G. Leighton LaFuze
- The Hidden Enemy; The German Threat to Post-War Peace. By Heinz Pol. (New York: Julian Messner, Inc.1943. Pp. 281. $3.00.) pp. 383-384

- James K. Pollock
- The Fighting French. By Raoul Aglion. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1943. Pp. 315. $3.00.) pp. 385-385

- J. G. Heinberg
- Argentine Constitutional Law. By Santos P. Amadeo. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1943. Pp. x, 243. $3.00.) pp. 385-387

- Austin F. Macdonald
- El Federalista. Translation and Introduction by Lic.Gustavo R. Velasco. (México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1943. Pp. xxvi, 446.) pp. 387-388

- J. A. C. Grant
- La Pensée Politique du President Getulio Vargas. Compiled by Hans Klinghoffer. (Rio de Janeiro: Impresa Nacional. 1942. Pp. 593.) pp. 389-390

- Karl Loewenstein
- Collective Security; The How and Why. By Joseph H. Ball. (Boston: World Peace Foundation. 1943. Pp. v, 63. $0.50.) - Can We Win the Peace? By D. F. Fleming. (Nashville: The Broadman Press. 1943. Pp. 112.) pp. 390-392

- Charles E. Martin
- Trading with the Enemy in World War II. By Martin Domke. (New York: Central Book Company. 1943. Pp. xv, 640. $10.00.) pp. 392-393

- Robert R. Wilson
- Studies in Government and International Law. By James Wilford Garner. Edited by John A. Fairlie. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1943. Pp. viii, 574. $7.50.) pp. 393-394

- Llewellyn Pfankuchen
- A Professor at Large. By Stephen P. Duggan. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1943. Pp. xviii, 468. $3.50.) pp. 395-395

- Walter H. C. Laves
Volume 38, issue 1, 1944
- Civil Liberty After the War* pp. 1-20

- Robert E. Cushman
- The Ends of Government* pp. 21-40

- Charles E. Merriam
- The 1942 Congressional Elections* pp. 41-58

- John Harding
- Government Pamphlets on the War pp. 58-71

- Francis O. Wilcox
- The Failure of the Farmer-Labor Party to Capture Control of the Minnesota Legislature pp. 71-78

- Arthur Naftalin
- Institutionalizing Administrative Controls pp. 79-88

- Harvey Pinney
- An Areal Study of the German Electorate, 1930–1933 pp. 89-95

- James K. Pollock
- The Judicial System of the Nazi Party pp. 96-103

- John Brown Mason
- The Concept of a “Cooling-Off Period” pp. 104-110

- Allan G. B. Fisher
- The Suez Canal and the Outlook for Egypt pp. 110-119

- Halford L. Hoskins
- American Constitutional Development. By Carl Brent Swisher. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1943. Pp. xii, 1079. $4.50.) pp. 155-156

- Walter F. Dodd
- Current American Government. By L. Vaughan Howard and Hugh A. Bone. (New York: The Appleton-Century Company. 1943. Pp. vii, 357. $2.75.) pp. 156-157

- Charles W. Shull
- The Philosophy of American Democracy. Edited by Charner M. Perry. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1943. Pp. xv, 152. $2.00.) pp. 157-158

- John D. Lewis
- American Political Parties; Their Natural History. By Wilfred E. Binkley. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1943. Pp. xi, 407. $3.75.) pp. 158-160

- Thomas S. Barclay
- The Farm Bloc. By Wesley McCune. (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc.1943. Pp. 278. $2.00.) pp. 160-162

- Belle Zeller
- Planning for the South; An Inquiry Into the Economics of Regionalism. By John V. VanSickle. (Nashville: Vanderbilt Press. 1943. Pp. x, 225. $2.75.) pp. 162-163

- O. Douglas Weeks
- Government, Business, and Values. By Beardsley Ruml. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1943. Pp. 52. $1.00.) pp. 163-164

- Charles E. Merriam
- Governmental Adjustment of Labor Disputes. By Howard S. Kaltenborn (Chicago: The Foundation Press. 1943. Pp. xiv, 327. $3.50.) pp. 164-166

- James J. Robbins
- The WPA and Federal Relief Policy. By Donald S. Howard. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1943. Pp. 879. $4.00.) pp. 166-167

- George H. E. Smith
- Parliamentary Privilege in the American Colonies. By Mary Patterson Clarke. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1943. Pp. xi, 303. $3.00.) pp. 167-169

- Everett S. Brown
- The End of the Beginning; War Speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill. Compiled by Charles Eade. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1943. Pp. xiv, 322. $3.50.) pp. 169-171

- Frederick L. Schuman
- Modern Japan and Shinto Nationalism: A Study of Present-Day Trends in Japanese Religions. By D. C. Holtom. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1943. Pp. 178. $2.00.) - War and Peace in the Pacific: A Preliminary Report of the Eighth Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations on Wartime and Post-War Coöperation of the United Nations in the Pacific and the Far East, Mont Tremblant, Quebec, December 4–14, 1942. (New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. 1943.) pp. 171-174

- Kenneth Colegrove
- Japan's Military Masters. By Hillis Lory. (New York: The Viking Press. 1943. Pp. 256. $2.50.) pp. 174-175

- William C. Johnstone
- Freedom Forgotten and Remembered. By Helmut Kuhn. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1943. Pp. viii, 267. $2.50.) pp. 175-177

- Luther J. Lee
- Challenge to Freedom. By Henry M. Wriston. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1943. Pp. 240. $2.00.) pp. 177-179

- Charles E. Merriam
- Makers of Modern Strategy; Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler. Edited by Edward Mead Earle. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1943. Pp. xii, 553. $3.75.) pp. 180-182

- Hans Kohn
- International Law and Totalitarian Lawlessness. By George Schwarzenberger. (London: Jonathan Cape. 1943. Pp. 110. 10s. 6d.) pp. 182-183

- Payson S. Wild
- War's End and After. By Stuart Chevalier. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1943. Pp. x, 337. $2.75.) - Out of This Nettle, Danger …. By Harold W. Dodds. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1943. Pp. 57. $1.00.) - The United States and the United Nations. Edited by Percy W. Bidwell. (New York: Council on Foreign Relations. 1943. Pp. viii, 82. Printed for private distribution.) - Post-War Reconstruction Conferences. By William O'Davoren. (Geneva: School of Interpreters of the University of Geneva. 1942. Pp. 166. 6 Swiss francs.) pp. 183-185

- Winifred N. Hadsel
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