Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 64, issue 2, 1994
- Nash Equilibrium under Knightian Uncertainty: Breaking Down Backward Induction pp. 305-324

- James Dow and Sergio Werlang
- Normal Form Structures in Extensive Form Games pp. 325-371

- George Mailath, Samuelson Larry and Swinkels Jeroen M.
- Efficient Monetary Equilibrium: An Overlapping Generations Model with Nonstationary Monetary Policies pp. 372-389

- Joan Esteban, Tapan Mitra and Debraj Ray
- Equilibrium Mechanisms in a Decentralized Market pp. 390-423

- Michael Peters
- Rationing and Sunspot Equilibria pp. 424-442

- Aditya Goenka
- Linear Measures, the Gini Index, and The Income-Equality Trade-off pp. 443-467

- Porath Elchanan Ben and Itzhak Gilboa
- Learning Equilibria pp. 468-485

- James Bullard
- The Axiomatic Basis of Anticipated Utility: A Clarification pp. 486-499

- John Quiggin and Peter Wakker
- Bayesian and Weakly Robust First Best Mechanisms: Characterizations pp. 500-519

- Makowski Louis and Claudio Mezzetti
- The Normative Significance of Using Third-Degree Stochastic Dominance in Comparing Income Distributions pp. 520-530

- James Davies and Hoy Michael
- A Note on Woodford's Conjecture: Constructing Stationary Sunspot Equilibria in a Continuous Time Model pp. 531-540

- Shigoka Tadashi
- On Learning and the Nonuniqueness of Equilibrium in an Overlapping Generations Model with Fiat Money pp. 541-553

- John Duffy
- Hicks' Neutrality and Trade Biased Growth: A Taxonomy pp. 554-567

- Robert Chambers and Fare Rolf
- Implementation of Linear Cost Share Equilibrium Allocations pp. 568-584

- Guoqiang Tian
Volume 64, issue 1, 1994
- Exact Implementation pp. 1-19

- Abreu Dilip and Hitoshi Matsushima
- Auctioning the Provision of an Indivisible Public Good pp. 20-34

- Kleindorfer Paul R. and Sertel Murat R.
- Stochastic Stability in Games with Alternative Best Replies pp. 35-65

- Samuelson Larry
- Equilibrium Refinements in Sender-Receiver Games pp. 66-77

- Andreas Blume
- Sequential Equilibria and Stable Sets of Beliefs pp. 78-102

- Hillas John
- Incentive-Consistent Matching Processes for Problems with ex Ante Pricing pp. 103-114

- Michael Peters
- Anonymity and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria when Markets Are Incomplete pp. 115-129

- Atsushi Kajii
- Bayesian Implementation: The Necessity of Infinite Mechanisms pp. 130-141

- Bhaskar Dutta and Sen Arunava
- On the Local Stability of Sunspot Equilibria under Adaptive Learning Rules pp. 142-161

- George Evans and Honkapohja Seppo
- Oligopolistic Pricing and Advertising pp. 162-177

- Stahl II Dale O.
- Average Cost Pricing versus Serial Cost Sharing: An Axiomatic Comparison pp. 178-201

- Herve Moulin and Shenker Scott
- Non-cooperative Bargaining in Natural Monopolies pp. 202-220

- Eyal Winter
- A Proof of the Existence of Speculative Equilibria pp. 221-233

- Matthew Jackson
- A Note on Sunspot Equilibria in Search Models of Fiat Money pp. 234-241

- Randall Wright
- Local Externalities, Convex Adjustment Costs, and Sunspot Equilibria pp. 242-252

- Jordi Galí
- The Burden of Proof in a Game of Persuasion pp. 253-264

- Hyun Song Shin
- Weak Dominance and Approximate Common Knowledge pp. 265-276

- Tilman Börgers
- A Foundation for Pareto Aggregation pp. 277-285

- Campbell Donald E. and Nagahisa Ryo-ichi
- An Implementable State-Ownership System with General Variable Returns pp. 286-297

- Guoqiang Tian and Qi Li
- Gift Equilibria and Pareto Optimality Reconsidered pp. 298-300

- Laurence Kranich
Volume 63, issue 2, 1994
- Optimality and the Theory of Value pp. 147-169

- Luenberger David G.
- Dynamic Consistency Implies Approximately Expected Utility Preferences pp. 170-188

- Border Kim C. and Segal Uzi
- Incentive-Compatible Cost-Allocation Schemes pp. 189-207

- David Schmeidler and Yair Tauman
- The Foundation of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition Revisited pp. 208-218

- Bohm Volker
- Consistent Solutions to the Problem of Fair Division When Preferences Are Single-Peaked pp. 219-245

- William Thomson
- Polynomially Bounded Rationality pp. 246-270

- Board Raymond
- Inequality Reducing and Inequality Preserving Transformations of Incomes: Symmetric and Individualistic Transformations pp. 271-298

- Patrick Moyes
- Farsighted Coalitional Stability pp. 299-325

- Chwe Michael Suk-Young
- Ranking Opportunity Sets: An Axiomatic Approach pp. 326-345

- Walter Bossert, Pattanaik Prasanta K. and Yongsheng Xu
- Technology Adoption, Learning-by-Doing, and Economic Growth pp. 346-369

- Stephen Parente
- A Model of Pre-game Communication pp. 370-391

- Matthew Rabin
- Monopoly Insurance under Adverse Selection When Agents Differ in Risk Aversion pp. 392-407

- Landsberger Michael and Meilijson Isaac
- The General Existence of Extended Price Equilibria with Infinitely Many Commodities pp. 408-416

- Aloisio Araujo and Paulo Monteiro
Volume 63, issue 1, 1994
- Introduction to the Symposium on Growth, Fluctuations, and Sunspots: Confronting the Data pp. 1-18

- Jess Benhabib and Aldo Rustichini
- Indeterminacy and Increasing Returns pp. 19-41

- Jess Benhabib and Roger Farmer
- Real Business Cycles and the Animal Spirits Hypothesis pp. 42-72

- Roger Farmer and Guo Jang-Ting
- Monopolistic Competition, Business Cycles, and the Composition of Aggregate Demand pp. 73-96

- Jordi Galí
- Divergence in Economic Performance: Transitional Dynamics with Multiple Equilibria pp. 97-112

- Danyang Xie
- Uniqueness and Indeterminacy: On the Dynamics of Endogenous Growth pp. 113-142

- Jess Benhabib and Roberto Perli