Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 68, issue 4, 2006
- (Re)Presentations of Gender and Ethnicity in Diversity Statements on European Company Websites pp. 363-379

- Val Singh and Sébastien Point
- Scale and Study of Student Attitudes Toward Business Education’s Role in Addressing Social Issues pp. 381-391

- Bradley Sleeper, Kenneth Schneider, Paula Weber and James Weber
- Environmental Management Accounting: A Case Study Research on Innovative Strategy pp. 393-408

- Maria Masanet-Llodra
- An Examination of the Relationship Between Ethical Work Climate and Moral Awareness pp. 409-432

- Craig VanSandt, Jon Shepard and Stephen Zappe
- Theorising South Africa’s Corporate Governance pp. 433-448

- Andrew West
- Achieving Ethics and Fairness in Hiring: Going Beyond the Law pp. 449-464

- G. Alder and Joseph Gilbert
Volume 68, issue 3, 2006
- Foundations and Applications for Contractualist Business Ethics pp. 211-228

- Pursey Heugens, J. Oosterhout and Muel Kaptein
- Psychological Contracts: A Nano-Level Perspective on Social Contract Theory pp. 229-241

- Jeffery Thompson and David Hart
- Living in Agreement with a Contract: The Management of Moral and Viable Firm–Stakeholder Relationships pp. 243-258

- Kalle Pajunen
- A Social Contract Account for CSR as an Extended Model of Corporate Governance (I): Rational Bargaining and Justification pp. 259-281

- Lorenzo Sacconi
- Ties that Unwind: Dynamism in Integrative Social Contracts Theory 1 pp. 283-302

- Robert Phillips and Michael Johnson-Cramer
- A Critical Perspective of Integrative Social Contracts Theory: Recurring Criticisms and Next Generation Research Topics pp. 303-328

- Thomas Dunfee
- Social Contracting in a Pluralist Process of Moral Sense Making: A Dialogic Twist on the ISCT pp. 329-346

- Jerry Calton
- The Autonomy of the Contracting Partners: An Argument for Heuristic Contractarian Business Ethics pp. 347-361

- Gjalt Graaf
Volume 68, issue 2, 2006
- The Impact of Normative Influence and Locus of Control on Ethical Judgments and Intentions: a Cross-Cultural Comparison pp. 113-132

- John Cherry
- The Purpose of Trade Union Values: An Analysis of the ACTU 1 Statement of Values pp. 133-142

- Rosaria Burchielli
- Deadly Drugs and the Doctrine of Double Effect: A Reply to Tully pp. 143-151

- Lawrence Masek
- Can Business Ethics be Trained? A Study of the Ethical Decision-making Process in Business Students pp. 153-164

- Barbara Ritter
- The Study of the Relations among Ethical Considerations, Family Management and Organizational Performance in Corporate Governance pp. 165-179

- C.-F. Wu
- Work-related Attitudes, Values and Radical Change in Post-Socialist Contexts: A Comparative Study pp. 181-189

- Ruth Alas and Christopher Rees
- Are Audit-related Ethical Decisions Dependent upon Mood? pp. 191-209

- Mary Curtis
Volume 68, issue 1, 2006
- The Applicability of a Contingent Factors Model to Accounting Ethics Research pp. 1-18

- Jeffrey R. Cohen and Nonna Martinov Bennie
- Finance as a Driver of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 19-33

- Bert Scholtens
- Corporate Social Responsibility in the Supply Chain: An Application in the Food Industry pp. 35-52

- Michael Maloni and Michael Brown
- Striking a Balance Between Rules and Principles-based Approaches for Effective Governance: A Risks-based Approach pp. 53-82

- Surendra Arjoon
- The Impact of Professional Commitment and Anticipatory Socialization on Accounting Students’ Ethical Orientation pp. 83-90

- Rafik Elias
- Value Priorities as Combining Core Factors Between CSR and Reputation – A Qualitative Study pp. 91-111

- Marjo Siltaoja
Volume 67, issue 4, 2006
- The Influence of Green Innovation Performance on Corporate Advantage in Taiwan pp. 331-339

- Yu-Shan Chen, Shyh-Bao Lai and Chao-Tung Wen
- Seek the Good Life, not Money: The Aristotelian Approach to Business Ethics pp. 341-357

- George Bragues
- Rebounding from Corruption: Perceptions of Ethics Program Effectiveness in a Public Sector Organization pp. 359-374

- Kathie Pelletier and Michelle Bligh
- Guanxi and organizational dynamics in China: a link between individual and organizational levels pp. 375-392

- Yi Zhang and Zigang Zhang
- The Missing Dynamic: Corporations, Individuals and Contracts pp. 393-406

- Arun Iyer
- The Effects of the Perceived Behavioral Integrity of Managers on Employee Attitudes: A Meta-analysis pp. 407-419

- Anne Davis and Hannah Rothstein
- Using Live Cases to Teach Ethics pp. 421-433

- Victoria McWilliams and Afsaneh Nahavandi
Volume 67, issue 3, 2006
- Editorial: Responsibility and Small Business pp. 219-226

- Geoff Moore and Laura Spence
- SMEs and CSR: An Approach to CSR in their Own Words pp. 227-240

- David Murillo and Josep Lozano
- Small Business Champions for Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 241-256

- Heledd Jenkins
- Investigating the Impact of Firm Size on Small Business Social Responsibility: A Critical Review pp. 257-273

- Jan Lepoutre and Aimé Heene
- Generating Regional-Scale Improvements in SME Corporate Responsibility Performance: Lessons from Responsibility Northwest pp. 275-286

- Sarah Roberts, Rob Lawson and Jeremy Nicholls
- Social and Symbolic Capital and Responsible Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Investigation of SME Narratives pp. 287-304

- Ted Fuller and Yumiao Tian
- SMEs and CSR Theory: Evidence and Implications from an Italian Perspective pp. 305-316

- Francesco Perrini
- Drivers of Environmental Behaviour in Manufacturing SMEs and the Implications for CSR pp. 317-330

- David Williamson, Gary Lynch-Wood and John Ramsay
Volume 67, issue 2, 2006
- Marketing Dataveillance and Digital Privacy: Using Theories of Justice to Understand Consumers’ Online Privacy Concerns pp. 107-123

- Laurence Ashworth and Clinton Free
- Leadership, Ethics and Responsibility to the Other pp. 125-137

- David Knights and Majella O’Leary
- Corporate Political Strategy: An Examination of the Relation between Political Expenditures, Environmental Performance, and Environmental Disclosure pp. 139-154

- Charles Cho, Dennis Patten and Robin Roberts
- Recognition Based upon the Vitality Criterion: A Key to Sustainable Economic Success pp. 155-164

- Alexander Brink and Johannes Eurich
- Seeing Is (Not) Believing: Managing the Impressions of the Firm’s Commitment to the Natural Environment pp. 165-180

- Pratima Bansal and Geoffrey Kistruck
- Moral Intuitions versus Game Theory: A Response to Marcoux on Résumé Embellishing pp. 181-189

- John Bishop
- Toward a Unified Theory of the CSP–CFP Link pp. 191-200

- Isaiah Marom
- Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility in the U.K. Asian Small Business Community pp. 201-217

- Ian Worthington, Monder Ram and Trevor Jones
Volume 67, issue 1, 2006
- Reframing “Morality Paysâ€\x9D: Toward a Better Answer to “Why be Moral?â€\x9D in Business pp. 1-14

- John Corvino
- Three Views on the Ethics of Tax Evasion pp. 15-35

- Robert McGee
- Nuclear Power pp. 37-49

- John Levendis, Walter Block and Joseph Morrel
- Organizational Corruption as Theodicy pp. 51-62

- D. Kayes
- How do Scores of DIT and MJT Differ? A Critical Assessment of the Use of Alternative Moral Development Scales in Studies of Business Ethics pp. 63-74

- Chiharu Ishida
- Does ‘Best Practice’ in Setting Executive Pay in the UK Encourage ‘Good’ Behaviour? pp. 75-91

- Ruth Bender and Lance Moir
- Ethical Customer Value Creation: Drivers and Barriers pp. 93-105

- Grace Lin and Jerry Lin
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