Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman
From Springer
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Volume 116, issue 4, 2013
- Cultural Diversity and Universal Ethics in a Global World pp. 681-687

- Domènec Melé and Carlos Sánchez-Runde
- The Cultural Roots of Ethical Conflicts in Global Business pp. 689-701

- Carlos Sanchez-Runde, Luciara Nardon and Richard Steers
- East Meets West: Toward a Universal Ethic of Virtue for Global Business pp. 703-715

- Daryl Koehn
- The Role of Four Universal Moral Competencies in Ethical Decision-Making pp. 717-734

- Rafael Morales-Sánchez and Carmen Cabello-Medina
- Weaning Business Ethics from Strategic Economism: The Development Ethics Perspective pp. 735-749

- Prabhir Poruthiyil
- Honorableness or Beneficialness? Cicero on Natural Law, Virtues, Glory, and (Corporate) Reputation pp. 751-767

- Michael Aßländer
- Managing Ethically Cultural Diversity: Learning from Thomas Aquinas pp. 769-780

- João Neves and Domènec Melé
- Perceptions of Justice and the Human Rights Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework pp. 781-797

- Matthew Murphy and Jordi Vives
- Human Rights in the Void? Due Diligence in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights pp. 799-814

- Björn Fasterling and Geert Demuijnck
Volume 116, issue 3, 2013
- Executive Pay and Legitimacy: Changing Discursive Battles Over the Morality of Excessive Manager Compensation pp. 459-477

- Maria Joutsenvirta
- The Impact of Corruption on Firm Tax Compliance in Transition Economies: Whom Do You Trust? pp. 479-494

- Anna Alon and Amy Hageman
- Does It Make Sense to Be a Loyal Employee? pp. 495-511

- Juan Elegido
- When and Why Usury Should be Prohibited pp. 513-527

- Robert Mayer
- Falling or Not Falling into Temptation? Multiple Faces of Temptation, Monetary Intelligence, and Unethical Intentions Across Gender pp. 529-552

- Thomas Tang and Toto Sutarso
- Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Professional Ethics of Public Relations Practitioners in Korea pp. 553-566

- Ji Han, Hyun Park and Hyeonju Jeong
- Ethical Climate and Purchasing Social Responsibility: A Benevolence Focus pp. 567-585

- Constantin Blome and Antony Paulraj
- The Moderating Effects of Political Skill and Leader–Member Exchange on the Relationship Between Organizational Politics and Affective Commitment pp. 587-599

- Takuma Kimura
- Fixing the Game? Legitimacy, Morality Policy and Research in Gambling pp. 601-614

- Rohan Miller and Grant Michelson
- Terminology Matters: A Critical Exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility Terms pp. 615-627

- Denise Baden and Ian Harwood
- For the Good or the Bad? Interactive Effects of Transformational Leadership with Moral and Authoritarian Leadership Behaviors pp. 629-640

- Sebastian Schuh, Xin-an Zhang and Peng Tian
- The Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: Linear or Curvilinear Effects? pp. 641-653

- Q. Miao, Alexander Newman, J. Yu and L. Xu
- Work Values Ethic, GNP Per Capita and Country of Birth Relationships pp. 655-666

- Adela McMurray and Don Scott
- The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Perceptions of Fairness pp. 667-680

- Eliane Bacha and Sandra Walker
Volume 116, issue 2, 2013
- The Dissolution of Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Comprehensive Review and Model pp. 233-250

- Ralph Jackson, Charles Wood and James Zboja
- Echoes of Silence: Employee Silence as a Mediator Between Overall Justice and Employee Outcomes pp. 251-266

- David Whiteside and Laurie Barclay
- Focus on Fairtrade: Propositions for Integrating Fairtrade and Supply Chain Management Research pp. 267-282

- Katri Karjalainen and Claire Moxham
- Vocational Virtue Ethics: Prospects for a Virtue Ethic Approach to Business pp. 283-296

- David McPherson
- Media Corruption: A Chinese Characteristic pp. 297-310

- Ren Li
- Effects of Earnings Forecasts and Heightened Professional Skepticism on the Outcomes of Client–Auditor Negotiation pp. 311-325

- Helen Brown-Liburd, Jeffrey Cohen and Greg Trompeter
- Technology Regulation Policy for Business Ethics: An Example of RFID in Supply Chain Management pp. 327-340

- Wei Zhou and Selwyn Piramuthu
- The Roles of Credibility and Social Consciousness in the Corporate Philanthropy-Consumer Behavior Relationship pp. 341-353

- Matthew Walker and Aubrey Kent
- Compound Conflicts of Interest in the US Proxy System pp. 355-371

- Cynthia Clark and Harry Van Buren
- When Servant Becomes Leader: The Corazon C. Aquino Success Story as a Beacon for Business Leaders pp. 373-391

- Zenon Udani and Caterina Lorenzo-Molo
- Going the (Ethical) Distance pp. 393-402

- Lee Shepski
- The Ethics of Marketing to Vulnerable Populations pp. 403-413

- David Palmer and Trevor Hedberg
- Leadership Manipulation and Ethics in Storytelling pp. 415-431

- Tommi Auvinen, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Teppo Sintonen and Tuomo Takala
- Impact of Transformational and Servant Leadership on Organizational Performance: A Comparative Analysis pp. 433-440

- Ali Choudhary, Syed Akhtar and Arshad Zaheer
- How Ethical Leadership Influence Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: A Perspective of Intrinsic Motivation pp. 441-455

- Tu Yidong and Lu Xinxin
- Erratum to: How Ethical Leadership Influence Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: A Perspective of Intrinsic Motivation pp. 457-457

- Yi Tu and Xin Lu
Volume 116, issue 1, 2013
- Exploring the Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility—A Comparison of Research Methods pp. 1-20

- Alan Gregory and Julie Whittaker
- Think Global, Invest Responsible: Why the Private Equity Industry Goes Green pp. 21-48

- Patricia Crifo and Vanina Forget
- The Impact of Operational Diversity on Corporate Philanthropy: An Empirical Study of U.S. Companies pp. 49-65

- Jean Kabongo, Kiyoung Chang and Ying Li
- Compensating Outside Directors with Stock: The Impact on Non-Primary Stakeholders pp. 67-85

- Yuval Deutsch and Mike Valente
- Women in the Boardroom: How Do Female Directors of Corporate Boards Perceive Boardroom Dynamics? pp. 87-97

- Gro Mathisen, Torvald Ogaard and Einar Marnburg
- Employee Reactions to Leader-Initiated Crisis Preparation: Core Dimensions pp. 99-106

- Marcus Selart, Svein Johansen and Synnøve Nesse
- The Determinants of Green Product Development Performance: Green Dynamic Capabilities, Green Transformational Leadership, and Green Creativity pp. 107-119

- Yu-Shan Chen and Ching-Hsun Chang
- Black Economic Empowerment Disclosures by South African Listed Corporations: The Influence of Ownership and Board Characteristics pp. 121-138

- Collins Ntim and Teerooven Soobaroyen
- Rationalizing Ideologies, Social Identities and Corruption Among Civil Servants in Indonesia During the Suharto Era pp. 139-149

- Adang Budiman, Amanda Roan and Victor Callan
- Diversity Identity Management: An Organizational Perspective pp. 151-161

- Brooklyn Cole and Manjula Salimath
- Understanding the Strength of Gentleness: Soft-Skilled Leadership on the Rise pp. 163-171

- Joan Marques
- Ethical Culture and Employee Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Person-Organization Fit pp. 173-188

- Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, Ricardo Martínez-Cañas and Joan Fontrodona
- Sustainable Supply Chains: Governance Mechanisms to Greening Suppliers pp. 189-203

- Cristina Gimenez and Vicenta Sierra
- The Relationship of Downward Mobbing with Leadership Style and Organizational Attitudes pp. 205-216

- Aysegul Ertureten, Zeynep Cemalcilar and Zeynep Aycan
- From Voluntarism to Regulation: A Study on Ownership, Economic Performance and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure in China pp. 217-232

- Xin Meng, S. Zeng and C. Tam