Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 2, 1982
- Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoners' dilemma pp. 245-252

- David Kreps, Paul Milgrom, John Roberts and Robert Wilson
- Reputation and imperfect information pp. 253-279

- David Kreps and Robert Wilson
- Predation, reputation, and entry deterrence pp. 280-312

- Paul Milgrom and John Roberts
- On the theory of a participatory firm pp. 313-330

- Jan Svejnar
- Revelation of preferences for public goods: Aggregation by Abelian operations pp. 331-352

- Pierre Batteau
- Some quasi-globally stable processes of price adjustment pp. 353-365

- Mario Girardi and Giorgio Israel
- The structure of coalitional power under probabilistic group decision rules pp. 366-375

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay, Rajat Deb and Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- Voting and paying for public goods: An application of the theory of the core pp. 376-409

- Lester G. Telser
- Asymmetries in price and quantity adjustments by the competitive firm pp. 410-420

- Patricia B. Reagan and Martin Weitzman
- A note on the existence of an optimal capital accumulation in the continuous time horizon pp. 421-429

- Makoto Yano
- A simple proof of the LeChatelier-Samuelson principle and the theory of cost and production pp. 430-438

- Yoshihiko Otani
- A simple proof of Blackwell's "comparison of experiments" theorem pp. 439-443

- Jacques Crémer
- A note on linear utility pp. 444-446

- Peter C. Fishburn
Volume 27, issue 1, 1982
- Duality theory for dynamic optimization models of economics: The continuous time case pp. 1-19

- L. M. Benveniste and J. A. Scheinkman
- Strict rational expectations equilibria with diffuseness pp. 20-46

- Beth Allen
- Equilibrium allocations of Walrasian preference games pp. 47-68

- Yoshihiko Otani and Joseph Sicilian
- A dynamic model of duopoly with customer loyalties pp. 69-76

- Robert Rosenthal
- Comparative dynamics in the adjustment-cost model of the firm pp. 77-100

- Larry Epstein
- Intertemporal allocation with a non-convex technology: The aggregative framework pp. 101-136

- Mukul Majumdar and Tapan Mitra
- Weakly democratic regular tax equilibria in a local public goods economy with perfect consumer mobility pp. 137-162

- Donald K. Richter
- The number of commodities required to represent a market game pp. 163-169

- Sergiu Hart
- Imperfect information, perceived quality, and the formation of professional groups pp. 170-181

- Avner Shaked and John Sutton
- Adoption and diffusion of an innovation of uncertain profitability pp. 182-193

- Richard Jensen
- A primal route to the Turnpike and Liapounov stability pp. 194-209

- Lionel McKenzie
- A note on increasing returns to scale and learning by doing pp. 210-218

- Martine Duchatelet
- Increases in risk with kinked payoff functions pp. 219-228

- Ravi Kanbur
- A probabilistic model of location choice with neighborhood effects: Comment pp. 229-230

- Yorgos Papageorgiou
- Risk and the gain from information pp. 231-238

- James Hess
- Budget-constrained pareto efficient allocations: A dynamic story pp. 239-242

- Yves Balasko
Volume 26, issue 2, 1982
- Rational expectations in microeconomic models: An overview pp. 201-223

- James Jordan and Roy Radner
- The generic existence of rational expectations equilibrium in the higher dimensional case pp. 224-243

- James Jordan
- Approximate equilibria in microeconomic rational expectations models pp. 244-260

- Beth Allen
- On the existence of rational expectations equilibrium pp. 261-278

- Robert M. Anderson and Hugo Sonnenschein
- Rational expectations equilibrium with conditioning on past prices: A mean-variance example pp. 279-312

- Martin F. Hellwig
- Introduction to the stability of rational expectations equilibrium pp. 313-317

- Lawrence Blume, M. M. Bray and David Easley
- Learning, estimation, and the stability of rational expectations pp. 318-339

- Margaret Bray
- Learning to be rational pp. 340-351

- Lawrence Blume and David Easley
Volume 26, issue 1, 1982
- The law of supply and demand as a law of markov chains pp. 1-16

- John Conlisk
- Information, trade and common knowledge pp. 17-27

- Paul Milgrom and Nancy Stokey
- Fixprice analysis in exchange economies pp. 28-58

- Joaquim Silvestre
- The so-called "transformation problem" revisited pp. 59-88

- Alain Lipietz
- Restricted pareto and rights pp. 89-99

- David Austen-Smith
- Unemployment equilibrium in an economy with linked prices pp. 100-123

- Mordecai Kurz
- Capital accumulation in a stochastic decentralized economy pp. 124-142

- Steven M. Barta
- Equilibria with rationing in an economy with increasing returns pp. 143-163

- Claus Weddepohl
- A note on the stochastic value loss assumption pp. 164-170

- Fwu-Ranq Chang
- Learning behavior in non-Walrasian economy pp. 171-182

- Masaki Nakagome
- General equilibrium in multijurisdictional models with income interdependence pp. 183-190

- Ahsan Mansur and John Whalley
- A remark on compatibility of some planning objectives pp. 191-199

- Gerard Fuchs
Volume 25, issue 3, 1981
- Constrained excess demand functions pp. 323-337

- Heraklis M. Polemarchakis
- Strategic voting under minimally binary group decision functions pp. 338-352

- I. MacIntyre and Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- Wealth and power in a collegial polity pp. 353-366

- Roy Gardner
- On pareto-efficiency and the no-envy concept of equity pp. 367-379

- Kotaro Suzumura
- Self-fulfilling prophecies pp. 380-396

- Costas Azariadis
- Nine kinds of quasiconcavity and concavity pp. 397-420

- Walter Diewert, M. Avriel and Israel Zang
- A hybrid fiat--Commodity monetary system pp. 421-430

- Neil Wallace
- A class of solutions to bargaining problems pp. 431-441

- William Thomson
- A nonsubstitution theorem with many primary factors pp. 442-449

- Richard Manning
- Measuring the technical efficiency of production: A comment pp. 450-452

- Raymond Kopp
- Measuring the technical efficiency of production: Reply pp. 453-454

- Rolf Fare and C. Lovell
- Separability vs strict separability: A further result pp. 455-460

- Rolf Fare and Daniel Primont
- A note on risk and the value of information pp. 461-465

- Yuk-Shee Chan
- On the asymptotic local stability of autonomous economic systems with nonnegativity conditions pp. 466-470

- George A. Kondor
Volume 25, issue 2, 1981
- An equilibrium analysis of search and breach of contract II. A non-steady state example pp. 165-195

- Peter Diamond and Eric Maskin
- Equilibrium distributions of sales and advertising prices over space pp. 196-218

- Yves Balcer
- Utility over time: The homothetic case pp. 219-236

- Trout Rader
- Direct and indirect weak separability pp. 237-254

- W. Haque
- Majority committees pp. 255-268

- Peter C. Fishburn
- Fair allocations in large economies pp. 269-282

- Paul Champsaur and Guy Laroque
- Super-modularity: Applications to convex games and to the greedy algorithm for LP pp. 283-286

- Tatsuro Ichiishi
- Giffen inputs and the theory of multiple production pp. 287-301

- Joseph P. Hughes
- Stable quantities in fixed price disequilibrium pp. 302-313

- John Eckalbar
- Approximation of points of the convex hull of a sum of sets by points of the sum: An elementary approach pp. 314-317

- Ross M. Starr
- A note on a comparative statics theorem for choice under risk pp. 318-319

- Eliakim Katz
Volume 25, issue 1, 1981
- Optimal adaptive price search pp. 1-20

- Donald B. Rosenfield and Roy D. Shapiro
- Dynamic games of innovation pp. 21-41

- Jennifer Reinganum
- Testing for ability in a competitive labor market pp. 42-66

- Kenneth Burdett and Dale Mortensen
- Second best taxation as a game pp. 67-91

- Roger Guesnerie and Claude Oddou
- Games of perfect information, predatory pricing and the chain-store paradox pp. 92-100

- Robert Rosenthal
- Length and cycle equalization pp. 101-130

- Ronald A. Heiner
- Additivity and the entropy concept: An axiomatic approach to inequality measurement pp. 131-143

- Frank Cowell and Kiyoshi Kuga
- Equilibria, the core and jurisdiction structures in economies with a local public good: A correction pp. 144-151

- Myrna Wooders
- A note on the probability of casting a decisive vote pp. 152-162

- Gary Chamberlain and Michael Rothschild
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