Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 153, issue 4, 2018
- Business Groups and Corporate Responsibility for the Public Good pp. 911-929

- Melsa Ararat, Asli M. Colpan and Dirk Matten
- Business Groups and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 931-954

- Jongmoo Jay Choi, Hoje Jo, Jimi Kim and Moo Sung Kim
- Business Group Affiliation and Corporate Sustainability Strategies of Firms: An Investigation of Firms in India pp. 955-976

- Sougata Ray and Bikramjit Ray Chaudhuri
- Not Good, Not Bad: The Effect of Family Control on Environmental Performance Disclosure by Business Group Firms pp. 977-996

- Ann Terlaak, Seonghoon Kim and Taewoo Roh
- The Evolution of Business Groups’ Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 997-1016

- Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra
- Voluntarily Disclosing Prosocial Behaviors in Korean Firms pp. 1017-1030

- Jennifer J. Griffin and Yoo Na Youm
- Intragroup Transactions, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Philanthropy in Korean Business Groups pp. 1031-1049

- Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang, Gyeonghwan Lee and Jeongil Seo
- Group Affiliation and Entry Barriers: The Dark Side Of Business Groups In Emerging Markets pp. 1051-1066

- Chinmay Pattnaik, Qiang Lu and Ajai S. Gaur
- Business Groups and Tax Havens pp. 1067-1081

- Weichieh Su and Danchi Tan
- Social Trust and Auditor Reporting Conservatism pp. 1083-1108

- Deqiu Chen, Li Li, Xuejiao Liu and Gerald J. Lobo
- An Exploration of the State of Ethics in UK Accounting Education pp. 1109-1120

- William F. Miller and Tara J. Shawver
- We Have Never Been Secular: Religious Identities, Duties, and Ethics in Audit Practice pp. 1121-1142

- Jeff Everett, Constance Friesen, Dean Neu and Abu Shiraz Rahaman
- Multinational Tax Avoidance: Virtue Ethics and the Role of Accountants pp. 1143-1156

- Andrew West
- Developing Ethical Confidence: The Impact of Action-Oriented Ethics Instruction in an Accounting Curriculum pp. 1157-1175

- Anne Christensen, Jane Cote and Claire Kamm Latham
- Correction to: Developing Ethical Confidence: The Impact of Action-Oriented Ethics Instruction in an Accounting Curriculum pp. 1177-1177

- Anne Christensen, Jane Cote and Claire Kamm Latham
- Public Professional Accountability: A Conditional Approach pp. 1179-1196

- Dirk Vriens, Ed Vosselman and Claudia Groß
Volume 153, issue 3, 2018
- The More You Care, the Worthier I Feel, the Better I Behave: How and When Supervisor Support Influences (Un)Ethical Employee Behavior pp. 615-628

- Francesco Sguera, Richard P. Bagozzi, Quy N. Huy, R. Wayne Boss and David S. Boss
- How Employees’ Perceptions of CSR Increase Employee Creativity: Mediating Mechanisms of Compassion at Work and Intrinsic Motivation pp. 629-644

- Won-Moo Hur, Tae-Won Moon and Sung-Hoon Ko
- Just the Right Amount of Ethics Inspires Creativity: A Cross-Level Investigation of Ethical Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation, and Employee Creativity pp. 645-658

- Jie Feng, Yucheng Zhang, Xinmei Liu, Long Zhang and Xiao Han
- Victim and Culprit? The Effects of Entitlement and Felt Accountability on Perceptions of Abusive Supervision and Perpetration of Workplace Bullying pp. 659-673

- Jeremy D. Mackey, Jeremy R. Brees, Charn P. McAllister, Michelle L. Zorn, Mark J. Martinko and Paul Harvey
- Migration Intermediaries and Codes of Conduct: Temporary Migrant Workers in Australian Horticulture pp. 675-689

- Elsa Underhill, Dimitria Groutsis, Diane Broek and Malcolm Rimmer
- How Does Ethical Leadership Trickle Down? Test of an Integrative Dual-Process Model pp. 691-705

- Zhen Wang, Haoying Xu and Yukun Liu
- Why Do Managers Leave Their Organization? Investigating the Role of Ethical Organizational Culture in Managerial Turnover pp. 707-723

- Maiju Kangas, Muel Kaptein, Mari Huhtala, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Pia Pihlajasaari and Taru Feldt
- Understanding the Interplay Among Regulatory Self-Efficacy, Moral Disengagement, and Academic Cheating Behaviour During Vocational Education: A Three-Wave Study pp. 725-740

- Roberta Fida, Carlo Tramontano, Marinella Paciello, Valerio Ghezzi and Claudio Barbaranelli
- “Just a Little Respect”: Effects of a Layoff Agent’s Actions on Employees’ Reactions to a Dismissal Notification Meeting pp. 741-761

- Manuela Richter, Cornelius J. König, Marlene Geiger, Svenja Schieren, Jan Lothschütz and Yannik Zobel
- The Interactive Effect of Authentic Leadership and Leader Competency on Followers’ Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement pp. 763-773

- Feng Wei, Yi Li, Yi Zhang and Shubo Liu
- Abusive Supervision, Psychological Distress, and Silence: The Effects of Gender Dissimilarity Between Supervisors and Subordinates pp. 775-792

- Joon Hyung Park, Min Z. Carter, Richard S. DeFrank and Qianwen Deng
- The Moderating Role of Context in Determining Unethical Managerial Behavior: A Case Survey pp. 793-812

- Christof Miska, Günter K. Stahl and Matthias Fuchs
- Does Contact Between Employees and Service Recipients Lead to Socially More Responsible Behaviours? The Case of Cleaning pp. 813-824

- Placide Abasabanye, Franck Bailly and François-Xavier Devetter
- The Roles of HRM in CSR: Strategic Partnership or Operational Support? pp. 825-837

- Harsha Sarvaiya, Gabriel Eweje and Jim Arrowsmith
- Translating Environmental Ideologies into Action: The Amplifying Role of Commitment to Beliefs pp. 839-858

- Matthew A. Maxwell-Smith, Paul J. Conway, Joshua D. Wright and James M. Olson
- Doing Good Business by Hiring Directors with Foreign Experience pp. 859-876

- Jian Zhang, Dongmin Kong and Ji Wu
- About to Burst: How State Self-Regulation Affects the Enactment of Bullying Behaviors pp. 877-888

- Charn P. McAllister and Pamela L. Perrewé
- I Love That Company: Look How Ethical, Prominent, and Efficacious It Is—A Triadic Organizational Reputation (TOR) Scale pp. 889-910

- James Agarwal, Madelynn Stackhouse and Oleksiy Osiyevskyy
Volume 153, issue 2, 2018
- Women’s Leadership and Firm Performance: Family Versus Nonfamily Firms pp. 291-316

- Mehdi Nekhili, Héla Chakroun and Tawhid Chtioui
- Do Entrepreneurial SMEs Perform Better Because They are More Responsible? pp. 317-336

- Jean-Marie Courrent, Sonia Chassé and Waleed Omri
- Are Women CEOs Valuable in Terms of Bank Loan Costs? Evidence from China pp. 337-355

- Jin-hui Luo, Zeyue Huang, Xue Li and Xiaojing Lin
- Gender, Management Styles, and Forms of Capital pp. 357-373

- Salvador Carmona, Mahmoud Ezzamel and Claudia Mogotocoro
- The Challenges of Detection and Enforcement of Insider Trading pp. 375-388

- Brian J. Adams, Tod Perry and Colin Mahoney
- In Pursuit of Eudaimonia: How Virtue Ethics Captures the Self-Understandings and Roles of Corporate Directors pp. 389-406

- Patricia Grant, Surendra Arjoon and Peter McGhee
- The Effects of Current Income Attributes on Nonprofessional Investors’ Say-on-Pay Judgments: Does Fairness Still Matter? pp. 407-425

- Steven E. Kaplan and Valentina L. Zamora
- Microfinance Performance and Social Capital: A Cross-Country Analysis pp. 427-445

- Luminita Postelnicu and Niels Hermes
- Congruence Effects in Post-crisis CSR Communication: The Mediating Role of Attribution of Corporate Motives pp. 447-463

- Sojung Kim and Sejung Marina Choi
- Elevating the Role of Divestment in Socially Responsible Investing pp. 465-478

- Cedric E. Dawkins
- Social Capital and the Municipal Bond Market pp. 479-501

- Pei Li, Leo Tang and Bikki Jaggi
- Firm Status and Evaluators’ Trust: The Many Ways to Trust a Firm pp. 503-518

- Fei Song and Alex Bitektine
- The Role of Corporate Donations in Chinese Political Markets pp. 519-545

- Ming Jia and Zhe Zhang
- Governance Structure and the Credibility Gap: Experimental Evidence on Family Businesses’ Sustainability Reporting pp. 547-568

- Josh Wei-Jun Hsueh
- Employee Protection and Corporate Innovation: Empirical Evidence from China pp. 569-589

- Lijing Tong, Ningyue Liu, Min Zhang and Liming Wang
- How Powerful CFOs Camouflage and Exploit Equity-Based Incentive Compensation pp. 591-613

- Denton Collins, Gary Fleischman, Stacey Kaden and Juan Manuel Sanchez
Volume 153, issue 1, 2018
- Reframing the Moral Limits of Markets Debate: Social Domains, Values, Allocation Methods pp. 1-15

- Ben Wempe and Jeff Frooman
- Justice and the Social Ontology of the Corporation pp. 17-28

- Nuno Martins
- Enriching the Organizational Context of Chronic Illness Experience Through an Ethics of Care Perspective pp. 29-40

- Lavanya Vijayasingham, Uma Jogulu and Pascale Allotey
- How Friedman’s View on Individual Freedom Relates to Stakeholder Theory and Social Contract Theory pp. 41-52

- Johannes Jahn and Rolf Brühl
- The Effects of the Dark Triad on Unethical Behavior pp. 53-77

- Andrew Harrison, James Summers and Brian Mennecke
- Sweatshop Regulation and Workers’ Choices pp. 79-94

- Jessica Flanigan
- Virtual to Virtuous Money: A Virtue Ethics Perspective on Video Game Business Logic pp. 95-103

- Olli I. Heimo, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Kai K. Kimppa and Tuomas Mäkilä
- The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Ethical Factor in Giuseppe Toniolo’s Thought pp. 105-119

- Alice Martini and Luca Spataro
- The Ethics of Predatory Journals pp. 121-131

- Alexander McLeod, Arline Savage and Mark G. Simkin
- Embedding Ethics: Dialogic Partnerships and Communitarian Business Ethics pp. 133-145

- Rob Macklin and Karin Mathison
- Practical Wisdom: Management’s No Longer Forgotten Virtue pp. 147-165

- Claudius Bachmann, André Habisch and Claus Dierksmeier
- A Multilevel Trust-based Model of Ethical Public Leadership pp. 167-184

- N. A. Mozumder
- Business Schools and the Development of Responsible Leaders: A Proposition of Edgar Morin’s Transdisciplinarity pp. 185-195

- Stefan Gröschl and Patricia Gabaldon
- Can Anticipating Time Pressure Reduce the Likelihood of Unethical Behaviour Occurring? pp. 197-213

- Hwee Ping Koh, Glennda Scully and David R. Woodliff
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Worker Rights: Institutionalizing Social Dialogue Through International Framework Agreements pp. 215-230

- Christian Lévesque, Marc-Antonin Hennebert, Gregor Murray and Reynald Bourque
- Learning from Greek Philosophers: The Foundations and Structural Conditions of Ethical Training in Business Schools pp. 231-243

- Sandrine Frémeaux, Grant Michelson and Christine Noël-Lemaitre
- The Evolution and Challenges of the Concept of Organizational Virtuousness in Positive Organizational Scholarship pp. 245-264

- Marcel Meyer
- Fairtrade Towns as Unconventional Networks of Ethical Activism pp. 265-282

- Ken Peattie and Anthony Samuel
- Eugene Heath, Byron Kaldis, and Alexei Marcoux (eds): The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics pp. 283-285

- Denis Collins
- Review of The Cordial Economy: Ethics, Recognition and Reciprocity by Patrici Calvo pp. 287-289

- Daniel Pallarés-Domínguez
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