American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 6, issue 4, 1912
- Constitutional Law in 1910–1911: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1910 pp. 513-523

- Eugene Wambaugh
- The Present Status of the Home Rule Question1 pp. 524-545

- William T. Laprade
- The Monroe Doctrine Abroad in 1823–241 pp. 546-563

- William Spence Robertson
- Responsible Government in the Dominions. By A. Berriedale Keith. Three volumes. (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1912.) pp. 622-626

- Baron S. A. Korff
- Kingdom Papers. By John S. Ewart, K. C. Issued by the author. Ottawa, Canada pp. 626-629

- Baron S. A. Korff
- Corporations and the State. By Theodore E. Burton. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1911. Pp. xvi, 248.) pp. 629-630

- Arnold B. Hall
- Problems in Railway Regulation. By Henry S. Haines. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911. Pp.582) pp. 630-632

- Anonymous
- Municipal Origins. An Account of English Private Bill Legislation Relating to Local Government, 1740–1835; with a Chapter on Private Bill Procedure. By Frederick H. Spencer. (London: Constable and Company, 1911. Pp. xi, 333) pp. 632-634

- E. P.,
- La Fortune publique de la France. By Edmond Théry. (Paris: Librairie Ch. Delagrove. 1911. Pp. 256) pp. 634-635

- Anonymous
- La Démocratie Politique et Sociale en France. By Alfred Fouillee. (Paris: Felix Alcan. 1910. Pp. 223) pp. 635-637

- J. W. Garner
- Souvenirs, 1848–1878. By C. De Freycinet. (Paris: Librairi Ch. Delagrove. 1912. Pp. 403) pp. 637-638

- Anonymous
- Les Fonctionnaries: leur action Corporative. By Georges–Cohen, Maitre des Requêtes au Conseil d'Etat. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1911. Pp. 394) pp. 638-640

- J. W. Garner
- Valuation of Public Service Corporations. By Robert H. Whitten, Ph.D. (New York: The Banks Law Publishing Co.1912. Pp. XL. 798) pp. 640-640

- Anonymous
- The Constitutional History of England Since the Accession of George the Third. By SirThomas Erskine May. Edited and continued to 1911 by Francis Holland. (New York & London: Longmans, Green & Co.1912. 3 vols. Pp. 468, 441, 398) pp. 641-642

- Anonymous
- The International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome. By Coleman Phillipson, M. A., LL. D. (New York: Macmillan & Co., 1911. Vol. I, pp. xxii, 419. Vol. II, pp. xvi, 421.) pp. 642-645

- Charles G. Fenwick
- A General Survey of Events, Sources, Persons, and Movements in Continental Legal History. By various authors. VolumeIof the Continental Legal History Series. Published under the auspices of the Association of American Law Schools. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1912. Pp. 754.) pp. 645-648

- Edwin M. Borchard
- Story of the California Legislature of 1909. By Franklin Hichborn. (San Francisco: James H. Barry Co.1909. Pp. 296.) - Story of the California Legislature of 1911. By Franklin Hichborn. (San Francisco: James H. Barry Co.1911. Pp. 348.) pp. 648-649

- B. E. H.,
- The American People: A study in National Psychology. Volum II, The Harvesting of a Nation. By A. Maurice Low. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.1911. Pp. vi, 608.) pp. 650-650

- E. L. Bogart
- A Short History of Women's Rights. By Eugene A. Hecker. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1911. Pp. 292.) pp. 650-652

- James Morton Callahan
- Die Englische Gerichtsverfassung: Eine systematische Darstellung. Dr.Von Heinrich B. Gerland. (Leipzig: G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung. 1910. Two volumes. Pp. 1020) pp. 652-654

- Walter James Shepard
- Our Judicial Oligarchy. By Gilbert E. Roe. With introduction by Robert M. La Follette. (New York: B. W. Huebsch. 1912. Pp. vii, 239.) pp. 654-655

- E. S. Corwin
- Henry Demarest Lloyd. 1847–1903. A Biography. By Caro Lloyd. With an Introduction by Charles Edward Russell. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1912. Two volumes. Pp. xviii, 308; ix, 390.) pp. 656-656

- Edward Porritt
- Why Should We Change Our Form of Government? By Nicholas Murray Butler. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1912. Pp. xiv, 159.) pp. 657-658

- F. A. Magruder
- The Underlying Principles of Modern Legislation. By W. Jethro Brown. (London: John Murray. 1912. Pp. 331.) pp. 658-659

- Anonymous
- The Political Theories of Martin Luther. By Luther Hess Waring. (New York: Putnams. 1910. Pp. vi, 293.) pp. 659-660

- J. M. Vincent
Volume 6, issue 3, 1912
- The Initiative and the Referendum in Switzerland1 pp. 345-366

- William E. Rappard
- Village Government in New England pp. 367-385

- Frank G. Bates
- The Parliament Act of 1911—II pp. 386-408

- Alfred L. P. Dennis
- A History of the American Bar, Colonial and Federal, to 1860. By Charles Warren. (Boston: Little Brown & Co.1911. Pp. xii, 586.) pp. 472-475

- Bernard C. Steiner
- Die zweite Haager Friedenskonferenz, II Teil, Das Kriegsrecht, unter Mitberücksichtigung der Londoner Seerechtskonferenz By Otfried Nippold. (Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot1911. Pp. 267) pp. 475-476

- G. G. Wilson
- The Persian Revolution of 1905–1909. By Edward G. Browne. (Cambridge: University Press, 1910. Pp. xxvi, 470) pp. 476-479

- Albert H. Lybyer
- The Story of Korea. By Joseph H. Longford. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911. Pp. vii, 400) pp. 479-480

- Payson J. Treat
- Papers on Inter-Racial Problems Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress. Edited by Gustave Spiller (London: P. S. King & Sons. 1911. Pp. xvi, 485.) pp. 480-481

- Frank Edward Horack
- Eléments du droit public et administratif, à l'usage des étudiants en droit (capacité). By Gaston Jèze, professeur agrégé à la faculté de droit de Paris. (Paris: V. Giard et Brière, 1910 Pp. 315) pp. 481-483

- J. W. Garner
- Traité du Pouvoir Judiciare, De Son Rôle Constitutionnel et De Sa Réforme Organique. Deuxième Edition. By Jules Coumaul. (Paris: Larose et Tenin. 1911. Pp. 500) pp. 483-484

- J. W. Garner
- Les Methodes Juridiques. Lecons faites au Collège Libre des Sciences Sociales. By MM. F. Larnaude, H. Berthélemy, Tissier, H. Truchy, E. Thaller, Pillet, E. Garçon, Professeurs à la Faculté de droit de Paris; E. Gény, Professeur à la Faculté de droit de Nancy. (Paris: V. Giard et E. Brière, 1911. Pp. xxiv, 231.) pp. 485-486

- J. W. Garner
- The Greek Commonwealth. Politics and Economics in Fifth Century Athens. By Alfred E. Zimmern, Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science. (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1911. Pp. 454.) pp. 486-487

- Ralph Van Deman Magoffin
- Annexation, Preferential Trade, and Reciprocity. An Outline of the Canadian Annexation Movement of 1849–1850, with Special Reference to the Question of Preferential Trade and Reciprocity. By Cephas D. Allin and George M. Jones. (Toronto: The Musson Book Company Limited n. d. Pp. xii, 398.) pp. 487-489

- E. P.,
- The Broad Stone of Empire: Problems of Crown Colony Administration with Records of Personal Experience. By SirCharles Bruce. (London: Macmillan and Co., 1910. Pp. xxxiv 511; viii, 555.) pp. 489-490

- Alfred L. P. Dennis
- A Century of Empire. Volume III. 1867–1900. By Herbert Maxwell. (New York: 1911. Pp. xv, 367.) pp. 491-492

- B. C. Steiner
- The Special Law Governing Public Service Corporations. By: Bruce Wyman. (New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1911. Two volumes: Pp. ccxvii, 1517.) pp. 492-493

- Arnold B. Hall
- Railway Rate Theories of the Interstate Commerce Commission. By M. B. Hammond. (Cambridge: Harvard University1911. Pp. 200) pp. 493-495

- L. G. McPherson
Volume 6, issue 2, 1912
- Governmental Regulation of Insurance in Canada pp. 175-193

- Avard Longley Bishop
- The Parliament Act of 1911 pp. 194-215

- Alfred L. P. Dennis
- The New Role of the Governor pp. 216-228

- John M. Mathews
- The Changing Chinese. By Edward Alsworth Ross. (New York: The Century Company, 1911. Pp. xvi, 356.) - Intellectual and Political Currents in the Far East. By Paul S. Reinsch. (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1911. Pp. vii, 396.) pp. 268-270

- Albert Bushnell Hart
- Social Reform and the Constitution. By Frank J. Goodnow, LL.D., Eaton Professor of Administrative Law at Columbia University. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911. Pp. 365.) pp. 270-276

- Edward S. Corwin
- The History of the Government of Denver With Special Reference to its Relations With Public Service Corporations. By Clyde Lyndon King, A. M. (Denver: The Fisher Book Company, 1911. Pp. 322.) pp. 276-277

- Frank A. Updyke
- Parliament. By SirCourtenay Ilbert. (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1911. Pp. 256.) pp. 278-278

- Thomas F. Moran
- Public International Unions. By Paul S. Reinsch. (Boston: Ginn and Company, 1911. Pp. 189) pp. 278-281

- C. D. Allin
- English Political Institutions: An Introductory Study. By J. A. R. Marriott, M. A., Lecturer and Tutor in Modern History and Political Science at Worcester College, Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1910. (Pp. viii, 347) pp. 281-282

- George H. Haynes
- The Presidential Campaign of 1860. By Emerson David Fite, Ph. D. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911, Pp. xiii, 356.) pp. 282-284

- Anonymous
- World Organization as Affected by the Nature of the Modern State. By David Jayne Hill. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1911. Pp. x, 214.) pp. 284-285

- Francis W. Coker
- Ausgewählte Schriften und Reden. Von Georg Jellinek. (Berlin: O. Häring, 1911. Two Volumes.) pp. 286-288

- Ernst Freund
- The Relations of the United States and Spain: The Spanish-American War. By French Ensor Chadwick, Rear-Admiral U. S. Navy (Retired). (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911. Two Volumes, pp. xii, 412; vii, 514.) pp. 288-290

- John Holladay Latané
- The International Relations of the Chinese Empire. By Hosea Ballou Morse. The Period of Conflict (1834–1860.) London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910. Pp. xxxvii; 727) pp. 291-293

- Jesse S. Reeves
- The Obvious Orient. By Albert Bushnell Hart. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1911. Pp. x, 369.) pp. 291-291

- Edward A. Ross
- Reminiscences of the Geneva Tribunal of Arbitration. 1872. The Alabama Claims. By Frank Warren Hackett. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1911. Pp. xvi, 450) pp. 293-294

- Jesse S. Reeves
- The Village Labourer—1760–1832. A Study in the Government of England before the Reform Bill. By J. L. and Barbara Hammond. (New York, Longmans, Green and Co., 1911. Pp. x, 418.) pp. 294-296

- E. P.,
- The Commercial Code of Japan. Translated by Yang Yin Hang. (Boston: Boston Book Company, 1911. Pp. xxiii, 319.) pp. 297-299

- Arthur K. Kuhn
- The Speakers of the House of Commons. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day, with a Topographical Description of Westminster at Various Epochs, and a Brief Record of the Principal Constitutional Changes during Seven Centuries. By Arthur Irwin Dasent. (New York: The John Lane Company, 1911. Pp. xl, 455.) pp. 299-300

- Edward Porritt
- Municipal Franchises. A Description of the Terms and Conditions upon which Private Corporations Enjoy Special Privileges in the Streets of American Cities. By Delos F. Wilcox, Ph.D., Chief of the Bureau of Franchises of the Public Service Commission for the First District of New York. In Two Volumes: Vol. ii, Transportation Franchises, Taxation and Control of Public Utilities. (New York: The Engineering News Publishing Company, 1911. Pp. xxi, 885.) pp. 301-304

- W. F. Willoughby
- The Indian and His Problem. By Francis E. Leupp. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. Pp. xiv, 369.) pp. 304-306

- Karl F. Geiser
- A Philadelphia Lawyer in the London Courts. By Thomas Leaming. (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911. Pp. xiv, 198.) pp. 306-307

- Anonymous
- The Business of Congress. By Samuel W. McCall. (New York: The Columbia University Press, 1911. Pp. 215.) pp. 307-309

- Anonymous
- Précis de Droit Administratif et de Droit Public, Septième Edition. By Maurice Hauriou. (Paris: Larose and Tenin, 1911. Pp. xii, 1010.) pp. 309-310

- J. W. Garner
- Short Ballot Principles. By Richard S. Childs. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911. Pp. viii, 171.) pp. 310-315

- Arthur Ludington
- The Constitutions of Ohio. By Isaac Franklin Patterson, A.M., LL.B. (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1912. Pp. 358.) pp. 315-316

- T. L. Sidlo
- The German Commercial Code, translated and briefly annotated. By Alfred F. Schuster. (London, Stevens and Sons, 1911. 280 pages.) pp. 316-317

- E. M. B.,
- The Territorial Basis of Government under the State Constitutions. By A. Z. Reed. (New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1911. pp. 250.) pp. 317-318

- J. M. Mathews
- France and the American Revolution. By James Breck Perkins. (Houghton, Mifflin. Boston, 1911.) pp. 318-319

- C. W. Alvord
- Obscene Literature and Constitutional Law. By Theodore Schroeder. (New York, 1911.) pp. 319-319

- I. Maurice Wormser
Volume 6, issue 1, 1912
- The Progressive Unfolding of the Powers of the United States: Presidential Address, Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association pp. 1-16

- Simeon E. Baldwin
- Diplomatic Affairs and International Law 1911 pp. 17-40

- Paul S. Reinsch
- The Operation of the Recall in Oregon pp. 41-53

- James D. Barnett
- Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs mit Erläuterungen. Von Dr.Ludwig Dambitsch, Amtsrichter. (Berlin: Verlag von Franz Vahlen, 1910. Pp. 696.) pp. 122-124

- Walter James Shepard
- Traité de Droit Constitutionnel. By Leon Duguit, Professor de Droit a L'Université de Bordeaux. (Paris: Fontemoing and Company. Vol. I. Pp. 570; Vol. II, pp. 558. 1911) pp. 124-128

- J. W. Garner
- The Origin and Growth of the American Constitution. By Hannis Taylor. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1911. Pp. xlii, 676.) pp. 128-133

- David Y. Thomas
- The First Decade of the Australian Commonwealth: A Chronicle of Contemporary Politics, 1901–1910. By Henry Giles Turner. (Melbourne: Mason, Firth & M'Cutcheon, 1911. Pp. 320.) pp. 133-134

- Payson J. Treat
- Principes de Droit Public. By Maurice Hauriou. (Paris: Larose and Tenin, 1911. Pp. xi, 734.) pp. 134-136

- J. W. Garner
- Meili and Mamelok. Das internationale Privat und Zivilprozessrecht auf Grund der Haager Konventionen. (Zurich: Orell Füssli, 111. 427 pages.) pp. 136-137

- E. M. B.,
- British Rights at Sea, under the Declaration of London. By E. F. Bray. (London: P. S. King & Son, 1911. Pp. 99.) pp. 137-137

- Anonymous
- The Declaration of London. By Norman Bentwich. (London: E. Wilson and Sweet & Maxwell, 1911. Pp. 179.) pp. 137-140

- Edwin M. Borchard
- The Binding Force of International Law. By A. Pearce Higgins. (Cambridge: University Press, 1910.) pp. 141-141

- Edwin M. Borchard
- Individualism: Four Lectures on the Significance of Consciousness for Social Relations. By Warren Fite. (New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1911. Pp. xix, 301.) pp. 141-144

- Arthur O. Lovejoy
- The New Nationalism. By Theodore Roosevelt. (New York: The Outlook Co., 1911. Pp. 275.) pp. 144-145

- J. M. M.,
- The Solution of the Child Labor Problem. By Scott Nearing. (New York: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1911. Pp. viii, 145.) pp. 145-146

- Florence Kelley
- The History of Parliamentary Taxation in England. By Shepard Ashman Mobgan, M. A. Williams College Prize Essay, No. 2. (New York: Moffat, Park & Co., 1911. Pp. xvii, 317.) pp. 146-146

- Anonymous
- The Life of George Joachim Goschen. 1831–1907. By The Hon.Arthur D. Elliot. (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1911. Two volumes: Pp. xiii, 321; ix, 300.) pp. 147-148

- Anonymous
- The Mother of Parliaments. By Harry Graham. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1911. Pp. xii, 314.) pp. 148-149

- Anonymous
- The Imperial Administrative System in the Ninth Century, with a Revised Text of the Kletorologion of Philotheos. By J. B. Bury. (British Academy, Supplemental Papers I. Oxford: University Press, 1911. Pp. 179.) pp. 149-150

- Ralph Van Deman Magoffin
- The Native States of India. By William Lee-Warner. (New York and London: The Macmillan Company, 1910. Pp. xxii, 425.) pp. 151-152

- Anonymous
- Trichotomy in Roman Law. By Henry Goudy. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910. 77 p.) pp. 152-153

- Edwin M. Borchard
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