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Journal of Business Ethics

1998 - 2025

Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman

From Springer
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Volume 115, issue 4, 2013

Complete and Partial Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 651-663 Downloads
Andreas Rasche, Frank de Bakker and Jeremy Moon
Dialogism in Corporate Social Responsibility Communications: Conceptualising Verbal Interaction Between Organisations and Their Audiences pp. 665-679 Downloads
Niamh Brennan, Doris Merkl-Davies and Annika Beelitz
The Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in Network Societies: A Communication View pp. 681-692 Downloads
Friederike Schultz, Itziar Castelló and Mette Morsing
Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Large Firms: Size Matters pp. 693-705 Downloads
Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Christopher Wickert, Laura Spence and Andreas Scherer
The Glocalization of Responsible Investment: Contextualization Work in France and Québec pp. 707-721 Downloads
Jean-Pascal Gond and Eva Boxenbaum
Different Paths to Collaboration Between Businesses and Civil Society and the Role of Third Parties pp. 723-739 Downloads
Daniel Arenas, Pablo Sanchez and Matthew Murphy
CSR, Co-optation and Resistance: The Emergence of New Agonistic Relations Between Business and Civil Society pp. 741-754 Downloads
Jon Burchell and Joanne Cook
Corporate Constructed and Dissent Enabling Public Spheres: Differentiating Dissensual from Consensual Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 755-769 Downloads
Glen Whelan

Volume 115, issue 3, 2013

The Positive Impact of Individual Core Values pp. 429-434 Downloads
Paul Longenecker
Ethical Leadership: Assessing the Value of a Multifoci Social Exchange Perspective pp. 435-449 Downloads
S. Hansen, Bradley Alge, Michael Brown, Christine Jackson and Benjamin Dunford
Analyzing the Role of Social Norms in Tax Compliance Behavior pp. 451-468 Downloads
Donna Bobek, Amy Hageman and Charles Kelliher
Strategic Direction of Corporate Community Involvement pp. 469-487 Downloads
Gordon Liu, Teck-Yong Eng and Wai-Wai Ko
micro-Business Community Responsibility in Australia: Approaches, Motivations and Barriers pp. 489-513 Downloads
Suzanne Campin, Jo Barraket and Belinda Luke
Selection of Socially Responsible Portfolios Using Hedonic Prices pp. 515-529 Downloads
Amelia Bilbao-Terol, Mar Arenas-Parra, Verónica Cañal-Fernández and Celia Bilbao-Terol
The Bright and Dark Sides of Religiosity Among University Students: Do Gender, College Major, and Income Matter? pp. 531-553 Downloads
Yuh-Jia Chen and Thomas Tang
Morally Contentious Technology-Field Intersections: The Case of Biotechnology in the United States pp. 555-574 Downloads
Benjamin Cole and Preeta Banerjee
Ethical Judgments: What Do We Know, Where Do We Go? pp. 575-597 Downloads
Peter Mudrack and E. Mason
Ethics and Executive Coaching: An Agency Theory Approach pp. 599-603 Downloads
Francis Hannafey and Lawrence Vitulano
Drivers of Socially Responsible Investing: A Case Study of Four Nordic Countries pp. 605-616 Downloads
Bert Scholtens and Riikka Sievänen
Discrimination and Well-Being in Organizations: Testing the Differential Power and Organizational Justice Theories of Workplace Aggression pp. 617-634 Downloads
Stephen Wood, Johan Braeken and Karen Niven
Perceived Leadership Integrity in the Manufacturing Industry pp. 635-644 Downloads
Jack McCann and Roger Holt
J. M. H. Fritz, Professional Civility: Communicative Virtue at Work pp. 645-649 Downloads
Annette Holba

Volume 115, issue 2, 2013

The Embeddedness of Responsible Business Practice: Exploring the Interaction Between National-Institutional Environments and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 213-227 Downloads
Luc Fransen
Ethical Decision Making in a Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Situation: The Role of Moral Absolutes and Social Consensus pp. 229-240 Downloads
Connie Bateman, Sean Valentine and Terri Rittenburg
Entrepreneurial Feminists: Perspectives About Opportunity Recognition and Governance pp. 241-257 Downloads
Barbara Orser, Catherine Elliott and Joanne Leck
Is it Spillover or Compensation? Effects of Community and Organizational Diversity Climates on Race Differentiated Employee Intent to Stay pp. 259-269 Downloads
Barjinder Singh and T. Selvarajan
How Ethical Behavior of Firms is Influenced by the Legal and Political Environments: A Bayesian Causal Map Analysis Based on Stages of Development pp. 271-290 Downloads
Ahmet Ekici and Sule Onsel
A New Framework for Understanding Inequalities Between Expatriates and Host Country Nationals pp. 291-310 Downloads
Victor Oltra, Jaime Bonache and Chris Brewster
Distributive Justice, Employment-at-Will and Just-Cause Dismissal pp. 311-325 Downloads
Mark Harcourt, Maureen Hannay and Helen Lam
Living in the Gray: Lessons on Ethics from Prison pp. 327-339 Downloads
Jana Craft
Business Practice, Ethics and the Philosophy of Morals in the Rome of Marcus Tullius Cicero pp. 341-350 Downloads
Michael Small
The Influence of Religiosity on Consumer Ethical Judgments and Responses Toward Sexual Appeals pp. 351-365 Downloads
Sanjay Putrevu and Krist Swimberghek
Encouraging Whistle Blowing to Improve Corporate Governance? A Malaysian Initiative pp. 367-382 Downloads
Shanthy Rachagan and Kalaithasan Kuppusamy
Proactive CSR: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of its Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions on the Association between Capabilities and Performance pp. 383-402 Downloads
Nuttaneeya Torugsa, Wayne O’Donohue and Rob Hecker
Taking Credit pp. 403-425 Downloads
William Graham and William Cooper
Erratum to: A Fiduciary Model of Political Ethics and Protocol for Dealing with Constituent Requests pp. 427-427 Downloads
Alex Michalos

Volume 115, issue 1, 2013

Teaching Global Ethical Standards: A Case and Strategy for Broadening the Accounting Ethics Curriculum pp. 1-15 Downloads
Dale Tweedie, Maria Dyball, James Hazelton and Sue Wright
East–West Differences in “Tricky” Tactics: A Comparison of the Tactical Preferences of Chinese and Australian Negotiators pp. 17-31 Downloads
Cheryl Rivers and Roger Volkema
Ethical Leadership and Subordinate Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Organizational Politics and the Moderating Role of Political Skill pp. 33-44 Downloads
K. Kacmar, Martha Andrews, Kenneth Harris and Bennett Tepper
A Group Identity Analysis of Organizations and Their Stakeholders: Porosity of Identity and Mobility of Attributes pp. 45-62 Downloads
Anne Barraquier
Workplace Spirituality as a Precursor to Relationship-Oriented Selling Characteristics pp. 63-73 Downloads
Vaibhav Chawla and Sridhar Guda
Investigating the Types of Value and Cost of Green Brands: Proposition of a Conceptual Framework pp. 75-92 Downloads
Erifili Papista and Athanasios Krystallis
Dirty Hands Make Dirty Leaders?! The Effects of Touching Dirty Objects on Rewarding Unethical Subordinates as a Function of a Leader’s Self-Interest pp. 93-100 Downloads
Florien Cramwinckel, David Cremer and Marius Dijke
Building Ethical Leaders: A Way to Integrate and Assess Ethics Education pp. 101-114 Downloads
Ann Dzuranin, Rebecca Shortridge and Pamela Smith
Dynamics of Stakeholders’ Implications in the Institutionalization of the CSR Field in France and in the United States pp. 115-133 Downloads
Emma Avetisyan and Michel Ferrary
Reintegrating Ethics and Institutional Theories pp. 135-147 Downloads
Richard Nielsen and Felipe Massa
Discourses of Charisma: Barack Obama’s First 6 Months as the President of the USA pp. 149-166 Downloads
Tuomo Takala, Sanja Tanttu, Anna-Maija Lämsä and Aila Virtanen
The Contained-Rivalry Requirement and a ‘Triple Feature’ Program for Business Ethics pp. 167-182 Downloads
Dominic Martin
Ethical Standards for Stockbrokers: Fiduciary or Suitability? pp. 183-193 Downloads
James Angel and Douglas McCabe
Interactive Role of Consumer Discrimination and Branding against Counterfeiting: A Study of Multinational Managers’ Perception of Global Brands in China pp. 195-211 Downloads
Mahmut Sonmez, Deli Yang and Gerald Fryxell
Page updated 2025-03-25