Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 88, issue 4, 2009
- Thomas W. Dunfee Tribute Issue: Introduction pp. 539-540

- Thomas Robertson
- Rent Seeking in a Market with Morality: Solving a Puzzle About Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 541-552

- John Boatright
- Corporate Social Responsibility and the Priority of Shareholders pp. 553-560

- Nien-hê Hsieh
- Human Rights as a Dimension of CSR: The Blurred Lines Between Legal and Non-Legal Categories pp. 561-577

- Ann Mayer
- CSR and the Corporate Cyborg: Ethical Corporate Information Security Practices pp. 579-594

- Andrea Matwyshyn
- Corporate Social Responsibility and the “Divided Corporate Self”: The case of Chiquita in Colombia pp. 595-603

- Virginia Maurer
- Putting a Stake in Stakeholder Theory pp. 605-615

- Eric Orts and Alan Strudler
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Different Stages of Economic Development: Singapore, Turkey, and Ethiopia pp. 617-633

- Diana Robertson
- How Empirical Research in Human Cognition Does and Does Not Affect Philosophical Ethics pp. 635-643

- Norman Bowie
- ISCT, Hypernorms, and Business: A Reinterpretation pp. 645-658

- George Brenkert
- Compass and Dead Reckoning: The Dynamic Implications of ISCT pp. 659-664

- Thomas Donaldson
- Deliberative Business Ethics pp. 665-683

- Ryan Burg
- Creating Ties That Bind pp. 685-692

- R. Edward Freeman and Jared Harris
- The “I” in ISCT: Normative and Empirical Facets of Integration pp. 693-705

- Katherina Glac and Tae Kim
- Principles and Hypernorms pp. 707-716

- Edwin Hartman
- No More Lemmings, Please – Reflections on the Communal Authority Thesis pp. 717-728

- Waheed Hussain
- Extant Social Contracts in Global Business Regulation: Outline of a Research Agenda pp. 729-740

- J. Oosterhout and Pursey Heugens
- Extant Social Contracts and the Question of Business Ethics pp. 741-750

- Ben Wempe
- Industry and Chain Responsibilities and Integrative Social Contracts Theory pp. 751-764

- Johan Wempe
- Strengthening the Ties that Bind: Preventing Corruption in the Executive Suite pp. 765-780

- Norman Bishara and Cindy Schipani
- Catalyzing Corporate Commitment to Combating Corruption pp. 781-790

- David Hess
- The Ethics of “Commercial Bribery”: Integrative Social Contract Theory Meets Transaction Cost Economics pp. 791-803

- D. Johnsen
- Multiple Communities and Controlling Corruption pp. 805-813

- Philip Nichols
- Collective Strategies in Fighting Corruption: Some Intuitions and Counter Intuitions pp. 815-822

- Djordjija Petkoski, Danielle Warren and William Laufer
- “Corporate Efforts to Tackle Corruption: An Impossible Task?” The Contribution of Thomas Dunfee pp. 823-832

- Mark Schwartz
- The Normalization of Corrupt Business Practices: Implications for Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) pp. 833-840

- Andrew Spicer
- Are Corruption Indices a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? A Social Labeling Perspective of Corruption pp. 841-849

- Danielle Warren and William Laufer
- Afterword pp. 851-859

- Lauretta Tomasco and William Laufer
Volume 88, issue 3, 2009
- Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing pp. 393-397

- Kim-Shyan Fam, Zhilin Yang and Mike Hyman
- Migration of Chinese Consumption Values: Traditions, Modernization, and Cultural Renaissance pp. 399-409

- Cheng Wang and Xiaohua Lin
- “Harmonious” Norms for Global Marketing the Chinese Way pp. 411-432

- Leïla Choukroune
- Editorial Introduction: Towards a More Humanistic Management pp. 413-416

- Domènec Melé
- Oikonomia Versus Chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle About the Future Orientation of Business Management pp. 417-430

- Claus Dierksmeier and Michael Pirson
- Re-Thinking the Anthropological and Ethical Foundation of Economics and Business: Human Richness and Capabilities Enhancement pp. 431-444

- Benedetta Giovanola
- The Impact of Chinese Culture on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Harmony Approach pp. 433-451

- Lei Wang and Heikki Juslin
- A Model of Collaborative Entrepreneurship for a More Humanistic Management pp. 445-462

- Héctor Rocha and Raymond Miles
- The Effect of the Governance Environment on Marketing Channel Behaviors: The Diamond Industries in the U.S., China, and Hong Kong pp. 453-471

- Shaomin Li, Kiran Karande and Dongsheng Zhou
- Is Confucianism Good for Business Ethics in China? pp. 463-476

- Po Ip
- Confucius, Cars, and Big Government: Impact of Government Involvement in Business on Consumer Perceptions Under Confucianism pp. 473-482

- David Ackerman, Jing Hu and Liyuan Wei
- Creating an Ethical Work Context: A Pathway to Generate Social Capital in the Firm pp. 477-489

- David Pastoriza, Miguel Ariño and Joan Ricart
- Does Relationship Quality Matter in Consumer Ethical Decision Making? Evidence from China pp. 483-496

- Zhiqiang Liu, Fue Zeng and Chenting Su
- Discriminating Between ‘Meaningful Work’ and the ‘Management of Meaning’ pp. 491-511

- Marjolein Lips-Wiersma and Lani Morris
- A Study of the Attitudes Towards Unethical Selling Amongst Chinese Salespeople pp. 497-515

- Nick Lee, Amanda Beatson, Tony Garrett, Ian Lings and Xi Zhang
- Conciliating Work and Family: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective pp. 513-524

- Gregorio Guitián
- Confucian Ethics Exhibited in the Discourse of Chinese Business and Marketing Communication pp. 517-528

- Yunxia Zhu
- Business Leadership: Three Levels of Ethical Analysis pp. 525-536

- Daniel Palmer
- Chinese Negotiators’ Subjective Variations in Intercultural Negotiations pp. 529-537

- Clyde Warden and Judy Chen
- Business Leaders as Citizens of the World. Advancing Humanism on a Global Scale pp. 537-550

- Thomas Maak and Nicola Pless
- Can an SME Become a Global Corporate Citizen? Evidence from a Case Study pp. 551-563

- Heidi Weltzien Hoivik and Domènec Melé
- The Cognitive Side of Social Responsibility pp. 565-581

- Davide Secchi
- Humanising Business Through Ethical Labelling: Progress and Paradoxes in the UK pp. 583-600

- Susanne Hartlieb and Bryn Jones
Volume 88, issue 2, 2009
- Introduction to Central America and Mexico: Efforts and Obstacles in Creating Ethical Organizations and an Ethical Economy pp. 225-230

- Denis Collins and Julie Whitaker
- Societal Ethos and Economic Development Organizations in Nicaragua pp. 231-244

- Josep Mària and Daniel Arenas
- The Failure of a Socially Responsive Gold Mining MNC in El Salvador: Ramifications of NGO Mistrust pp. 245-268

- Denis Collins
- Some of the Recent Organizational Behavior Concepts as Precursors to Workplace Spirituality pp. 245-261

- Badrinarayan Pawar
- A Multidimensional Approach to the Influence of Environmental Marketing and Orientation on the Firm’s Organizational Performance pp. 263-286

- Elena Fraj-Andrés, Eva Martinez-Salinas and Jorge Matute-Vallejo
- Poverty Reduction Approaches in Mexico Since 1950: Public Spending for Social Programs and Economic Competitiveness Programs pp. 269-281

- Oscar Cárdenas-Rodríguez
- Micro Credit in Chiapas, México: Poverty Reduction Through Group Lending pp. 283-299

- Gustavo Barboza and Sandra Trejos
- Bad Measures Don’t Make Good Medicine: The Ethical Implications of Unreliable and Invalid Physician Performance Measures pp. 287-295

- Chalmer Labig
- Examining the Role of Informational Justice in the Wake of Downsizing from an Organizational Relationship Management Perspective pp. 297-312

- Hyo-Sook Kim
- Fair Trade in Mexico and Abroad: An Alternative to the Walmartopia? pp. 301-317

- Jesús Alvarado
- Spiritual Climate of Business Organizations and Its Impact on Customers’ Experience pp. 313-332

- Ashish Pandey, Rajen Gupta and A. Arora
- Globalization and the Careers of Mexican Knowledge Workers: An Exploratory Study of Employer and Worker Adaptations pp. 319-333

- Robert Boutilier
- Varieties of Win–Win Solutions to Problems with Ethical Dimensions pp. 333-349

- Richard Nielsen
- The Evolution of Maquiladora Best Practices: 1965–2008 pp. 335-348

- Jorge Carrillo and Robert Zárate
- The Adoption of Voluntary Environmental Management Programs in Mexico: First Movers as Institutional Entrepreneurs pp. 349-363

- Ivan Montiel and Bryan Husted
- Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Ratings by Spanish Listed Firms pp. 351-366

- Carmelo Reverte
- Mexican Deaths in the Arizona Desert: The Culpability of Migrants, Humanitarian Workers, Governments, and Businesses pp. 365-376

- Julie Whitaker
- A Novel Approach to Business Ethics Training: Improving Moral Reasoning in Just a Few Weeks pp. 367-379

- David Jones
- Latino Immigration and Social Change in the United States: Toward an Ethical Immigration Policy pp. 377-391

- Ian Davies
- “Society is Out There, Organisation is in Here”: On the Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Held by Different Managerial Groups pp. 381-393

- James Hine and Lutz Preuss
- Measuring Unethical Consumer Behavior Across Four Countries pp. 395-412

- Vince Mitchell, George Balabanis, Bodo Schlegelmilch and T. Cornwell
Volume 88, issue 1, 2009
- Business Ethics in Greater China: An Introduction pp. 1-9

- Allan Chan, Po-Keung Ip and Kit-Chun Lam
- Foreword: Professional Ethics in Business and Social Life pp. 1-1

- Mahmut Arslan and Alejo Sison
- Leadership and the Ethics of Care pp. 3-4

- Joanne Ciulla
- Developing Students’ Competence for Ethical Reflection While Attending Business School pp. 5-9

- Heidi Weltzien Hoivik
- The Nature of Responsibility in a Professional Setting pp. 11-19

- Simon Robinson
- Moral Schemas and Business Practices: The Ethics of Guangzhou Migrant Marketers pp. 11-23

- Alicia Leung, Xiangyang Liu and Shanshi Liu
- The Managerial Law Firm and the Globalization of Legal Ethics pp. 21-34

- Bjorn Fasterling
- Decision-Making Process of Internal Whistleblowing Behavior in China: Empirical Evidence and Implications pp. 25-41

- Julia Zhang, Randy Chiu and Liqun Wei
- Research Methods in Taxation Ethics: Developing the Defining Issues Test (DIT) for a Tax-Specific Scenario pp. 35-52

- Elaine Doyle, Jane Frecknall-Hughes and Barbara Summers
- Addressing the Advertising of Controversial Products in China: An Empirical Approach pp. 43-58

- Kim-Shyan Fam, David Waller and Zhilin Yang
- Effects of Personal Values on Auditor’s Ethical Decisions: A Comparison of Pakistani and Turkish Professional Auditors pp. 53-64

- Semra Karacaer, Raheel Gohar, Mehmet Aygün and Cem Sayin
- A Comparison of Personal Values of Chinese Accounting Practitioners and Students pp. 59-76

- George Lan, Zhenzhong Ma, JianAn Cao and He Zhang
- Putting Ethics on the Agenda for Real Estate Agents pp. 65-82

- Johannes Brinkmann
- Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Employee Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction pp. 77-89

- Millissa Cheung, Wei-Ping Wu, Allan Chan and May Wong
- Non-Discrimination in Human Resources Management as a Moral Obligation pp. 83-101

- Geert Demuijnck
- Supervisor and Subordinate Guanxi: A Grounded Investigation in the People’s Republic of China pp. 91-104

- Yong Han and Yochanan Altman
- Marketing Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Marriage of Convenience or Shotgun Wedding? pp. 103-113

- Khosro Jahdi and Gaye Acikdilli
- Determinants of Managerial Values on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China pp. 105-117

- Liangrong Zu and Lina Song
- Examining the Effects of Moral Development Level, Self-Concept, and Self-Monitoring on Consumers’ Ethical Attitudes pp. 115-135

- Bahtışen Kavak, Eda Gürel, Canan Eryiğit and Öznur Tektaş
- Chinese Consumers’ Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pp. 119-132

- Bala Ramasamy and Mathew Yeung
- Ambition Versus Conscience, Does Corporate Social Responsibility Pay off? The Application of Matching Methods pp. 133-153

- Chung-Hua Shen and Yuan Chang
- Is There Any Change in the Public Service Values of Different Generations of Public Administrators? The Case of Turkish Governors and District Governors pp. 137-156

- Ugur Omurgonulsen and M. Oktem
- Ethically Questionable Behavior in Sales Representatives – An Example from the Taiwanese Pharmaceutical Industry pp. 155-166

- Ya-Hui Hsu, Wenchang Fang and Yuanchung Lee
- Organizational Moral Learning: What, If Anything, Do Corporations Learn from NGO Critique? pp. 157-173

- Heiko Spitzeck
- A Comparative Study of Ethical Perceptions of Managers and Non-Managers pp. 167-183

- Noel Siu and Kit-Chun Lam
- The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Perceptions Among Stakeholders pp. 175-197

- Daniel Arenas, Josep Lozano and Laura Albareda
- Do Traditional Chinese Cultural Values Nourish a Market for Pirated CDs? pp. 185-196

- Wendy Wan, Chung-Leung Luk, Oliver Yau, Alan Tse, Leo Sin, Kenneth Kwong and Raymond Chow
- Isolating Cultural and National Influence on Value and Ethics: A Test of Competing Hypotheses pp. 197-210

- Justin Tan and Irene Chow
- “Ethics Hotlines” in Transnational Companies: A Comparative Study pp. 199-210

- Reyes Calderón, José Álvarez-Arce, Isabel Rodriguez-Tejedo and Stella Salvatierra
- The Challenge of Developing a Business Ethics in China pp. 211-224

- Po Ip
- The Islamic Work Ethic and the Emergence of Turkish SME Owner-Managers pp. 211-225

- Selçuk Uygur
- Integrating Personalism into Virtue-Based Business Ethics: The Personalist and the Common Good Principles pp. 227-244

- Domènec Melé
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