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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 31, issue 6, 1937

The Japanese Constitution pp. 1027-1049 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
Constitutional Developments in Saorstát Eireann and the Constitution of Éire: II, Internal Affairs* pp. 1050-1070 Downloads
Arthur W. Bromage
First Session of the Seventy-fifth Congress, January 5, 1937, to August 21, 1937 pp. 1071-1093 Downloads
O. R. Altman
Government Corporations and Federal Funds* pp. 1094-1107 Downloads
John McDiarmid
Federal Administration of Rural Electrification pp. 1107-1112 Downloads
E. F. Dow
Mr. Justice Black and “Senatorial Courtesy” pp. 1113-1115 Downloads
Kenneth C. Cole
Municipal Government and Labor Disputes pp. 1116-1124 Downloads
Lyman S. Moore
The Present Status of Municipal Housing and Slum Clearance in the United States pp. 1124-1132 Downloads
Elizabeth Longan
State Leagues of Municipalities and the American Municipal Association; An Experiment in Coöperation Among Municipal Officials pp. 1132-1137 Downloads
Clifford W. Ham
Theory of the Democratic State. By Marie Collins Swabey. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1937. Pp. 234.) pp. 1143-1144 Downloads
George H. Sabine
The Origin and Nature of Constitutional Government. By Hugh McDowall Clokie. (London: George G. Harrap and Company. 1936. Pp. 156.) pp. 1144-1145 Downloads
R. K. Gooch
Lawlessness, Law, and Sanction. By Miriam Theresa Rooney. (Washington: The Catholic University of America. 1937. Pp. 176.) pp. 1145-1146 Downloads
Henry Janzen
Joseph De Maistre and Giambattista Vico. By Elio Gianturco (New York: Columbia University Press. 1937. Pp. ix, 240.) pp. 1146-1147 Downloads
Max A. Shepard
The Power to Govern. By Walton H. Hamilton and Douglass Adair. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1937. Pp. 194.) pp. 1147-1149 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin
State and National Power Over Commerce. By F. D. G. Ribble. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1937. Pp. 266.) pp. 1149-1150 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
Pressure Politics in New York. By Belle Zeller. (New York: Prentice Hall, Inc.1937. Pp. ix, 310.) pp. 1150-1152 Downloads
Warner Moss
Integrity; The Life of George W. Norris. By Richard L. Newberger and Stephen B. Kahn. (New York: The Vanguard Press. 1937. Pp. x, 383.) pp. 1152-1153 Downloads
Paul M. Cuncannon
Recent Trends in Rural Planning. By William E. Cole and Hugh Price Crowe. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1937. Pp. xv, 579.) pp. 1153-1154 Downloads
Lane W. Lancaster
A Hundred Years of English Government. By K. B. Smellie (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1937. Pp. 468.) - A History of the English Coronation. By Percy Ernst Schramm. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1937. Pp. xv, 283.) - The Magic of Monarchy. By Kingsley Martin. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1937. Pp. 125.) pp. 1154-1157 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Public Enterprise. Edited by William A. Robson. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1937. Pp. 416.) pp. 1157-1159 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
The Empire in the World; A Study in Leadership and Reconstruction. Edited by E. Thomas Cook. (London: Oxford University Press. 1937. Pp. x, 323.) pp. 1159-1161 Downloads
A. Gordon Dewey
Regeringssättet i den Schweiziska Demokratien. By Elis Håstad. (Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga Föreningen i Uppsala. VI. 1936. Pp. xli, 735.) - The Constitutions of the United States and Switzerland Historically Analyzed and Compared. By M. Ann Joachim O. P. (Fribourg. 1936. Pp. vii, 180.) pp. 1161-1164 Downloads
Eric Cyril Bellquist
Political Behavior; Studies in Election Statistics. By Herbert Tingsten. (London: P. S. King and Son. 1937. Pp. 231.) pp. 1164-1165 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell
The War and German Society; The Testament of A Liberal. By Albrecht Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1937. Pp. xiv, 299.) pp. 1165-1166 Downloads
Johannes Mattern
Post-War German-Austrian Relations: The Anschluss Movement, 1916–1936. By M. Margaret Ball. (Stanford University Press. 1937. Pp. ix, 304.) pp. 1166-1167 Downloads
Herbert W. Briggs
The Profits of War. By Richard Lewinsohn. Translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1937. Pp. viii, 287.) pp. 1167-1169 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
Legal Machinery for Peaceful Change. By Karl Strupp. (London: Constable and Company. 1937. Pp. 85.) - Peaceful Change; A Study of International Procedures. By Frederick S. Dunn. (New York: Council on Foreign Relations. 1937. Pp. 156.) pp. 1169-1170 Downloads
Vernon A. O'Rourke
The Press and World Affairs. By Robert W. Desmond. (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1937. Pp. xxv, 421.) pp. 1171-1172 Downloads
Ralph O. Ṅafziger

Volume 31, issue 5, 1937

Economic Predilection and the Law pp. 821-841 Downloads
Samuel Herman
Constitutional Developments in Saorstát Eireann and the Constitution of Éire: I, External Affairs* pp. 842-861 Downloads
Arthur W. Bromage
The Progress of Administrative Reorganization in the Seventy-Fifth Congress pp. 862-870 Downloads
Joseph P. Harris
Public Service Training in Universities pp. 870-878 Downloads
O. Glenn Stahl
Germany's New Civil Service Act pp. 878-883 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
County and Township Government in 1935–36* pp. 884-913 Downloads
Clyde F. Snider
Governmental and Party Leaders in Fascist Italy* pp. 914-929 Downloads
Harold D. Lasswell and Renzo Sereno
Ministers of the Crown and the British Constitution pp. 929-937 Downloads
Harlow J. Heneman
Administrative Regions in Great Britain pp. 937-941 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
The Status of Foreign Concessions and Settlements in the Treaty Ports of China pp. 942-948 Downloads
William C. Johnstone
Constitutional Government and Politics. By Carl Joachim Friedrich. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1937. Pp. xvi, 591.) pp. 953-957 Downloads
Karl Loewenstein
Essays in Political Science (in honor of W. W. Willoughby). Edited by John Mathews and James Hart. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1937. Pp. viii, 364.) pp. 957-958 Downloads
Raymond G. Gettell
A History of Political Theory. By George H. Sabine. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1937. Pp. xvi, 797.) pp. 959-960 Downloads
Henry Janzen
The Lasting Elements of Individualism. By William Ernest Hocking. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1937. Pp. xiv, 187.) pp. 960-961 Downloads
William S. Carpenter
Les Idées traditionnalistes en France de Rivarol à Charles Maurras. By Alfonse V. Roche. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1937. Pp. 235.) pp. 961-962 Downloads
R. K. Gooch
The Third Reich. By Henri Lichtenberger. (New York: The Greystone Press. 1937. Pp. 392.) pp. 962-964 Downloads
Johannes Mattern
The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism. By Robert A. Brady. (New York: The Viking Press. 1937. Pp. xix, 420.) - Germany; The Last Four Years. By Germanicus. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1937. Pp. viii, 116.) - The Renaissance of Democracy. By G. S. Gracchus. (New York: Pegasus Publishing Company. 1937. Pp. 153.) pp. 964-966 Downloads
Fritz Morstein Marx
The Revolution Betrayed; What Is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going? By Leon Trotsky. Translated by Max Eastman. (New York: Doubleday, Doran, and Company, Inc.1937. Pp. vii, 308.) pp. 966-967 Downloads
E. C. Helmreich
The Government of Switzerland. By William E. Rappard. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company. 1936. Pp. ix, 164.) pp. 967-968 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
Byrokacie. By Jan Mertl. (Prague: Orbis Publishing Company. 1937. Pp. 265.) pp. 968-970 Downloads
Joseph S. Roucek
Neutrality for the United States. By Edwin M. Borchard and William Potter Lage. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1937. Pp. xi, 380.) pp. 970-972 Downloads
Earl Willis Crecraft
The United States in World Affairs; An Account of American Foreign Relations, 1936. By Whitney H. Shepardson, in Collaboration with William O. Scroggs. (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1937. Pp. viii, 312.) pp. 972-973 Downloads
Frank M. Russell
Raw Materials in Peace and War. By Eugene Staley. (New York: Council on Foreign Relations. 1937. Pp. 326.) pp. 973-975 Downloads
Brooks Emeny
Economic Planning and International Order. By Lionel Robbins. (London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd.1937. Pp. xv, 330.) pp. 975-976 Downloads
George H. E. Smith
Twenty-five Years of the Chinese Republic. Anon. (Nanking: International Relations Committee, 18 Honan Road. 1937. Pp. 211.) - Chiang Kai-shek und die Regierung der Kuomintang in China. By Gustav Amann. (Heidelberg and Berlin: Kurt Vowinckel Verlag. 1936. Pp. viii, 240.) pp. 976-978 Downloads
Paul M. A. Linebarger
The Struggle for the Pacific. By Gregory Bienstock. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1937. Pp. 299.) - Asia's Good Neighbor. By Walter Karig. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1937. Pp. 308.) pp. 978-980 Downloads
Edgar P. Dean
Japanese Trade and Industry: Present and Future. By the Mitsubishi Economic Research Bureau, Tokyo. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1936. Pp. xviii, 663.) pp. 980-981 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
Middletown in Transition; A Study in Cultural Conflicts. By Robert S. Lynd and Helen M. Lynd. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1937. Pp. ix, 581.) - Caste and Class in a Southern Town. By John Dollard. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1937. Pp. v, 497.) pp. 981-983 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
Government Statistics; A Report of the Committee on Government Statistics and Information Services. (New York: Social Science Research Council Bulletin 26. 1937. Pp. xiv, 174.) pp. 983-984 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier

Volume 31, issue 4, 1937

Law and Sovereignty pp. 617-637 Downloads
J. Roland Pennock
Militant Democracy and Fundamental Rights, II* pp. 638-658 Downloads
Karl Loewenstein
State Constitutional Law in 1936–37 pp. 659-679 Downloads
J. A. C. Grant
Congressional Investigations During Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Term pp. 680-694 Downloads
M. Nelson McGeary
The “Merit System” Again pp. 695-698 Downloads
Kenneth C. Cole
Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government of the United States: Changes between August 1, 1936, and May 31, 19371 pp. 699-702 Downloads
L. F. Schmeckebier
The Summer Schools and Other Educational Activities of the British Liberal Party* pp. 703-719 Downloads
Joseph R. Starr
History of Political Philosophy from Plato to Burke. BY Thomas I. Cook. (New York: Prentice-Hall. 1936. Pp. xviii, 725.) pp. 727-728 Downloads
Walter Thompson
A History of American Political Thought from, the Civil War to the World War. By Edward R. Lewis. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1937. Pp. x, 561.) pp. 728-729 Downloads
Benjamin F. Wright
Political and Economic Democracy. Edited by Max Ascoli and Fritz Lehmann, With a Foreword by Alvin Johnson. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1937. Pp. 336.) pp. 729-731 Downloads
Merle Fainsod
The Rôle of Politics in Social Change. By Charles E. Merriam. (New York: New York University Press. 1936. Pp. 149.) pp. 731-732 Downloads
R. M. MacIver
American Constitutional Law. By Charles W. Gerstenberg. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1937. Pp. xiii, 742.) pp. 732-733 Downloads
Earl H. DeLong
Public Administration in the United States. By Harvey Walker. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc.1937. Pp. x, 698.) pp. 733-734 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
The Story of the Supreme Court. By Ernest Sutherland Bates. (Indianapolis and New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1936. Pp. 377.) - The Ultimate Power. By Morris L. Ernst. (Garden City: Doubleday, Doran and Company. 1937. Pp. xv, 344.) pp. 734-735 Downloads
James Hart
Government in Rural America. By Lane W. Lancaster. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1937. Pp. xi, 416.) pp. 735-736 Downloads
Harold M. Dorr
The Recovery Problem in the United States. By Members of the Brookings Institution Staff. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1936. Pp. xiv, 709.) - L'Expérience Roosevelt. By Louis R. Franck (Paris: F. Alcan. 1937. Pp. 386.) pp. 736-739 Downloads
James T. Young
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1936–1937. Vol. V, pp. 464; Vol. VI, pp. xvi, 406.) pp. 739-741 Downloads
Herbert W. Briggs
The Administration of Justice in Great Britain. By Caleb Perry Patterson. (Austin, Texas: The University of Texas Press. 1936. Pp. viii, 326.) pp. 741-742 Downloads
Pendleton Howard
The New Soviet Constitution; A Study in Socialist Democracy. By Anna Louise Strong. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1937. Pp. 169.) pp. 742-743 Downloads
Bertram W. Maxwell
Grundlagen und Methoden Internationalen Revision. By Werner Gramsch. (Stuttgart and Berlin: Kommissionsvereal Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 1937. Pp. 181.) pp. 743-744 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
International Politics. By Frederick L. Schuman. Second Edition. (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1937. Pp. xxi, 789.) pp. 744-745 Downloads
William P. Maddox
Analysis of the Problem of War. By Clyde Eagleton. (New York: The Ronald Press Company. 1937. Pp. 132.) - Viewed Without Alarm: Europe Today. By Walter Millis. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1937. Pp. 79.) pp. 745-746 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
Zero Hour: Policies of the Powers. By Richard Freund. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1937. Pp. vi, 256, with two maps.) pp. 746-747 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
The Shanghai Problem. By William Chane JohnstoneJr. (Stanford University Press. 1937. pp. xi, 326.) pp. 747-749 Downloads
William W. Lockwood
The United States and the Republic of Panama. By William D. McCain. (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. 1937. Pp. xv, 278.) pp. 749-750 Downloads
Russell H. Fitzgibbon

Volume 31, issue 3, 1937

Militant Democracy and Fundamental Rights, I* pp. 417-432 Downloads
Karl Loewenstein
Unemployment Assistance in Great Britain pp. 433-454 Downloads
Paul Tutt Stafford
Reform of the Covenant of the League of Nations pp. 455-472 Downloads
Clyde Eagleton
Campaign Funds in the Presidential Election of 19361 pp. 473-498 Downloads
Louise Overacker
The Trade Agreement Act in Court and in Congress pp. 498-507 Downloads
John Day Larkin
Reorganization of the General Accounting Office pp. 508-516 Downloads
John McDiarmid
Suggestions for a General Index for Political Science* pp. 517-525 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich and Mary C. Trackett
Grey of Fallodon; The Life and Letters of Sir Edward Grey, Afterwards Viscount Grey of Fallodon. By George Macaulay Trevelyan. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1937. Pp. xiii, 447.) pp. 533-535 Downloads
James W. Garner
The King and His Dominion Governors: A Study of the Reserve Powers of the Crown in Great Britain and the Dominions. By H. V. Evatt. (London: Oxford University Press. 1936. Pp. xvi, 324.) pp. 535-536 Downloads
Robert A. MacKay
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes; Its Basis and Its Genesis. By Leo Strauss. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1936. Pp. xviii, 172.) pp. 536-537 Downloads
E. Allen Helms
History of Political Thought in Germany from 1789 to 1815. By Reinhold Aris. With a Foreword by Dr.G. P. Gooch. (London: George Allen and Unwin. 1936. Pp. 414.) pp. 537-539 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-sen; An Exposition of the San Min Chu I. By Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1937. Pp. xiv, 278.) pp. 539-540 Downloads
G. Nye Steiger
Modern Politics and Administration. By Marshall E. Dimock. (New York: American Book Company. 1937. Pp. xiii, 425.) pp. 540-541 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
Coördination and Planning in the Local Authority. By Harry R. Page. (Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1936. Pp. xvii, 427.) pp. 541-542 Downloads
Paul T. Stafford
State Grants-in-Aid. By Russell John Hinckley. State of New York, Special Report of the State Tax Commission, No. 9. (Albany, N. Y.: J. B. Lyon Company. 1935. Pp. 221.) pp. 542-543 Downloads
William Anderson
Reciprocity; A National Policy for Foreign Trade. By William S. Culbertson. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1937. Pp. x, 298.) pp. 543-544 Downloads
George H. E. Smith
Survey of International Affairs, 1935. By Arnold J. Toynbee, Assisted by V. M. Boulter. (London: Oxford University Press and Humphrey Milford. 1936. Two vols. Pp. ix, 455; xi, 568.) pp. 544-546 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
The Dangerous Sea. By George Slocombe. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1937. Pp. 286.) - Is It Peace? By Graham Hutton. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1937. Pp. 364.) pp. 546-548 Downloads
William P. Maddox
French Policy and Developments in Indochina. By Thomas E. Ennis. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1936. Pp. ix, 230.) - The Economic Position of the Chinese in the Netherlands Indies. By W. J. Cator. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1936. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1936. Pp. xi, 264.) pp. 548-550 Downloads
Joseph Ralston Hayden
Japan's Foreign Relations, 1542–1936. By Roy H. Akagi. (Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press. 1937. Pp. xiv, 560.) pp. 550-551 Downloads
William C. Johnstone
The Undistributed Profits Tax. By Alfred G. Buehler. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1937. Pp. viii, 281.) pp. 551-552 Downloads
Harold M. Groves
Public Utility Regulation and the So-Called Sliding Scale. By Irvin Bussing. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1936. Pp. 174.) pp. 552-553 Downloads
Orren C. Hormell
The Unique Function of Education in American Democracy. By The Educational Policies Commission, Alexander J. Stoddard, Chairman. (Washington: National Education Association and Department of Superintendence. 1937. Pp. 129.) pp. 553-554 Downloads
John Albert Vieg

Volume 31, issue 2, 1937

Kelsen's Theory of Law* pp. 205-226 Downloads
Henry Janzen
The Constitutional Position of the Partito Nazionale Fascista pp. 227-242 Downloads
H. Arthur Steiner
Political Liberty Today: is it Being Restricted or Enlarged by Economic Regulation? pp. 243-252 Downloads
T. V. Smith
Constitutional Law in 1935–36: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1935 pp. 253-279 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
State Constitutional Development in 19361 pp. 280-285 Downloads
George C. S. Benson
Extraterritorial Powers of Cities as Factors in California Metropolitan Government pp. 286-291 Downloads
Winston W. Crouch
The Recent Movement for Better Government Personnel1 pp. 292-301 Downloads
Luther Gulick
The Committee as an Instrument of Coördination in the New Deal pp. 301-310 Downloads
Mary C. Trackett
Intelligence in Politics. By Max Ascoli. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 1936. Pp. ix, 280.) pp. 321-322 Downloads
John M. Gaus
The Rise of Liberalism. By Harold J. Laski. (New York and London: Harper and Brothers. 1936. Pp. 327.) pp. 322-324 Downloads
Raymond G. Gettell
The Social Contract; A Critical Study of Its Development. By J. S. Gough. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1936. Pp. vi, 234.) pp. 324-326 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
Otto von Gierkes Staatslehre und unsere Zeit. By Reinhard Höhn. (Hamburg: Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt. 1936. Pp. 161.) pp. 326-327 Downloads
John D. Lewis
The Papacy and World Affairs, as Reflected in the Secularization of Politics. By Carl Conrad Eckhardt. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1937. Pp. xiv, 310.) pp. 327-328 Downloads
Henry Janzen
L'Individu et l'État dans l'Évolution constitutionnelle de la Suisse. By William E. Rappard. (Zurich: Éditions Polygraphiques S.A.1936. Pp. ix, 556.) pp. 328-330 Downloads
Walter Sandelius
Cabinet Government. By W. Ivor Jennings. (Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. 1936. Pp. xii, 484.) - The King and the Imperial Crown; The Powers and Duties of His Majesty. By A. Berriedale Keith. (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1936. Pp. xiv, 491.) pp. 330-332 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Samhällskrisen och Socialvetenskaperna. By Gunnar Myrdal and Herbert Tingsten. (Stockholm: Kooperativa Förbundets Bokförlag. 1935. Pp. 68.) - Unghöger: Politiska Essayer. By Gunnar Heckscher. (Stockholm: Bonniers. 1934. Pp. 187.) - Pontus Fahlbeck och Samhället. By Erik Arrhèn. (Stockholm: Ungsvenskarnas Skriftserie VI. 1935. Pp. 88.) pp. 332-334 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
Crime and Justice. By Sheldon Glueck. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1936. Pp. 349.) - Preventing Crime: A Symposium. Edited by Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck. (New York: McGraw-Hill and Company. 1936. Pp. 509.) - Local Democracy and Crime Control. By A. C. Millspaugh. (Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution. 1936. Pp. 263.) - A System of Criminal Judicial Statistics for California. By Ronald H. Beattie. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1936. Pp. 238.) pp. 334-338 Downloads
Rodney L. Mott
Federal Justice. By Homer Cummings and Carl McFarland. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1937. Pp. ix, 576.) pp. 338-339 Downloads
J. A. C. Grant
Brandeis: The Personal History of an American Ideal. By Alfred Lief. (Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Sons. 1936. Pp. 508.) pp. 339-340 Downloads
Benjamin F. Wright
Le Droit Chinois. By Jean Escarra. (Pékin: Henri Vetch. 1936. Pp. xii, 559.) pp. 340-341 Downloads
Cyrus H. Peake
Hamilton Fish; The Inner History of the Grant Administration. By Allan Nevins. (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1936. Pp. xvii, 932.) pp. 342-343 Downloads
Everett S. Brown
Zoning; The Laws, Administration, and Court Decisions During the First Twenty Years. By Edward M. Bassett. (New York: The Russell Sage Foundation. 1936. Pp. 275.) pp. 343-344 Downloads
Walter H. Blucher
War Our Heritage. By Joseph P. Lash and James A. Wechsler. (New York: International Publishers. 1936. Pp. 159.) - “We or They”—Two Worlds in Conflict. By Hamilton Fish Armstrong. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1936. Pp. viii, 106.) pp. 345-346 Downloads
Frederick L. Schuman
And Fear Came. By John T. Whitaker. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1936. Pp. 273.) - Neutrality and Collective Security. By SirAlfred Zimmern, William E. Dodd, Charles Warren, and Edwin D. Dickinson. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1936. Pp. xviii, 277.) pp. 346-347 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
Propaganda and Dictatorship. Edited by Harwood L. Childs. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1936. Pp. vi, 153.) pp. 347-348 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
The Discussion of Human Affairs; An Inquiry into the Nature of the Statements, Assertions, Allegations, Claims, Heats, Tempers, Distempers, Dogmas, and Contentions which Appear when Human Affairs are Discussed and into the Possibility of Putting Some Rhyme and Reason into Processes of Discussion. By Charles A. Beard. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1936. Pp. 124.) pp. 348-349 Downloads
William B. Munro
Are American Teachers Free? By Howard K. Beale. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1936. Pp. xxiv, 856.) - Curriculum-Making in the Social Studies. By Leon C. Marshall and Rachel Marshall Goetz. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1936. Pp. xvii, 252.) pp. 349-351 Downloads
Howard White
Psycho-Analysis and Social Psychology. By William McDougall. (London: Methuen and Company. 1936. Pp. viii, 207.) pp. 351-352 Downloads
Oscar Jászi

Volume 31, issue 1, 1937

The Political Interpretation of History* pp. 1-11 Downloads
Arthur N. Holcombe
The Prelude to Authority pp. 12-27 Downloads
Francis G. Wilson
The Study of Administration pp. 28-40 Downloads
Marshall E. Dimock
The Economic Limitations to Certain Uses of Interstate Compacts pp. 41-51 Downloads
Joseph J. Spengler
The Presidential Veto Since 1889 pp. 51-56 Downloads
Katherine A. Towle
Tightening the Direct Primary in Michigan; First Applications of the Filing Fee pp. 56-65 Downloads
Harold M. Dorr
Sufficiency Certification of Initiative Signatures in Oklahoma pp. 65-70 Downloads
Cortez A. M. Ewing
Letters to the Editor as a Means of Measuring the Effectiveness of Propaganda1 pp. 71-79 Downloads
H. Schuyler Foster and Carl J. Friedrich
British Influence on the American Press, 1914–17 pp. 79-88 Downloads
H. C. Peterson
Church and State in England pp. 89-92 Downloads
E. P. Chase
Dominion Disallowance of Provincial Legislation in Canada pp. 92-96 Downloads
Harlow J. Heneman
Workers' Parties Show Gains in Sweden and Norway1 pp. 97-99 Downloads
Ben A. Arneson
Neutrality—as of 1936 and 1937 pp. 100-113 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
The American Political Scene. Edited by Edward B. Logan. (New York and London: Harper and Brothers. 1936. Pp. viii, 264.) pp. 124-125 Downloads
Edward M. Sait
After the New Deal, What? By Norman Thomas. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1936. Pp. ix, 233.) pp. 125-126 Downloads
George H. E. Smith
Public Personnel Administration. By William E. Mosher and J. Donald Kingsley. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1936. Pp. xiii, 588.) - The Frontiers of Public Administration. By Leonard D. White, John M. Gaus, and Marshall E. Dimock. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1936. Pp. viii, 146.) pp. 126-128 Downloads
Lewis Meriam
National Taxation of State Instrumentalities. By Alden L. Powell. Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. XX, No. 4. (Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois. 1936. Pp. 166.) pp. 128-129 Downloads
Ivan L. Pollock
Taxation and Public Policy. By Paul Studenski and Others. (New York: Richard R. Smith. 1936. Pp. 267.) - Introduction to Governmental Accounting. By Lloyd Morey. Second Edition. (New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1936. Pp. xvi, 318.) pp. 129-130 Downloads
Edward W. Carter
Administration of Workmen's Compensation. By Walter F. Dodd. (New York: The Commonwealth Fund. 1936. Pp. xviii, 845.) pp. 131-132 Downloads
Charles Grove Haines
The Police and Modern Society. By August Vollmer. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press. 1936. Pp. 253.) pp. 132-136 Downloads
Sheldon Glueck
Local Government in England. By E. L. Hasluck. (Cambridge, Eng.: University Press. 1936. Pp. ix, 363.) pp. 136-137 Downloads
William Anderson
Sv̆eriges Politiska Partier. By Edvard Thermænius. (Stockholm: Hugo Gebers Förlag. 1933. Pp. 195.) - Riksdagspartierna. Sect. II, Vol. XVII, of Sv̆eriges Riksdag. By Edvard Thermænius. (Stockholm: The Riksdag. 1935. Pp. 297.) pp. 137-139 Downloads
Roy V. Peel
A Diplomatic History of the United States. By Samuel Flagg Bemis. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1936. Pp. xii, 881.) pp. 139-140 Downloads
William P. Maddox
Why We Went to War. By Newton D. Baker. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1936. Pp. vi, 199.) pp. 140-141 Downloads
Herbert W. Briggs
Neutrality; Its History, Economics, and Law. Four Volumes. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1936); - Vol. I. The Origins. By P. C. Jessup and F. Déak. (Pp. xviii, 294.); - Vol. II. The Napoleonic Period. By W. A. Phillips and A. H. Reede. (Pp. xii, 339.); - Vol. III. The World War Period. By E. G. Turlington. (Pp. xx, 267.); - Vol. IV. Today and Tomorrow. By P. C. Jessup. (Pp. x, 237.) pp. 141-144 Downloads
Phillips Bradley
The Far Eastern Crisis. By Henry L. Stimson. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1936. Pp. xii, 293.) pp. 144-146 Downloads
W. W. Willoughby
Militarism in Japan. By Kenneth W. Colegrove. (Boston and New York: World Peace Foundation. 1936. Pp. 77.) - Eyes on Japan. By Victor A. Yakhontoff. (New York: Coward-McCann, Inc.1936. Pp. 329.) pp. 146-148 Downloads
A. E. Hindmarsh
L'Alliance Franco-Russe. By Baron Boris Nolde. (Paris: Librarie Droz. 1936. Pp. 700.) pp. 148-150 Downloads
Rupert Emerson
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