Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 73, issue 2, 1997
- On Independence for Non-Additive Measures, with a Fubini Theorem pp. 261-291

- Paolo Ghirardato
- Dynamic Allocation in an Altruistic Overlapping Generations Economy pp. 292-315

- Hajime Hori
- On the Equitability of Progressive Taxation pp. 316-334

- Tapan Mitra and Efe Ok
- Capital Market Imperfections, International Credit Markets, and Nonconvergence pp. 335-364

- John H. Boyd and Bruce D. Smith
- Statistical Equilibrium in One-Step Forward Looking Economic Models pp. 365-394

- Tom Krebs
- Implementing Action Profiles when Agents Collude pp. 395-424

- Sandro Brusco
- Endogeneity of Alternating Offers in a Bargaining Game pp. 425-437

- Richard D. McKelvey and Thomas Palfrey
- Belief Affirming in Learning Processes pp. 438-452

- Dov Monderer, Dov Samet and Aner Sela
- Nonemptiness of the Largest Consistent Set pp. 453-459

- Licun Xue
- Public Goods Provision: Applying Jackson-Moulin Mechanism for Restricted Agent Characteristics pp. 460-472

- Parimal Bag
Volume 73, issue 1, 1997
- Preference, Rationalizability and Equilibrium pp. 1-29

- Larry Epstein
- Equilibrium Binding Agreements pp. 30-78

- Debraj Ray and Rajiv Vohra
- Genericity Analysis on the Pseudo-Equilibrium Manifold pp. 79-92

- Yuqing Zhou
- On the Optimal Taxation of Capital Income pp. 93-117

- Larry Jones, Rodolfo Manuelli and Peter Rossi
- A Dynamic Model of Equilibrium Selection in Signaling Markets pp. 118-156

- Georg Nöldeke and Larry Samuelson
- Money, Banking, and Capital Formation pp. 157-182

- Stacey L. Schreft and Bruce D. Smith
- Comparative Statics of Fixed Points pp. 183-198

- J. Miguel Villas-Boas
- General Equilibrium Concepts under Imperfect Competition: A Cournotian Approach pp. 199-230

- Claude d'Aspremont, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira and Louis-André Gérard-Varet
- The Revelation of Information and Self-Fulfilling Beliefs pp. 231-244

- Jayasri Dutta and Stephen Morris
- Necessary Conditions for the CAPM pp. 245-257

- Jonathan B. Berk
Volume 72, issue 2, 1997
- On the Role of Computation in Economic Theory pp. 241-281

- Jerry L. Bona and Manuel S. Santos
- Time Consistent Taxation by a Government with Redistributive Goals pp. 282-305

- David Pearce and Ennio Stacchetti
- Competition among Institutions pp. 306-342

- Andrew Caplin and Barry Nalebuff
- An Analysis of the War of Attrition and the All-Pay Auction pp. 343-362

- Vijay Krishna and John Morgan
- Decentralization in Replicated Club Economies with Multiple Private Goods pp. 363-387

- Robert P. Gilles and Suzanne Scotchmer
- Fundamental Nonconvexities in Arrovian Markets and a Coasian Solution to the Problem of Externalities pp. 388-407

- John Boyd and John Conley
- The Maximal Generic Number of Pure Nash Equilibria pp. 408-410

- Andrew McLennan
- The Maximal Number of Regular Totally Mixed Nash Equilibria pp. 411-425

- Richard D. McKelvey and Andrew McLennan
- A Theorem on Symmetric Two-Player Zero-Sum Games pp. 426-431

- Gilbert Laffond, Jean-François Laslier and Michel Le Breton
- A Simple Model of Equilibrium in Search Procedures pp. 432-441

- Chaim Fershtman and Ariel Rubinstein
- A Simple Cycle Preserving Extension of a Demand Function pp. 442-445

- Reinhard John
- Equilibria in Distorted Infinite-Horizon Economies with Capital and Labor pp. 446-461

- Wilbur Coleman
Volume 72, issue 1, 1997
- Steady State Price Distributions in a Noisy Search Equilibrium pp. 1-32

- Kenneth Burdett and Melvyn Coles
- Optimal Consumption and Equilibrium Prices with Portfolio Constraints and Stochastic Income pp. 33-73

- Domenico Cuoco
- Game Forms, Rights, and the Efficiency of Social Outcomes pp. 74-95

- Rajat Deb, Prasanta K. Pattanaik and Laura Razzolini
- Comparing Four Models of Aggregate Fluctuations due to Self-Fulfilling Expectations pp. 96-147

- Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe
- Copeland Method II: Manipulation, Monotonicity, and Paradoxes pp. 148-172

- Vincent Merlin and Donald G. Saari
- Credible Proposals in Communication Games pp. 173-197

- Inigo Zapater
- Harsanyi's Utilitarianism Theorems: General Societies pp. 198-207

- Lin Zhou
- Dynamic Consistency and Reference Points pp. 208-219

- Uzi Segal
- Equilibria in a Model with Partial Rivalry pp. 225-237

- Hideo Konishi, Michel Le Breton and Shlomo Weber
Volume 71, issue 2, 1996
- The Survival Assumption and Existence of Competitive Equilibria When Asset Markets are Incomplete pp. 313-323

- Piero Gottardi and Thorsten Hens
- Egalitarianism and Incentives pp. 324-348

- Debraj Ray and Kaoru Ueda
- The Meaning and Measurement of Income Mobility pp. 349-377

- Gary Fields and Efe Ok
- Reputation and Dynamic Stackelberg Leadership in Infinitely Repeated Games pp. 378-393

- Masaki Aoyagi
- Public Spending, Endogenous Growth, and Endogenous Fluctuations pp. 394-415

- Guido Cazzavillan
- Complicated Endogenous Business Cycles under Gross Substitutability pp. 416-442

- Robin de Vilder
- Equilibrium in Beliefs under Uncertainty pp. 443-484

- Kin Chung Lo
- Mixed Risk Aversion pp. 485-513

- Jordi Caballe and Alexey Pomansky
- Optimal Contract, Imperfect Output Observation, and Limited Liability pp. 514-531

- Jacques Lawarree and Marc A. Van Audenrode
- Criteria for Distributive Equity: Characterization in Terms of Share Value pp. 532-557

- Mikiro Otsuki
- Evolutionary Selection against Dominated Strategies pp. 558-573

- Josef Hofbauer and Jörgen Weibull
Volume 71, issue 1, 1996
- Optimal Selling Procedures with Fixed Costs pp. 1-30

- Francesca Cornelli
- Uncertainty Aversion and Preference for Randomisation pp. 31-43

- Jürgen Eichberger and David Kelsey
- A Strategic Model of Social and Economic Networks pp. 44-74

- Matthew Jackson and Asher Wolinsky
- Stationary Monetary Equilibria in Overlapping Generations Models with Incomplete Markets pp. 75-89

- Piero Gottardi
- Ranking Opportunity Sets and Arrow Impossibility Theorems: Correspondence Results pp. 90-101

- Bhaskar Dutta and Arunava Sen
- Competitive Equilibria for Infinite-Horizon Economies with Incomplete Markets pp. 102-130

- Alejandro Hernandez D. and Manuel S. Santos
- Equitable Opportunities: An Axiomatic Approach pp. 131-147

- Laurence Kranich
- Discrete Pricing and the Design of Dealership Markets pp. 148-182

- Dan Bernhardt and Eric Hughson
- Equilibrium in Economies with Financial Markets: Uniqueness of Expectations and Indeterminacy pp. 183-208

- Tito Pietra and Paolo Siconolfi
- Existence and Properties of Equilibria for a Dynamic Game on Productive Assets pp. 209-227

- Engelbert Dockner and Gerhard Sorger
- Participation Costs and Efficient Auctions pp. 228-259

- Mark Stegeman
- A General Model of Information Sharing in Oligopoly pp. 260-288

- Michael Raith
- The Existence of Steady States in Multisector Capital Accumulation Models with Recursive Preferences pp. 289-297

- John Boyd
- A Simple Characterization of Plurality Rule pp. 298-302

- Stephen Ching
- A Note on Endogenous Firm Efficiency in Cournot Models of Incomplete Information pp. 303-310

- Paolo Bertoletti and Clara Poletti
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