Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 102, issue 2, 2002
- Ambiguity Made Precise: A Comparative Foundation pp. 251-289

- Paolo Ghirardato and Massimo Marinacci
- Efficient Investment in Children pp. 290-321

- S. Aiyagari, Jeremy Greenwood and Ananth Seshadri
- Legislative Bargaining and Coalition Formation pp. 322-353

- Peter Norman
- Determinacy and Stability under Learning of Rational Expectations Equilibria pp. 354-374

- Stephane Gauthier
- Why Sunk Costs Matter for Bargaining Outcomes: An Evolutionary Approach pp. 375-402

- Thomas Troger
- The Identification of Preferences from Equilibrium Prices under Uncertainty pp. 403-420

- Felix Kubler, Pierre Chiappori, I. Ekeland and H. M. Polemarchakis
- Strategic Manipulation in Voting Games When Lotteries and Ties Are Permitted pp. 421-436

- Jean-Pierre Benoit
- A Unifying Pair of Cournot-Nash Equilibrium Existence Results pp. 437-470

- Erik Balder
- Increasing Dominance with No Efficiency Effect pp. 471-479

- Luis Cabral
- Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Stage Games pp. 480-484

- Alejandro Manelli
Volume 102, issue 1, 2002
- Introduction to Repeated Games with Private Monitoring pp. 1-15

- Michihiro Kandori
- Moral Hazard and Private Monitoring pp. 16-39

- V Bhaskar and Eric van Damme
- Belief-Based Equilibria in the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma with Private Monitoring pp. 40-69

- V Bhaskar and Ichiro Obara
- The Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma with Imperfect Private Monitoring pp. 70-83

- Michele Piccione
- A Robust Folk Theorem for the Prisoner's Dilemma pp. 84-105

- Jeffrey Ely and Juuso Välimäki
- On Sustaining Cooperation without Public Observations pp. 106-150

- Olivier Compte
- On Failing to Cooperate When Monitoring Is Private pp. 151-188

- Olivier Compte
- Repeated Games with Almost-Public Monitoring pp. 189-228

- George Mailath and Stephen Morris
- Collusion in Dynamic Bertrand Oligopoly with Correlated Private Signals and Communication pp. 229-248

- Masaki Aoyagi
Volume 101, issue 2, 2001
- Efficient Non-Contractible Investments in Large Economies pp. 333-373

- Harold Cole, George Mailath and Andrew Postlewaite
- Strategy-proof Social Choice Correspondences pp. 374-394

- Salvador Barberà, Bhaskar Dutta and Arunava Sen
- Structural Stability Implies Robustness to Bounded Rationality pp. 395-422

- Luca Anderlini and David Canning
- Characterizations of Consequentialism and Nonconsequentialism pp. 423-436

- Kotaro Suzumura and Yongsheng Xu
- Paretian Quasi-orders: The Regular Two-Agent Case pp. 437-456

- Yves Sprumont
- Price Competition for an Informed Buyer pp. 457-493

- Giuseppe Moscarini and Marco Ottaviani
- Informational Robustness of Competitive Equilibria pp. 494-518

- Stefan Krasa and Wayne Shafer
- A Geometric Approach to Sunspot Equilibria pp. 519-539

- Gaetano Bloise
- A Proposal to Unify Some Concepts in the Theory of Fairness pp. 540-571

- Luis Corchon and Inigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe
- The Modified Vickrey Double Auction pp. 572-584

- Kiho Yoon
- Microeconomic Foundations for the Theory of International Comparisons pp. 585-605

- Keir Armstrong
Volume 101, issue 1, 2001
- Endogenous Technical Change in a Competitive Economy pp. 1-39

- Martin Hellwig and Andreas Irmen
- Clubs and the Market: Large Finite Economies pp. 40-77

- Bryan Ellickson, Birgit Grodal, Suzanne Scotchmer and William Zame
- Convergence of Least Squares Learning in Self-Referential Discontinuous Stochastic Models pp. 78-114

- Inkoo Cho
- Axiomatic Characterization of the Gini Coefficient and Lorenz Curve Orderings pp. 115-132

- Rolf Aaberge
- Indeterminacy and Endogenous Fluctuations with Arbitrarily Small Externalities pp. 133-157

- Guido Cazzavillan
- On Fragility of Bubbles in Equilibrium Asset Pricing Models of Lucas-Type pp. 158-188

- Luigi Montrucchio and Fabio Privileggi
- Markets with Many More Agents than Commodities: Aumann's "Hidden" Assumption pp. 189-221

- Rabee Tourky and Nicholas C. Yannelis
- Asymptotic Arbitrage and the APT with or without Measure-Theoretic Structures pp. 222-251

- M. Khan and Yeneng Sun
- Learning While Searching for the Best Alternative pp. 252-280

- Klaus Adam
- Optimal Inventory Policies when the Demand Distribution Is Not Known pp. 281-300

- C. Erik Larson, Lars Olson and Sunil Sharma
- Trade Fragmentation and Coordination in Strategic Market Games pp. 301-316

- Francis Bloch and Hélène Ferrer
- Aggregate Substitution Effects Implying Global Stability pp. 317-329

- Donald Keenan
Volume 100, issue 2, 2001
- Markov Perfect Equilibrium: I. Observable Actions pp. 191-219

- Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole
- Growing through Cycles in an Infinitely Lived Agent Economy pp. 220-234

- Kiminori Matsuyama
- The Core of Large Differentiable TU Games pp. 235-273

- Larry Epstein and Massimo Marinacci
- Bidding for the Surplus: A Non-cooperative Approach to the Shapley Value pp. 274-294

- David Perez-Castrillo and David Wettstein
- A New Solution to the Random Assignment Problem pp. 295-328

- Anna Bogomolnaia and Herve Moulin
- House Allocation with Transfers pp. 329-355

- Eiichi Miyagawa
- Time and Uncertainty in Overlapping Generations Economies pp. 356-386

- Julio Dávila
Volume 100, issue 1, 2001
- Evolution and Information in a Gift-Giving Game pp. 1-21

- Philip Johnson, David Levine and Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- A Theory of Value with Non-linear Prices: Equilibrium Analysis beyond Vector Lattices pp. 22-72

- Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Rabee Tourky and Nicholas C. Yannelis
- Learning-by-Doing and the Choice of Technology: The Role of Patience pp. 73-92

- Larry Karp and In Ho Lee
- Conflict and Cooperation: The Structure of Equilibrium Payoffs in Common Agency pp. 93-128

- Didier Laussel and Michel Le Breton
- High Bids and Broke Winners pp. 129-171

- Charles Zheng
- The Value of Information in Production Economies pp. 172-186

- Bernhard Eckwert and Itzhak Zilcha