Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla (sonal.shukla@springer.com) and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (indexing@springernature.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 146, issue 4, 2017
- Editorial: Special Issue on the Impact of Business Ethics on Public Life pp. 725-727

- Patrick Flanagan, Marilynn Fleckenstein, Linda Sama and Victoria Shoaf
- An Examination of Ethical Influences on the Work of Tax Practitioners pp. 729-745

- Jane Frecknall-Hughes, Peter Moizer, Elaine Doyle and Barbara Summers
- Precarious Professionals: (in)Secure Identities and Moral Agency in Neocolonial Context pp. 747-770

- Kelly Thomson and Joanne Jones
- Hostile Takeovers—An Analysis Through Just War Theory pp. 771-786

- Michael Kinsella
- The Evolution of Whistleblowing Studies: A Critical Review and Research Agenda pp. 787-803

- Barbara Culiberg and Katarina Katja Mihelič
- The 2007–2009 Financial Crisis: An Erosion of Ethics: A Case Study pp. 805-830

- Edward J. Schoen
- Therapy, Enhancement, and Medicine: Challenges for the Doctor–Patient Relationship and Patient Safety pp. 831-844

- James J. Delaney and David Martin
- Rebuilding Trust: Ireland’s CSR Plan in the Light of Caritas in Veritate pp. 845-857

- Alan J. Kearns
- Beyond Scandal: Creating a Culture of Accountability in the Catholic Church pp. 859-867

- Angela Senander
- Organizational Virtue and Performance: An Empirical Study of Customers and Employees pp. 869-881

- Rosa Chun
Volume 146, issue 3, 2017
- Signposts or Weathervanes? The Curious Case of Corporate Social Responsibility and Conflict Minerals pp. 469-484

- Ozlem Arikan, Juliane Reinecke, Crawford Spence and Kevin Morrell
- Was the Global Settlement Effective in Mitigating Systematic Bias in Affiliated Analyst Recommendations? pp. 485-503

- Minzhi Wu, Mark Wilson and Yi Wu
- Examining the Roles of Collectivism, Attitude Toward Business, and Religious Beliefs on Consumer Ethics in China pp. 505-514

- Chun-Chen Huang and Long-Chuan Lu
- Responsibility Boundaries in Global Value Chains: Supplier Audit Prioritizations and Moral Disengagement Among Swedish Firms pp. 515-528

- Niklas Egels-Zandén
- Ethical Leadership and Loyalty to Supervisor in China: The Roles of Interactional Justice and Collectivistic Orientation pp. 529-543

- Huaiyong Wang, Guangli Lu and Yongfang Liu
- The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States pp. 545-562

- Valerie Alexandra, Miguel M. Torres, Olga Kovbasyuk, Theophilus B. A. Addo and Maria Cristina Ferreira
- CSR as Strategic and Organizational Change at “Groupe La Poste” pp. 563-589

- Marc Ingham and Christelle Havard
- Labor Conflicts in French Workplaces: Does (the Type of) Family Control Matter? pp. 591-617

- François Belot and Timothée Waxin
- Industrial Clusters and CSR in Developing Countries: The Role of International Donor Funding pp. 619-637

- Anjum Fayyaz, Peter Lund-Thomsen and Adam Lindgreen
- Does Bad Company Corrupt Good Morals? Social Bonding and Academic Cheating among French and Chinese Teens pp. 639-667

- Elodie Gentina, Thomas Li-Ping Tang and Qinxuan Gu
- A Dual-Processing Model of Moral Whistleblowing in Organizations pp. 669-683

- Logan L. Watts and M. Ronald Buckley
- How Logo Colors Influence Shoppers’ Judgments of Retailer Ethicality: The Mediating Role of Perceived Eco-Friendliness pp. 685-701

- Aparna Sundar and James J. Kellaris
- Highlighting Moral Courage in the Business Ethics Course pp. 703-723

- Debra R. Comer and Michael Schwartz
Volume 146, issue 2, 2017
- Thematic Symposium: Business Ethics, Peace and Environmental Issues (T0004) pp. 255-256

- Michael S. Aßländer and Tobias Gössling
- You May Not Reap What You Sow: How Employees’ Moral Awareness Minimizes Ethical Leadership’s Positive Impact on Workplace Deviance pp. 257-277

- Kubilay Gok, John J. Sumanth, William H. Bommer, Ozgur Demirtas, Aykut Arslan, Jared Eberhard, Ali Ihsan Ozdemir and Ahmet Yigit
- The Effect of Online Protests and Firm Responses on Shareholder and Consumer Evaluation pp. 279-294

- Tijs Broek, David Langley and Tobias Hornig
- Sustainable Development and Well-Being: A Philosophical Challenge pp. 295-311

- Mollie Painter-Morland, Geert Demuijnck and Sara Ornati
- Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based Crowdfunding pp. 313-332

- Kévin André, Sylvain Bureau, Arthur Gautier and Olivier Rubel
- Uncommitted Deliberation? Discussing Regulatory Gaps by Comparing GRI 3.1 to GRI 4.0 in a Political CSR Perspective pp. 333-351

- Rea Wagner and Peter Seele
- The Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Investments: Insights from the Intertemporal CAPM pp. 353-364

- Yuchao Xiao, Robert Faff, Philip Gharghori and Byoung-Kyu Min
- Institutional Investors on Boards: Does Their Behavior Influence Corporate Finance? pp. 365-382

- Emma García-Meca, Félix López-Iturriaga and Fernando Tejerina-Gaite
- Perceptions on the Causes of Individual and Fraudulent Co-offending: Views of Forensic Accountants pp. 383-404

- Jeanette Akkeren and Sherrena Buckby
- Conflict and Confluence: The Multidimensionality of Opportunism in Principal–Agent Relationships pp. 405-417

- Asghar Zardkoohi, Joseph S. Harrison and Mathew A. Josefy
- What Does CEOs’ Pay-for-Performance Reveal About Shareholders’ Attitude Toward Earnings Overstatements? pp. 419-450

- Katherine Guthrie, Illoong Kwon and Jan Sokolowsky
- Organizational Culture in the Financial Sector: Evidence from a Cross-Industry Analysis of Employee Personal Values and Career Success pp. 451-467

- André van Hoorn
Volume 146, issue 1, 2017
- CSR Initiatives as Market Signals: A Review and Research Agenda pp. 1-23

- Fabrizio Zerbini
- A ‘Names-and-Faces Approach’ to Stakeholder Identification and Salience: A Matter of Status pp. 25-38

- Elise Perrault
- Exploring Corporations’ Dialogue About CSR in the Digital Era pp. 39-58

- Laura Illia, Stefania Romenti, Belén Rodríguez-Cánovas, Grazia Murtarelli and Craig E. Carroll
- Multinational Corporations’ Strategies at the Base of the Pyramid: An Action Research Inquiry pp. 59-76

- François Perrot
- Is Institutional Ownership Related to Corporate Social Responsibility? The Nonlinear Relation and Its Implication for Stock Return Volatility pp. 77-109

- Maretno Harjoto, Hoje Jo and Yongtae Kim
- Does Ownership Structure Matter? The Effects of Insider and Institutional Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 111-124

- Won-Yong Oh, Jongseok Cha and Young Kyun Chang
- Aligning Civic and Corporate Leadership with Human Dignity: Activism at the Intersection of Business and Government pp. 125-133

- Knut Kipper
- No Company is an Island. Sector-Related Responsibilities as Elements of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 135-148

- Lisa Herzog
- Why Bad Things Happen to Good Organizations: The Link Between Governance and Asset Diversions in Public Charities pp. 149-166

- Erica Harris, Christine Petrovits and Michelle H. Yetman
- Business for Good? An Investigation into the Strategies Firms Use to Maximize the Impact of Financial Corporate Philanthropy on Employee Attitudes pp. 167-183

- Emily S. Block, Ante Glavas, Michael J. Mannor and Laura Erskine
- Ethics, Faith, and Profit: Exploring the Motives of the U.S. Fair Trade Social Entrepreneurs pp. 185-201

- John James Cater, Lorna A. Collins and Brent D. Beal
- A Further Examination of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance on Investment Decisions pp. 203-218

- Jeffrey Cohen, Lori Holder-Webb and Samer Khalil
- The Role of Gender and Age in Business Students’ Values, CSR Attitudes, and Responsible Management Education: Learnings from the PRME International Survey pp. 219-239

- Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Mehrdokht Pournader and Andrew McKinnon
- CSR, Innovation, and Firm Performance in Sluggish Growth Contexts: A Firm-Level Empirical Analysis pp. 241-254

- Rachel Bocquet, Christian Le Bas, Caroline Mothe and Nicolas Poussing
Volume 145, issue 4, 2017
- Christian Ethics and Spirituality in Leading Business Organizations: Editorial Introduction pp. 671-679

- Domènec Melé and Joan Fontrodona
- What Sparks Ethical Decision Making? The Interplay Between Moral Intuition and Moral Reasoning: Lessons from the Scholastic Doctrine pp. 681-700

- Lamberto Zollo, Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini and Cristiano Ciappei
- The Common Good of the Firm and Humanistic Management: Conscious Capitalism and Economy of Communion pp. 701-709

- Sandrine Frémeaux and Grant Michelson
- What Corporate Governance Can Learn from Catholic Social Teaching pp. 711-724

- Martijn Cremers
- Corporate Sustainability: Toward a Theoretical Integration of Catholic Social Teaching and the Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm pp. 725-737

- Horacio E. Rousseau
- The Need to Give Gratuitously: A Relevant Concept Anchored in Catholic Social Teaching to Envision the Consumer Behavior pp. 739-755

- Bénédicte de Peyrelongue, Olivier Masclef and Valérie Guillard
- Having Burned the Straw Man of Christian Spiritual Leadership, what can We Learn from Jesus About Leading Ethically? pp. 757-769

- Christopher Mabey, Mervyn Conroy, Karen Blakeley and Sara Marco
- The Real Mystery of Positive Business: A Response from Christian Faith pp. 771-780

- Lloyd E. Sandelands
- There are no Codes, Only Interpretations. Practical Wisdom and Hermeneutics in Monastic Organizations pp. 781-794

- Guillaume Mercier and Ghislain Deslandes
- Leadership: The Being Component. Can the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Contribute to the Debate on Business Education? pp. 795-809

- Josep M. Lozano
- Integrating Leadership Development with Ignatian Spirituality: A Model for Designing a Spiritual Leader Development Practice pp. 811-829

- Teresa J. Rothausen
Volume 145, issue 3, 2017
- What Should a Manager Like Me Do in a Situation Like This? Strategies for Handling Ethical Problems from the Viewpoint of the Logic of Appropriateness pp. 457-479

- Minna-Maaria Hiekkataipale and Anna-Maija Lämsä
- Big Data: A Normal Accident Waiting to Happen? pp. 481-491

- Daniel Nunan and Marialaura Di Domenico
- Social Norms and CSR Performance pp. 493-508

- Steven F. Cahan, Chen Chen and Li Chen
- Strong Reciprocity in Consumer Boycotts pp. 509-524

- Tobias Hahn and Noël Albert
- Understanding Ethical Luxury Consumption Through Practice Theories: A Study of Fine Jewellery Purchases pp. 525-543

- Caroline Moraes, Marylyn Carrigan, Carmela Bosangit, Carlos Ferreira and Michelle McGrath
- Beyond Guilty Verdicts: Human Rights Litigation and its Impact on Corporations’ Human Rights Policies pp. 545-562

- Judith Schrempf-Stirling and Florian Wettstein
- The Effect of Cognitive Moral Development on Honesty in Managerial Reporting pp. 563-575

- Janne O. Y. Chung and Sylvia H. Hsu
- The NHS: Sticking Fingers in Its Ears, Humming Loudly pp. 577-598

- Rachael Pope
- Overcoming the ‘Window Dressing’ Effect: Mitigating the Negative Effects of Inherent Skepticism Towards Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 599-621

- Scott Connors, Stephen Anderson-MacDonald and Matthew Thomson
- Ingredients Matter: How the Human Capital of Philanthropic and Traditional Venture Capital Differs pp. 623-635

- Mariarosa Scarlata, Jennifer Walske and Andrew Zacharakis
- Attraction or Distraction? Corporate Social Responsibility in Macao’s Gambling Industry pp. 637-658

- Tiffany Cheng Han Leung and Robin Stanley Snell
- How Ethically Would Americans and Chinese Negotiate? The Effect of Intra-cultural Versus Inter-cultural Negotiations pp. 659-670

- Yu Yang, David De Cremer and Chao Wang
Volume 145, issue 2, 2017
- Toward Moral Responsibility Theories of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Supply Chain pp. 227-237

- Jung Ha-Brookshire
- Motives and Performance Outcomes of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: A Multi-theoretical Perspective pp. 239-258

- Antony Paulraj, Injazz J. Chen and Constantin Blome
- In Search of the Dominant Rationale in Sustainability Management: Legitimacy- or Profit-Seeking? pp. 259-276

- Stefan Schaltegger and Jacob Hörisch
- Community Characteristics and Changes in Toxic Chemical Releases: Does Information Disclosure Affect Environmental Injustice? pp. 277-292

- Arturs Kalnins and Glen Dowell
- The Power of One to Make a Difference: How Informal and Formal CEO Power Affect Environmental Sustainability pp. 293-308

- Judith L. Walls and Pascual Berrone
- Green Innovation and Performance: The View of Organizational Capability and Social Reciprocity pp. 309-324

- Jing-Wen Huang and Yong-Hui Li
- The Diffusion of Voluntary Environmental Programs: The Case of ISO 14001 in Korea, 1996–2011 pp. 325-336

- Kyungmin Baek
- European Green Mutual Fund Performance: A Comparative Analysis with their Conventional and Black Peers pp. 337-355

- Gbenga Ibikunle and Tom Steffen
- Beyond Environmental Regulations: Exploring the Potential of “Eco-Islam” in Boosting Environmental Ethics Within SMEs in Arab Markets pp. 357-371

- Dina M. Abdelzaher and Amir Abdelzaher
- The Hubris of Hybrids pp. 373-382

- Philipp Bagus, David Howden and Amadeus Gabriel
- When Does It Pay to be Good? Moderators and Mediators in the Corporate Sustainability–Corporate Financial Performance Relationship: A Critical Review pp. 383-416

- Sylvia Grewatsch and Ingo Kleindienst
- Does an Embedded Wind Turbine Reduce a Company’s Electricity Bill? Case Study of a 300 kW Wind Turbine in Ireland pp. 417-428

- Tony Kealy
- Educating Business Students About Sustainability: A Bibliometric Review of Current Trends and Research Needs pp. 429-439

- John G. Cullen
- Understanding Firms’ Approaches to Voluntary Certification: Evidence from Multiple Case Studies in FSC Certification pp. 441-456

- Kathryn Bowler, Pavel Castka and Michaela Balzarova
Volume 145, issue 1, 2017
- Formation of Stakeholder Trust in Business and the Role of Personal Values pp. 1-20

- Michael Pirson, Kirsten Martin and Bidhan Parmar
- Nightmare Bosses: The Impact of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Sleep, Emotions, and Creativity pp. 21-31

- Guohong Helen Han, P. D. Harms and Yuntao Bai
- The Paradox of Diversity Initiatives: When Organizational Needs Differ from Employee Preferences pp. 33-48

- Leon Windscheid, Lynn Bowes-Sperry, Jens Mazei and Michèle Morner
- How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment, and Proactive Personality pp. 49-62

- Alexander Newman, G. Schwarz, B. Cooper and S. Sendjaya
- Paradoxical Relationships Between Cultural Norms of Particularism and Attitudes Toward Relational Favoritism: A Cultural Reflectivity Perspective pp. 63-79

- Chao C. Chen, Joseph P. Gaspar, Ray Friedman, William Newburry, Michael C. Nippa, Katherine Xin and Ronaldo Parente
- Chinese Traditionality Matters: Effects of Differentiated Empowering Leadership on Followers’ Trust in Leaders and Work Outcomes pp. 81-93

- Shao-Long Li, Yuanyuan Huo and Li-Rong Long
- Linking Ethical Leadership with Firm Performance: A Multi-dimensional Perspective pp. 95-109

- Dan Wang, Taiwen Feng and Alan Lawton
- Models of Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values: How Many Points of Contact are There Between Science and Practice? pp. 111-131

- Jolita Vveinhardt and Evelina Gulbovaite
- Leading by Example: Values-Based Strategy to Instill Ethical Conduct pp. 133-139

- Arne Nygaard, Harald Biong, Ragnhild Silkoset and Roland E. Kidwell
- Psychopathic Leadership A Case Study of a Corporate Psychopath CEO pp. 141-156

- Clive Boddy
- Toward a Unified Framework of Perceived Negative Leader Behaviors Insights from French and British Educational Sectors pp. 157-182

- Taran Patel and Robert G. Hamlin
- The Moderated Influence of Ethical Leadership, Via Meaningful Work, on Followers’ Engagement, Organizational Identification, and Envy pp. 183-199

- Ozgur Demirtas, Sean T. Hannah, Kubilay Gok, Aykut Arslan and Nejat Capar
- Custom and Moral Sentiment: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Postgraduate Student Perceptions of Leadership Ethicality pp. 201-213

- D. A. L. Coldwell
- Perceptions of High Integrity Can Persist After Deception: How Implicit Beliefs Moderate Trust Erosion pp. 215-225

- Michael P. Haselhuhn, Maurice E. Schweitzer, Laura J. Kray and Jessica A. Kennedy
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