Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 132, issue 4, 2015
- Board Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 641-660

- Maretno Harjoto, Indrarini Laksmana and Robert Lee
- Does Confucianism Reduce Minority Shareholder Expropriation? Evidence from China pp. 661-716

- Xingqiang Du
- Giving Voice to the Silenced: Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Inform Crisis Communication Theory pp. 717-735

- Carolyn Dunn and Michelle Eble
- The Synergistic Effect of Prototypicality and Authenticity in the Relation Between Leaders’ Biological Gender and Their Organizational Identification pp. 737-752

- Lucas Monzani, Alina Hernandez Bark, Rolf van Dick and José Peiró
- Organizational and Professional Identification in Audit Firms: An Affective Approach pp. 753-763

- Alice Garcia-Falières and Olivier Herrbach
- CSR Communication: An Impression Management Perspective pp. 765-778

- Jasmine Tata and Sameer Prasad
- Spirituality Incorporated: Including Convergent Spiritual Values in Business pp. 779-794

- Matthew Brophy
- Managerial Morality and Philanthropic Decision-Making: A Test of an Agency Model pp. 795-811

- Cheng-Li Huang and Ju-Lan Tsai
- Are ‘Green Brides’ More Attractive? An Empirical Examination of How Prospective Partners’ Environmental Reputation Affects the Trust-Based Mechanism in Alliance Formation pp. 813-830

- Anne Norheim-Hansen
- How Leader Alignment of Words and Deeds Affects Followers: A Meta-analysis of Behavioral Integrity Research pp. 831-844

- Tony Simons, Hannes Leroy, Veroniek Collewaert and Stijn Masschelein
- MNE Subsidiaries’ Strategic Commitment to CSR in Emerging Economies: The Role of Administrative Distance, Subsidiary Size, and Experience in the Host Country pp. 845-857

- Felix Reimann, Johan Rauer and Lutz Kaufmann
- Called to Commitment: An Examination of Relationships Between Spiritual Calling, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment pp. 859-872

- Mitchell Neubert and Katie Halbesleben
- Secondary Stakeholder Influence on CSR Disclosure: An Application of Stakeholder Salience Theory pp. 873-891

- Thomas Thijssens, Laury Bollen and Harold Hassink
Volume 132, issue 3, 2015
- Identifying and Assessing Managerial Value Orientations: A Cross-Generational Replication Study of Key Organizational Decision-Makers’ Values pp. 493-504

- James Weber
- A Framework for Understanding Ethical and Efficiency Issues in Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Litigation pp. 505-524

- Margaret Oppenheimer, Helen LaVan and William Martin
- Moral Foundations Theory: An Exploratory Study with Accounting and Other Business Students pp. 525-538

- Margaret Andersen, Jill Zuber and Brent Hill
- Differential Social Performance of Religiously-Affiliated Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Base of Pyramid (BoP) Markets pp. 539-552

- R. Casselman, Linda Sama and Abraham Stefanidis
- Corporate Political Speech and Moral Obligation pp. 553-563

- Mary Stoll
- Multinational Corporations and Governance Effectiveness: Toward a More Integrative Board pp. 565-577

- Cynthia Clark and Jill Brown
- A Few Good Companies: Rethinking Firms’ Responsibilities Toward Common Pool Resources pp. 579-588

- Patricia Gabaldon and Stefan Gröschl
- Identity Rights: A Structural Void in Inclusive Growth pp. 589-601

- Mukesh Sud and Craig VanSandt
- The Ethics of Payments: Paper, Plastic, or Bitcoin? pp. 603-611

- James Angel and Douglas McCabe
- Should Western Corporations Ban the Use of Shari’a Arbitration Clauses in their Commercial Contracts? pp. 613-626

- Albert Spalding and Eun-Jung Kim
- Successful Business Leaders’ Focus on Gender and Poverty Alleviation: The Lojas Renner Case of Job and Income Generation for Brazilian Women pp. 627-638

- Maria Arruda and Gabriel Levrini
Volume 132, issue 2, 2015
- On the Validity of Environmental Performance Metrics pp. 249-258

- Natalia Semenova and Lars Hassel
- What Drives Managerial Perks? An Empirical Test of Competing Theoretical Perspectives pp. 259-275

- Hua Zhang, Yuanyang Song and Yuan Ding
- Religiosity and Earnings Management: International Evidence from the Banking Industry pp. 277-296

- Kiridaran Kanagaretnam, Gerald Lobo and Chong Wang
- Virtuous Leadership: Exploring the Effects of Leader Courage and Behavioral Integrity on Leader Performance and Image pp. 297-310

- Michael Palanski, Kristin Cullen, William Gentry and Chelsea Nichols
- Exploring the Gap Between Consumers’ Green Rhetoric and Purchasing Behaviour pp. 311-328

- Micael-Lee Johnstone and Lay Tan
- Strategies for Climate Change and Impression Management: A Case Study Among Canada’s Large Industrial Emitters pp. 329-346

- David Talbot and Olivier Boiral
- The Impact of Corporate Environmental Performance on Market Risk: The Australian Industry Case pp. 347-362

- Noor Muhammad, Frank Scrimgeour, Krishna Reddy and Sazali Abidin
- Authentic Leadership and Employee Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Attachment Insecurity pp. 363-377

- Fariborz Rahimnia and Mohammad Sharifirad
- Disclosure Standards, Auditing Infrastructure, and Bribery Mitigation pp. 379-399

- Samer Khalil, Walid Saffar and Samir Trabelsi
- Social Comparison and Distributive Justice: East Asia Differences pp. 401-414

- Tae-Yeol Kim, Jeffrey Edwards and Debra Shapiro
- The Effectiveness of Ethics Programs: The Role of Scope, Composition, and Sequence pp. 415-431

- Muel Kaptein
- Government Intervention, Peers’ Giving and Corporate Philanthropy: Evidence from Chinese Private SMEs pp. 433-447

- Yongqiang Gao and Taïeb Hafsi
- What’s in a Name: An Analysis of Impact Investing Understandings by Academics and Practitioners pp. 449-475

- Anna Höchstädter and Barbara Scheck
- Teaching Ethics to Undergraduate Business Students in Australia: Comparison of Integrated and Stand-alone Approaches pp. 477-491

- Elizabeth Jonson, Linda McGuire and Deirdre O’Neill
Volume 132, issue 1, 2015
- The Effects of Women on Corporate Boards on Firm Value, Financial Performance, and Ethical and Social Compliance pp. 1-19

- Helena Isidro and Márcia Sobral
- How Ethical are Managers’ Goodwill Impairment Decisions in Spanish-Listed Firms? pp. 21-40

- Begoña Giner and Francisca Pardo
- Labor Tax Avoidance and Its Determinants: The Case of Mafia Firms in Italy pp. 41-62

- Diego Ravenda, Josep Argilés-Bosch and Maika Valencia-Silva
- Humility in Management pp. 63-71

- Antonio Argandona
- Driving Water Management Change Where Economic Incentive is Limited pp. 73-90

- Matthew Egan
- Social Equity and Large Mining Projects: Voluntary Industry Initiatives, Public Regulation and Community Development Agreements pp. 91-103

- Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh
- Deepening Understanding of Certification Adoption and Non-Adoption of International-Supplier Ethical Standards pp. 105-125

- Andrea Prado and Arch Woodside
- The New (Old) Case for the Ethics of Business pp. 127-146

- Gregory Wolcott
- A Worldwide Examination of Exchange Market Quality: Greater Integrity Increases Market Efficiency pp. 147-170

- Michael Aitken, Frederick Harris and Shan Ji
- Egalitarianism and Executive Compensation: A Relational Argument pp. 171-184

- Pierre-Yves Néron
- MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics in Business: A Cross-Cultural Comparison pp. 185-202

- Mario Fernando and Geoff Moore
- The Influence of Christian Religiosity on Managerial Decisions Concerning the Environment pp. 203-231

- Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo and Manuel Velasquez
- Exploring the Socio-moral Climate in Organizations: An Empirical Examination of Determinants, Consequences, and Mediating Mechanisms pp. 233-248

- Armin Pircher Verdorfer, Brigitte Steinheider and David Burkus
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