Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 114, issue 4, 2013
- The Business Case for Asserting the Business Case for Business Ethics pp. 599-606

- Alex Michalos
- Do Investors Value a Firm’s Commitment to Social Activities? pp. 607-623

- Waymond Rodgers, Hiu Choy and Andrés Guiral
- Corporate Social Performance, Firm Valuation, and Industrial Difference: Evidence from Hong Kong pp. 625-631

- Yan-Leung Cheung, Kun Jiang, Billy Mak and Weiqiang Tan
- Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Business Ethics: Evidence from the United States and China pp. 633-642

- Michael Gift, Paul Gift and QinQin Zheng
- The Normalization of Deviant Organizational Practices: The Non-performing Loans Problem in China pp. 643-653

- Jiatao Li and Carmen Ng
- Individualism–Collectivism, Private Benefits of Control, and Earnings Management: A Cross-Culture Comparison pp. 655-664

- Xu Zhang, Xing Liang and Hongyan Sun
- Social Responsibility Climate as a Double-Edged Sword: How Employee-Perceived Social Responsibility Climate Shapes the Meaning of Their Voluntary Work? pp. 665-674

- Frederick Yim and Henry Fock
- The Roles of Justice and Customer Satisfaction in Customer Retention: A Lesson from Service Recovery pp. 675-686

- Noel Siu, Tracy Zhang and Cheuk-Ying Yau
Volume 114, issue 3, 2013
- Board Composition and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Investigation in the Post Sarbanes-Oxley Era pp. 381-392

- Jason Zhang, Hong Zhu and Hung-bin Ding
- For All Good Reasons: Role of Values in Organizational Sustainability pp. 393-408

- Liviu Florea, Yu Cheung and Neil Herndon
- Determinants of Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase Gray-Market Smartphones pp. 409-424

- Chun-Hsiung Liao and I Hsieh
- The Media and Their Advertisers: Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Product Coverage Decisions pp. 425-441

- Diego Rinallo, Suman Basuroy, Ruhai Wu and Hyo Jeon
- ‘Green’ Human Resource Benefits: Do they Matter as Determinants of Environmental Management System Implementation? pp. 443-456

- Marcus Wagner
- Deficiencies in the Code of Conduct: The AICPA Rhetoric Surrounding the Tax Return Preparation Outsourcing Disclosure Rules pp. 457-471

- Renu Desai and Robin Roberts
- Ethical Consumption and New Business Models in the Food Industry. Evidence from the Eataly Case pp. 473-488

- Roberta Sebastiani, Francesca Montagnini and Daniele Dalli
- Greenwash and Green Trust: The Mediation Effects of Green Consumer Confusion and Green Perceived Risk pp. 489-500

- Yu-Shan Chen and Ching-Hsun Chang
- Let the Story Go: The Role of Emotion in the Decision-Making Process of the Reluctant, Vulnerable Witness or Whistle-Blower pp. 501-512

- James Hollings
- The Conflict of Ethos and Ethics: A Sociological Theory of Business People’s Ethical Values pp. 513-528

- Lydia Segal and Mark Lehrer
- Whether and to What Extent Consumers Demand Fair Pricing Behavior for Its Own Sake pp. 529-547

- Adam Nguyen and Juan Meng
- Taking Stock of Accounting Ethics Scholarship: A Review of the Journal Literature pp. 549-563

- Roberta Bampton and Christopher Cowton
- Business Executives’ Perceptions of Ethical Leadership and Its Development pp. 565-582

- Catherine Marsh
- Promoting High Quality Work: Obstacles and Opportunities pp. 583-597

- David Spencer
Volume 114, issue 2, 2013
- Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Gratitude and Altruistic Values pp. 193-206

- Simona Romani, Silvia Grappi and Richard Bagozzi
- Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures: Evidence from an Emerging Economy pp. 207-223

- Arifur Khan, Mohammad Muttakin and Javed Siddiqui
- In Defence of Stakeholder Pragmatism pp. 225-237

- Tommy Jensen and Johan Sandström
- Towards a Custom-Made Whistleblowing Policy. Using Grid-Group Cultural Theory to Match Policy Measures to Different Styles of Peer Reporting pp. 239-249

- Kim Loyens
- The Influence of Supervisory Behavioral Integrity on Intent to Comply with Organizational Ethical Standards and Organizational Commitment pp. 251-263

- Janie Fritz, Naomi O’Neil, Ann Popp, Cory Williams and Ronald Arnett
- Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Managers’ Personal Work Goals pp. 265-282

- Mari Huhtala, Taru Feldt, Katriina Hyvönen and Saija Mauno
- Companies’ Use of Whistle-Blowing to Detect Fraud: An Examination of Corporate Whistle-Blowing Policies pp. 283-295

- Gladys Lee and Neil Fargher
- An Empirical Study of the World Price of Sustainability pp. 297-310

- Yuchao Xiao, Robert Faff, Philip Gharghori and Darren Lee
- Guilt, Shame, and Reparative Behavior: The Effect of Psychological Proximity pp. 311-323

- Majid Ghorbani, Yuan Liao, Sinan Çayköylü and Masud Chand
- An Empirical Analysis of the Ethical Reasoning of Tax Practitioners pp. 325-339

- Elaine Doyle, Jane Frecknall Hughes and Barbara Summers
- Whether Top Executives’ Turnover Influences Environmental Responsibility: From the Perspective of Environmental Information Disclosure pp. 341-353

- Xin Meng, S. Zeng, C. Tam and X. Xu
- Ethical Analyses of HRM: A Review and Research Agenda pp. 355-366

- Michelle Greenwood
- Workplace Romance 2.0: Developing a Communication Ethics Model to Address Potential Sexual Harassment from Inappropriate Social Media Contacts Between Coworkers pp. 367-379

- Lisa Mainiero and Kevin Jones
Volume 114, issue 1, 2013
- The Relationship between Identity Crises and Crises of Control pp. 1-14

- Mollie Painter-Morland
- Is the Perception of ‘Goodness’ Good Enough? Exploring the Relationship Between Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Organizational Identification pp. 15-27

- Ante Glavas and Lindsey Godwin
- Monitoring Intensity and Stakeholders’ Orientation: How Does Governance Affect Social and Environmental Disclosure? pp. 29-43

- Christine Mallin, Giovanna Michelon and Davide Raggi
- Predicting Counterproductive Work Behavior from Guilt Proneness pp. 45-53

- Taya Cohen, A. Panter and Nazli Turan
- The Link Between Ethical Climates and Managerial Success: A Study in a Polish Context pp. 55-59

- Aditya Simha and Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch
- The Antecedents of Moral Imagination in the Workplace: A Social Cognitive Theory Perspective pp. 61-73

- Brian Whitaker and Lindsey Godwin
- A Social Contract for International Business Ethics pp. 75-90

- Paul Neiman
- Workplace Dignity in a Total Institution: Examining the Experiences of Foxconn’s Migrant Workforce pp. 91-106

- Kristen Lucas, Dongjing Kang and Zhou Li
- Is Environmental Governance Substantive or Symbolic? An Empirical Investigation pp. 107-129

- Michelle Rodrigue, Michel Magnan and Charles Cho
- A Social Cognitive Perspective on the Relationships Between Ethics Education, Moral Attentiveness, and PRESOR pp. 131-153

- Kurt Wurthmann
- The Roles of Leadership Styles in Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 155-169

- Shuili Du, Valérie Swaen, Adam Lindgreen and Sankar Sen
- Shared Value and the Impartial Spectator Test pp. 171-182

- Isabelle Szmigin and Robert Rutherford
- The Influence of Love of Money and Religiosity on Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing pp. 183-191

- Anusorn Singhapakdi, Scott Vitell, Dong-Jin Lee, Amiee Nisius and Grace Yu
Volume 113, issue 4, 2013
- Editorial Introduction: Putting Virtues Into Practice. A Challenge for Business and Organizations pp. 563-565

- Joan Fontrodona, Alejo Sison and Boudewijn Bruin
- In Search of Virtue: The Role of Virtues, Values and Character Strengths in Ethical Decision Making pp. 567-581

- Mary Crossan, Daina Mazutis and Gerard Seijts
- Epistemic Virtues in Business pp. 583-595

- Boudewijn Bruin
- Kant on Virtue pp. 597-609

- Claus Dierksmeier
- Participating in the Common Good of the Firm pp. 611-625

- Alejo Sison and Joan Fontrodona
- Virtue and Commerce in Domingo de Soto’s Thought: Commercial Practices, Character, and the Common Good pp. 627-638

- André Alves and José Moreira
- Corporate Transparency: A Perspective from Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae pp. 639-648

- João Neves and Antonino Vaccaro
- Virtue and Vice Attributions in the Business Context: An Experimental Investigation pp. 649-661

- Brian Robinson, Paul Stey and Mark Alfano
- The Role of Leadership in Creating Virtuous and Compassionate Organizations: Narratives of Benevolent Leadership in an Anatolian Tiger pp. 663-678

- Fahri Karakas and Emine Sarigollu
- Managerial Work in a Practice-Embodying Institution: The Role of Calling, The Virtue of Constancy pp. 679-690

- Ron Beadle
Volume 113, issue 3, 2013
- A Systematic Literature Review of Servant Leadership Theory in Organizational Contexts pp. 377-393

- Denise Parris and Jon Peachey
- Value, a Way Out of Uncertainties: A Physical Model for Ethics and Freedoms pp. 395-413

- Emmanuel Chauvet
- Measuring and Differentiating Perceptions of Supervisor and Top Leader Ethics pp. 415-428

- Janet Kottke and Kathie Pelletier
- Changes in Attitudes Towards Business Ethics Held by Former South African Business Management Students pp. 429-440

- Gavin Price and Andries Walt
- Crisis, Committees and Consultants: The Rise of Value-For-Money Auditing in the Federal Public Sector in Canada pp. 441-459

- Clinton Free, Vaughan Radcliffe and Brent White
- The Development of a Market for Sustainable Coffee in The Netherlands: Rethinking the Contribution of Fair Trade pp. 461-474

- Paul Ingenbleek and Machiel Reinders
- Does Consumer Unethical Behavior Relate to Birthplace? Evidence from China pp. 475-488

- BaoChun Zhao and ShanShan Xu
- Vulnerability and the Basis of Business Ethics: From Fiduciary Duties to Professionalism pp. 489-504

- Eric Brown
- Sleeping with the Enemy? Strategic Transformations in Business–NGO Relationships Through Stakeholder Dialogue pp. 505-518

- Jon Burchell and Joanne Cook
- The Crash of Cougar Flight 491: A Case Study of Offshore Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 519-541

- Susan Hart
- Sunao as Character: Its Implications for Trust and Intercultural Communication Within Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals in Australia pp. 543-555

- Joanna Crossman and Hiroko Noma
- Denis Collins: Essentials of Business Ethics—Creating an Organization of High Integrity and Superior Performance pp. 557-559

- Long-Fei Chen
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: The “Strong” Versus “Weak” Premise of Stakeholder Legitimacy and the Rhetorical Perspective of Diffusion pp. 561-561

- Eugene Geh
Volume 113, issue 2, 2013
- Hidden Connections: The Link Between Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Social Performance pp. 185-197

- Ioanna Boulouta
- Virtue Remains After Removing Sin: Finding Skill Amongst Socially Responsible Investment Managers pp. 199-224

- Elizabeth Ooi and Paul Lajbcygier
- The Interaction of Learning Styles and Teaching Methodologies in Accounting Ethical Instruction pp. 225-241

- Conor O’Leary and Jenny Stewart
- Impacts of Instrumental Versus Relational Centered Logic on Cause-Related Marketing Decision Making pp. 243-263

- Gordon Liu
- Antecedents of Corporate Scandals: CEOs’ Personal Traits, Stakeholders’ Cohesion, Managerial Fraud, and Imbalanced Corporate Strategy pp. 265-283

- Fabio Zona, Mario Minoja and Vittorio Coda
- Crisis Management and an Ethic of Care: The Case of Northern Rock Bank pp. 285-295

- Philip Linsley and Richard Slack
- Sins of the Father’s Firm: Exploring Responses to Inherited Ethical Dilemmas in Family Business pp. 297-315

- Reginald Litz and Nick Turner
- Characterizing Ethical Cases: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual Differences, Organisational Climate, and Leadership on Ethical Decision-Making pp. 317-331

- J. Kuntz, J. Kuntz, Detelin Elenkov and Anna Nabirukhina
- Exploring Top Management Language for Signals of Possible Deception: The Words of Satyam’s Chair Ramalinga Raju pp. 333-347

- Russell Craig, Tony Mortensen and Shefali Iyer
- Do I Hear the Whistle…? A First Attempt to Measure Four Forms of Employee Silence and Their Correlates pp. 349-362

- Michael Knoll and Rolf Dick
- Enterprise Web Accessibility Levels Amongst the Forbes 250: Where Art Thou O Virtuous Leader? pp. 363-375

- Ramiro Gonçalves, José Martins, Jorge Pereira, Manuel Oliveira and João Ferreira
Volume 113, issue 1, 2013
- Asymmetric Differences in Work–Family Spillover in North America and China: Results from Two Heterogeneous Samples pp. 1-14

- Jia Jin, Michael Ford and Chih Chen
- Institutionalizing Ethical Innovation in Organizations: An Integrated Causal Model of Moral Innovation Decision Processes pp. 15-37

- E. Schumacher and David Wasieleski
- Values and Poetic Organizations: Beyond Value Fit Toward Values Through Conversation pp. 39-49

- Ellen Auster and R. Freeman
- Relationships Among Employee Perception of Their Manager’s Behavioral Integrity, Moral Distress, and Employee Attitudes and Well-Being pp. 51-60

- David Prottas
- The Role of Spiritual Well-Being and Materialism in Determining Consumers’ Ethical Beliefs: An Empirical Study with Australian Consumers pp. 61-79

- Rafi Chowdhury and Mario Fernando
- Future of Ethically Effective Leadership pp. 81-89

- Chaudhary Sarwar
- Confucian and Taoist Work Values: An Exploratory Study of the Chinese Transformational Leadership Behavior pp. 91-103

- Liang-Hung Lin, Yu-Ling Ho and Wei-Hsin Lin
- A Comparison of Young Publics’ Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Multinational Corporations in the United States and South Korea pp. 105-118

- Daewook Kim and Myung-Il Choi
- The Early Stages of Workplace Bullying and How It Becomes Prolonged: The Role of Culture in Predicting Target Responses pp. 119-132

- Al-Karim Samnani
- Satisfying Individual Desires or Moral Standards? Preferential Treatment and Group Members’ Self-Worth, Affect, and Behavior pp. 133-145

- Stefan Thau, Christian Tröster, Karl Aquino, Madan Pillutla and David Cremer
- Saving for Retirement Without Harming Others pp. 147-156

- Steven Daskal
- A Family Affair: A Case of Altruism or Aggrandizement? pp. 157-161

- David Boyd, Jay Halfond, Peder Johnson and Timm Kainen
- Erratum to: Institutionalizing Ethical Innovation in Organizations: An Integrated Causal Model of Moral Innovation Decision Processes pp. 181-182

- E. Schumacher and David Wasieleski
- Retraction Note: Corporate Social Responsibility in Purchasing and Supply Chain pp. 183-183

- Mohammad Salam
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