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Journal of Business Ethics

1998 - 2025

Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman

From Springer
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Volume 103, issue 4, 2011

Business Ethics Should Study Illicit Businesses: To Advance Respect for Human Rights pp. 497-509 Downloads
Edmund Byrne
An Empirical Study of Leader Ethical Values, Transformational and Transactional Leadership, and Follower Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 511-528 Downloads
Kevin Groves and Michael LaRocca
Study of Commitment Antecedents: The Dynamic Point of View pp. 529-541 Downloads
Chun-Hsi Chen and Setyabudi Indartono
Staff Attitudes to Talking Openly About Ethical Dilemmas: The Role of Business Ethics Conceptions and Trust pp. 543-552 Downloads
N. Leila Trapp
Environmental and Spiritual Leadership: Tracing the Synergies from an Organizational Perspective pp. 553-565 Downloads
Joanna Crossman
Public Versus Private Sector Procurement Ethics and Strategy: What Each Sector can Learn from the Other pp. 567-586 Downloads
Timothy Hawkins, Michael Gravier and Edward Powley
The Transparent Supply Chain: from Resistance to Implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss pp. 587-603 Downloads
David Doorey
The Credit Crisis and the Moral Responsibility of Professionals in Finance pp. 605-619 Downloads
Johan Graafland and Bert Ven
The Effect of Guanxi on Audit Quality in China pp. 621-638 Downloads
Jihong Liu, Yaping Wang and Liansheng Wu
Corporate Social Responsibility as an Organizational Attractiveness for Prospective Public Relations Practitioners pp. 639-653 Downloads
Soo-Yeon Kim and Hyojung Park

Volume 103, issue 3, 2011

Company Delistings from the UN Global Compact: Limited Business Demand or Domestic Governance Failure? pp. 331-349 Downloads
Jette Knudsen
Corporate Governance and Firm Value: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 351-383 Downloads
Hoje Jo and Maretno Harjoto
Directors’ Roles in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Stakeholder Perspective pp. 385-402 Downloads
Humphry Hung
Business Ethics and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Korea pp. 403-427 Downloads
Tae Choi and Jinhan Pae
Withdrawal Behaviors Syndrome: An Ethical Perspective pp. 429-451 Downloads
Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky and Shmuel Even-Zohar
Consumer Religiosity: Consequences for Consumer Activism in the United States pp. 453-467 Downloads
Krist Swimberghe, Laura Flurry and Janna Parker
A Heideggerian Perspective on the Relationship Between Mintzberg’s Distinction Between Engaged and Disconnected Management: The Role of Uncertainty in Management pp. 469-483 Downloads
Steven Segal
Impact of Ethical Leadership and Leader–Member Exchange on Whistle Blowing: The Moderating Impact of the Moral Intensity of the Issue pp. 485-496 Downloads
Kanika Bhal and Anubha Dadhich

Volume 103, issue 2, 2011

Reviewing the Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: New Evidence and Analysis pp. 167-188 Downloads
Philipp Schreck
New Approaches to Evaluating the Performance of Corporate–Community Partnerships: A Case Study from the Minerals Sector pp. 189-202 Downloads
Ana Esteves and Mary-Anne Barclay
The Value of Corporate Philanthropy During Times of Crisis: The Sensegiving Effect of Employee Involvement pp. 203-220 Downloads
Alan Muller and Roman Kräussl
The Role of Infomediaries: CSR in the Business Press During 2000–2009 pp. 221-237 Downloads
Maria Grafström and Karolina Windell
An Epistemic Analysis of (Un)Sustainable Business pp. 239-253 Downloads
Frank Birkin and Thomas Polesie
Who Should Control a Corporation? Toward a Contingency Stakeholder Model for Allocating Ownership Rights pp. 255-274 Downloads
Alessandro Zattoni
Green and Good? The Investment Performance of US Environmental Mutual Funds pp. 275-287 Downloads
Francisco Climent and Pilar Soriano
Corporation and Polis pp. 289-303 Downloads
Graham Henning
Measuring Investors’ Socially Responsible Preferences in Mutual Funds pp. 305-330 Downloads
Iván Barreda-Tarrazona, Juan Matallín-Sáez and Balaguer-Franch Mª

Volume 103, issue 1, 2011

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc.: An Innovative Voluntary Code of Conduct to Protect Human Rights, Create Employment Opportunities, and Economic Development of the Indigenous People pp. 1-30 Downloads
S. Sethi, David Lowry, Emre Veral, H. Shapiro and Olga Emelianova
Introduction: Insurance and Business Ethics pp. 1-5 Downloads
Aaron Doyle
The Morality of Risk Modeling pp. 7-16 Downloads
Nicos Scordis
Consumer Insurance Fraud/Abuse as Co-creation and Co-responsibility: A New Paradigm pp. 17-32 Downloads
William Lesch and Johannes Brinkmann
Fluidity of Regulation-CSR Nexus: The Multinational Corporate Corruption Example pp. 31-57 Downloads
Onyeka Osuji
The Forms and Limits of Insurance Solidarity pp. 33-44 Downloads
Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen and Jyri Liukko
Insurance of Techno-Organizational Ventures and Procedural Ethics: Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Explosion pp. 45-61 Downloads
Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis
Amos & Postmodernity: A Contemporary Critical & Reflective Perspective on the Interdependency of Ethics & Spirituality in the Latino-Hispanic American Reality pp. 59-72 Downloads
David Escobar
Insurance for the Poor? pp. 63-76 Downloads
Ralf Radermacher and Johannes Brinkmann
Gender Differences in Ethics Research: The Importance of Controlling for the Social Desirability Response Bias pp. 73-93 Downloads
Derek Dalton and Marc Ortegren
Blurred Promises: Ethical Consequences of Fine Print Policies in Insurance pp. 77-86 Downloads
Øyvind Kvalnes
Tort Law and the Ethical Responsibilities of Liability Insurers: Comments from a Reinsurer’s Perspective pp. 87-94 Downloads
Christian Lahnstein
Nokia Siemens Networks: Just Doing Business – or Supporting an Oppressive Regime? pp. 95-110 Downloads
Judith Schrempf
National Security as a Corporate Social Responsibility: Critical Infrastructure Resilience pp. 111-125 Downloads
Gail Ridley
Business and Government Ethics in the “New” and “Old” EU: An Empirical Account of Public–Private Value Congruence in Slovenia and the Netherlands pp. 127-141 Downloads
Dejan Jelovac, Zeger Wal and Ana Jelovac
Institutional Interest in Corporate Responsibility: Portfolio Evidence and Ethical Explanation pp. 143-165 Downloads
Paul Cox and Patricia Wicks

Volume 102, issue 4, 2011

Australian Socially Responsible Funds: Performance, Risk and Screening Intensity pp. 519-535 Downloads
Jacquelyn Humphrey and Darren Lee
Abuse of Ministerial Authority, Systemic Perjury, and Obstruction of Justice: Corruption in the Shadows of Organizational Practice pp. 537-562 Downloads
Seraphim Voliotis
Leadership Centrality and Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility (CSIR): The Potential Ameliorating Effects of Self and Shared Leadership on CSIR pp. 563-579 Downloads
Craig Pearce and Charles Manz
Does a Consumer’s Religion Really Matter in the Buyer–Seller Dyad? An Empirical Study Examining the Relationship Between Consumer Religious Commitment, Christian Conservatism and the Ethical Judgment of a Seller’s Controversial Business Decision pp. 581-598 Downloads
Krist Swimberghe, Dheeraj Sharma and Laura Flurry
Convergence Versus Divergence of CSR in Developing Countries: An Embedded Multi-Layered Institutional Lens pp. 599-621 Downloads
Dima Jamali and Ben Neville
Research into Quality Management and Social Responsibility pp. 623-638 Downloads
Juan Tarí
Perceived Organizational Motives and Consumer Responses to Proactive and Reactive CSR pp. 639-652 Downloads
Mark Groza, Mya Pronschinske and Matthew Walker
Supervisor Role Modeling, Ethics-Related Organizational Policies, and Employee Ethical Intention: The Moderating Impact of Moral Ideology pp. 653-668 Downloads
Pablo Ruiz-Palomino and Ricardo Martinez-Cañas
What Would Confucius Do? – Confucian Ethics and Self-Regulation in Management pp. 669-683 Downloads
Peter Woods and David Lamond
The Moral Threat of Compartmentalization: Self, Roles and Responsibility pp. 685-697 Downloads
Cécile Rozuel

Volume 102, issue 3, 2011

Duties Owed to Organizational Citizens – Ethical Insights for Today’s Leader pp. 343-356 Downloads
Cam Caldwell
Stakeholder Salience Revisited: Refining, Redefining, and Refueling an Underdeveloped Conceptual Tool pp. 357-378 Downloads
Benjamin Neville, Simon Bell and Gregory Whitwell
Moral Differentiation: Exploring Boundaries of the “Monkey See, Monkey Do” Perspective pp. 379-399 Downloads
Michael O’Fallon and Kenneth Butterfield
The Introduction of a Non-Traditional and Aggressive Approach to Banking: The Risks of Hubris pp. 401-420 Downloads
Dena Lawrence, Federica Pazzaglia and Karan Sonpar
Behavioral Economics, Federalism, and the Triumph of Stakeholder Theory pp. 421-438 Downloads
Allen Kaufman and Ernie Englander
The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing and Marketing Ethics pp. 439-454 Downloads
John Williams and Robert Aitken
Understanding Purchase Intention During Product-Harm Crises: Moderating Effects of Perceived Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 455-471 Downloads
Chieh-Peng Lin, Shwu-Chuan Chen, Chou-Kang Chiu and Wan-Yu Lee
Repentance and Continuous Improvement: Ethical Implications for the Modern Leader pp. 473-487 Downloads
Cam Caldwell, Rolf Dixon, Ryan Atkins and Stefan Dowdell
An Academic Publisher’s Response to Plagiarism pp. 489-506 Downloads
Bruce Lewis, Jonathan Duchac and S. Douglas Beets
Ship-Owners and the Twenty-First Century Somali Pirate: The Business Ethics of Ransom Payment pp. 507-516 Downloads
Paul Lansing and Michael Petersen
Erratum to: Duties Owed to Organizational Citizens – Ethical Insights for Today’s Leader pp. 517-517 Downloads
Cam Caldwell, Ryan Atkins and Russell Holzgrefe

Volume 102, issue 2, 2011

The Collapse of a European Bank in the Financial Crisis: An Analysis from Stakeholder and Ethical Perspectives pp. 169-191 Downloads
Yves Fassin and Derrick Gosselin
Critical Events in the Ethics of U.S. Corporation History pp. 193-219 Downloads
S. Beets
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Integration: A Qualitative Analysis of the German Manufacturing Industry pp. 221-235 Downloads
Julia Wolf
Value Congruence and Charismatic Leadership in CEO–Top Manager Relationships: An Empirical Investigation pp. 237-254 Downloads
Sefa Hayibor, Bradley Agle, Greg Sears, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Andrew Ward
The Corporate Psychopaths Theory of the Global Financial Crisis pp. 255-259 Downloads
Clive Boddy
Drivers of Change: A Multiple-Case Study on the Process of Institutionalization of Corporate Responsibility Among Three Multinational Companies pp. 261-279 Downloads
Ulf Richter
Configuration of External Influences: The Combined Effects of Institutions and Stakeholders on Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies pp. 281-298 Downloads
Min-Dong Lee
Women Directors on Corporate Boards: From Tokenism to Critical Mass pp. 299-317 Downloads
Mariateresa Torchia, Andrea Calabrò and Morten Huse
The Impact of Intrinsic Religiosity on Consumers’ Ethical Beliefs: Does It Depend on the Type of Religion? A Comparison of Christian and Moslem Consumers in Germany and Turkey pp. 319-332 Downloads
Helmut Schneider, John Krieger and Azra Bayraktar
To Help or Not to Help? Personal Value for Diversity Moderates the Relationship Between Discrimination Against Minorities and Citizenship Behavior Toward Minorities pp. 333-342 Downloads
María del Carmen Triana, Kwanghyun Kim and María García

Volume 102, issue 1, 2011

Explicating Ethical Corporate Marketing. Insights from the BP Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe: The Ethical Brand that Exploded and then Imploded pp. 1-14 Downloads
John Balmer, Shaun Powell and Stephen Greyser
Ethics, Corporations, and Governance pp. 1-4 Downloads
Wesley Cragg and Dirk Matten
Business Ethics and the ‘End of History’ in Corporate Law pp. 5-20 Downloads
Joseph Heath
How Sustainability Ratings Might Deter ‘Greenwashing’: A Closer Look at Ethical Corporate Communication pp. 15-28 Downloads
Béatrice Parguel, Florence Benoît-Moreau and Fabrice Larceneux
Putting Creditors in Their Rightful Place: Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in the Light of Limited Liability pp. 21-32 Downloads
Christopher Cowton
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Benefits of Employee Trust: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective pp. 29-45 Downloads
S. Hansen, Benjamin Dunford, Alan Boss, R. Boss and Ingo Angermeier
Corporate Governance as Part of the Strategic Process: Rethinking the Role of the Board pp. 33-42 Downloads
David Weitzner and Theo Peridis
Business Ethics as Self-Regulation: Why Principles that Ground Regulations Should Be Used to Ground Beyond-Compliance Norms as Well pp. 43-57 Downloads
Wayne Norman
Consumer Perceptions of the Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 47-55 Downloads
Andrea Stanaland, May Lwin and Patrick Murphy
Setting Boundaries for Corporate Social Responsibility: Firm–NGO Relationship as Discursive Legitimation Struggle pp. 57-75 Downloads
Maria Joutsenvirta
Deconstructing the Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance pp. 59-76 Downloads
Francesco Perrini, Angeloantonio Russo, Antonio Tencati and Clodia Vurro
Stakeholder Theory and Social Identity: Rethinking Stakeholder Identification pp. 77-87 Downloads
Andrew Crane and Trish Ruebottom
Deonance and Distrust: Motivated Third Party Information Seeking Following Disclosure of an Agent’s Unethical Behavior pp. 77-96 Downloads
Chris Bell and Kelley Main
A Framework for Assessing Immorally Manipulative Marketing Tactics pp. 97-118 Downloads
Shlomo Sher
The Sound of Silence – A Space for Morality? The Role of Solitude for Ethical Decision Making pp. 119-133 Downloads
Kleio Akrivou, Dimitrios Bourantas, Shenjiang Mo and Evi Papalois
Buy, Lie, or Die: An Investigation of Chinese ST Firms’ Voluntary Interim Audit Motive and Auditor Independence pp. 135-153 Downloads
Alex Chu, Xingqiang Du and Guohua Jiang
The Impact of Ethical Ideologies, Moral Intensity, and Social Context on Sales-Based Ethical Reasoning pp. 155-168 Downloads
Sean Valentine and Connie Bateman
Page updated 2025-03-26