Journal of Business Ethics
1998 - 2025
Current editor(s): Michelle Greenwood and R. Edward Freeman From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 161, issue 4, 2020
- Business Ethics in Africa: The Role of Institutional Context, Social Relevance, and Development Challenges pp. 717-729

- Ifedapo Adeleye, John Luiz, Judy Muthuri and Kenneth Amaeshi
- This Time from Africa: Developing a Relational Approach to Values-Driven Leadership pp. 731-748

- Mar Pérezts, Jo-Anna Russon and Mollie Painter
- A Model of Virtuous Leadership in Africa: Case Study of a Nigerian Firm pp. 749-762

- Adeyinka Adewale
- Afrocentric Attitudinal Reciprocity and Social Expectations of Employees: The Role of Employee-Centred CSR in Africa pp. 763-781

- Oluseyi Aju and Eshani Beddewela
- Benevolence and Negative Deviant Behavior in Africa: The Moderating Role of Centralization pp. 783-813

- David B. Zoogah and Richard Bawulenbeug Zoogah
- Protecting Environment or People? Pitfalls and Merits of Informal Labour in the Congolese Recycling Industry pp. 815-834

- Clément Longondjo Etambakonga and Julia Roloff
- Strategic Responses to Grand Challenges: Why and How Corporations Build Community Resilience pp. 835-853

- Ralph Hamann, Lulamile Makaula, Gina Ziervogel, Clifford Shearing and Alan Zhang
- Corporate Political Strategies in Weak Institutional Environments: A Break from Conventions pp. 855-876

- Tahiru Azaaviele Liedong, Daniel Aghanya and Tazeeb Rajwani
- Ethical Judgments About Social Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Influence of Spatio-Cultural Meanings pp. 877-892

- Maria Margarida Avillez, Andrew Greenman and Susan Marlow
Volume 161, issue 3, 2020
- Fix the Game, Not the Dame: Restoring Equity in Leadership Evaluations pp. 497-511

- Jamie Gloor, Manuela Morf, Samantha Paustian-Underdahl and Uschi Backes-Gellner
- The Emergence of Spiritual Leader and Leadership in Religion-Based Organizations pp. 513-530

- James J. Q. Low and Oluremi B. Ayoko
- Diversity Management Efforts as an Ethical Responsibility: How Employees’ Perceptions of an Organizational Integration and Learning Approach to Diversity Affect Employee Behavior pp. 531-550

- Tanja Rabl, María Carmen Triana, Seo-Young Byun and Laura Bosch
- When Guilt is Not Enough: Interdependent Self-Construal as Moderator of the Relationship Between Guilt and Ethical Consumption in a Confucian Context pp. 551-572

- Yanyan Chen and Dirk C. Moosmayer
- Opportunism is in the Eye of the Beholder: Antecedents of Subjective Opportunism Judgments pp. 573-589

- Andaç T. Arıkan
- External Whistleblowers’ Experiences of Workplace Bullying by Superiors and Colleagues pp. 591-601

- Heungsik Park, Brita Bjørkelo and John Blenkinsopp
- Managers’ Restorative Versus Punitive Responses to Employee Wrongdoing: A Qualitative Investigation pp. 603-625

- Nathan Robert Neale, Kenneth D. Butterfield, Jerry Goodstein and Thomas M. Tripp
- Antecedents of Duty Orientation and Follower Work Behavior: The Interactive Effects of Perceived Organizational Support and Ethical Leadership pp. 627-639

- Nathan Eva, Alexander Newman, Qing Miao, Dan Wang and Brian Cooper
- Self-Sacrificial Leadership and Employee Behaviours: An Examination of the Role of Organizational Social Capital pp. 641-652

- Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa and Paul A. Bottomley
- BAME Staff and Public Service Motivation: The Mediating Role of Perceived Fairness in English Local Government pp. 653-664

- Wen Wang and Roger Seifert
- Status Threat and Ethical Leadership: A Power-Dependence Perspective pp. 665-685

- Guangxi Zhang, Jianan Zhong and Muammer Ozer
- Workplace Spirituality and Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction pp. 687-705

- Suchuan Zhang
- Review of Review Reclaiming the System: Moral Responsibility, Divided Labour, and the Role of Organizations in Society by Lisa Herzog pp. 707-710

- Caleb Bernacchio
- Review of Aquinas and the Market. Toward a Humane Economy by Mary L. Hirschfeld pp. 711-712

- Alejo José G. Sison
- Review of The Quality of Life and Policy Issues Among the Middle East and North African Countries by El Syed Al Aswad pp. 713-715

- Rida Ali Khan and Saqib Hussain
Volume 161, issue 2, 2020
- New Ways of Teaching: Using Technology and Mobile Apps to Educate on Societal Grand Challenges pp. 243-251

- Ivan Montiel, Javier Delgado-Ceballos, Natalia Ortiz-de-Mandojana and Raquel Antolin-Lopez
- Responsible Practices in the Wild: An Actor-Network Perspective on Mobile Apps in Learning as Translation(s) pp. 253-277

- Oliver Laasch, Dirk C. Moosmayer and Frithjof Arp
- Can Apps Make Air Pollution Visible? Learning About Health Impacts Through Engagement with Air Quality Information pp. 279-302

- Magali A. Delmas and Aanchal Kohli
- Simulations Versus Case Studies: Effectively Teaching the Premises of Sustainable Development in the Classroom pp. 303-327

- Andrea M. Prado, Ronald Arce, Luis E. Lopez, Jaime García and Andy A. Pearson
- How to Encourage Social Entrepreneurship Action? Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Higher Education Institutions pp. 329-350

- Víctor Jesus García-Morales, Rodrigo Martín-Rojas and Raquel Garde-Sánchez
- The Double-Edged Sword of Ethical Nudges: Does Inducing Hypocrisy Help or Hinder the Adoption of Pro-environmental Behaviors? pp. 351-373

- Karoline Gamma, Robert Mai and Moritz Loock
- Sustainability Centres and Fit: How Centres Work to Integrate Sustainability Within Business Schools pp. 375-391

- Rieneke Slager, Sareh Pouryousefi, Jeremy Moon and Ethan D. Schoolman
- Sustainability Orientation, Green Supplier Involvement, and Green Innovation Performance: Evidence from Diversifying Green Entrants pp. 393-414

- Colin C. J. Cheng
- Implementing Socially Sustainable Practices in Challenging Institutional Contexts: Building Theory from Seven Developing Country Supplier Cases pp. 415-442

- Fahian Anisul Huq and Mark Stevenson
- How do Consumers Reconcile Positive and Negative CSR-Related Information to Form an Ethical Brand Perception? A Mixed Method Inquiry pp. 443-458

- Katja Brunk and Cara Boer
- CEO Hubris and Firm Pollution: State and Market Contingencies in a Transitional Economy pp. 459-478

- Lu Zhang, Shenggang Ren, Xiaohong Chen, Dayuan Li and Duanjinyu Yin
- Stakeholder Orientation and Market Impact: Evidence from India pp. 479-496

- Arzi Adbi, Ajay Bhaskarabhatla and Chirantan Chatterjee
Volume 161, issue 1, 2020
- Deepening Methods in Business Ethics pp. 1-3

- R. Edward Freeman and Michelle Greenwood
- Does Ethical Judgment Determine the Decision to Become a Cyborg? pp. 5-17

- Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo, Mario Arias-Oliva, Kiyoshi Murata and Mar Souto-Romero
- Entrepreneurship and Ethics in the Sharing Economy: A Critical Perspective pp. 19-33

- Mujtaba Ahsan
- The Effect of Fairness, Responsible Leadership and Worthy Work on Multiple Dimensions of Meaningful Work pp. 35-52

- Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, Jarrod Haar and Sarah Wright
- Apology, Restitution, and Forgiveness After Psychological Contract Breach pp. 53-69

- Nicholas DiFonzo, Anthony Alongi and Paul Wiele
- Religion and the Method of Earnings Management: Evidence from China pp. 71-90

- Guilong Cai, Wenfei Li and Zhenyang Tang
- When Government Contractors May or May Not Spend Money On Political Speech pp. 91-102

- Daniel M. Isaacs
- Halloween, Organization, and the Ethics of Uncanny Celebration pp. 103-114

- Simon Kelly and Kathleen Riach
- The Ethical Standards of Judgment Questionnaire: Development and Validation of Independent Measures of Formalism and Consequentialism pp. 115-132

- Ed Love, Tara Ceranic Salinas and Jeff D. Rotman
- Finding the Ethics of “Red Capitalists”: Political Connection and Philanthropy of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs pp. 133-147

- Yuan Yang and Min Tang
- Narrative Worlds of Frugal Consumers: Unmasking Romanticized Spirituality to Reveal Responsibilization and De-politicization pp. 149-168

- Srinath Jagannathan, Anupam Bawa and Rajnish Rai
- Dynamics of Lending-Based Prosocial Crowdfunding: Using a Social Responsibility Lens pp. 169-185

- John P. Berns, Maria Figueroa-Armijos, Serge P. da Motta Veiga and Timothy C. Dunne
- A Conceptual Model for Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance Practice pp. 187-209

- Warren Maroun
- ‘Business Unusual’: Building BoP 3.0 pp. 211-229

- Danielle A. Chmielewski, Krzysztof Dembek and Jennifer R. Beckett
- Meta-Regulation in Practice: Beyond Normative Views of Morality and Rationality by F.C. Simon pp. 231-234

- Gordon G. Sollars
- Review of The Ethical Professor: A Practical Guide to Research, Teaching, and Professional Life, by Lorraine Eden, Kathy Lund Dean, and Paul M. Vaaler pp. 235-236

- Wayne Eastman
- Review of Humans and Machines at Work: Monitoring, Surveillance, and Automation in Contemporary Capitalism by Phoebe V. Moore, Martin Upchurch, and Xanthe Whittaker pp. 237-241

- Swatee B. Kulkarni
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