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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 29, issue 6, 1935

Recent Developments in Political Geography, II pp. 943-966 Downloads
Richard Hartshorne
An Analysis of the 1932 Presidential Vote in Chicago pp. 967-984 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell and Norman N. Gill
First Session of the Seventy-fourth Congress, January 3, 1935, to August 26, 19351 pp. 985-1005 Downloads
E. Pendleton Herring
The Ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment pp. 1005-1017 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between August 12 and October 15, 19351 pp. 1017-1021 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
Current Neutrality Problems—Some Precedents, an Appraisal, and a Draft Statute pp. 1022-1041 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
Civilization and the Growth of Law. By William A. Robson. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. xv, 354.) pp. 1048-1049 Downloads
Walter F. Dodd
Law and the Social Sciences. By Huntington Cairns. Foreword by Roscoe Pound. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1935. Pp. xiv, 279.) pp. 1049-1050 Downloads
Hessel E. Yntema
Mr. Justice Cardozo; A Liberal Mind in Action. By Joseph P. Pollard. With a Foreword by Roscoe Pound. (New York: The Yorktown Press. 1935. Pp. 327.) pp. 1050-1053 Downloads
Alpheus Thomas Mason
Government in a Planned Democracy. By Arthur N. Holcombe. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1934. Pp. ix, 173.) pp. 1053-1054 Downloads
Charles E. Merriam
Dictatorship in the Modern World. By Guy Stanton Ford (Editor) and Others. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. Pp. iv, 179.) pp. 1055-1056 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
Communism in the United States. By Earl Browder. (New York: International Publishers. 1935. Pp. xii, 352.) pp. 1056-1057 Downloads
Walter Thompson
The French Parliamentary Committee System. By Robert Keith Gooch. (New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1935. Pp. xiv, 259.) pp. 1057-1058 Downloads
Edward M. Sait
The Irish Free State; Its Government and Politics. By Nicholas Mansergh. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Pp. 344.) pp. 1058-1060 Downloads
Elmer D. Graper
The Political Influence of Queen Victoria, 1861–1901. By Frank Hardie. (London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1935. Pp. 258.) pp. 1060-1061 Downloads
Paul Knaplund
Russian Justice. By Mary Stevenson Callcott (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. x, 265.) pp. 1061-1062 Downloads
Bertram W. Maxwell
Public Administration. By John M. Pfiffner. (New York: The Ronald Press. 1935. Pp. 525.) pp. 1062-1063 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Problems of the American Public Service. By Carl Joachim Friedrich, William C. Beyer, Sterling D. Spero, John F. Miller, and George A. Graham. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. Pp. 433) pp. 1063-1065 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
Public Finance. By Clyde L. King. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. x, 602.) pp. 1065-1066 Downloads
A. E. Buck
Labor and the Government. Edited by Alfred L. Bernheim and Dorothy Van Doren. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. Pp. 373.) pp. 1066-1069 Downloads
Lloyd K. Garrison
Government in Business. By Stuart Chase. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. 296.) pp. 1069-1070 Downloads
Charles C. Rohlfing
Labor in the League System. By Francis G. Wilson. (Stanford University: Stanford University Press. 1934. Pp. xii, 384.) pp. 1070-1071 Downloads
John B. Andrews
Militarism and Fascism in Japan. By O. Tanin and E. Yohan. With an Introduction by Karl Radek. (New York: International Publishers. 1934. Pp. vi, 320.) pp. 1071-1075 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
The Sino-Japanese Controversy and the League of Nations. By Westel W. Willoughby. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1935. Pp. xxv, 733.) pp. 1075-1076 Downloads
Quincy Wright
The Case for Manchukuo. By George Bronson Rea. (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1935. Pp. viii, 425.) pp. 1076-1077 Downloads
George H. Blakeslee

Volume 29, issue 5, 1935

Autocracy Versus Democracy in Contemporary Europe, II* pp. 755-784 Downloads
Karl Loewenstein
Recent Developments in Political Geography, I* pp. 785-804 Downloads
Richard Hartshorne
Roosevelt's Latin-American Policy pp. 805-820 Downloads
John M. Mathews
Fascism in America? pp. 821-830 Downloads
H. Arthur Steiner
The “Patent” Way to Balance the National Budget pp. 830-837 Downloads
Forrest R. Black
The Contributions of Samuel J. Randall to the Rules of the National House of Representatives pp. 837-841 Downloads
Albert V. House
Development of National Administration in the United States, 1932–35 pp. 842-853 Downloads
Roger V. Shumate
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between July 5 and August 12, 1935 pp. 853-856 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
The Five Hundredth Anniversary of the Swedish Riksdag pp. 857-865 Downloads
Eric Cyril Bellquist
Is the International Labor Organization Autonomous? pp. 866-870 Downloads
Paul G. Steinbicker
Appointment of American Delegates to the International Labor Organization pp. 870-871 Downloads
James A. Gathings
The Need for Constitutional Reform; A Program for National Security. By William Yandell Elliott. (New York: Whittlesey House. 1935. Pp. x, 286.) pp. 879-880 Downloads
W. W. Willoughby
The National Recovery Administration. By Leverett S. Lyon and a Committee of the Brookings Institution. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1935. Pp. xxii, 947.) pp. 881-883 Downloads
James T. Young
Public Welfare Organization. By Arthur C. Millspaugh. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1935. Pp. xxv, 700.) pp. 883-885 Downloads
Paul T. Stafford
Boss Rule: Portraits in City Politics. By John T. Salter. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. Pp. ix, 270.) pp. 885-886 Downloads
Joseph D. McGoldrick
Home Rule For Metropolitan Chicago. By Albert Lepawsky. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1935. Pp. xxi, 210.) pp. 886-888 Downloads
Edwin A. Cottrell
Civil Service Abroad: Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany. By Leonard D. White, Charles H. Bland, Walter R. Sharp, and Fritz Morstein Marx. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. Pp. 275.) - Training Public Employees in Great Britain. By Harvey Walker. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. Pp. xi, 213.) pp. 888-890 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
Essays in Constitutional Law. By W. P. M. Kennedy. (London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1934. Pp. xv, 183.) pp. 890-891 Downloads
W. Y. Elliott
Financing Municipal Recreation. By Randolph O. Huus. (Menasha, Wisconsin: The George Banta Publishing Company. 1935. Pp. xxiii, 249.) pp. 892-893 Downloads
Orren C. Hormell
Public Utility Valuation for Purposes of Rate Control. By John Bauer and Nathaniel Gold. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Pp. xxii, 477.) pp. 893-895 Downloads
Orren C. Hormell
Capitalism and Its Culture. By Jerome Davis. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart. 1935. Pp. xvii, 556.) pp. 895-896 Downloads
E. Allen Helms
International Socialism and the World War. By Merle Fainsod. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1935. Pp. xi, 238.) pp. 897-898 Downloads
Arnold J. Zurcher
Policies and Opinions at Paris, 1919; Wilsonian Diplomacy, the Versailles Peace, and French Public Opinion. By George Bernard Noble. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. x, 465.) pp. 898-899 Downloads
Sidney B. Fay
The People's King; George V: A Narrative of Twenty-five Years. By John Buchan. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1935. Pp. 289.) - The Reign of George V; An English Chronicle. By D. C. Somervel. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1935. Pp. viii, 533.) pp. 900-901 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
After Hitler's Fall: Germany's Coming Reich. By Prince Hubertus Loewenstein (London: Faber and Faber. 1934. Pp. xxxvi, 281.) pp. 901-902 Downloads
James K. Pollock
Challenge to Democracy. By C. Delisle Burns. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1935. Pp. viii, 240.) pp. 902-903 Downloads
Russell M. Story

Volume 29, issue 4, 1935

Autocracy Versus Democracy in Contemporary Europe, I* pp. 571-593 Downloads
Karl Loewenstein
National Socialist Conceptions of International Law pp. 594-609 Downloads
Lawrence Preuss
State Constitutional Law in 1934–351 pp. 610-630 Downloads
Charles G. Haines
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between December 15, 1934, and June 16, 1935 pp. 631-636 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
Achievements of the Kansas Legislative Council pp. 636-639 Downloads
Frederick H. Guild
Democracy in Crisis. By Harold J. Laski. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1933. Pp. 267.) - The State in Theory and Practice. By Harold J. Laski. (New York: The Viking Press. 1935. Pp. 299.) pp. 672-675 Downloads
Francis W. Coker
Deliver Us From Dictators. By Robert C. Brooks. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1935. Pp. xii, 245.) pp. 675-677 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
The Nazi Dictatorship; A Study in Social Pathology and the Politics of Fascism. By Frederick L. Schuman. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1935. Pp. xxviii, 494.) pp. 677-678 Downloads
Roger H. Wells
A History of National Socialism. By Konrad Heiden. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1935. Pp. xiii, 430, ix.) pp. 678-680 Downloads
Arnold J. Zurcher
God Among the Germans. By Paul F. Douglass. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1935. Pp. xiii, 325.) pp. 680-681 Downloads
John Brown Mason
The Art of Leadership. By Ordway Tead. (New York: Whittlesey House. 1935. Pp. xi, 308.) pp. 681-682 Downloads
Harwood L. Childs
Propaganda and Promotional Activities; An Annotated Bibliography. By Harold D. Lasswell, Ralph D. Casey, and Bruce Lannes Smith. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1935. Pp. xvii, 450.) pp. 682-683 Downloads
W. Brooke Graves
The Gentleman from New York: A Life of Roscoe Conkling. By Donald Barr Chidsey. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1935. Pp. viii, 438.) pp. 684-685 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
The New America. By The Rt. Hon. SirArthur Steel-Maitland. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. xiii, 238.) pp. 685-686 Downloads
Charles McKinley
Foreign Bondholders and American State Debts. By Reginald C. McGrane. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. vii, 410.) pp. 686-687 Downloads
Walter H. C. Laves
International Security; The American Rôle in Collective Action for Peace. By Philip C. Jessup. (New York: Council on Foreign Relations. 1935. Pp. xxiii, 157.) pp. 687-689 Downloads
Donald C. Blaisdell
The Soviet Union and International Law. By T. A. Taracouzio. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. xvi, 530.) pp. 689-691 Downloads
James W. Garner
The Spanish Origin of International Law: Francisco de Vitoria and His Law of Nations. By James Brown Scott. (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press. 1934. Pp. 19a, 288, clviii.) pp. 691-693 Downloads
Charles G. Fenwick
The Liberal Way; A Survey of Liberal Policy, Published by the Authority of the National Liberal Federation. With a Foreword by Ramsay Muir. (London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.1934. Pp. vi, 224.) pp. 693-694 Downloads
E. P. Chase
Social Judgment. By Graham Wallas. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1935. Pp. 175.) pp. 694-695 Downloads
Ellen Deborah Ellis
Ceylon Under British Rule, 1795–1932; With an Account of the East India Company's Embassies to Kandy, 1762–1795. By Lennox A. Mills. (London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1933. Pp. viii, 314.) - The Third British Empire. By Alfred Zimmern. Third Edition Revised and Enlarged. (London and New York: Oxford University Press. 1934. Pp. xii, 192.) pp. 695-696 Downloads
E. P. Chase
Police Administration in Boston. By Leonard V. Harrison. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1934. Pp. viii, 203.) pp. 696-697 Downloads
Harold Zink

Volume 29, issue 3, 1935

The Legal Monism of Alfred Verdross1 pp. 387-402 Downloads
Henry Janzen
The Classification of International Organizations, II pp. 403-417 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
The Gubernatorial Controversy in North Dakota pp. 418-432 Downloads
Roy L. Miller
Maine's Election Date pp. 437-441 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
Comparative Civil Service Statistics: Germany pp. 451-455 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
A New Method of Selecting Judges in California pp. 472-474 Downloads
Charles Aikin
The Position of the English Monarchy Today pp. 475-481 Downloads
E. P. Chase
The Japanese Mandate Naval Base Question pp. 482-487 Downloads
Luther H. Evans
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George. (Boston: Little Brown and Company1933–1934. Four vols. Pp. 469, 449, 596, 602.) pp. 494-496 Downloads
George E. G. Catlin
Chester A. Arthur; A Quarter-Century of Machine Politics. By George F. Howe. (New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company. 1934. Pp. xxvi, 291.) pp. 496-497 Downloads
Paul M. Cuncannon
The Effect of an Unconstitutional Statute. By Oliver P. Field. (Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press. Pp. xi, 355.) pp. 497-498 Downloads
Isidor Loeb
Essays on the Law and Practice of Governmental Administration. Edited by Charles G. Haines and Marshall E. Dimock. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1935. Pp. xvii, 321.) pp. 498-500 Downloads
Lewis Meriam
World Politics and Personal Insecurity. By Harold D. Lasswell. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1935. Pp. vii, 307.) pp. 500-501 Downloads
Walter Lincoln Whittlesey
The American Diplomatic Game. By Drew Pearson and Constantine Brown. (Garden City: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc.1935. Pp. 398.) pp. 501-503 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
Theodore Roosevelt and the Japanese-American Crises. By Thomas A. Bailey. (Stanford University: Stanford University Press. 1934. Pp. vii, 353.) pp. 503-504 Downloads
George Bernard Noble
The Pipe-Dream of Peace; The Story of the Collapse of Disarmament. By John W. Wheeler-Bennett. (New York: William Morrow and Company. 1935. Pp. xvi, 302.) pp. 504-505 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
International Economic Relations: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into International Economic Relations. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1934. Pp. ix, 397.) pp. 505-506 Downloads
Harold H. Sprout
The Great Wall Crumbles. By Grover Clark. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1935. Pp. xvii, 406.) pp. 506-507 Downloads
G. Nye Steiger
The Juristic Status of Egypt and the Sudan. By Vernon A. O'Rourke. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1935. Pp. 184.) pp. 507-508 Downloads
William C. Johnstone
The Freedom of the Seas. By Earl Willis Crecraft. (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1935. Pp. xx, 304.) pp. 508-509 Downloads
Charles E. Hill
Cromwell; Vier Essays über die Führung einer Nation. By Hermann Oncken. (Berlin: G. Grote Verlag. 1935. Pp. vi, 147.) - Der individualistische Staatsbegriff und die juristische Staatsperson. By Reinhard Höhn. (Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag. 1935. Pp. xi, 235.) - Mensch und Gesellschaft im Zeitalter des Umbruchs. By Karl Mannheim. (Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaaatschappij. 1935. Pp. xviii, 207.) pp. 510-512 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
Morals and Politics. By E. F. Carritt. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1935. Pp. 216.) pp. 512-513 Downloads
Walter Sandelius
Government in Transition. By Lord Eustace Percy. (London: Methuen and Company, Ltd.1934. Pp. 250.) pp. 513-514 Downloads
E. P. Chase
Valeur de la Liberté et Adaptation de la République. By Joseph-Barthélemy. (Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey. 1935. Pp. vi, 262.) pp. 514-515 Downloads
R. K. Gooch
The Communist Answer to the World's Needs. By Julius F. Hecker. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1934. Pp. xii, 323.) pp. 515-516 Downloads
L. M. Pape
Fascism and Social Revolution. By R. Palme Dutt. (New York: International Publishers. 1934. Pp. xi, 296.) pp. 517-518 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
Le Siècle du Corporatisme. By Mihaïl Manoïlesco. (Paris: Felix Alcan. 1934. Pp. 376.) pp. 518-519 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Briefer Notices - Business and Government (The Foundation Press, pp. xi, 729) pp. 519-540 Downloads
E. W. Crecraft

Volume 29, issue 2, 1935

Planning Agencies in America pp. 197-211 Downloads
Charles E. Merriam
The Classification of International Organizations, I pp. 212-224 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
National Stamp-Tax Laws and State Instrumentalities* pp. 225-246 Downloads
Alden L. Powell
Executive Orders—A Bibliographical Note pp. 246-249 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
Governor Pinchot and the Late Magistrate Stubbs1 pp. 249-256 Downloads
John T. Salter
The New Amateur in Public Administration pp. 257-269 Downloads
Paul T. Stafford
Coördination of National Administration pp. 269-274 Downloads
S. Lyle Post
The Saar Plebiscite pp. 275-282 Downloads
James K. Pollock
The Open Door at Home; A Trial Philosophy of National Interest. By Charles A. Beard. With the collaboration of G. H. E. Smith. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Pp. viii, 331.) pp. 290-291 Downloads
William B. Munro
The Twilight of the Supreme Court; A History of Our Constitutional Theory. By Edward S. Corwin. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1934. Pp. xxvii, 237.) pp. 291-294 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
Principles of Legislative Organization and Administration. By W. F. Willoughby. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1934. Pp. xiv, 657.) pp. 294-295 Downloads
Robert Luce
Better Government Personnel; Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Public Service Personnel. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1935. Pp. x, 182.) pp. 296-297 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
Administrative Legislation and Adjudication. By Frederick F. Blachly and Miriam E. Oatman. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1934. Pp. xv, 296.) pp. 297-299 Downloads
Marshall E. Dimock
Political Power. By Charles E. Merriam. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1934. Pp. vii, 331.) pp. 299-300 Downloads
William A. Robson
A Guide to Modern Politics. By G. D. H. Cole and Margaret Cole. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf.1934. Pp. ix, 454.) pp. 301-302 Downloads
Oscar Jàszi
Natural Law and the Theory of Society, 1500 to 1800. By Otto Gierke. Translated with an introduction by Ernest Barker. (Cambridge: At the University Press. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Two volumes. Pp. xci, 226, 423.) pp. 302-304 Downloads
John D. Lewis
Deutscher Sozialismus. By Werner Sombart. (Berlin-Charlottenburg: Buchholz und Weisswange. 1934. Pp. xvi, 347.) pp. 304-305 Downloads
Karl F. Geiser
Tracts on Liberty in the Puritan Revolution, 1638–1647. Edited, with a commentary, by William Haller. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1934. Three volumes. Pp. xiv, 197, 339, 405.) pp. 305-308 Downloads
C. H. McIlwain
Moscow Dialogues: Discussions on Red Philosophy. By Julius F. Hecker. (New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1934. Pp. xvi, 283.) - Religion and Communism; A Study of Religion and Atheism in Soviet Russia. By Julius F. Hecker. (New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1934. Pp. xii, 303.) - Russian Sociology; A Contribution to the History of Sociological Thought and Theory. By Julius F. Hecker. (New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1934. Pp. xvi, 313.) pp. 308-310 Downloads
Bruce Hopper
American Diplomacy During the World War. By Charles Seymour. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1934. Pp. xii, 417.) pp. 310-312 Downloads
Raymond Leslie Buell
Autopsy of the Monroe Doctrine; The Strange Story of Inter-American Relations. By Gaston Nerval. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Pp. xi, 357.) pp. 312-313 Downloads
David Y. Thomas
Government-Operated Enterprises in the Panama Canal Zone. By Marshall E. Dimock. With an introduction by Louis Brownlow. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1934. Pp. xxi, 248.) pp. 313-314 Downloads
William Beard
New Frontiers. By Henry A. Wallace. (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock. 1934. Pp. vi, 314.) pp. 314-316 Downloads
Clyde L. King
Sun Yat-sen; His Life and Its Meaning. By Lyon Sharman. (New York: The John Day Company. 1934. Pp. xvii, 418.) pp. 316-317 Downloads
Arthur N. Holcombe
Problems of the New Cuba; Report of the Commission on Cuban Affairs. Edited by Raymond L. Buell. (New York: Foreign Policy Association. 1935. Pp. xi, 522.) pp. 317-318 Downloads
Chester Lloyd Jones
Declaratory Judgments. By Edwin Borchard. (Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Co.1934. Pp. xxii, 669.) pp. 319-320 Downloads
Edson R. Sunderland
Essays of William Graham Sumner. Edited by A. G. Keller and Maurice R. Davie. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1934. Two volumes. Pp. xix, 499, viii, 534.) pp. 320-321 Downloads
William Seal Carpenter
A Program for Unemployment Insurance and Relief. By Alvin H. Hansen, Merrill G. Murray, Russell A. Stevenson, and Bryce M. Stewart. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1934. Pp. 201.) pp. 321-323 Downloads
Paul H. Douglas

Volume 29, issue 1, 1935

Democracy in Transition* pp. 1-20 Downloads
Walter J. Shepard
Politics, Personalities, and the Federai Trade Commission, II pp. 21-35 Downloads
E. Pendleton Herring
Constitutional Law in 1933–34 pp. 36-59 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
National Parties and Local Politics pp. 60-67 Downloads
Ellen Deborah Ellis
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between June 30 and December 15, 1934 pp. 67-68 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
Constitutional Reform in France pp. 84-91 Downloads
Robert K. Gooch
The Hitler Referenda pp. 91-99 Downloads
Arnold J. Zurcher
Report of the Committee on Policy of the American Political Science Association for the Year 1934 pp. 114-130 Downloads
Thomas H. Reed
The Challenge to Liberty. By Herbert Hoover. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1934. Pp. 212.) pp. 131-133 Downloads
Charles E. Merriam
Beyond the New Deal. By David Lawrence. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1934. Pp. 321.) pp. 134-135 Downloads
Jerome G. Kerwin
James G. Blaine; A Political Idol of Other Days. By David Saville Muzzey. (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1934. Pp. ix, 514.) pp. 135-136 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
The Presidential Vote, 1896–1932. By Edgar E. Robinson. (Stanford University, California: Stanford University Press. 1934. Pp. ix, 403.) pp. 136-137 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
English Local Government. By Herman Finer. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1934. Pp. xiii, 533.) pp. 137-139 Downloads
Leonard D. White
Die Entstehung des Staates. By Reinhold Horneffer. Beiträge zum Oeffentlichen Recht der Gegenwart, No. 4. (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1933. Pp. v, 255.) pp. 139-140 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
Jahrbuch für Kommunalwissenschaft. Edited by Kurt Jeserich. Vol. I, Part 1. (Stuttgart and Berlin: W. Kohlhammer. 1934. Pp. 313.) pp. 141-142 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
American Consultation in World Affairs for the Preservation of Peace. By Russell M. Cooper. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Pp. xiv, 406.) pp. 142-143 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
Bolshevism, Fascism, and Liberal-Democratic States. By Maurice Parmelee. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.1934. Pp. xii, 419.) pp. 143-145 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917–1918: Documents and Materials. By James Bunyan and H. H. Fisher. (Stanford University, California: Stanford University Press. 1934. Pp. xii, 735.) pp. 145-146 Downloads
George Vernadsky
Condorcet and the Rise of Liberalism. By J. Salwyn Schapiro. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1934. Pp. 311.) pp. 146-147 Downloads
Edward McChesney Sait
The Permanent Court of International Justice. By Manley O. Hudson. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1934. Pp. xxvii, 731.) pp. 147-149 Downloads
Frederick S. Dunn
Crime and Criminal Statistics in Boston. By Sam Bass Warner. (Survey of Crime and Criminal Justice in Boston Conducted by the Harvard Law School. Volume II. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1934. Pp. x, 150.) pp. 149-150 Downloads
Hessel E. Yntema
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