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Journal of Economic Theory

1969 - 2025

Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell

From Elsevier
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Volume 137, issue 1, 2007

Introduction to development theory pp. 1-10 Downloads
Debraj Ray
Risk-bearing and entrepreneurship pp. 11-26 Downloads
Andrew Newman
Entrepreneurial talent, occupational choice, and trickle up policies pp. 27-48 Downloads
Maitreesh Ghatak, Massimo Morelli and Tomas Sjostrom
Intergenerational mobility and macroeconomic history dependence pp. 49-78 Downloads
Dilip Mookherjee and Stefan Napel
Wage inequality, technology, and trade pp. 79-103 Downloads
Joseph Zeira
Knowledge hierarchies in the labor market pp. 104-126 Downloads
Gilles Saint-Paul
Effective property rights, conflict and growth pp. 127-139 Downloads
Francisco Gonzalez
Why the marriage squeeze cannot cause dowry inflation pp. 140-152 Downloads
Siwan Anderson
Multidimensional mechanism design: Revenue maximization and the multiple-good monopoly pp. 153-185 Downloads
Alejandro Manelli and Daniel Vincent
The pre-marital investment game pp. 186-213 Downloads
Michael Peters
A theory of (relative) discounting pp. 214-245 Downloads
Efe Ok and Yusufcan Masatlioglu
Core equivalence theorem with production pp. 246-270 Downloads
Siyang Xiong and Charles Zheng
Collusion and the organization of delegated expertise pp. 271-299 Downloads
Denis Gromb and David Martimort
Firm dynamics and markup variations: Implications for sunspot equilibria and endogenous economic fluctuations pp. 300-325 Downloads
Nir Jaimovich
A fair rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems pp. 326-352 Downloads
Gustavo Bergantinos and Juan Vidal-Puga
Corporate taxes, growth and welfare in a Schumpeterian economy pp. 353-382 Downloads
Pietro Peretto
The efficiency of competitive mechanisms under private information pp. 383-403 Downloads
Nabil I. Al-Najjar and Rann Smorodinsky
Conditions for a CAPM equilibrium with positive prices pp. 404-415 Downloads
Moshe Levy
Ordinal aggregation and quantiles pp. 416-431 Downloads
Christopher Chambers
Arbitrage-free valuation of interest rate securities under forward curves with stochastic speed and acceleration pp. 432-459 Downloads
Gurupdesh Pandher
Structural holes in social networks pp. 460-492 Downloads
Sanjeev Goyal and Fernando Vega-Redondo
Bidding for surplus in network allocation problems pp. 493-511 Downloads
Marco Slikker
How equilibrium prices reveal information in a time series model with disparately informed, competitive traders pp. 512-537 Downloads
Todd Walker
Choice under uncertainty with the best and worst in mind: Neo-additive capacities pp. 538-567 Downloads
Alain Chateauneuf, Jürgen Eichberger and Simon Grant
On the interaction between risk sharing and capital accumulation in a stochastic OLG model with production pp. 568-579 Downloads
Martin Barbie, Marcus Hagedorn and Ashok Kaul
Information structures in optimal auctions pp. 580-609 Downloads
Dirk Bergemann and Martin Pesendorfer
Strongly robust equilibrium and competing-mechanism games pp. 610-626 Downloads
Seungjin Han
Bargaining one-dimensional social choices pp. 627-651 Downloads
Daniel Cardona and Clara Ponsati
Representative consumer's risk aversion and efficient risk-sharing rules pp. 652-672 Downloads
Chiaki Hara, James Huang and Christoph Kuzmics
Equilibrium portfolios in the neoclassical growth model pp. 673-687 Downloads
Emilio Espino
A procedural condition necessary and sufficient for cyclic social preference pp. 688-695 Downloads
Thomas Schwartz
A tight sufficient condition for Radner-Stiglitz nonconcavity in the value of information pp. 696-708 Downloads
Michel De Lara and Laurent Gilotte
The role of independence in the Green-Lin Diamond-Dybvig model pp. 709-715 Downloads
David Andolfatto, Ed Nosal and Neil Wallace
Mutual absolute continuity of multiple priors pp. 716-720 Downloads
Larry Epstein and Massimo Marinacci
Von Neumann-Morgenstern stable sets, discounting, and Nash bargaining pp. 721-728 Downloads
Klaus Kultti and Hannu Vartiainen
On the failure of monotonicity in uniform-price auctions pp. 729-732 Downloads
David McAdams
Sequential communication with ex post participation constraints pp. 733-744 Downloads
Stefan Ambec
A note on optimal procurement contracts with limited direct cost inflation pp. 745-753 Downloads
Leon Yang Chu and David Sappington
Dynamic inefficiency in an overlapping generations economy with production pp. 754-759 Downloads
Guido Cazzavillan and Patrick Pintus

Volume 136, issue 1, 2007

Recursive robust estimation and control without commitment pp. 1-27 Downloads
Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas Sargent
Bargaining and network structure: An experiment pp. 28-65 Downloads
Gary Charness, Margarida Corominas-Bosch and Guillaume Frechette
Search and endogenous concentration of liquidity in asset markets pp. 66-104 Downloads
Dimitri Vayanos and Tan Wang
Coalitions, agreements and efficiency pp. 105-125 Downloads
Effrosyni Diamantoudi and Licun Xue
Asset price fluctuations without aggregate shocks pp. 126-143 Downloads
Costas Azariadis and Leo Kaas
Uniqueness in symmetric first-price auctions with affiliation pp. 144-166 Downloads
David McAdams
Proposal power and majority rule in multilateral bargaining with costly recognition pp. 167-196 Downloads
Huseyin Yildirim
Tit for tat: Foundations of preferences for reciprocity in strategic settings pp. 197-216 Downloads
Uzi Segal and Joel Sobel
Imitation--theory and experimental evidence pp. 217-235 Downloads
Jose Apesteguia, Steffen Huck and Jörg Oechssler
Contracting with imperfect commitment and noisy communication pp. 236-259 Downloads
Helmut Bester and Roland Strausz
Virtual utility and the core for games with incomplete information pp. 260-285 Downloads
Roger Myerson
Hierarchies of ambiguous beliefs pp. 286-301 Downloads
David S. Ahn
Efficient collusion in optimal auctions pp. 302-323 Downloads
Vianney Dequiedt
Selling options pp. 324-340 Downloads
Simon Board
The communication requirements of social choice rules and supporting budget sets pp. 341-378 Downloads
Ilya Segal
On p-rationalizability and approximate common certainty of rationality pp. 379-391 Downloads
Tai-Wei Hu
Stability, global dynamics and Markov equilibrium in models of endogenous economic growth pp. 392-416 Downloads
Fernando Garcia-Belenguer Campos
Group play in games and the role of consent in network formation pp. 417-445 Downloads
Gary Charness and Matthew Jackson
The role of boundary solutions in principal-agent problems of the Holmstrom-Milgrom type pp. 446-475 Downloads
Martin F. Hellwig
Mechanism design with multidimensional, continuous types and interdependent valuations pp. 476-496 Downloads
Nolan H. Miller, John W. Pratt, Richard Zeckhauser and Scott Johnson
A decentralized model of information pricing in networks pp. 497-512 Downloads
Arnold Polanski
Sealed bid auctions with ambiguity: Theory and experiments pp. 513-535 Downloads
Yan Chen, Peter Katuscak and Emre Ozdenoren
Subjective probability over a subjective decision tree pp. 536-571 Downloads
Norio Takeoka
Proper belief revision and equilibrium in dynamic games pp. 572-586 Downloads
Andrés Perea
Incomplete information and singleton cores in matching markets pp. 587-600 Downloads
Lars Ehlers and Jordi Masso
Dynamic risk-sharing with two-sided moral hazard pp. 601-640 Downloads
Rui Zhao
Evolution in Bayesian games II: Stability of purified equilibria pp. 641-667 Downloads
William H. Sandholm
Irreversible investment and Knightian uncertainty pp. 668-694 Downloads
Kiyohiko G. Nishimura and Hiroyuki Ozaki
Bargaining with history-dependent preferences pp. 695-708 Downloads
Duozhe Li
Competitive-search equilibrium in monetary economies pp. 709-718 Downloads
Miquel Faig and Xiuhua Huangfu
Higher-order generalizations of Arrow-Pratt and Ross risk aversion: A comparative statics approach pp. 719-728 Downloads
Paan Jindapon and William Neilson
Firm-specific capital, nominal rigidities, and the Taylor principle pp. 729-737 Downloads
Tommy Sveen and Lutz Weinke
Contests with limited resources pp. 738-748 Downloads
Dmitriy Kvasov
A note on cheap talk and burned money pp. 749-758 Downloads
Navin Kartik
Rawlsian pricing of access to public facilities: A unidimensional illustration pp. 759-766 Downloads
Jacques Dreze, Michel Le Breton and Shlomo Weber
Null or nullifying players: The difference between the Shapley value and equal division solutions pp. 767-775 Downloads
Rene van den Brink
General equilibrium models of monopolistic competition: A new approach pp. 776-787 Downloads
Kristian Behrens and Yasusada Murata
The refoundation of the symmetric equilibrium in Schumpeterian growth models pp. 788-797 Downloads
Guido Cozzi, Paolo Giordani and Luca Zamparelli
Page updated 2025-03-28