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Journal of Business Ethics

1998 - 2025

Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman

From Springer
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Volume 111, issue 4, 2012

A 30-Year Historical Examination of Ethical Concerns Regarding Business Ethics: Who’s Concerned? pp. 431-438 Downloads
Will Drover, Jennifer Franczak and Richard Beltramini
CSR-Based Political Legitimacy Strategy: Managing the State by Doing Good in China and Russia pp. 439-460 Downloads
Meng Zhao
Institutional Environment, Managerial Attitudes and Environmental Sustainability Orientation of Small Firms pp. 461-476 Downloads
Banjo Roxas and Alan Coetzer
The Ethics of Credit Rating Agencies: What Happened and the Way Forward pp. 477-490 Downloads
Steven Scalet and Thomas Kelly
Does Religion Matter to Equity Pricing? pp. 491-518 Downloads
Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami, Yang Ni, Jeffrey Pittman and Samir Saadi
Diminished or Just Different? A Factorial Vignette Study of Privacy as a Social Contract pp. 519-539 Downloads
Kirsten Martin
Does Having an Ethical Brand Matter? The Influence of Consumer Perceived Ethicality on Trust, Affect and Loyalty pp. 541-549 Downloads
Jatinder Singh, Oriol Iglesias and Joan Batista-Foguet
Un/ethical Company and Brand Perceptions: Conceptualising and Operationalising Consumer Meanings pp. 551-565 Downloads
Katja Brunk
Lisa H. Newton: Permission to Steal: Revealing the Roots of Corporate Scandal pp. 567-568 Downloads
Long-Fei Chen

Volume 111, issue 3, 2012

Social Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice—An Introduction pp. 317-320 Downloads
Nicola Pless
A Tale of Two Cultures: Charity, Problem Solving, and the Future of Social Entrepreneurship pp. 321-334 Downloads
J. Dees
A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship pp. 335-351 Downloads
Filipe Santos
Organizing for Society: A Typology of Social Entrepreneuring Models pp. 353-373 Downloads
Johanna Mair, Julie Battilana and Julian Cardenas
Collective Social Entrepreneurship: Collaboratively Shaping Social Good pp. 375-388 Downloads
A. Montgomery, Peter Dacin and M. Dacin
In Pursuit of Dignity and Social Justice: Changing Lives Through 100 % Inclusion—How Gram Vikas Fosters Sustainable Rural Development pp. 389-411 Downloads
Nicola Pless and Jenny Appel
Social Entrepreneurs as Responsible Leaders: ‘Fundación Paraguaya’ and the Case of Martin Burt pp. 413-430 Downloads
Thomas Maak and Nicolas Stoetter

Volume 111, issue 2, 2012

The Icelandic Banking Crisis: A Reason to Rethink CSR? pp. 147-156 Downloads
David Sigurthorsson
The Ethics of Hedging by Executives pp. 157-164 Downloads
Lee Dunham and Ken Washer
Behavioral Integrity: How Leader Referents and Trust Matter to Workplace Outcomes pp. 165-178 Downloads
Rangapriya Kannan-Narasimhan and Barbara Lawrence
An Examination of the Contribution of Dispositional Affect on Ethical Lapses pp. 179-193 Downloads
D. Lowe and Philip Reckers
The Corporation is Ailing Social Technology: Creating a ‘Fit for Purpose’ Design for Sustainability pp. 195-210 Downloads
L. Metcalf and S. Benn
That’s Not Fair! How Personal Value for Diversity Influences Reactions to the Perceived Discriminatory Treatment of Minorities pp. 211-218 Downloads
María del Triana, María Wagstaff and Kwanghyun Kim
A Three-Country Study of Unethical Sales Behaviors pp. 219-235 Downloads
Ning Li and William Murphy
Hierarchies, Power Inequalities, and Organizational Corruption pp. 237-251 Downloads
Valerie Rosenblatt
Reclaiming Marginalized Stakeholders pp. 253-264 Downloads
Robbin Derry
Stakeholders’ Influence and Contribution to Social Standards Development: The Case of Multiple Stakeholder Approach to ISO 26000 Development pp. 265-279 Downloads
Michaela Balzarova and Pavel Castka
An Institution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Multi-National Corporations (MNCs): Form and Implications pp. 281-299 Downloads
Krista Bondy, Jeremy Moon and Dirk Matten
Institutional Dynamics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in an Emerging Country Context: Evidence from China pp. 301-316 Downloads
Juelin Yin and Yuli Zhang

Volume 111, issue 1, 2012

Frontiers, Intersections and Engagements of Ethics and HRM pp. 1-12 Downloads
Gavin Jack, Michelle Greenwood and Jan Schapper
The Employee as ‘Dish of the Day’: The Ethics of the Consuming/Consumed Self in Human Resource Management pp. 13-24 Downloads
Karen Dale
Graduate Employability and the Principle of Potentiality: An Aspect of the Ethics of HRM pp. 25-36 Downloads
Bogdan Costea, Kostas Amiridis and Norman Crump
Recognition, Reification, and Practices of Forgetting: Ethical Implications of Human Resource Management pp. 37-48 Downloads
Gazi Islam
Agonism and the Possibilities of Ethics for HRM pp. 49-59 Downloads
Carl Rhodes and Geraint Harvey
Towards an Ethical Research Agenda for International HRM: The Possibilities of a Plural Cosmopolitan Framework pp. 61-72 Downloads
Maddy Janssens and Chris Steyaert
Reframing the Business Case for Diversity: A Values and Virtues Perspective pp. 73-84 Downloads
Hans Dijk, Marloes Engen and Jaap Paauwe
Human Resource Management in a Compartmentalized World: Whither Moral Agency? pp. 85-96 Downloads
Tracy Wilcox
Ethics and HRM: Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis pp. 97-108 Downloads
Nadia Gama, Steve McKenna and Amanda Peticca-Harris
Exploring the Boundaries of Human Resource Managers’ Responsibilities pp. 109-119 Downloads
David Guest and Christopher Woodrow
Contingent Work and Its Contradictions: Towards a Moral Economy Framework pp. 121-132 Downloads
Sharon Bolton, Maeve Houlihan and Knut Laaser
“Equality Theory” as a Counterbalance to Equity Theory in Human Resource Management pp. 133-144 Downloads
David Morand and Kimberly Merriman
Erratum to: An Alternative Approach to Ethical HRM Through the Discourse and Lived Experiences of HR Professionals pp. 145-145 Downloads
Nadia Gama, Steve McKenna and Amanda Peticca-Harris

Volume 110, issue 4, 2012

Guest Editorial: Corporate Social Responsibility in Controversial Industry Sectors pp. 393-395 Downloads
Adam Lindgreen, François Maon, Jon Reast and Mirella Yani- De-Soriano
Do Environmental CSR Initiatives Serve Organizations’ Legitimacy in the Oil Industry? Exploring Employees’ Reactions Through Organizational Identification Theory pp. 397-412 Downloads
Kenneth De Roeck and Nathalie Delobbe
Striving for Legitimacy Through Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Oil Companies pp. 413-427 Downloads
Shuili Du and Edward Vieira
A Moral Pluralist Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: From Good to Controversial Practices pp. 429-439 Downloads
Marian Eabrasu
Does CSR Reduce Firm Risk? Evidence from Controversial Industry Sectors pp. 441-456 Downloads
Hoje Jo and Haejung Na
Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Controversial Industry Sectors: The Social Value of Harm Minimisation pp. 457-467 Downloads
Margaret Lindorff, Elizabeth Prior Jonson and Linda McGuire
Business Under Threat, Technology Under Attack, Ethics Under Fire: The Experience of Google in China pp. 469-479 Downloads
Justin Tan and Anna Tan
Can an Industry Be Socially Responsible If Its Products Harm Consumers? The Case of Online Gambling pp. 481-497 Downloads
Mirella Yani- de-Soriano, Uzma Javed and Shumaila Yousafzai

Volume 110, issue 3, 2012

An Empirical Test of Diversity Climate Dimensionality and Relative Effects on Employee of Color Outcomes pp. 247-258 Downloads
E. Buttner, Kevin Lowe and Lenora Billings-Harris
Paternalism and the Pokies: Unjustified State Interference or Justifiable Intervention? pp. 259-268 Downloads
Elizabeth Prior Jonson, Margaret Lindorff and Linda McGuire
The Value of Environmental Social Responsibility to Facility Managers: Revealing the Perceptions and Motives for Adopting ESR pp. 269-284 Downloads
Haylee Uecker-Mercado and Matthew Walker
Ethical Duties of Organizational Citizens: Obligations Owed by Highly Committed Employees pp. 285-299 Downloads
Cam Caldwell, Larry Floyd, Ryan Atkins and Russell Holzgrefe
From Preaching to Investing: Attitudes of Religious Organisations Towards Responsible Investment pp. 301-320 Downloads
Céline Louche, Daniel Arenas and Katinka Cranenburgh
Poverty Alleviation through Partnerships: A Road Less Travelled for Business, Governments, and Entrepreneurs pp. 321-332 Downloads
Craig VanSandt and Mukesh Sud
The Ethical Aftermath of a Values Revolution: Theoretical Bases of Change, Recalibration, and Principalization pp. 333-343 Downloads
Robert Giacalone, Carole Jurkiewicz and Stephen Knouse
Collaborative Enterprise and Sustainability: The Case of Slow Food pp. 345-354 Downloads
Antonio Tencati and Laszlo Zsolnai
Moral Reasoning in Computer-Based Task Environments: Exploring the Interplay between Cognitive and Technological Factors on Individuals’ Propensity to Break Rules pp. 355-376 Downloads
Jeffrey Roberts and David Wasieleski
The Impact of Moral Stress Compared to Other Stressors on Employee Fatigue, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover: An Empirical Investigation pp. 377-391 Downloads
Kristen DeTienne, Bradley Agle, James Phillips and Marc-Charles Ingerson

Volume 110, issue 2, 2012

Sustaining Sustainability in Organizations pp. 151-156 Downloads
Deborah de Lange, Timo Busch and Javier Delgado-Ceballos
Stakeholder Pressures as Determinants of CSR Strategic Choice: Why do Firms Choose Symbolic Versus Substantive Self-Regulatory Codes of Conduct? pp. 157-172 Downloads
Luis Perez-Batres, Jonathan Doh, Miller Van and Michael Pisani
Multinationals’ Accountability on Sustainability: The Evolution of Third-party Assurance of Sustainability Reports pp. 173-190 Downloads
Paolo Perego and Ans Kolk
Legitimacy and Organizational Sustainability pp. 191-203 Downloads
Tom Thomas and Eric Lamm
The Long-Term Sustenance of Sustainability Practices in MNCs: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective of the Role of R&D and Internationalization pp. 205-217 Downloads
Subrata Chakrabarty and Liang Wang
Cross-sector Alliances for Corporate Social Responsibility Partner Heterogeneity Moderates Environmental Strategy Outcomes pp. 219-229 Downloads
Haiying Lin
“Norming” and “Conforming”: Integrating Cultural and Institutional Explanations for Sustainability Adoption in Business pp. 231-245 Downloads
Dan Caprar and Benjamin Neville

Volume 110, issue 1, 2012

Responsibility in Paradise? The Adoption of CSR Tools by Companies Domiciled in Tax Havens pp. 1-14 Downloads
Lutz Preuss
Articulating the Meanings of Collective Experiences of Ethical Consumption pp. 15-32 Downloads
Eleni Papaoikonomou, Mireia Valverde and Gerard Ryan
Spirituality and national culture as antecedents to ethical decision-making: a comparison between the United States and Norway pp. 33-44 Downloads
Rafik Beekun and James Westerman
Cultural Dimensions, Ethical Sensitivity, and Corporate Governance pp. 45-59 Downloads
Alex Chan and Hoi Cheung
Religiosity, Attitude Toward Business, and Ethical Beliefs: Hispanic Consumers in the United States pp. 61-70 Downloads
Abhijit Patwardhan, Megan Keith and Scott Vitell
Whistleblowers in Organisations: Prophets at Work? pp. 71-84 Downloads
Stephanos Avakian and Joanne Roberts
When One Size Does Not Fit All: A Problem of Fit Rather than Failure for Voluntary Management Standards pp. 85-95 Downloads
Dayna Simpson, Damien Power and Robert Klassen
Dividends Behavior in State- Versus Family-Controlled Firms: Evidence from Hong Kong pp. 97-112 Downloads
Tina He, Wilson Li and Gordon Tang
Ethical Consumers Among the Millennials: A Cross-National Study pp. 113-131 Downloads
Tania Bucic, Jennifer Harris and Denni Arli
Assessing the Accountability of the Benefit Corporation: Will This New Gray Sector Organization Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility? pp. 133-150 Downloads
Rae André
Page updated 2025-03-25