Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 157, issue 4, 2019
- The Development of Responsible and Sustainable Business Practice: Value, Mind-Sets, Business-Models pp. 885-891

- Mollie Painter, Sally Hibbert and Tim Cooper
- Everything Flows: A Pragmatist Perspective of Trade-Offs and Value in Ethical Consumption pp. 893-912

- Alex Hiller and Tony Woodall
- Leaving the Road to Abilene: A Pragmatic Approach to Addressing the Normative Paradox of Responsible Management Education pp. 913-932

- Dirk C. Moosmayer, Sandra Waddock, Long Wang, Matthias P. Hühn, Claus Dierksmeier and Christopher Gohl
- Ethics and Behavioural Theory: How Do Professionals Assess Their Mental Models? pp. 933-947

- Frank Jan Graaf
- An Examination of Tensions in a Hybrid Collaboration: A Longitudinal Study of an Empty Homes Project pp. 949-967

- Alex Gillett, Kim Loader, Bob Doherty and Jonathan M. Scott
- Stakeholder Theory Through the Lenses of Catholic Social Thought pp. 969-980

- Jose Luis Retolaza, Ricardo Aguado and Leire Alcaniz
- The Ethics of Entrepreneurial Shared Value pp. 981-995

- Patricio Osorio-Vega
- Experiences of Embedding Long-Term Thinking in an Environment of Short-Termism and Sub-par Business Performance: Investing in Intangibles for Sustainable Growth pp. 997-1041

- Kosheek Sewchurran, Johan Dekker and Jennifer McDonogh
- Balancing a Hybrid Business Model: The Search for Equilibrium at Cafédirect pp. 1043-1066

- Iain A. Davies and Bob Doherty
- Going Beyond Climate Change Risk Management: Insights from the World’s Largest Most Sustainable Corporations pp. 1067-1089

- Evangeline Elijido-Ten and Peter Clarkson
- Seriously Personal: The Reasons that Motivate Entrepreneurs to Address Climate Change pp. 1091-1109

- Katharina Kaesehage, Michael Leyshon, George Ferns and Catherine Leyshon
- The Effect of Negative Message Framing on Green Consumption: An Investigation of the Role of Shame pp. 1111-1132

- Cesare Amatulli, Matteo Angelis, Alessandro M. Peluso, Isabella Soscia and Gianluigi Guido
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The Role of Perceived Barriers and Risk pp. 1133-1154

- Brigitte Hoogendoorn, Peter Zwan and Roy Thurik
- Individual and Regional Christian Religion and the Consideration of Sustainable Criteria in Consumption and Investment Decisions: An Exploratory Econometric Analysis pp. 1155-1182

- Gunnar Gutsche
Volume 157, issue 3, 2019
- Legitimacy, Particularism and Employee Commitment and Justice pp. 589-603

- Sarah Hudson, Helena V González-Gómez and Cyrlene Claasen
- Empathy as an Antecedent of Social Justice Attitudes and Perceptions pp. 605-615

- Matthew Cartabuke, James W. Westerman, Jacqueline Z. Bergman, Brian G. Whitaker, Jennifer Westerman and Rafik I. Beekun
- Deviant Behavior in a Moderated-Mediation Framework of Incentives, Organizational Justice Perception, and Reward Expectancy pp. 617-633

- Shandana Shoaib and Yehuda Baruch
- The UN Framework on Business and Human Rights: A Workers’ Rights Critique pp. 635-652

- Rashmi Venkatesan
- Will Creative Employees Always Make Trouble? Investigating the Roles of Moral Identity and Moral Disengagement pp. 653-672

- Xiaoming Zheng, Xin Qin, Xin Liu and Hui Liao
- Cut You Some Slack? An Investigation of the Perceptions of a Depleted Employee’s Unethicality pp. 673-683

- Yajun Zhang, Kai Chi Yam, Maryam Kouchaki and Junwei Zhang
- Normative Underpinnings of Direct Employee Participation Studies and Implications for Developing Ethical Reflexivity: A Multidisciplinary Review pp. 685-697

- George Kandathil and Jerome Joseph
- The Unwitting Accomplice: How Organizations Enable Motivated Reasoning and Self-Serving Behavior pp. 699-713

- Laura J. Noval and Morela Hernandez
- Addressing Unintended Ethical Challenges of Workplace Mindfulness: A Four-Stage Mindfulness Development Model pp. 715-730

- Jane X. J. Qiu and David Rooney
- On Establishing Legitimate Goals and Their Performance Impact pp. 731-751

- George A. Shinkle, Mirjam Goudsmit, Chris J. Jackson, Feifei Yang and Brian T. McCann
- Wanting More, Getting Less: Gaming Performance Measurement as a Form of Deviant Workplace Behavior pp. 753-773

- Laura Graf, Wiebke S. Wendler, Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim and Isabell M. Welpe
- The Economic Consequences of Labor Unionization: Evidence from Stock Price Crash Risk pp. 775-796

- Jun Chen, Jamie Y. Tong, Wenming Wang and Feida Zhang
- Compliance Through Company Culture and Values: An International Study Based on the Example of Corruption Prevention pp. 797-811

- Kai D. Bussmann and Anja Niemeczek
- Bystander Responses to Bullying at Work: The Role of Mode, Type and Relationship to Target pp. 813-827

- Iain Coyne, Alana-Marie Gopaul, Marilyn Campbell, Alexandra Pankász, Robyn Garland and Frances Cousans
- Abusive Supervision and Subordinate Proactive Behavior: Joint Moderating Roles of Organizational Identification and Positive Affectivity pp. 829-843

- Qin Xu, Guangxi Zhang and Andrew Chan
- Erratum to: Abusive Supervision and Subordinate Proactive Behavior: Joint Moderating Roles of Organizational Identification and Positive Affectivity pp. 845-845

- Qin Xu, Guangxi Zhang and Andrew Chan
- Dealing with the Full-of-Self-Boss: Interactive Effects of Supervisor Narcissism and Subordinate Resource Management Ability on Work Outcomes pp. 847-864

- B. Parker Ellen, Christian Kiewitz, Patrick Raymund James M. Garcia and Wayne A. Hochwarter
- Do Victims of Supervisor Bullying Suffer from Poor Creativity? Social Cognitive and Social Comparison Perspectives pp. 865-884

- Wan Jiang, Qinxuan Gu and Thomas Li-Ping Tang
Volume 157, issue 2, 2019
- Advances in Employee-Focused Micro-Level Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: Situating New Contributions Within the Current State of the Literature pp. 293-302

- David A. Jones, Alexander Newman, Ruodan Shao and Fang Lee Cooke
- Bolstering Managers’ Resistance to Temptation via the Firm’s Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 303-318

- Cathy A. Beaudoin, Anna M. Cianci, Sean T. Hannah and George T. Tsakumis
- “It’s Like Hating Puppies!” Employee Disengagement and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 319-337

- Kelsy Hejjas, Graham Miller and Caroline Scarles
- Scrooge Posing as Mother Teresa: How Hypocritical Social Responsibility Strategies Hurt Employees and Firms pp. 339-358

- Sabrina Scheidler, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Jelena Spanjol and Jan Wieseke
- Frontline Employees as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ambassadors: A Quasi-Field Experiment pp. 359-373

- Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Lars Lengler-Graiff, Sabrina Scheidler and Jan Wieseke
- Do Contracts Make Them Care? The Impact of CEO Compensation Design on Corporate Social Performance pp. 375-390

- Jean McGuire, Jana Oehmichen, Michael Wolff and Roman Hilgers
- CEO Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 391-411

- Yuan Yuan, Gaoliang Tian, Louise Yi Lu and Yangxin Yu
- What Makes CSR Communication Lead to CSR Participation? Testing the Mediating Effects of CSR Associations, CSR Credibility, and Organization–Public Relationships pp. 413-429

- Sun Young Lee, Weiwu Zhang and Alan Abitbol
- Let Me Make It Up to You: Understanding the Mitigative Ability of Corporate Social Responsibility Following Product Recalls pp. 431-446

- David Noack, Douglas R. Miller and Dustin Smith
- Comprehensive Board Diversity and Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from an Emerging Market pp. 447-481

- Nooraisah Katmon, Zam Zuriyati Mohamad, Norlia Mat Norwani and Omar Al Farooque
- The Advocate’s Own Challenges to Behave in a Sustainable Way: An Institutional Analysis of Advocacy NGOs pp. 483-501

- Mieneke Koster, Ana Simaens and Bart Vos
- CSR by Any Other Name? The Differential Impact of Substantive and Symbolic CSR Attributions on Employee Outcomes pp. 503-523

- Magda B. L. Donia, Sigalit Ronen, Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly and Silvia Bonaccio
- How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement Influence Word of Mouth on Twitter? Evidence from the Airline Industry pp. 525-542

- Tam Thien Vo, Xinning Xiao and Shuk Ying Ho
- Every Little Helps? ESG News and Stock Market Reaction pp. 543-565

- Gunther Capelle-Blancard and Aurélien Petit
- Exploring the Nexus Between Human Capital, Corporate Governance and Performance: Evidence from Islamic Banks pp. 567-587

- Tasawar Nawaz
Volume 157, issue 1, 2019
- The Leader as Chief Truth Officer: The Ethical Responsibility of “Managing the Truth” in Organizations pp. 1-13

- Jean-Philippe Bouilloud, Ghislain Deslandes and Guillaume Mercier
- Should Employers Pay a Living Wage? pp. 15-26

- Jason Brennan
- The Ubuntu Challenge to Business: From Stakeholders to Relationholders pp. 27-44

- Minka Woermann and Schalk Engelbrecht
- The Imaginary Intrasexual Competition: Advertisements Featuring Provocative Female Models Trigger Women to Engage in Indirect Aggression pp. 45-63

- Sylvie Borau and Jean-François Bonnefon
- Libertarianism and Basic-Income Guarantee: Friends or Foes? pp. 65-74

- Juan Ramón Rallo
- To Pay or Not to Pay? Business Owners’ Tax Morale: Testing a Neo-Institutional Framework in a Transition Environment pp. 75-93

- Tomasz Mickiewicz, Anna Rebmann and Arnis Sauka
- Categorization of Whistleblowers Using the Whistleblowing Triangle pp. 95-117

- Nadia Smaili and Paulina Arroyo
- The Management Nexus of Imperfect Duty: Kantian Views of Virtuous Relations, Reasoned Discourse, and Due Diligence pp. 119-136

- Richard Robinson
- Defining Objectives for Preventing Cyberstalking pp. 137-158

- Gurpreet Dhillon and Kane J. Smith
- Do Religious Norms Influence Corporate Debt Financing? pp. 159-182

- Jay Cai and Guifeng Shi
- The Moral Limits of the Market: Science Commercialization and Religious Traditions pp. 183-197

- Jared L. Peifer, David R. Johnson and Elaine Howard Ecklund
- The Use of Praxis in the Classroom to Facilitate Student Transformation pp. 199-216

- Kent Walker, Bruno Dyck, Zhou Zhang and Frederick Starke
- Impact of Enforcement on Healthcare Billing Fraud: Evidence from the USA pp. 217-229

- Renee Flasher and Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz
- Professional Accountancy Organizations and Stock Market Development pp. 231-260

- Hong Huang, Xiangting Kong and Albert Tsang
- The Risk of Fraud in Family Firms: Assessments of External Auditors pp. 261-278

- Gopal Krishnan and Marietta Peytcheva
- The Political Embeddedness of Entrepreneurship in Extreme Contexts: The Case of the West Bank pp. 279-292

- Farzad H. Alvi, Ajnesh Prasad and Paulina Segarra
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