Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 80, issue 4, 2008
- The International Business Ethics Index: Asian Emerging Economies pp. 643-651

- John Tsalikis, Bruce Seaton and Tiger Li
- The Ethical Climate of Danish Firms: A Discussion and Enhancement of the Ethical-Climate Model pp. 653-675

- Jeanette Lemmergaard and Jørgen Lauridsen
- The Effect of National Corporate Responsibility Environment on Japanese Foreign Direct Investment pp. 677-695

- George Peng and Paul Beamish
- Environmental Reporting: The U.K. Water and Energy Industries: A Research Note pp. 697-710

- Stephanie Stray
- The Corporate Social Performance Content of Innovation in the U.K pp. 711-725

- Stephen Pavelin and Lynda Porter
- Women’s Careers at the Start of the 21st Century: Patterns and Paradoxes pp. 727-743

- Deborah O’Neil, Margaret Hopkins and Diana Bilimoria
- An Analysis of 10 years of Business Ethics Research in Strategic Management Journal: 1996–2005 pp. 745-753

- Christopher Robertson
- The Impact of Corporate Social Performance on a Firm’s Multinationality pp. 755-769

- Cyril Bouquet and Yuval Deutsch
- Religion, Opportunism, and International Market Entry Via Non-Equity Alliances or Joint Ventures pp. 771-789

- Ning Li
- Values Versus Regulations: How Culture Plays Its Role pp. 791-806

- Runtian Jing and John L. Graham
- No Man’s Land: Exploring the Space between Gilligan and Kohlberg pp. 807-822

- Gabriel Donleavy
- The Aftermath of Organizational Corruption: Employee Attributions and Emotional Reactions pp. 823-844

- Kathie Pelletier and Michelle Bligh
- Ethical Reflections on Company-Owned Life Insurance pp. 845-854

- Hugo Nurnberg and Douglas Lackey
- Ethics and Disclosure: A Study of the Financial Performance of Firms in the Seasoned Equity Offerings Market pp. 855-878

- Hoje Jo and Yongtae Kim
- Imperfections and Shortcomings of the Stakeholder Model’s Graphical Representation pp. 879-888

- Yves Fassin
- A Perspective of Collective Consciousness of Business Organizations pp. 889-898

- Ashish Pandey and Rajen Gupta
Volume 80, issue 2, 2008
- Corporations as Political Actors – A Report on the First Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 151-173

- Andreas Rasche, Dorothea Baur, Mariëtte Huijstee, Stephen Ladek, Jayanthi Naidu, Cecilia Perla, Esther Schouten, Michael Valente and Mingrui Zhang
- Management and Legal Issues Regarding Electronic Surveillance of Employees in the Workplace pp. 175-180

- David Halpern, Patrick Reville and Donald Grunewald
- The Investment Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds in Australia pp. 181-203

- Stewart Jones, Sandra van der Laan, Geoff Frost and Janice Loftus
- Work Values of Turkish and American University Students pp. 205-223

- Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Mahmut Arslan and Salih Güney
- Organization-Harm vs. Organization-Gain Ethical Issues: An Exploratory Examination of the Effects of Organizational Commitment pp. 225-235

- C. Cullinan, Dennis Bline, Robert Farrar and Dana Lowe
- Strategy Making and the Search for Authenticity pp. 237-248

- Jeanne Liedtka
- An Integral Model of Collective Action in Organizations and Beyond pp. 249-261

- Lu Tang
- Principles and Influence in Codes of Ethics: A Centering Resonance Analysis Comparing Pre- and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Codes of Ethics pp. 263-278

- Heather Canary and Marianne Jennings
- European Business and Economic Ethics: Diagnosis – Dialogue – Debate pp. 279-280

- Dorothea Baur, Franziska Birke, Jochen Fehling, Bettina Hollstein and Mi-Yong Lee-Peuker
- Business Ethics Resources on the Internet pp. 281-288

- Scott Yetmar
- Meet the Parents: A Parents’ Perspective on Product Placement in Children’s Films pp. 289-304

- Simon Hudson, David Hudson and John Peloza
- Linking Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Managerial Ethical Decision-Making pp. 305-325

- Kevin Groves, Charles Vance and Yongsun Paik
- Perceptions of Deception: Making Sense of Responses to Employee Deceit pp. 327-347

- Karen Jehn and Elizabeth Scott
- Ethical Decisions About Sharing Music Files in the P2P Environment pp. 349-365

- Rong-An Shang, Yu-Chen Chen and Pin-Cheng Chen
- Reconciling Corporate Citizenship and Competitive Strategy: Insights from Economic Theory pp. 367-377

- Sylvia Maxfield
- The International Business Ethics Index: Japan pp. 379-385

- John Tsalikis and Bruce Seaton
- Ethics and Religion: An Empirical Test of a Multidimensional Model pp. 387-398

- K. Parboteeah, Martin Hoegl and John Cullen
Volume 80, issue 1, 2008
- Ethics in Today’s Business World: Reflections from Business Scholars pp. 1-4

- Ann Tenbrunsel
- “She did what? There is no way I would do that!” The Potential Interpersonal Harm Caused by Mispredicting One’s Behavior pp. 5-11

- Kristina Diekmann
- The Manipulation of Voting Systems pp. 13-21

- David Hartvigsen
- Ethics and Lobbying: The Case of Real Estate Brokerage pp. 23-35

- David Barker
- Does Payment For Order Flow To Your Broker Help Or Hurt You? pp. 37-44

- Robert Battalio and Tim Loughran
- Ethical Issues in Financial Reporting: Is Intentional Structuring of Lease Contracts to Avoid Capitalization Unethical? pp. 45-59

- Thomas Frecka
- Impact of Post-restatement Actions Taken by a Firm on Non-professional Investors’ Credibility Perceptions pp. 61-76

- Elizabeth Almer, Audrey Gramling and Steven Kaplan
- Disadvantaged Consumers: An Ethical Approach to Consumption by the Poor pp. 77-83

- Ronald Hill
- The Ethnographer’s Apprentice: Trying Consumer Culture from the Outside In pp. 85-95

- John Sherry
- Some Dimensions of Trust in Business Practices: From Financial and Product Representation to Licensure and Voting pp. 97-102

- Robert Audi
- A Framework for Ethical Conformity in Marketing pp. 103-109

- Kelly Martin and Jean Johnson
- Mad as Hell or Scared Stiff? The Effects of Value Conflict and Emotions on Potential Whistle-Blowers pp. 111-119

- Erika Henik
- Promoting Stewardship Behavior in Organizations: A Leadership Model pp. 121-128

- Morela Hernandez
- Moral Disengagement in Processes of Organizational Corruption pp. 129-139

- Celia Moore
- Stigma and Settling Up: An Integrated Approach to the Consequences of Organizational Misconduct for Organizational Elites pp. 141-150

- Jo-Ellen Pozner
Volume 79, issue 3, 2008
- Enhancing Business Ethics: Using Cases to Teach Moral Reasoning pp. 213-217

- Loren Falkenberg and Jaana Woiceshyn
- Just Doing Business or Doing Just Business: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and the Business of Censoring China’s Internet pp. 219-234

- Gary Dann and Neil Haddow
- Online Auction Fraud: Ethical Perspective pp. 235-244

- Alex Nikitkov and Darlene Bay
- Compliance with Mandatory Environmental Reporting in Financial Statements: The Case of Spain (2001–2003) pp. 245-262

- Irene Criado-Jiménez, Manuel Fernández-Chulián, Carlos Larrinaga and Francisco Husillos-Carqués
- The Moderating Effect of Impression Management on the Organizational Politics–Performance Relationship pp. 263-277

- Yei-Yi Chen and WenChang Fang
- Role Morality in the Accounting Profession – How do we Compare to Physicians and Attorneys? pp. 279-297

- Robin Radtke
- Corporate Social and Financial Performance: An Extended Stakeholder Theory, and Empirical Test with Accounting Measures pp. 299-310

- Gerwin Laan, Hans Ees and Arjen Witteloostuijn
- The Prospect of Familism in the Global Era: A Study on the Recent Development of the Ethnic-Chinese Business, with Particular Attention to the Indonesian Context pp. 311-317

- Yahya Wijaya
- Researching the Drivers of Socially Responsible Purchasing: A Cross-National Study of Supplier Diversity Initiatives pp. 319-331

- Ian Worthington, Monder Ram, Harvinder Boyal and Mayank Shah
- The Manufacturing Sector’s Environmental Motives: A Game-theoretic Analysis pp. 333-344

- Richard Fairchild
- Social Reporting by Companies Listed on the Alternative Investment Market pp. 345-360

- Sepideh Parsa and Reza Kouhy
Volume 79, issue 1, 2008
- Does East Meet West in Business Ethics: An Introduction to the Special Issue pp. 1-8

- Gabriel Donleavy, Kit-Chun Lam and Simon Ho
- Ancient Observations on Business Ethics: Middle East Meets West pp. 9-19

- Alex Michalos
- Truthfulness and Business pp. 21-28

- Lubomira Radoilska
- Moral Choice and the Concept of Motivational Typologies: An Extended Stakeholder Perspective in a Western Context pp. 29-42

- Gordon Woodbine
- Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting pp. 43-55

- Alicia Leung
- Guanxi and Conflicts of Interest pp. 57-68

- Chris Provis
- Normalized Collective Corruption in a Transitional Economy: Small Treasuries in Large Chinese Enterprises pp. 69-83

- Humphry Hung
- A Study on Ethically Problematic Selling Methods in China with a Broaden Concept of Gray-marketing pp. 85-101

- Guijun Zhuang and Alex Tsang
- International Bribery: Does a Written Code of Ethics Make a Difference in Perceptions of Business Professionals pp. 103-111

- Joseph McKinney and Carlos Moore
- The Ethics of Global Supply Chains in China – Convergences of East and West pp. 113-120

- David Krueger
- Ethical Perceptions of Business Students: Differences Between East Asia and the USA and Among “Confucian” Cultures pp. 121-132

- Kun Chung, John Eichenseher and Teruso Taniguchi
- Are East Asian Companies Benefiting from Western Board Practices? pp. 133-150

- John Nowland
- The Agency Problems Embedded in Firm’s Equity Investment pp. 151-166

- Yin-Hua Yeh, Tsun-Siou Lee and Pei-Gi Shu
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Crony Capitalism in Taiwan pp. 167-177

- Po-Keung Ip
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Investor Protection, and Earnings Management: Some International Evidence pp. 179-198

- Hsiang-Lin Chih, Chung-Hua Shen and Feng-Ching Kang
- Local Responsiveness Pressure, Subsidiary Resources, Green Management Adoption and Subsidiary’s Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufactures pp. 199-212

- Yu-Shu Peng and Shing-Shiuan Lin
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