Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 105, issue 4, 2012
- Ethical Cultures in Large Business Organizations in Brazil, Russia, India, and China pp. 415-428

- Alexandre Ardichvili, Douglas Jondle, Brenda Kowske, Edgard Cornachione, Jessica Li and Thomas Thakadipuram
- The State of Business Ethics in Israel: A Light Unto the Nations? pp. 429-446

- Mark Schwartz
- Role of Socioeconomic Status on Consumers’ Attitudes Towards DTCA of Prescription Medicines in Australia pp. 447-460

- Betty Chaar and Johnson Lee
- The Effects of Institutional Distance and Headquarters’ Financial Performance on the Generation of Environmental Standards in Multinational Companies pp. 461-474

- Javier Aguilera-Caracuel, Juan Aragón-Correa, Nuria Hurtado-Torres and Alan Rugman
- Corporate Relations with Environmental Organizations Represented by Hyperlinks on the Fortune Global 500 Companies’ Websites pp. 475-487

- Daejoong Kim and Yoonjae Nam
- Do Muslims Believe More in Protestant Work Ethic than Christians? Comparison of People with Different Religious Background Living in the US pp. 489-502

- Yavuz Zulfikar
- Managerial Abilities: Evidence from Religious Mutual Fund Managers pp. 503-517

- Luis Ferruz, Fernando Muñoz and Maria Vargas
- Corporate Sustainable Development: Testing a New Scale Based on the Mainland Chinese Context pp. 519-533

- Wing Chow and Yang Chen
- Toward a Better Understanding of the Link Between Ethical Climate and Job Satisfaction: A Multilevel Analysis pp. 535-545

- Yau- De Wang and Hui-Hsien Hsieh
Volume 105, issue 3, 2012
- The Contribution of the Energy industry to the Millennium Development Goals: A Benchmark Study pp. 277-287

- Carmen Valor
- Assumptions in Decision Making Scholarship: Implications for Business Ethics Research pp. 289-306

- Kirsten Martin and Bidhan Parmar
- Measurement Issues in Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility (ECSR): Toward a Transparent, Reliable, and Construct Valid Instrument pp. 307-319

- Noushi Rahman and Corinne Post
- Conceptualising Corporate Social Responsibility: ‘Relational Governance’ Assessed, Augmented, and Adapted pp. 321-335

- Jenny Fairbrass and Anna Zueva-Owens
- Stakeholder-Defined Corporate Responsibility for a Pre-Credit-Crunch Financial Service Company: Lessons for How Good Reputations are Won and Lost pp. 337-356

- Carola Hillenbrand, Kevin Money and Stephen Pavelin
- Ethical Objections to Fairtrade pp. 357-373

- Peter Griffiths
- Board Composition and Financial Performance: Uncovering the Effects of Diversity in an Emerging Economy pp. 375-388

- Jyoti Mahadeo, Teerooven Soobaroyen and Vanisha Hanuman
- The Politics of Shareholder Activism in Nigeria pp. 389-402

- Emmanuel Adegbite, Kenneth Amaeshi and Olufemi Amao
- Propensity to Support Sustainability Initiatives: A Cross-National Model pp. 403-413

- K. Parboteeah, Helena Addae and John Cullen
Volume 105, issue 2, 2012
- Successful Psychopaths: Are They Unethical Decision-Makers and Why? pp. 139-149

- Gregory Stevens, Jacqueline Deuling and Achilles Armenakis
- Walking Inside the Potential Tax Evader’s Mind: Tax Morale Does Matter pp. 151-162

- Juan Carlos Molero and Francesc Pujol
- Hume’s Theory of Business Ethics Revisited pp. 163-174

- William Kline
- Thoughts on the Evaluation of Corporate Social Performance Through Projects pp. 175-186

- José Salazar, Bryan Husted and Markus Biehl
- Marketization of Education: An Ethical Dilemma pp. 187-196

- Samuel Natale and Caroline Doran
- Personalist Business Ethics and Humanistic Management: Insights from Jacques Maritain pp. 197-219

- Alma Acevedo
- When Employees Stop Talking and Start Fighting: The Detrimental Effects of Pseudo Voice in Organizations pp. 221-230

- Gerdien Vries, Karen Jehn and Bart Terwel
- Factors Impacting Ethical Behavior in a Chinese State-Owned Steel Company pp. 231-237

- Weihui Fu and Satish Deshpande
- Ethical Issues in Outsourcing: The Case of Contract Medical Research and the Global Pharmaceutical Industry pp. 239-255

- Henry Adobor
- Three Elements of Stakeholder Legitimacy pp. 257-265

- Adele Santana
- Does Ethics Statement of a Public Relations Firm Make a Difference? Yes it Does!! pp. 267-276

- Eyun-Jung Ki, Hong-Lim Choi and Junghyuk Lee
Volume 105, issue 1, 2012
- Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and Its Multi-Level Outcomes pp. 1-16

- Christian Voegtlin, Moritz Patzer and Andreas Scherer
- Managers and Moral Dissonance: Self Justification as a Big Threat to Ethical Management? pp. 17-25

- Jonathan Lowell
- Consciousness at Work: A Review of Some Important Values, Discussed from a Buddhist Perspective pp. 27-40

- Joan Marques
- CEO Leadership Styles and the Implementation of Organizational Diversity Practices: Moderating Effects of Social Values and Age pp. 41-52

- Eddy Ng and Greg Sears
- Interorganizational Favour Exchange and the Relationship Between Doing Well and Doing Good pp. 53-68

- Adam Nguyen and Wesley Cragg
- Doing Right Leads to Doing Well: When the Type of CSR and Reputation Interact to Affect Consumer Evaluations of the Firm pp. 69-81

- Yuan-Shuh Lii and Monle Lee
- Modeling the Relationship Among Perceived Corporate Citizenship, Firms’ Attractiveness, and Career Success Expectation pp. 83-93

- Chieh-Peng Lin, Yuan-Hui Tsai, Sheng-Wuu Joe and Chou-Kang Chiu
- Empathy in Leadership: Appropriate or Misplaced? An Empirical Study on a Topic that is Asking for Attention pp. 95-105

- Svetlana Holt and Joan Marques
- The Impact of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Multi-Sample Analysis pp. 107-114

- Chin-Yi Chen and Chin-Fang Yang
- Do Corporations Invest Enough in Environmental Responsibility? pp. 115-129

- Yongtae Kim and Meir Statman
- Empathy, Connectedness and Organisation pp. 131-137

- Kathryn Pavlovich and Keiko Krahnke
Volume 104, issue 4, 2011
- “Why Don’t Consumers Care About CSR?”: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Role of CSR in Consumption Decisions pp. 449-460

- Magdalena Öberseder, Bodo Schlegelmilch and Verena Gruber
- The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management: An Exploratory Study pp. 461-471

- Yongtao Hong and Margaret Andersen
- Decision Criteria in Ethical Dilemma Situations: Empirical Examples from Austrian Managers pp. 473-484

- Michael Litschka, Michaela Suske and Roman Brandtweiner
- Developing a Multidimensional Scale for Ethical Decision Making pp. 485-497

- Gian Casali
- Uncovering the Intellectual Structure of Research in Business Ethics: A Journey Through the History, the Classics, and the Pillars of Journal of Business Ethics pp. 499-524

- Giulia Calabretta, Boris Durisin and Marco Ogliengo
- Influences of Technological Attributes and Environmental Factors on Technology Commercialization pp. 525-535

- Chih-Jou Chen, Chia-Chin Chang and Shiu-Wan Hung
- The Impact of Ethical Behavior and Facets of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment of Chinese Employees pp. 537-543

- Weihui Fu, Satish Deshpande and Xiao Zhao
- A Longitudinal Study of Corporate Social Disclosures in a Developing Economy pp. 545-558

- J. Mahadeo, V. Oogarah-Hanuman and T. Soobaroyen
- Organizational Resistance to Destructive Narcissistic Behavior pp. 559-570

- Lynn Godkin and Seth Allcorn
- Astroturfing Global Warming: It Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence pp. 571-587

- Charles Cho, Martin Martens, Hakkyun Kim and Michelle Rodrigue
- Erratum to: A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce pp. 589-590

- David Ralston, Carolyn Egri, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Olivier Furrer, David Brock, Ruth Alas, Florian Wangenheim, Fidel Darder, Christine Kuo, Vojko Potocan, Audra Mockaitis, Erna Szabo, Jaime Gutiérrez, Andre Pekerti, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Irina Naoumova, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Arunas Starkus, Vu Hung, Tevfik Dalgic, Mario Molteni, María Garza Carranza, Isabelle Maignan, Francisco Castro, Yong-lin Moon, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Marina Dabic, Yongjuan Li, Wade Danis, Maria Kangasniemi, Mahfooz Ansari, Liesl Riddle, Laurie Milton, Philip Hallinger, Detelin Elenkov, Ilya Girson, Modesta Gelbuda, Prem Ramburuth, Tania Casado, Ana Rossi, Malika Richards, Cheryl Deusen, Ping-Ping Fu, Paulina Wan, Moureen Tang, Chay-Hoon Lee, Ho-Beng Chia, Yongquin Fan and Alan Wallace
Volume 104, issue 3, 2011
- Art and Artifice in Public Apologies pp. 299-309

- David Boyd
- A Model for Ethical Decision Making in Business: Reasoning, Intuition, and Rational Moral Principles pp. 311-323

- Jaana Woiceshyn
- Beyond the Bounded Instrumentality in Current Corporate Sustainability Research: Toward an Inclusive Notion of Profitability pp. 325-345

- Tobias Hahn and Frank Figge
- Learning to Be Job Ready: Strategies for Greater Social Inclusion in Public Sector Employment pp. 347-359

- A. Bennett
- The Influence of Corporate Environmental Ethics on Competitive Advantage: The Mediation Role of Green Innovation pp. 361-370

- Ching-Hsun Chang
- Visualizing the Phronetic Organization: The Case of Photographs in CSR Reports pp. 371-387

- Hans Rämö
- The Origins and Meanings of Names Describing Investment Practices that Integrate a Consideration of ESG Issues in the Academic Literature pp. 389-402

- N. Eccles and S. Viviers
- Board Team Leadership Revisited: A Conceptual Model of Shared Leadership in the Boardroom pp. 403-420

- Maarten Vandewaerde, Wim Voordeckers, Frank Lambrechts and Yannick Bammens
- To What Extent is Business Responding to Climate Change? Evidence from a Global Wine Producer pp. 421-432

- Jeremy Galbreath
- Business Ethics Perceptions of Public and Private Sector Iranians pp. 433-447

- Bahaudin Mujtaba, Reza Tajaddini and Lisa Chen
Volume 104, issue 2, 2011
- Vice or Virtue? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Executive Compensation pp. 159-173

- Ye Cai, Hoje Jo and Carrie Pan
- Government Intervention, Perceived Benefit, and Bribery of Firms in Transitional China pp. 175-184

- Yongqiang Gao
- Two Independent Value Orientations: Ideal and Counter-Ideal Leader Values and Their Impact on Followers’ Respect for and Identification with Their Leaders pp. 185-195

- Matthias Graf, Niels Van Quaquebeke and Rolf Van Dick
- Do Lenders Value Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from China pp. 197-206

- Kangtao Ye and Ran Zhang
- Rethinking the Employees’ Perceptions of Corporate Citizenship Dimensionalization pp. 207-218

- Arménio Rego, Susana Leal and Miguel Cunha
- A Comment on Barnett and Block on Time Deposit and Bagus and Howden on Loan Maturity Mismatching pp. 219-221

- Nicolas Cachanosky
- Wise Up: Creating Organizational Wisdom Through an Ethic of Kaitiakitanga pp. 223-235

- Chellie Spiller, Edwina Pio, Lijijana Erakovic and Manuka Henare
- Dissenting Discourse: Exploring Alternatives to the Whistleblowing/Silence Dichotomy pp. 237-249

- Hayden Teo and Donella Caspersz
- Social Alliance and Employee Voluntary Activities: A Resource-Based Perspective pp. 251-268

- Gordon Liu and Wai-Wai Ko
- Environmental and Economic Dimensions of Sustainability and Price Effects on Consumer Responses pp. 269-282

- Sungchul Choi and Alex Ng
- The Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from Korea pp. 283-297

- Won Oh, Young Chang and Aleksey Martynov
Volume 104, issue 1, 2011
- A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce pp. 1-31

- David Ralston, Carolyn Egri, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Olivier Furrer, David Brock, Ruth Alas, Florian Wangenheim, Fidel Darder, Christine Kuo, Vojko Potocan, Audra Mockaitis, Erna Szabo, Jaime Gutiérrez, Andre Pekerti, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Irina Naoumova, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Arunas Starkus, Vu Hung, Tevfik Dalgic, Mario Molteni, María Garza Carranza, Isabelle Maignan, Francisco Castro, Yong-lin Moon, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Marina Dabic, Yongjuan Li, Wade Danis, Maria Kangasniemi, Mahfooz Ansari, Liesl Riddle, Laurie Milton, Philip Hallinger, Detelin Elenkov, Ilya Girson, Modesta Gelbuda, Prem Ramburuth, Tania Casado, Ana Rossi, Malika Richards, Cheryl Deusen, Ping-Ping Fu, Paulina Wan, Moureen Tang, Chay-Hoon Lee, Ho-Beng Chia, Yongquin Fan and Alan Wallace
- The Global Survey of Business Ethics as Field of Training, Teaching and Research: Objectives and Methodology pp. 1-6

- Gedeon Rossouw
- Business Ethics as a Field of Teaching, Training, and Research in Central Asia pp. 7-18

- Carolyn Erdener
- Business Ethics as Field of Training, Teaching, and Research in East Asia pp. 19-27

- Zucheng Zhou, Chiaki Nakano and Ben Luo
- Business Ethics as a Field of Training, Teaching and Research in Europe pp. 29-41

- Luc Van Liedekerke and Geert Demuijnck
- Health Branding Ethics pp. 33-45

- Thomas Anker, Peter Sandøe, Tanja Kamin and Klemens Kappel
- Survey of Teaching, Training, and Research in the field of Economic and Business Ethics in Latin America pp. 43-50

- Álvaro Pezoa Bissières and María Riumalló Herl
- When does Ethical Code Enforcement Matter in the Inter-Organizational Context? The Moderating Role of Switching Costs pp. 47-58

- Scott Colwell, Michael Zyphur and Marshall Schminke
- Business Ethics in North America: Trends and Challenges pp. 51-62

- Joseph Petrick, Wesley Cragg and Martha Sañudo
- Investigating the Effects of Moral Disengagement and Participation on Unethical Work Behavior pp. 59-75

- Adam Barsky
- Business Ethics as Field of Teaching, Training and Research in Oceania pp. 63-72

- Royston Gustavson
- Business Ethics in the South and South East Asia pp. 73-81

- Vasanthi Srinivasan
- Between Profit-Seeking and Prosociality: Corporate Social Responsibility as Derridean Supplement pp. 77-91

- Cameron Sabadoz
- Business Ethics as Field of Teaching, Training and Research in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 83-92

- Gedeon Rossouw
- A Global Comparative Analysis of the Global Survey of Business Ethics pp. 93-101

- Gedeon Rossouw
- Moderating Affect of Workplace Spirituality on the Relationship of Job Overload and Job Satisfaction pp. 93-99

- Amal Altaf and Mohammad Awan
- Advisory Anxieties: Ethical Individualisation in the UK Consulting Industry pp. 101-113

- Joe O’Mahoney
- The Emergence, Variation, and Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Public Sphere, 1980–2004: The Exposure of Firms to Public Debate pp. 115-131

- Sun Lee and Craig Carroll
- The Relationship Between Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance in the Banking Sector pp. 133-148

- Maria-Gaia Soana
- Guanxi-Building in the Workplace: A Dynamic Process Model of Working and Backdoor Guanxi pp. 149-158

- Olwen Bedford
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