Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 139, issue 4, 2016
- Editorial: Business Ethics in a European Perspective: A Case for Unity in Diversity? pp. 633-637

- Michael S. Aßländer, Tobias Gössling and Peter Seele
- Accounting Professionals’ Ethical Judgment and the Institutional Disciplinary Context: A French–US Comparison pp. 639-659

- Loréa Baïada-Hirèche and Ghislaine Garmilis
- Suppliers as Stewards? Managing Social Standards in First- and Second-Tier Suppliers pp. 661-683

- Michael S. Aßländer, Julia Roloff and Dilek Zamantili Nayır
- The Relationship Between Ethical Organisational Culture and Organisational Innovativeness: Comparison of Findings from Finland and Lithuania pp. 685-700

- Raminta Pučėtaitė, Aurelija Novelskaitė, Anna-Maija Lämsä and Elina Riivari
- Trust and Distrust Constructing Unity and Fragmentation of Organisational Culture pp. 701-716

- Johanna Kujala, Hanna Lehtimäki and Raminta Pučėtaitė
- Understanding Responsible Management: Emerging Themes and Variations from European Business School Programs pp. 717-736

- Guénola Nonet, Kerul Kassel and Lucas Meijs
- Beyond the Curriculum: Integrating Sustainability into Business Schools pp. 737-754

- Mollie Painter-Morland, Ehsan Sabet, Petra Molthan-Hill, Helen Goworek and Sander Leeuw
- Ethical Decision-Making Theory: An Integrated Approach pp. 755-776

- Mark S. Schwartz
Volume 139, issue 3, 2016
- Asking for Facebook Logins: An Egoist Case for Privacy pp. 429-441

- John R. Drake
- Some Ethical Considerations on the use of Criminal Records in the Labor Market: in Defense of a New Practice pp. 443-453

- Thomas Søbirk Petersen
- Antecedents of Abusive Supervision: a Meta-analytic Review pp. 455-471

- Yucheng Zhang and Timothy C. Bednall
- Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy pp. 473-483

- Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Jordi Escartín, Sebastian C. Schuh and Rolf Dick
- A Multi-level Investigation of Authentic Leadership as an Antecedent of Helping Behavior pp. 485-499

- Giles Hirst, Fred Walumbwa, Samuel Aryee, Ivan Butarbutar and Chin Jeffery Hui Chen
- Financialization and the Employee Suicide Crisis at France Telecom pp. 501-515

- Nihel Chabrak, Russell Craig and Nabyla Daidj
- A Meta-analytic Review of Ethical Leadership Outcomes and Moderators pp. 517-536

- Akanksha Bedi, Can M. Alpaslan and Sandy Green
- Workplace Bullying: Considering the Interaction Between Individual and Work Environment pp. 537-549

- Al-Karim Samnani and Parbudyal Singh
- Trust, but Verify: MD&A Language and the Role of Trust in Corporate Culture pp. 551-561

- Robert Audi, Tim Loughran and Bill McDonald
- Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Firm Risk pp. 563-594

- Li Cai, Jinhua Cui and Hoje Jo
- Corporate Philanthropy and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China pp. 595-617

- Min Zhang, Lu Xie and Haoran Xu
- Voicing Moral Concerns: Yes, But How? The Use of Socratic Dialogue Methodology pp. 619-631

- Johannes Brinkmann, Beate Lindemann and Ronald R. Sims
Volume 139, issue 2, 2016
- From Food Desert to Food Oasis: The Potential Influence of Food Retailers on Childhood Obesity Rates pp. 215-224

- Elizabeth Howlett, Cassandra Davis and Scot Burton
- Collectivism and Corruption in Commercial Loan Production: How to Break the Curse? pp. 225-250

- Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Chuck C. Y. Kwok and Xiaolan Zheng
- Self-Service Technologies and e-Services Risks in Social Commerce Era pp. 251-269

- Mauricio S. Featherman and Nick Hajli
- The Impact of Occupational Community on the Quality of Internal Control pp. 271-285

- Shelagh Campbell, Yingqi Li, Junli Yu and Zhou Zhang
- In Which Context is the Option Clause Desirable? pp. 287-297

- Mathieu Bédard
- Out of the Shadows: Using Value Pluralism to Make Explicit Economic Values in Not-for-Profit Business Strategies pp. 299-312

- Jenny Green and Bronwen Dalton
- Transformation of Islamic Work Ethic and Social Networks: The Role of Religious Social Embeddedness in Organizational Networks pp. 313-331

- Erdem Kirkbesoglu and Ali Selami Sargut
- The Impact of the Dual Board Structure and Board Diversity: Evidence from Chinese Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) pp. 333-349

- Hisham Farag and Chris Mallin
- Motivators of Mobilization pp. 351-374

- Sefa Hayibor and Colleen Collins
- The Association Between Gender-Diverse Compensation Committees and CEO Compensation pp. 375-390

- Martin Bugeja, Zoltan Matolcsy and Helen Spiropoulos
- Detecting Fraud: The Role of the Anonymous Reporting Channel pp. 391-409

- Elka Johansson and Peter Carey
- Political Connectedness, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance pp. 411-428

- Polona Domadenik, Janez Prašnikar and Jan Svejnar
Volume 139, issue 1, 2016
- Using Traditional Narratives and Other Narrative Devices to Enact Humanizing Business Practices pp. 1-19

- Brian Shapiro
- Securities Lending Activities in Mutual Funds and ETFs: Ethical Considerations pp. 21-28

- Lee M. Dunham, Randy Jorgensen and Ken Washer
- Financial Disclosure and Customer Satisfaction: Do Companies Talking the Talk Actually Walk the Walk? pp. 29-45

- Ronald Balvers, John F. Gaski and Bill McDonald
- The Economics of Insider Trading: A Free Market Perspective pp. 47-53

- Taylor Smith and Walter E. Block
- Do Auditing and Reporting Standards Affect Firms’ Ethical Behaviours? The Moderating Role of National Culture pp. 55-75

- Yasemin Zengin-Karaibrahimoglu and Burcu Guneri Cangarli
- Exploring the Legality of Consumer Anti-branding Activities in the Digital Age pp. 77-93

- S. Umit Kucuk
- Team Conflict Mediates the Effects of Organizational Politics on Employee Performance: A Cross-Level Analysis in China pp. 95-109

- Yuntao Bai, Guohong Helen Han and P. D. Harms
- A Text Mining-Based Review of Cause-Related Marketing Literature pp. 111-128

- João Guerreiro, Paulo Rita and Duarte Trigueiros
- Can “Real” Men Consume Ethically? How Ethical Consumption Leads to Unintended Observer Inference pp. 129-145

- Jingzhi Shang and John Peloza
- Spirituality, Moral Identity, and Consumer Ethics: A Multi-cultural Study pp. 147-160

- Scott J. Vitell, Robert Allen King, Katharine Howie, Jean-François Toti, Lumina Albert, Encarnación Ramos Hidalgo and Omneya Yacout
- Exporting an Inherently Harmful Product: The Marketing of Virginia Slims Cigarettes in the United States, Japan, and Korea pp. 161-181

- Timothy Dewhirst, Wonkyong B. Lee, Geoffrey T. Fong and Pamela M. Ling
- Regulation and the Promotion of Audit Ethics: Analysis of the Content of the EU’s Policy pp. 183-195

- Anna Samsonova-Taddei and Javed Siddiqui
- Audit Committees and Financial Reporting Quality in Singapore pp. 197-214

- Yuanto Kusnadi, Kwong Sin Leong, Themin Suwardy and Jiwei Wang
Volume 138, issue 4, 2016
- Business Ethics and Finance in Greater China: Synthesis and Future Directions in Sustainability, CSR, and Fraud pp. 601-626

- Douglas Cumming, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee
- Wealth Effects of Rare Earth Prices and China’s Rare Earth Elements Policy pp. 627-648

- Maximilian A. Müller, Denis Schweizer and Volker Seiler
- Political Connections and Industrial Pollution: Evidence Based on State Ownership and Environmental Levies in China pp. 649-659

- Min Maung, Craig Wilson and Xiaobo Tang
- Market Reactions to the First-Time Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: Evidence from China pp. 661-682

- Kun Tracy Wang and Dejia Li
- Sex Discrimination and Female Top Managers: Evidence from China pp. 683-702

- Huasheng Gao, Yaheng Lin and Yujing Ma
- Reputational Implications for Partners After a Major Audit Failure: Evidence from China pp. 703-722

- Xianjie He, Jeffrey Pittman and Oliver Rui
- Equity Incentives and Corporate Fraud in China pp. 723-742

- Lars Helge Hass, Monika Tarsalewska and Feng Zhan
- Determinants of Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments in Emerging and Developed Economies: The Effects of Relational and Institutional Trust pp. 743-764

- Daniel Hain, Sofia Johan and Daojuan Wang
- Mutual Fund Activism and Market Regulation During the Pre-IFRS Period: The Case of Earnings Informativeness in China from an Ethical Perspective pp. 765-785

- Shujun Ding, Chunxin Jia and Zhenyu Wu
- CEO Accountability for Corporate Fraud: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China pp. 787-806

- Jiandong Chen, Douglas Cumming, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee
Volume 138, issue 3, 2016
- The ‘Biophilic Organization’: An Integrative Metaphor for Corporate Sustainability pp. 401-416

- David R. Jones
- Stakeholder Relationships, Engagement, and Sustainability Reporting pp. 417-435

- Irene M. Herremans, Jamal A. Nazari and Fereshteh Mahmoudian
- Word Power: The Impact of Negative Media Coverage on Disciplining Corporate Pollution pp. 437-458

- Ming Jia, Li Tong, P. V. Viswanath and Zhe Zhang
- Institutional Interest, Ownership Type, and Environmental Capital Expenditures: Evidence from the Most Polluting Chinese Listed Firms pp. 459-476

- Wenjing Li and Xiaoyan Lu
- Fraud in Sustainability Departments? An Exploratory Study pp. 477-492

- Maria Steinmeier
- Environmentally Responsible and Conventional Market Indices’ Reaction to Natural and Anthropogenic Adversity: A Comparative Analysis pp. 493-505

- Christos Kollias and Stephanos Papadamou
- Legal Origins, Corporate Governance, and Environmental Outcomes pp. 507-524

- Carl J. Kock and Byung S. Min
- ESG Integration and the Investment Management Process: Fundamental Investing Reinvented pp. 525-533

- Emiel Duuren, Auke Plantinga and Bert Scholtens
- Market Reactions to Corporate Environmental Performance Related Events: A Meta-analytic Consolidation of the Empirical Evidence pp. 535-548

- Jan Endrikat
- Scoring Sustainability Reports Using GRI 2011 Guidelines for Assessing Environmental, Economic, and Social Dimensions of Leading Public and Private Indian Companies pp. 549-558

- Ram Nayan Yadava and Bhaskar Sinha
- Securitization: A Financing Vehicle for All Seasons? pp. 559-577

- Bonnie G. Buchanan
- The Mismeasure of Psychopathy: A Commentary on Boddy’s PM-MRV pp. 579-588

- Daniel N. Jones and Robert D. Hare
- The Brand Personality of Nonprofit Organizations and the Influence of Monetary Incentives pp. 589-600

- Edlira Shehu, Jan U. Becker, Ann-Christin Langmaack and Michel Clement
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