Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 130, issue 4, 2015
- Special Issue on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: An Introduction pp. 753-754

- Allan Chan and Stephen Cheung
- Reclaiming the Child Left Behind: The Case for Corporate Cultural Responsibility pp. 755-766

- François Maon and Adam Lindgreen
- A Case for Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR): Including a Selected Review of Consumer Ethics/Social Responsibility Research pp. 767-774

- Scott Vitell
- Theoretical Lenses for Understanding the CSR–Consumer Paradox pp. 775-787

- Catherine Janssen and Joëlle Vanhamme
- The Normativity and Legitimacy of CSR Disclosure: Evidence from France pp. 789-803

- Jean-Noël Chauvey, Sophie Giordano-Spring, Charles Cho and Dennis Patten
- Being Good When Being International in an Emerging Economy: The Case of China pp. 805-817

- Yan-Leung Cheung, Dongmin Kong, Weiqiang Tan and Wenming Wang
- CEO Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Moderated Mediation Model pp. 819-831

- Long-Zeng Wu, Ho Kwan, Frederick Yim, Randy Chiu and Xiaogang He
- Firm Characteristics, Industry Context, and Investor Reactions to Environmental CSR: A Stakeholder Theory Approach pp. 833-849

- James Cordeiro and Manish Tewari
- Corporate Philanthropy, Ownership Type, and Financial Transparency pp. 851-867

- Cuili Qian, Xinzi Gao and Albert Tsang
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Insider Trading pp. 869-887

- Jinhua Cui, Hoje Jo and Yan Li
Volume 130, issue 3, 2015
- Is My Boss Really Listening to Me? The Impact of Perceived Supervisor Listening on Emotional Exhaustion, Turnover Intention, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior pp. 509-524

- Karina Lloyd, Diana Boer, Joshua Keller and Sven Voelpel
- Coping Intelligence: Coping Strategies and Organizational Commitment Among Boundary Spanning Employees pp. 525-542

- Rajesh Srivastava and Thomas Tang
- Have Global Ethical Values Emerged in the Public Relations Industry? Evidence from National and International Professional Public Relations Associations pp. 543-555

- Maureen Taylor and Aimei Yang
- The Just Price as the Price Obtainable in an Open Market pp. 557-572

- Juan Elegido
- Comparative Analysis of Jones’ and Kelley’s Ethical Decision-Making Models pp. 573-583

- Yi-Ming Yu
- The Association of Individual Spirituality on Employee Engagement: The Spirit at Work pp. 585-599

- Richard Roof
- Mainstreaming and its Discontents: Fair Trade, Socially Responsible Investing, and Industry Trajectories pp. 601-618

- Curtis Child
- Validation of a Digital Work Simulation to Assess Machiavellianism and Compliant Behavior pp. 619-637

- Lonneke Dubbelt, Janneke Oostrom, Annemarie Hiemstra and Joost Modderman
- Developing a Framework for Ethical Leadership pp. 639-649

- Alan Lawton and Iliana Páez
- Corporate Social ‘Irresponsibility’: Are Consumers’ Biases in Attribution of Blame Helping Companies in Product–Harm Crises Involving Hybrid Products? pp. 651-663

- Sergio Carvalho, Etayankara Muralidharan and Hari Bapuji
- Alienation, Police Stories, and Percival pp. 665-681

- John Luhman and Andy Nazario
- Compassion in the Context of Capitalistic Organizations: Evidence from the 2011 Brisbane Floods pp. 683-703

- Ace Simpson, Miguel Pina e Cunha and Arménio Rego
- Them’s Fightin’ Words: The Effects of Violent Rhetoric on Ethical Decision Making in Business pp. 705-716

- Joshua Gubler, Nathan Kalmoe and David Wood
- When Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking Matter for Ethical Judgment: The Role of Time Hurriedness pp. 717-725

- Irina Cojuharenco and Francesco Sguera
- Ethics, Values, and Organizational Justice: Individuals, Organizations, and Beyond pp. 727-736

- Marshall Schminke, Anke Arnaud and Regina Taylor
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Garment Sourcing Networks: Factory Management Perspectives on Ethical Trade in Sri Lanka pp. 737-752

- Patsy Perry, Steve Wood and John Fernie
Volume 130, issue 2, 2015
- The Global Financial Crisis and the Values of Professionals in Finance: An Empirical Analysis pp. 253-269

- André van Hoorn
- The Vulnerability and Strength Duality in Ethnic Business: A Model of Stakeholder Salience and Social Capital pp. 271-289

- Alejandra Marin, Ronald Mitchell and Jae Lee
- Multi-level Organizational Moral Disengagement: Directions for Future Investigation pp. 291-300

- James Johnson and M. Ronald Buckley
- Labour Leverage in Global Value Chains: The Role of Interdependencies and Multi-level Dynamics pp. 301-311

- Christina Niforou
- The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Consumer Evaluation of Nutrition Information Disclosure by Retail Restaurants pp. 313-326

- Christine Ye, J. Cronin and John Peloza
- Publicity as Covert Marketing? The Role of Persuasion Knowledge and Ethical Perceptions on Beliefs and Credibility in a Video News Release Story pp. 327-341

- Michelle Nelson and Jiwoo Park
- Disgusted or Happy, It is not so Bad: Emotional Mini-Max in Unethical Judgments pp. 343-360

- Karen Winterich, Andrea Morales and Vikas Mittal
- The Curvilinear Relationship between Work Passion and Organizational Citizenship Behavior pp. 361-374

- Marina Astakhova
- The Role of the Private Sector in Global Climate and Energy Governance pp. 375-387

- José Andrade and José Puppim de Oliveira
- “What Good is Wall Street?” Institutional Contradiction and the Diffusion of the Stigma over the Finance Industry pp. 389-402

- Thomas Roulet
- Developing CSR Giving as a Dynamic Capability for Salient Stakeholder Management pp. 403-421

- John Cantrell, Elias Kyriazis and Gary Noble
- From Board Composition to Corporate Environmental Performance Through Sustainability-Themed Alliances pp. 423-435

- Corinne Post, Noushi Rahman and Cathleen McQuillen
- Balanced Organizational Values: From Theory to Practice pp. 437-446

- Ivan Malbašić, Carlos Rey and Vojko Potočan
- When Does Christian Religion Matter for Entrepreneurial Activity? The Contingent Effect of a Country’s Investments into Knowledge pp. 447-465

- K. Parboteeah, Sascha Walter and Joern Block
- Turning Inward or Focusing Out? Navigating Theories of Interpersonal and Ethical Cognitions to Understand Ethical Decision-Making pp. 467-484

- Lumina Albert, Scott Reynolds and Bulent Turan
- Corporate Reputation Measurement: Alternative Factor Structures, Nomological Validity, and Organizational Outcomes pp. 485-506

- James Agarwal, Oleksiy Osiyevskyy and Percy Feldman
- Erratum to: Corporate Reputation Measurement: Alternative Factor Structures, Nomological Validity, and Organizational Outcomes pp. 507-507

- James Agarwal, Oleksiy Osiyevskyy and Percy Marquina
Volume 130, issue 1, 2015
- Managers’ Views on Ethics Education in Business Schools: An Empirical Study pp. 1-13

- Throstur Sigurjonsson, Audur Arnardottir, Vlad Vaiman and Pall Rikhardsson
- Mid-Management, Employee Engagement, and the Generation of Reliable Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 15-28

- Lynn Godkin
- Understanding Moral Courage Through a Feminist and Developmental Ethic of Care pp. 29-44

- Sheldene Simola
- Managerial Tolerance of Nepotism: The Effects of Individualism–Collectivism in a Latin American Context pp. 45-57

- Guillermo Wated and Juan Sanchez
- The Effect of Ethical Leadership Behavior on Ethical Climate, Turnover Intention, and Affective Commitment pp. 59-67

- Ozgur Demirtas and A. Akdogan
- The Influence of Presence and Position of Women on the Boards of Directors: The Case of NHS Foundation Trusts pp. 69-84

- Sheila Ellwood and Javier Garcia-Lacalle
- Fractional Reserve Banking, Client Collaboration, and Fraud pp. 85-92

- Malavika Nair
- Monetary Intelligence: Money Attitudes—Unethical Intentions, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Job Satisfaction, and Coping Strategies Across Public and Private Sectors in Macedonia pp. 93-115

- Elisaveta Sardžoska and Thomas Tang
- Employer–Employee Congruence in Environmental Values: An Exploration of Effects on Job Satisfaction and Creativity pp. 117-130

- Jelena Spanjol, Leona Tam and Vivian Tam
- An Integrative Approach to Understanding Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Roles of Stressors, Negative Emotions, and Moral Disengagement pp. 131-144

- Roberta Fida, Marinella Paciello, Carlo Tramontano, Reid Fontaine, Claudio Barbaranelli and Maria Farnese
- Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: The Roles of Experience and Alignment pp. 145-162

- Matthew Murphy, Daniel Arenas and Joan Batista
- Who Should Apologize When an Employee Transgresses? Source Effects on Apology Effectiveness pp. 163-170

- Krista Hill and David Boyd
- Is There a “Fair” in Fair-Trade? Social Dominance Orientation Influences Perceptions of and Preferences for Fair-Trade Products pp. 171-180

- Kimberly Rios, Stacey Finkelstein and Jennifer Landa
- Revisiting Agency Theory: Evidence of Board Independence and Agency Cost from Bangladesh pp. 181-198

- Afzalur Rashid
- Entrepreneurship from an Islamic Perspective pp. 199-208

- Ali Gümüsay
- Corporate Social Responsibility as Shaped by Managers’ Role Dissonance: Cleaning Services Procurement in Israel pp. 209-221

- Orly Benjamin, Sarit Nisim and Galit Segev
- Value Relevance of Tobin’s Q and Corporate Governance for the Taiwanese Tourism Industry pp. 223-230

- Mao-Chang Wang
- Guarantees and Profit-Sharing Contracts in Project Financing pp. 231-249

- M. Kabir Hassan and Issouf Soumaré
- Erratum to: Guarantees and Profit-Sharing Contracts in Project Financing pp. 251-251

- M. Kabir Hassan and Issouf Soumaré
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