Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 22, issue 3, 1980
- The permanent income hypothesis and long-run economic stability pp. 377-394

- Truman F. Bewley
- Expectations equilibrium with expectations conditioned on past data pp. 395-406

- Kim C. Border and James Jordan
- Liberal paradox and the voluntary exchange of rights-exercising pp. 407-422

- Kotaro Suzumura
- On the routewise application of choice pp. 423-438

- Murat R. Sertel and Alexander Van der Bellen
- Economies as distributions: Implications for aggregation and stability pp. 439-450

- Elsie M. Knoer
- Innovation, rates of profit, and uniqueness of von Neumann prices pp. 451-464

- John Roemer
- Efficient allocations under a general transaction technology pp. 465-476

- Avia Spivak
- On the aggregation of information in competitive markets pp. 477-498

- Martin F. Hellwig
- How the law circumvents Starrett's nonconvexity pp. 499-504

- Robert D. Cooter
Volume 22, issue 2, 1980
- Noncooperative approaches to the theory of perfect competition: Presentation pp. 121-135

- Andreu Mas-Colell
- Collusive behavior in noncooperative epsilon-equilibria of oligopolies with long but finite lives pp. 136-154

- Roy Radner
- Noncooperative price taking in large dynamic markets pp. 155-182

- Edward Green
- The no-surplus condition as a characterization of perfectly competitive equilibrium pp. 183-207

- Joseph Ostroy
- A characterization of perfectly competitive economies with production pp. 208-221

- Louis Makowski
- Perfect competition, the profit criterion, and the organization of economic activity pp. 222-242

- Louis Makowski
- Small efficient scale as a foundation for Walrasian equilibrium pp. 243-255

- William Novshek and Hugo Sonnenschein
- The limit points of monopolistic competition pp. 256-278

- Kevin Roberts
- Perfect competition and optimal product differentiation pp. 279-312

- Oliver D. Hart
- Equilibrium in simple spatial (or differentiated product) models pp. 313-326

- William Novshek
- Entry (and exit) in a differentiated industry pp. 327-338

- Jean Gabszewicz and Jacques Thisse
- Efficiency properties of strategies market games: An axiomatic approach pp. 339-362

- Pradeep Dubey, Andreu Mas-Colell and Martin Shubik
- Nash equilibria of market games: Finiteness and inefficiency pp. 363-376

- Pradeep Dubey
Volume 22, issue 1, 1980
- Randomized preference aggregation: Additivity of power and strategy proofness pp. 1-11

- Andrew McLennan
- Beneficial altruism pp. 12-22

- Joseph Greenberg
- Characterization of the private alternatives domains admitting arrow social welfare functions pp. 23-36

- Ehud Kalai and Zvi Ritz
- Incentives, iterative communication, and organizational control pp. 37-55

- Susan I. Cohen
- Intergenerational preference differences and optimal national saving pp. 56-66

- John Laitner
- A single-parameter generalization of the Gini indices of inequality pp. 67-86

- David Donaldson and John Weymark
- Index numbers and consistency in aggregation pp. 87-98

- Charles Blackorby and Daniel Primont
- Income distribution and distortion of preferences: The [lambda] commodity case pp. 99-106

- Mordecai Kurz
- Keynesian multipliers in temporary equilibrium with consumer credit rationing pp. 107-112

- Anup Shah
- Utility theory in unfair lotteries pp. 113-114

- William MacDougall
- The ALEP definition of complementarity and least concave utility functions pp. 115-117

- Yakar Kannai
Volume 21, issue 3, 1979
- Budget-constrained Pareto-efficient allocations pp. 359-379

- Yves Balasko
- Is there an income effect? pp. 380-388

- H. M. Polemarchakis
- Nonlinear input-output model with piecewise affine coefficients pp. 389-410

- M. J. Chien and Luke Chan
- A theoretical analysis of resale price maintenance pp. 411-420

- William L. Holahan
- The hopf bifurcation and the existence and stability of closed orbits in multisector models of optimal economic growth pp. 421-444

- Jess Benhabib and Kazuo Nishimura
- Optimum towns and environmental externalities pp. 445-464

- Anil Markandya
- Two theorems concerning optimal educational policy in balanced growth pp. 465-472

- Richard Manning
- Manipulation and the Pareto rule pp. 473-482

- Allan Feldman
- On some results in comparative statics analysis pp. 483-490

- Wilfried Pauwels
- Comparative statics with discrete jumps in shift parameters, or, how to do economics on the saddle(-point) pp. 491-509

- Richard K. Anderson and Akira Takayama
- A comparative statics theorem for choice under risk pp. 510-517

- Marvin Kraus
Volume 21, issue 2, 1979
- Stability when mobility is restricted by the existing coalition structure pp. 213-221

- Joseph Greenberg
- Money, prices, and inflation in macroeconomic models with rational inflationary expectations pp. 222-234

- Mark Gertler
- Fair allocations of a renewable resource pp. 235-248

- Joel Sobel
- On equal plans with an infinite horizon pp. 249-264

- C. R. Birchenhall and Paul Grout
- Optimal contracts and competitive markets with costly state verification pp. 265-293

- Robert Townsend
- Unpriced transport congestion pp. 294-316

- Richard Arnott
- On the theory of risk aversion and the theory of risk pp. 317-335

- David C. Nachman
- Pareto-optimality in the pure distribution economy with an infinite number of consumers and commodities pp. 336-347

- Stephen A. Clark
- On the uniqueness theorems by Arrow and Hahn pp. 348-352

- Kazuo Nishimura
- Strategic manipulation and the use of individual decision rules pp. 353-356

- James M. Enelow
Volume 21, issue 1, 1979
- Equilibrium in supergames with the overtaking criterion pp. 1-9

- Ariel Rubinstein
- Fair division with indivisible commodities pp. 10-27

- Vincent Crawford and W. P. Heller
- Representations of binary decision rules by generalized decisiveness structures pp. 28-45

- John A. Ferejohn and Peter C. Fishburn
- Competitive equilibrium with local public goods pp. 46-61

- Bryan Ellickson
- The effect of unlagging on stability and speed of adjustment pp. 62-72

- Donald V. T. Bear and John Conlisk
- Liquidity, speculation, and the demand for money pp. 73-87

- Bryce Hool
- Sequential exploitation of uncertain deposits of a depletable natural resource pp. 88-110

- Arthur Robson
- On social welfare functions and the aggregation of preferences pp. 111-139

- John Chipman and James C. Moore
- On allocations attainable through Nash equilibria pp. 140-165

- Leonid Hurwicz
- The long run limits to growth: Renewable resources, endogenous population, and technological change pp. 166-185

- Richard E. Schuler
- Collective rationality and dictatorship: The scope of the arrow theorem pp. 186-194

- Douglas H. Blair and Robert A. Pollak
- Semiorders and collective choice pp. 195-206

- Julian H. Blau
- Self-fulfilling expectations in stochastic processes of temporary equilibria pp. 207-212

- Gunter Knieps
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