Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 109, issue 4, 2012
- When Ethics are Compromised by Ideology: The Global Competitiveness Report pp. 391-410

- Harald Bergsteiner and Gayle Avery
- Beyond Size: Predicting Engagement in Environmental Management Practices of Dutch SMEs pp. 411-429

- Lorraine Uhlaner, Marta Berent-Braun, Ronald Jeurissen and Gerrit Wit
- Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for the Environment: Measurement and Validation pp. 431-445

- Olivier Boiral and Pascal Paillé
- Self-Construal and Unethical Behavior pp. 447-461

- Irina Cojuharenco, Garriy Shteynberg, Michele Gelfand and Marshall Schminke
- Managerial and Public Attitudes Toward Ethics in Marketing Research pp. 463-481

- Praveen Aggarwal, Rajiv Vaidyanathan and Stephen Castleberry
- Capabilities, Proactive CSR and Financial Performance in SMEs: Empirical Evidence from an Australian Manufacturing Industry Sector pp. 483-500

- Nuttaneeya Torugsa, Wayne O’Donohue and Rob Hecker
- Corporate Governance and Corruption: Ethical Dilemmas of Asian Business Groups pp. 501-519

- Marie dela Rama
- Dominant Articulations in Academic Business and Society Discourse on NGO–Business Relations: A Critical Assessment pp. 521-545

- Salla Laasonen, Martin Fougère and Arno Kourula
- Introduction to the Field of Nanotechnology Ethics and Policy pp. 547-549

- Jonathan Linton and Steven Walsh
- Nanotechnology Policy and Education pp. 551-552

- Regan Stinnett
- Emerging Technologies and Ethics: A Race-to-the-Bottom or the Top? pp. 553-567

- Raul Gouvea, Jonathan Linton, Manuel Montoya and Steven Walsh
- Nanotechnology and Ethics: The Role of Regulation Versus Self-Commitment in Shaping Researchers’ Behavior pp. 569-581

- Matthias Fink, Rainer Harms and Isabella Hatak
- Ethics in Nanotechnology: What’s Being Done? What’s Missing? pp. 583-598

- Louis Lu, Bruce Lin, John Liu and Chang-Yung Yu
Volume 109, issue 3, 2012
- To Do Well by Doing Good: Improving Corporate Image Through Cause-Related Marketing pp. 259-274

- Joëlle Vanhamme, Adam Lindgreen, Jon Reast and Nathalie Popering
- Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Workplace: A Multi-Level Perspective and Research Agenda pp. 275-287

- Michael Palanski
- Business Policies on Human Rights: An Analysis of Their Content and Prevalence Among FTSE 100 Firms pp. 289-299

- Lutz Preuss and Donna Brown
- Antecedents of Organizational Commitment in a Chinese Construction Company pp. 301-307

- Weihui Fu and Satish Deshpande
- Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information pp. 309-321

- S. Zeng, X. Xu, H. Yin and C. Tam
- Ethical Blindness pp. 323-338

- Guido Palazzo, Franciska Krings and Ulrich Hoffrage
- Rationality Versus Emotions: The Case of Tax Ethics and Compliance pp. 339-350

- Boris Maciejovsky, Herbert Schwarzenberger and Erich Kirchler
- The Impact of Ethical Leadership, the Internal Audit Function, and Moral Intensity on a Financial Reporting Decision pp. 351-366

- Barbara Arel, Cathy Beaudoin and Anna Cianci
- Corporate Social and Financial Performance Re-Examined: Industry Effects in a Linear Mixed Model Analysis pp. 367-388

- Philip Baird, Pinar Geylani and Jeffrey Roberts
- Paula S. Tompkins: Practicing Communication Ethics: Development, Discernment, and Decision Making pp. 389-390

- Mahmoud Eid
Volume 109, issue 2, 2012
- The Influence of Unethical Peer Behavior on Observers’ Unethical Behavior: A Social Cognitive Perspective pp. 117-131

- Michael O’Fallon and Kenneth Butterfield
- Responsible Leadership in Organizational Crises: An Analysis of the Effects of Public Perceptions of Selected SA Business Organizations’ Reputations pp. 133-144

- D. Coldwell, T. Joosub and E. Papageorgiou
- Gender Diversity on European Banks’ Boards of Directors pp. 145-162

- Ruth Mateos de Cabo, Ricardo Gimeno and María Nieto
- Consumer Evaluations of Social Alliances: The Effects of Perceived Fit Between Companies and Non-Profit Organizations pp. 163-174

- Namin Kim, Youri Sung and Moonkyu Lee
- Transformative Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence pp. 175-187

- Cam Caldwell, Rolf Dixon, Larry Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Jonathan Post and Gaynor Cheokas
- The Advertising Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Reputation and Brand Equity: Evidence from the Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan pp. 189-201

- Ker-Tah Hsu
- The Sacred/Secular Divide and the Christian Worldview pp. 203-208

- David Kim, David McCalman and Dan Fisher
- Anti-Discrimination Laws: Undermining Our Rights pp. 209-217

- Javier Portillo and Walter Block
- The Impact of Service Supplier’s Unethical Behavior to Buyer’s Satisfaction: An Empirical Study pp. 219-226

- Ramazan Kaynak and Tuba Sert
- The Harm of Symbolic Actions and Green-Washing: Corporate Actions and Communications on Environmental Performance and Their Financial Implications pp. 227-242

- Kent Walker and Fang Wan
- An Emotion-Based Model of Salesperson Ethical Behaviors pp. 243-257

- Raj Agnihotri, Adam Rapp, Prabakar Kothandaraman and Rakesh Singh
Volume 109, issue 1, 2012
- Stakeholder Theory(ies): Ethical Ideas and Managerial Action pp. 1-2

- R. Edward Freeman, Gianfranco Rusconi, Silvana Signori and Alan Strudler
- Citizens as Contractualist Stakeholders pp. 3-13

- David Silver
- Stakeholders and Sustainability: An Evolving Theory pp. 15-25

- Kevin Gibson
- A Stakeholder Approach to the Ethicality of BRIC-firm Managers’ Use of Favors pp. 27-38

- Daniel McCarthy, Sheila Puffer, Denise Dunlap and Alfred Jaeger
- How Do European SME Owner–Managers Make Sense of ‘Stakeholder Management’?: Insights from a Cross-National Study pp. 39-51

- Hans-Jörg Schlierer, Andrea Werner, Silvana Signori, Elisabeth Garriga, Heidi Weltzien Hoivik, Annick Rossem and Yves Fassin
- Understanding the Nature of Stakeholder Relationships: An Empirical Examination of a Conflict Situation pp. 53-65

- Johanna Kujala, Anna Heikkinen and Hanna Lehtimäki
- Stakeholder Management Theory, Firm Strategy, and Ambidexterity pp. 67-82

- Mario Minoja
- Stakeholder Management, Reciprocity and Stakeholder Responsibility pp. 83-96

- Yves Fassin
- Stakeholder Duties: On the Moral Responsibility of Corporate Investors pp. 97-107

- Martin Sandbu
- Stakeholder Theory, Fact/Value Dichotomy, and the Normative Core: How Wall Street Stops the Ethics Conversation pp. 109-116

- Lauren Purnell and R. Freeman
Volume 108, issue 4, 2012
- How Does the Market Value Corporate Sustainability Performance? pp. 417-428

- Isabel Lourenço, Manuel Branco, José Curto and Teresa Eugénio
- God and the Market: Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand pp. 429-438

- Paul Oslington
- To Share or Not to Share: Assessing Knowledge Sharing, Interemployee Helping, and Their Antecedents Among Online Knowledge Workers pp. 439-449

- Chieh-Peng Lin and Sheng-Wuu Joe
- Making Room for Smallholder Cooperatives in Tanzanian Tea Production: Can Fairtrade Do That? pp. 451-465

- Allison Loconto and Emmanuel Simbua
- Doing Well While Doing Bad? CSR in Controversial Industry Sectors pp. 467-480

- Ye Cai, Hoje Jo and Carrie Pan
- Keeping at Arm’s Length or Searching for Social Proximity? Corporate Social Responsibility as a Reciprocal Process Between Small Businesses and the Local Community pp. 481-493

- Merja Lähdesmäki and Timo Suutari
- The Shareholder–Manager Relationship and Its Impact on the Likelihood of Firm Bribery pp. 495-507

- Dendi Ramdani and Arjen Witteloostuijn
- Moral Intensity, Issue Importance, and Ethical Reasoning in Operations Situations pp. 509-523

- Sean Valentine and David Hollingworth
- The Impact of Paternalistic Leadership on Ethical Climate: The Moderating Role of Trust in Leader pp. 525-536

- Ayşe Ötken and Tuna Cenkci
- Benevolent Leadership: Conceptualization and Construct Development pp. 537-553

- Fahri Karakas and Emine Sarigollu
Volume 108, issue 3, 2012
- Flying Too Close to the Sun? Hubris Among CEOs and How to Prevent it pp. 265-283

- Valérie Petit and Helen Bollaert
- Stakeholder: Essentially Contested or Just Confused? pp. 285-298

- Samantha Miles
- CEO Ethical Leadership, Ethical Climate, Climate Strength, and Collective Organizational Citizenship Behavior pp. 299-312

- Yuhyung Shin
- Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Trust in Supervisor: A Qualitative Inquiry in the People’s Republic of China pp. 313-324

- Yong Han, Zhenglong Peng and Yi Zhu
- Between Corruption and Development: The Political Economy of State Robbery in Nigeria pp. 325-345

- Daniel Agbiboa
- Some Ethical Implications of Individual Competitiveness pp. 347-359

- Peter Mudrack, James Bloodgood and William Turnley
- Coping with Job Insecurity: The Role of Procedural Justice, Ethical Leadership and Power Distance Orientation pp. 361-372

- Raymond Loi, Long Lam and Ka Chan
- Work-Related Behavioral Intentions in Macedonia: Coping Strategies, Work Environment, Love of Money, Job Satisfaction, and Demographic Variables pp. 373-391

- Elisaveta Sardžoska and Thomas Tang
- Legal Determinants of External Finance Revisited: The Inverse Relationship Between Investor Protection and Societal Well-Being pp. 393-410

- David Collison, Stuart Cross, John Ferguson, David Power and Lorna Stevenson
- The Moral Landscape pp. 411-415

- Bill Shaw
Volume 108, issue 2, 2012
- Developing Responsible Leaders: The University at the Service of the Person pp. 131-143

- Lynette Osiemo
- The Role of CSR in the Corporate Identity of Banking Service Providers pp. 145-166

- Andrea Pérez and Ignacio Rodríguez del Bosque
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Efficacy and Team Self-Esteem pp. 167-180

- Chieh-Peng Lin, Yehuda Baruch and Wei-Chi Shih
- Epistemic Closure’s Clash with Technology in New Markets pp. 181-199

- Dennis Cooley
- Culture and Consumer Ethics pp. 201-213

- Ziad Swaidan
- Illegal Downloading, Ethical Concern, and Illegal Behavior pp. 215-227

- Kirsten Robertson, Lisa McNeill, James Green and Claire Roberts
- Transformational Leadership and Leaders’ Mode of Care Reasoning pp. 229-237

- Sheldene Simola, Julian Barling and Nick Turner
- Leadership and Change: The Case for Greater Ethical Clarity pp. 239-252

- Bernard Burnes and Rune By
- The Content of Whistleblowing Procedures: A Critical Review of Recent Official Guidelines pp. 253-264

- Wim Vandekerckhove and David Lewis
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