Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 70, issue 4, 2007
- The Effect of Country and Culture on Perceptions of Appropriate Ethical Actions Prescribed by Codes of Conduct: A Western European Perspective among Accountants pp. 327-340

- Donald Arnold, Richard Bernardi, Presha Neidermeyer and Josef Schmee
- Ethical Climate Theory, Whistle-blowing, and the Code of Silence in Police Agencies in the State of Georgia pp. 341-361

- Gary Rothwell and J. Baldwin
- Andersen and the Market for Lemons in Audit Reports pp. 363-373

- Steven Kaplan, Pamela Roush and Linda Thorne
- Constructing Good Decisions in Ethically Charged Situations: The Role of Dramatic Rehearsal pp. 375-390

- John McVea
- On Corporate Virtue pp. 391-400

- Aditi Gowri
- On the relationship of hope and gratitude to corporate social responsibility pp. 401-409

- Lynne Andersson, Robert Giacalone and Carole Jurkiewicz
- To Share or Not to Share: Modeling Tacit Knowledge Sharing, Its Mediators and Antecedents pp. 411-428

- Chieh-Peng Lin
Volume 70, issue 3, 2007
- Locating a Space for Ethics to Appear in Decision-making: Privacy as an Exemplar pp. 221-234

- William Bonner
- An Ethical Decision-Making Framework for Competitor Intelligence Gathering pp. 235-245

- Terri Rittenburg, Sean Valentine and James Faircloth
- Ethical Decision-Making by Consumers: The Roles of Product Harm and Consumer Vulnerability pp. 247-264

- Jeri Jones and Karen Middleton
- Values and the Perceived Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility: The U.S. versus China pp. 265-284

- William Shafer, Kyoko Fukukawa and Grace Lee
- Filling the Empty Shell. The Public Debate on CSR in Austria as a Paradigmatic Example of a Political Discourse pp. 285-297

- Bernhard Mark-Ungericht and Richard Weiskopf
- Using Best–Worst Scaling Methodology to Investigate Consumer Ethical Beliefs Across Countries pp. 299-326

- Pat Auger, Timothy Devinney and Jordan Louviere
Volume 70, issue 2, 2007
- The Ethical Mutual Fund Performance Debate: New Evidence from Canada pp. 111-124

- Rob Bauer, Jeroen Derwall and Rogér Otten
- A Framework for Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility Programs as a Continuum: An Exploratory Study pp. 125-140

- Julie Pirsch, Shruti Gupta and Stacy Grau
- Developing Moral Principles and Scenarios in the Light of Diversity: An Extension to the Multidimensional Ethics Scale pp. 141-150

- Johanna Kujala and Tarja Pietiläinen
- Ethics in Practice: What Are Managers Really Doing? pp. 151-163

- Betty Velthouse and Yener Kandogan
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Responsible Investing: A Global Perspective pp. 165-174

- Ronald Hill, Thomas Ainscough, Todd Shank and Daryl Manullang
- Post-Partnership Strategies for Defining Corporate Responsibility: The Business Social Compliance Initiative pp. 175-189

- Niklas Egels-Zandén and Evelina Wahlqvist
- Ethical Ideologies and Older Consumer Perceptions of Unethical Sales Tactics pp. 191-207

- Rosemary Ramsey, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston and Dawn Deeter-Schmelz
- Moral Agency, Profits and the Firm: Economic Revisions to the Friedman Theorem pp. 209-220

- Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto
Volume 70, issue 1, 2007
- Today’s Ethical Issues: A Perspective from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing pp. 1-3

- Ann Tenbrunsel
- Through the Ethics Looking Glass: Another View of the World of Auditors and Ethics pp. 5-14

- Roger Martin
- The Normative Impact of CPA Firms, Professional Organizations, and State Boards on Accounting Ethics Education pp. 15-21

- Kevin M. Misiewicz
- The Use and Abuse of Mutual Fund Expenses pp. 23-32

- Todd Houge and Jay Wellman
- Mutual Fund Incubation and the Role of the Securities and Exchange Commission pp. 33-37

- Carl Ackermann and Tim Loughran
- Satisfaction for Whom? Freedom for What? Theology and the Economic Theory of the Consumer pp. 39-60

- Mark Nixon
- Business Ethics Training: Insights from Learning Theory pp. 61-85

- John Weber
- Researching Corporate Social Responsibility: An Agenda for the 21st Century pp. 87-98

- Paul C. Godfrey and Nile W. Hatch
- Mission Possible: Do School Mission Statements Work? pp. 99-110

- James Davis, John Ruhe, Monle Lee and Ujvala Rajadhyaksha
Volume 69, issue 4, 2006
- The Effect of Ethical Fund Portfolio Inclusion on Executive Compensation pp. 317-329

- James Brander
- Corporate Social Reporting in the European Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies pp. 331-354

- Taru Vuontisjärvi
- Misleading Disclosure of Pro Forma Earnings: An Empirical Examination pp. 355-372

- Gary Entwistle, Glenn Feltham and Chima Mbagwu
- Conflicting Views of Markets and Economic Justice: Implications for Student Learning pp. 373-387

- David Carrithers and Dean Peterson
- Significant Choice and Crisis Decision Making: MeritCare’s Public Communication in the Fen–Phen Case pp. 389-397

- Renae Streifel, Bethany Beebe, Shari Veil and Timothy Sellnow
- 9/11 Impact on Teenage Values pp. 399-421

- Edward Murphy, Mark Woodhull, Bert Post, Carolyn Murphy-Post, William Teeple and Kent Anderson
Volume 69, issue 3, 2006
- The Impact of Public Scrutiny on Corporate Philanthropy pp. 217-236

- Ailian Gan
- Ethics in countries with different cultural dimensions pp. 237-247

- Ruth Alas
- Evaluating Stakeholder Theory pp. 249-268

- J. Kaler
- The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers’ Ethical Decision-Making pp. 269-288

- Sarah Steenhaut and Patrick Kenhove
- Analysis of Social Performance in the Spanish Financial Industry Through Public Data. A Proposal pp. 289-304

- Marta Cuesta-González, María Muñoz-Torres and María Ángeles Fernández-Izquierdo
- Socially Responsible Investment in the Spanish financial market pp. 305-316

- Josep Lozano, Laura Albareda and M. Balaguer
Volume 69, issue 2, 2006
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Resource-Based Perspectives pp. 111-132

- Manuel Branco and Lúcia Rodrigues
- A Typology of Moral Problems in Business: A Framework for Ethical Management pp. 133-147

- Aviva Geva
- An Examination of the Structure of Executive Compensation and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Canadian Investigation pp. 149-162

- Lois Mahoney and Linda Thorn
- Anomie and Ethics at Work pp. 163-174

- Eva E. Tsahuridu
- Continuities and Extensions of Ethical Climate Theory: A Meta-Analytic Review pp. 175-194

- Kelly Martin and John Cullen
- The Role of Strategic Conversations with Stakeholders in the Formation of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy pp. 195-205

- Morgan Miles, Linda Munilla and Jenny Darroch
- Factors Impacting Ethical Behavior in Hospitals pp. 207-216

- Satish Deshpande, Jacob Joseph and Rashmi Prasad
Volume 69, issue 1, 2006
- Intellectual Property Rights and Chinese Tradition Section: Philosophical Foundations pp. 1-9

- John Lehman
- Accountants’ Value Preferences and Moral Reasoning pp. 11-25

- Mohammad Abdolmohammadi and C. Baker
- Environmental Costs and Responsibilities Resulting from Oil Exploitation in Developing Countries: The Case of the Niger Delta of Nigeria pp. 27-56

- Gabriel Eweje
- Exploring the Role Performance of Corporate Ethics Officers pp. 57-75

- Henry Adobor
- Attitude Toward and Propensity to Engage in Unethical Behavior: Measurement Invariance across Major among University Students pp. 77-93

- Yuh-Jia Chen and Thomas Tang
- The Role of Business Ethics in Merger and Acquisition Success: An Empirical Study pp. 95-109

- Carol Lin and Yu-Chen Wei
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