Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 66, issue 2, 1995
- Consistent Bayesian Aggregation pp. 313-351

- Philippe Mongin
- Stable Matchings and Rematching-Proof Equilibria in a Two-Sided Matching Market pp. 352-369

- Jinpeng Ma
- Robust Inference in Communication Games with Partial Provability pp. 370-405

- Barton Lipman and Seppi Duane J.
- Sequential Indeterminacy in Production Economies pp. 406-436

- Michael Mandler
- Industrialization under Perfect Foresight: A World Economy with a Continuum of Countries pp. 437-462

- Kaneda Mitsuhiro
- Resilient Allocation Rules for Bilateral Trade pp. 463-487

- Roger Lagunoff
- Repeated Moral Hazard and One-Sided Commitment pp. 488-506

- Christopher Phelan
- A Simple Forecasting Mechanism for Moral Hazard Settings pp. 507-521

- Anil Arya and Glover Jonathan
- The Comparative Statics of Changes in Risk Revisited pp. 522-535

- Christian Gollier
- Stability and the Chain Store Paradox pp. 536-547

- Srihari Govindan
- Optimal Public Utility Pricing: A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 548-572

- Kazuya Kamiya
- An Alternative Proof of Ben Porath and Gilboa's Generalized Gini Characterization Theorem pp. 573-580

- John Weymark
- A Note on Randomized Social Choice and Random Dictatorships pp. 581-589

- Nandeibam Shasikanta
- Bargaining in a Long-Term Relationship with Endogenous Termination pp. 590-598

- Abhinay Muthoo
- Subgame Perfect Equilibrium of Repeated Games with Implementation Costs pp. 599-608

- Alejandro Neme and Luis Quintas
- Output Shares in Bilateral Agency Contracts pp. 609-614

- Neary Hugh M. and Ralph Winter
- Continuous Approximation of Dynamical Systems with Randomly Matched Individuals pp. 615-625

- Boylan Richard T.
- Structure of Pareto Optima When Agents Have Stochastic Recursive Preferences pp. 626-631

- Kan Rui
- The Substitution Theorem pp. 632-636

- Raa Thijs Ten
Volume 66, issue 1, 1995
- A Folk Theorem for Stochastic Games pp. 1-32

- Dutta Prajit K.
- Rivalrous Benefit Taxation: The Independent Viability of Separate Agencies or Firms pp. 33-63

- Aaron Edlin and Epelbaum Mario
- Efficiency and Equality in a Simple Model of Efficient Unemployment Insurance pp. 64-88

- Andrew Atkeson and Robert Lucas
- Bargaining a Monetary Union pp. 89-112

- Roberto Chang
- Coalition Proof Equilibrium in an Adverse Selection Insurance Economy pp. 113-138

- Charles Kahn and Dilip Mookherjee
- Input versus Output Monitoring: Who Is the Residual Claimant? pp. 139-157

- Fahad Khalil and Jacques Lawarree
- Nonconvex Production Economies pp. 158-177

- Suzuki Takashi
- Martingales and Arbitrage in Securities Markets with Transaction Costs pp. 178-197

- Elyès Jouini and Kallal Hedi
- Intransitivity of Indifference, Strong Monotonicity, and the Endowment Effect pp. 198-223

- Sileo Patrick W.
- Continuous Strategy Games as Location Games pp. 224-237

- Vicki Knoblauch
- On Countervailing Incentives pp. 238-263

- Giovanni Maggi and Andres Rodriguez-Clare
- On the Invariance of a Mean Voter Theorem pp. 264-274

- Ma Barry K. and Weiss Jeffrey H.
- Experimentation and Learning in a Differentiated-Products Duopoly pp. 275-288

- Joseph E. Harrington
- Collusion, Discounting and Dynamic Games pp. 289-306

- Dutta Prajit K.
Volume 65, issue 2, 1995
- Acyclicity and Dynamic Stability: Generalizations and Applications pp. 303-326

- Michele Boldrin and Luigi Montrucchio
- Insurance, Adverse Selection, and Cream-Skimming pp. 327-358

- Tracy Lewis and David Sappington
- Communication-Proof Equilibria in Cheap-Talk Games pp. 359-382

- Andreas Blume and Sobel Joel
- Evolution of Equilibria in the Long Run: A General Theory and Applications pp. 383-414

- Michihiro Kandori and Rob Rafael
- An Approach to Equilibrium Selection pp. 415-434

- Akihiko Matsui and Kiminori Matsuyama
- Renegotiation-Proof Lotteries Equilibrium in an Economy with Private Information pp. 435-467

- Hiroshi Osano
- Ideal Structures of Path Independent Choice Functions pp. 468-504

- Johnson Mark R.
- Three Solutions for the Compensation Problem pp. 505-521

- Marc Fleurbaey
- On the Generic Efficiency of Takeovers under Incomplete Information pp. 522-556

- Sabitha Nagarajan
- The Arbitrage Pricing Theorem with Non-expected Utility Preferences pp. 557-574

- David Kelsey and Frank Milne
- Bidding Off the Wall: Why Reserve Prices May Be Kept Secret pp. 575-584

- Daniel Vincent
- Jamming a Rival's Learning pp. 585-599

- Anthony Creane
- On Renegotiation-Proof Equilibrium under Imperfect Monitoring pp. 600-610

- Kong-Pin Chen
- On the Existence of Nonoptimal Equilibria in Dynamic Stochastic Economies pp. 611-623

- Jeremy Greenwood and Huffman Gregory W.
- A Theorem on Portfolio Separation with General Preferences pp. 624-626

- Lwebel Arthur and William Perraudin
- Risk Avoidance under Limited Liability pp. 627-634

- Suen Wing
- A Simple Proof of a Basic Result in Nonexpected Utility Theory pp. 635-639

- John Conlon
Volume 65, issue 1, 1995
- Financial Market Innovation and Security Design: An Introduction pp. 1-42

- Darrell Duffie and Rohit Rahi
- Welfare Effects of Financial Innovation in Incomplete Markets Economies with Several Consumption Goods pp. 43-78

- Elul Ronel
- Financial Innovation in a General Equilibrium Model pp. 79-116

- Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- Financial Innovation and Arbitrage Pricing in Frictional Economies pp. 117-135

- Zhiwu Chen
- Destructive Interference in an Imperfectly Competitive Multi-Security Market pp. 136-170

- Utpal Bhattacharya, Philip Reny and Spiegel Matthew
- Optimal Incomplete Markets with Asymmetric Information pp. 171-197

- Rohit Rahi
- Endogenous Determination of the Degree of Market-Incompleteness in Futures Innovation pp. 198-217

- Ohashi Kazuhiko
- Optimality of Incomplete Markets pp. 218-232

- Gabrielle Demange and Guy Laroque
- Private Information and the Design of Securities pp. 233-257

- Gabrielle Demange and Guy Laroque
- Commission-Revenue Maximization in a General Equilibrium Model of Asset Creation pp. 258-298

- Hara Chiaki