Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 72, issue 4, 2007
- Environmental Reporting of Global Corporations: A Content Analysis based on Website Disclosures pp. 307-321

- Anita Jose and Shang-Mei Lee
- The Concept of Reputational Bliss pp. 323-333

- Barry Mitnick and John Mahon
- The Effect of Moral Intensity on Ethical Judgment pp. 335-357

- Joan McMahon and Robert Harvey
- An Adversarial Ethic for Business: or When Sun-Tzu Met the Stakeholder pp. 359-374

- Joseph Heath
- Income and Quality of Life: Does the Love of Money Make a Difference? pp. 375-393

- T. Tang
- Moral Memory: Why and How Moral Companies Manage Tradition pp. 395-409

- Steven Feldman
Volume 72, issue 3, 2007
- University Students’ Perceptions Regarding Ethical Marketing Practices: Affecting Change Through Instructional Techniques pp. 207-228

- Charles Bodkin and Thomas Stevenson
- The Effects of Firm Size and Industry on Corporate Giving pp. 229-241

- Louis Amato and Christie Amato
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Theory and Practice in a Developing Country Context pp. 243-262

- Dima Jamali and Ramez Mirshak
- Integrative Social Contract Theory and Urban Prosperity Initiatives pp. 263-278

- Anita Cava and Don Mayer
- Tensions between the Prescriptive and Descriptive Ethics of Psychologists pp. 279-291

- Olga Voskuijl and Arne Evers
- Applying Ethical Theories: Interpreting and Responding to Student Plagiarism pp. 293-306

- Neil Granitz and Dana Loewy
Volume 72, issue 2, 2007
- Colliding Interests – Age as an Automobile Insurance Rating Variable: Equitable Rate-Making or Unfair Discrimination? pp. 103-114

- Robert Brown, Darren Charters, Sally Gunz and Neil Haddow
- The Leadership Archetype: A Jungian Analysis of Similarities between Modern Leadership Theory and the Abraham Myth in the Judaic–Christian Tradition pp. 115-129

- Neil Abramson
- The Ethics of Online Retailing: A Scale Development and Validation from the Consumers’ Perspective pp. 131-148

- Sergio Roman
- Downsizing and Stakeholder Orientation Among the Fortune 500: Does Family Ownership Matter? pp. 149-162

- Eleni Stavrou, George Kassinis and Alexis Filotheou
- Business Ethics Index: USA 2006 pp. 163-175

- John Tsalikis and Bruce Seaton
- Women’s Roles on U.S. Fortune 500 Boards: Director Expertise and Committee Memberships pp. 177-196

- Craig Peterson and James Philpot
- Cheating During the College Years: How do Business School Students Compare? pp. 197-206

- Helen Klein, Nancy Levenburg, Marie McKendall and William Mothersell
Volume 72, issue 1, 2007
- Usury and Just Compensation: Religious and Financial Ethics in Historical Perspective pp. 1-15

- Constant Mews and Ibrahim Abraham
- Business Ethics – Deontologically Revisited pp. 17-25

- Edwin Micewski and Carmelita Troy
- Psychometric Properties of the Reidenbach–Robin Multidimensional Ethics Scale pp. 27-39

- Joan McMahon and Robert Harvey
- Aesthetics as a Foundation for Business Activity pp. 41-46

- John Dobson
- Coffee as a Medium for Ethical, Social, and Political Messages: Organizational Legitimacy and Communication pp. 47-59

- Gregory Blasio
- Attitudes of University Students toward Business Ethics: A Cross-National Investigation of Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong pp. 61-75

- Ian Phau and Garick Kea
- Sustainable Tourism: Ethical Alternative or Marketing Ploy? pp. 77-85

- Paul Lansing and Paul Vries
- Ethical and Moral Dilemmas Associated with Strategic Relationships between Business-to-Business Buyers and Sellers pp. 87-102

- Nigel Piercy and Nikala Lane
Volume 71, issue 4, 2007
- Managerial Authority as Political Authority: A Retrospective Examination of Christopher McMahon’s Authority and Democracy pp. 335-338

- Jeffery Smith
- McMahon on Workplace Democracy pp. 339-345

- Jeffrey Moriarty
- Managers, Workers, and Authority pp. 347-357

- Nien-hê Hsieh
- Authority and Democracy in Corporate Governance? pp. 359-370

- J. (Hans) van Oosterhout
- Comments On Hsieh, Moriarty and Oosterhout pp. 371-379

- Christopher McMahon
- Values and Attitudes Toward Social and Environmental Accountability: a Study of MBA Students pp. 381-394

- Kyoko Fukukawa, William Shafer and Grace Lee
- Ethical Decision-Making: A Case for the Triple Font Theory pp. 395-410

- Surendra Arjoon
- How Entrepreneurs Deal with Ethical Challenges – An Application of the Business Ethics Synergy Star Technique pp. 411-423

- David Robinson, Per Davidsson, Hennie Mescht and Philip Court
- Stakeholders Management Systems: Empirical Insights from Relationship Marketing and Market Orientation Perspectives pp. 425-439

- J. Madariaga and Carmen Valor
- Creativity or Coercion: Alternative Perspectives on Rights to Intellectual Property pp. 441-455

- Peter Lewin
Volume 71, issue 3, 2007
- Religion and Attitudes to Corporate Social Responsibility in a Large Cross-Country Sample pp. 229-243

- S. Brammer, Geoffrey Williams and John Zinkin
- “I Need You Too!â€\x9D Corporate Identity Attractiveness for Consumers and The Role of Social Responsibility pp. 245-260

- Longinos Marin and Salvador Ruiz
- Ethical Values and Long-term Orientation pp. 261-274

- Jennifer Nevins, William Bearden and Bruce Money
- Business Ethics: Law As A Determinant of Business Conduct pp. 275-299

- Vincent Di Lorenzo
- Enabling Guanxi Management in China: A Hierarchical Stakeholder Model of Effective Guanxi pp. 301-319

- Chenting Su, Ronald K. Mitchell and M. Joseph Sirgy
- The Multinational Corporation and Global Governance: Modelling Global Public Policy Networks pp. 321-334

- David Detomasi
Volume 71, issue 2, 2007
- Intentions to Report Questionable Acts: An Examination of the Influence of Anonymous Reporting Channel, Internal Audit Quality, and Setting pp. 109-124

- Steven Kaplan and Joseph Schultz
- The Ethical Decision Making of Men and Women Executives in International Business Situations pp. 125-134

- Sean Valentine and Terri Rittenburg
- How Standard is Standardized MNC Global Environmental Communication? pp. 135-147

- Trevor Hunter and Pratima Bansal
- Information Technology Professionals’ Perceived Organizational Values and Managerial Ethics: An Empirical Study pp. 149-159

- K. Jin, Ron Drozdenko and Rick Bassett
- A Common Pitch and The Management of Corporate Relations: Interpretation, Ethics and Managerialism pp. 161-178

- Glen Lehman
- Managers’ Moral Reasoning: Evidence from Large Indian Manufacturing Organisations pp. 179-194

- Manjit Monga
- Moral Dilemmas in Business Ethics: From Decision Procedures to Edifying Perspectives pp. 195-207

- Yotam Lurie and Robert Albin
- Deaf by Design: A Business Argument Against Engineering Disabled Offspring pp. 209-227

- Dennis Cooley
Volume 71, issue 1, 2007
- The Ethical Cycle pp. 1-13

- I. Poel and L. Royakkers
- Legislated Ethics or Ethics Education?: Faculty Views in the Post-Enron Era pp. 15-37

- Jeri Beggs and Kathy Dean
- Ethical Exemplification and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct: An Empirical Investigation of Auditor and Public Perceptions pp. 39-71

- Phil Brown, Morris Stocks and W. Wilder
- Ethical Attitudes of Accountants: Recent Evidence from a Practitioners’ Survey pp. 73-87

- Tisha Emerson, Stephen Conroy and Charles Stanley
- The Development of a Measure of Auditors’ Virtue pp. 89-99

- T. Libby and L. Thorne
- Book Review pp. 101-101

- Gabriel Martínez
- Book Review pp. 103-105

- Wade Rowland
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