Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 187, issue 4, 2023
- Intimate Partner Violence and Business: Exploring the Boundaries of Ethical Enquiry pp. 645-655

- Charlotte M. Karam, Michelle Greenwood, Laura Kauzlarich, Anne O’Leary Kelly and Tracy Wilcox
- Corporate Responses to Intimate Partner Violence pp. 657-677

- Layla Branicki, Senia Kalfa, Alison Pullen and Stephen Brammer
- Financial Abuse in a Banking Context: Why and How Financial Institutions can Respond pp. 679-694

- Ayesha Scott
- The Spread of Digital Intimate Partner Violence: Ethical Challenges for Business, Workplaces, Employers and Management pp. 695-711

- Jeff Hearn, Matthew Hall, Ruth Lewis and Charlotta Niemistö
- Shared Value Creation in Equivocal CSR Environments: A Configuration Approach pp. 713-732

- Olivia Aronson and Irene Henriques
- The Interdisciplinary Responsible Management Competence Framework: An Integrative Review of Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability Competences pp. 733-757

- Oliver Laasch, Dirk C. Moosmayer and Elena P. Antonacopoulou
- Trees in the Forest: How Do Family Owners Make CSR Decisions in Business Groups? pp. 759-780

- Won-Yong Oh, Hojae Ree, Young Kyun Chang and Igor Postuła
- Can Green Investments Increase Your Green? Evidence from Social Hedge Fund Activists pp. 781-801

- Jonghyuk Bae, Natalya Khimich, Sungsoo Kim and Emanuel Zur
- Clearing the Smoke: Regulations, Moral Legitimacy, and Performance in the U.S. Tobacco Industry pp. 803-819

- Ana M. Aranda and Tal Simons
- The Ethics of Sharing: Does Generosity Erode the Competitive Advantage of an Ecosystem Firm? pp. 821-839

- Muhammad Aftab Alam, David Rooney, Erik Lundmark and Murray Taylor
- Preventing Disclosure-Induced Moral Licensing: Evidence from the Boardroom pp. 841-857

- Thomas G. Canace, Leigh Salzsieder and Tammie J. Schaefer
Volume 187, issue 3, 2023
- Do LGBTQ-Supportive Corporate Policies Affect Consumer Behavior? Evidence from the Video Game Industry pp. 421-432

- Petr Parshakov, Iuliia Naidenova, Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez and Cornel Nesseler
- Diversity for Justice vs. Diversity for Performance: Philosophical and Empirical Tensions pp. 433-447

- Jason Brennan
- Ethnic Diversity, Trust and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effects of Marketization and Language pp. 449-471

- Gaowen Kong, T. Dongmin Kong, Ni Qin and Li Yu
- The Negative Effect of Low Belonging on Consumer Responses to Sustainable Products pp. 473-492

- Ainslie E. Schultz, Kevin P. Newman and Scott A. Wright
- Keeping Promises? Mutual Funds’ Investment Objectives and Impact of Carbon Risk Disclosures pp. 493-516

- John R. Nofsinger and Abhishek Varma
- StoneRidge Investment Partners v. Scientific Atlanta: A Test of Auditor Litigation Risk pp. 517-538

- Anna Bergman Brown, Nicole M. Heron, Hagit Levy and Emanuel Zur
- Does Venture Capital Backing Improve Disclosure Controls and Procedures? Evidence from Management’s Post-IPO Disclosures pp. 539-563

- Douglas Cumming, Lars Helge Hass, Linda A. Myers and Monika Tarsalewska
- The State of Ohio’s Auditors, the Enumeration of Population, and the Project of Eugenics pp. 565-587

- Cameron Graham, Martin Persson, Vaughan S. Radcliffe and Mitchell J. Stein
- The Effect of Human Capital on Stock Price Crash Risk pp. 589-609

- Yi Si and Chongwu Xia
- A Virtual Net Locks Me In: How and When Information and Communication Technology Use Intensity Leads to Knowledge Hiding pp. 611-626

- Zhe Zhang and Xintong Ji
- Diverse, Ethical, Collaborative Leadership Through Revitalized Cultural Archetype: The Mary Alternative pp. 627-644

- Teresa J. Rothausen
Volume 187, issue 2, 2023
- How to Sharpen Our Discourse on Corporate Sustainability and Business Ethics—A View from the Section Editors pp. 225-235

- Kai Hockerts and Cory Searcy
- The Mine or the Mire? Mobilising Place in Natural Resource Struggles pp. 237-254

- Johanna Järvelä
- Accountable Selves and Responsibility Within a Global Forum pp. 255-270

- Victoria Pagan, Kathryn Haynes and Stefanie Reissner
- Automation and Well-Being: Bridging the Gap between Economics and Business Ethics pp. 271-281

- David A. Spencer
- The Moral Limits of Market-Based Mechanisms: An Application to the International Maritime Sector pp. 283-299

- Jason Monios
- Integrative Resource Model of Workplace Inclusion for Reduced Inequality: Conservation of Resources Perspective pp. 301-323

- Yuka Fujimoto, Ahmed Ferdous and Faisal Wali
- Gender Bias in Entrepreneurship: What is the Role of the Founders’ Entrepreneurial Background? pp. 325-346

- Luca Pistilli, Alessia Paccagnini, Stefano Breschi and Franco Malerba
- Are Leaders Responsible for Meaningful Work? Perspectives from Buddhist-Enacted Leaders and Buddhist Ethics pp. 347-370

- Mai Chi Vu and Roger Gill
- Social Undermining at the Workplace: How Religious Faith Encourages Employees Who are Aware of Their Social Undermining Behaviors to Express More Guilt and Perform Better pp. 371-383

- Nasib Dar, Muhammad Usman, Jin Cheng and Usman Ghani
- To Blow or Not to Blow the Whistle? An Islamic Framework pp. 385-404

- Dina El-Bassiouny, Amr Kotb, Hany Elbardan and Noha El-Bassiouny
- How Moral Identity Inhibits Employee Silence Behavior: The Roles of Felt Obligation and Corporate Social Responsibility Perception pp. 405-420

- Aimin Yan, Hao Guo, Zhiqing E. Zhou, Julan Xie and Hao Ma
Volume 187, issue 1, 2023
- Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World pp. 1-15

- Shuili Du, Assaad El Akremi and Ming Jia
- ‘It’s as if I’m Worth Nothing’—Cost-Driven Restructuring and the Dignity of Long-Term Workers in Finland’s State-Owned Postal Service Company pp. 17-31

- Atte Vieno
- Does the Ethos of Law Erode? Lawyers’ Professional Practices, Self-Understanding and Ethics at Work pp. 33-52

- Bernadette Loacker
- Fairly Meaningful: Mechanisms Linking Organizational Fairness to Perceived Meaningfulness pp. 53-72

- Wei Si, Jialing Xiao and Leni Chen
- When the Private and the Public Self Don’t Align: The Role of Discrepant Moral Identity Dimensions in Processing Inconsistent CSR Information pp. 73-96

- Ramona Demasi and Christian Voegtlin
- Sins of Commission and Omission: The Implications of an Active–Passive Categorization of Counterproductive Work Behavior pp. 97-117

- Jonathan B. Evans, Jerel E. Slaughter and Mahira L. Ganster
- Exploring the Antecedents of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior (UPB): A Meta-Analysis pp. 119-136

- Yuxiang Luan, Kai Zhao, Zheyuan Wang and Feng Hu
- A Dilemma of Self-interest vs. Ethical Responsibilities in Political Insider Trading pp. 137-167

- Jan Hanousek, Hoje Jo, Christos Pantzalis and Jung Chul Park
- A Multi-layered Illustration of Exemplary Business Ethics Practices with Voices of the Engineers in the Health Products Industry pp. 169-183

- Dayoung Kim and Justin L. Hess
- The Impact of Work-Related Use of Information and Communication Technologies After Hours on Time Theft pp. 185-198

- Chenqian Xu, Zhu Yao and Zhengde Xiong
- Is Cybersecurity Risk Factor Disclosure Informative? Evidence from Disclosures Following a Data Breach pp. 199-224

- Jing Chen, Elaine Henry and Xi Jiang
Volume 186, issue 4, 2023
- Coevolution of Strategy, Innovation and Ethics pp. 711-721

- Liang Wang and Justin Tan
- Innovator or Troublemaker? The Co-evolution of Ethical Controversies, Legitimation and Institutionalisation of the Ridesharing Firms in China pp. 723-737

- Xiao-xiao Liu, Feng Xiong and Xingqiang Du
- How Political Ties and Green Innovation Co-evolve in China: Alignment with Institutional Development and Environmental Pollution pp. 739-760

- Wei Jiang, Kui Wang and Kevin Zheng Zhou
- Industry Reputation Crisis and Firm Certification: A Co-evolution Perspective pp. 761-780

- Yanying Chen, Liang Ping and Feng Helen Liang
- MNEs’ Ambidexterity Strategies and Moral Conflicts: The Case of Google in China pp. 781-796

- Shuxin Zhong, Xiaoyang Zhao and Juan Song
- Attention-Based Constraint to MNC Coevolution in China's Changing Stakeholder Environment pp. 797-814

- Meng Zhao, Xufei Ma, Seung Ho Park and Lingli Luo
- How do Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation Co-evolve with Organizational Forms? Evidence from a Transitional Economy pp. 815-829

- Helen Wei Hu and Jiamin Zhang
- Signaling Effects of CSR Performance on Cross-border Alliance Formation pp. 831-850

- Ding Wang, Jiang Wei, Niels Noorderhaven and Yang Liu
Volume 186, issue 3, 2023
- Harm Reduction, Solidarity, and Social Mobility as Target Functions: A Rortian Approach to Stakeholder Theory pp. 479-492

- David Weitzner and Yuval Deutsch
- I Am Not Just a Nurse: The Need for a Boundaried Ethic of Care in the Context of Prolific Relationality pp. 493-510

- Wee Chan Au and Siân Stephens
- Organizational Event Stigma: Typology, Processes, and Stickiness pp. 511-530

- Kim Clark and Yuan Li
- When the Presidential Candidate Comes to Town: The Impact of Donald J. Trump’s Campaign Rallies on Local Firms’ Environmental and Social Performance pp. 531-552

- Feng Guo, Yonghong Liu, Mengmeng Wang and Yiyang Zhang
- Misrepresentation of Marginalized Groups: A Critique of Epistemic Neocolonialism pp. 553-570

- Rashedur Chowdhury
- Let’s Join Forces: Institutional Resilience and Multistakeholder Partnerships in Crises pp. 571-592

- Gorgi Krlev
- Geographic Concentration of Institutional Blockholders and Workplace Safety Violations pp. 593-613

- Xin Cheng, Orhun Guldiken and Wei Shi
- Who are the Empowered Employees: Those with High Work Performance or High Ethical Behavior? pp. 615-631

- Meizhen Lin, Xiaoyi Wu and Xiaolu Li
- Informal Networks, Informal Institutions, and Social Exclusion in the Workplace: Insights from Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations in Korea pp. 633-655

- Sven Horak and Yuliani Suseno
- The Emotional Machiavellian: Interactions Between Leaders and Employees pp. 657-673

- Nilupulee Liyanagamage, Mario Fernando and Belinda Gibbons
- For the Love of the Game: Moral Ambivalence and Justification Work in Consuming Violence pp. 675-694

- Clément Dubreuil, Delphine Dion and Stéphane Borraz
- Spiritual Leadership and Employee CSR Participation: A Probe from a Sensemaking Perspective pp. 695-709

- WenChi Zou, BaoWen Lin, Ling Su and Jeffery D. Houghton
Volume 186, issue 2, 2023
- Don’t Just Trust Your Gut: The Importance of Normative Deliberation to Ethical Decision-Making at Work pp. 257-277

- Oyku Arkan, Mahak Nagpal, Tobey K. Scharding and Danielle E. Warren
- Handling Whistleblowing Reports: The Complexity of the Double Agent pp. 279-292

- Nadia Smaili, Wim Vandekerckhove and Paulina Arroyo Pardo
- Theorising the Fiduciary: Ontology and Ethics pp. 293-307

- Helen J. Mussell
- Nudge Me If You Can! Why Order Ethicists Should Embrace the Nudge Approach pp. 309-324

- Nikil Mukerji and Adriano Mannino
- The Effect of Ethical Commitment Reminder and Reciprocity in the Workplace on Misreporting pp. 325-345

- Muhammad Irdam Ferdiansah, Vincent K. Chong, Isabel Z. Wang and David R. Woodliff
- Leadership and Workplace Aggression: A Meta-analysis pp. 347-367

- Wenrui Cao, Peikai Li, Reine van der Wal and Toon Taris
- What (If Anything) is Wrong with High-Frequency Trading? pp. 369-383

- Carl David Mildenberger
- Paved with Good Intentions: Self-regulation Breakdown After Altruistic Ethical Transgression pp. 385-405

- Hongyu Zhang, Xin Lucy Liu, Yahua Cai and Xiuli Sun
- Employee Humor Can Shield Them from Abusive Supervision pp. 407-424

- Mingpeng Huang, Dong Ju, Kai Chi Yam, Shengming Liu, Xin Qin and Guangdi Tian
- Authoritarian-Benevolent Leadership and Employee Behaviors: An Examination of the Role of LMX Ambivalence pp. 425-443

- Lixin Chen and Qingxiong Weng
- Linking Perceived Organizational Politics to Workplace Cyberbullying Perpetration: The Role of Anger and Fear pp. 445-463

- Omer Farooq Malik and Shaun Pichler
- Performance Pressure and Employee Expediency: The Role of Moral Decoupling pp. 465-478

- Julie N. Y. Zhu, Long W. Lam, Yan Liu and Ning Jiang
Volume 186, issue 1, 2023
- Methodological Decolonisation and Local Epistemologies in Business Ethics Research pp. 1-12

- Obaa Akua Konadu-Osei, Smaranda Boroş and Anita Bosch
- Ethical Decision-Making in Indigenous Financial Services: QSuper Case Study pp. 13-29

- Clare J. M. Burns, Luke Houghton, Deborah Delaney and Cindy Shannon
- Breaking the Cycle of Marginalization: How to Involve Local Communities in Multi-stakeholder Initiatives? pp. 31-62

- Manon Eikelenboom and Thomas B. Long
- Activating Corporate Environmental Ethics on the Frontline: A Natural Resource-Based View pp. 63-86

- Colin B. Gabler, Omar Itani and Raj Agnihotri
- Determinants of Supply Chain Engagement in Carbon Management pp. 87-104

- Katrina Lintukangas, Heli Arminen, Anni-Kaisa Kähkönen and Elina Karttunen
- Do Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Tax Avoidance? The Case of Drought pp. 105-135

- Christofer Adrian, Mukesh Garg, Anh Viet Pham, Soon-Yeow Phang and Cameron Truong
- Using Machine Learning to Predict Corporate Fraud: Evidence Based on the GONE Framework pp. 137-158

- Xin Xu, Feng Xiong and Zhe An
- My Company Cares About My Success…I Think: Clarifying Why and When a Firm’s Ethical Reputation Impacts Employees’ Subjective Career Success pp. 159-177

- Darryl B. Rice, Regina M. Taylor, Yiding Wang, Sijing Wei and Valentina Ge
- Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring and Organizational Trust: The Role of Performance Expectancy and Social Influence pp. 179-197

- Maria Figueroa-Armijos, Brent B. Clark and Serge P. da Motta Veiga
- Seeming Ethical Makes You Attractive: Unraveling How Ethical Perceptions of AI in Hiring Impacts Organizational Innovativeness and Attractiveness pp. 199-216

- Serge P. da Motta Veiga, Maria Figueroa-Armijos and Brent B. Clark
- Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change pp. 217-236

- Julia Zwank, Marjo-Riitta Diehl and Marion Fortin
- Privacy Behaviour: A Model for Online Informed Consent pp. 237-255

- Gary Burkhardt, Frederic Boy, Daniele Doneddu and Nick Hajli
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