Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 98, issue 4, 2011
- How Important Are CEOs to CSR Practices? An Analysis of the Mediating Effect of the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility pp. 531-548

- José-Luis Godos-Díez, Roberto Fernández-Gago and Almudena Martínez-Campillo
- Ethics and Law: Guiding the Invisible Hand to Correct Corporate Social Responsibility Externalities pp. 549-571

- Paul Shum and Sharon Yam
- When Leadership Goes Unnoticed: The Moderating Role of Follower Self-Esteem on the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Follower Behavior pp. 573-582

- James Avey, Michael Palanski and Fred Walumbwa
- Actuaries, Conflicts of Interest and Professional Independence: The Case of James Hardie Industries Limited pp. 583-596

- Sally Gunz and Sandra Laan
- An Exploratory Study into the Factors Impeding Ethical Consumption pp. 597-608

- Jeffery Bray, Nick Johns and David Kilburn
- Moral Judgment and its Impact on Business-to-Business Sales Performance and Customer Relationships pp. 609-625

- Charles Schwepker and David Good
- Intellectual Capital and Uncertainty of Knowledge: Control by Design of the Management System pp. 627-640

- Irene Herremans, Robert Isaac, Theresa Kline and Jamal Nazari
- Rationality, REMM, and Individual Value Creation pp. 641-648

- Markus Wartiovaara
- Towards ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm’: Origins and Nature pp. 649-662

- Gregorio Martín- de-Castro, Miriam Delgado-Verde, Pedro López-Sáez and José Navas-López
- Investigating Software Piracy in Jordan: An Extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action pp. 663-676

- Hassan Aleassa, John Pearson and Scott McClurg
Volume 98, issue 2, 2011
- Conceptualizing the International For-Profit Social Entrepreneur pp. 183-198

- Robert Marshall
- Kierkegaardian Confessions: The Relationship Between Moral Reasoning and Failure to be Promoted pp. 199-216

- Neil Abramson
- Legitimating Transnational Standard-Setting: The Case of the International Accounting Standards Board pp. 217-245

- Alan Richardson and Burkard Eberlein
- Losses from Failure of Stakeholder Sensitive Processes: Financial Consequences for Large US Companies from Breakdowns in Product, Environmental, and Accounting Standards pp. 247-258

- Les Coleman
- Weak Business Culture as an Antecedent of Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland pp. 259-272

- Vlad Vaiman, Throstur Sigurjonsson and Páll Davídsson
- Non-Libertarianism and Shareholder Theory: A Reply to Schaefer pp. 273-279

- Ned Dobos
- Evaluating Ethical Approaches to Crisis Leadership: Insights from Unintentional Harm Research pp. 281-295

- David Bauman
- The Principled Legal Firm: Insights into the Professional Ideals and Ethical Values of Partners and Lawyers pp. 297-306

- Richard Winter
- Institutional Pressures and Ethical Reckoning by Business Corporations pp. 307-329

- Frances Chua and Asheq Rahman
- Suspicion and Perceptions of Price Fairness in Times of Crisis pp. 331-349

- Jodie Ferguson, Pam Ellen and Gabriela Piscopo
- Book Review pp. 351-352

- John Bishop
Volume 98, issue 1, 2011
- Foreword to Special Issue on ‘Responsible Leadership’ pp. 1-1

- Nicola Pless, Thomas Maak and Derick Jongh
- ἐμπάθɛια (Empatheia) and Caritas: The Role of Religion in Fair Trade Consumption pp. 1-15

- Caroline Doran and Samuel Natale
- Responsible Leadership: Pathways to the Future pp. 3-13

- Nicola Pless and Thomas Maak
- Values, Authenticity, and Responsible Leadership pp. 15-23

- R. Freeman and Ellen Auster
- Toward an Ethical Understanding of the Controversial Technology of Online Reverse Auctions pp. 17-37

- Mohamed Charki, Emmanuel Josserand and Nabila Charki
- Responsible Leadership as Virtuous Leadership pp. 25-35

- Kim Cameron
- Responsible Leadership Outcomes Via Stakeholder CSR Values: Testing a Values-Centered Model of Transformational Leadership pp. 37-55

- Kevin Groves and Michael LaRocca
- Multinational Oil Companies and the Adoption of Sustainable Development: A Resource-Based and Institutional Theory Interpretation of Adoption Heterogeneity pp. 39-65

- Luis Escobar and Harrie Vredenburg
- Development of a Scale Measuring Discursive Responsible Leadership pp. 57-73

- Christian Voegtlin
- Determinants of Green Practice Adoption for Logistics Companies in China pp. 67-83

- Chieh-Yu Lin and Yi-Hui Ho
- Moving Forward with the Concept of Responsible Leadership: Three Caveats to Guide Theory and Research pp. 75-83

- David Waldman
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Utilitarianism, and the Capabilities Approach pp. 85-97

- Cecile Renouard
- Responsible Leadership Helps Retain Talent in India pp. 85-100

- Jonathan Doh, Stephen Stumpf and Walter Tymon
- Social Sustainability in Selecting Emerging Economy Suppliers pp. 99-119

- Matthias Ehrgott, Felix Reimann, Lutz Kaufmann and Craig Carter
- Exploring the Interface Between Strategy-Making and Responsible Leadership pp. 101-113

- Rachel Maritz, Marius Pretorius and Kato Plant
- The Human Resources Contribution to Responsible Leadership: An Exploration of the CSR–HR Interface pp. 115-132

- Jean-Pascal Gond, Jacques Igalens, Valérie Swaen and Assâad El Akremi
- The Stakeholder Approach: A Sustainability Perspective pp. 121-136

- Don Clifton and Azlan Amran
- Patterns of Research Productivity in the Business Ethics Literature: Insights from Analyses of Bibliometric Distributions pp. 137-151

- Debabrata Talukdar
- Relational Well-Being and Wealth: Māori Businesses and an Ethic of Care pp. 153-169

- Chellie Spiller, Ljiljana Erakovic, Manuka Henare and Edwina Pio
- Strategic Human Resource Management as Ethical Stewardship pp. 171-182

- Cam Caldwell, Do Truong, Pham Linh and Anh Tuan
Volume 97, issue 4, 2010
- The Effects of Ethical Codes on Ethical Perceptions of Actions Toward Stakeholders pp. 505-516

- Joseph McKinney, Tisha Emerson and Mitchell Neubert
- Corporate Autonomy and Buyer–Supplier Relationships: The Case of Unsafe Mattel Toys pp. 517-534

- Julia Roloff and Michael Aßländer
- Another Look at the Impact of Personal and Organizational Values Congruency pp. 535-541

- Barry Posner
- Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making pp. 543-561

- B. Elango, Karen Paul, Sumit Kundu and Shishir Paudel
- The Narrow Application of Rawls in Business Ethics: A Political Conception of Both Stakeholder Theory and the Morality of Markets pp. 563-579

- Marc Cohen
- Longitudinal Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Relationships pp. 581-597

- Russell Lacey and Pamela Kennett-Hensel
- Establishing Organizational Ethical Climates: How Do Managerial Practices Work? pp. 599-611

- K. Parboteeah, Hsien Chen, Ying-Tzu Lin, I-Heng Chen, Amber Lee and Anyi Chung
- Do Ethical Values Work? A Quantitative Study of the Impact of Fair Trade Coffee on Consumer Behavior pp. 613-624

- Patrice Cailleba and Herbert Casteran
- Liberal Thought in Reasoning on CSR pp. 625-649

- Ulf Richter
- Toward a More Coherent Understanding of the Organization–Society Relationship: A Theoretical Consideration for Social and Environmental Accounting Research pp. 651-665

- Jennifer Chen and Robin Roberts
Volume 97, issue 3, 2010
- Erratum to: The Influence of Retail Management’s Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance pp. 339-339

- Arne Nygaard and Harald Biong
- The Influence of Retail Management’s Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance pp. 341-363

- Harald Biong, Arne Nygaard and Ragnhild Silkoset
- Risky Rescues and the Duty to Blow the Whistle pp. 365-380

- Wim Vandekerckhove and Eva Tsahuridu
- Spiritual Considerations for Managers: What Matters Most to Workforce Members in Challenging Times pp. 381-390

- Joan Marques
- The Role of the Board of Directors in Disseminating Relevant Information on Greenhouse Gases pp. 391-424

- Jose-Manuel Prado-Lorenzo and Isabel-Maria Garcia-Sanchez
- Detecting Supply Chain Innovation Potential for Sustainable Development pp. 425-442

- Raine Isaksson, Peter Johansson and Klaus Fischer
- Influence of Personal Values and Value Congruence on Unethical Practices and Work Behavior pp. 443-460

- Damodar Suar and Rooplekha Khuntia
- Values in Professional Practice: Towards a Critical Reflective Methodology pp. 461-472

- David Aadland
- Core Values, Culture and Ethical Climate as Constitutional Elements of Ethical Behaviour: Exploring Differences Between Family and Non-Family Enterprises pp. 473-489

- Mojca Duh, Jernej Belak and Borut Milfelner
- Medical Error Disclosure Training: Evidence for Values-Based Ethical Environments pp. 491-503

- Cheryl Rathert and Win Phillips
Volume 97, issue 2, 2010
- Trustworthiness, Governance, and Wealth Creation pp. 173-188

- Cam Caldwell and Mark Hansen
- Leading and Following (Un)ethically in Limen pp. 189-206

- Miguel e Cunha, Nuno Guimarães-Costa, Arménio Rego and Stewart Clegg
- The Impact of Board Diversity and Gender Composition on Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Reputation pp. 207-221

- Stephen Bear, Noushi Rahman and Corinne Post
- Transnational Norm-Building Networks and the Legitimacy of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards pp. 223-239

- Ulrich Mueckenberger and Sarah Jastram
- Consumer Ethics: The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus pp. 241-255

- Tine Bock and Patrick Kenhove
- Empowering Coffee Traders? The Coffee Value Chain from Nicaraguan Fair Trade Farmers to Finnish Consumers pp. 257-270

- Joni Valkila, Pertti Haaparanta and Niina Niemi
- Assessing the Accountability of Government-Sponsored Enterprises and Quangos pp. 271-289

- Rae André
- Obedience and Evil: From Milgram and Kampuchea to Normal Organizations pp. 291-309

- Miguel Pina e Cunha, Arménio Rego and Stewart Clegg
- Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Reporting in Bangladesh pp. 311-324

- Ataur Belal and Robin Roberts
- The Debate Over the Prohibition of Romance in the Workplace pp. 325-338

- C. Boyd
Volume 97, issue 1, 2010
- The Influence of Corporate Psychopaths on Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Commitment to Employees pp. 1-19

- Clive Boddy, Richard Ladyshewsky and Peter Galvin
- Ethnicity, Equality and Voice: The Ethics and Politics of Representation and Participation in Relation to Equality and Ethnicity pp. 1-7

- Nelarine Cornelius, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Fiona Wilson, Suzanne Gagnon, Robert MacKenzie and Eric Pezet
- Ethical Pitfalls of Temporary Labour Migration: A Critical Review of Issues pp. 9-18

- Zinovijus Ciupijus
- Contextualizing Voice and Stakeholders: Researching Employment Relations, Immigration and Trade Unions pp. 19-29

- Miguel Martínez Lucio and Heather Connolly
- Profiting with Honor: Cicero’s Vision of Leadership pp. 21-33

- George Bragues
- The Ethical Agendas of Employment Agencies Towards Migrant Workers in the UK: Deciphering the Codes pp. 31-41

- Chris Forde and Robert MacKenzie
- The Economics and Ethics of Mixed Communities: Exploring the Philosophy of Integration Through the Lens of the Subprime Financial Crisis in the US pp. 35-50

- Kevin Brown
- Community Development and Social Regeneration: How the Third Sector Addresses the Needs of BME Communities in Post-Industrial Cities pp. 43-54

- James Wallace and Nelarine Cornelius
- Mid-level Managers, Organizational Context, and (Un)ethical Encounters pp. 51-69

- Kathy Dean, Jeri Beggs and Timothy Keane
- MNCs, Worker Identity and the Human Rights Gap for Local Managers pp. 55-60

- Carla Millar and Chong Choi
- Confucian Ethics and the Limited Impact of the New Public Management Reform in Thailand pp. 61-73

- Rutaichanok Jingjit and Marianna Fotaki
- Corporate Social Responsibility as a Conflict Between Shareholders pp. 71-86

- Amir Barnea and Amir Rubin
- The Influence of Retail Management’s Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance pp. 87-108

- Arne Nygaard and Harald Biong
- The Influence of Historical Socialism and Communism on the Shaping of a Society’s Economic Ethos: An Exploratory Study of Central and Eastern Europe pp. 109-117

- Walton Padelford and Darin White
- Sourcing in an Increasingly Expensive China: Four Swedish Cases pp. 119-138

- Tony Fang, Caroline Gunterberg and Emma Larsson
- Why Ethical Consumers Don’t Walk Their Talk: Towards a Framework for Understanding the Gap Between the Ethical Purchase Intentions and Actual Buying Behaviour of Ethically Minded Consumers pp. 139-158

- Michal Carrington, Benjamin Neville and Gregory Whitwell
- “Organizational Terrorism” and Moral Choices – Exercising Voice When the Leader is the Problem pp. 159-171

- Cam Caldwell and Mayra Canuto-Carranco
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