Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 171, issue 4, 2021
- Normative Violence in Domestic Service: A Study of Exploitation, Status, and Grievability pp. 645-665

- Rohit Varman, Per Skålén, Russell W. Belk and Himadri Roy Chaudhuri
- How To Be a ‘Wise’ Researcher: Learning from the Aristotelian Approach to Practical Wisdom pp. 667-681

- Sandrine Frémeaux, Thibaut Bardon and Clara Letierce
- Sweatshops and Free Action: The Stakes of the Actualism/Possibilism Debate for Business Ethics pp. 683-694

- Travis Timmerman and Abe Zakhem
- Spatial Ethics Beyond the North–South Dichotomy: Moral Dilemmas in Favelas pp. 695-707

- Daniel S. Lacerda, Fabio B. Meira and Vanessa Brulon
- Self-regulation of Sexist Digital Advertising: From Ethics to Law pp. 709-718

- David López Jiménez, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar and Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo
- Perceived Greenwashing: The Effects of Green Marketing on Environmental and Product Perceptions pp. 719-739

- Szerena Szabo and Jane Webster
- Translating Corporate Social Responsibility into Action: A Social Learning Perspective pp. 741-756

- Amanuel G. Tekleab, Paul M. Reagan, Boram Do, Ariel Levi and Cary Lichtman
- A Longitudinal Assessment of Corrective Advertising Mandated in United States v. Philip Morris USA, Inc pp. 757-770

- Christopher Berry, Scot Burton, Jeremy Kees and J. Craig Andrews
- The Effect of Consumer Perceptions of the Ethics of Retailers on Purchase Behavior and Word-of-Mouth: The Moderating Role of Ethical Beliefs pp. 771-788

- Millissa F. Y. Cheung and Wai Ming To
- Towards the Development of an Empirical Model for Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Middle East pp. 789-813

- Petya Koleva
- Work–Family Practices and Complexity of Their Usage: A Discourse Analysis Towards Socially Responsible Human Resource Management pp. 815-831

- Suvi Heikkinen, Anna-Maija Lämsä and Charlotta Niemistö
- Correction to: Corporate Essence and Identity in Criminal Law pp. 833-833

- Mihailis E. Diamantis
- Correction to: Drivers and Inhibitors of Internet Privacy Concern: A Multidimensional Development Theory Perspective pp. 835-835

- Weiyin Hong, Frank K. Y. Chan and James Y. L. Thong
Volume 171, issue 3, 2021
- Ethical Commitments and Credit Market Regulations pp. 421-433

- Saad Azmat and Hira Ghaffar
- Reporting Concerns About Earnings Quality: An Examination of Corporate Managers pp. 435-457

- Joseph F. Brazel, Lorenzo Lucianetti and Tammie J. Schaefer
- How Should Responsible Investors Behave? Keynes’s Distinction Between Entrepreneurship and Speculation Revisited pp. 459-473

- Christian Hecker
- Identity Drift: The Multivocality of Ethical Identity in Islamic Financial Institution pp. 475-494

- Nunung Nurul Hidayah, Alan Lowe and Ivo Loo
- Coercive Pressures and Anti-corruption Reporting: The Case of ASEAN Countries pp. 495-511

- Tiyas Kurnia Sari, Fitra Roman Cahaya and Corina Joseph
- Material Sustainability Information and Stock Price Informativeness pp. 513-544

- Jody Grewal, Clarissa Hauptmann and George Serafeim
- Microfranchising to Alleviate Poverty: An Innovation Network Perspective pp. 545-563

- Laté Lawson-Lartego and Lars Mathiassen
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures and Investor Judgments in Difficult Times: The Role of Ethical Culture and Assurance pp. 565-582

- Andrew C. Stuart, Jean C. Bedard and Cynthia E. Clark
- Determinants of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Social Networking Sites About Negative News on CSR pp. 583-597

- Maria del García- de los Salmones, Angel Herrero and Patricia Martínez
- When and Why Do Good People Not Do Good Deeds? Third-Party Observers’ Unfavorable Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip pp. 599-617

- Xing Zhou, Lele Fan, Cong Cheng and Yancheng Fan
- A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Ostracism: The Roles of Relational Climate, Employee Mindfulness, and Work Unit Structure pp. 619-638

- Amanda Christensen-Salem, Fred O. Walumbwa, Mayowa T. Babalola, Liang Guo and Everlyne Misati
- Book Review of African Virtue Ethics Traditions for Business and Management Edited by Kemi Ogunyemi pp. 639-643

- C. Bryan Davis
Volume 171, issue 2, 2021
- Popular Culture, Moral Narratives and Organizational Portrayals: A Multimodal Reflexive Analysis of a Reality Television Show pp. 211-226

- Carine Farias, Tapiwa Seremani and Pablo D. Fernández
- Virtue Beyond Contract: A MacIntyrean Approach to Employee Rights pp. 227-240

- Caleb Bernacchio
- Organizational Spirituality: Concept and Perspectives pp. 241-252

- Raysa Geaquinto Rocha and Paulo Gonçalves Pinheiro
- Unexpected Lives: The Intersection of Islam and Arab Women’s Entrepreneurship pp. 253-272

- Hayfaa A. Tlaiss and Maura McAdam
- Antecedents of Environmentally and Socially Responsible Sustainable Consumer Behavior pp. 273-293

- Maja Hosta and Vesna Zabkar
- Religious But Not Ethical: The Effects of Extrinsic Religiosity, Ethnocentrism and Self-righteousness on Consumers’ Ethical Judgments pp. 295-316

- Denni Arli, Felix Septianto and Rafi M. M. I. Chowdhury
- Beyond Warm Glow: The Risk-Mitigating Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pp. 317-336

- Abhi Bhattacharya, Valerie Good, Hanieh Sardashti and John Peloza
- Punishment by Securities Regulators, Corporate Social Responsibility and the Cost of Debt pp. 337-356

- Guangming Gong, Xin Huang, Sirui Wu, Haowen Tian and Wanjin Li
- How Pro-social Framing Affects the Success of Crowdfunding Projects: The Role of Emphasis and Information Crowdedness pp. 357-378

- Daniela Defazio, Chiara Franzoni and Cristina Rossi-Lamastra
- How Do Companies Respond to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings? Evidence from Italy pp. 379-397

- Ester Clementino and Richard Perkins
- Pay Secrecy, Discrimination, and Autonomy pp. 399-420

- Matthew Caulfield
Volume 171, issue 1, 2021
- When the Law Distinguishes Between the Enterprise and the Corporation: The Case of the New French Law on Corporate Purpose pp. 1-13

- Blanche Segrestin, Armand Hatchuel and Kevin Levillain
- The Transformation from Traditional Nonprofit Organizations to Social Enterprises: An Institutional Entrepreneurship Perspective pp. 15-32

- Wai Wai Ko and Gordon Liu
- The Ethics of Entrepreneurial Philanthropy pp. 33-49

- Charles Harvey, Jillian Gordon and Mairi Maclean
- Measuring Social Performance in Social Enterprises: A Global Study of Microfinance Institutions pp. 51-71

- Leif Atle Beisland, Kwame Ohene Djan, Roy Mersland and Trond Randøy
- Local Public Corruption and Bank Lending Activity in the United States pp. 73-98

- Theodora Bermpei, Antonios Nikolaos Kalyvas and Leone Leonida
- The Influence of a Family Business Climate and CEO–CFO Relationship Quality on Misreporting Conduct pp. 99-122

- Jingyu Gao, Adi Masli, Ikseon Suh and Jingchang Xu
- Managerial Aspirations and Suspect Leaders: The Effect of Relative Performance and Leader Succession on Organizational Misconduct pp. 123-138

- Mark Davis, Marcus Cox and Melissa Baucus
- Confident and Cunning: Negotiator Self-Efficacy Promotes Deception in Negotiations pp. 139-155

- Joseph P. Gaspar and Maurice E. Schweitzer
- Ingratiating with Despotic Leaders to Gain Status: The Role of Power Distance Orientation and Self-enhancement Motive pp. 157-174

- Dirk De Clercq, Tasneem Fatima and Sadia Jahanzeb
- Advertising Primed: How Professional Identity Affects Moral Reasoning pp. 175-187

- Erin Schauster, Patrick Ferrucci, Edson Tandoc and Tara Walker
- Mood and Ethical Decision Making: Positive Affect and Corporate Philanthropy pp. 189-208

- Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan, Myeong-Gu Seo and Madhu Veeraraghavan
- Review of Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life by Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein pp. 209-210

- M. Joy Hayes
Volume 170, issue 4, 2021
- Politicising Government Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility: “CSR” as an Empty Signifier pp. 635-655

- Anna Zueva and Jenny Fairbrass
- Addressing Governance Gaps in Global Value Chains: Introducing a Systematic Typology pp. 657-672

- Stephanie Schrage and Dirk Ulrich Gilbert
- Towards a Grainier Understanding of How to Encourage Morally Responsible Leadership Through the Development of Phronesis: A Typology of Managerial Phronesis pp. 673-695

- Francois Steyn and Kosheek Sewchurran
- Mapping the Ethicality of Algorithmic Pricing: A Review of Dynamic and Personalized Pricing pp. 697-719

- Peter Seele, Claus Dierksmeier, Reto Hofstetter and Mario D. Schultz
- The Role of Ethical Standards in the Relationship Between Religious Social Norms and M&A Announcement Returns pp. 721-742

- Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan and Keke Song
- Analyzing Leadership Attributes in Faith-Based Organizations: Idealism Versus Reality pp. 743-757

- Krystin Zigan, YingFei Héliot and Alan Grys
- Correction to: Analyzing Leadership Attributes in Faith-Based Organizations: Idealism Versus Reality pp. 759-759

- Krystin Zigan, YingFei Héliot and Alan Grys
- Team Ethical Cultures Within an Organization: A Differentiation Perspective on Their Existence and Relevance pp. 761-780

- Guillem C. Cabana and Muel Kaptein
- Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurial Performance: The Creation and Destruction of Value from a Stakeholder Capabilities Perspective pp. 781-796

- Ishrat Ali and Griffin W. Cottle
- Higher Ethical Objective (Maqasid al-Shari’ah) Augmented Framework for Islamic Banks: Assessing Ethical Performance and Exploring Its Determinants pp. 797-834

- Arman Mergaliyev, Mehmet Asutay, Alija Avdukic and Yusuf Karbhari
- Does Religion Shape Corporate Cost Behavior? pp. 835-855

- Lijun Ma, Xin Wang and Che Zhang
- Exploring the Curvature of the Relationship Between HRM–CSR and Corporate Financial Performance pp. 857-873

- Olivier Meier, Philippe Naccache and Guillaume Schier
- Flawed Like Us and the Starry Moral Law: Review of Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan pp. 875-879

- Tae Wan Kim
Volume 170, issue 3, 2021
- A Normative Meaning of Meaningful Work pp. 413-428

- Christopher Michaelson
- Moral Development in Business Ethics: An Examination and Critique pp. 429-448

- Kristen Bell DeTienne, Carol Frogley Ellertson, Marc-Charles Ingerson and William R. Dudley
- Not All Followers Socially Learn from Ethical Leaders: The Roles of Followers’ Moral Identity and Leader Identification in the Ethical Leadership Process pp. 449-469

- Zhen Wang, Lu Xing, Haoying Xu and Sean T. Hannah
- The Effects of Immigration on Labour Tax Avoidance: An Empirical Spatial Analysis pp. 471-496

- Diego Ravenda, Maika M. Valencia-Silva, Josep M. Argiles-Bosch and Josep García-Blandón
- Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas: A Look at Financial Reporting by Firms Facing Product Harm Crises pp. 497-518

- Shafu Zhang, Like Jiang, Michel Magnan and Lixin Nancy Su
- International Investment Agreements and the Escalation of Private Power in the Global Agri-Food System pp. 519-533

- Anna Clare Bull, Jagjit Plahe and Lachlan Gregory
- Are Politically Endorsed Firms More Socially Responsible? Selective Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 535-555

- Xiaowei Rose Luo and Danqing Wang
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Fraud: The Moderating Effects of Governance and Religiosity pp. 557-576

- Xing Li, Jeong-Bon Kim, Haibin Wu and Yangxin Yu
- The Carrot or the Stick: Self-Regulation for Gender-Diverse Boards via Codes of Good Governance pp. 577-593

- Heike Mensi-Klarbach, Stephan Leixnering and Michael Schiffinger
- Does It Pay to Invest in Japanese Women? Evidence from the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index pp. 595-613

- Jonathan Peillex, Sabri Boubaker and Breeda Comyns
- Does A Trusted Leader Always Behave Better? The Relationship Between Leader Feeling Trusted by Employees and Benevolent and Laissez-Faire Leadership Behaviors pp. 615-634

- Xingwen Chen, Zheng Zhu and Jun Liu
Volume 170, issue 2, 2021
- Opening Constructive Dialogues Between Business Ethics Research and the Sociology of Morality: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium pp. 201-211

- Masoud Shadnam, Andrey Bykov and Ajnesh Prasad
- Constrained Morality in the Professional Work of Corporate Lawyers pp. 213-228

- Dawn Yi Lin Chow and Thomas Calvard
- New Moralities for New Media? Assessing the Role of Social Media in Acts of Terror and Providing Points of Deliberation for Business Ethics pp. 229-251

- Ateeq Abdul Rauf
- Is the Market Perceived to be Civilizing or Destructive? Scientists’ Universalism Values and Their Attitudes Towards Patents pp. 253-267

- Jared L. Peifer, David R. Johnson and Elaine Howard Ecklund
- The Morality of “new” CEO Activism pp. 269-285

- Layla Branicki, Stephen Brammer, Alison Pullen and Carl Rhodes
- From Black Pain to Rhodes Must Fall: A Rejectionist Perspective pp. 287-311

- Rashedur Chowdhury
- Sweated Labor as a Social Phenomenon Lessons from the 19th Century Sweatshop Discussion pp. 313-328

- Michael S. Aßländer
- Are Liberated Companies a Concrete Application of Sen’s Capability Approach? pp. 329-342

- Roberta Sferrazzo and Renato Ruffini
- B Corp Certification and Its Impact on Organizations Over Time pp. 343-357

- Malu Villela, Sergio Bulgacov and Glenn Morgan
- Harnessing Multidimensional Legitimacy for Codes of Ethics: A Staged Approach pp. 359-373

- Hugh Breakey
- From Credit Risk to Social Impact: On the Funding Determinants in Interest-Free Peer-to-Peer Lending pp. 375-400

- Gregor Dorfleitner, Eva-Maria Oswald and Rongxin Zhang
- Adam Smith and Catholic Social Teaching pp. 401-411

- Nuno Martins
Volume 170, issue 1, 2021
- Reconnecting to the Social in Business Ethics pp. 1-4

- Gazi Islam and Michelle Greenwood
- An Agonistic Notion of Political CSR: Melding Activism and Deliberation pp. 5-19

- Cedric E. Dawkins
- Firms Talk, Suppliers Walk: Analyzing the Locus of Greenwashing in the Blame Game and Introducing ‘Vicarious Greenwashing’ pp. 21-38

- Marta Pizzetti, Lucia Gatti and Peter Seele
- Corporate Social Responsibility as Obligated Internalisation of Social Costs pp. 39-52

- Andrew Johnston, Kenneth Amaeshi, Emmanuel Adegbite and Onyeka Osuji
- Greasing Dirty Machines: Evidence of Pollution-Driven Bribery in China pp. 53-74

- Yanlei Zhang
- Consumer Reactions to Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the United States and Germany pp. 75-96

- Inga Hardeck, J. William Harden and David R. Upton
- Reducing Accounting Aggressiveness with General Ethical Norms and Decision Structure pp. 97-113

- Khim Kelly and Pamela R. Murphy
- Consequences of Moral Transgressions: How Regulatory Focus Orientation Motivates or Hinders Moral Decoupling pp. 115-132

- Kirsten Cowan and Atefeh Yazdanparast
- The Impact of Authoritarian Leadership on Ethical Voice: A Moderated Mediation Model of Felt Uncertainty and Leader Benevolence pp. 133-146

- Yuyan Zheng, Les Graham, Jiing-Lih Farh and Xu Huang
- Humility Harmonized? Exploring Whether and How Leader and Employee Humility (In)Congruence Influences Employee Citizenship and Deviance Behaviors pp. 147-165

- Xin Qin, Xin Liu, Jacob A. Brown, Xiaoming Zheng and Bradley P. Owens
- Supervisors’ Value Orientations and Ethics: A Cross-National Analysis pp. 167-180

- Chung-wen Chen, Hsiu-Huei Yu, Kristine Velasquez Tuliao, Aditya Simha and Yi-Ying Chang
- A Developmental Model for Educating Wise Leaders: The Role of Mindfulness and Habitus in Creating Time for Embodying Wisdom pp. 181-194

- David Rooney, Wendelin Küpers, David Pauleen and Ekatarina Zhuravleva
- Review of The Time Is Now: Developing Leaders for Today's Organizations of Color by Cassandra Y. Owens and Helen J. Owens pp. 195-199

- Vickie Cox Edmondson
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