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Journal of Business Ethics

1998 - 2025

Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman

From Springer
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Volume 85, issue 4, 2009

Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility: A Scale Development Study pp. 411-427 Downloads
Duygu Turker
Corporate Social Responsibility and Farmer Suicides: A Case for Benign Paternalism? pp. 429-443 Downloads
Arun Iyer
Characteristics of Ethical Business Cultures pp. 445-451 Downloads
Alexandre Ardichvili, James Mitchell and Douglas Jondle
Google, Human Rights, and Moral Compromise pp. 453-478 Downloads
George Brenkert
The Action Logics of Environmental Leadership: A Developmental Perspective pp. 479-499 Downloads
Olivier Boiral, Mario Cayer and Charles Baron
Are Ethical Codes of Conduct Toothless Tigers for Dealing with Employment Discrimination? pp. 501-514 Downloads
Lars-Eric Petersen and Franciska Krings
What’s in a Credo? A Critique of the Academy of Management’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Code of Ethics pp. 515-525 Downloads
Daniel Skubik and Bruce Stening
Cultural Crossvergence and Social Desirability Bias: Ethical Evaluations by Chinese and Canadian Business Students pp. 527-543 Downloads
Paul Dunn and Anamitra Shome
Whistleblowing as Planned Behavior – A Survey of South Korean Police Officers pp. 545-556 Downloads
Heungsik Park and John Blenkinsopp

Volume 85, issue 3, 2009

Call for Papers: Special Issue/Forum pp. 277-279 Downloads
Donna Wood, Antonino Vaccaro and Adele Queiroz
Whistle-Blowing Among Young Employees: A Life-Course Perspective pp. 281-299 Downloads
Jason Stansbury and Bart Victor
Organizational Narcissism and Virtuous Behavior pp. 301-308 Downloads
Dennis Duchon and Brian Drake
Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Misconduct in Organizations pp. 309-332 Downloads
Nicole Andreoli and Joel Lefkowitz
Ethical Fairness and Human Rights: The Treatment of Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities pp. 333-345 Downloads
Lizabeth Barclay and Karen Markel
Mutually Dependent: Power, Trust, Affect and the Use of Deception in Negotiation pp. 347-365 Downloads
Mara Olekalns and Philip Smith
The Collaborative Enterprise pp. 367-376 Downloads
Antonio Tencati and Laszlo Zsolnai
Workplace Spirituality and Business Ethics: Insights from an Eastern Spiritual Tradition pp. 377-389 Downloads
Patricia Corner
The Exaggerated Moral Claims of Evolutionary Psychologists pp. 391-401 Downloads
Moses Pava
Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Ethical Climate, and Behavior of Peers on Ethical Behavior of Nurses pp. 403-410 Downloads
Satish Deshpande and Jacob Joseph
New Perspectives on Sustainable Business (Editorial) pp. 479-481 Downloads
Paul Burger, Claus-Heinrich Daub and Yvonne M. Scherrer
Risk Management as a Tool for Sustainability pp. 483-492 Downloads
Frank Krysiak
The Precautionary Principle as a Framework for a Sustainable Information Society pp. 493-505 Downloads
Claudia Som, Lorenz Hilty and Andreas Köhler
Strategy Development: Conceptual Framework on Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 507-516 Downloads
Thomas Hanke and Wolfgang Stark
Sustainability-Driven Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility: Application of the Integrative Sustainability Triangle pp. 517-533 Downloads
Alexandro Kleine and Michael Hauff
Toward Dynamic Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility pp. 535-544 Downloads
Sybille Sachs and Marc Maurer
The PEARL Model: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Sustainable Development pp. 545-554 Downloads
Mert Bilgin
Environmental Conservation NGOs and the Concept of Sustainable Development pp. 555-571 Downloads
Yvonne Scherrer
Doing the Right Thing Right: The Role of Sociological Research and Consulting for Corporate Engagement in Development Cooperation pp. 573-584 Downloads
Claus-Heinrich Daub and Yvonne Scherrer

Volume 85, issue 2, 2009

Call for Papers pp. 107-108 Downloads
Marc Jones and Carla Millar
The Effects of Satisfaction with a Client’s Management During a Prior Audit Engagement, Trust, and Moral Reasoning on Auditors’ Perceived Risk of Management Fraud pp. 109-136 Downloads
William Kerler and Larry Killough
The Land of Realism and the Shipwreck of Idea-ism: Thomas Aquinas and Milton Friedman on the Social Responsibilities of Business pp. 137-155 Downloads
Jim Wishloff
The Effect of Implicit Moral Attitudes on Managerial Decision-Making: An Implicit Social Cognition Approach pp. 157-171 Downloads
Nicki Marquardt and Rainer Hoeger
A Three Country Comparative Analysis of Managerial CSR Perspectives: Insights From Lebanon, Syria and Jordan pp. 173-192 Downloads
Dima Jamali, Yusuf Sidani and Khalil El-Asmar
Ethics of Global Internet, Community and Fame Addiction pp. 193-200 Downloads
Chong Choi and Ron Berger
The Effects of Proximity and Empathy on Ethical Decision-Making: An Exploratory Investigation pp. 201-226 Downloads
Jennifer Mencl and Douglas May
Faith at Work Scale (FWS): Justification, Development, and Validation of a Measure of Judaeo-Christian Religion in the Workplace pp. 227-243 Downloads
Monty Lynn, Michael Naughton and Steve VanderVeen
Non-Compliant Work Behaviour in Purchasing: An Exploration of Reasons Behind Maverick Buying pp. 245-261 Downloads
Katri Karjalainen, Katariina Kemppainen and Erik Raaij
Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation pp. 251-256 Downloads
Adam Lindgreen, Valérie Swaen and François Maon
Strengthening Stakeholder–Company Relationships Through Mutually Beneficial Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives pp. 257-272 Downloads
C. Bhattacharya, Daniel Korschun and Sankar Sen
Is Whistle-blowing Compatible with Employee Loyalty? pp. 263-275 Downloads
Jukka Varelius
“Too Good to be True!”. The Effectiveness of CSR History in Countering Negative Publicity pp. 273-283 Downloads
Joëlle Vanhamme and Bas Grobben
Assessing the Prerequisite of Successful CSR Implementation: Are Consumers Aware of CSR Initiatives? pp. 285-301 Downloads
Alan Pomering and Sara Dolnicar
Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Investigation of U.S. Organizations pp. 303-323 Downloads
Adam Lindgreen, Valérie Swaen and Wesley Johnston
CSR Performance in Emerging Markets Evidence from Mexico pp. 325-337 Downloads
Alan Muller and Ans Kolk
Formal vs. Informal CSR Strategies: Evidence from Italian Micro, Small, Medium-sized, and Large Firms pp. 339-353 Downloads
Angeloantonio Russo and Antonio Tencati
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Corporate Social Responsibility in Purchasing and Supply Chain pp. 355-370 Downloads
Mohammad Salam
The Marketing of Employee Volunteerism pp. 371-386 Downloads
John Peloza, Simon Hudson and Derek Hassay
Company Support for Employee Volunteering: A National Survey of Companies in Canada pp. 387-398 Downloads
Debra Basil, Mary Runte, M. Easwaramoorthy and Cathy Barr
From Chain Liability to Chain Responsibility pp. 399-412 Downloads
Rob Tulder, Jeroen Wijk and Ans Kolk
Implementing CSR Through Partnerships: Understanding the Selection, Design and Institutionalisation of Nonprofit-Business Partnerships pp. 413-429 Downloads
Maria Seitanidi and Andrew Crane
An Integrated Approach to Implementing ‹Community Participation’ in Corporate Community Involvement: Lessons from Magadi Soda Company in Kenya pp. 431-444 Downloads
Judy Muthuri, Wendy Chapple and Jeremy Moon
Purchasing and Marketing of Social and Environmental Sustainability for High-Tech Medical Equipment pp. 445-462 Downloads
Adam Lindgreen, Michael Antioco, David Harness and Remi Sloot
CSR Implementation: Developing the Capacity for Collective Action pp. 463-477 Downloads
Dasaratha Rama, Bernard Milano, Silvia Salas and Che-Hung Liu

Volume 85, issue 1, 2009

Examination on Philosophy-Based Management of Contemporary Japanese Corporations: Philosophy, Value Orientation and Performance pp. 1-12 Downloads
Yingyan Wang
Introduction pp. 1-1 Downloads
Marilynn Fleckenstein, Patrick Flanagan, Victoria Shoaf and Patricia Werhane
Corporate Responsibilities for Access to Medicines pp. 3-23 Downloads
Klaus Leisinger
The Link Between Management Behavior and Ethical Philosophy in the Wake of the Enron Convictions pp. 13-25 Downloads
Shane Premeaux
Reconsidering the Common Good in a Business Context pp. 25-37 Downloads
Thomas O’Brien
Bullying in the 21st Century Global Organization: An Ethical Perspective pp. 27-40 Downloads
Michael Harvey, Darren Treadway, Joyce Heames and Allison Duke
Globalization and Poverty: Oxymoron or New Possibilities? pp. 39-47 Downloads
Ronald Hill and Justine Rapp
The Duality of Crony Corruption in Economic Transition: Toward an Integrated Framework pp. 41-55 Downloads
Peter Li
The Relative Importance of Ethics as a Selection Criterion for Entry-Level Public Accountants: Does Gender Make a Difference? pp. 49-58 Downloads
Nabil Ibrahim and John Angelidis
Noble Markets: The Noble/Slave Ethic in Hayek’s Free Market Capitalism pp. 57-66 Downloads
Edward Romar
Responsible Leaders as Agents of World Benefit: Learnings from “Project Ulysses” pp. 59-71 Downloads
Nicola Pless and Thomas Maak
The Shaping of a Society’s Economic Ethos: A Longitudinal Study of Individuals’ Morality of Profit-Making Worldview pp. 67-75 Downloads
Walton Padelford and Darin White
On Multinational Corporations and the Provision of Positive Rights pp. 73-82 Downloads
Baris Parkan
Implementing Supplier Codes of Conduct in Global Supply Chains: Process Explanations from Theoretic and Empirical Perspectives pp. 77-92 Downloads
Bin Jiang
Why Wine is not Glue? The Unresolved Problem of Negative Screening in Socially Responsible Investing pp. 83-95 Downloads
Simone Colle and Jeffrey York
The Business of Business is the Human Person: Lessons from the Catholic Social Tradition pp. 93-101 Downloads
Lloyd Sandelands
Pragmatic Sustainability: Translating Environmental Ethics into Competitive Advantage pp. 97-109 Downloads
Jeffrey York
Book Review pp. 103-106 Downloads
Krishna Dhir
A Model for Partnering with Not-for-Profits to Develop Socially Responsible Businesses in a Global Environment pp. 111-120 Downloads
Kathleen Wilburn
Snapshots of the Future: Darfur, Katrina, and Maple Sugar (Climate Change, the Less Well-Off and Business Ethics) pp. 121-132 Downloads
Edward Romar
Understanding Japanese CSR: The Reflections of Managers in the Field of Global Operations pp. 133-146 Downloads
Kyoko Fukukawa and Yoshiya Teramoto
What’s Wrong with Executive Compensation? pp. 147-156 Downloads
Jared Harris
King Car and the Ethics of Automobile Proponents’ Strategies in China pp. 157-172 Downloads
Martin Calkins
Knobe, Side Effects, and the Morally Good Business pp. 173-178 Downloads
Andy Wible
Corporate Responsibility in Scandinavian Supply Chains pp. 179-185 Downloads
Robert Strand
Does Job Function Influence Ethical Reasoning? An Adapted Wason Task Application pp. 187-199 Downloads
David Wasieleski and James Weber
Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Institutions pp. 201-216 Downloads
Mukesh Sud, Craig VanSandt and Amanda Baugous
Multinational Firms’ Leadership Role in Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America pp. 217-224 Downloads
Gladys Torres-Baumgarten and Veysel Yucetepe
Corporate Governance, Ethics, and the Backdating of Stock Options pp. 225-237 Downloads
Avshalom Adam and Mark Schwartz
The Business Ethics of Short Selling and Naked Short Selling pp. 239-249 Downloads
James Angel and Douglas McCabe
Page updated 2025-03-25