Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 82, issue 4, 2008
- Cross-cultural Comparisons of Managerial Perceptions on Profit pp. 775-791

- Aster Yong
- Multinational Corporations and Local Communities: A Critical Analysis of Conflict pp. 793-805

- Lisa Calvano
- The Political Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 807-819

- David Detomasi
- Two Principles of Broadcast Media Ownership for a Democratic Society pp. 821-834

- Michael Buckley
- Contrasting the Behavioural Business Ethics Approach and the Institutional Economic Approach to Business Ethics: Insights From the Study of Quaker Employers pp. 835-850

- Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto
- A Virtue-Ethics Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration pp. 851-864

- Matthew Drake and John Schlachter
- To Help or Not to Help? The Good Samaritan Effect and the Love of Money on Helping Behavior pp. 865-887

- Thomas Tang, Toto Sutarso, Grace Davis, Dariusz Dolinski, Abdul Ibrahim and Sharon Wagner
- On a Recent Naturalism Debate in Business Ethics – from a Philosophy Point of View pp. 889-898

- Kwok Cheung
- How Can a Ratings-based Method for Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provide an Incentive to Firms Excluded from Socially Responsible Investment Indices to Invest in CSR? pp. 899-905

- Avshalom Adam and Tal Shavit
- The Effect of Culture and Religiosity on Business Ethics: A Cross-cultural Comparison pp. 907-917

- Md. Rashid and Saidatul Ibrahim
- Consumer Perceptions of Business Ethical Behavior in Former Eastern Block Countries pp. 919-928

- John Tsalikis and Bruce Seaton
- Cultural Orientation and Attitudes Toward Different Forms of Whistleblowing: A Comparison of South Korea, Turkey, and the U.K pp. 929-939

- Heungsik Park, John Blenkinsopp, M. Oktem and Ugur Omurgonulsen
- Perceptions of the Ethical Climate in the Korean Tourism Industry pp. 941-954

- Nan Kim and Graham Miller
- The Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Role of Climate Regarding Ethics pp. 955-968

- Gül Erben and Ayşe Begüm Güneşer
- A History of Scandinavian Socially Responsible Investing pp. 969-983

- Elias Bengtsson
- Reorienting the Business School Agenda: The Case for Relevance, Rigor, and Righteousness pp. 985-999

- Andreas Birnik and Jon Billsberry
Volume 82, issue 1, 2008
- Intelligence Vs. Wisdom: The Love of Money, Machiavellianism, and Unethical Behavior across College Major and Gender pp. 1-26

- Thomas Tang and Yuh-Jia Chen
- Applicability of Corporate Social Responsibility to Human Resources Management: Perspective from Spain pp. 27-44

- Fernando Fuentes-García, Julia Núñez-Tabales and Ricardo Veroz-Herradón
- Effect of Business Education on Women and Men Students’ Attitudes on Corporate Responsibility in Society pp. 45-58

- Anna-Maija Lämsä, Meri Vehkaperä, Tuomas Puttonen and Hanna-Leena Pesonen
- Stakeholder’s Preference and Rational Compliance: A Comment on Sacconi’s “CSR as a Model for Extended Corporate Governance II: Compliance, Reputation and Reciprocity” pp. 59-76

- Pedro Francés-Gómez and Ariel del Rio
- A Speech-Act Model for Talking to Management. Building a Framework for Evaluating Communication within the SRI Engagement Process pp. 77-91

- Wim Vandekerckhove, Jos Leys and Dirk Braeckel
- Organisational Control and the Self: Critiques and Normative Expectations pp. 93-106

- Karin Garrety
- Organisational Whistleblowing Policies: Making Employees Responsible or Liable? pp. 107-118

- Eva Tsahuridu and Wim Vandekerckhove
- Galvanising Shareholder Activism: A Prerequisite for Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability in Nigeria pp. 119-130

- Olufemi Amao and Kenneth Amaeshi
- Corporate Charitable Contributions: A Corporate Social Performance or Legitimacy Strategy? pp. 131-144

- Jennifer C. Chen, Dennis M. Patten and Robin Roberts
- Ethical Ideologies of Senior Australian Managers: An Empirical Study pp. 145-155

- Mario Fernando, Shyamali Dharmage and Shamika Almeida
- Fostering Ethics Research: An Analysis of the Accounting, Finance and Marketing Disciplines pp. 157-170

- Richard Bernardi, Michael Melton, Scott Roberts and David Bean
- A Comparison of Models Describing the Impact of Moral Decision Making on Investment Decisions pp. 171-187

- Eva Hofmann, Erik Hoelzl and Erich Kirchler
- A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Deliberative Reasoning of Canadian and Chinese Accounting Students pp. 189-211

- Lin Ge and Stuart Thomas
- A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Fresh Perspective into Theory and Practice pp. 213-231

- Dima Jamali
- Learning from Multi-Stakeholder Networks: Issue-Focussed Stakeholder Management pp. 233-250

- Julia Roloff
- Responding Destructively in Leadership Situations: The Role of Personal Values and Problem Construction pp. 251-272

- Jody Illies and Roni Reiter-Palmon
Volume 81, issue 4, 2008
- Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Non-pirated Software pp. 715-732

- Jane Hsu and Charlene Shiue
- The Dynamics of Fair Trade as a Mixed-form Market pp. 733-750

- Leonardo Becchetti and Benjamin Huybrechts
- Moral Motivation Across Ethical Theories: What Can We Learn for Designing Corporate Ethics Programs? pp. 751-764

- Simone Colle and Patricia H. Werhane
- The Impact of Perceived Leader Integrity on Subordinates in a Work Team Environment pp. 765-778

- Darin White and Emily Lean
- Researcher Interaction Biases and Business Ethics Research: Respondent Reactions to Researcher Characteristics pp. 779-795

- Anthony Miyazaki and Kimberly Taylor
- Social Desirability Response Bias, Gender, and Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment: An International Study pp. 797-809

- Richard Bernardi and Steven Guptill
- A Decade of Service-learning: A Review of the Field Ten Years after JOBE’s Seminal Special Issue pp. 811-822

- Amy Kenworthy-U’Ren
- Unenlightened Economism: The Antecedents of Bad Corporate Governance and Ethical Decline pp. 823-835

- Matthias Huehn
- The Escalation of Deception in Organizations pp. 837-850

- Peter Fleming and Stelios C. Zyglidopoulos
- Pseudo-Transformational Leadership: Towards the Development and Test of a Model pp. 851-861

- Julian Barling, Amy Christie and Nick Turner
- Social Responsiveness, Profitability and Catastrophic Events: Evidence on the Corporate Philanthropic Response to 9/11 pp. 863-873

- William Crampton and Dennis Patten
- Demographic Effects of Work Values and Their Management Implications pp. 875-885

- Wanxian Li, Xinmei Liu and Weiwu Wan
- Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Importance of Ethics in Marketing Situations: A Study of Thai Businesspeople pp. 887-904

- Anusorn Singhapakdi, Mahesh Gopinath, Janet Marta and Larry Carter
- Ethical Cycles and Trends: Evidence and Implications pp. 905-911

- Stephen Conroy and Tisha Emerson
- The Business of Commercial Legal Advice and the Ethical Implications for Lawyers and Their Clients pp. 913-926

- Barbara Mescher
- Ethical Decision Making and the Employed Lawyer pp. 927-944

- Sally Gunz and Hugh Gunz
Volume 81, issue 3, 2008
- Irresponsible Lending? A Case Study of a U.K. Credit Industry Reform Initiative pp. 499-512

- Maria Richards, Paul Palmer and Mariana Bogdanova
- Impacts of Corporate Code of Conduct on Labor Standards: A Case Study of Reebok’s Athletic Footwear Supplier Factory in China pp. 513-529

- Xiaomin Yu
- The Driver of Green Innovation and Green Image – Green Core Competence pp. 531-543

- Yu-Shan Chen
- Corporate Legal Responsibility: A Levinasian Perspective pp. 545-553

- Conceição Soares
- Guide to the Ethics of Ex Parte Communications pp. 555-559

- Patricia Wall
- Being Good Citizens: Understanding a Mediating Mechanism of Organizational Commitment and Social Network Ties in OCBs pp. 561-578

- Chieh-Peng Lin, Wei-Ting Hung and Chou-Kang Chiu
- Whistle-Blowing and Morality pp. 579-585

- Mathieu Bouville
- The Morality of Everyday Activities: Not the Right, But the Good Thing To Do pp. 587-598

- Daniel Nyberg
- Does the Market Value Corporate Philanthropy? Evidence from the Response to the 2004 Tsunami Relief Effort pp. 599-607

- Dennis Patten
- Creative Rebellion and Moral Efficiency as Elements of Managerial Ideology pp. 609-622

- Stephen Sloane
- Vocational Ethics as a Subspecialty of Business Ethics – Structuring a Research and Teaching Field pp. 623-634

- Johannes Brinkmann and Ann-Mari Henriksen
- Exploring Cognitive Moral Logics Using Grounded Theory: The Case of Software Piracy pp. 635-646

- Kanika Bhal and Nivedita Leekha
- Ethical Behaviour of Tertiary Education Students in Cyprus pp. 647-663

- Anastasios Zopiatis and Maria Krambia-Kapardis
- Corporate Governance and Ethics: A Feminist Perspective pp. 665-678

- Silke Machold, Pervaiz Ahmed and Stuart Farquhar
- Due Process and Standard-setting: An Analysis of Due Process in Three Canadian Accounting and Auditing Standard-setting Bodies pp. 679-696

- Alan Richardson
- Four Design Criteria for any Future Contractarian Theory of Business Ethics pp. 697-714

- Ben Wempe
Volume 81, issue 2, 2008
- Performance of Ethical Mutual Funds in Spain: Sacrifice or Premium? pp. 247-260

- Angeles Fernandez-Izquierdo and Juan Matallin-Saez
- Is the Culture of Family Firms Really Different? A Value-based Model for Its Survival through Generations pp. 261-279

- Manuel Vallejo
- Gender Differences in Double Standards pp. 281-295

- Iris Vermeir and Patrick Kenhove
- Shareholders and Social Responsibility pp. 297-312

- Brian Schaefer
- Perceived Behavioral Integrity: Relationships with Employee Attitudes, Well-Being, and Absenteeism pp. 313-322

- David Prottas
- Connected Moral Agency in Organizational Ethics pp. 323-341

- George Watson, R. Edward Freeman and Bobby Parmar
- The Role of Ethics Institutionalization in Influencing Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Esprit de Corps pp. 343-353

- Scott Vitell and Anusorn Singhapakdi
- Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Enterprise pp. 355-370

- Nelarine Cornelius, Mathew Todres, Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, Adrian Woods and James Wallace
- Conceptualizing the Dynamics of Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Case Study of Estonia pp. 371-385

- Ruth Alas and Külliki Tafel
- The Influence of Perceived Importance of an Ethical Issue on Moral Judgment, Moral Obligation, and Moral Intent pp. 387-399

- Russell Haines, Marc Street and Douglas Haines
- The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: Has It Brought About Changes in the Boards of Large U. S. Corporations? pp. 401-412

- Alix Valenti
- A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Orientations and Willingness to Sacrifice Ethical Standards: China Versus Peru pp. 413-425

- Christopher Robertson, Bradley Olson, K. Gilley and Yongjian Bao
- The Discursive Construction of Gender in Contemporary Management Literature pp. 427-445

- Elisabeth K. Kelan
- Ethical Commitment, Financial Performance, and Valuation: An Empirical Investigation of Korean Companies pp. 447-463

- Tae Choi and Jinchul Jung
- Workplace Values and Outcomes: Exploring Personal, Organizational, and Interactive Workplace Spirituality pp. 465-480

- Robert Kolodinsky, Robert Giacalone and Carole Jurkiewicz
- Organizational Isomorphism and Corruption in Financial Institutions: Empirical Research in Emerging Countries pp. 481-498

- Bertrand Venard and Mohamed Hanafi
Volume 81, issue 1, 2008
- What Managers Could See in the Philosophical Block of “Free Will”? pp. 1-14

- Matej Drascek and Stane Maticic
- Sartrean Existentialism and Ethical Decision-Making in Business pp. 15-25

- Andrew West
- Corporate Moral Legitimacy and the Legitimacy of Morals: A Critique of Palazzo/Scherer’s Communicative Framework pp. 27-38

- Helmut Willke and Gerhard Willke
- An Analysis of the Impact of Economic Wealth and National Culture on the Rise and Fall of Software Piracy Rates pp. 39-51

- Trevor Moores
- Women and Globalization: Ethical Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer in Global Organizations pp. 53-61

- Chong Choi and Sae Kim
- Understanding the Ethical Cost of Organizational Goal-Setting: A Review and Theory Development pp. 63-81

- Adam Barsky
- Gender Diversity in Corporate Governance and Top Management pp. 83-95

- Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle and Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné
- Fostering Creativity and Innovation without Encouraging Unethical Behavior pp. 97-115

- Melissa Baucus, William Norton, David Baucus and Sherrie Human
- Multi-Stakeholder Labour Monitoring Organizations: Egoists, Instrumentalists, or Moralists? pp. 117-142

- Jeff Everett, Dean Neu and Daniel Martinez
- Embedding CSR Values: The Global Footwear Industry’s Evolving Governance Structure pp. 143-156

- Suk-Jun Lim and Joe Phillips
- The Influence of an Organisation’s Corporate Values on Employees Personal Buying Behaviour pp. 157-167

- Jesús Cambra-Fierro, Yolanda Polo-Redondo and Alan Wilson
- Religiousness, Love of Money, and Ethical Attitudes of Malaysian Evangelical Christians in Business pp. 169-191

- Hong Wong
- Conflicts of Interest in Financial Intermediation pp. 193-207

- Guido Palazzo and Lena Rethel
- Enhancing Employee Voice: Are Voluntary Employer–Employee Partnerships Enough? pp. 209-221

- Harry Buren and Michelle Greenwood
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains of Global Brands: A Boundaryless Responsibility? Clarifications, Exceptions and Implications pp. 223-234

- Kenneth M. Amaeshi, Onyeka K. Osuji and Paul Nnodim
- Integrating Pragmatism and Ethics in Entrepreneurial Leadership for Sustainable Value Creation pp. 235-246

- Gita Surie and Allan Ashley
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