Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 144, issue 4, 2017
- Editorial Essay: Mapping the Ethical in Neuroscientific Research pp. 677-678

- Gazi Islam
- Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience pp. 679-697

- Diana C. Robertson, Christian Voegtlin and Thomas Maak
- Toward an Understanding of Dynamic Moral Decision Making: Model-Free and Model-Based Learning pp. 699-715

- George I. Christopoulos, Xiao-Xiao Liu and Ying-yi Hong
- How Cognitive Neuroscience Informs a Subjectivist-Evolutionary Explanation of Business Ethics pp. 717-732

- Marc Orlitzky
- Deontic Justice and Organizational Neuroscience pp. 733-754

- Russell S. Cropanzano, Sebastiano Massaro and William J. Becker
- Ethical Leadership as a Balance Between Opposing Neural Networks pp. 755-770

- Kylie C. Rochford, Anthony I. Jack, Richard E. Boyatzis and Shannon E. French
- Sex Differences Through a Neuroscience Lens: Implications for Business Ethics pp. 771-782

- Lori Verstegen Ryan
- “This Position Requires Some Alteration of Your Brain”: On the Moral and Legal Issues of Using Neurotechnology to Modify Employees pp. 783-797

- Patrick D. Hopkins and Harvey L. Fiser
- Neuromarketing: Ethical Implications of its Use and Potential Misuse pp. 799-811

- Steven J. Stanton, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Scott A. Huettel
- What Would John Stuart Mill Say? A Utilitarian Perspective on Contemporary Neuroscience Debates in Leadership pp. 813-822

- Dirk Lindebaum and Effi Raftopoulou
Volume 144, issue 3, 2017
- Do Ethical Social Media Communities Pay Off? An Exploratory Study of the Ability of Facebook Ethical Communities to Strengthen Consumers’ Ethical Consumption Behavior pp. 449-465

- Johanna Gummerus, Veronica Liljander and Reija Sihlman
- Networking, Corruption, and Subversion pp. 467-478

- Ned Dobos
- Irrational Advertising and Moral Autonomy pp. 479-490

- Alonso Villarán
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Debt Maturity pp. 491-517

- Mohammed Benlemlih
- Managing New Salespeople’s Ethical Behaviors during Repetitive Failures: When Trying to Help Actually Hurts pp. 519-532

- Willy Bolander, William J. Zahn, Terry W. Loe and Melissa Clark
- The Financial Impact of Firm Withdrawals from “State Sponsor of Terrorism” Countries pp. 533-547

- Wolfgang Breuer, Moritz Felde and Bertram I. Steininger
- Individual Ethical Orientations and the Perceived Acceptability of Questionable Finance Ethics Decisions pp. 549-558

- Mac Clouse, Robert A. Giacalone, Tricia D. Olsen and Lorenzo Patelli
- Should Charity Begin at Home? An Empirical Investigation of Consumers’ Responses to Companies’ Varying Geographic Allocations of Donation Budgets pp. 559-576

- Laura Marie Schons, John Cadogan and Roumpini Tsakona
- Board of Director Gender and Corporate Tax Aggressiveness: An Empirical Analysis pp. 577-596

- Roman Lanis, Grant Richardson and Grantley Taylor
- Does the Business Case Matter? The Effect of a Perceived Business Case on Small Firms’ Social Engagement pp. 597-608

- Rajat Panwar, Erlend Nybakk, Eric Hansen and Jonatan Pinkse
- Religiosity and the Volatility of Stock Prices: A Cross-Country Analysis pp. 609-621

- Benjamin Blau
- Machiavellianism, Moral Orientation, Social Desirability Response Bias, and Anti-intellectualism: A Profile of Canadian Accountants pp. 623-635

- Anis Triki, Gail Lynn Cook and Darlene Bay
- Media Bias and the Persistence of the Expectation Gap: An Analysis of Press Articles on Corporate Fraud pp. 637-659

- Jeffrey Cohen, Yuan Ding, Cédric Lesage and Hervé Stolowy
- Does Ethical Image Build Equity in Corporate Services Brands? The Influence of Customer Perceived Ethicality on Affect, Perceived Quality, and Equity pp. 661-676

- Vicenta Sierra, Oriol Iglesias, Stefan Markovic and Jatinder Jit Singh
Volume 144, issue 2, 2017
- Art, Ethics and the Promotion of Human Dignity pp. 223-232

- Nicola M. Pless, Thomas Maak and Howard Harris
- Erratum to: Art, Ethics and the Promotion of Human Dignity pp. 233-233

- Nicola M. Pless, Thomas Maak and Howard Harris
- Stories as Artworks: Giving Form to Felt Dignity in Connections at Work pp. 235-249

- John Paul Stephens and Jason Kanov
- Practicing Human Dignity: Ethical Lessons from Commedia dell’Arte and Theater pp. 251-262

- Simone Colle, R. Edward Freeman, Bidhan Parmar and Leonardo Colle
- The Masculinisation of Ethical Leadership Dis/embodiment pp. 263-278

- Helena Liu
- A Question of Fit: Cultural and Individual Differences in Interpersonal Justice Perceptions pp. 279-291

- Annilee M. Game and Jonathan R. Crawshaw
- Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Burnout, Workplace Deviance and Performance: Testing the Mediating Roles of Trust in Leader and Surface Acting pp. 293-303

- Shenjiang Mo and Junqi Shi
- Diversity as Polyphony: Reconceptualizing Diversity Management from a Communication-Centered Perspective pp. 305-322

- Hannah Trittin and Dennis Schoeneborn
- A Heuristic Model for Establishing Trade-Offs in Corporate Sustainability Performance Measurement Systems pp. 323-342

- Jonathan Pryshlakivsky and Cory Searcy
- The Battle for Business Ethics: A Struggle Theory pp. 343-361

- Muel Kaptein
- Does Greenwashing Pay Off? Understanding the Relationship Between Environmental Actions and Environmental Legitimacy pp. 363-379

- Pascual Berrone, Andrea Fosfuri and Liliana Gelabert
- Strategic Responses to Resource Management Pressures in Agriculture: Institutional, Gender and Location Effects pp. 381-400

- Joanne L. Tingey-Holyoak and John D. Pisaniello
- Gray Shades of Green: Causes and Consequences of Green Skepticism pp. 401-415

- Constantinos N. Leonidou and Dionysis Skarmeas
- Ethical Reasoning in Action: Validity Evidence for the Ethical Reasoning Identification Test (ERIT) pp. 417-436

- Kristen Smith, Keston Fulcher and Elizabeth Hawk Sanchez
- Built on Stone or Sand: The Stable Powerful Are Unethical, the Unstable Powerful Are Not pp. 437-447

- Junha Kim, Yunchul Shin and Sujin Lee
Volume 144, issue 1, 2017
- Virtual Special Issue on ‘Sociology and Business Ethics’ pp. 1-4

- Gibson Burrell
- One Rule to Rule Them All? Organisational Sensemaking of Corporate Responsibility pp. 5-20

- Tiina Onkila and Marjo Siltaoja
- Unpacking the Drivers of Corporate Social Performance: A Multilevel, Multistakeholder, and Multimethod Analysis pp. 21-40

- Marc Orlitzky, Céline Louche, Jean-Pascal Gond and Wendy Chapple
- The Impact of Stakeholder Identities on Value Creation in Issue-Based Stakeholder Networks pp. 41-57

- Thomas Schneider and Sybille Sachs
- Enhancing the Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports: The Missing Element of Content Verification and Integrity Assurance pp. 59-82

- S. Prakash Sethi, Terrence F. Martell and Mert Demir
- Erratum to: Enhancing the Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports: The Missing Element of Content Verification and Integrity Assurance pp. 83-84

- S. Prakash Sethi, Terrence F. Martell and Mert Demir
- Towards Understanding Stakeholder Salience Transition and Relational Approach to ‘Better’ Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case for a Proposed Model in Practice pp. 85-101

- Michael O. Erdiaw-Kwasie, Khorshed Alam and Md. Shahiduzzaman
- Civil Governance in Work and Employment Relations: How Civil Society Organizations Contribute to Systems of Labour Governance pp. 103-119

- Steve Williams, Brian Abbott and Edmund Heery
- Religiosity, Attitude, and the Demand for Socially Responsible Products pp. 121-138

- Johan Graafland
- Sharing the Shared Value: A Transaction Cost Perspective on Strategic CSR Policies in Global Value Chains pp. 139-152

- Aurélien Acquier, Bertrand Valiorgue and Thibault Daudigeos
- Stakeholder Salience for Stakeholder Firms: An Attempt to Reframe an Important Heuristic Device pp. 153-168

- Mohammad A. Ali
- What Do Stakeholders Care About? Investigating Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in China pp. 169-184

- Yingjun Lu and Indra Abeysekera
- Socioemotional Wealth and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Analysis pp. 185-199

- Piotr Zientara
- Strategic Outcomes in Voluntary CSR: Reporting Economic and Reputational Benefits in Principles-Based Initiatives pp. 201-217

- Jorge A. Arevalo and Deepa Aravind
- Review of Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning and Narrative by A. MacIntyre pp. 219-222

- Ron Beadle
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