Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 151, issue 4, 2018
- Leadership and the Creation of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Introduction to the Special Issue pp. 871-874

- Melanie De Ruiter, Jaap Schaveling, Joanne B. Ciulla and André Nijhof
- A Falling of the Veils: Turning Points and Momentous Turning Points in Leadership and the Creation of CSR pp. 875-890

- Christine A. Hemingway and Ken Starkey
- Unraveling the Competence Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Leaders: The Importance of Peer Learning, Learning Goal Orientation, and Learning Climate pp. 891-906

- E. R. Osagie, R. Wesselink, P. Runhaar and M. Mulder
- How Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Employee Cynicism: The Mediating Role of Organizational Trust pp. 907-921

- Carolina Serrano Archimi, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Hina Mahboob Yasin and Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership: Investigating Their Interactive Effect on Employees’ Socially Responsible Behaviors pp. 923-939

- Kenneth De Roeck and Omer Farooq
- Ethical Leadership, Organic Organizational Cultures and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Study in Social Enterprises pp. 941-958

- Palvi Pasricha, Bindu Singh and Pratibha Verma
- Erratum to: Ethical Leadership, Organic Organizational Cultures and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Study in Social Enterprises pp. 959-959

- Palvi Pasricha, Bindu Singh and Pratibha Verma
- The Nature, Measurement and Nomological Network of Environmentally Specific Transformational Leadership pp. 961-975

- Jennifer L. Robertson
- Unpacking Functional Experience Complementarities in Senior Leaders’ Influences on CSR Strategy: A CEO–Top Management Team Approach pp. 977-995

- Marko Reimer, Sebastiaan Doorn and Mariano L. M. Heyden
- Alliance Network Centrality, Board Composition, and Corporate Social Performance pp. 997-1008

- Craig D. Macaulay, Orlando C. Richard, Mike W. Peng and Maria Hasenhuttl
- Tax Avoidance as a Sustainability Problem pp. 1009-1025

- Robert Bird and Karie Davis-Nozemack
- Do ESG Controversies Matter for Firm Value? Evidence from International Data pp. 1027-1047

- Amal Aouadi and Sylvain Marsat
- Do Auditors Applaud Corporate Environmental Performance? Evidence from China pp. 1049-1080

- Xingqiang Du, Wei Jian, Quan Zeng and Yingying Chang
- Deploying Environmental Management Across Functions: The Relationship Between Green Human Resource Management and Green Supply Chain Management pp. 1081-1095

- Annachiara Longoni, Davide Luzzini and Marco Guerci
- Sustainable Innovativeness and the Triple Bottom Line: The Role of Organizational Time Perspective pp. 1097-1120

- Annachiara Longoni and Raffaella Cagliano
- An Assessment of the Association Between Renewable Energy Utilization and Firm Financial Performance pp. 1121-1138

- Hyunju Shin, Alexander E. Ellinger, Helenka Hopkins Nolan, Tyler D. DeCoster and Forrest Lane
- Environmental Innovation Strategy and Organizational Performance: Enabling and Controlling Uses of Management Control Systems pp. 1139-1160

- Chaminda Wijethilake, Rahat Munir and Ranjith Appuhami
- The Virtues of Green Strategies: Some Empirical Support from the Alliance Context pp. 1161-1173

- Anne Norheim-Hansen
Volume 151, issue 3, 2018
- Ethical Leadership Perceptions: Does It Matter If You’re Black or White? pp. 599-612

- Dennis J. Marquardt, Lee Warren Brown and Wendy J. Casper
- Birds of a Feather can Butt Heads: When Machiavellian Employees Work with Machiavellian Leaders pp. 613-626

- Frank D. Belschak, Rabiah S. Muhammad and Deanne N. Hartog
- Destructive Leadership: A Critique of Leader-Centric Perspectives and Toward a More Holistic Definition pp. 627-649

- Christian N. Thoroughgood, Katina B. Sawyer, Art Padilla and Laura Lunsford
- When Leaders Stifle Innovation in Work Teams: The Role of Abusive Supervision pp. 651-664

- Vincent Rousseau and Caroline Aubé
- On the Price of Morals in Markets: An Empirical Study of the Swedish AP-Funds and the Norwegian Government Pension Fund pp. 665-692

- Andreas G. F. Hoepner and Lisa Schopohl
- Sarbanes–Oxley Section 406 Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers and Firm Behavior pp. 693-705

- Saurabh Ahluwalia, O. C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell and Terri L. Rittenburg
- Ethical Leadership and Its Cultural and Institutional Context: An Empirical Study in Japan pp. 707-724

- Takuma Kimura and Mizuki Nishikawa
- Leader Narcissism Predicts Malicious Envy and Supervisor-Targeted Counterproductive Work Behavior: Evidence from Field and Experimental Research pp. 725-741

- Susanne Braun, Nilüfer Aydin, Dieter Frey and Claudia Peus
- Corporate Reputation’s Invisible Hand: Bribery, Rational Choice, and Market Penalties pp. 743-760

- Vijay S. Sampath, Naomi A. Gardberg and Noushi Rahman
- The Integrity of Financial Analysts: Evidence from Asymmetric Responses to Earnings Surprises pp. 761-783

- Rui Lu, Wenxuan Hou, Henry Oppenheimer and Ting Zhang
- Moral Integrity and Relationship Commitment: An Empirical Examination in a Cross-Cultural Setting pp. 785-798

- Fuan Li, Sixue Zhang and Xuelian Yang
- Who Suffers When Supervisors are Unhappy? The Roles of Leader–Member Exchange and Abusive Supervision pp. 799-811

- Su-Ying Pan and Katrina Jia Lin
- Reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility in Central Public Sector Enterprises: A Study of Post Mandatory Regime in India pp. 813-831

- Monika Kansal, Mahesh Joshi, Shekar Babu and Sharad Sharma
- Board Diversity and Corporate Social Disclosure: Evidence from Vietnam pp. 833-852

- Trang Cam Hoang, Indra Abeysekera and Shiguang Ma
- Internal Audit: Is the ‘Third Line of Defense’ Effective as a Form of Governance? An Exploratory Study of the Impression Management Techniques Chief Audit Executives Use in Their Annual Accountability to the Audit Committee pp. 853-869

- Mélanie Roussy and Michelle Rodrigue
Volume 151, issue 2, 2018
- Framing Social Problems in Social Entrepreneurship pp. 279-293

- Chantal Hervieux and Annika Voltan
- Linking Societal Trust and CEO Compensation pp. 295-317

- Kiridaran Kanagaretnam, Abdul-Rahman Khokhar and Amin Mawani
- How Well Have Social Economy Financial Institutions Performed During the Crisis Period? Exploring Financial and Social Efficiency in Spanish Credit Unions pp. 319-336

- Almudena Martínez-Campillo, Yolanda Fernández-Santos and María Pilar Sierra-Fernández
- Business Infomediary Representations of Corporate Responsibility pp. 337-351

- Meri Frig, Martin Fougère, Veronica Liljander and Pia Polsa
- The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Risk Taking and Firm Value pp. 353-373

- Maretno Harjoto and Indrarini Laksmana
- Corporate Philanthropy, Reputation Risk Management and Shareholder Value: A Study of Australian Corporate giving pp. 375-390

- Kate Hogarth, Marion Hutchinson and Wendy Scaife
- Neither Principles Nor Rules: Making Corporate Governance Work in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 391-408

- Franklin Nakpodia, Emmanuel Adegbite, Kenneth Amaeshi and Akintola Owolabi
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures, Traditionalism and Politics: A Story from a Traditional Setting pp. 409-428

- Shahzad Uddin, Javed Siddiqui and Muhammad Islam
- The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Corporate Reputation: A Non-professional Stakeholder Perspective pp. 429-450

- Anastasia Axjonow, Jürgen Ernstberger and Christiane Pott
- The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Financial Performance: Evidence from the GCC Islamic Banking Sector pp. 451-471

- Elena Platonova, Mehmet Asutay, Rob Dixon and Sabri Mohammad
- Is there Informational Value in Corporate Giving? pp. 473-496

- Kiyoung Chang, Hoje Jo and Ying Li
- How and When Socially Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Organizations Benefit From Adopting Social Alliance Management Routines to Manage Social Alliances? pp. 497-516

- Gordon Liu, Wai Wai Ko and Chris Chapleo
- The Detrimental Effect of Cause-Related Marketing Parodies pp. 517-537

- Ouidade Sabri
- Social Trust and Corporate Misconduct: Evidence from China pp. 539-562

- Wang Dong, Hongling Han, Yun Ke and Kam C. Chan
- Trends and Drivers in CSR Disclosure: A Focus on Reporting Practices in the Automotive Industry pp. 563-578

- Tiziana Russo-Spena, Marco Tregua and Alessandra De Chiara
- Are Ethical Consumers Happy? Effects of Ethical Consumers' Motivations Based on Empathy Versus Self-orientation on Their Happiness pp. 579-598

- Kumju Hwang and Hyewon Kim
Volume 151, issue 1, 2018
- Apple: Good Business, Poor Citizen? pp. 1-11

- Amitai Etzioni
- “Apple: Good Business, Poor Citizen”: A Practitioner’s Response pp. 13-16

- David Newkirk
- Ethical and Legal First Amendment Implications of FBI v. Apple: A Commentary on Etzioni’s ‘Apple: Good Business, Poor Citizen?’ pp. 17-28

- Richard P. Nielsen
- Sweatshop Regulation: Tradeoffs and Welfare Judgements pp. 29-36

- Benjamin Powell
- Goffman’s Return to Las Vegas: Studying Corruption as Social Interaction pp. 37-54

- Dennis Schoeneborn and Fabian Homberg
- Remarks on Lydenberg’s “Reason, Rationality and Fiduciary Duty” pp. 55-68

- Neil Stuart Eccles
- Do the Right Thing! Developing Ethical Behavior in Financial Institutions pp. 69-84

- Rachel Fichter
- Friendships of Virtue, Pursuit of the Moral Community, and the Ends of Business pp. 85-100

- Richard M. Robinson
- No Body to Kick, No Soul to Damn: Responsibility and Accountability for the Financial Crisis (2007–2010) pp. 101-114

- Olivia Nicol
- Do Parents and Peers Influence Adolescents’ Monetary Intelligence and Consumer Ethics? French and Chinese Adolescents and Behavioral Economics pp. 115-140

- Elodie Gentina, Thomas Li-Ping Tang and Qinxuan Gu
- Corporate Codes of Ethics, National Culture, and Earnings Discretion: International Evidence pp. 141-163

- Chu Chen, Giorgio Gotti, Tony Kang and Michael C. Wolfe
- The Impact of Financial Incentives and Perceptions of Seriousness on Whistleblowing Intention pp. 165-178

- Paul Andon, Clinton Free, Radzi Jidin, Gary S. Monroe and Michael J. Turner
- Both Sides of the Coin: Motives for Corruption Among Public Officials and Business Employees pp. 179-194

- Madelijne Gorsira, Adriaan Denkers and Wim Huisman
- Applying the Randomized Response Technique in Business Ethics Research: The Misuse of Information Systems Resources in the Workplace pp. 195-212

- Amanda M. Y. Chu, Mike K. P. So and Ray S. W. Chung
- Workplace Harassment Intensity and Revenge: Mediation and Moderation Effects pp. 213-234

- Qiang Wang, Nathan A. Bowling, Qi-tao Tian, Gene M. Alarcon and Ho Kwong Kwan
- Anger Strays, Fear Refrains: The Differential Effect of Negative Emotions on Consumers’ Ethical Judgments pp. 235-248

- Jatinder J. Singh, Nitika Garg, Rahul Govind and Scott J. Vitell
- Counterfeit Luxuries: Does Moral Reasoning Strategy Influence Consumers’ Pursuit of Counterfeits? pp. 249-264

- Jie Chen, Lefa Teng and Yonghai Liao
- Is Ethical Finance the Answer to the Ills of the UK Financial Market? A Post-Crisis Analysis pp. 265-278

- Abdul Karim Aldohni
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