Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 74, issue 4, 2007
- Ethics in and of Global Organizations pp. 301-301

- Thomas Maak and Luc Van Liedekerke
- Stakeholder Capitalism pp. 303-314

- R. Freeman, Kirsten Martin and Bidhan Parmar
- Stakeholder Engagement: Beyond the Myth of Corporate Responsibility pp. 315-327

- Michelle Greenwood
- Responsible Leadership, Stakeholder Engagement, and the Emergence of Social Capital pp. 329-343

- Thomas Maak
- Corporate Social Strategy in Multinational Enterprises: Antecedents and Value Creation pp. 345-361

- Bryan Husted and David Allen
- Social Role Conceptions and CSR Policy Success pp. 363-372

- Tobias Gössling and Chris Vocht
- The Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility: United States and European Union Multinational Corporations pp. 373-389

- Laura Hartman, Robert Rubin and K. Dhanda
- Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Governments in Europe pp. 391-407

- Laura Albareda, Josep Lozano and Tamyko Ysa
- The Great Forgotten Issue: Vindicating Ethics in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) pp. 409-423

- Manuel Guillén, Joan Fontrodona and Alfredo RodrÃguez-Sedano
- Women Leaders in a Globalized World pp. 425-435

- Patricia Werhane
- Understanding Responsible Leadership: Role Identity and Motivational Drivers pp. 437-456

- Nicola Pless
- East Meets West: Tacit Messages about Business Ethics in Stories Told by Chinese Managers pp. 457-469

- Heidi Weltzien Hoivik
- Toward a Common Good Theory of the Firm: The Tasubinsa Case pp. 471-480

- Alejo José G. Sison
- The United Nations Convention Against Corruption and its Impact on International Companies pp. 481-496

- Antonio Argandoña
- The Ethics of Insider Trading Revisited pp. 497-507

- Peter-Jan Engelen and Luc Van Liedekerke
Volume 74, issue 3, 2007
- Assessing Arms Makers’ Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 201-217

- Edmund Byrne
- NAFTA Students’ Whistle-Blowing Perceptions: A Case of Sexual Harassment pp. 219-231

- Lucia Peek, Maria Roxas, George Peek, Yves Robichaud, Blanca Covarrubias Salazar and Jose Barragan Codina
- The CSR-Quality Trade-Off: When can Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Ability Compensate Each Other? pp. 233-252

- Guido Berens, Cees Riel and Johan Rekom
- The Decomposition of the Corporate Body: What Kant Cannot Contribute to Business Ethics pp. 253-266

- Matthew Altman
- Innovations, Stakeholders & Entrepreneurship pp. 267-283

- Nicholas Dew and Saras Sarasvathy
- CSR Strategies of SMEs and Large Firms. Evidence from Italy pp. 285-300

- Francesco Perrini, Angeloantonio Russo and Antonio Tencati
Volume 74, issue 2, 2007
- Why Is It (Un-)ethical? Comparing Potential European Partners: A Western Christian and An Eastern Islamic Country – On Arguments Used in Explaining Ethical Judgments pp. 101-118

- Katharina Srnka, A. Gegez and S. Arzova
- Lord Acton and Employment Doctrines: Absolute Power and the Spread of At-Will Employment pp. 119-130

- James S. Bowman and Jonathan P. West
- The Pragmatics of Care in Sustainable Global Enterprise pp. 131-147

- Sheldene Simola
- Moral Judgment and Causal Attributions: Consequences of Engaging in Earnings Management pp. 149-164

- Steven Kaplan, James McElroy, Susan Ravenscroft and Charles Shrader
- Taboos in Corporate Social Responsibility Discourse pp. 165-175

- Tomi Kallio
- How Corporate Social Performance Is Institutionalised Within the Governance Structure pp. 177-189

- Frank Graaf and Cor Herkströter
- The Influence of Mutual Status on Rates of Corporate Charitable Contributions pp. 191-200

- David Campbell and Richard Slack
Volume 74, issue 1, 2007
- Fiduciary Duties as a Helpful Guide to Ethical Decision-Making in Business pp. 1-15

- Stephen Young
- Consumer Trust, Social Marketing and Ethics of Welfare Exchange pp. 17-23

- Chong Choi, Tarek Eldomiaty and Sae Kim
- The Perceived Fairness of Layoffs in Germany: Participation, Compensation, or Avoidance? pp. 25-36

- Christian Pfeifer
- The Power of One: Dissent and Organizational Life pp. 37-48

- Nasrin Shahinpoor and Bernard Matt
- The Social Norms of Tax Compliance: Evidence from Australia, Singapore, and the United States pp. 49-64

- Donna Bobek, Robin Roberts and John Sweeney
- Affirmative Action Policy and Changing Views pp. 65-71

- Anthony Libertella, Sebastian Sora and Samuel Natale
- The Impact of Business Education on Moral Judgment Competence: An Empirical Study pp. 73-87

- David Desplaces, David Melchar, Laura Beauvais and Susan Bosco
- Why People Don’t Take their Concerns about Fair Trade to the Supermarket: The Role of Neutralisation pp. 89-100

- Andreas Chatzidakis, Sally Hibbert and Andrew Smith
Volume 73, issue 4, 2007
- The Ethical Backlash of Corporate Branding pp. 333-346

- Guido Palazzo and Kunal Basu
- Ethics, CSR, and Sustainability Education in the Financial Times Top 50 Global Business Schools: Baseline Data and Future Research Directions pp. 347-368

- Lisa Christensen, Ellen Peirce, Laura Hartman, W. Hoffman and Jamie Carrier
- Consumers’ Ethical Beliefs: The Roles of Money, Religiosity and Attitude toward Business pp. 369-379

- Scott Vitell, Jatinder Singh and Joseph Paolillo
- The Transformation of Transparency – On the Act on Public Procurement and the Right to Appeal in the Context of the War on Corruption pp. 381-390

- Thomas Lennerfors
- Dealing With Uncertainties When Governing CSR Policies pp. 391-408

- Jan Lepoutre, Nikolay Dentchev and Aimé Heene
- An Exploration of the Ideologies of Software Intellectual Property: The Impact on Ethical Decision Making pp. 409-424

- Matthew McGowan, Paul Stephens and Dexter Gruber
- Ethics Audits and Corporate Governance: The Case of Public Sector Sports Organizations pp. 425-437

- Michael McNamee and Scott Fleming
Volume 73, issue 3, 2007
- A New Approach to Resolving the Right-to-work Ethical Dilemma pp. 231-243

- Helen Lam and Mark Harcourt
- An Exploratory Study of Counterexplanation as an Ethical Intervention Strategy pp. 245-261

- Janne Chung and Gary Monroe
- Assessing Managers’ Ethical Decision-making: An Objective Measure of Managerial Moral Judgment pp. 263-285

- Greg Loviscky, Linda Treviño and Rick Jacobs
- Spirituality In (and Out) of the Classroom: A Pragmatic Approach pp. 287-299

- Moses Pava
- Revisiting the Concept of a Societal Orientation: Conceptualization and Delineation pp. 301-318

- Gi-Du Kang and Jeffrey James
- Corporate Directors and Social Responsibility: Ethics versus Shareholder Value pp. 319-331

- Jacob Rose
Volume 73, issue 2, 2007
- Impact of Leader Racial Attitude on Ratings of Causes and Solutions for an Employee of Color Shortage pp. 129-144

- E. Buttner, Kevin Lowe and Lenora Billings-Harris
- Assessing Gender Differences in Computer Professionals’ Self-Regulatory Efficacy Concerning Information Privacy Practices pp. 145-160

- Feng-Yang Kuo, Cathy Lin and Meng-Hsiang Hsu
- Keeping Public Institutions Invested in Tobacco pp. 161-176

- Nathaniel Wander and Ruth Malone
- Cannot Manage without The ‚Significant Other’: Mining, Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Communities in Papua New Guinea pp. 177-192

- Benedict Imbun
- An Exploratory Investigation of the Effect of Ethical Culture in Activating Moral Imagination pp. 193-204

- Dennis Moberg and David Caldwell
- Restorying a Culture of Ethical and Spiritual Values: A Role for Leader Storytelling pp. 205-217

- Cathy Driscoll and Margaret McKee
- A Model of Ethical Decision Making: The Integration of Process and Content pp. 219-229

- Roselie McDevitt, Catherine Giapponi and Cheryl Tromley
Volume 73, issue 1, 2007
- The Social Responsibilities of International Business Firms in Developing Areas pp. 1-9

- Frederick Bird and Joseph Smucker
- Social Standards: Toward an Active Ethical Involvement of Businesses in Developing Countries pp. 11-20

- Thomas Beschorner and Martin Müller
- The Geographic, Political, and Economic Context for Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil pp. 21-37

- Margaret Griesse
- Caterpillar’s Interactions with Piracicaba, Brazil: A Community-based Analysis of CSR pp. 39-51

- Margaret Griesse
- Beyond Paternalism: Cross-cultural Perspectives on the Functioning of a Mexican Production Plant pp. 53-63

- Jean-Baptiste Litrico
- “AIDS is Not a Businessâ€\x9D: A Study in Global Corporate Responsibility – Securing Access to Low-cost HIV Medications pp. 65-75

- William Flanagan and Gail Whiteman
- Representational Approaches Matter pp. 77-89

- Farzad Khan
- Social Investment through Community Enterprise: The Case of Multinational Corporations Involvement in the Development of Nigerian Water Resources pp. 91-101

- Emeka Nwankwo, Nelson Phillips and Paul Tracey
- Developing Social Responsibility: Biotechnology and the Case of DuPont in Brazil pp. 103-118

- Margaret Griesse
- Bridging Business and Society: The Abrinq Foundation in Brazil pp. 119-128

- Emmanuel Raufflet and Cecilia Gurgel do Amaral
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